Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 3

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Taker Led Out Pairie s Kn0w -i F rom 1h e D ark Tlebos bugmideeo remvl fuitin- tfknt. ce may exlvLct no plume or for inembers ÏRia oative proffreps with V a l y Cere thie year. cofisderable sucers. This oci, ty houd VMr.le M.cherriesstadl irpo be oneO of the beet fiuanoially 101,1 other Mr. . MPhadenIr teailyin-ro ii bth;s distrîi .IsMluatip> 1» Such iug aitbough he took a v, -r PSri-il, - 1~>t> ~~mIIV~1~ ii~L>>. on Friday evening. If his medical ad obaed vie hav o e epuloed thgh. gruldobtie iialrg av ze rntb To T e Lnjoyrnent O rf vicehade flot eenfth e bet e wid Mr. A. Dobson has just put into the We have to report several cases of sick- whieh extends from the basement to the ness this week dne no daubt to the change roof and is about two feet in diameter. H ea Ith I of w>atherPeople should be very care- It isa dst pipe and collector :nd is to different kinds of temperature. spontaneaus combustion wbicb je of s;uch 21erv rComp und Saves a iV- fe understand that a change je to be frequent occurrence in grist mifl, the madJim nroowbyaw.\Vc anll-ryair being so heavily charged with fine n Norol C unt F rm r.pers-in 3wning a cow must purchase a partiales of flour. A large flouring mill 'n N orflk- ount Far er.tagfo the animai before it will bee show at Simcoe, Ont , was deStroyed in this ed to graze on the public streets. This way only iast Friday.m is according to the new law if *it cornes Mr. Alex. Morrison is almost daily the Gured After Four- of the Best D>o C- inta force. The eaid tag to coet the sum recipient of enquiry letters from different of oe dolar.pointa and some we bave been sown ofrsone dollar.d. framthe United States asking for cot - tor hai aild.Mr. B. Talbot who hias so long been a tage accommodation for the beated term res;ident of thie locality, lias removedi beside the lake. It is to be regrettedthat lk C'>urty, )iîtareo, ty (if your preparation knawn as Paine's with hie farnily to Peterborough, haviugorctzswoaepsesdo en vu'rai>ly kîîýwîi thaîî Colery Comnpound. It je now a year past rpnted hie tarin ta Mr. G. Glaseford. will flot show sufficient enterprise to fur- ii, otf' . This silice 1 had a severe attack of nervous Mr.' Talbot takes the best wisee of the ther this very promnising mneans of develI. ile age, was iii such prostration caused by chronie dyspepbsia, entire community witb him. opmnent by building and fnirnisihing a few -iiin-, ct)liltiî>i of andi fer a year 1 could nut sleep at nîght. Te work an the faundation of the new suitable cottages. There je good interest es anrd fniuîrîis were This coîndition of aleeples8nes brought Methodist cburch is progresasingy. The awaiting any enterprising individual wbo Four skrilled phvsi- un deliriunm. I was attcnded by four ut corner stone will be laid on thie first of wouid take this matter in baud. sîck ian that c,,ulil the beet doctors of the country, ard toak juîy. . Wbiie flour is showing a very marked s'as bevoirî t hein best a reat quantîty of medicine, but ahl fail. inclination to rise a large quantity of the [)1-,Liry MnRîtei s d te do mie anly good. Having beeîî per- Since permanent arders have been rearilintegstiiinttedoit es, Colery uîpîl suauled te read yîîur booîks 1 thuught 1 'eived for a catmp to be held at Niga own behaif a very rapid fail on Monday uil iliat siclýiwessand %aruld try yîîur Paine's Celery Ceni. tfie members of tihe bugle band have got at The large hopper from the third ,, and] a valuab,.