Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 5

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Gyclists want to Kziow HOW PAR they go on a or diaing the season. given run1 HOW FAST they cover a given dis. tance. They can only do thia by spending $2.00 for a war- ranted, accurate, neat. dust proof Standard Cyclometer. You can get them to suit 26, 28 or 30-in. wheels from JNO. S. BARNARD, Whitby, who is also agent for VICTOR, gents' Bicycles, VICTORIA, ladies' Bicycles. OoIoa.l Conty orga.-Largst Circul&. tion of any local paper Lau Cuda FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Go to Guelph on June i2th. Scott repairs ail kinds of pumps. Mr. Guy Dartnell spent Sunday at home. Mr. Frank Bain, Toronto, is not dead as reported. WVe lelieve the frosts have done no damnage worth bowling about. Gent's cuif links and watch chains very cheap at DI)arond Hall. Now is the tirne to get a cbeap watch from Conner, the new jewveler. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at W. Tillîs. The county council meets here next Tues- day atternoon. The Ontario Jockey club of Toronto had the most succestul meeting in h.s history last week. Cali and see the grand display of spring goods at the west side boot and shoe store. M. Collins. Mr. S. Alfred Jones, barrister, Toronto, spent the 24th in town, the guest of Judge I artnei I Watches, dlocks and jewelry repaired a Diamiond Hall on shortest notice. Ail work w arranted. Mr. C. H. Burnham, of the Canadian EIec- tric Co., Peterboro spent several days of last week in town. Mrs. Burke, of Campbellford, spent several days of last week here, the guest of bier sister, Mrb. Burnharn Ladies solid silver neck buckles, the lat- H.est thing out, onl> 75 cenIts dt Conniers, tht. newjewelry store. Mesbrs. Wm., Nelson and S. A. Flummer- felt, Goodlwood, are here this week, auditir'g the county treasurers books. Diamond hall is no,.% open with a full ne of jewelry, watclbes, docks, silverware. etc. Cali and sec the bargaitis we are offering. Dr. (;raiit's 'Hairene," for the hair, is the onIy prel)aration guaranteed to stop fal- ling hair, and remove dandruif. No Iead, no sîiiphur. Ask your druggist for it. Coa.l at Toronto prîces. -4Selling out during next week-l will sel] very best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 at shed, $5 deiivered-spot cash only. H. Mr. Robert Swan, railway mail clerk be- tween Toronto and Gravenhurst on the Northern railway, ha. been visiting in town this week. He was warmly greeted by many acquaintances whom he had met here in former years. Hait ? Bel ore buying a spray pumip, be çure and sec the Anderson double action force spray pumap. The beat in the world. Ten of themn bought by the government for the ex perimental farmn. Only 813.50 ecd. L. Fairbanks, Wiby, agent. Comlig back to Whltby. flayward the cheap goods man will open for business on Saturday June 8th, ln bis nId stand, cor. Brock and Dundas streets. Do you want bargains ? Wait for bita. Sec ad- vertisement ncxt week.. Remember Domin- ion Wareroomns. E. R. B. Hayward. The effects of bot weatber. The Oshawa Vindicator of last wcek devotes more space to a tlsbwlfe tirade against tbe CHRONICLE than it doe to the news of thc whole town of Oshawa. The summer weather bas no doubt affected tbe Vin. man's chickeny mental powers. Product incsias.dtlu aise Chief Constable Calverley's farnous ben lias marked the returo of warm weather by an increase in tise aIde of ber daily egg. Saturday Iat WI a- marvelloualy fine day and se Seft one is thse iest weighing six ouoces. This shuts out competition until they lavent blgger hen$. Mr.cCilOig qCCOs dW. R. Howas. H Mr. Jno. McCu 1onglabu as rted tihe drug busîn#,tis bere as thse successoTr -Mr-. W. R. Howse mund w. doubt Det wlll dlsPlay the kath Yom front doors On Saturda last Mis. Rabt. Daines was out etaineigisb@is for a short ta., wlitout IoMkng tise boume> sud wisou mise turned (ound that s oiver spoon-bolder mortis $7 lied boot s sten (rom tise slde-bcmrd ln tise dlaiuni-om. A tramp wbo ws u a i-cud thero tisaievonlng bas boom qlsoesrrested et Ouhawet nsuspicion, but If It lesise rigit nmsehoha.d mma»eaway wlti tisearticle.Ho if sti l a Janl. Caar$sag iboWu loocorsa. 