Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 3

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MA ~masses), and positively refusing theWSTVL W HA T M GNIFICENT TES TIMON Y I peruicious. In time the taste for the The. Ancient Order of Foresters cdc- - debasing would die out for the want of bratod théir aniniversary in the Metho- the food which fostered it, and neces- dist chUrch hçre last Sabbath afternoon sarily the cail for the good would be at 2.30 o'c1Ã"4-. Rev. A, White, of imperative. Claremont, WtMs the preacher, and he le * -delivered .a sermon, which by the way "Paine's Celery Compound Produced East Whitby Otuic:bl. are not oten heard, asermnon which M iacuou Re uit a d B nis edMet Monday last. Ward's juvenile singers supplied the M 'ra ulou Re ults and BanihedThe counicil first sat as a conrt of re- music for the occasion, -and their rendi- vision, with the following resuits : to fteatessrassayhn My Troubles." Dogs struck off: Elizabeth Brooks, tion o the avent tem upases nTh A. D. MGee bitc), . L.Kerr Redc-O. F. have every reason to feel proud of tions in assessment: Geo. Wilson, $ioo the success of the service. .,truck off income, and $zoo. added to This Strng tatrne t ~ Mae b Mr personal property; H. E. Morphy, $500 The annual garden party under the This Strnçj Statrne t i Mad by Mr.struck off income; W. C. White, $ïoo, auspices of the band, will be held on Ambrse udd ofSha ty ay, Ontstruck off lot 13, conl. 2; Geo. Hyland, Friday, June 7th, on the grounds of T. Ambrse udd ofShany B y, nt.$200 income struck off; Jno. Calder, B. White, Esq. The boys are deter- Columbus, $5o struck off. Some mined to make this one surpass any changes wverc made on the appeal of A. previous effort they have made. They Vîcoryaftr vctoy ,a oîrînud ad ot b th tstionyof r. mbrseMcKenzie to make a better adjustmeflt have secured the services of Harry Vîrîbr fe rvcoy;aciudan o utveretsion fM. mrs of taxes in school sections 5 and 7. A Rich, comic vocalist and caricaturist, unrkn narch of trîurnphs oerdis- Budd, who says: feu' clerical errors wcre corrected on of Toronto, who is a whole concert in vaes eera omond iii ig akste fe 0nd "For the benefit of sufferers 1 gladly appeal. There were only 2 1 appeals of hjmself, also those of Mr. Ward, of lwhies e 8ued toouatle in oh icknds. gîve MY ex.perience with Paine's C elery ail kinds, and the assessor, 'Nr. Geo. E. Greenwood, who will contribute some whee i tause tobatlewit siknes. Compovnd. After auffering with dys- Mowbray, appears to have made a very of his most comie readings. Mr. Ward's In Caada aone, ons o thouandspepsia for thirty-five yearsq, and meeting satisfactory assessment. The total lvnl igrwoaeawy who were once dyspeptics and who bore with many failures with other medicines, value of real propertv in the township favorite, will render some of their new- awful loads (if pain and agony, now thank 1 decided to use Paine's Celery Coin- is $1.659.756, personal 846,350, iflcomei est selections. Claremont and Green lleaven that they enjo)y health. strength, pound, having he-ýrd of so many cures $3,200o, population 2666, cattle 38o6, River bands will supply instrumental slee. apett~-arî diestve îgo, effect.ed by it. The Compound, after 1 sheep 937, hogs 1974, horses 1648, music. MjrCaec eioo broîîght te themn by the use of Paines used it for a tirne, produced mîraculous births i,, deaths 9. Toronto, has kindly consented to act t'elvry Comnpounid. resulus and banished my troubles. Tecuiltnmtfothtrnsac- as chairman.-News. This wondlerful inedicine -the greatest "Froi a condition of helplessness-be- tion of genaral business. CommUUiCa- jlrtHltct of miedical science-has reached iniz unable to sleep or eat now feel tions were rea(l from the follo\ving: J. Cold in the head-Nasal Balm gives the' top) rotund of tihe Iadtler of faîne a-; a well and strong. 