Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 4

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-- I -~ P'ii RESH-GRtOUND IURCH'8 INSEOT POWDER Por destruction of ail leaf-eating insects, in >t~ pound tins, loc. English Paris Church's Potato G ree n.1 Bug Finish 21. cts. per lb. d. E. WIL LIS Chemi8t cd Druggist, Medical Hall, Whltby.1 Sir. 0. Mowat sailed for Sngland titis week to look alLer thé interesta of the Prov- ince of Ontario ein connection wlth the ap. peal to the Privy Council against the righti of the Province to pase prohibitory legisia- tion. At the same time a case wil be argzued wherein the rbewers are appealing to be relieved of paylng for license to make beer, and then excise isa ter the liquor is brewed. On Frlday laut the jury in the Hyams case at Toronto falled to agree upon a ver- dict. The members of the jury had no hesi- tation in stating that tbey were unanimous in the opinion thai the Hyams are guilty of the murder of poor WillUe Wells, but ate: spending seven hours in vigilant eflorts to find a fiaw in the evidence they at last suc- ceeded. Of course the murder was plotted and carried out in secret, and the crown had the usual almost unsurmountable difficulty of connectlng every link in the evidence, but a better case of circumstantial iestlmony one cotuld hardly expect 10 find. The>jury found a loophole, however, and worked up a disagreement so the case stands for an- other court to go over the same ground again. Every year about this time we become so disgusted with the verdicts returned by juries that we find it necessarv to advocate that a few hundred jurors be killed. Men go and sit an cases sworn 10 do justice be- tween the state and a oul murderer, and to render a true verdict accordipg to the evid- ence offered; but if ihat tes iimony does not WHITBY, MAY 31,P85 theniselves was present ut the lime of the ________________________________murder and saw the killing done. îhey can- Amsother T@w&p Herd Ipr. not arrive at a verdict. Since judges have Almost every week loir monîhs past we have become free from governmenî control, and ample justice can be had at their hands, the published lPng or short letters from thosejuyhsgaal dtroteinoa eugaged ln a potîtical newspaper fight in jusr lha grada deierforaîed eino a ]Northi Ontario, free-y according al the space mîsearae humbug, . a vie fo efiectin demaded.Thearguent as een eryonly a hindrance to the punishment of crime bot, but conducted with a proper display of and a costly nuisance as weil, we have no mnany, atrotiefeeing eac wrter hesitation in advising people to kilt jurors mRnY. atroti felig, achwrierbeing on sight. It is bad enough to have murder- governed by a desire for the public good. ers running ai large. as heroes and heroines The end la not yeî. apparently, and we stili ta be almost worshipped by a debased, bold our cotumns a pn ta anv who wishi t ignorant and curious people ; but the jurors emulate the style oargumnen t already used. who give oul and treacherous blood-spillers But Just here we shaîl say a word ourselves. a certificate of renewed citizenship we can- The chief theme of the members of the flot tolerate. Vigilance committees should Patron order who have written letters is be ormed, and efficient detectives named ta poliiical partyism, which îhev decry as it find oui the whereabouts of jurors, and upon lias existed in the past, and there have sight they should be dispatched. alaîo been a few personaliies between them KINSALE and Mr. Jno. A. McGillivray, Q.C., which we are glad ta state have been dropped. HarrN Dixon, of Toronto, spent Sundav The Patron writers pitch iibt part)' poîitics