> if> peuird; and after 1 had ueed fou r boutles r> glt down to business. Practice wili be for Iset.sd ofilbrrl udel 11111 v. Mn. I s>r. the nervousmiess aînd dyspep)sia left i îld on \Vedniesday evaninges at the drilloo bc sue oflbressdel hîemretit iof iSuileri ii,_, amndl1 hav>e doue more wonk slimie thaîî brîuging in ite fail upwards of two tons has h re s>ateimîîîts fer vears paet. 1 îîow enijey excellent In examiningy the recordsR af our town of fou bc a pedidsrmnt o vil ki>w lthodit healtir and curisider înYseif cumnpllietelv 1 frnu] tlat we are enjoying a distinction ly aver the lower floor. The iran rim of R. t1ai> k. t lYli. cunî>i. i have hîghly recoiîiiieiîded yeun ileit we cannot justly daim and that je the happer crashed through tire iawer Ils, etu xeî l'aine's Celery Compound to >4hers, and] as to berng a tliorough chîurcb going floor and depasited a large quantity of i kîiew if several pereuns wiîu are îiow peopîle. On Sîînday mcrning it rained a flour inta the basernent. For a while ,t pleasune t, addi il usiiri.g it. lotItte but flot ta the extent that the ma there was a generai mess. It was soon er rtîeeeisiIii, peîular- ýJority cotuld not have attended. 0f removed, however, and work went ou as course L know that somne have goad rea- usual. _____________________________________________________________ sons, but there was a noticeable faliing Deetgamsddjcinbscv ESAY. p1çutî werk te IPort Hope and w. îîoff inattendance i.u al four churches at ee hpesof em a ied ein bs o th unr. -\Ibert McNeil, of dîiî\ d> mume thene te Kingston. whIch1 the morning service. This ehould i3ot cricket club since Friday last. Ou that Lindsay onî busIneltSS. x'il colliplete the 0 ntariuî dcpartnicnt.. Let each ane try ta do their very memorable day tbey set forth in ail the inie in the evenîîrI, he Thc ie iîs will tic equ ipped with 4oft. best and then see the difference. pride of eiéperieuce sud practice ta show pocket-bouk, cuitain- pîla-ea nI. T. IL. Walshe. Brock's honorcd the juniors or benedicte haw ta play irs a8 mssing Ileand much esteemned clerk, who has cricket. The day was fine and the way mae is ei. 11)eATHA. sre]tistwn1p athu1 yfr h as fair but somebow things didn't seem ac i tpad ~ FB l~ spent Stîndav la:t ai t , owr otendive adbth esers Jamnes Iowe. telmeu .L.Bon ast-7 vears iý wonking han] on his taione athe fiend invieand b y thae ames Croimii ieft after bocks, gettrng the voters' 1list in shapetmehertiunsha benpad g the ruadway wîth R. Kîrhy et this place spent Sundav and other Ithings put inoden. Mr the getiemen of the first part discovered ein Lindsay about' indcr the parental rooft, Siloaîn. Walshe has been a faithful township that the gamne was becaming tediaus from MecNeil then vieîted Frank Rirhv an] S. Morgan spst o r n oniuss. the fact that their apponeute did ail the ardware store, wh ere Sun]dîv last with frrends , n GeenRivr* )fcr n otne o scoriug. As the shades of oveuing drew iaset purchase on the 1isJ.B eee\a]M '.te ' It is cur sa] duty this week to record near and the score stili exhibited a ten- MVr. McLennaîî had Nr.-.R ovradNiz lethc ]eath oft'.Mn. John Mellon, one of deucy ta rise beiug then in the relation e the door af ter hie18de- i 1nte t iIreeks oldest and rnost respccted nesi- o lt 7itwedcdd0oeutepa d1 the purse lying on (lents. The sa] event teck place at ta be resumed at a later date. The e uwmîer had il(- dithi- A] an Spears, jr., is the happiest hi.