Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 4

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4.- . ,44 4 4 ~ 4 o. lnh ~r3ti~b Pl~etk$1U5 h~ ben tui__ible eveTyWb@fOto reach L PURE, FRESH-GROUND Tho.__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 9Perry, 8437; Geo. Cormâick, hemn- thub amount. The district meeting, aller ___________________________ lock, $86.79, cedat s$114.55. The report also consideritig the whole question, reaolved to % W»M .*,*,H ELLE B OR E.....recommends the construction of a sidewalk join Pickering to a part of the Greenwood along the bouth aide of Dunçias street froma circuit, and to station two aiarried men on Coun. Scotnmade a hot fight agalnst the liveln pickering and the junior minister ln OHURON '8 IN8EOT PO WDER clause for the new walk. He said hielied Greenwood, the circuit to be knowtias the got along ail these years wthout the walk, Pickering and Greenw0od circuit, and to For destruction Of ail leeaf.eating an t ol not bc of any great service. colisist of the followlflg churches: Pickcering, 1C himnDevereli said the walk had been and Glen'Major. Brooklin and Mt. Zion A u c a e m ade now will asked for by many people years ago, but the were jolned together as one circuit. By this u c a e - wishes of the peuple had been ign, red. He adjustmeflt of thie work the auperintendent la gettng ai the grading done free, and at Pickering wil recelve $750 and his col. finished at the shortest possil Pure English Paris Green. wtll do more himself which wiil coat thé league 86oo and the auperintendent at town nothlng. The inayor said there were Brooklyfl will receive $800. The greateat _____ ~miles of sidewalk in town which is not haiîll cîyintewa f(rminig thia arrange- ~~r ~ Q ~ ý,s useful as tliis propo8ed'une 'wiil bc. Ail nient was the fact that the Greeciwood cir- Church's Potato B3u Finish voted for the waik but Counicilors Scott and cuit desired to remain as it was, and that g Blow. There was a great deai of sparring to the G!eri Major appointmeflt did flot seem 21 cts. per lb. keep oSi the court of revision, the kicking of to fit into an. feuibi snd tas u othen filernembers a itecrfl.Fnlytew4s ossible, the resolution was carried by Th 're is more good taste and judgment display - ~~~foilowing memibers were named. Reeve a two thirds vote. Nor do I think the plan a sm ti hîm yos o eebtlcsapaa King, Deputy Pringie, and Councilors War- bad one. I think it a very good one. If I o ehn tâ m ycsyuls btJ ksap ri ner ,S m th and Burns. On motion $4 w9.s had my way I would not leave a five hum,- do E1. /I L L I8 received from the Salvatîon army for the use dred and fifty dollar circuit in Methadiarn, O r o k ai S igIa a P n i g of the counicil ch;%mber at its recent Sunday wouîd go on arranglng the work until every service. circuit could pay seven or eight hundred O rS o k o u tn s a d P n ig ________à__________ dollars wlthout burdeniflg itself. One of the >hom st rug IsPark@ a uWb.tby. sureat waya to obtain poor preaching lia to EDIORCHONCL: 5RI otce gie oo py.And here 1 an glad to aay ....The wide range of prices which we quote especi Medical Hall, ~~~~~~~~~that the Methodiat laymiefl are vetY generallyflth wa tsotem ste no i. A ' In your report of the council proceedingsaia ready to pay a man wheri they find hlmn....it to iltewnsoth M st cn mi. AV Brook Stree, - W itby the last meeting an accaunt passedi for plant- devoted to his or..he.h..stdiusstore wiil convince you that we are the people t, ing trees in the parka. This brought to and energetic. But how la m'ethodi!sm to mm h atta hmb a w ak4to bid for its bat youg men when one third ....from. Iýe' Our Leaders $13.00 and$1.0S Ii. ~ ktw glmid emarkt'd that iba te ba,,' trets eme receive five bundred and he "l akt n hta h aadtet ee dollars a year, as they do in tbtthe. successful issue of the cumn- in the Toronto Conierefice ? Can Methodisrn mendable imovement this spring ta plant exPecîta get inta ita miniatty able and _____onhe_________f___________________ololy mn onaboutalryIOnttat slar ___________________________ of__ tre en