Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 6

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<Prom a &tory by a Confederate offloor ini th. Blue and Gray Magazine.) lu the midat cf th. battie of the Wil -%rnsa ôMy ,'64, whllo tb. rear of rhusktetryeed'and Oflowed al &long th. liftssud hundreds cf bleeding soldiers l'y gasPing under the tanglod under growth which extended for miles along whrtt was known as the Plank road-in th. midat et- this confusion and uproar. theCoempany cf whioh I had assurned Comsmand after zny captain'a death was Ordored te change its pçsîtion frorn the spot near the roud wbere it Atd been flhting for an hou: ta a point baif a mile away. W.e beyed with military preci sien, and when we reached a ur riew point cf vantage halted near the roadeide for ti rost. As we did 8o 1 heard rom a thieke L near by what Beemed a groan from same one in pain. 1 determnîed ta learn the cause. Thîrty or forty steps from the road, in a perfect tangle of brush and Vines, I espied a blue unîformn on te grouind. Approaching nearer, I discover- ed a Federal soldier lyiag face dowa- wards, apparently dead. Pulling asite the brush, I knelt and turned the body ove: as geatly as I ca-nId, ta ascertain if life was extinot. Witb a groan and a shadder bis eyes opened, w-hile his lips moved as if ta speak, but no soiind came froin îhsm. l"Iasng bis head lglbtly, I piaced my canteen ta bis lipa, auid in a few moments lie soeeied iiuuch revîved 'What regituleat ? I a8ked. lu a weak voie be replîed, "Fiftli New York Cavar,' wilicb was coufirm- ed by the bras8 let.terts on lils forage cal) lying near. Hardeoned as 1 was bY scenes of blood and sufferiug, mv sy nîpatliies were dleep ly arotiaed as 1 looked in Liie iact- of the yaung soldier, for lie seem-d ioct more tban 2(0 years of ae-a moire ou, zIi~ taking a man's place und-ter itîan>s moat tryiag circuimstances; a fair, irank, bine eyed boy-, dyîng, perlîaps,î far froim hlome or friends "Il1ow are yot hunrt I asked. Pointînig ta bis biip, a sliglt rent and a blood spot or two told thse tory. Placini( him in as easy a posture as possible. 1 let hum for a short time ta reJoîn my co i tny. Fi ding everytbiag quiet, 1 called one of the men, and together we returned ta the wounded youth. Withs aur pooket knives we cut away the brusb and tangle for saine 20 feet aronnid him, and careful ly awept up thse leaves and rubbtsli, as fire wus raging in the woods not far away. We then buiît a isliglit ebelter of green branches above is bead for protection froin the snn, filled bis canteen froru the creek near by, and divîded auir rations af biacon and bread Aitli tim. Ile seemed very grateful; offered bis watch in retura for our services, wbîch 1 placed in bis poeket &gain, and, bîddîng hîm good-bye, Sromised ta see hum again, and went Eack tb My Company. For many liours more the coafliit raged and wlien the sinoke and dia had pabBed away, tlîoughts of tbe wounded boy in blue neyer again croseed my mind. Several moathie had passed since the incident noted above and I wau a prison. e: of war. 1 had been capture4 at Han- oer Court flouse and was hurhoed off te Elmira ta meditate over the uncertainties of soldier lîfe. Arrived there I found existence almost untoierably monotonous. Disciplinie was strict and the only relief upon1as1 Many_ came a-2ma-1:-o ef a friend aud assume the attendant risks? If so, lie a bit af white cord te the bottom button af yonr coat wheu w. corne nexti week. Confide in no on. else and destroy this." Inst.antly I tare ont the fiy-lef sud chewed il mb opulp. There %vas ne leep for my eyes tbat night What did this mean ? Who and what where theso people whc thus inter- osted theinselves in me? And why?2 Wau il a trap ? Ne ; aurely those two women couldn't entertain snoh a t.hcugbt toward a poor devil of a priscuer. These sud a thousand similar ideas ocenpied muy mind ahÀ throngh the night and when the reveille seunded I had decided te trust theni. Witbin a week îbey came again. My bit et white ribbon wua displayed