Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 1

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onice VOL. XXXIX WHITBY, ONTAJR1O, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1895. DOMINION BANK. LOCAL NEWS Capital Paid up, $1,500,000 Surplus, - - $1,5O000 Whitby Ageucyo Genere.i Ba.nking Busînesa3 Transa.cted. SAVflNGS DEPÂRTMENT, Interest ellowed st hlgheet currntt rates. No nate. afwithdrawel required . E. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate ai the Royal Callege of Physicians, Edînburgh . Meniber of the Col- lege ai Physicians and Surgeons, ai Ontario. Office and nesidene, north sectioni af the -Terrece, " Byron Street, uonth of Dundas Street. Telephone communication with office. Whitby, JuINy 4th, 1894. CA S. SC OTT) AUCTIONEER, WHITI3Y, ONT. The undersigued begs ta announce that he bas taken oVt a license for auctioneering, and wîli be glad ta bU a rdent for this cdasa À-.busi- ness. His book wîi be kept ai 1. H. Long's office, where ail information inay be obtained. Whitby. NOV. 29. 'Q4..SOT N. F. PATERSON, Q C., Barnîster, etc.-Aften twa vears residience in England bas resumed practice ai i3c0 John St Toronto. -Oct. '94.-6 mas. LOGE at the remrakable low prices that 1 amn seliing Solid Oak Drawing-room Suites id. The prioes are froua 8-22.50, $25, $28.50, Q8000, eS5 and Up. wards. E. J. Johnsofl., DON'T FORGET tliat these goods are my own make. Ail uphiolsteriflg orders given to; me hias my own supervision. IE. J. JOHàNSON,ý Loa.dirig Undertaker EN THE COIJNTY. Pasture to Let For a limited numnber ai stock. First- rlf Dastue, with live stream ai water, at CINCucLY, COaxSPO -:0:- SOLINA. r.T. Baker a.nd sons vis on the 24th. Work bias begun on Mr. J. new residence. numbrner ai frienda on her1 last anîd ail had an enjoyabi, A veri, large congregation LETTERS < ONDENCE, sited Newc8stlei *G. Landmnaid's'5 rtained a large birthday Friday e time. i lisened ta Rev. W S. Pritchard, BA., af Bowmanviiie, at Eldad oai Sunday and were mucli profited. Visitons Mr. W. C. Blackbuirni and miss Blackhurn, Providence; Mr, and Mrs .A. Il. Ileiers, Hiampton, Mr. P. Wilson, LL. i., ai Torouta, Mr. L.. Bradley, Enfield. BAINTFIELD. Mn. Thomas Kîrby and sisier speut Sunday wih frîends at Saintfieid. Mr. John Brannen, accompanied by bis smil- îng Ias, spent the 24th west.of town. What is the malter with aur Blackwaten cor- respondent. Wake up, and gîve us more infor - mation about hag rack&. A numnber af aur young people spent the yuuen's birthday ai Victoria Corners. Ail ne- port having a goad time, which speaks well for the teachen, N. H. Maure. Professor Blythe reports having f orked 35 ioads of maturîty one day, but the ready wit ai Frisky cames ta the rescue. He declares having put up 46 loads and never tunned a heain. M r. J oh n M cCull y, aur pleasure seeki ng y oung man, and., hîs handsome belle caused qulle s sensation while passing through town an the 24th. Our landiords infant bouvine, on seeîng ihe handsomne couple approaching. îook ta bis heels, and ail that could be seen in a few seconds was the cati bounding aven the huis, Mn. George Ashiing, aur experimentai fariner, has struck a new pracesa of deharning cattie whicli is as follaws : Throw the creature on its back against the fence, f asten the four legs wîîh a rope whîch is attached ta a rail, The rail is balanced over the fence with Mr. Cowpert.hwalte on the funthen end. Eli then takes