> residence, r 3th Cen., Brock, on seers of the club wiil go into active prac- g the sanie and was flldt>In town. it being a heuriting big Mlon]aN-. His remains were interne] iei h enim u rms e ifactorv 'result of hil» býv h Egih hrh-eeer ntable Waterloo ta their oppouents at the inteInls c.c creer nneit meet.-Express. J Brown.>herger an] his tue)]aught- WVednesd.aNy an] were followed te their____________________ ýen mîadle n the close C r> Spcnt a day ývIth E. B. Hooven's ,last resting place by a large concourse ehing imi Ontaroand Mtck atnpge Teento o friends and acquaintenances. DELICIOUS 1interest the anglere S Ignto-a rpt Trnoo Gleaner. ces A te reen Satnrdav last tci meet'some c f bis ol] VICTORIA CORNERS. C o m pietel y Few meni n Nerf>) are botter or more fa Mr. Josep)h Ro.lteî, gentleman, sorile Iil an extreniely alari health, that relativt fearful of resulta. ciang dîd ail fer the he >lene, buit a curev 1induced te ýîvO l>alll a trial, wrtlî the resi dîsease w'ere baîîîshtu saved te the eCui>> who writes fr the Wneiiand 1wernlell, vouched for lry two1 miinrrrterý, Rev. Tr. and Rev. 1). Wî'lliaii M lr. RIstoi sa ý s "It (gives mne real testiouy te the evtm LIN] )n Nieonday last !1, J allotville, visitilng t inr arrivai at his hoi discovered that h18s itig some forty della deternmned te retr company wrth M, Henry Argue and Jý nîîdnight, searchini lantern8 and arrivi day-break. Mr. D MeLennan & Cos h he had made is previous evening. juat stepped outide parture, and notice>, the side-walk. Tht culty in describlin1' plea.sed at the 8ati search -Watchinan A change has bei ---a Il- ton 1as- fIl Quebec, whl2h wtll of the two provmmc fi -,i . f 'h a f %a a la %àl c 15 ta June 30. The experiience of t rien]s fnem London, Eug. departmental experte je that thîs period MIr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Smith, of 'Maple. le tou long, and an order-mn-council has spent a daN. with their sister, Mrs. N.1 been passe] fixing the season tram May B. Hoover, a few days ago.t 1.5 to June 15, or two weeks earlier than Mrs. E. Burk, of Markhamn, speut a at present. The change will apply ta thîs seasomi. The departmentai experts couple of day-s with her brother-iu-law, hav mae aothr unge. tiotenngWm. Bunk, of the seventh concession, the close season by twa weèks will not Pikrng. rermedy niatters. What le needed je au Menue Buikholders raising passed oruler«in council fixing' April let as the off very successfully on Tuesday. XVe conmmencement af the close seseon, an] think it is the first of the seasen. prohibitiug the catchiug of fish through There will be several more, who will be the ice after let January. next ? MNI. Sam. Williamson, butcher, ha] an Frank Pouncett and bis brother unpleasnt experience Friday aftern oou. Harry were ln this vicinity on Tuesday NeN heu the hour arrive] for cloeîng hie be- ef Iast week calling ou their rny gati removing the meats to the cold star- friends. which they had made during age room iu the rear of the ' hop, sud their four years sojourn lu Canada, te after making a couple of visite the door, bi]d thcm good bye ere they depaated fitted with a spring iock, happened te t their home lu London, Eug. They close behind him, making hlm a prisaner. okteba nStra at For the firet quarter of an haur he waiAteokteba nStradet patientWy, expecting one of hie brothere DUNEAIRTON. ta returu after that hoeleevated the F. Dales is visiting with bis brother, callar of hie veet. (hie coat wae lu the D.Dls front &ho p) au] wiahed ta heaven it wueD.Dls Ju ly; half au hour later, when chilled ta Rumor reports a wedding soon of one the very marrow of hie bonies, with hie of our voung farmers ta the west of us. face