1 arn sstonished at the F. Grierson. barrister, re culvert -, from instant relief; speedily cures, Sever -oir, fr ysipelsia, indigestion, flatu-i results, as niy trouble was an old asnd Thos. Conant, re iron bridge at O)shawa fails. lt'îîe, heartburn, iz%8trie cranhp), andi the chronic one. 1 have recommended bairbor; fromn Chas. E.utîa(l C. E.. re de mimrberluss evils tbat miake life iniserable P'aine'$ Celery Compound to some of nry townsbi 1 IJ FFr.wlY*C PBOM. thnru.hhînîperfect digestive vigor. nei2lhbors, and in every case it has gîven aîçpearcd- before tbe counicil w.ith refer- Mr. and Mrs. Jimes Gibson are setting N. inelîcîrre in the worl but Pairies satisfaction. 1 will always strongly re- ~u saa1 'cruRîwy It up housekeeping for themselves lately. tt'lury t rit poind cani efleciually reacb oîunen-d its use when 1 have opportun- cThe changeathat these yonng p.eoe thbe baril and difficioît cases of dyspepsia iay .' teecorportatithsnof a\hv gred the made froin single bleosednesi; 10 joining iiloi indig.estion. This statenrent 1s borne toe (tr >Odton Its if E "st VUbb that th the army of benedicts, was rather a sur- ________________________________________________________________trîcitv:but inov.'desir's to use~ locorno- prise to many of their frienda. The best Reading. .îrc inrno way entîtled. 'Ne are elevat- ti\'es. b th1cuncl hd ge estimable young couple by ail who know cd by 1Burrls -'C tters Saturday nigt.' allow tbe track to belaid alon h them. We hope their life may prove a WIIITENF01 TIF I R0NCL~) [ure truc genuine pietv is sbown barbor roO<lway\ on the understanding happy one in the truest sense. - an- that Fbc trllc ' principle ould be forth in aIl its simplct-the real pai ta tetrlc ndsicpl The Sons of Temperance are progres. Tic b i:rc.s andîr ev'er bas bccn ti (M c Cc1fotr allI ifes cares anid trials. Co-,\_ l1opted. the ratlv.ay company no iY cns sing finely of late. Quite a number have t, i.lie iiWst 1owerful and be iî al Per on receîv-ing bis rnotbers picttîre is t necessary tt) obtain the cou nci ls co-I joined the ranlis of teetotalere, but there âgecCes I n tire cultîvation. elcu att n ell -worthv careful perusal. In the sad sýent to the locomotive, and as this latter are stil a number of people in this vicin- titi rcittnemnrt (if the buman familv.miet cfn lasr nBynsi uch more likelv to frighten borses ity who would do far more good Ly unit- iliruiogh thîs medium mwe can bl'11"Thanato-psis'*tir Tennysons "In Mem- and cause damage, the councîl demands ing with temperance workers than they (nfnonwithr the ist tclevabed oriami.- The poets as well as tbc prose a bond in xhbich the company agrees to will by criticîzing those who are now min11is In tîreir verv. best Mtoments, anrd wites aeg uht h wor]d fotot ail such bis in ail cases. MNIr. R. identffied with the temperance cause. Lýi1i îboughts expressedi in tbe most in- w'bicb sbhows up tbe ridiculous side of MNothersill came before thc counicil to Action is better than criticiam. tulIligent and attractive manner. 1Upon life., wbicb provY\okes a genuine hearty discuss another phase of the barbor With so many improvementa going on t'c value of this .