a tight hold an the tai w hile the praprietor wîth his double joinîed saw detaches the horns. It would bc a good idea ta repaîr the side- walks. Mrs. Jas. Fitchets rnarusion is going up in jgreat style. Mn. David spelît the latter end ai last week visitlng in Toronto. Mis. Laffarty, ai Montreai, but ai late a student ai Varsity, is visîting at Mn. \Vm. Spenice's We are glad ta note that Mrs. Tho;. Smith who bas been on the s-ick liat for saine tîme is irnproviflg. Mrs. Jchn Wilkinson is about ta leave aur midst ta iteside in Raglan, with ber son, Mn. Donald Christie. A number froin bene. inciuding aur black. smnith, attenied the auniversary entertain. ment at Shaw's neighbahaad on Fiha) last. Our division met on Saturday nigbt las- jand it was decided upon having a coifttest t( entertain the members. .We want to see à large number present Fniday, (to-night.) jThe cheese factory is doing quite a ruai ai business this week. About seventy bund red ai milk la brought in daily and main tha nine very large cheeses are being manufac tured. This la indeed a good shawing fo aur factory and it is hoped that the buaines may still look Up as the turne rais onwarh TOWN LINE. Wbitby, May i, 195-22-f han ai Toronto spent Queen'5 bithday at Mn. Sylvenus Austin bas bad a severe st-1 WESERNBAN OF9ARDAItack af pleuro-pfleuiionia but is impnoving samewbat lately.1 HEAD OFFICE, OSI-AWA, ONT.. Mn. Wý. S. Gold altbough mort- serlouely1 injuned than was îhought at firai, 15 doing as weil as cati be expected and will nu Capital kuthorized $1,000,000 doubt soon-b.e round again. Capital Bubscribed 500,000f The Patrons of lndustny purpose kiliing the firet beast of tbe season next wçek. Capital Paid-up 373,000 Members ai the in4 wil bave a rare treat 1000()( in oo Weduesday June 5tb--somel Reat io, ood orkshire beof-as Mn. William BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. Harrison is ta supply the first citter. Mr. Davey is taodo the butchern[g for the assci- JOHN COWAN, F-sQ., President. ation this season. RE£uBEN S. HÂM LIN, E-SQ., Vice-President. Our foot ball boys went ta Greeswoad ou W. F. Cowan, Fsq., W. F. Aluin, F.sq., J. A.' 24th to take part in the junior competitioii at Gubson, F-sq. Robent McIntosh M. D. Greeuwood's Foot bail Touruametit, sud Thomas Patens<)u, Fsq. were auccessiul in carryLig off the silven T. H. McMILI.AN, - - Casher cup. There were five teans lthoir clasm BRNCHs.-Midland, Tisonburg, New viz.--CedaMgove, Higbland Croek, Audley, Hamiburg, Wbitby, Paisley, Penetaigtutab- CherTywood, sud Town Line. Highlaud ene, aud Port Penny- Creek drew the bye, Town Lise doieated Drafts on New York sud Sterling F-x- Cedangrove sud Audley deflMated Cherry- change bougbt aud sold. Depasita received wood. Audley now dnew second b ye. Town and f nterest allaw e t bigicat curent rates iuse and Highland Creek played the best j54 per cent. Collectionis aolicted and sud most cloeely contested gamo of the. day pnomptly made. Town Lino winning. Our boys were in Correspondeilts Iu New York and in Cen- a tuckered condition when îhey bail ta face ada-The Merchants Blank of Canada. Lo.- Audioy sud were unable to score until suter don, En.