glued ta the email window lookiug Neyer mind, they ail do it. out toward the sidewalk, hie eepied Dr. Miss Noble, of Whitby, wha bas been Lynch lu converatian wlth a frien] egaed as au assitn ece ee directly lu front of the &hop window enasitttacrbre Cheered by the sight, and feeling certain comm euced duty on Monday iast. of a speedy release, ho uttered a shrill Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carpenter spent "6halo!" but the saund faile] ta pene- Sunday with friends lu this viciuity. trate the thick wal af the refrigeator- Aise Miss Belle Smith is visiting at the at any rate Dr. Lynch di] not hasten ta manse. hie roettue. The deairo ta get out at lut Prof . A. B. Kent, the tra'elling tnîumuphed over hie fear of ridicule, sud electrician, gave'a lecture ini the school he shouted at the top of hie vaice, utter- house on Friday eveuing iast. Even a yelle that would have put a Comnanche dime novel will grow stale when read scalpingp art y te the blush, but etili Dr. tee often and we are çf the opinion that Lynch talÎked away unconcernedly, and that is the trouble with Mr. Kent'î never turned hie head ta looked ineide. lacture. The boys are deeply grateful inally, our young friend, realizing that te hi m for ma.gnetizing their cutlery and it wua fa utiotl of life or death, imahed htyugldisvrtanf lo the wiudow eash anîd erawled throt.g ha ort yurng ladyhesvecrty akfulalc Ho le now villini te wager any arniunt for turigon he emlectriciyrso Pease that if Mn. OHIalloran'S cold storage in answe ehrhml ryr Pes chamber can chilI a caresse in three Mr. Man let it go easy." What-doyou minutes, his refrigerator can do the trick think about it Rachel? If Mr. Keént in about haîf the time.-Poet. returfls we are sure the house wilI be BOWNAJgVILLEC. full te the doors--of eînptiness. Mn. Chas. Langmaid, -Solina, deliv- ered to Messrs. Hall & Williams Iast week three ifne cattle three years old weighlng 4,530 lbs. This le the kind of cattie to raise.ý Mr. J. L Hughes, school inspecton for Toronto, who by the way le a West Durhamn boy who bas made his mark in the world, complcted 21 years' servicel asinspettor luat week. The inspoctO for the Underwriters AsswcialiOIi v1sted our town on Mon-. day ýoîksPwctthe Pire Go'.outfit MA »lrmWa rung and the firemen çaUto out'.. ii i nlnutes frnnOe time the torhwas Uhted tbe -had a, od suream of water pla$ong and ln n n ' m*inutes from the tinte the alarm was fi* .vkres. , IWO Icam that lie w»0 vei Rbewnatis ecauW - by -luetta bbood atraoking th figbrou Oumof1 Keep your blood pm.e ad bsb yl Dnot bave rbolxoStl5,0, Zou rilla gvu thbh ood v"Ymýr toues the who odyt, ifs t, et the Uoo d &d bu u u I ai"odsPillra or.l2 emie eu"dtsslsoSç Md,- a tut The public echool pic-uic held bere on the 24th 0f May was a grand succese, and the parents have ta thank Mr. W. E. Moore, the teacher, for haviug tramne] his pupifs se well. Our Sunday school auuiversary will be held on June the tiret and second. A grand tinre is expected. The Uxbnidge chair wili couduct the singiug an Monday eveuing, although aur own choir je hard to get over, we will have a change next Sunday. Mn. Fred Scott spent Sunday witb A. H orne. Mn. H. F. Sanders and John Marquis were visitiug at Mn. Joseph Sanders, at Marsh Hill, au Sunday. Many of aur young men attended chunch at Marsb Hill ou Suuday evening, ta hear the famnous singer, Mr. Tobu Hawson. Mr. Wesley Actan was visiting with hie cousin Miss L. McCay. Horse Routes. by Jonathan Porter, P'ickering. Monday to ]Kennedy'e, bareline, noon ; Central hotel. Osh- awa, night. Tuesday, te Woodruff's hotel. VWtby, for the nlght. Wed.nesday, tehisown stable. Pickering, for the. night. Thursday. Gordon'e hotel, Picering, noon, and hise wn stable fan the nîgbit. Frida y to Highiand Creek fon the night. 