Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 5

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Gylists want to1 Know HOW PAR they go on a given run or during the iseason. HOW FAST they cover a given disi- tance. They can oniy do this by espending 82.00 for a war- ranted, accurate, neat, duist -j. Fibre vharnolsli ~ Wi QinUtica, .R. w A mltWi S- and lUght grei~u~ya(Wlo~pn th CHu *;'cLU Hepcrpeta at oc., herk, ery l11W. reastn to doubt that 25C., 35C., at W. G. Witere. lquor has been sold ln this town on several O'Brlen'fphotogaplj galIeryyiII be open Sundays recently. to-daY, Qtýen? birtbdèy Itýyou ý,want -the beet excursion of the Complete new stock men'e ready made season don't iiàs the "Model Farmi n tweed sulta, at W. G. Walter,&. June iitti, i2tb, 13th. Mr. ad Mr. Jn. M.Bo --Atia IVIW Itemetuber That Dr. Grant'e "Hairene" le guaranteed to stop falllng hair snd remove dandruff Hait ? Bei ore buyinR a spray pum p. be %ure and see the Anderson double action force spray pump. The best in the world. Ten of them bought by Mr. nd M.Guelph M.epent a doMtis week in towin, the guets of Mrs. Gross. Mr. G. M. Campbell, Toronto, was in town Tueeday. He is within a year orf fn- ishing hie course at the school of science. Mesers. Warden Gould, W. H. Hamilton, Walter Gould and Mr, Peppler of Uxbridge, 1 ---- - 1_é talifig a l ?l .-ine. If you require some new olothes, it wil pay you to see the values bi~ offered by us thie season. Our reputation for doing- firet-olase work is well known. Neyer before were Our prices 8o l0w- Seo 0111 $10 s1Sré% made to order. No need to buy ready-made suite now. Gentlemen, see our flats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Swerters, Collars, etc. be' fore purchasiug elsewher. Prioes muoh lower than st any other place* 8z3.50 each. L. Fairbanks., Whitby. agent. run. Mr. A. Johnston, Greenwood, was in town Fshng Standard Cyclorneter. on Tueeday, and etates that he saw Mr. D. Pike are being caught in plenty by per- C. Downey going west on a passing train sistent fishers with spoon and line bait at atClaremont on Frlday lat. Downey the harbor, i the marsh and the ower Bl1ouses and Chem isettes, You can get thern to>u', 26 appeared desirous of avoiding recognition. rahso i ree 28 or 30-in. wheele frein JNO. This be great weather for libel suits. This Messrs County Clerk Farewell, Trea-surer'W aeja eevdanwlm fLde'Boss hmste ostWit,(lv S. BARNARD, W'hitby, ie ailwe dare say on tiis dangerous topic. McKay and Postinaster Hiowden-.weDt tOut W aejs eovdanwln fLci Hh sae gn o verybody appears te be watching for a to Scugog Island on Tuesday te attend the Hosiery, etc., al marked at popular prices 08 omik iaehm who i aiseagentfor ue. Soine person muet have sounded it funeral of Ex-Wardeii James Grahami. round that the editors have money, and Mr. Alex. McMillan, late of the Cedar VICTOR, gents' Bicycles, many persons want a slce of it. Dale tool woks, but now Of St. Catharinies,Ne rs GodZp rChnra VICTORIA, ladies' Bicycles. Cricket Practice was here on Tuesday. He is the sameNe Drs GodZpes ChnruyPntStns Drla ndD kSiti Secreary John A. Hay wihee the mein- genial Alex as ofr yore, and is engaged in' Special line of plaid Gingliama at 8 cits ;wntsywa hyaewrh on na _________________________bers cf the cricket club to corne out for the the manufacture of saws at St. Kitts. see them. firet practice of the season this, Friday, A good rnany froin town went to Toronto afternoon. The crease has been ciipped on Tuesday te sce the rutnnîng for the WE and îe iu good order. Queen's plate. The da), was a moust disas- The lake ferry trous one for the book-nakers, and the most C NTThe CHRONICLE learns with pleasure that et those who went from here mianaged te ~Ž v ~ ~ V ~ L , the negotiatione making to the establishmnent materialize a few shillings of winnings. AF FORD of a car transport Une on laite Ontario with