-The Royal Bank of Scotiand. tme bad beeti e3 tended. However they Speclna attention te collectioniioa Farmona' scoreil et lat aud &ro ta o econltiatulated on, Sale Notes. tibeir success agaInsi ail odils. This le their' E. D. WARREN, seconid victory for x895. Maatret Whitby Braucb.1 aumaim ______________________ r. X. Hubbard, teacher, OfRalsal, speut 7EK the. 4th wlth friends hoe. H. SCO TT, The nexi thlng wbich v'wl dou ' yMPM .KE~ ~ves waiting wil be a diy walI PUM MAX ,ý, W II'BY. W. a"e pleascd to et Mt tt mmuIda 3are (sc«1507 to H. 7bomPS0S.) ker la ulowly "aleltIgabO in-u Mr. Wn. OComnbe turao4 UP au 04Mo0 Tii. Subeederb ia n opeWi.dbusiness ring while dlig ln bâit rdeuofl7iu s »Mr. NI$ office wl .bc at e. R. BIow'siBt telegrpb ofice, factory at Mrs. N.wbery's Mms.Webbi of tbe kM flot@de Wh4by, aMd boiif00fl roçk Stroot, .uth. New Pumps.a " mms , Ks.W. Ryaw.f refbg nifcoed sMd ldPimpa rtpared. aquilfltauce ae MagY, FIrt CIa&M atett*lusod and îWo* ra mut- it ss tDr. he ai. web s gor cl«tuodoMt. the: 5lffq u bt uw*âdê .oUdcted. 'h ln . c «ti« gthrmtb I IL BOOTT, hrndtb h ctupiaCdOe ftb 34 I~5e Whltby sud O"bw& - Tb MW Md W buA .t <@iipoco es«m ASEBUEN BEAVERTON son would regret to see. To those who are afld Salem piayed for the cup, and at the Everthig pasedoffquitiyon te 2th. Mr. . T Eiiot is t peset ~oniy receiving from $6oo to $750 per year 1fithinning it was atie, whenalittie distâte ths Mrs . . Fed ota Dr Smnitn Miilbrook. wouldl say give themn more if possible, so arase over one uf the P. P. men running ir.m Mr.30 ,ohnta ei aln gsc l iitdTr that they may be able ta keep up their posi- third ta home and said to bave left the base- eek , but is speedily recove lgnta Saturday. tion in the community as they are expected n.Tegm ewe ht w i~ s Craquet is again caming ta the fore, mnfy The Patrons are arranging for a grand to do. But a man in any profession can live ta, be finisbed et Washburn's on the 8th N~une, an exciting game is being played. picnic to take place in June at Barber's more comfortabiy on $goo now than he could wben the higb achool bave an excursion on We think the Gazette's persanel of la.st grove. on $1,000 ten years ago, and when this is that day. Bicycle race, open-F. Campbell, week, displayed poor taste in makiel use of The counicil bas decided ta lay another the case why should churcb members and H. O. Weeks. Bicycle race, loical-F. such biting items. However, we are pleased section of granolithic pavement, and have adhérents have to stint themselves and. hold Campbell, E. Ebbels. Men's foot race, ioo ta see the friendly spirit shown towards buis out for tenders on bedding for samie. back thbeir money fromn other just catis (as I yards--J. Watt, T. Plat.ten. Boy's race, yotir cor. A very neatly gotten up tea was served in knaw many have done lately) In order that under i15-W. Boiwerman, W. Emmerson. Uncle Tom's Cabin attracted a few af.aur the Methodist church here in th evening ai the regulation old Urtne salary fur their GirIls race. under i6-Floddie Gardiner. young people ta Myrtie Tuesday ev*eliflg. the 24th, and an excellent programme of minister may be made un. Missianaries Rtin and jump.-A. Powers, J. Watt. Hop As an advertisemleflt for the Comnpany, their d o re enduring bardshlps we knowv noth- step and junip-A. Powers, J. Watt. Stand vnachariot-drove thraugh the ianvl ul olwd h tednewsgo ng af have had their aiiowances cut down. an" jump-.M1onl, J. Walsh. Every-,. lages, giving us a cail, and displayiflg their The first picnic af the seasan-a aemali one Why should not those wha have comiortable thing in connection with -the célébratiîon musical abilities. -struck Barber's grave last Saturday