Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 2

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]KNOWLEDGE 'Bringa oomfort and improvement and tend& to personal eîijoyment wbeu rightly used. The many, ivbo liv. bot. ter than others and onjoy lif. more, with leu expenditure, by more promptly adaptîng the, world's best producti to the needs of physical beiug, will attes the 'value ta health of the pure liquid *laxative principles ernbracad in Lb. XMnedy, Syrup of Fige. ILs excelonce is due ta ILs pres.nting 511 tb. fonin mont acceptab'~e and pleas. ant. ta tue Laste, the refreshing and truly beneficia1l properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the ayetemn, * dispelling colda, hoadaches and foyers an.d portmaneiitly curing constipation. It isa givea satisfaction to millions and 'Met iith the approval of Lh. medical profession, because iL acte on tihe Kid- ineys, Liver and Bowels withont weak- * enung them nrd iL in perfecîI]' froe from *very obj ectiornable substtiice. * Syrup of FI ge is for sale by ail drug- gista ini 75c . botti es, but it ine mauu- factured by the Califoiriia Fig Syrup CJo. only, wbose name ie lîrinted on every package, alâo the name, Syri:p of Fige, and being well informod, you will flot socept any substitut. if offeredÀ. i TA"oma A. Johna. A Common Affliction Permanenty Cured by Taklng parilla ACAB-DRIVER'S STOIRY. 411 was affieted for eight years with iSaIt Rheum. During that tire, 1 tried a great many medîcines which were highl y rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. was ai Iast advised ta try Ayer's Sarsa- parIlla. by a friend "'ho toid me that 1 inust purchase six botties and use themn aecordtg to directions. i yielded ta hie Cersuasion, baught the six botties, and ~ok tbe contents of thraee of these bat- S lies without noticing any direct beneflt. Betore 1 had finlsbed the tourth bottle, mny banda were as Free fromn Eruptions as ever they were. My business, which Is that of a cab-drlver, requi1res me ta be out in cold and wet weather often * wlthout gloves, and the trouble bas nover returned.1- THoK&s A. Jonxs, 8trattord, Ont. Ayer's infr Sarsapaill Le'aPille Cleanse te .owelai. CORREBPONDENOE -o10o Mr. Bon LePard, merchant, Udora., was hereonauSunday. The mnet nains bave appa.rently dons alot of good af ter tbe seveno front. Mias Hamilton,, aur popular school teaher, was visîtiug Bt Mr-. Wm. Bain's. Mr. Daniol Horne, road commiasioner, in arouud again after a sevet-e iluesa. Mr. Robent Sugden, of Mount Albert, paid Lhis village a flyieig riait on Sunda>' Darne rurnor bas iL that Ab. Weller in ioini t enter ntomtrimer>', but vei Mr. Thos. Pickering and wife are spen. ding a few wooks near Toronto, viallg thoîr daught.er, Mrs. HoLean. On Fniday, May the l7th, lise. Ham Pickering promonted ber haaband vitli a bouneing baby boy. Ham in elat.d wltii1 the gift andi walks Lino. degrees strsgh1 ter.9 Mn- M. N. Data. had aston,.bee on1 Wodnaday was gatbor.d a lot of the. barda heada, together for the purpose of pfàttlugý a atone waIl under hd& driring houa. sud Mt. York bas greatl yimprored.e5 he'. looarmof Lb. hoteý mand prrsem >' iw. eretion of a mw *vire feno,s ewp"u# and Platortà Mud 5,6 nV* rie poste, M". yps ed.. W. «he'litù ...LS.L etpi- sOrelY t.mpted the faiLli vanishes. ne also showed that the. "de, l présente hiinself in varions forma, for instance ho believed th. devil was ini hie mare smre. imes as ah. wau harder to drive smre woeks than othors. This is the firet ime 1 have heard from the pulpit of the "dovil' boing in the heart of a horse and would adviso Lb. pastor La let the writor have her and se. if the "lold boy" car't be removod root and branch. TAUNTON. Miss Florence Adair, wbo bas beon in Toronto for tb. past fow months, bas re. turned borne. Mr. W. Stainton of the oity is borne for a few