Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 7

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)y, Clerk May 2 Y, Cicrl Nov 1 )prietor Rm~I i. ?,, Lotd , 1 N ,'U 14 Ij N C . iir viiv C.1 nto tI 'ent. w 1 a oilt deatli o'r C3-S. roronto. on) a Iii " ini rubber, ver illing erator, at dlie City. me exam- ra charge. ast cn)rner NER E-ER. ,j) IA "', i 4 2e) p x 6:66 p u .888 a rn f:40 p um Gal, Almost a Hopeless Case. A. Terrible Oough. No Reat Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED BY TÂKING CHERRY AYE R'S PECTORAL "1Sevýerl years ago, I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, elther day or night. The doc- tors, after working over me to the best of their abllty, pronounced my case hopeless, and sald they could do no more for me. A triend, learnlng of rny trouble. sent me a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlch I began to take, and very soon 1 was greatly relleved. Ily the time I hiad used the whole bottle, I was completely cured. I have neyer had much of a cou.gh since that time. and I Eflmy believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life. "-W. IL WÂB.D, 8 Quimby Avp., Lowell, Mass. Aye's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLO'S FAIR. yl'r.PW. theo D8 tFaM4L Fhy$400 Presçts. (WRITTEN FOR THE lRNC. 'I had< a '.î'enitîg fnuenulI 1ga I'luimIn I a b all <mu < lie e îiîgI .,.\1 on f [s < ii x' Ii n i I u ji wtr. In ail agui"f '1 tht' ivrlul tut' uo.tî of gix Tý ,ni. .înl cxcil.îgung îînt".tnis lt.<' bc i iii e vt'tia'. afn t'xp rt". '.n(i'f (1< wiIi aîîd kindly ecîn1l(ne i <uig estranged îînd thîr. .a liii'. t'ir(e) itht', i-, the expressi<<n (il n.îîtuî<l' '.b\ u iieanis-a shail'<xx 'f hummuiri r'-e n sponding to that 1()t'\c u'i\nt. \'îithi n carl v e\vrv ont' gît'.h.x ' lieur iumlu-io ences--\v(U<ng and ()M,. <t'midt. <nil'îm- Ille, sav,144t and iihîdl'mgmi"eI b teir power. -11n( '.i<n<'i' .among the N. W\. Indiamîs liavt' fîunil no more helpful factormnin th'i r xxî rk than the bales 'f eoinfimnts ftrnished as gifts for the redmnan b' the woioen s aux. associations throughout the ]and. The gift xas riuch used ln ()Id Bible tîmes. A touehing illustrati'în <if this Customn is furn îshed lw j oseph, X hi), aftcr mak'ing b inself km iwn tii bis brethren, gave presents to aIl, but es- pecially tii Benjainin. bis own motbcr's son. and then senit t(i bis father an abundance of tht' g'" d thîngs 'if Egypt. T he M agi, tooî. li their ntmb<lic gifts to the Prince of lPeace. <<n his manger thronc, acknowledged - esmîs as lProphet. Priest and King. But the crowning instance, supplicd by' Scripture is that of the Divine Fathers lov-e giving to Ilus erring cbildren a Saviour, thus winning the love of those who believe. Like ail praise-wortby customs this has been misunderstood and abused. for to secure the greatest benefit to those who receive our gifts requires discrimination anîd judgment. To the poor give liberally by all means, for they are God's especial care; but in doing so take heed lest you wound an oversensitive or crush an in- dependent spirit. A mans indepen- dence is more to him than many gifts, and sornetimes a boan in the right spirit gives courage and strength where easy liberality would weaken. Neither ]et the :iged be forgotten. those dear relics of the past whose lives have beer îfirked by continued self-denial and sacrifice for succeeding generations. Make them feel they have not outlivec their usefulntss, and -'What thou doest do quickly,- ere the surges of the dark river swallow them up in its merciless torrent. Fear flot that the prospect of heaven will be the less enjoyable to thern becanse they receive in this life the tangible evidence of vour love and consideration, which necd not involve undue expense. Again. how grateful to the failiqg appetite of the hollow- cyed invalid will be some nice nourish- ing dclicacy sent by a friend with a word of cheer and sympathy. It may prove ,the turning point on thc road to recov- ..ery, the brightncss of the greeting ofteî .doing as much as thc appctizing tid. bit When you feel the impulse tc give dont procrastinate. Let there bc a arady response. eVen if t Coots 5youa liIUlo trouble, for in thc cnd you wil *expcdd0iie to thecfull r"ît j, more blc& .sed " t ive tWw. to mcceve. 