and a positions at home also do with less, until the passed off pleasantly to ail concernied. The JUNIUS. gay and festive lot af cusses were they. Bis- financial dépression has passed over ? committee did their best to have everyone: UTIO&A cuits and cheese were none toa good for The cold weather that preceded the 24th satisfied, and do what was fair to ail taking Mr. Jacob Defoe af Zephyr was visiting themn was aimost too much for the excursion to part in the gamnes. home on Sunday. The married cricketers had their revenge Niagara Falls, though the day itself waS a Visitors on à4th ingt: Mr. FA. Virtue has ucae a new buggy an the single men on Tuesday the 21St, perfect one for 'such a trip. Apart from .D obnA . ah n.Blns fromn Mr. A. Allati ai Porctaedr when they did them up by i9 runs in a one those who went fromn Brooklin and viiit RhD.e bnA. Ns, TroJt; e. Btnam, Miss Maria Beare, who is visiting frienda intigcnet hs mthsaeec the attendance was very slirn and the. pro- Miss E. Phillips, F. Braithwaite, Oshawa, ltGenak a oenSna, en practice. moters had the very unpleasant expérience Blake Doolitte, Rochester; Howard Gor- at. rean , as .Mray f Su n,ar Miss Lottie Morrison, who bas been at De- af going deep down in their pockets to make don, (Lindsay Post), Joseph Fettis, Lindsay; Mr nd rs J.Muray aiToiono, remiii College, Oshawa, returned home last up the considerable financial deficiency thqt frrs. N. and Mrs. S. Milîson, of Port Hope, visiting ai Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendails. week beintg taken sick. She is however resulted. AIl who went enjoyed the day's were visiting their mother Mrs. Christie; 1Mr. Jacob IDefoe has very much impraved nuch better and intends ta return ta college outing thoroughly. The afficers of the Gar- Mrs. Wm. Jobb and daughter were visiting the appearaàce ai his residence by reshingi- in the f al. den City did everything that was possible at bier father's, Mr. Charles Powers ; Eugene gMr. F. S. Hurlbut, who is at present mak- for the comfart ai their passengers and the Rcadol udrad !wHle n Our S. 0. T. have decided not ta charge ing Gravenhurst is headquarters. was home gos hip At hersei f Nbe a r uas alls as James Solitt, Peterboro;. iss Emma Lans- for next quarter ab tlîey have saine. 20ofn May 24th, and whilst home made arrange. 1fiingenMistournament was in pndrognesE. and hn.ments for the erection ai a couple o tai e irmns oa meti n bt orss nd lace, Lindsay. Ourmes argth leuenhav aoprted oMr. w'shich he bas thecotractfr.brick stores in 1 the visitons. 'The football match between (In connection with the complaint of Mr. Jaet iuha peitfrtercoi.ngisalsaehretfoin a c o pecnBraoklin and Niagara Falls teame was play- Brethaur, teacher, Shirley, that our report ter. Gavehurt fr hmsef o spc.ed in connection with the tournamient and of the necent charge against hini for cruelly Mrs. T. Haggaat and Miss Sutherland of Mn. A. D. Marrisan diiiappeared fraîn was witnessed by upwards ai 20,000 people. flogging a child did bum an in!