theate tche rofsan tetherad iymnothtalrOtataarfthenrceatehrbrnte lake it i ext to impossible for any man ta be AUOW a w oi'd a o t I[ t3,- MAY 24, 1895. front of the tawn, adds still more ta the at. cither achoiuriy or able. Vaur correapon- tractivenesa of Whitby, in possesaing fine from Oshawa has expressed himeeli an o0 o0 o0 o0 0 0 0 parka or public places where there are trees mHieer lrlsadvoan hat theynb TowsL Improv.ment o make a grate ul1 shade. Ina rvtwy reduced stili further. H aa uetmn Ch.exeniv iprveena pivte Ia think hie la doing good. But when it Our stock of Straws is vei We drec th atenton f or twn te eteniveimpoveent intree pianting cornes ta ministers salaries hc bl;athers. W. drec the attfèentiona ais au thelete on the Hayden farmi east of the harbor, and Ms iitrb coa n etea,3C93cý4C 0. 0. realer inth diferntplaes a he ettr~on the Gordan and Smith propertie, on the Mndt a insthereans uhoarndsaitemand 0. 5. 0. O. 0. publlshed in tii issue from Messrs. F. How- west aide, wiîî materially suppiement aur safbilt, the e aibopne hia hrit r and ard35e. Men's Fedora at -ard Annes and Mr. l-obbs. aur Oshawa possessions in beautiful park places. That scaiitma .b thm ihtepo wrier o th sbjct i mpovîg ndwehave good eause ta telicitate ourselves as and the rich, with the foolish and the wise, Fedora at 50e., 600. and batyii on.citizens oi a town blessed with pienty ofhs e musttlad and tra el.a euaon ai $1 75, $2. Boys' Caps at beutfyn twn.Mr. Annes suggest bath . breathing places, it la only necessary ta looakhi tmemuthbe heeuiaan Cas t25. 3e, 0. The spirit af patriotism ia almost equaly aI aur neighbor'a needa in this regard. mon in the towfl in intellegence, and re C p t20,3C,5C n trong in the breasts ai al people, and only Oshawa hant anything whotever as a pub- spalyhon ibcamndo ly isIonlotAJssneofC /asadC J, is aei requirea ta bc stlrred up. The mon or wo- lic park or piay-ground. What is the con- knaw r. Hobbs. I knl aw, ?oIevor, thte man who does flot admire a nice thing ta ta séquence ? Whereas whiie Whitby has isnatlwyr. or a doctno, or tathe A in Ira neof( o i l ies dC f,7eBi be pitied. ever held a foremost place in othletic sparts, the collglaeins atit, nor a agrine atotesI ui - tm Much cati be done by indiîiduai effort, as the honora hier sans have won for hier were telarer, oro esfui ehn, nor nagesiiy. la denionstrated i Port Perry, where no largeiy through the fortuntate circumatarice fthin e aIse tatem amîda rhihabities, and -W T - 'Wi regular improvemneft urganizatiafi exista. ai aiways having had a fine place ta practice LUn letatdmnahg aiiis n Rivalry and emulation have made that tawngae Thyutaihetw nxtat considéerable iearning. 1-.weeD n a place ta be admired, thougb, ai course, although greater in number and equali nofuntiona i a cdhtane nser c au at bheD YG org nized effort would still accomplisb a physique, are aimost unknawn as athietes. funionslod asth ictancmnea deand anba a great deal. ~~~That the odvantages we enjay in aur equ¶p- saîrsîr hni ie aapicpla Weamno bt aytht hibyndOs-Cmn i park paemiyeaetg ns a colegiate institute. îtIwui u 61-tc OIULUI 1. MAqIN'. commission. It la flot iound the beat way ta mnage such praperty ta leave it to the nunicipal council ai the corporation. )ther places have profited in the manage- nent of their park properties through the work ai commissioners. There la plenty ai good material in this tawn from which ta select in the appaintment ai park commis- sioners. Let there be a board ai park comn niasioners for this îown. Foitbiuliy yaurs, F. HOWARD ANNES. Whitby, May 16th, 1895. Town Lboahe Vou can get repaira for every stave and furnace made in Canada fromi J. Mcîntyre. 6 piece solid wainut parlor suite, push, with siik plush banda, for $32, Worth e5, ai W. Tillas. Get vour fire-pots, gratea, iran or brick ininga for ail kinda ai atoves, rangea or rurnaces, fi-rn J. Mciotyre. Hoteikeeper Perin, ai the Queens, has had his fiag pale put in repair for the wield- ing af the Union jack to-day. Speciai hune children's 2 piece suita in navy, grey and brown serge ta fit ages 5 ta i i years oniy $1.25. See them befare they are ail aoid, at W. G. Walter's.