1 ;f tii Corin knsw cf the maulM vii-- tus. c( tse New Wll»m ée>u BdhID t.y' wo«1d î.eçitbe ndeps boss ta i lmtbalfrw WUSS p M Mr. ~( McGlIlrayToronto, pn several do," Oflast weekat home. p ou c a rt lm?911for every stove and furnace maselis Canada (rom J. McIntyre. 6 plece mo dnhut parlor suite, plush. with sllk plus bibnda, for 832, woitb $45, at W. Villes. Mis. Grensîde and chlld, of Niagara F'alls, N.Y. are in« town, the guest of ber mnother, Mrs. Gross. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Hamn and Miss Bessie Ham, Montreal, spent a few days in town last week and thîs. Dr. Christie, ex-inspector of prisons, was here yesterday to Investigate into the alleged irregularities at the jaîl, We are unable to state wbat was donc, but hope to bave a ful report for nert Issue. Messrs Chare Nourse and C. Macdonell, cf the Canadian Bank of Comnmercl, Toron. to, were also in town on Tbursday fIa week. Tbey left the next day frPort Hope returnlng te Toronto on Friday afternoon. Our werthy citizen, Caretaicer Hpe, rang the town bcll at five o'clock on Tuesdayi morning instead of six, bavlng made a is-I takeasto thse heur bis erratic chronemnoter was polnting te. These who rose and breakfast- ed as usual wben the bell rings found a long breath of morning air ahead oÏ them before working bours arnived, and were tbereby wefl repabu for the loscf an bour's sleep. At the saine time wc get along very well witbou' these morning snaps cf vigorous breathing. Thse Oshawa bathlng lUne. Mr. Clayion Johuston #pont tihe Queen's birthday At home. Bread bas been ralsed from ro to z2 cents per loaf. Mr. Wm. Epplett, Toronto, bas been in town for a veek. Mr. Wmi. Hczzlewood, Columbus, was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallet, Cedar Dale, wele In town Wednesday. The town council w.ill hold its regular meeting next Monday night. Misses Sarah and Ruth Hastings, Toron- to, spent the Queen's birthday with relatives in town, Miss Jibson, New York, and Dr. Elliot. Toronto, spent Sunday in town the gueqts of Mrs. Annis. It you want the best excursion of the season don't miss the "Model Farmn" ýon june iîth, 121h, u3th. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick linings'for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. McIntyre. The Whitby bicycle gang went out to Greenwood, via Audley, on the 24Lh.. Re- turning after the day's sport thcy took in the tea at Pickering. M.r. Jonat han Porter, Pickering, suffertd a heavy los. on Sunday last, when bis Clydes- dais stock horse, Royal Scotsman, died. Mr. Porter had only a few days previously lost a fine Clydesdale mare and htr foal. Mr. W. H. Greenwood, Toronto, ha. finished writing his second year exam. at We eckOccsio tevist Ohaw onMonToronto university, amd is home. Mr. W. daei ordercainto bebld it Ourawaown MoesT. Tamblyn, who is graduating, ha. done the long-talked-of batbing lune, upon which Ukis. 'ne ope vta eonanone i trolley cars are to be ron ail over Oshawa list f hoosp Swbythe.A. atro h and down tb the bat-bar. We aîways Rev. J ongeh Soe. A., astrin ofthle thought the line would b. built some timebpitcnrgto.S.Cîaiecle but as it ha. been long enougb in the pro- on friends ini town on Tuesday whîle on his jecting stages te advance (rein a horse car wayta visit hi. sister at. Oshawa. Mr. ine te P stearn une, and from a steam line Sowerby ih, an oId Ashburn boy and hi. to a trolley line, we feit that if Capt. Carter mnany friends there rejoice in the success lived it mlght possibly be delayed untîl that has atteîîded hi. efforts since leaving somebody would perfect winged mnotors, that village. wherewith tbe favored inhabitants of our Edward CarsweU, the famous lecturer. prospereus sister town nilgbt ride