-ustice, we \Vhitby are renewiug their aid acquaintailces taNn a week ago.Tuesday. When last séen Play lasted only forty-five minutes and the have fotin d by enquiry that the cbild's hand in this place. he was mnounted on a noad nacing bicycle. nesult was 4 goals ta a, in favar of Brooklin. was not fractured, but merely marked ME. Gal la busy these days putting Up He teiephorled from Cobourg that even'ng The Falls tearn played a good game but across the back; that . ie only Paid $3- 5o and Mi pnt ec.Alcnpaigt e that hie was pretty well thanks-ï that bicyci- were flot nearîy s fst as their opponients. not Si ita, settle the court casts; that the model their aid fences shauld see Mn. Gall ing was a good thing and that hie was push. They are a gentlemnanly lot of fellows and stick used was flot a very dangerous one or before doing s0 as his feuce has few equals. ing it alo't. May tbe muscles ai bis legs treated aur boys very bandsomely. On the liable ta, do serious inJuty ; and tbat the mat- The Utica annual Sunday school anniver- and the tires ai bis wheel neyer play out. return trip five Bnookiin boys were left at ter was settled betweeu Brethaur and Vivian sary will be held this year on the 23rd and There was no célébration bene on the 24th Queenston, tbey not baving reacbed there in a friendly wvay after an interview. There 24t a Jue.Ful pntiulrs atr. I except the cricket match Orillia vs. Beavet- when the boat left. Tbey were given passes being no swonn testimany takten. aur carres-, repthoftet FauPropct intends hldingr.their ton, and it was a dismal failure frain a Bea- to Toronto on the Chicaa next day and pondents had ta rely upan reports, and the anivrsryverton point oi view, the home eleven being reachied home alright on Saturday evening. matter was thus magnified to some extent anvrayon the saine date as aur 0w11, at the end of the game lu the minonît by 79 W.A H es er mendthey knon t h ve fcis onec on the chang the ir daeit? ud o runs. The first innings was playea in theW.AH. ls er hdtykownheéafcs- on rohrcag hi aeforenoati and was extremely close and inter- Business DireOtOy. ED. CH.) ELACKWATERF esting, sharp fielding on botb aides being GU'Y & 00., grain buyers. W"J OT Mr.Sae n r.MKno eethe. principal feattire. The score was 3 t D.PWTBS J. NOTT t .bets otl Mrs. Shavfrernds rs. McKoinnea2ti wre51 xin lfav? r ai Orîllia. The second inninga DLPÂt ThIrsdoN, eeyntiS hi. Bbr' oe, Port Po= a usinesS DIZO"027 visitn annd Gidn rhi o e 4tocrla was mostly played by Messrs. Waldie and BE Thuo.r-dsYerY onts. ae Lienes.MMURYBemsn<E P ola SA.-TbO uniles- Afctto Toan to ardo khpe tswa cflodaClark, wh o pounded aut about 6o good ehe- BeÂLL, 8.oppiteUlTown all rrge Licne. signed olfers for sale ber mifl1_iY buamnff of atietaTornt mnkt tiswek. gant nuna for Onillia, and when the aide was Reaec poieTw al roiu t a bargalu. This le a rare ch"Ã"sit W secam Same miscreant paisoned Pud Hannah's netired it had 79 majonity. The match last- W A McNEBLY, D V S.-Grad11&te of the On- a thorougly eîtablished nMIIlfery husireal. dog Bandy the other niglit. Pud bas his ed tilI about 5 o'clock in the evening. tarl.o «Veterinary Coliege Toronto; Haonorer! Possessionl givêfi about iii. mddle of àJune tsuspicions and is hyiiig low. men>ber af the OntsrLOmedical society. next;;in theo meaittime 1Iwill sn Y'prsent~ A mixed team ai junior and se nior lacros- Treass ail Iilseases af the domfliftic5téd 'stock of miUllinrY at and beO fl u..Lda Mn. Jo. ana haigetepatote sists wtnt ta ,Millbroak on the 24th ta give aimLais by the most approved method. AIels hnonthn nm n wlfuaiU Maybeeiam is planting it with potataes for, the 6.enien ai that town something ta fill in partiaular attetion, ta uriclop rti their advantage te give me aal}, & tehdcuntry market. May succeas crown and ntsy.D o night Cello romptly BuLLIGe, ten rougsa ébain.oe Thema igacfl teddto. Office end residencerau ______________________ yorefforts Jo. a clbrtO iTe match was decidediy attedentsr.DyO dc U,_____________________ h Mn. Chants diving mare Nancy, gat. bad- acta ever practised in a lacrosse field were toLDTBo.