* Word cornes down the main liue ai the G. T.R. that several cattie beîonging ta Mr. Chas. Marquis, west af Pickering, were kil- led on the track on Wednesday. Dr. Grant's "Hairene,"' for the hait, is the only preparation guaranterd ta stop fal- Iing hair, and reniove dandruif. No lead, no sulphtir. Ask your druggist for it. The I odian wtnter WVe shall flot go ia a learned disquisitio 10 iý)out the receft froama, for the very goud reason th)at our stock of knowiedge dues nom enabie us ta knnow for certain whether they do more harm than -..M The Indian winîer has been a succesa; We can go f ar enough ta asser-t that. M echanics' Institute the mechanica' institute, now public liii- rary, was held on Wednesday evt:ning, when the iollowing board ai management was elected foi- the ensuiug year : Dr. Adams, R Willis, D Ox-miston, J Rutledge, C King, G Y Srnith, j E Far-ewell, W W Taniblyn, J * Howdeu, L. T Bai-lay, D McKay, j Shaw, Dr Carson, A T Lawler, Miss Fraser, Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Carson, Miss Paterson. At the close ai the ânnual meeting the board af management met sud appointed the follow- ing officers for the year:-President, J. E. Farewell vice pi-es., C Kiug; treasurer, D Ormistan; secretai-y, j Brown ; librarian, Miss Fraser; auditar, D. McKay. The aev- eral commuttes will b. sti-uck at au adjouru- ed meeting ta be held uext Wedneaday even- Sermon to Sono aud Daugbtens About seveuty-five Sous sud twenty-five Daughtera of Eugi.aud turued eut on Sun- day afternoan and marched te the metho- diat tabernaicle te bear the addîess cf Rev. Thas. Mauuing. The. speaker did flot take a text, sud gave bis ideas a noat practical turu. He said lie had at one tune .een an uubeliever in beneficiary aocceties, feeling that they sought ta usurp thie functions cf the. churcli, but lias corne te believe that tliey fill a wonderful- need, psovlding brotherhood, love and cenmfert for the liv-i ing, and subsisteusce te tthe relatives cf the dead. Through tiseir splendid agency thse cburcb la greatly relleved ln certain re- spects, snd l isas enabled ta tunu attiton ïo a greater extent freontihe worldly provi- aloin for mns life te tise salvation. of lits seul. The claaiuisbnesa of people lnu n taries pat vs argely attliutable to thée wazst of lav, vblcb foced thie=s te luqlt* for sinisai ctoi People cf oni ràce or blood neong = euire te band t et1e te repel cutiava, but bave clsaged è1e Mau f tisit oapstoius»tethse social and. luteUlctussl benefit cf euhi otiser. Thse ad-~ drea. *1aag=and elo f thse Ordew4ý xM00" DIàzetsaI AUDLECY. Planting is in seasan. Mr. Waiters la better. Mr. Madili bas renovated his bicycle and iw truly rides on the wind. Mr. T. N Davey spent a iew days in aur arroundinga vicinity recently sud looks ta iave emerged from the recent university icaminations as fresh as a lark. We hope ohear ai bis successand ai his appearance iere again soan. Faotball practice was a grand one on Mon- ay evening. T. e gtandt-st feature was the reneral good bumor. Left wing Grady and -entre Orvis did effectuai work while Chas. .ynde caried weight with bis feet. Mare .aoys-more-we'll get tiiere yet. Mrs. A. Campbell (M. P.) ai Toi-auto Junc- an spent a few days here, atteuding ber unt's (Mrs. Hall) funeraI. Tatis. Logan of >11 City came over ta attend her mother's funeral. H. W. Burk Esq., aud wlfe, M, W'illiams and wife, ai Bowmanville alsa were present. Miss jean Fisher returned omQ Monday after a long stay with ber aunt in helping ta wait upon ber. The funeral ai Mrs. Wmn. Hall teck place rom the residence ai her son-in-law, Mi. N. JChapman ber. on Friday st and was foliawed ta the Union Cemnetery by a large concourse ai friends bath near and far. She had lived the mast ai ber lueé witb ber bus- band the late Wm. Hall, au the Hall farm lu Darlington. Her malden naine was Burk. One sister Mrs. C. J. Lister, ai Owen Sound, and one brother. Mi-. Erastus Burk, of Cali- foruia, remnain front ber family, of wbamn there were several. She