Wild a.nd woolly weather To sell furniture at cost, but we can Whitby as the Canadian terminal peint are The thaw that set inl Wednesday afterflofl aflord te seil at as low a price as is progresslng favorably. was a most welcome change in the weather. conistnt ithanConcert at the collere. we have been having for a week bacit. Thenoncrttientrro Hal attheNightiy frots have kept gardenes busy lU' IJ R J t s sr J 8 OTarloncLadi'Colefen Hald a i thteaaputting ove rcoats onl eary ptosbeans0 HONEdeliOntari Lde'lepatue (rm t ih saand other garden cass' susceptible te deigtlldNarur rTi h usual pro frost. Somne damage te the tenderer grain LIv U'ZG gramme. A series of tableaux vivants srpte.Selw bvsenheat happily conceived and most artistically o u repore.Surabey weathaece hels PROFIT. posed and draped were most beautiful. FICrrsode E ALTHY, VIGOROUS ANDP O R SIE Wekepth lres adfies tok fCotnlng back to Whitby. To Correp ond entt r epti We kel)thelarestandfinst toc of Hayward the cheap goods man will open tDontxceaiorslters Weemp ipt urt Furniture in Port Perry and oui prices are for business on Saturday June 8th, iii hie old the . exla aeto te 4ienptsi eveUie the iowest- stand, cor. Brock and Dundas streets DO a correspondent thougtutlesSly seais ail en- you want bargains ? Wait for him. See ad- velope with a eue cent staMP upon t. Sýo Jessop Furniture Go., verlicement next week. Remnember Domnin- postmuaster or other person wjll be mneaui Why do we talk .... Cut Prices,. simply becauecm eiinjekeadt ion Warerooms. E. R. B. Hayward. enough te look jute.ý news-letterS which are W. .1- NOT, - - MANAGR. Clanlngand Deing.addressed te a newspaper. They do ail ~or~ W. J NOT, MNAGiR. Ceanig an Dyeng.they can te heip us and eur writers aleng. 1flcring oeu usiness we must offer I-as eepped up abreast of other sciences, 30 Den't seai news letters . . V much so that it is possible to produce a sur- Ho Increaseaoma. Inclu erefL t D y pri-ing effect on fabrics without much ex Hnr u îlms ipense, by eending your work te Paî kýr's Messns. Colin R. Campbell anid Paul Dye Works, Toronto, where it will be done Gordon, of this town, have passed their final W .7* CT. J-Jalters. a,'r2 ~Li~JJvUIIUL* ait he rig and the represetative wil examinations atthe Ontario e pensof*dscz'on beo.hv no caioyuwIl Offi cia ounty org&sL-LUrgOt Ct-rulg&- Messrs. J W. Brown and Fred. Gibson the gold medal in pharm cy, being second WE Quote a few brices with Our stok t abunance """ Misss Rwe ad Mss Yteswentte ilyto ther wnîer. \Ve regret te say that / ra. f~ . tien of gSD.y 1001 paper iUCana .a ndAhe ierry oFridy isast t ssiet to .ordoni's very poor healty prevented him effective materzal for advertising. tWeagerte lodge concert. Mr. Gibson and the Misses from rtc pating in thercac for hre our goods ail we say the" are. Roesang, Miss Vates recited, and MirCuie snbo uavowhrabe fifrcum erce-nhe F RIDAI, MAI 24, 1895. Brown gave an address. They had a pies- dîd wi ops hr ulvfrvpret ________________________ antst to the prettîest town in central 'If the candidates faled. Urquharc, ef Osh- In our Dress Gooda Department our black Serges anda eretswI rwcutmr n eani Ontarie awa passed in full, and Bunting of Pickerinig Our priees are eut to the bone. 38-in silk finish Serge only2 .,naicor..Bakton(epoa ne L O NIS ouher lstfrubju oud ein .therolee Ail wool Creppons in black, grey, eream, apple, green at 5e ikadwo tie~epn i$.0t LOC L AC NIS. No Prosecution this rime. to ok ass rioubject lire ntuly herle er Go te Guelph on Jurie i2th. Some percon, who"e namne is unknown bu t Another business enterprise for dress length of 7 yards. Ask Vo see our range of 44-m we fet a 5.;abttrln i8e Scott repairs ail kinde ef pumps. strongly suspected, has been quietly fishing aeecletvleadw hworln t1c d92 Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5 son, unknown but also strongly suspected ment in the CHRONICLE this week by Mr. you Vo look through our Dress Goods, the collection is the fns ebv vreou at W. Tîll's. went very quietly the ther night and slioped Charles AA Conner. WVe like the pluck and Làrge assortment drees goods te select, at off wîth the net Botlî parties are still un- enterprise bis practical faith in the dusnds Ac i-tin.