Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1895, p. 8

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I -~ Misa A. EMs apeat h.eholday lu Torouto. that it ahoad reqobu00 no moer W RUT - Wa n&m ero sud Iewelowu. Mr. R. Swlndlehnrat lahome from Cleveland, t Ol8 hbiot4à,",i dm 4e8fo tbebsiloklwnoivr 1 fW 1 T U too Ohio. wefl, dtts weIL and have16- *o Es. l vin id d« aUer Miss Magffle Walsh às vlsitung friends in alrls.Q(ltiMO we maY.bave do 4gtto p. --..On. oe.- m. -m m Toront. lot thea miniter.Wàtuh, o1ek, and jsweleiy repalrlngt lot l. vt.colioetns Of a IKte SPeOty. II Taronto. abtoer4oty of bis hure, &bd tl-b. iuiterOfWA<? M iss A lice C o ad Is h om ne rom O ro n o for a ba a rl b to b l d o bi l l r l on D u .' , w s O f a a m e . holiday. basoteid f oo .dpald tor biowgnctrrled Bû Hellbor, Pris<~ oliay.when a macau live properly on $goo or- $1 ooo îctdaiy t ,pe -bag.oe au g1Jewed orn ard op rSuhae Mr. W. Hobbs, of Quieeu St. spent the a4tb inu aud bas a suPeranustîOn to follow, why in the cf four, bestnC ..0,014byal rond Toronto. world wIll lie atruggle and grasp after a couple flrO0erg In Whtb, Md Oshawa, and st aur FOR 7H ,Mr. John Sheridan, of William St., spent the Of hut1dred more when church property a âMiD. Campbell & Wit. GatrinTarntoraaendedof repair, or some other odsouceEvumsow & BAWKZNS - Importerlanard deiers Gardenr and Fruit Grower. Miss Minnie Bamford. of Rocheter, is home rs rgnl.Meëhancs, eand 9 OrnP m0t.r.ManfctreaoUf tnrn. t Sw tbe d eetcasswhlcb compose co n fea. roug rbng m&nterctraond ose.ur-' W iesisSr frafwhfdy.tions, do flot recelve nearly as hilgh wages asomece -9candelier Sud lampa. A ocktie uai 1. e 9 s traOc9gBhcnhadelln an Jams. A stoc - Chioride of Lime, Cam- Miss Louie Thomas, of Port Hope. iabon were paid ro or 55 years ago, and it stands to bloyoies kept on band. yard, worth 2e Mot Cmphrfor a few bolida>'s. reason that these mnen canot cnrbt smc ALN ht 0m iu cpry. ot poMrs. Galway, and Miss A, Gailoway apent a ta tbe churcb as tbey formerly did wben wages Miss. L. Hambley spent the 24th at h.(r W it10. P and Ca orb o Aci iscouple af days in Toronto. were from 2,t50 eroft ge. e ba omne in Port Perry. and Carblie AcidMr. R. Dewar, of Toronto, was the gueat of splendid talents and unusual-oratorical git ts are l F'rank Dewsgç on the 24th. flot t0 be sougbt after by the cburob for theTe Mr. and Mrm. R. J. Bruce were visiting ht WsýWt s For Spring House-Cleaning Mr. R, Wilkinson bias returned frovn Montreal gîifts aoe Too aiten nawadays men hbo here on Sunday.gWhtSiswtcoresps20 ~JSwhere h as been workng. preach to at isfi lstenersar men of much Some of the people arund here attended wrh8e Ma8ter J, Hiopkins, of Toronto, Iput in the learfiing and eloquence, and but little more the excursion ta Niagara on 24th. Laies', and Childrnstnfatclr io.ldayait omewithbisparets.Tbey appeal ta the intellect and flot ta thebeart. We see Mr. Nathan Grose on the road it-8 G. RYLE *Y',Miss Coombs, of Tronta, spent the holiday wark figures in a aubardinate position in the ad. mciei on ews i ucs.e oefo .DRUGGIST, ~~~wîth Mr. and Mrs. John James. dress. Uuderstand, we do flot decry hizher mcieiitw.W ihhmsces ~I - Mis Pall Traouthai Bwman ille is veil-education ln the miuistry, for, on the cantrary, We understand we are going to h ave a de' pure silk Goe ncema D RnGG S Tw-0SI 4hA. M rs.s lyTeveuson. oiborn le , s it we highly approve oai fit but the paint which new Set of public scales. This is a step n at 85C., worth ] .F ---- --- -- n R i th M rs S t e e n s n . ol b r n e S t .w e W is h ta m a k e i à