daye' recreation, prier te taking bis exarninations. Mr F. Hodges, who bas been a rosi- dent of tbis vicinity for a number of years, has gone te England. Hie dees net expect te return. Mr. Geo. Armstrong seot Saturday and Sunday at Toronto Junction witb bis brother, wbo ije lying st tbe point of deatli. The Rey. Mr. Edwards, of Blaoksteck, preacbed an excellent sermon te an ap- preciative congregatien at Zion Sunday evening. The choir rendered good inusie. Preparatione are boing made for the ceming tea, June 2nd and fird. A good programme is being prepared and last but not least an excellent tea wîll bo served for wbioh the ladies of Zion have already gained their reputation. Inspecter MoBrien visited Maxwell's school Tuesday afterneon. Ho gave a glowing report and was greatly deligbted with tbe pragnes eff thepupils. Ho said it was an examplary school. Mr. Was. son is ta be oongrattxlated on bis succees as a teacher. Hie cert.ainly je a werkor. The trusees have purcbaeed a now pump and are aiea erecting a new fonce around tihe yard. Arbor day was observed by plantitng a few trees, se the appearance of the school will bo gononally improved. vate affaire. W. could "es 'LItu veryii*0 snd corner cf hi. farn,;. esfécially-l around the. bouse. Space wi Il Dot p*tni1tiri to give ail deuails, go0vWe shalh usmenion the dalry wvhlcb le largely managed by ',$rsw; Rose. except mllking, and wben ?4r. Rose' is very busy sh. attends to that, too, ýLat; year she sold 981 lbs. of butter at an average. Of 20 cents per lb. 81î86.20, from 5 cowis, and 3m0 iba. since ist Jan. this ear. Soea may say that ail this means Iots of bard wortc, but it does not trouble Mrs. Rose Èls they have everything arranged to save labour. The dog does the churning as pleasantly as you please, while she attends to her other duties. They usually ship their butter ta private parties. We could flot but admire the worz done by Mr. John Brown, who has been in the employ of the Rose family for over 25 years.. Every furrow hie plows is cut straiglit and even. He lhas a place for every thîng and every thing is in îts place. Who would flot like such a man. AUDLEY. The question of a gardon party for our S.S. ie on the board for discussion once more. We would like to soe, when otir meeting takes place which will be aoon, a large reprosentative crawd out. If we deside to have one we muet do go, intoii* ding ta do. aur share in Lhe work. Listlessnese je too comrnon in aur ranks. Wby flot have as decided a succese and as great a financial showing as in former years ; If the enthusiasm cannot be awakened and more vim put into the work do flot let us hold one for they will do us no good. Now the agitation je etartod, lot every one tako part in a cool, interusted manner and uaL allow hotLer parts.of our heads ta humi out aur good intentions, Messrs O 'Grady and Orvie spent the 24ih at the Woadbine. Mn. Vincent McBrady and wife of Torouta spont holidaya bore. MNise Larkiu, of Toronîto, i8 visiting at Mr. Timotby O'Seany's. Mr. and Mrs. Niai. of Kinsale, wbere Lhnough bore on Mlonday last. STOUFFVILLEC. nopbew F. M. Cbapman spent the bh- For same imae Lbere bas been consid- day, in Bowmauville. erable agitation at Ballantrae in rofer. Most of aur residents bave seen Green- etice ta Mr. MoLean, Lb. publicecheool wood at one af her liviest imes and teacher thero. Soins ime ago b. was in report fair and square doalings. W. the habit of taking liquor toeoxces but thiuk aurlAudley football boys did well on action being takien hie certificat. was and are îîow beginniug ta show tb.mn- euispended by the minister of oducation. selves. Practise for perfection boys. However, on bis subsequently signing a Lot everyono corne out ta Lb. practiso. soleu declanatian tbat ho would for tb.e_____* future abstain froni the use of intaxi- un hns cants lie was