sud wben my angel approacbed the put int my bauds a religions tract sudwith a meut indifférent look, passed on. 1 6e14 the tract carolesaly for corne moments and thon placed it in my brout poeket. When I found myseif asien. I oponed il tremnblingly. Ou a blank page, pinned inid., wau written: &Two wosks fxom Ibis date a womau with a red-berdae.d hauàdkorobief iu ber belt, will gÎve YOD a Ibm inen cestanasudvest. Camyth= te ou quartere, conosal themx, snd ratura ,=taly. An old mn, with gold *yoglaaaoc, wiII give yenn tc boés msa ooilar. Do hkeïwlse wi1hthece ud y*- *d liy th.e omma*44t.. aiwng William je pool, af BYrs.0W t4 vwt theb.priconar Ai »Mo 00spossibe, ýfsluot taoiIg At- 1#tîoàý pet on yqur upw **.and iWak oulU*t1 a 11 lb.dt, 1-i "dtg -Y'ua .1 -g'- fatal day. I wsc erful lest tome. 011 ehculd resd My -lhonghts ditI net ely oudanger myself but brn gx my fair bene- faotrosm to grief. At issthe day urlvd sud with the numbemsf visitera eutoring tb. prison Came îhi woman with th. red. bordered haudkerohiof. 8h. carrled sev- oral gocdl,y aised packages cf what ap- peared to, b. food sud distributedl thoin indiscriminately. As I approached, she gave me a thin, bard-presaed bundie, which I placed in my pocket, and, short. ly geing teo my quartera, hid il under s sinali wooden box which served the par pose of a seat, and imm.ndiately returned ta the crowd et visitera. I waited only a short timse for my eld mitn. There ho was, giviag ont tracts andî Testaments, witli a package ar two in bis pookets. As I dre w Irear hum, he placed eueetf he patckages in my bauds, with a beuedic- nîon, aad, baving lingered a short time, this was plaeed under tbe box with ils; aarnpanion. A ledions baîf-hour passed before I saw my 1wq angele. Coming near, th. young lady said ta me: "Heres a Yankee bat tram a Yankee girl. \Vîli s rebel accept il 1" "Na, mis," I replied, "but a southeru ge iti.- man will," and, saiting tise action ta the word, I piaaed il on my hesd, aad ah. uncancernedly went ber way, iianding a pair of haîf hase taoae, a liaadkerchiel ta anatiier. until I last siglît of ber. A lîtl.le later I was in my quarbers, tremb lung ail over. Shauid I try the risky ex- perîment now, or lter?2 "Now or neyer," 1 thouglit, in desperation, and donaed iny new attire. Dressed ai a citizen 1 paused a marnent ta collect mryseif, and stepped forth for freedoîn. As I walked acrosa the grounds inv heart beat sa loudly tbat 1 feared others would hear il. On 1 walked, mîngling wîth the visitors, no one seem uuig ta notice tie. As 1 neared tbe gale, \Valter White, ane af my fellow-prison- ers, recognîzed me. He was in the act cf speakîng when 1 drew my knufe froin mîy pocket, and, speaking loud enougb for the guard ta hear me, said : "Here, reb, take this ta cul yaur beef witb," adding in a wbisper, "For God's sake, say nothîîng. ' He understood iastantly. Passîng slowly tbrongb the exil, I sur- rendered my permit and was free.. Following instructions caretuily, I found a yaung in waiting for me. Withouî a word h. boak my arm sud we walked away froin the prison as if w4lahd been friends for lite. Finally my coin panian spake. Hie tld me bis naine wss Avery Chaunoey; the twi ladies who first met me were his melba: sud sister ; the woman with the red berdered handker- chief wus his aunt and the aid gentleman wîth the tracts hie tathor. Thus the whole family bad been enlisted te secure my freedoin. Why this kindue8s iad been showu me, tbis dangeous risk un- dertaken in iny behaif, he would ual say. Ail that be could tell me uow was that I was ta be taken te, bis father's resideace aad secreted in a don nluthe attic w bore I wauld be fre. frein danger sbould the prison officiais undertake te, searcb far me. This programme was carried ounta the lette:, I still wondoriug wbat il meant and wisbing thal I might catch e, glimpse et my augel, whomn I had not seen on entoring the bouse. In Ibis den for four or five daye I was kept a close prisone. Young Chauncey was meet attentive ta, me, vipiting me several