'l A suit, a8ble and geceralli acceptable presei is a well Chosen book, suiIkCdte th( Cap.ctyand'tèste of 1b receiver, ,aitbiuuUe* that willsposk sUlent)] É%J èthÀ* ohnve' whtin the 1attW bais yomiisl which gives thelivrer at thie saMe time dirto have convinced m-ines of the wbn- an opport uni ty.it&ie Sane' tirne of ;derful richness of the dismoery, aud gaining the .childo- confidence. In -several hundred prospectors wl1 be in choosing toys for chîtdren be sure. that the district before the niQnth is m>er. they be strong, and, where possible, in- A very important enterprise at'Lead- thuter ways betitn t in ville, Col.. is the building of the big otherwaysbe acceptable ben ften pipe line by the Leadville Water& willingly received in the form of re- Power Company. This enterprise will creation. A sense of responsibihity patclyrvltoiemnna fe max' also be developed by puttîng chul- t uny evi ujt i ill convey aslarge dren on their honor to use their books treleam of watr througha nch pipare and toys with proper.care. terofwt hou a3-n pe One rule should always dominate i for a distance of seven miles to that te chovic beifsnrelyr ha wheth er City, where a power house is to be thechoce e wse r oherise aceptbuilt and electricity generated forth the ake oflov ithespriseinacp purpose of running the mines and ite takgen.o oei h prti hc smeltcrs. Tbe pipe is to be constructed il 5 iven.of pine which was cut last fail in Geor- gia. This is to be bound b>' steel bands, The World. tiiere being 400,000 pounds of thcm T -A Irordered fromi Denver. lierlîn boasts an ambulance cvcle. Colorado hoasts an 86-pound potato. Uncle Sami has 200 women lawyers. The celluloid corset gives satisfac- t ion. lerctyis supplanting mules in mmres. Tmn înining is England's oldest in- (lu s t rv. Boston is to have a permanent fish exh bit. A sea otter skin brought $1, 1 !5 in L. 'mi n. SmeLondon shirts fronts are hand- çaifltt'(. London uses 190, 123,599 gallons of \vater d'ld. L'îm(l'ners pa%, $îo.ooo.ooo a vear for Ral'iclh. Eng.. makes 700,000-000 ntlesa .Neek. 'Fli Appollinaris spring yields40- 000.000 quarts vearly. Grcat Britamn s c0al OutPut in 94 Wa'SS,000.000 tons'. I n Great Britain 37 municipalities op- eritc their onni~as ' l'ise of nalitha residue' as fueli i'.t't'r varincrea'ing In Russia. t ar the ctv o <f New \Yorkr- 7'.' ";0.000 fri ni the sale of ni.itt'r-' 1,1 1)\ l, tiie 'treet cdean îng îlepartiiint. Thte niinber of polce iniii Englm a' , t 'Cr .3 inhahitantW.. i mc ti 3In Cottlanid and 'one t(, 34 i MiiIre- 1,111(ti i fit' <)f tht'e b' ' e.< it' '.tht Cg.înettc 1l.î1'tor\*, ii i t thec i Il ,)t'rnmi- mmîclt'mttîîi 'snirl\ 2.000 wvoiimo.tn amnI gînl'ý. 1lme ne'.x'est pint tîrt' pr"< f hand fir u'.t, (Mi u 1ee s m'. ni. (I-)<f "tlili'. ()l tuht' aniltht Three Chief Cities. Interesting Figures o)f Lively Import in London, Paris and New Yuork. New York by the census of 1889 is a City of 2.000.000 inhabitants. The population of London iS 4.200.- 000. The popuilationfl <f Paris 1S 2.400. - 000. The area of London is 75.000, acres. The area of Paris is 18.700. The arca of of New York is 24,000. London has 600.000 houses. Paris has, o0,000 h<mses. New York has 115,000 bouses. London averages 7 residents to a house, Paris 25, New York I . London has i. 380 miles <of strec'ts, P>aris. ha,ý 00o miles i)f streets. N e'W York ha'.