th is : th a t th e m e n w h a th e r ig h t d ir e c tio n , fo r th e y a re g r e a tly ~"i. .v~ f~îMr, W. Kirby, who has been working in above ail thinga and in the first place have the îîeeded in the village. M S Q b oîî1 . Woodstock. ta home for a few holidays. grc 0I preach Christ fram experience, and to Mr. E. Hezzebroad was at home on the Spe i 1 Miss Deo h G, N. W. office, is spending show by their own lives what true christianity is, 24th. He was at the Division on Saturday week's holidays in Eastern Ontanio. hs men and! Ihese attribute are the first and evening. We were pleased to see -him. H is 10 doz. Straw bt o etee ___ rs.Jaes McTaggart returned home on Mast important requisites in the ministering of advice is greatly prized in Temperance h Fna r atwwesvsti ebr. the gospel, DezTees and a brillmant college carY. work. The Deputy Grand %Vorthy P trlarck n otsa O S AXV , AY 1, 895 N~ A ame, ! te anaianSttesaneer are not the pnime essentials for a sucossful was present on Saturdav evening. Hegave Bowman ville, apent the 24th witb bis parents. psaatog hymyb aubpad I us some hints about otîr meeting, but saiwe ~vihadDeaGoa turthering a man's usefulness. If a minister i eeta esni nte ih a id jHellbasr IMiss Maggie OL-eary and Miss E. Downey, truly warthy af bis exalted position. be la firat a re Pve roaessingi in the rignit.edba OS 1 Wf 1~ I orrerly of! amberts', have gone tolToronto. Christian-that ione who tries diligently to tsa beat co smpny mpeanc CASH O LY %,I, Rbetso, o Clin St, pen th dy mdelhi lie ad onàctafter tbe Great Mode!, badge, one of which we propose pîîrchas- with bis family. He ta workîng in Montieal. Jesus Christ. A bnilliaut education la of sec- n o»ec eme ftelde ________________________________chrisîan ren do not heiate to op off a un.CEA DLEI A8 ment on the Garden Ciy excursion to Niagara dred dollars or ao when the congreation is en. Miss Addie Ferris has returned home I BUSIESSK0TCE.ý 0savv, sbscrber Fais.joying dsminiabed Praperity,an otfth fromn visitiug friends in the west.Th : m i1 or advertisers may trans;act an', tl>iiies Miss Bertha Nîchean, o! Port Perry, ta vIsîuIng members thereof rearing families, and rearinZ Crops are looking splendid ini the vicinity wit.h the CHRONtCLF r May, obtaîn 'extra her brot.her Mr. W. %IcLean of the G. T. R. them well, t00, oni $4oo and S5oo a year. If bu sme rain would make some improvIF E ARDE copes t n~ îm frni1' I i .. freight office. costa maney certainly, and it undoubtedly îakes 'ment. Fariners will do well to alail iM. E M r. A. W tJUrquhart is home from the college years ai work and lime to qualify for the flinfis- isA oatrtundfa aot May's for boy's read', Made ci t! ng of pharmacy aud having passed hîs exams. îi 'ry; but if a man is imbued wîth- the spirit of MuesA. o twek wed r sh haoben If you wîsh a nîce Freîîch china dînner or now a full fledged drugizist. Christ bis leading abject is ta help bis leass for- visiting friends.Fi tea set, or anything in fatîcv china, or glass Mr. Adams, the violin expert o! the R. S.« lunate brethreu ta receive the light raîher than Mr .Grmn etfo t aha a la ware, go ta E B Morgan 4ý ýon. Williams & Sons Co., spent the Queen's birtb- ta watcb for bis own gain. The motive whîch T rh., emndlf frS. ahrines on I t i l l p a y a n y p a r i e sb i t . d y i b r u t a ~ 4 t h b s f i b t y .o v e r w h e l m i n g l o v e a i C h r i s t s ud h u m a n î y i n h s f o r t h e p r e s e n t . i negaeet o teinlaring ilimt seeGdabl*mnsret h hrsa fat1ekwer ewh rsd E LO A S o in neggmn i edîgrn asc The [)emill college pupiLs