85t>urdsy to bie own stable un- tii Manday. Terme,O$10 te lueure. Newday, (8076, R912, Clydesdale, owned by Wm. Bichandsen & Son. Columbus. Menda-y afternoolesbve his owu stable fan Brooklin and romain overnlgbt. Tuesday, go ' p~, Kinsaie, noon; Maddaordo,AudllOy, nlght.We:dnesday, Fred. UWrnit'i. neon; Pickering, nlght. Thurs- *da S~cOuire's, Kingetona road, neca; Wo&i. au" ubotel, Whitrby, pight. Pniday, -Craw- f oxth's, baselne, noan ; Central hoel, Oshawa, nlght. Baturday ta hie ewn stable until Mon. day. Terme 010 te mesure. Josh131111N * Aterowned by Jonathan hel, Wbitby noon;« Central hotel, O»bàwS', nlght. Tuesday, Raglan, noon; St. Chare hotel. Part Prr, Lg .Wodneedsy, Reuoed'Èa hotel, KaachegerInofl' Wiblu o e]o &h buru, nioht. Thuuday, éeb>ert'. hoto, bCk ln, nomn; Ptekerlng, nu niO Oj, P '1Iý*he Knox'§, Brook road, nomoii a Cre lght. Satur cday, Jobb e e41;o - % uiOn to bies w« stable until Xon4ly. 'Toru~iom t pior* pèz nosm; Ra nowu'5,fl es a4y nfiqoflstabl ýCOMuW)îa. IYI AZAWATTEB. TE AS, 15,0009000 Packe/s- SONd nuaiy In Grat Featherbone FOR GIVING STYLE KDSHAPE -TO- Ladies --Dresses% Skit et A light, pliable, elastlc boue made from quills. It je soft and yielding, conforming readily te folde, yet givIing proper shape te, Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Boue that may be wet without injury. The 'Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are oorded with this material. For Sale by leadiug Dry- (oods Dealers.I What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher'5 prescrilptIon for Infant a and Oilidren. It contafns neither Onumpn Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It ts a harmles5S ubstituto for Paregoricý, Drops,, Soothing Syrupa, sand Castor OU. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thfrty years' use by Mfillions ofMothers. Castoria destroys Worms and ailsys*- feverlsluiess. (Jastoria prevents vomiting Sour Ourd. cures Diarrhoea and Wi'id Colle. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipq2.t' a tnd liatulency, Castoria assimilates the foodý regula4e5 the stomach and bowels, giving healthy aud-natural uleep. Cas- toria 15 the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Frieud. Castori&. "Castoris la an excelent medicine for chil. dren. Mothers have repeatdly told me cf its good effect upon thiefr cildrenY" Dz. G. C. Osoou, lowel4 %Mam 84 Casoria la the best remedy for children of whic.hI arn acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant wheu mother Wllconsiderth r-' interest of.tbelr ebidIren, and use Castori a in- utead of thevaouaknsqumkIw&ar destroylng theil ovd one%, byforclQgOp1Um,4 morphine, soothlng syrup and other hurtfl agents dowfl their throati4 thereby sedng tbem tO prematbure graves." Dz . P.. KnommLou, 1Conway, ATIL Castori&, "Castoniassowelladftptedto.ChOMhU»B Irecommendt as5uper1OtO5YPO" IMID51M lto Yfl.1% "our phydsii n the cbfldrei%*t de8uB. ment have spoken hhIbtÎofettheir .pe. ence La tbelr outade PractWice *M=ukila and althoqgh VO only ha»Ionog Our~ mediel suppll what la huova sa regular' products, yet we aie fres to cnfep taîatbU mneniteof Castonla baswon iw t. look witLê favorupit." U MTID HOSPZTýA » rm a T Âu.zNet. Smil, Pl%*$ > Thte CatfflmÇomuasis, x SevereP et red byè, iOI lm 1 Ce

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