ro-instated and resuuied hiesun Tins schîool thene. On Saturday last lie was eumaoned bofore Inspecter Davideon ai GgsSlmd 1 a h e North York on tbe charge af baving lGags-i iselfmade is a ma n h e violated bis declanation, but of tewi tue h e n iii hims.lf. Wa organs-T e h nesrses summoned enly Lwo, Owen andmet he i o ixtt rtifdlfranif Edward MeQuillen, Rava testimony , Lb. others nfusîng because there were no Trolly Car Conductor-SeLtle uow, or funde with wbicb La pay tbemn. Tbesegel off. Digunified citizen-What do yau twa witnosses, bowever, swore ta hiesiîav. take me for. sir ? Coaductor-Fî' centa, inu drnnk.liquor in tbeir presence on cen same as auybody else.4 tain occasions since the declaration wae signed. Mr. McLean, aftor thi. investi-- J udge-And you are accueed of tbrow- gaion, caused both Lb. witueeses to be ing a rnug of boer aL the plaîutîff. Dofen- arnested fer pejury and Lb. case of Owen dant-Auybody wha knows me will tel McQuillen was commenced before Jus you that le inconceivable. ices Sanders, I)ougberty and H. John Wigwag -Thon. i8 as leaet one timo of stan, of Stonifyjîle, on Tuesday evoning, Lb. day when I am sure of my standing. Aftor examining Mr. McLean and sover- Hobson - Whene tbat ? Wben I go ai otbons, owing te Lb. lateness of the home at 6 o'clock in the -trolley car. bour, Lb. court adjourned ta meet again FmtWllf ,.. Trwcrcc>tll on Monday Iioxt in the Mansion Houe at 1 30 p.m , and at 8 p m. the sanie day the case of Edward MeQuillen will be beard. T'he Wheel. Thé~ magnitude of cycling as a pastîme isbhard te grasp in b8. end of the con tut-y daye, wben one is told that "eveny- body" is now a wbeelman. Witbin Lb. last fine years Lb. pepular craze bas ex Lended toalal civilized countries on tb. face of the globe. IL je in Ameica, bew. ever, tbat Lb. greateet pt-Qg-roehasbeora noted, and in cycle construction Lhii co,întry new loads the wonld. ln 1885 there were but six maakens of cycles in this country, witb a total. output estimat. cd at undor 11,000 wbools. Fivo years later 17 manutactories turning out in Lb. ueitgbborbood of 40,000 wiieels. From 17 to 126 is an amazing sLnid. for a period of fv. years, but the. latter sum actually re- presonts tbe number cf factoris turning ont bicycles iA.merica Loday. An out- put of nearly 600,000 machines is tbe os- timate for this yes.r for Lhis country alono. A territorial division of the 126 cycle manufactures shows that tb. Ern. pFr Stato alan. bas 25. Tbe New Eng. land states have 24 between tbem ; New Jersey, Ponusylvania have 15; Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, 85 ; Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, 27. BeLwen 18,.i 000 and 22,000 bands are omployed ini these fa.otories. Snob enormous inter- este, growing at the present rate, cannot fait in a short Lime Le take the lead and set the paoe for domestie manufaoturing tnades.-'i'ribune. Iii was Mtated hore the. othon day by a man from Markhani that nearly 1000 in- feriez herses wore kiled ini tuut towahi diue, lait fait, th. owuers finding itchbeap. er to despateh them in this way hato fed tbemn. Th.e "h uin cm es wu fed $0 the bogU mmHrssbaveben Ibmn- oedl ont elmi y in luother parLaof th. oon ntr heeU 2,foyer uMarket- ab. bomeIn Ontarlo Ibsazther. bave beso. forevera resvs. lb. seem» to be tessa on te Ml tbt the. eXpet. rime inu:preis 1.vesli ono...P l ai au of m cm tu Ci* MO tees. A shorttia 1ii the àm a gr. G..