enjoyed an ouîîng ai bea.rt Wbaî plaze bsslr nte hto ihrdo rso oubs hpe the large stockt of Feu bPros , s~hawa as the lake on May 24th. The young men tram isasarynthherof Rcrdo Bos, fClubshpe they wll sel thi mont vervcheapfoi csh, iuptow did allantsanvie in wculd fbre foolishma.for ohim etaoobeh so anathere o fineer cane of o h rsess ths s ek eeandto hey ill e il hmon h ver cl eap foi case h. ullnoyn dîdogallau t riel sc g o thmimprovideut as t,)flot make praper provision foîr Montreal for expart. ru Gi e n u in dia m o nt eia olv rs Tin v re t he m i en o m ut o oa î g bis fam ily and his perso nal necessities ; b u t such T h e O sh aw a ra ilw a y h a v e sta rted t a b re a kW r u h St ek t als mkig am seiîa ales (ens. An aid man named Grifhîths ou the autskirts a man does nol malte much ado about his sal. up aur streets froni the Brook bouse south A 1%. Ladihe . es' nd Bos al ndofe w tc e tahe north east ward had a number of young. ry How ittle self-denial do we see on the sur- ta the lake. There is a large gang of men Seethm euBrs.sters hefore the magistrate last week for pilier, face in the lives af many of aur ministers. We at wark together with teams. OSHAWA ~~~~ng his garden durîug bis absence, The youug. do not wish la be harsh, but w-s have notîced il, TeCdrDl a aercie eea A -. Mr. W. O SH f ApWArv~ a nt sters were greatly frightened but were let off and bave beard il at ai tbe cburch by obser. Tcar ofle o.to ve colwh c he sppl ta Mvr Sa. es fmpeGoe & ntnAith a lecture which will keep them out o! mis- vant persans. In aur own experience we bave tcherepof e atvrylttaove coat.whc te chief for a while ai least, seen pampous and bloated dignitaries o! the W nesadi saot$.oprtn Rabt. Blamey has given îîp buîiness in the ri ala atMtraiig churcb strutting along the street, and their ap- udrtn saot$.oprtn Mcawblck TeRalwy as atriliin.pearance invaluntarity creaîed disgust o! the The Bell ephn Coar replaciug the AlSO bis COAL OI Mr. S. A. t.rquhart, of Ebys. speni the hai.- 1Ihe railway alang Simcoestreet (rom the Brook boly calling prafessed by tbem, Where la the aid pales an the base line by puttin a day at Orono. bouse ta Mr. S. Trewin's rcsîdence was fintsbed busnility and condescension af Christ in such mnuch highcr and altogether a great imrune and G SSO j- r. . E Roersspei h 24b a \tv wthon Frîday. The men ail worked on the boliday. men ? They are the exception, thank God; but ment au the aid ones. They to harv A SO frindaner PrtHop - Ou Saturday tbe section fromn the Baptist cburch bow much do they burt the church in the eyes o!f large gang of men at wark.F Thien remrPiore t Hepin okaaud. ta the four corners was'put down and thbe w.tcbes people ? We have scores o! earnest and God-1 Already traffie ta, Oshawa-an.the-lake bas dTheoualoda fthy iao -rsha a d-1ta the factonies are now being laid, The freigbt !earing men, but there is likewise the tarer commcunccd. Mr. Bones' wagon can eacu55n diinlbldySaturday. liue from the baptist cburcb was survye b te H- sesTI uree Yteamang the wbeat. We uuderstaud that there daily, passing with a fair nu mber af pas- 5 0 o I>. .J Mr. W. Riggs, aur papular voung tailor. was engineers iast week sud anotber week wili see are many demnanda upon the charity ai a minis- sengers. H1e says he will still run ta the 1 Iu Toronto purcbasing goods last week. the îracks ai the ftrst section ail laid. A gang ai ter. but $300 per annum or $6 a week ught ta lake in opposition ta Uic electric railway. Mar. Wili Baie, o!f[tuffalo, sp-ni a few hours men are placîug the pales on bath sides o1thte caver sucb