-575 miles. of streets. London bas 2. 300 ifles (of lies1 as ' 410. New \o(rk has 444 The water sup<ply (if L<îudhmn lv i75.- 000,000 gallons a day. -Thle vater -sup- iily of P>aris is îoo.ooo.ooo gallons a1 SC' Emlulsi On of Oocl-liver Oil, with Hypophosphitea of1lAme and Soda, is a constructive food that nouriahes,4 enriches the blood, mrates solid ftesh, stops wastixtg and gives strength. It is for ail Wasting Diseases like (lonumption, Sorofula, Â-nSmii, Kamamus;- or for Oougha ana (loldz, Bore Tbxoat, Bronohitis, Weak Jnngs, Lona of Pleah ana General Debility. Scott's Emulsion lias no equal as ?ourishment for Babies and Growing Children. Buy only the genuine put up ini salmion-cotored wrapper Sendforpamplet on &cott's Emuwsiûn. FREE. Scott & B3owne, Belleville. Ail Druggl.ts. 50c. and SI. LAME BACK and J iVIANLE ÇELER Y-NER VE1 WITH BEEF, IRON A We have the Finest Seleo- tion, in town o f those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN Corne darly1 and getftrat choiue. P. B. WARAM, Brook St EBUPTIONS. Back in Wh, Iyýs WM. TILI iY ,s Undet'taker, Cabinet Uphoister, OJII3PO UIVLI And dealerinFrtueo LND WINE. . The Bubsoriber bege W nn Iie k u trr&inÉ1cu q hnai. uL.s riav. The water suipIvy of New Y ork 1'. 100.00g(illoln'.a (Lav. New 'York New a nd" A/nder,ful,,I P riieAnd , stan' at the hie.d <if tht' three chiefII YIIEILIL1JJU r 'II'dIJî rv et". in t hi'. patîcu l.r. L<h i hs 1'000 firemen. Paris ~O N IC h.îs i. ;oo New York bas i,î. r 'u' anud ethet'nevc\ the News' Xorkl de- Contains NO INJURLOUS DRUGS 1 Every ingredient is a HEALTI BILD- patntil set'tand-. at the head ()f the ER. CERTAIN and PERMANENT RELIEF is GUARANTEED incaaes of ieiti. n rcs. rc to h orea-Constipation, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, AUl Weaknessea, Blood and ti1 i'n n Yc\' rk th.înin licither Loîn- 1iiDie ss <lin or l>.ri'.. î<<u<n lî'.S7,~500-1 It i8 based on GLYCERINE instead of ALCOHOL. For producing Soft, olear 000o à ct'.r Pari'. Si, 5oo,00o and Ne\\- akin, bright complexion, and relieving ail 111e peculiar to women, it je un8urpassed. ......BE CERTAIN TO GET ... Gem of Thought. I "MÂNLE' ae no othr Mi' <w hmysef,'t lenTbe hyseli -1 11<,c 11"] tii in'.erted hett'emî tht'air '.1itaklii imîtstlv. .\Li<mii 'irestaurant uses an clet - t i î l ieatt'uI plat e t" kep ('nu'sf ix i nu ý 1 rimgas the cunrent <s tunmî- l tcI <nmi u'e au dimît' sle su rclv as on t- It IS stated that a process bas beemi îvetelbv a New..'Orleans marifuir treating nanne fibre, whicb will practi- caIlîx' jîovide a new textile material to ti i1a i n Tiie pas;sed through the Suez Canal last x'ear tive American vessels-yachts '.îîtak wîth Poxwer S tt Lix e as long as vin mav. tbe first txxeiit\* eans are the Iongest hlai of Vour lifte. If xve cannîît l'ive Si) as t(ibt'happy, let us at least liv-e 51 as ti) deserve hap- Pi n eýS. There arc mone rien who have miss- cd opportunities than there are who hav-e lacked opportunities. The vittues made of necessity always appear as if the material could not bave been abundant. and xarships al:; of merchant ct-att, If winkles must be witten on our not one. But Japart had six, and even brows, let tbem not be written upon little Gautemala one. 0f a total of ,- our hearts. The spirit should neyer 35'. 2,394 were British. grow old. Coal has been discovered within two Neither the intellectual1 nor the and a hait miles of the very centre of moral character of any person stand the citx' of Laramie, (Wyo. î, and the stock still; a man improves or he de- 1robability is that the people of the clines. city will b e supplîed with coal at their A joyful spirit and a cheerful coun- doons for $2. 