limes daily, but no one else was admitted exeept Chaun cey, pare, wbo visited me lwice. The old gentleman was kinduess ibseif, assrr- i-g me tI1aI1ho would gl«Adlydro al in bis Miss Esther te permit an oppartunity for eugaging iu conversation with ber alono te pesa by, sud when tii opporînnity presonted itself I soized it rspturousiy. During eur conversation I broached the subjeet et my releaso sud inqnirod wbat lied brcngbt il about. Sh. bositated a moment, ber face flnshmng, sud Ihen se spoke: "'Last spring, brother Avery waa badly wounded dw in Virginia. A rob-I mean a Confederate-offlcor was very good te hlm, giviug hira food and waeor, aud pîretecting him frein a fire which wonldsoon have buruod hlm to dealli. W heu ho wus abi a tb moe we brçugbt him home, and ho cften said wheu ho e - cevered ho wonld return the kindneste some southeruer. Roelias nover regain- ed bIse stroxlgtb sufficewutiy to retur#i 10 th. army, so ho deoied to psy Idais ebt byreeiWng one of th.- prioor$ au- et us prenusig te help bîin.1 The Mcl0eUe 01 tue viotim wafs bIt b me, snd LI tbought you-you looked-nie,, sd 1 Not more sorry for yen than sny of to othemsasd-- I did nelpermit ber te fUlb., A lighl 11h8W brem l~mm IIa uwtm ýAAl - o. er"ywbo b", juil r#uru.d iter samorsa b$=", frein lb. roesu, »d sd - «0tuvo er luin, us hà*o kaouo t "NOosnedte teil the 't14M. -In-th. weeksthsî followod EIther lim1ned sud ber eyes gave me =y auser when I1 whiuperod words et love. Thîrty yUar ago fih. boosmooMy bride snd tbe union of bine sud gray bas boon a bIessed one.. A l1"W breals ber arm Whilo Mro. Sollitt, wife of Mr. Joe. Soilt, West et., waa driviug home frein lewn laet Tbureday eveu:ng, th. king boliu the carrnage broke, thc herse go- ing abead with tbe front wheels, lesviug the body et the vehicle bebind, whicb wheu reiiev.d et ils front support 1.11 for- ward with sncb farce as la throw tbe occupant aver the dash board. Wbeu taken home Mrs. Sollitit was found 10 have broken ber left arm, besidea sustain- iug several severe bruises. The acciden, happoned witbiu astsoue's îbrow af ber home.- CoL O'Brlon la town Coi. O'Brien, M.P., was in. town an Mouday au military malbers sud bail no lime ta diseuse palibical issues, bis slay un towrn only lasîing fram noan tli 4.20 District Master Wintere, of tbe Orange order, bail a short talk with tb. member for Muskoka, however, but would say nathing as te tb. nature of the tapies talked about. It cen at least b. surmised that il wus an Third Partisin in Est iimcoe. Mr. Winters stated aller the coaflab that wbeîber or net Col. O'Brien was a thîrd party candidate in any eioc- tion iu ibis riding, il cauid be confideaîly asserted that a worthy represeatative ai the McCartby plalforin wouîd mast as suredly take a stand. Tniod te wreck a train An Oriltia lad naned Edward Myers, aged i1, was senlenced ta five years in the Penetang reformatory by P. M. Ross at Barrie last Friday. Tise criwe for which ha received sentence wue that af unlawfully piaciag a railroad spike on the rails near the Asylum, on Wednesday, May 9. On that day Mr. T. J, Muir, an Asyluin official was walking on the track wben ha discovered the spike placed an the rails by young Myers. Recognizîag the enarmiîy oI sncb a crime, Mr. Muir placed the mette: in the bands et the police. Constable Dreyer theretore pro- ceeded be make inquires and on last Fri day, just wben Deteclive Day, af Tor- on to, arrived ta look int the malter, the Orillia constable badl sufficient evideuce le warrant Myers' arrest by Constable Sweeuey, aI Barrie. The prisoner waa taken ta ltbe counly town sud was con- victed on tb. evidence of two et bis coin. panions named McDouald sud Bresaw wha swore they saw Myers place lbe ob- struction an the rails. Young Myers has been a source of troubla te bis parants for saine years pasl and ne amunut of red or persuasion bas badl auy effeet towsrds eontrolling bis dara-devil uature. The five years sentence may ho reduiced if tb. hehaves bimself while in limbo.