%e can puit ni) correct ilaugb. a tbing often more bencflcial railway question. it appears that the around us we shal l ot know this local- c.tîrt.Lîke thet' nimens'itx îf sphîc, than a visit frrom the doctor. Decp barbor road shonld be four rods wîde, ity. Mr. Jno. Ackney is raisîng hie barn lb u, incom1irebensîlîle T est imibae tbtnkurS 6ind tbis kind of rcading Vcry but bas been fenced out only thrce rods and putting a stone foundation under iii. tt1- atvantage let us cýttmpare MirlDIi- ieeîil as it gives tbe mmnd a com- in wi dth. The surveys now being made This ie a much needed move and will de- nîlnîîîn lWith the cîmunrles wl1 herc 1)1(,lt( . cbange. Those wbo do not. or require that a great deal of fencing be oidedly add to the value of the farm. trcedtîm t if tbcejpress 1,;ajîec tnnît, cultîvate a taste for poetry lose moved and the residents thereabout are Mr. Jno. Armstrong ie also raii;ing hie Russia for instain.c. Tbierc \vc s'e mut b ,f life's clict The pocbs quite alarmed, believing that the com- barns and building a new one. Another serffdom in ail its degencrattîn allttng givucexpressin t sentiment and beau- pany, s survcy is wrong. The counicil barn is boing raised on the Ward farm at bbc lower classes. coîntidwItî Ille tîfîtl thtîugbt to wbicb prose writers arc ordcred that county engineer Yarnold Utica. Altogether thinga round here are anarchv and reliellitîn wbt bi thtý- sl- (lutte inadequate. be sent to make a complete survey of looking quite proeperous.-Journal. pression stirs u- a1ngtb nii nre in- \lthiiugh It is will to rcad iis not tbc situation, by which it is supposed telligent. whti arc grlanlng bcn1catît wise to be like tbc duck-gobble ail up that ail parties will be guided. On 'nnmx f A,î this thraldtîm, v. iîcb ntthiîg shlort of înltscriminatelv. There is a class of motion of Mr. Henry the reeve granted L.DWBVUAlV VIli a rcv,,oluti(in wîll littcrabthelu rtoini. literature tbrough wbich runs a seem- hisorder in favor of R. Beath for$2.4o, Thi rn~' rît~ )e -(Jd tt ic an age inglv elevating thread clothed in beau- being 21 value of one lamb killed by uA~ w w -ui gr boos; t .lbsuemis ever t1ae -uatrcie language. StilI througb dogs. Mr. Grierson moved that the bien the same. Siiliimun sav's tif the ail this is a subtle, dangerous element, reeve rn i re nfvro h making cf books there is nio end.' wbich not only excuses the wrong but - "house of providence " for the relief of Readers Of history are quite familiar makes the reader almoqt fall in love Mrs. Spencer for 5 months to June ist, <4117114l'no 17'io wlith the burning oftif eb Alexandrian \vith the wrong, which is most danger- for the sum of $17.5o.-Carried. Mr. iS.V~~~ 'l libarv weresevn unded ndfif~'ous. Of this especially let the young Grierson moved that the reeve grant t1bia,ua vilue s enhreol nd nt bew-are. There is also another class. his order for the following accounts: b t tng the bakvolues wîerc cns i t i n i h ikv oesoisw ntedtis Indigents-Mary McCarthy, $3; Mrs. 1 îti h I.a11 been bbc regre tgbi Ant Xiqur mmdiscba lvsing a phn the paralllDlirl i ef J Abams, .1-; Rads _SJ r1 eNveýs grow dini and tbc step) feeble, and bas abused its prîvileges and neyer 0 Mod Y. Terme, 010 te masure. 'ne ni> longer able tut take part in the moes hni osa h rs nt. 8073j19121, lydeadale, owned by activities tif Ilif.It will alsîthelp to E'r igttikngpro us e es. or omb iMand EN'ryrihtthik-ngpesonmut e-afternoon lesve bis OWfLS"Ibl eBek rein overnlght. Tîiesday, Eortop', KinsUJS tide ove r the loneliness oif (Ad age when plore tbc publicity given to the horrible 5on ~dfraÂdSVfihi endy comanins avecrssc th rier ndmurders and disgusting trials at court, yred. Murft',noon; Pickering n1ght. Thurs- jal(je saelyon he the shre.daMoGulre's, Klngstin rosd seos; Woo-. lardedsafly n bc ohershoe. when detailed minute}y. This has a htl htbngt ria,.rw Wbhilc wc place a bigb estimabe upon mutst pernicious influence by pandering forth's, bazeine, nooe; Oentral bote!,Oshawa., the future benefit of rcadîng. we musbto b already depraved taste, alsgo Oight, 8BtuZda<ytoe sova aomble untif Mon- ntoverlook the present. By keeping tcnding strongly to cultivate and en- 1ay. Teme Si t er e yJ»h courae th inhrentdow orte eokr. odirosedb osathasur thc mincI inforrncd of passing events it cuaeteierndonward tend- joi lmODay is kcpt in touch with the world, mwhich ency which right thînking persons de- hote Wlàtby non o5 Oesalhetil, oabwo enabfles us to judge fairly of its necessi-plr.As th minute details of n u 7 ~j5 om; St. OCbarWo tics, rights and wrongs. hsblst ucdsadsiie teps which hotel, Mabes~, un;ou-'WIlsos'uhôtel Âli. bum nWt-Thureday, fielrtiuhotel, à»ôjt. root out prejuiean nbes us better only, painfully affect-s friends and rela- au, 3no=Lh;. 