- e tte 1. t25. hih s cric.ya W. G. Walters. known sud etiîl strongly euspected, but the possibîlîties of WhitbS displav as evidence o . ~ . n a r II4 Sec p articulars ef the Model Farm Ex. net is lest te view for the present. b', Mi. Conners embarkiiig in the colid and will pay 60e. elsewhere for this particular line. We havethmaaiprcupe$67 prpi. cursion in another column of this page. 3.th battalion te camp at Whitby substantial trade of jeweler and watcht1 Cali and s ie botand shyoe stre. pro see dciioff the yannth b at t hewi the mechanical department). The store Mr. goods at the west iebtad hesoe -opciediloth 4 atlonwl Conner will occupy is a good business stand cost of ordered goode, that are well hined, perfect fittmg n d aetsyeet@e' aySre8i M. Colline. take place at Wbitby, instcad ef Niagara as that next door te Mr. A. M. Rose i" the $3.75 ; yoU pay $5 elsewhere. Men's ail-wool Halifax we ut nfwlih ryat abg Mr. Ho'wdns erchard wlll again be intcnded - Major }Parewell bas priv te let- Richardson block an-d this lateet sdditi 'n to $6.5o ; a btter lime at $7.50 to $10. We will be pleased oso o u èdymd ltigweh epaedt.oreSaturday, at io o'clock ters frein Ottawa te that effect. The date lL sa e m. bro, as net been decided upon yet, but in the the business place of the town will bea the want to buy or not. Youthe' all-wool Halifax TweedSutofiags2 o1 yer a$4 OhL m. ~~~~~~~meantime wesoe it wiii stand for î8th name of Dianond Hall. It is te ope on- 'uttftae o1 era 2 People have been ebligcd te recommence of June, unles changcd te, Septexuber as das. The supsedHRONIcLE wishes the new Tweed Sie oftae o1 era 2 weariug coal stoves, and aise te kcep fics appears te be the geucral wish of the offi- veituiC every succese its merit will wifl. ini thlipir winter uuderclothing. cers sud men. It wîll be quite a novclty te Coming home to roost.A eSp ia Coal at Toronto prudes, etwek1wl sec Uic th red ceats in camp at home. In regard te the libel cuit which threatened Selling eut durîngnxtwe- lleI Carryiug the War into Corea. us last week the Gazette says Our sianders bcu caW uyesewhere 86-i. factory çottonai 8o. Cream o.clrdSae lne nyS.Lde very best Scranton and Lehigh ceaI $4.75 IftheCoransknew ofthe imanifold vi- re omnhome to roost. \eli, we have aitbye at shed, $5 dlivered--spet cash only. H. tues of the New Wilihams eewiug machine nbot yet been compelled to malce over te our less black cotton Hose 8e Vo 10o per pair. 3 pair Laies 0.Osmr oeo 1 e' B.Tyo.they would teach the Chinese sud Jape hew wife (as lier ante-nuptial agreement) ail Our Fedora Hats 85e. Men'e Flannelette Shirts a 5.Dul odCioSeim Sald tot W G Walter te -use the New Williams sewing machines. preperty and belongings, even te oui clothes, t1a 86' Mr. Gordon Campbell cotnpieted the sale sud in that peaceful occupation ail thoughus hed, watch, cradle, perambulator, aud al a 5.8-n uce' ie 5. ht itraLw e o 1e of the Camnpbell residence on Green street of the horrors of war, especially duriug these other propcrty, goods, chattels and effects of_____________________________________ te Mi. W. G. Waiters on Wednesday. The dreadfully bot siog-days, would be given any kind whaisoeer. A newcpaper pub- price, we understand, wasSSo over te sewing societies sud the mslcing of licher who bas been driven te these cx- -v8 ak y u t ala d E a ie o r G o8 a d Pie' Re.Dr. Cade, Port Perry. wss here on ail kinds of clothes for the Asiatics. The tremeties by hicsianders sbeuld keep quiet. lAIk y u t C l nd E a Tuesday te attend the disti ict meeting ef the New