here. wlbb vigor and unanimity, and declare for John Medd, of Prince Albert, was the guest Its overthrow. The CHRONICLE has no of H ugh Mowbray on Sabbath. Party leanings, but has some views ta ex- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Miller and daughter press upon the results oC part> governnment spent: the 24th at C. J. Stevensons. Irnth is country. Canada is one of the largest courres in 1Wm. Newtod has aCier a long time filled the wortd, and is new and very sparelv in the dangerous drain on Main St. populated. One would suppose htfo T. N. Stephenîson and family, of Pickering, these reasons it might afford a great field for passed through our village on Sabbath going Iawlessness, ithat liCe and libert% and pro- east ward. periy wotld be in -eopardy ail the while. Miss Bella McBrien assîsted on the pro- 'Yet Bo well is :t gov crned that ntri e rosi gramme ai the Greenwood concert on the remote territory perfect order prevails No evenîing of -25th. country ever enjoyed siicli se(.uritv, r Was Mrs. Judson Gîbson is at present under blessed , ih such sîrong anîd inmi)ar t ial 1e x - IDr loore's charge. La grippe is said ta be erciqe of authority. The peopie are pro.- the trouble. isperous and happy crime is infrequentt and is quickly puiihed ,life, lib)erty an(] A3lf,,d Saèlto-n wears a fatherly smile again. property are safe Ný other countrv ever It's another girl. Girls are real nice but a Kor ay asort hf ;ehhave no atnarchiss, b o wasnch desired in hs case. noiranysor of oliica rev Utonits. r. ateon, f Bougamwill be in Kin. Britain is lheld up as a mode], y et reformi sale on T'uesday and Friday afternoons of2 bas nmade more progress ntri e century in each week. Hours 3 t10 5. Offce at Mrs.i Canada than in ten centuries in Eiîgland. I Jane Brgnals'. Thoughi a young country we have mighty The two beef rings are now in operation, and successful business enterprises. In one receiving their meat on Wedvesday, the railway enlerprise Canada stands f rst in other on Saturday. Mr. Gibson does the the. world; in ships third ,its banking killing. Some talk of securing an assistant.d system le safe as an>' and seconîd to none 1 ts educalocital systemi is inrayrset Mr. Ellott and Miss Florence Mactrie, Mr.c the world's bes '., its laws weill.îigh perfect McCultough and Mr. Chas Mackey were$ aund bonestly administered. its public service present at ihe R. T. of T. concert given onb efficient, its mollo. order and progress. 241h inst. in Columbus. A good lime te re-& Suret>' this immenst7 country has flot been ported.y taken rom the howting wilderness and so J. N. Hortop atîended the annual me1eting transfornitd ini a Century hy a sysîem of of the Ontario Mutual Insurance Co. Hehas partizan scheming and villainy' Rather been working for it for the past Ccw yearsB svould oile believe that our country must and reports everyîhing workipg satisfac- ti bave Leen made thus by the highest order of torily. % 'l patrlotism. We are bound ta be'ieve sa. The township S. S. cooventiontakes place ti When we look abroad and note the tyranny, at Brougham on Tuesdav next. Totbbcsame 8 the wanîon, merciless, persistent misgovern- ail Sabbath achool workers in the townshipai vient and refusai of right and liberty which are especially iavited, and use their influenceb exist in olher counîries, and then look over or the promotion of the cause, cea Our own hîsîory to find the rapid, earncst, TeQensbrhabwsrgtrylyt constant, and full extension of liberty and Th1ue' itdy a ib oal ceîebrated b y most of Our citizens. The ci protction sccured ta us, we are bound ta business ceaires la îown wereclosed, mso rejoce and gratefutty îhank God