~of o!5h1 Mie Western holdis up ber train. Sec. ond wall tlower-It ought ta como natur- ai, for Lhey eay ber father started life as a road agent. _____ Emily, if William ta-day asks yen ta manry bim you muet tell him ta speak ta, me. Yes, mamma ; but if hodoes not? Thon tel im 1 want ta speak ta hum. Mr. Fosdick-I want good tea. le that gonuine Bohea ? Honeet, new ? Mr. Peck (as ho weighs it out)-Yes, air ; I wiil guanantee it. 1 behieve that beneet tom je Lb. beet pehicy. Mrs. Bellefield-Mrs. Oakland bas a great secret. Mns. Bloomfild-Ob, no 1 She can'L bave. Why net?2 If se had eu3e would bave tald jrta me. Gent-Mademoiselle looks more beau- tif ul oveny day 1 Lady-You bave been telling me 80o for a good many yeara ; whist a baorrible frigbt I muet have been ta etant with. Sa devotodly does Lb. Bubite lave his native city that wben ho cals ta Lb. tele. phono girl, "Give me Boston," be in- variably adds iuvoluntarily, "or givo me deatb. " 0 Juetice-You are cbanged with stoaling Col. Julep'e chiekena ; bave yen an>' wrt- noes ? Unche Maso-I heb net ; I don't steal chiokons beo' witneism. New wernan-Wohl, I rnarrW ed .oui> man who nover told me beloved me 1 OId woman-Why did yon-do that?2 Now wornan-Booauso 1 thouglis h. ought to - bo convortod. Apuc-I think Hr. Sua, in horrid 1 He amked me for a kima the oaLler ereiu aud cf course I1s&Md no. Gladysm-.Wh did ho do thon?1 Agnes-That's& just ib. Ho didn't do anytblug. Studepte-8everal ofM a>'iondsa"e co tig edine hire o se 1' vet* a b1 tal.q Bine HOsk-Jusî lÃ"ôok t tuia one air, Fifteen perooùt could îep quise coaf«ortbly tunderSt W.!,dmd thé go-s$rdSsa 5h. frînagI aifrme aala.l., fJaa.. m~'~h'lse thé doctor >~*r. HAIDa<I-Ms. ashcroft has braggied again, to-day about keeping ber boarderssâo long. ru. Foraweek-She doesn't really k O.p thern long. 8h. keepa Lthem go thin that they look longer than Lhey actually are. Annie-Mr. Flitter je euch pleasant company 1 But thon ho says suoh hato- f nI thinge I Ho aotually had the audacity t0 tell me last evening that ho didnt tink you weroe tylieh. Maggie--You calthat hateful? You sbould hear afew of the thinge be says about you. Another Township Heard From. ED. CHRONICLE- DEAR SIR,-We were ploased to read Mr. Givens' letter frora Mara in your papor ]ast weok It bas the rigbt ring, that af a fariner, a Patron, and a patriet. I tbink it was Lincoln wbo said. "manv of the people can be fooled froquently, but ail of the. people cannot b. fooied aIl Lb.eturne," aud thie ie being verified by Lb. Patron mnove- ment. Tbore is a valuntary assimilation of the best and most boneet element af Lb. two ald î:elitical parties in Canada- that je of the farming and labo<ring and temperauce people. - Conservâtiveism aud Reform are unmoaning terme as ap- phied in Canada te the principlos of statoamansbip, and nianufacturers and capitaliste are in ne way tound by tiiese terme when legielatien je productive of groater dividende. Many of the promin- ont Consorvatives Qf to.day were Refermn ors previons Le soins of the many legiela- tivo enactmnts and vice versa. Mr Mawat'e gavernment lias some 4000 offi ciala interested in the bleeding of the Province,-al gettiug gaod salarie,. Then tbe Dominion Geverument bas iLs thoueands te fiiht fer their extension of office. Mr. Givens and ail other intelli- gent tarmers can e wbere bath the aId parties united aRainet the farmer's party, tbe Patrons, Le crash îbom eut. Eotb parties favor the combines aud the mono polies and receiving liberal campaigu funde froni them along wîtb the Manu- facturer.' Association backed up by men wbo bave made their millions aud wbo pay partizan agitatans on botb sides te write uewspapers articles te ratLie the fanonrs, betting thon gees on as te wbicb side will win. Just naw we find tbe ex- citement over tbe Manitoba scboel ques tien was uoing ou, tbe Standard Oil Ce., of tb. United States and Canada were quietly perfectina thbeir plane te bloed tb. people eut of $50,000,O000aud Lb. end Le not yet. Tbe sait combine is agairi at wark aud. Lrying ta break down the Patron refinery by selliug beoew ceet of production. Men wbo agitate will Le vveil paid but Lb. party cry is new played ont, for many of tb. best Liberal seats are b.ing cout.sted by