Williams is on deck ready for war at The enly libei ever charged againet the methodiet hurch, aud loeked in pleasantly Ed. Hart's, tbe Whîtby agent Ladies present proprictors of the CHRONIcLE was__________________________________ uipzn the CHRONICLE-. Me does net ex- wishing te purchase a ccwiug machine wili net claimed te bave beeti wilful, and was pect te remaîn at Port Perîy anethet yeai. please caîl and examine the New Williams ' ue which wc offered te rectify befere any- Miss McWilliame' lecture. at hue bouse on Brock street south, lt-gaI notice was eerved upen us. We don't T T r'C' Mif.%McWîiliams. a rturned missionary The sidewalkte the sttion.Wear oui wife's clothes yet. W V . *\ \fG.~ IE. A (ari hmr(o theaseiewst ae hemf b 250 ALT, Ts a1on frem Central India, will address auldes' tit seems te us that a couvenicut sidewalk meeting lu the basemnent et St. ndes t te railway station is as important as te churcli on Tuesday 28th of May, at 3.30 p.m. the schools, or iu front of business places. AIl interested ini missions are cordially in For msny years thie towu bas feit the neces-s vited. sity of another walk aloug Dundas St., cR51 Mr. Leen King, New York, and Mi. Levy' te the uptewn station. It se b appens that f Hamilton, a freud of the King Family, were the trains arrive and depart-merning, noon5 here ever Sunday. Leen te on hie summer sud eveuiîng-just at the heurs that chRdient trip west as traveler in laces for the New are geiug te and from scheol, and the travel- N'Ork house of Biatter & Ce., and wiil net ing public bas been much discommodcd by retuin until August. their blocking up the sidewalk. To havet E. H amer Dixen, who was here twe one on the same side of the street wilI -obvi- weeks ieiieving Mr. S. S. Wilnîott et Dom- ste this. We fear that many who signed the ien batik, was shot tbrougb the body lu petitiouu against this walk did se wlthout the batik at Guelph on Monday uight proper consideratien. and that many more Wbcetber hv accident or with suicidai inten- who signed it were mistaken, though carnest tien bas nult heen declded. euough. There are oniy a few rode et walk Accient o WmGoldte build, and private citizens have undertak Accidnt teWmGol - en to do the grading and make the abute- On \cdnedayof last week Mi. Win. Godwas dîivîng a colt along the baseline, ali un meetinig a couveyarice turned eut te l'liemcol6t was a littie tractietis and caused hbswheei te catch that of the other rig. Mi.> Gold's cart vas capsized, be bcîng tlîrown Out. One of hie legs Was badly crushed below the kuce, but not fractuireut. He is stili laid up sud wiil be for sotue ime. The hîg sae tW rees fnu I'rices luwer than ever. Gents' dress gait- ers, $1, gents flue lac:e boots, $1, Wgeuts fine dongola kid ehees, $1.10. gents fine buf shocs, 89c., ladies flue kid button boots 99c , ladies fine Oxfords, 8,5c., ladies fine lace boot, tee capped, St.zo, boys fine lace boot, tee capped, 95c., misses school boots, it to 2. 65c. , childe echoel boots 6 te uio, 6oc, Evefy- body core neud gt a big supply. M. W. Colline, the new 9Mo store, east side Brock street. A VICIOns borse.. On Tîiesdav eveuing Mr. Yankee Hatrlck was haruesling bis bay homse te take a drive, wht-si it suddetuly rabbcd hlm witb its ttseth by the muscles op~t be upper part of the lefi arm ani Jerked hlmn about for a time. afler whtcb It brought hlm down. It bang te lis bold 1k. a bull dcg. Moantimes, Hatrick'5 shbouta brosught eutIe broher, andi father, who found It necessary te bain- mer thse botas wth s fork bandle (foimomn lime IisCoT. Il wIendltgo ils*hod. ,Wh.n Batfrlck wus r.hased Il vaU fewd that thé sainlls îteet3.Weut the flesis te the boni ont botil aide.s. .wn WtakDr t-t». E wood5 suod hbd to bc!placed tindet h. In- Leom Co(, cbWeofo#ntbe<ere be w0und Ïoold W opîl w d te Si 0wIl 13e 131old Co a mnents for te bridge. The cost will probati- Iy net amount te more