50 a ton. tenance shed happiness all around; A contract bas been made for the while sadness and gloom create a dis- construction of the railroad from mal melancholy wherever they are. Keneh to Assouan in Egypt, to be com- We seldom repent of taking too pleted by the end of 1897. There will little, but very often of taking too be a contînuous line from Alexandria much. This is a commaon and -trivial to the First Cataract. maxim which everybody knows and but Some idea may be formed of the cost of accessories to a billiard table wben it is stated that it requires the tusks of three elephants to furnish a. complete set of bals-namely, sixteen pyramid, twelve pool and three billiard balls. Work has been commenced upon the power plant by which the waters of the San joaquin river will be made to light the city of Fresno, Cal., drive the street cars, run the mils and perform other things which steam or horse power now does. It is re ported that a Manchester, Eng., syndicate is negotiating with the Khedive of Egypt with the intention cf erecting a cotton spinningand weaving' mil at Boolak, in Egypt. Previous at- tempts of this kind have been made, 'but they have hithcrto endcd in failureý. New inventions ares bcing brouglit out to increase the velocity, Uic projec- tule force or dcadly effect cf missiles.' A Ruasian officer lias constructed a gun. the cartridge cf which containsa small tube fillcd with powdcr,whÏch explodes as the bullet leaves the muz-' zle and thus increases thc vlocity Soe per cent AUl railroads will be evnttWlly opef- ated eleccrically, says Scribue'. Maga, zinc. It hàs been sup~ested tba suc yoads might laigely rnoce tbèir in corne by SUPPIylltg ejeC"Ur foQW rI tSZwhkch -tley Pau.sout toi ley roads do thisnow.. A del busbem alwomÎ,o which Z. T. 13rton i~ 1lam- eôo, acres 01 land- inthein ent bldu ts ton, Coua y. The*0 f ew practice. It is a fair-handed noble adjustment of things that, while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so lrresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Positive good- is the best means of curing negative evil. When,,we are de- liberately planning to increase the hap- piness of others and to further their welfa.ue, we are not likely' to injure them by thoughtless actions. No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be too strong, pure and good without the world being the bet- ter for *it, without somebody bcing helped and comfprtcd by the vcry ex- istence cf this goodness. If we could orily try to bé pleased with the present circuastances of our surroundingo, how M'Ucli more truc happiness would flow froi àsuch an cf-. fort th*> frein constandty- strivingafteç changingconditions, fwith probjematical reslts! - fer of nmir w_ U* 'metimes argue, tonguies -frequently dispute for the sàke of vitry en w ublihe c ften de. (O stand, and has placed therein a choice, styli8h and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which wll b. sold at a amali margin on cost. Ânoth.er bale of those. celebr4ted )Iixed Mattrass $8.25, 'Worth $5.00. Se. those Tapestry or Carpet Loanges at $5, Worth 88. Hlardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for #8.50, Worth $12. Kýr A full stock of Oomfne -anil Caskets, and a First-Olas Hearse. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. ]RADAM' S MICROBE -KILLER REMEDY. J. 8. EDGAR, Merchant, Wind- Bor: M. K. actd.,mamvlouly in my case of' chronic stornab and bowei uoubkeý WM. mIG Allil LDI--3p, OookI: âbiro, Qüe.: Wssgfratedie 'frorn a oempheaion of Dyspepsi a and ver troul wtconsumjiieu Arn as wiB as ever now if a ls wonderfuL CbrOofic ceughand hýa gsfront the' knS've iuri y u toauenYrave ,ýjbuitmki K. ab s s zwe as eve-, Win. Badam lmi IL : Amw WALL PA PERSY -WITH- Borders to Match LOWEST -:PRICESO at., Whbby. Maker, ahl kinds. nounce that tiq n hs o Kiiý,w thun be thý--clf. e ( )u te r c( )v e r- . 1114.1v'%L

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