incidentaIs. Should not then o$6ao or This village was visited on Wedncsday of in town Saturday %%iîh bis fatber, Mr.,1John' streets aud the pales will be placed up 10 the $700 at the mast suffice 10 keep up the hau-,ehold this week by a vcry select troup en-route Uf In Bale. -towti by the end of the weck. oais minister lu auy town in Canada. Twclve or for California. It consisted af 2 bears, 4 U Ila The store foîmeriy occupied iy E-. W. "r Simcoe Street Impravement. faurteen dollars a week enables an industriaus mnes acidc,3gonu oc,1 E mcchanîc ta raise a family in a hiRhly respect- sud i man. Their usual saluatian ta evryAIi i-f Ryley, the druîggîst. Stmcestreet leveiiug the road drawing eartbal aiei eaentgetymsae.hn hymtws n tbue hyIA0 1N A tennis taurnament was beid on Rev. j. 1H.sud drawîng the drains. Mr. R. Goodman is Wben a man voluntarly afrers 10 accept a reduc- ed, "Five ccntee sec bear dace. ' ViSid lion o! bis salary he gives practical evidence aifgave a small donation ta sec theeperform- (SABIH Talbot @ ground8 by the junior players, terminal- averseer sud Reeve Couithard is givtngj bis Own bis lack ai a mercenary spirit. Christ sud bis ang wih osisted af anc rall aver ai the(ETBSHD 85. ing wîîh a dance in the eveuîug. persanal supervision ta the wark. Several teamas disciples were content ta have the mere actual bner sud "co an gc' osal c Î.1v A TR On Sundqy, lune 23rd. the handsamne new Si he athor ouibe law is, acrg ape r ndtwag ns. - a! ofliii'provided. bbc exporienîs o! startcd thcm off on the double quick and Gregorv's rhiirch wi, Ibe dedîcaîed.lif "Il be as e crîb fonr ihlîn ula beiug takRevefram th bis !aitb nt the present day could with profit they pursucd their way westward alaug 1 Champion Mowers.TenwOhw grand affair aud sev'-ral church dîguataries wîi iearesna mIa'erw ev ou-mre nearly imitate bis hutniiity and sel-denial. the base line. Coe il h be present. thard sud Aseessor Morris bad a hcated differ- Very man y o! tbem do; but again many do pot. ence an Fniday wîth reference ta having the raad CURIWen euit)N Wm. Short, a yaung man witf-,ut visible tam up hefore Mr. Morris' properiy. bbcraad - W îbink there are quite a fcw ai îbis clasa ai r.an COUT.W.HrTisCe hm foad rcbitr. NwMdlTrsrs meaus of suppurt, was cbarged %,îub vagraucy, way wben camplcted will cxîend (rom tfie'shade minîstera wbo spend 100 much lime in lhinking Mrono. a4Ms .W ari r>oefomHl eaaas aud will devate three mautha ibr ao o re nacad atetes onh terad.o! their salaries sud other warldly mattera. bhe BICYCLE REPJ . the beuefit of Castle Decker. hrAlarf rcady tonhoe rougb oth r on temileai rd b truc nan ni Gad looks raîber to Gad, sud bas Mr. W. Rundie straincd some ai the lîga- IS FrnkMno waupbfoe o. riron eaten uisbeda-lsdthe a le f ada as «at uygrnv ece sufficient fitb la His word ta believe that bis ments ofhbis knec îateîy. A speciadrm9 nctecag P.F.,an Mondrarning for dol.urieng bethefntrbed o!dthe dan Wgrhe redWhtby wn needa will be praperly met in the manuer Mr. S. Brooks hais raised his barn snd will of a skilled mecba Salvaton a m lasses auibte barracks meetings. frienda came dowa here la a couple ai mautha As Mr. M aning asys, I am unable ta lsy any M ie M . a e a c c a rv n n o rp e ec He wassiued $5 sud coats as % waruîng. heuce and observe the great mcetamarpbeais or getcamt seilbsns rpoeboilf -4 Thetlecalseveeri rave bimsfrome the wagoncbreak-tcrswanybemake.nDrili.sWdtseederrre- wer fond n Drh lle;chj nity, nd he ev.M--r"on thtisaIant.Our contention is t ci- 1'n"'g M r. Rast.Raine-y,Box Gra-ve, was in tawn woenre Ofuud m