than $4o or $5o. IOak Orchard su-mer resot Elaewbere lu tihe CHRoNIt CLE this wcek is an advcrtisemnft of Oak Orchard inn and cottages. They are on the south shore of lake Ontario and comprise 6oo acres et bejautifullyvsitusted land fronting 1% 'miles on the brbor that i to be the United States terminal port cf the car ferry on lake Ontario and have a frontage of y, of a mile on tihe lake Itscif as well. lncludiug a Magnlficett natural grove of oaks from wblch it taket it'5 name. Mr. Ernest W. Emmofli, Whe i. al- ready known to the rbplreaCflt*tlve mon Of Our tewn thrcugh bis vilts te Whttby lo con-' necticu witb lb.eatfiblWmtP5ilthe 5~Prjet- ed car ferry. aui esterprs e fwhlch h. la the general manager cf theCocmpanY iàCOrat- cd for thét pt5poge lattis proprietor. Since bis lait trip hors Mr. nmss sOcéd 173 acres cf adjolont gland.6se sîst s hé b vlb the bright prospects of Oak Ckchaad. Thse Ionn ud cttsg*5 are Pâtntjwild tiy resldentS cf thjetolor cdos of Nov YYork stile as wsl a cyWho etr, eessoufl .ft sossnfrow s Wnt#ni, Niw Orleans aus othef s61iP"e«& Wh en Pa.the .ubstantial (onu0* I r;n5,l5makif twir-dothe oacil r Ray, was un towu Saturday and get a lîttle sprung. He bad such a good time that he was loath te leave the (estive scenes of towu tor country life, until the barroms closed at seven o'clock, sud then et course the attrac- tion w c ail gene. Duriug the day be bad purchased a halter tein Mr. Calverley, wbich he had stowed inuh bis buggy. Wben the liquor supply wscdut eff he Ëtrnck for home, but lu a momeutary fit of conscietis- neais somewheie along the way be tbougbt of the balter, sud found that it was not in the rig. He returned te the Queen's, where hie herse bad been sîabied, aud raised particulai Ned with the hostier sud bar-keepe!'. Whiist be was taIt ing te thenjJin Stewart who was i-iar bv hit Raye ihocking hum down, sud it le believed that somne others then struck or kicked the drunken in. Stewart ws surrnoued before P. M. Harper for the asauit sud let oùi with $1 and cos. It is stated ihpt othere will be brought te account for the blows strucit, and, as for Ray, a mn of bis stamp who cannot ceme inte towu and do bis business with9nt getting drunit de- serves bis head puncbed. snd should expect it. We are sorry to see a mn treacheroisly treattd, but 5f evûry drunkuird knew that a walliping awaiteil hum eveîy tinte ne gets drunt there wpuld be m.ay a oer man standing lu whut would otherwise be- a drunkren man's shoes. se fatr as.îhcy bave had an opporttuity to expressthemselves the loal papr ft vICInity arlu noctacle b eca t oCuIION- tete becamo a ccldrntatly ivol vod ln what inigbt have 1.4 té a ilibolautiadl ot suppooedtiat we Wadimade theise nltkeý wil(Iùgy. (our wonbly, çotems net cny teed te, exrpress ieir dolight, but tako nôtice te putuaethoîr expressonsi5of gIse wth dans ocf veoon. If la tIsei privi ege toexo- r~thts son r e <.1evfeeling tbly wlh td so, aàdtbl have exer titelr pre rogisti ve lnfuil t iistido thons gond te have - frec es2ltWool5 "ln ý-xi_ _l What's the use for another Jewelry store in Whitlbv? That's wh;ât the doubting Thornases say. Well, I h avefatbin My native town. I believe, Whitby ie ail right. There fas a more. hopefîui spirit prevalent now of brîghter thinge lu store for- the goo old town than there has been for many a day. . I ain go- ing te try, anyway, and se what a bright, new stock of J-ewelry Silverware, Watchesland Clocks cf '~ the -latest Aunericaul1 .M and' Cana- dian de-'sina"ad at the clos- î~~ est prices cash eau buy foih- vr me andd 'eil to, you ec de,. The sitore, whicb wil b. -caUed *Dl»ON> 3ALL,. wil open ?Monday,. I have en- wachmake, kwell and 2r4 ~ ~ ýfr M- .vm&I fi rsT RECEl ~ TST Yu.e, ewLvI ~~ -PuChiNewi cinae n Dinner andî Fruits, ~WDomi buy'beforeSmoling sud om ITe~ eiy ,Et Zask Chas IC JU . -W% IL+ - 1

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