that Can, m ouae ledn bcgetGcaotof adaa bas been btessed with suchlust, fth bailpopuaent etc.the ay Gews aI pabrioîic, honest and abte tatesmen. fotatou e dsied n evTeybdy wrail The two parties are as <tear ta us as are ta ol edsrdadeeyoytre any insiutions we have, or ever can have, out. Such grand and noble rivalry for the bonor Mrs. Mackey, one of the oldest residents in o<'çontrotîi,'g affaire, atteaded as it bas been of tItis place, waa quietly inlerrcd at tbe b y surh enormous self-sacrifice on thc p art union cemetcry on Wcd nesday of last week. i -of leaders, should be accorcied the bigbesî She ha. for some months pat been quît. un- M place ini patrîotism, and future historians wcll. At time of deatb she was visiting lier T, will suund the praises of our public men lu son-la-law, Mr. Clartrnon Rogers. and after ti tmmortal word.. being there Borne few day. gradttally got Statecraft, litre other things, ha. ils worse and peacefuîly crossed over to join the ila crooked and dishonest adherents. We have great majority Mrs. Meckcy was a resl- lied this trouble in our pollîlca, but bbe dent of =Zsaleor ncarly haltea century, and l viiace of legistators bas forccd lit1t an mnade many friends duriag this time. She ot and il wil pay the. people of Canada was a most undustrlons woman, always better bt isten to statesmen wbo advo- working and wus respecttd by ail who met ad vaacement tbaa 10 howlers who sbout ber. She was a stauach foilower ,f e bei-y and wbo kaow noîhlng cIme about presbyterian church for a gres.î many years. $iIs.it I. easy 10 reacb' the shaltow Her remains were followed by a large cou-g wldwiîh a cry, but Our people should course of sorrowing elàtives aud firends to ci calmiy and earnestly pusb forwerd the thse grave. Thbequtes was couducted roi country's developmcnt, t: usting to the honor by Rev. McLaren fComobus. pe Of o.pr public metn, now that our service la Teetrane ntecuc nWdp Afuly organlzed, to stansp our poitcTico- i. ayentertunmetOflà«tis churci ued k ruption the same as other <vils. na s e nlog ofeaspicecks de=e *S Our poitical parties have cirer hicen reaclyd sucs udofh upie thse eporb an ager ho take up a reform à efnd pu 1, jt lge, asslsted by the. choir of th* ne hui, Rev. D. S. Houck and wlfe and Maîtqr MerdtrtTeukey attended bhe Qoldqii 'Wed-. ding of Mr. Houck parents ln Brock on the. 241h. They report an excellent time. Visibors: Misses V. Farron and M. Elmes, Toronto; T. Robbis, Jr., Woburn; Misses A. Cawker, L. McLeau, N. Hall, L. Hoskin, Grace Trewin, and Mrs. E. N. Gould and daughter, and W. G. Trewin, Bowmanville; A. N. Mitchell, Peterboro; Mr. Osborne, Courtice; Mrs. Remtner, Pickering; Mrs. Walt, WhiLby; A. Tam- biyn's family, Orono; T. G. Virtue is in Toronto; P. W. Lee spent Queen's Birth- da), in Toronto. Anniversary was a success, the tea an ex- cellent one. Ver y enjoyable was the miusic by our much pralsed orcher-ra and the lni- splring singing by the school. Dr. Mitchell preslded over the meeting and the program b y the achool was so good that the absence o. f ek ers was not greatly feli. Rev. G. HCopeland. Newcastle, rendered valuable service on Sabbath ai both niorning and evening service. The singing on Sab- bath was better than on Friday as they had their efficient leader Mr. John Stainton in charge. Proceeds $So. The laie Mrs. John Stainton, sr., died at the age of 76 years ater a very brief ilîness. She was laid to rest in Hampton cemeîery on Saturday 2,5th. The funeral ob.iequies were conducted by Rev. D.S. Houck, and a large number of rlends aît-ended the tuneral. The memoral service will be held next Sunday evening. Mrs. Stainton was greatly beloved by ber children and rends and hlghly respected by aIl. She was a fine type of Christian, devoted to her chu rch and to the spi ritual welfare of al with wbom she came in cont.ract. She was intensely anxîous for the progress of Christ's cause in aIl departments of religlous work. She always took a warmn interest in the Young people, and unless prevented by ilI- ness was a Constant attendant at Sabbath school. Her end was peace. Mise Linton is visiting lier old friende in Ibis locality. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bewell have gone or a ceevisit to friende near Colling-wood. A number from Sunderland paid our S. of T. division a visit on Saturday evening lat. Mrs. Walker bas been getting bier bouse re-shingled. Contractor Miller did the job., R. Watson bas been laid up for a few day owing 10 a ail frorn a building near Ux- bridge. Already the Methodist Sunday school are making arrangements Cor their anniversary which will be held as usual on Dominion day. Look out. Particulars later on. Quile a number attended the Marsb Hill aaniversary on Monday. Our townsman Mr. T. Cragg, made lhe speech of the even- ing so il je reported by good authorily. Mr. G. Byers blos a valuable cow the other day under peculiar circumastances. It ap- pears hie had occasion 10 lie the animal to a ence and in bier struggles t0 gel free see dislocaîed ber neck. Our carniage builder, Mr. Whileford, bas been as busy as a bonnet maker for some lime turning out a number oC fine rige of varions diecriplions. Mr. W. ie always up 10 the limes in bis business and any one lhinking oC invesîing in anytbing in bis Il is rurnored Ibat a certain resid eut of the northern part of the village, ater filling up wilb bad whiskeY went home on Monday nigbî and after abusing his wife, aîîempted 10 sel fire to the bouse. Now the question is where did the whiskey corne from ? Could il be possible that it carne from the cottage, even wilhout a licence. The Presbyterian S.S. anniversary on the 241th was a gad success. The weather be- ing excep IIll fine the attendance was ail tisai could Ledeeired, tise spacious church being crowded 10 the doors 10 hear the splendid music given by tise Port Perry Presbyterian choir, and bise excellent a2_- dresses by the various minisbers. Tise pro- reeds, încluding the Sunday offering and the after social on Saturday, amounbed t0 $iot. As the expenses are ligist there will be a good surplus wbich will leave bise fin- ances of the school in fine shape for anotiser year. Mr. Edward Boe leaves this weck for a visit to, his native country, Scotland. Mr. Boe is an excellent example of wisab indus- .r and pluck will do. 39 years ago he and pzarbuer ln lite crossed bise broad Ablan- ic (and in bisose days it was not biseylea- sure bripbisati ibis to-day,) wibisout friends and witis scarcely a shilling in their pockebs but bisey set to work wibh brave isearts, anc1 Lfbei- many isardahipa; and discouragements thcy are now well té do, in comfortable cir. -umstau,,ces, and respecteil by ail. Mi-. Boe's many frienda will join in wisising hlm a Most enjoyable trip and a safe return. Mis A. Stonisouse la on thc aick liat. Mr. H. Fursici- has secureil employaient In bte Osisawa Malleable Woi-ks. Visitons :A. T. Elîlott, Beaverton ;Miss rance, Millbrook ; Misa Lavis, Oshawa; Kisses Gifford sud White, town ; Miss ryie, Maple Grove: Miss Littlejohn, Cour- tcc ; Miss Bain, Zion. The junior Beavers foot #xal club orgau- ted with F. A. Cole, hon. pres. ; W. Horn, i- ; L<. Hastings, captain ; Frank Kena. aksec.