-News- Letter. Death of Mrs James Haw Atter a lingersng ilînees, wbich -baffled the skill ai many et the. besl physiciens et tihe land, Jane White, wite et Mn. .James Haw, efthIe Orillia Hanse, passod away aI 10.10 on Saturday eveuing et ber residance, West streal. Mrs. Haw lbas been in delicate bealtb for mauy yaars, the past nine of wbich she bas devoted almost ber wbole lime lu search cf Ihat health wbicb sho toit she was loeing day by day, and five winters were spent at These gentlemen expreseod themeselves as mueli pleaed with whaltlihey saw, sud bbe Colonel gave lhe pleaeing information that tlie batLon wil go inte camp ber. ou Juin. 18th, romaining under ceuves for twelve days. Touts will b. pitched ou tbe towu park, drill will take place ou tb. egricuitunal arounds, West street., sud the rifle range on the Moffatt fsrm will b. nsed for target praotice.-Time. Nipissiug Iodge No. 79, 1...F'., in- t,und holding a deonation day abîxgt the lest week lu Juna. Othen sooiebios, de- nominations or citizena wishing te, taire part will pleese oommuuicete with Jue. G. Nicers, seoy. of cern. Visiitera ote .towu notice snd cern- ment on 1h. ploutiful uuùpply of shade, trees that adon most, of ou: streetâ, Those who bave, livedasIe-nag lime ini the Iown sud romoembor when thn.wu netf s *stc i Ét tee on sone of ,theo- troeeta 1115 -ne# pisesut sueh invitiing, towriof Di)M0 s. (MMuaDont b. unatial ineatatlouc, btit'by medical scibeno. ÈRoe h lM Ibal Ayer's Sarmaparilla ontes, sud thatI h provesso eoeinently lsuecesful. Il lsa askillfully-pre- pared sud striclly selentiflo blood-purifier sud touie. the only eue adnftled at the Worîdi'a Fait. Reponte state there lau utIle wheat iu Manito- ba sud lb. Torritories. That tired feeling, lais ef appelite sud nerv- eus prostration are driven away by Hood'a 8ariaparill.A, whieh unekes pure blooa. The Ogilîre Milling Oomnpeny have decided to erect 11 uew elevatone tbrougbaut-Manitoroa. They obver Feil.-Mr, S. M. Baugbner, Langton, wrutes - 'For about two yearaIg waa tronbled witb Inward Piles, but by utiiag Parmelee'a Pilla, I wag completely cured, and altbougb four yeanî have elapaed ince thon they bave not retnrned.' Parmelee's Pille.are anti-bilions sud a upecific for the cure of Liver and Kidaey Complaints, Dyf;pepsie. Coative- nes, Headache, Piles, etc., and will regulate the aecretians and remove aIl biliananesa mal- ter. John OBrien, a well kaowa Winîpeiz pria- ter, was found dead near Fargo, North 1Dakota. A Member cf the Ontario Board of Realth 1baya: ; "I have preacribed Scot t'a Emulsion ini Con- sumption and even when the digestive powers were weak it has been followed by izood re- sults." H. P. YEOMANS, A. B., M. D. The work of canstructing the Oshawa Electrie Railway has begun. About 30 han&~ are at work. A Generous Offer. (Publishled b 1 Requesi.) Dear 31r. Edi/or-:-WiIl you kindly in foftn the readers of your valuable paper thai I will gladly send FREE ta any sufterer froro Lost Manhood, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Varicocele, Impaîency and the r-sults of youthful folly, particulars of a s!.mple and inexpensive means of self-cure which after be- tng humhugged and imposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured me in a few weeks. I have nathing ta, seil or give away, nor arn I advertistng any patent medicine business, but will be pleased ta bear frorn any sufferer anxious ta, find a cure for ht-, camplaint. t0 whom 1 will explain confiden- tially how and by what means 1 %tas cured. Hundreds have been cured thraugh rny ad- vice. Coats nothing ta learu what 1 paid hun- dreds ai dollars ta flnd out. Address canfi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN, Toronto, Ont. Riverside F.. Sir Donald Smith will leave for England at the end of June. Keep Plinardsa Liniment la the Bonne, Ulric Grenier, a farmer af Tiny Tawnship, euicided last week. 15 years of Itching. Wm. Golding, comniersial traveller, 130 Esther et.. Toronto, aya: For 15 yeari; I suf- fered natal risery froin Itcbing Piles, saie. tirnea calledpinworms. Many