had five childi-en ; two sans and three daugbters. four cf which survive ber. 0f late years sbe bas been liv- ing with ber daugbters Mrs. Chapnian bei-e and Mrs. Willsou ai Detroit. Last Auguat she stai-ted tn decline in bealth and bas gradu- aliy sauk since, being afflicted with a pecul- lai- lori-mof heart trobtble. Medicine 'could not belp ber and she waited patiently fr the. end. Mucb more- patience bas rarely bgen exhibited by anyoue and ber end was ble-ssed. May tbe remnembrances cf ber christian fartitude cheer ber chuldi-en and frienda ever the thormy patb they have to tread and at lesst lead tbem te auchor as saieiy ou the Rock as ah. IMANCXMeS?ÈR W. are glad ta sec Mr. Stubbs impreving after bis late illnesa. Mr. Geo, Lyle bas commnieied bis woi-k ini the cheese factory. Mr. Archie Ewers is practlsing with Dr. Archer, cf Port Perry.. Mrs. A. McCullough spent ist-week visit- ing relatives ln Darlîngton..ý IMi-. D. J. MeLean spent Suiiday visitlns friends and relatives in Fingerboard. Miss Harmer returned to-ber home 1: Peterboro on Sattirday. -She.wll e mlseý very mmmcl around toýwn, Our tempefallce sermon, whib b was ( have been PreaChed luSt Sufiday, lu pout poned Wo a week. Miiss'Maud Speace ha A ýreturned bons aiter spedlng some ,tWo-Mpontbs In 1eqM rYork. - Se 1je'ow, entevtalig MïssFiori ,GoodfellOW ofthat CltY. Owlug tte senightcf isetin; of the SAC bT.,'10490 bei»g 2utb,,ahdu4-pmuberwil leu astcftown, thep.u.Aoi>wAtt hfild q :Saturday evmuing 2etb insa 'of rday. il<1b T e Ic l <sc10 e THE : NE W Blouses. ma.gnifioent assortment of Blouses and Shirt Waists opened ont tliis week ; al thelaset and newest goode. Ladfies' "Vassar" Shirt Wai8te, (in either plain or pleated), starched fronts, Caffe, Standing Collar with turn- ed points, four buttons; al colore, both stripes and spots. W. H. Wa rren, Brook St., Witby. W-001! Wool! The undersigned are pay- ing the bighe st market price for woot delivered. st their ware- house, .WRITBY. SThey are seling choiceÂmerica=n SEED CORN#. via d.. .,oenadiau SEED COBN at .1right prices1. awa are far behind in ail triat tends ta make ton trcie eihrcnbatay tonsattr a ctie.Nith er can ostany- etlrs lilceabecomïnego reeof pridn en attempt waa made in the tawn counicil by Mr. Anes sme yers bis tmasurebla Mr.Ading esoe yarsango ta poas a bylas almnost unaminously voted down. Since then Mr. A. M. Rasa took up the motter and emplayed a iandscape architect, upon whoae plans aur two parka were planted witlî trees and shrubs, a wark which wiil be a monument ta Mr. Rosa' goad taste for a hundied years ta came. The young men ai Whitby, have made o commendahie effort this spring, and as a resuit ai their com- ( bined eiergy'Grdon's beach will in a iew years presenti a picture ai beauty and at- tractivenegs. Man), other thinga ai the sort could be accomplishied if people af taste wouid suggest them and then work up a schene to carry îhem outIflicitizens wouid &ubscribe $6o ta pflant trees at Gordon's, each, no oubt ten -mes- 1- - -moun- - couid be raised ta carry,.aut plans up town. It la hardiy possihle ta believe that any goad suggestion would fou tao draw oui ourpeople.V But the plans suggested by Messrs. Annes and Hobbs are the proctical ways ai doingr tblngs. arnd we urge then ulponth e citizensi of Whîmîby and Oshawa. Short Notes. The parlia.ientar- rnajority of the British Luberals is said to have been reduced ta ten, and is gro%%N4ug anialler ail the while. There Il everv probability of an election there be- fore isil. The suprerne court ai the United States bas fiualiy decided that the incarne tax ,clause ai the Wilson tariff bill is uncansti- tutional, the vote ai the * udges being five ta four. As at first enact ed the revenue froni the incarne clause would have bc-en about $4o,oaa,000. Th irtist hack the suprerne court took at it cut off over $2o.ooo,ooo, aud naw the balance is killed and about $i 5,ooo, - aao wll bave ta be reiunded. Mr-. Goldwin Srnith published a letter in lat Satui-days's New York Sun, in lavai- ai the union ai Canada and the United States. He argues that