- year ega we deqJded ta FLIES! FLIES 1 FLIES 1 i1 ehy hurt while attempting ta jump a picket done by the membera ai the Milbnook team. blrencyBouiiaur h-Ardaedeytelf fence hast week. She wiih soon be ail iglit Such rukes ssblig lye tilh oun ur effrts t datmns and Of Qail the thinga beneath the skies, runden the dr's. cane. - the face,-with the fist ihiustrates the kind of a ppreciated by aur numnerouB customers. That I abominate and despise, .. Mayor Kenny bas a large area under crop ,game it*was. This kind of wonk bringa dis- M. made heevy purchases this spring -o! The wonst are these pestiferotis lig tbis season, and it looks fine, especially bis crédit on.aur national tIame, and wben a nala, bolta, lance vire <ail klnde) !erks At eainly morn tbey muake yau iÈe,ý fahi wheat whicb cannat be beaten any- ei on ihsabdfcebhk seeoee ble anpoyktUg r (It matters mot about your sixei> leamcoIIWs hm ihsas ae, Don'tgopast us =.ou s'eut ex in ca-wliIig o'er your face auc1.eyes - and says lie wil give the boys a hhd o oys came horne froni MilIbraak on the goeydprmii eeu9s1osl Te~el orul, byr uylfpo rwben li oves inta hie new residence. Ygtoih ens thbitbdaythqgae ood.Bote anid shoè.sae sefltg . wèUbt,, 1%Thy ake term~ btl~ Oi seehslarge farm w. k.eP tlûCmweil sortéd up byýwk1ybiMP dýhr1àn-ýàkthti .f Mn. Maybee bavin1ý gets alUthe1 bLie. eue fieBsiiecoduwnt; -Tieefdn~ *hi clstîme ppIfrs.--; tgraýssbas entered inta the ranching huai- golo Ã"une n T hé e cg,-a as naryevervbd nw..lessup .Ti 5a f u ,neFs in learnest, lbe 1as it well stock with rORINW av bbodytflJllP iedth5tYi uP f hses and cattle and expects by doing ibis Ms ugtn iiedfinsi Fnln a. erop when yonuy ont =seeds. We ýare- Theytormelit manuSflWtdJ dies Falîs hastfam s el a week. firpaying ilcent for eggs, and pricebutter se- When, frefromnsorrow. careand lfllèà, Prfi-Hehs loelitd n h nau-Fll as ee.cordig to uUY He -sars away beyond the, kies, àfacturing business and makes a specialty o r.Ptsrtre nTedymrig-o,ô-temn*odddvs - brackets aud toadatoals. The demand fan from bier trip ta, Scotland. Miss Kate Potta DOIRT ERT A plan.'ta alai out thesebhere flie'9 it them.i asao great that lie purposes building a is home àgi as.Rev - C. J. Cameron was here an the a4tb Tlièse Unes are meant to advertise c- new factory alter which he expecta to give Master WiIlie Roberts, who bas been liv- mt..Streen doona aud windows, every oz, emphoyment ta a lange numben ai bande. îng witb bis grandpareiits bere for ayear suîbkep hrnjd héliétis ss No doubi Ali. will succeed for leie l noted and a bah, bhas returned to bis home in Miss Ebbels, of Toronto, was visiting lier Ta suityu atii-syeadsïý L. fan and wide for his veracity and boneat Rochester. brother Mr. H. L. Ebbels.- Then do not longer jeopardize strigit onar delig.Rememberthe methodist social at Mn. Rev. W. W. McMaster is attending the, Yotr comfonts and your liber-Lies- MYRTLE.