nriçîan were te d benFlthe, iPart Perrr.were present sud assist-Milsterslay tOa mucb stress an Large salaries atwe.PN S A D taencparns Mai over n g.udwr rs edt d in be service. A iberal collection was taken and that Sgoo or $1000 is a ju4t salary for any Mr, R. J. Williams, Port Perry, visited A o tn n f P a t oea bae ai cubwa ogniedaIth Ohaaup la aid ai the Aigoma mission iund. rigisteous minister when we consider the privi- frienda here. A s r m n A ae alclbws ranzdatteOsaaleges accorded him sud tise Motives which Mrs. Hooey, mother of Robert Hoaey, 15- T-- flouse an Tucsday cveuing witb the fllowiug Thse Queen'a Blthday. should actuate isim iu adapting bis profession. seriously ill. -udT- offaera : W. French, captain and manager;, The snniversary ai aur Queen's natal day waS Ail other professions are more or less warilî Mdeie John Miller, secretary-reasue. The club bis verY generally abser-ved lu tawn by a general aud tise salaries paid ta learned men inta t yre r. jas. Gilfihlan, Bawmsnville, was in LOWEST PRICES I O N 15 players sud wlll lay a practice game wi tiste cessaton of labor excepî on the ite al o g ag st be lr ia pief fG d , towi la.st week.NO ET E P bh scisool club tgla Saturday afternoon at 5 WaY WOrkmen. Several Can F- fings were wbase religion sbould be proof againatsnb M. ontidy Wlson ertwn a nNTETEPI oclock. lIVing frocs buildings. A number af citizens tbah lemptalion. Gtown ou Etriday Iset.20 avantage ai the splendid weater ans u d FR ED. R. HOBBS. The Patrons badl a mausmoth n enie at Gea un ,aI co r, 0fr*. . Master WsIiie lardioe, son ai W. Thomsas' tairod rates sud spent tihe da out ai îown. Harris' grave near Kirby on TuesCey. C Fra, n 40 rown 70 S:z bus driver. mnet with a painful accident the oui rissere was likewise a number a visitars especi- Cold rm Home Panies fo da. usy sI eetaw isba ludte Mr.- ni .Ms. Thiomas Lard, Poz4 Hope, Frne Cannas sQe per dos wbole 11mb la bally swoUlen, confiinig the young ahyomsebersareat irmestwhorkbaveotheor lad tla bis b.d. Frsuiatis tere 15 no bood town. hebut ,ae:tpresentworkiug hatE Uoî E Os . abuare rcoy iie tM.A assysrcnty.'obl ala <e - poisomîlug or ihe rslt big; ava beea iu s aa bs h Eolia ie----- ema eu-eia oiio.aanone at f47, - s e * e e To ay ght he xclsir iteinuracecom- th, a mobc in a stiondwarkan ackber PsuY i3 a succesa wouid nat acuraîely Sud fiil t agai.hlp inf us ueweInta lb towheu ste the iacts-iî lsa apheuomnenaJ suems gibl nuenw ieit mtwac bas aiready achieved a very biEh position lun the Putis.Wdetable 910ue0-1luto circulation. This iDSUanc woid.Busneuis ondcte [nstas a degn,îsaon, bavevei. We are surpri, cd to suuan wrdprBuisnes l a cudmos: .learn Usai so ew book advantage cf thseexcursion ei x n c m c al v s d p o il a r r a l d l a c u m u a i. t a Lie F a lis . a s le u s b b k u a d o z e n p eô p i e i ro n s lng. Mr. Fred. W-. Trewln re9resents ibis papa- ber. tooin lthIisppuansd cbeap-tp. The lar ornany n lse cuur cf ulalo.weatber waa ail that could b. desfted. but tbere A ane bundred barge paver genergtor vas Put vwu fot even a baïebafl gaine la relier. tbe lu tise lectrtc ligisi power bomouso Tuesday.motn.Agaeasspselaekpae T711s is for tcmporary use, aud 'vil b. rePlaced bewn tise O. gan S, suMW.dC. I. te ace u by a~ paer elislg ' tos.Mr- Edmond- for sasse ressan idld ait take plac, A good sou bas signed a cootract wlth tise comspauyfropeun y for skn oe n Iago the pawer. mc tisat fatoreany years aslest tise Pcasairevas laki s age audieneo vCod av cOmpmuy vIii build nO Power bouse af ibeir owiu. uene wus asa lngafftha sdtinçevumb ef Lansd basbeen