Patrons aud strongly endorsed by Lb.e ntire Tory zernmunity aud vice versa. W. hope ail] farmers wbo bave any respvect for their calling or intelligence in North Ontanio wil nuite in one rnigbtv effort te elect onn candidate for Lb. Commons. Mr. McGillivray's letters appear more of au advertisernent for biniseîf and bis sboep bhan tbough tboy were written in Lb. in- terest of our country. Surely ho dees net claim political kim to the Ourran bridge boodiers, te McGreevy or the Con- nollys. If b. even condemnod tbe wrong boere would b. a show of sincerity. Pat- eons, laborere, farneos aud patriote, there [s a great werk for us te do. A Conservalive Patron. Brock, May 20, '95. New SuiS for 10 cents@ «"Thrare bMru Browa's boys ail out in new suits again. 1 neyer saw such a wornma Thcy arc the best dressed family in tawn, and anybody would think ber extravagant if tb.y didn't know that she did it &Ul witb Diamond Dyesý TIw b"yscloibS es remmd r e r ust old ones dycd over, whil beu own and the girls dresessrdyed oyat 8mm ay of the thei. ap*g fDsodye" Snow fell in Lond on, Easex and Kent an Friday. Skepticismn -This iï unn-*ppily an age of skepticieni, but there is oue point lipon wbicb pereone acqua:nte-1 with tho stihj-,ct agree, naunçiv-, ihat DR THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL je a inedicine which c.4n be relied tipon (f cure a cuzh, remnoved pain, heal soires ot variau. kinwis, aud benieft any inliinmed portion of Lbe oody ta wbich iL is applied. Ruseisaunouinces that Lî)rpeoes hav~e been laid et the. entrance of ithe barbor et ladîvo- stock. SatWsactory Replies. A Larked increase in the Sile of the New DETRaIT, Mich., M.ay 20-City druggisis bers report a great nuinber of enquirios with regard to the specific remedy tor Bright d:s ease. diabetes and ail forine of kidney com- plaint, knawn as Dodd's Lidney Pille. A partial inves3tigation has shown that in every case tb. repiy of Lthe druggiste ntahLb.questions of their customers have been highly laudatorv of Lhe reinedy sud thiat they have heen able ta cite meny cases train their own persona] know- iedge were thA mont signal benefits have beau denived f rounitis use. The resuit has be5Ki a very mnarked increase in the. number of sales MadA and several unusuaily large orders have been gîven. Coal baudiers of Lbe Dominion Coal Co. at Hochelaga have gone on strike, UUnard' tUiment Lumbermaas fr1ten. inipefg is didoussing Lb. advisability of paviug iLs setreete witb brick Why suifer f rom wosk nervee, want of ap- petite, sud general detbiity?1 letting Lbelama of sle.p and rest impoverîs h ie ytem and thin Lheb. blm, wben snob a reahy meritonî- ouffreunedy asN'orthrop & Lynian, e quinine Wine May ho bad at amy drug store. This article in rocommended by, the bigb.mt -moe-. bers cf, Lb. medical faonhty in caes of indi- gestion, gen"ra- debility, bes - et a )petiteï And torvous offeouio f &IIl kind& .8 s a. W6 ,poal beueftial to, cbildrou and Ideii- este females, sud-obusiness mon,otùdeùits,, sudthos. Wvh >vO'Much bralu wori W. would .say, "Neyer b. withen- t llI il) etrengtbe u enko.P your sy#m-lau rgWl.r order, aned omble yon teo s.sfluy gral'pia with -the wok onha . l . Near Pickering,*on' Wednesday, May 22ud, the wife of George Found, of a son. 0. H. Wrignt is now busy erecting bis sunmor cottage at the lake. The family will arrive as soon as the houe is oroot- ed, whîcb will b. in the course of a few days at rnost. A number of aur citizens turned out Tuesday morning and replaced the doad maple trees around the ire hall 1,ot, with thoso having life and beauty. To b. sure only a few of our villagers con8idered that tbey bad any interest in the affair, but wben the trees become useful for shade, the pleasure of sitting beneath the wide spreading branches will be con8iderod a privilege that ail have a right ta. We