ý- I ___ __ __ .cr- A olea... baptiat ccnfrence in Toronto. > But bo coS lder*te and Wiseb .ant aternofl su eve*igAis uaraneedht nrom Toronto, speut the twenty founili at Mr.2 David Briggs'. Mn. and Mms Smith and daugliter, from 1 Toronto, wene at Mn. Charles Hartle's visit-1 lng on Fniday and Saturday ai last wcek. Mra. Hoitt went ta Toronto last week ta visit Mn. and Mns. Hanry Brown, expecting ta ho away fnom itbe burg for sanie weeks. Mn. Geo. Burtch's show ai Uncle Tum's Cahin was bene on Tueaday uigbt ai tuis week andl pitched their tent in Mn. George McTaggart'5 field. Mr. Manly Briggs hast quite a good caw a few days ago. She undertauk ta occupy the manger wbere she was tied insteail ai tbe stail and was dead wbeu fouud. In wrlting a short time ago I sald that the early morniug train west on the C.P.R. was due ber. at 5.58 in the morning, but I find since that wniting that 1 was not correct for it is due at 5..54 This is ouly four minutes earlier, but ta catch that train persans need ta, ho on baud at the last named figures. kt becomes aur duty so soon again ta mou- tion anather death in aur ueighborbaod, that ai Mis. Clark, wblcb took place St lien homo ai Mr.. Lester Hubbele, an Tbursday evon- ing of last week. On Sundav afteroon ii Rçr, Mn. Scott, Brook4l,t-coÛdactod aest -, t serveçe t the bouse,, aftor w hlch .bler W _', w us buredI n lu ti.h 1à> éîol l e where so many bodies bave bëeu interred during the pat fiftyysa TM ecao liedîlveil fu ibis viclnity for suany -yeara and im reaocted. as acbTig4lPldy'by ait wbo know ber. Her home ýbas boon with ber sou.ln-law sud daugbti, 1Mr. sud Mli Lester lIubbell for a uimber f yo arspl, and for tue lust sit Soseveli yeanas ïbas be=u onfinod te ithe bouse on acouni of,&, fracturd 11mb. but -bai ecoLved the lest, of camstroa m t ao>lly dung ber long afie. tion. Surely thf. neigbrhood bia beom v*ey forcibly rmiadud yth auli uuse ly large mamb 'r c f deaiha wllblibm hepa d y tisai t urbodies are Mortl and OMu it. ' d ,U UTM 1 ' m ý.'-i- U134 OS WC¶ ail wbo can attend. The ioUowing ia a partial liat ai hast weeks holiday visitons :-Mr. J. H. Hoar and Master Gordon Hoar, Mn. G. Walks, Mn. A. E. Curran and Mn. H . H. Brooks, Toron- ta, and Mn. R. A. Wf LindSay" Mn. F. A. Mille, G . R:aigent ber. la about ta be removed ta Gravenhurat. Ho ieaves for bis new station next week. We bave not heard yet who bis successor will whether b. will remain here for the iourtb year, as bis cangregatloli deaires, or make a change in July. Mies Batty bas been very sick for a week onmr.At present she le so9ppigwt Mrs. Croxaîl, and wo hope uhai ibe canfefl attention sho la reccivlng will brlng abut ber speedy' recovoiY. About iwo weeks ago Mr. Bon Manlg struck bis thub.bwitb a asamei. -Te wouud was painful from the-firat but uow blood polsomn bas set l and ho is suifer- ing otisdcitbl@wit h Saiurdy, e 4 uý to, tahoBrooklWs> deconation day. _lie joint committee con- s'tnof ,nm*rs froi al the aocketies il the ViWage wilnicot agalu nezt SuturdaY. n.-ut, r. .A, MISe drove ta FPetWt> jb«oa iaiFniuvt lai ids tber&1ew<or X- Mr. Charles Doubt, ai Trent on, was visit- ing fionda iii Port Perry.and Asbburn. J. R. Grant, R. -G.ý Baird,- H. G. Hutchint- sou and H. Adams were ai the Woodblne races on the 24th. Messrs Cook aud WiIUanmsQl bave bougbt »ut Mn- J. H.Jobnptab's barber business lan the Nillard biacke -and bave taten posaes-> sien. Txy W. 1, Parrisb. Port' PriceAlbert. Theo Panlon meeting cof-the W.C-T.U. on Wedùeadav vnngwsasuca.Au ex- ce1euprgfh2~» hine g reuidered, and ti- oA,-aimrr .Cosb WSS mU»achappiO<f.ed- 1 3iý 18956 . KTBT]63. i 1 N (). 2ti b

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