purcbased on tishe ury (aria Mp)çed apebi e ofayat ise Ake whl e tis op aud car sheds'iii b. bioull D I mimpopPie. sgt bs amey ha e aed mate ut Thse curves are belug put iunDov ta jip ise b eeals iecden mIM@'lo ~ IwitcbeS ta tise main Une.h ibey cao p on <b.efoMr cre' li Tise Vindicator laites up is peu t ut atot snk als roa ier n d <h. NatoulA*e fate for permanent pavements. Boîter late tis'aa t neyerlIheCuROýNICL&tbasbeena< lef- O r saurth e ly 6 Yeansd #or " sr aames sit.osas T. Maa im bmW @ e am o b0 e Rev Jlad, Tise trouble sm o ab. oeused yte* d Ùe o *5v ls* il el Ir.ale ,. th ecgie C<bat b oopLubsSoltle Mdr b Czn$e g* seeé o <.O 1h . pape«Y tor aist é oeev ,iau. Pte te»". sai 1<15 a MSinCiewsl Md.aer if'i bey rempt M e S ith er face. -D"_& ..ce < l"& Ânestuâ. W * f-t "ChARE. J5mQ uSreet. BROOKS' LIVEY, SinSooeStreet, north. WMU ROLPE, hameau zuaker, SimSa. strel T. B. NOTHERSILL, butoher, RKing 9%, Westt. DR. PATMBERsO, De: liaI; Oaim ovor Bowa.'s Store. A.. J. t4LTM-Domuiau plano. and arguls, A. c. WA"NA,&*-Vetîoalary Burgoon sud elaî Ring i oree veut, Oshawa, OuI. Oosmmz ,i, 0TEL. 0.Wooaa, pr Modemm bolero, nAt sMdoafrbî D.. Ton.--Oatoz.for BausaAsu>j es . dingletBlpPOW t. ie £ovin . p i , . t. Am o s AUl 5 1 4 O 800w Bpso»- ... unles f 01 s. MIIS. .W. -james was- in Milbrook lust Gladiolias2sc. prd aen. week attendl*sg lb. funerai of her tande. -,n'd lower prices stili lu lagrqrnlis Miss eimffy Odel reprefuted Orono Ie. FreS Cut Rosessd 'Cagnainsawy tue christia n eideavor at there couties' cou- ou band aI ventiou ataICoboug,'ý-p Orono circuit wiliI ebreafter 'comprie"W 4 5 J Oron, Kirby. Lekard uund Clarke echea corner, Churcis aud toabomnSe and ýwilI hbae two ministers, M~csi having withdrawn. Mt. ý tse opporfunity we uow aller you of buy- ig a WATCH aI a material reduction irorn ny prices we ever made on thetn before. lr exampie : We wiil seil s watch worth 35 for $25 ; a $30 watch for $25 ; a $25 r $po0; a $20 watch for $16 ; a $16 watch for $14 ; a $14 for $12; a $io watcb for $8; a s8 watcb for 86.5o ; a $6 watch for $5, ~.--eBOYD'8 Je (Headquarters for B ING STREET WEST, .-HEADQ CIARTERS ýeld, Garden and Flower ýds, Mangels, Field Car- ts and Turnip Seeds of 1varieties. Ensilage and ter corn st lowest mar- tprices. --tanCe ant I Faa-.-' "rourie at bottom prices. Highest miarket prices for rewe223y Store. Bargains) OSHAwA. FOR- arm rodce OPOIE OTOFIE GOtario, IE CORNER SHOE &TORE, CS@ --O S HA WA. D fther Steadily Advancing. Wbolesalc prices for footwcareg Bave on e b bu Igl u ise aoce . Our rat ne pois tkis eistii ii di stric t. ZT KE PS U p ORe . Tic oet 0gc y 1 tmbp Tckt Trop ytist Uns ise ntia . Orl rao ratis thesbawa t n ts mtlou with Sleamsbip Tickets. adian Express Co. Gonds forwarded Passenger trains. also collected sud de. lta ail piars cf thse town withçuî extr a.WfMoney Orders on sale from eight - lii eight p.m. Give them a. triand. you lways use bisea. it North-western Téiegmph Oompany- Sd messages to aIl point of Canaàda ý- S. Messages roceived prmpdy rd. 1PO 8TERCKE,rj, 4g88t, 0oppo8ft4 tue Pouat Oj@e Bale Bloekjmt~j fice. Yusp'ctoro:A &4 VOL DON Caialk Gener Transact SA, tutereet a Na notice af P. G. Licentia Physicians, lege ai Phy! Off0 of t' nar Telephone Whitby, c H 1 AU CT' 'neud has taken will be glad nesa. Mia office, wber Whitby. Ni N.: Barrister, England lg Toronto.- LO( ti I) PF Und, Palstui For s cias pa lot Na. GapitE Capit JOHN C REDM W. F. ( Gil Th T. H. 1 BRAx change 3%F ada-1 don% Sale 1ý 1IV cyrrulpriAQ DON HEÀI Grocery, shawa,

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