te their Edward Carswell is ta be in Whitby, Mon- daily bath upon thse "om cf the atmes- day evenîing, June ioth. His name and phere. But the die ha. been cast during t he fanie should secure bital a foulbouse. Parti- trolley period, and we ail rejoice. After ly- ulars next weelc. ing apparently dormant for several pcriods, Olc Rb the materialization cf the sche me bas breken - ob.Johnston dead. out with a force and encrgy wbicb is simply Robert Johîîston, of Harner. Corners, shoe- marvellous. As if by magic the streets went maker, a resîdent of this town since 1848, into a state cf eruption, and wben they sub- died at hi-, residence on Wednesday, 29th sided the trolley line was a thing of tlhe pt-e- inst., age 83 years last birthday. sent. A more skilîful and systematic Per- The Young Conservatives. formance in this line one would not see in a The Young Cotîservatives will hold a live- lifetime. The watering cart i. only stopped ly meeting on Wednesday next at their hall. a few bout-s. By the t,5th of June the trol- Mr. Rob et Miller. B rougham Mr. Arthur leys wilI be running aIl over tcwn, and by 1 insoGeno r .I.Hye July t t will have touched Oshawa harbor, ontn0rewod r .î.Hye whe wepreumea gandbatingcelbra Cannington, and other prominent Conserva- tion will be held. Then will be t e day of tie ilbepeet our enjoyment. We do flot suppose it will 1 O L C Commencement. be expected of us to get a bathing uniform The annual commencement exercises of in which to join the pretty girls and hand- 0. L. C. will commence on Friday, june 14th, some young men of Oshawa in the wash of' and finish Wednesday, june i9th. On the old Ontario ; but we sbîall do the next best last day a s pecial train will be t-un froru thing, and shaîl appear on that occasion in Toronto, and the corner stone of the new highland costume wh'ch i. well adapîed to college wing will be laid. Rev. S. S. the disporting of aur majestic figure like a Cbown, of Carlton street Methodist church, mermaîd in the surf. 'Ne shall endeavor to Toronto, will preach the baccaloureate ser- maire plain ta the public on that occasion mon. why the kilts were invented. Should the .TeVyg fteGre iy ctro neaI shaa ocoroe fo r t-Although Friday last was ail that could be ciation we shah tat oceorder wa onordc sired for a trip on the lake, only about one Wbity. e canotaflod t wal don îuîoîred took passage for Niagara Falls on to the lake whilst Oshawa people ride. the Gard n itv ad1,. ....., -t ti #h... Carrent Histot-y. Thie only magazine in existence desîgned prirnarily as a perniaiernt work of rtference s Current Hisiory,. A little over five years ago îî entered upon a field until than un- occupîed, aiming to supplement aIl otlier reading mitter by furxîîshing quarterly a conci se and systematic, yet at the same tirne repdahle and attractive, summary of all current affairs of importance. It has con- tinued to be in every sense a high-class, timely, and asefaîl publication-which qualities have been brougbt ta the greatest perfection attainable as the resait of ex- perience. Its reputation for reliabiiity of statement and freedom froni offensive bias of every kind ha. long been establîshed. In its treatment of affairs the due proportions of events are maintained, their relations ta one another at-e cleariy clepicted, and thse causes and significance cf important move- ments are pertrayed-the whole being charactet-ized by remat-kable editorial impartiality. We sbould advise alî car readers to make the acquaintance tf this valuabie publication, and add to their libra- ries the volumes of this recogni.zed standard work. The current number contains 256 pages of reading matter, and is iliustrated wîth 44 partrats cf pensons of premninent in- teret in ail parts cf the world. Space for- bide mention of more than a smaîl fraction cf thse topice treated ; but premînence is giv- en te tise War between Japan and China (17 Ugages and map); Curiency problein in the nted States; Working cf tise