neglected last week ta state that Walter Thom, of Dunharton, passed his final examination in medicine at the Tor- onto University, while George Field was succesaful in hie firat year conte8t at the eame institution. We congratulate these young mon upon the resui t of their efforts. At the same ime we regret exceedingly te state that Mr. Thom was unable, tbrough ilîness, ta secure hie license ta practice for the medical council. The probabilities are that ho will have ta wait another year before socuring his license, although ho could have passed %vith ease, as hie standing in the univereity will show. The teachers of the district met at the Brock Road Bchool house on Saturday afternoon and oomploted arrangements for the union picnic at Rosobank on Fni- day, June 14Lh. The bis will be iesued within a few days,. when a complote out- lino of the days sport will bo given. These pie-nice have heretofore been a decided succeqs and there is na good reason why this year should be an excep- tion. Every parent is a8ked ta lend a helping baud in making the affair of usual interest. Durnîg the past year we have had frequent visite from a little fellow, of some eleven years. who resides with hie parents at Little York. il seeme that ho beaves home without the knowledge of his parents and romains here tutil bis father arrives aud takos him home. Ho is here thia weok, limping about with a sprained ankle, and otherwise looking the worse for wear. The boy doos Dot appear te ho possessed of a bad disposition, nov- ertheless, a short terni in the retormatory would serve ta make a better man of him. It is Loo bad that ho is allowed ta make these trips as upon each occasion ho grows more hardened ta the ways of the world and if not looked after will develop inta soînething worse than a wayward boy. wiumw THE IOST SUCCESSFUfL REIEDY FOR MAN OR.BEAST. *Certain in Itse efeota and neyer blistemu Xetad proob bbaby: KNILLS SPA VIN OURES ». B -J.2"M== TT JôoSm C., M., Feb. , Dear 81rs-Plesae Iend me one ai oHras Books and oblige. I have u=eda greaft des of your Kendall'@ Spavm Cure wtth ' lecc a a a wondertnl mnediacine.I once £ae thas ad an Oceuit Spavin and l fv b<ie ured hbr. I àeep a bo#i on baal mi tate.e Tour&Wy1, CEAi. POWmr. KENDALL'S SPA VIN OURL D)r. B. J. AUTCÃ" là ox , NID., Apr. 3, In Dear Sfrs-I hve ue sveral b4tIof iyour *"Kendal*s Sýl1fl re"wfth much mucceen 1 thlnk ft the Lit niment I cour used. Ham rew mncuedone Curb, one BIeo4 Spaviaa" Sifisi twa Boue Spavins. Have recosmnmendealLt to =eve & yfIends who are much plessed with ForS Babi>y s iDruggbura, or addrme Dr B T. KE.NDALL (COMPAN(Y, £NO$BURGI4 YALLS, Mr SUCK HEADAIi REGULATETHEUVER ONE.PILL ApTER CAM M E3 INSURES 0000 D iêïeStIr.1 For Twenty-Five Yars Mr. J. W. Dykeman St. George, New Brunswick. After the (lrip No Strength, No Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect Health. The following letter is from a well-known nierchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: "C. I. food & Co., LoweI, Mass.: Il Gentlemen - I arn glad to say that Hood'q arsaparilla and Hoods Pis have done me g great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip ln the winter, and alter gettlng over the lever I dld flot seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what 1 needed. The resuits were very satisfactory, and'I recomzend tlls medcine to ail who are afleited with rlieumatism or other Hîood's%,a;roigCure$ afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. 1 always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla ln my bouse and use it when I need a toulc. We also keep Ilood's Pills on hand and tlîink hlghly of thefiL J. W. DYKEm,&N, St, George, New Brunswick. Hood's Pille are purely vegetable, and do aot purge, pain or pripe. Sold by al l ruggiss

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