and maay weeka bave I 0hd a y off the road tram thia trouble. I tried eigbt uther piles aintments and so called remnedies witb no permanent re- lief to the intense itcbing and stiaging, wbicb irriteted by scratching would bleed and ulcer- ate. On. half box af Chase's Ointmnt ecured me completely. Southweatern Manitoba had a heavy f ah of snow lest week. 25 Cents va. kidney Trouble. For 2 years I waa dosed, pilled, pilled, and plastered for weak-back, acaldîng urine and constipation, witbout beneifit, One box ai Ohase's Kiciney-Liver Pilla relieved, 3 boxes cured. R. J. Sinitb, Toronto. The Thompson mernorial fund has been in- creased to $37,186. PUes I1 PUes i Itching Piles. SYMP'rM-Moisture; intense îtching and tinging; moat et night ; worae by acîatching. If allowed ta continue tumora form, wbicL often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. "SWAYNIC's OINrmxNT" stops the itcbing and bleeding, heale ulceration, and in moat cases removes the tumars. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swisyne & Son, Philadelpbia. Lyman Sans & Ga., Montroal, Wbolesale Agents. Chatham'& assessment is $3,647,000 and population 9,000. When Baby was ick, we gave heprOsatorla. Whenshe was a ChI4d, he cried f9r Castorla. When ah. became Mise, ah. clung to Castorlar. Whsn ah.i had Children,ashe gave them Cestoele. Winnipeg lu again agiteting th. Sunday car queston. JUI .FAIREWELJL, Q. Ce, Barrister County Orcwn Âttornéy, and Oounty àolioitor. Office- SouthW ing 0f Court Houise, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDUE, Barrister, etc. Office forrnerly occnpied by Farewell & Rutledge, next Royal Hotel, Brook Sc., Whitby. DAVID oRMt11TON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In the office south of the post office, in McMillan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office - SmTith'o Block, South of Market, B, ock St., 'Whitby DOW & Mc(,JLLIVRAY, flarristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., W hitby, Bouth af Ontario bank. .mUc-ticate aittlngs 0f Ti .Di-vîiiiCourts, COOtNTY 07 ONTARIO 1895. Wamry-D. C. Macdeneil, Whitby, Clerk Jan. 2; Feb. 2; March 2;, Ap1!l 2; May 2 ; June 8: JuJy 6; sep. 3; 0c.2; Nfv. 2; Dec. 3. OszÂw-D. C. Maedonel, Whitby, Clerk; Jan. 8; Feb. 4; March 4; PApril 8; May 8; June 4; july 8; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; Nov. -4 Dec. 4, BouGHA - M. Gleeson, Greenweod, Clerk,-Jan 4; Maroh 5; May 4; July 9; sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PxnnvR - J. W. Burrihain, Port Perr, Clerk-Jan. 29; March 9; May 9 July i1; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxBBmox,-Joseph E. Gould, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jan. 30; March 18; May ISth; .luly 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. CAININGTON-Ge orge Smith, Canningten, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; July 13; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEÂAVERTON-GeO. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-Marcb 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. ,UPTEROIROVE-F J Gillespie, Uptergrove, Clerk,-Marcb 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, 1Clerk ef the Peso. Octaber 15th, 1894. Drs Warren & Moore.1 New Livery and Sale Stables J. J. Moore, M -D. Brooklin. Office haurs 9. a. mn. la il ar.. F. Warren, M. D. Wbitby. Office haurs 1il a.r la 2 p.. eqr Priva te Te lep hon e Communicalzon. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.S. Phyaicaus, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next la Ail Saial's Churcb, Dundas Street, Wbitby. N B.- Dental Surges-y in ail ils branches promrtly atlended ta. Dr. H. Wightman I9ENTIST. Over GIross & Granger's. wmitby-, W. E. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S-. Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot, late with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Designa for Churchea, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. office-Firat fiat over W. R. Howse's drng store. Le-P O Box 202, Whitby. WX. CALVERLEY, HARiseaS AKER, WHITBY. Heving moved into our new prexuises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining to the harness-making and saddlery business will b. done to satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Duxidas Street, Whitby. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Sliingleu, Sash, D)oors and 'BiLuds, Turning and FroeSawing. Ag, Ail orders or information can be obtained froco JOHN NOBLE, tundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C_. Wil- snsresidence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. whîtbp ljoik E9stablished 1856. Si per annum in advanc,, othervise $1.60 Stibseriptiono always payable et the office of publication. The publisherr do not undortake to, douver the paper et any pont office b;i Whftby. An2ypae which faits tb reaoh ils destigation will be replaced upon notification as a malter of oourtouy. Advertising rates unless by con- tract. 10 cents per lino, nonpariel, firet in- sertion, and 5 cents per linoesoch subie 4uent insertion Losals, 10 cents per line.. HEDESO &GBÂHÂX. Prophiotors. JOHN qTANTON, Porernan. Farm for Sale$ 65 Aezs, Lot No. 3o, 34Cý,, Townsbip of Wbtby ; .2miles from Whitb;same known as the Lyndbe hcsest"ad& SlIseondtonom, in a Sr -lissste .of -culUvatio t.Good feioe; ,wated,, byliverealTese cross on.e- net on-ardsfren afine stcne liuse: frane, Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial mnen liberally deait with Teaming done at reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at reeson- able prices. A call solicited. V~J UZ MACHIINIST, WHITBY, Has opened a Bepair Shop in connection with the Cooper Shop lately carried on by bis fathes-, opposite Ail Saints' Church, and will do ail kinds of Repairing. Sewing Me- chines a specialty. Lawxi Mowers, Bicy- cles, Firearms, Locks, Scales, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, &c. Saw Fiiing. Skates, Scissors, Kitives, Clippers, &o., sharpened and repaired. Ail kinda of Cooper Work made and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Saints' Churcli, Dundas Street, Whitby LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Ma.nufacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Go., Toronto. Lergeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co. on the continent. Ninety per cent, of al accumulations ot surplus is returned te the policy holders. Al daims are paid witbout delay or discount on proof of dealli or maturity of endowxnent J. B. POWELL, Feb. lst, 98. Agent. Wbitby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three rnths I arn gi'vig,m special attention te patients front a dis- tance. Arn silil making plates in rubber, $8, ceiluloid #10. Gold, ana silver filling work crowning by first-class operators -at the most reasonable rates in th. city. When in the city caîl ini and let me exam- ineour teelli. I make ne extra charge. 0. H. RIGGS, Dentist, south east corner King and Yonge Sîs., Toronto. Nov. 8th. 189.- ASK YOUR 8TATIONEI? THM E WRIIGPÂPE2 -AD- TAKE 'NO 0OTHEW. Augua3t 51893. Railway Time Table- GUAN» mTEu x N ID&q Xi xPress, Mail-exceltSun,. TBUNUi# GOINO &B -l- iawu, Hc A5 Terribi ne: Dal AI1 AYE *"SeveraI 3 attended wil nme Do rest, tors, aller % tttein abillt-y and said t] A frlend, le a baILle of! began ta ta relleved. B bottle, I waw lsad mach o firnuly belle' saved nsy I Ave., Laweî Ayer's -?IIHEST lier's8 Pi (wRIT' '-l had a giftsi 1 had an ( and w In ail aý of givingi been obse wîll and 1 estranged bonds of is the exl means-a sponding nearly ev cences-yc pie, savag by tiseir amnong tà ne Mare than the1 -gifts for aux. asso -&The git times. . SCustomi after mal [ brethren, pecially t :sn and abundanc The Mag to the Pr throuei Priest a instance, of the I His erri winning Like lias bee for te S9 those wl~ ~discrimiu To th -means, but in wound a depende dence is, and soi Spirit gi~ easy libt let the . relics of uulrked sacrifice Ma.ke ti Îheir um do quic rivers1e t'3rrent, z Wei a

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