new Tariff law ; Allianca incident; Cuban revelt; re- volt; Hawaiian insurrection ; Nicaraguan and Vettezualan imbroglios; Silver question and the United States; Work cf tise53 Con- gressi; Brooklyn Trolley strike; Municipal Refot-m ln New York; Manitoba Sciseol question in Canada; NewfoundIand Criis; Election cf a new President in France; Armenian Atrocities ; Discevery cf Argon; and Anti-toxin treatment cf -Dipistieria. A fine portrait cf Frederick Douglase ferme tise frentispiece, Iolowed by an ably witten review cf tise remai-kabie career cf that noted refermer and arator. The Necreiegy and all tise other usual departinents are ful and aisfactory. (Si-Sa a Vear: sîigle numbers 4ocolts ; siumples io cents - speci- men pag es and circula-m froc. Buflaic, N. Y.: Garretson, Ccx & Co. publisbers.> A lie, muid o0»eto"hi t. Thse day the libel suit agilmat thse Wbltbv Gazette was witbdrawu, Mr. Brown cou- menced anc against thse CaRoNICLE.Tise de-mages are fized at $5.000. [t TCISSinsS tO be sten bow Uiec ctaven of thse CmKONICLE wll go witthe boot on the oter le. 0f course It le not Its firet b),(i- but luiiis straiteîscd clrcumstances It ;@ 1 Wgmttk i lng ta mctise croaturo wiiggle ont of iL.--i Oshawa Reformer, May iMi. Herevith iwk wedr therecet of a louter front Meuars. Do«wa& i~CwuImy 0s1I! citais, etc., Whltby8 camus or sttemtfco ta a paragraph, appearlng Je Our lait leu0, as reflecting upon tbis ascla standing of the publiaiseis of tise Whtby Coaoeuctir, andi aseklng a retractian, nadithreatgtP actiu for llbel,.lIf ther request i.ne gr*nWd. lat repy terto e ttrlyr.pudanYhilu= tihe oneancial standing fti said. We know notmigofV.ad bx» deie o a onie IL Thmef i la tis crst o(t"e CS*x001cWU* ta uese asr i-more ,vuhm=bWe lm lmtnaitn be hhàlàflim d» .1 from Brooklîn. The voyage waî a grand *onie, and was unmnarred by a single untoward incidett. 'e presurne the promoters are heavy losers through tilt suack patronage -ac- corded them, and hope that future efforts of ibis sort may prove more attractive ta the public. Oh for Everywhere. Oh, for cheap tickets ta and from England, Ireland, Scotland, B. Columbia, Manitoba, CaliCot-nia, ail United States and Caîtadian points, anvwhere, everywhere. boat, rail or o, ean, and aIl the boat fines via Owen Sound & C. P. R., Sarnia, Coiliîîgwood, Port Hope and Toronto. Also to Muskoka, upper laites and sea bathing poinis. Rates guaranteed right. Through tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brooklin and Whitby. Se Stephenson, Whitby, belore traveling. Missiona.ry ta India Miss McWilliamns, a returned mnissionHry from Indore, India, addt-essed a large gathering cf ladies in St. Andrews chut-ch on Tuesday afternoon on "Thse Womnen cf India." The addî-ess was deepby.interest- ing and bïghly appreciated. The ladies cf St. Andrew's congregation provided a lunch in the basemnent cf the churcis for ail pre- sent. Miss McWiliamns delivered an ad- dress betore the students of tise Ontario Ladies' College in tise evening. A troup cf gipsy Servians, wso cdaim te, be on theit- way te Califat-nia, and w'ho bave a hear and meonkey show attacised, tariad with us Wednesday evening. They at- temnpted t:) give a bear atîci mankey show on thse street and would bave hacl a very large and entbusiastic audience,. aniy tisat Chief Constable Calverlcy represented ta them tise pressinîg necessity cf the world cf ta-day, viz : te miove an. Thev stretciscd their can- vas by tise pale bIne waters cf Lake Ontario Bt tise barbai-, and gave tise denizens cf tise noble ward a show such as they had'read about, but had neyer scen. Removzg te Oshawa. Aîthougb intending to cari-y an bis photo- graping business isere as usual, Mi-. W. E. O'Brièn has faund it necessary ta, remove hi. famuly ta Oshawa, and a number of ladies cf thc W.C.T.U. invitcd Mrs. O'Brien ta thc free i-ediisg irn mon Monday, where a soi-t cf farewell Les was partlcipatwd la. A nuniber cf Uic ladies to*occason ta dise and give expression