the Americans have a mai-e serviceable parliainenta-y system than bas eltiier Canada ai- England, and directs a gaod deal ai attention ta the cornbattiug Dr-. Rouri-ts letter an the sanie question Mr-. Sniths letter was giveti fi-at place on the. editorial page ai the Sun, whicb occasion- ally seeks ta wao Canada intoananexatian, but generally advacates measures ta farce Oui- consent. The county ai Ontarioa bat one ai its rnost useful men in the death. ai Ex-Warden Jaores Gnabarn, Scugag, ou Sunday last, He bas filied with credit and ability every à-lctve ff ci the. municipal avatemin thîs couiity, and neyer vainfly appealed ta his tieighboi-5 for tlîeir votes ta elect hini. 'gin modest calmn, truthful, statemeut of bis i viewbansd t'heir intc rests was alway'a accept- 1 ed as satisfacto-y, sud lu any body of whxcb i Ie fornied a p art it was suienet for other1 favored a mseasure sud it was pasaed. Be-1 aides the attention lie paid ta municipal af- fair ansd exhibition societies be gave b is wbole euergy ta agriculture antd stock breed- lug. A veyenimpoi tant matser in Canadian journal. itmmtis week laIs th retirement ni Rev. E. H. .Dewartm. D D., frini the editorl l managemnent cf the ChrIstiati Guardan. to be succeedeti by Rev. A.C. Courtice. Pni Pcrry. Dr. De wart'aeiltor- shlp of t Guardian bas extended aver a quitrter of a çentury. and during that long perlod bsis abîhsty. souudness, carneatnesean sd love of bus- msanumy bave galned hlm the. warwnesm place in tise people% heurts held by a.ny joumnalit C anada bus ever known. He la a uialwart, aggrcs oiii. wtter of g"et force. Havtng the mess nabowided f.lth ln Metbodslmu ansd 'being, B *tiltni Canadian ofthtums:exahted tya, thu e tîig eastor oi the Gmailsawas aegaradd ,a a tsfé snd somd mu s pe whoee wekly amages «ve.eagetiy sudie by all Cussdian wbo fuser pragrea and Srabul. t s a pity $bt :s=h mms t brlng ehergrand-'wckta a clo$eg5 .P,4' uicse i *a brigbî Intellect snsl grasproosis, wtuboaa wmmXX baveamllrila lite carmied hi oth ie frost ak )le it Pays-,D to have your clotiIg Made Wel. red in getting a good fit than in buying nce. were neyer ally adapt... Bit to Our... o purchase... more complete. ry complete, ranging li prce at 2 5û., 75o. and $1. Boys at 15c., «20oe., 25c. 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Boys' 75c. Men's hard at $1. $1.25, $1.50, 5C., 10c., 15c., 20c. and 25c. Men' 75c. s s 'j I." DRY : GOODS 1~ I UJTIY' '~~' I ROsSI - WHITB Y. : STORE. e Blouses. Ladies' Chimesette fronts with Byron Collars, the ver y latest thiugs. We are showigp a very BeitBuýkes, 11 ine.nOw designs, ait very' ls Iprices. Belt ribbonisin black, white or cream, in both silk or c otton. We are offering very spe- oi4ý values in ail kinds oftDress Goode-. W. H. WARREN, Brook St., Whitby. For Sale. A god top buggy.isngoeder, cheap. Apply0taM. O'DONOVANI 'or WM. NEWPORT, Carrnage Builder, Whitby. VOI.UNTEE-S' A TTENTION I April 25th, 1895.-2-35U.L The ' atle ue uocm tEgg8 for Hatohing. Whitby on u ue 8th- There are vacancles for a few goad men ini Nas. i and 2. Apply. A grand, chance to, ebta egfir hatcb- te A. G. HENDERSON, or. THEO. A. Mc- 'iug from first-clasa Barre'd Plys-oth- R>ck GILLIVRAV, Captaius Comusanditig. bu-ds; The ufldCrslgued Is prepared tç fui-- Whitby, May î4tb, 1895.uliheggs at the. E i xoLper tbirteen. RTURHOWDEN. &ed Con.WhtyAri4,894fl For sale, a large quantity of first class sdýce, Jes .eBAfMTT, Kingstoan~ E~ AIK B AêtA May x5'b, 180.-24-li court ofRoilon,.I89 -__ )ODS, Cyc' How 1 HOW 1 Stan i. i. t. 1', ib kX sa MW4 VIOTO: VICTO: WB OAN'T .AFFo: To afi Coi HON We ke< Furnitur the. lowe W. J. 1 FR Go to Scott Hardv at W. T Large w. G. 'i Se. p,« cursion Calli gouda ai m. Coui Mir.]1 sprayed ar. Peopl wearing in their Ceoai at - Sellin very bc at àhed B. Tayl Sold te Mr. G of the te Mr.' price, i Rey. Tues&i inetho< upon 1 pect te miss m frein 1 mneetii churci An in vited- Mr. Hami bere i York ireturi the Wbe tien, Osci b 0 ti 0 Furnishtng, and fact everylhing- in Gents T. MANNING. F 1 L 4

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