-treas, Communication <rom Pau wbeatoo q9C ; s pring whcat, 9oc; ose wlsel, oc:- buckwheat, 00 43C ; bar- ey, alx-rowed, 40c 10o 43ce; bariey. lwo- >wed, 42c; t", SOC; cals, 36C to 38c; «aS, suall, 6oc; munsniypesa,60 10 65c; Sas, black oye 65c;b- o-6oy Iove, Alsikre 1 2510 $4;reil clier, 4to $6-S0; potalces per -bag. 65c to 7,5c;- *Y. $7 to 48 ; bale hay, $PO to $z2;- but- or, 12e 10 15e.; ne s, xoc ; dresied 081, 8.50 b 6s Iîv. els, The. folbowlu r vb54ocwb;egyjý Wkat More Can be De8ired Than those beautiful designs. that we are 0110 n i PRINTS, CHR&MBRYS, PLAIN &STRIPDZ HYS SATENSCHALLIES, DELA.INES, at prices away down. Space will not permit to quote priceis. Corne and inspeLt for yotirself. HOW nom~ o o o o o o o o o Sta. Cali and see the elegant range of Fancy Silks, used expressely for Blouses, in the following colors: black, pink, bine, oream, etc., at 50 cents per yard. A. fulli une of Ladies' Vests, ranging in price from 5c.,, or 6 for 25. Also 12j.c., 20C., 30c., 40c. each. Just received a new line of Beit Ribbon, purposely for sum mer wear, with buckles ini black and colored. Alo Beit Pins in black and colored. Another shipment to hand of Fibre ahades. Also Grass Cloth in black, »0Bargains to be picked JSTDREW Up in, our DR Y GOODS, Chamois ini three différent browm and cream. store every RO viol VIOT tioz FI day. ssBY WHITB Y. ELEARJNG SALEI For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to h Clearing Sale of new and fashionable Dry Goods. Ti thoroughly cornplete, in ail the latest novelties in the trade. wu *THE hold a grand fie stock is 1We offer: 88-in. wool Serge et 12)rc., 15ic., 20. 40-mn. wool Serge, faney, 25e., 80c., regular 40c. good8. 40-in. wool shot effeets, 27ec., 29c., regular 40e. a.nd 45e. goods. 42-in. wool Serge 48c., 50c., 55c. 45-in. covert coatings 65c., regular 75c. 45-mn. Tweeds 65c., reguIa~r 76c. Black Dress Goode at 25c., 85c., 40c., 50c., 65c., 75e., 90c., $1.00. Lawns, check and stripe Mualins, Swiss spot Muslins at low prices. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., Prmnts and Sateens. Duek Suitings at 11e. and 12ic., regular 15c. See our 52-in Table Linen, only 20e., better quality at 80e., 85e., 40c., 45c., 60c., 55e. Bleached Table Linen 67e., 80e., 90e. Napkins at-ail prices. 16-in. glass; Towelling 7e. Bolier Towelling from 5c. l8-i.n Hnek Towellig 12j.e. In Men's Furnishings everything tmp to date. '>Ien's Fedora Hats 75c. Mens liard Rats $1. Straw Rats for 25c. Men and Boys' Olothing at the very elosest prices and-of the best quality and make, equal to any custom made goods. It will pay you to inspeet our stock and prices before buying. H. WARREN, : NE W VOL UN TEÉR8' A TTEN TiON 1 The 34tb Battalion goes into camp at Wbitby on Juno i8tb. There arc vaÇancies fol a few good men ln No. iand 2. Apply to A. G. HENDERSON, or THEO. A. Mc- GILLIVRAY, Captains Commanding. Whitby, Ma>v Z4th, i8g5. The. Ontarlo Laitles' Colege. Ten4ers ýWanted.., Tmn for ans - r nU f the n&ttim.n.ý" DRY : GOODS HAYWARD, THE CHEÂP G OO] And wili be open- for,:b usiiieýs o MIýTHE OLDSTAND- oNT oç Go t Scoti Mr. Mr. reporte We bel worth Gent cheap , Now Conne,. Hard aI W.'2 The day art The the m4 last we Cal goode a M. Col Mr. spent t Dartnel Watc Diamor warrani Mr.C tric Co. week in Mrm. 1 days of sister, 1 Ladie est îhin1 new jeu Messi felt, Go< tbc cou: Diam of jewel CaUin lu Dr. 4 tise onl- ling ha -no slp Coal at very l et sised B. Tayl Mi-. R tween Northet tbis W, many a: in forma Hant? -Beion tiseAndi $13.5059 Mar. forl'usi stand, ion Wa The es moe 0i westhe Produe chie., WH ITBYY :STORE.*-e - AILE II . 1beg 4ic s"y a to Rive lheus prices qucte z90007§C, Pure Brook Street, il 1 of j up in . our SS5 m CLEARING SALEI B A Ci

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