ta theïi teuse of thse lametue union sufiers in tbe remoMdalireM. O'neWho bas been aunsi-dent; worker, not oltepromote thefl peclal -objecta of tise unions but ao In worlrî of chauly which Uic union a3wdrakn oine beautI nover. vro presented t MM.' O'Brien. ADI ~ mdMa'ultbday. (Mn 1ios lHn t , ti etéi 1 If you require some new olothes, it will pay you to see the values- bei.ug offered by us this season. Our reputation for doing firet-class work iq well known. Never before were our prices 80 low. See our $10 suits, made to order. No need to buy ready-made suite 110w. Gentlemen, see our Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Sweaters, Collai-s, etc. be.. fore purchasing elsewhere. Prices mucb lower than at any other place. Bl1ouses and Chemisettes. 'We have ju8t received a new line of Ladies' Blouses, Chemisette, Corsets, Waists, Gloves, Hosisry, etc., ail marked at popular prices 80 as to make trade hum. New Dreus Goods, Zephers, Chamrobsys, Prints, Sateens, Drills and Duek Suitings. Special line of plaid Ginghams at 8 c-îts ; won't say what they are 'Worth. Came in andt see thein. STEART il" OTLR, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS IBUSI NIýFJS8 AND 's PROGRESSIVE, Why do we talk .... Cut Pries,. simply because competition i&- keen, increasing our business we must offer cIncreased W. G.Walters. I nducements WGo and to keep to Buyers. Walter8. W-E Quote a /ew trices with descriptions below. Our stock affords abundtance of real1 effective material for advertising'. We have no occasion to exaggerale, you wlI our goods. allwe say they are. and ,find In our Dreas Gooda Department our black Serges and Henriettas will draw customers and retain them. Our prices are cut ta, the bons. 38-im sik finish Serge only 25c., in ail coloru. Black Union Crqppon, at 25o Ail wool Creppons in black, grey, cream, apple, green at 50c. 811k and wool stripe Crepponu at $4.40 te $7,11 for dresu length of 7 yards. Auk to ses aur range of 44-i Tweed effects at 25e. ; a better lino at 85e. . They are excellent value and we show aur lins at 10c. yd., 22-in. wide, that should surprise you. It wMl psy y ou ta look through our Dress Goode, the collection ie the finest ws have ever shown. Lace Ourtains.-We start theni at 25c. which is only 5e. yd. A botter lino at, 871c. ; edgeu are taped._ will pay 60c. elsewhere for this particular lins. Ws have them at ail prie8, up te $6.75 per pair. You Men's, Youths' and Oildren's Ready-made loting.-Wo offer you ready-made elothing at.ONE-HAL?* cout of ordered goods, that are well lined, perfect fitting and lateut style eut. Men's Navy Serge , Suits- M,' $8.75 ; you pay $ elsewhero. Men's ail-wool Halifax Tweed Suite in fawn, light grey and dark -greya $6.50 ; a better lins at $7.50 to $10. Ws will be plesued te show you aur Ready-made Olothing whether you« want te buy or not. Youths' all-wool I1alfa Tweed Suite, te fit ages 12 te 17 yoars, at $4. Children'. Tweed Suite, ta fit ageà 5 ta 10 yoaru, at $2. iGJ A '. Few Special Bargains. D You ean't buy elsewhere 86-in. factory cotton at 8c. Cream or eolored Shaker Flannel only 5c., Ladies, iss black cotton Houe 8o to 10à per pair. 8 pair Ladiles' 40e..Cshmrere Hose- for $1. Me6n!s Fedora Hats 85e. Men's Fiannelette Shirtis at 25c. Double fold Cotton -SMeeting at 15o. 86-mn, Buteher'us Linon 15c. White VictorÏia LaWn 8c, do. l1e We a8k you to Cali and Etamine -Our Goodi n Pcs wi Oak Orohazd Inn And Oottages are on thse South tihare cf Lake Ontario, attise New York terminal port of thse proposed interna- tional railway ferry. They are amang a ýa"eont gxOwth of oaksma nqthe hiotel and beach unexoled for a surnoer resort. 'ù is kziown as -thse "isherman'a Pusa- dise." Thieo«are surf nSd stiU-watr bstblngt lbug en4 al atietesports. esU- tif ni drives abound. No mos- it vÏoes, "Thse. Inn prendds tlebutof ervcewlbh niod stain- Go- WLTERS» XUST 1RE- E Don't buy befox veet For l.w Cie5ý

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