1'hQ topayeur pr on lifes stage. The tives. Over this a vail should be Kos8, itek roada ,0 ;Lri ,% am pocbry Of Our lîberatu~re, lîke tire drawn, out of respect for their feelings. ÃŽ"».,0,,1wst"bléun=WuKomUla.,-T ÃŽ* flov.'rs of nature anîl the music of art, Thase who have given thtis matter due imm»1. ckerts upnb mda lcvtug. consideration are quiecovcdtba GWi(14O57TWfS>,IO . in. Ko04aY te NyWU ocs Ue' refining influence, helps to lift us above tunotaeswocteplate this T»a, xineew nr om,; St," th oddand degeneraveig. They terrible rash step rnýuch harm is o Pei lcht. inuda. T.4ayb", sote te tenrealities, rnodify the by keeping hi nhpycndition 00#_~ tin1leasaY tness, and break the mono- fresh in mind. Sometimes through nvo imwoir c î4Fgo- to eso lf.Who is flot elevated by this the missing Iink bas been suggMill- reading Longfellow's "Children of the ed through which tbeir plansbave been id- CIes Lord supper" There we see the "Man carie ùto eCu=tiMf.V i~ ofGo" Worthy the Name'" impart- Parents Who are indifertent to the =4M~ ing wholesome, useful instructo adkind of readîng the. Plxasticun019 advice to the young, viho had ever been able, m ftheircu4ipS the object-s of his solicitude and care. e~bw Tb, n Win Who would fail t-o be entertained by -otasrdyhveoesol> t II mte l his "Miles Standisb Courtship." 't- wien This zai.. iof the&s on* There we sec t-heold captain much tooewr-oý- ub 3 practical in bis courtsblp, which lune of hnsîwlc ifara4çul o action does not met0it1pcsasa' U thé 1W I*i01*0d l approval and t.he days "If l'IM flo'tth d worth the wooing I'm not Fworth theý winning." Therealso, John Aldesi îs . snô e erete I k humiliationl and - Pre$cilaR'S condour cones out admirably. Those Who 1k variety will find it ina us gTîdcs of the Wayuîde Inn." The quaint pecÙIU8 style of îiawatha almot rflin& S of ~ t-he jIng1e fci Utie silver béls i read with the pRù t dçW*tt , a compuuiy 0 nin ail the Featherbone Skirt Bons A light, pliable, elastic boue made frein FOR GIVING qulle, lt-le soft sd yielding, conforming readjiy to folde, yet giviiig proper shape to STYE NDSHPESklrt or Des STYLE AND HAPE The only Skirt Bone tha-t may'be wet without lnjury. -TO- The Celelîrated Featherbone corsets; are corded with thii Ladies -:Dresses ma ral For Bale by leading Dry Gooda Dealers. What is Castorila Dr. Samuel Pltcher's preÏMrptiOfl for Infants and Oilidren. It contains neither Oulum, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It le a harmless substitute for Pareg'oric, Drops, Soothlng Syrups, and Castor 0OÏL It la Pleasant. Its guarantee 18 thirty yeaWs'une by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and aflys feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomittng Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorta reilevea teethlng troubles, cures constipat-of and fiatulencye Castoria assimflaites the foo«4 regula*ee the stomaeh and bowels, giving healthy and -r natural uleep. Cas« toria le the Children9s Panacea-the Kother's Frie»d. Castoria. etCastorla San excellent miedicine for chiU- dren. Xot-bers have repeatedly toldi me of ita goodeaect upon thei'obildres." Du. G. 0. OsaOOn, L'owel Mfas "Castola ig the boit renedy for ebildren f which I arn acquainted. I hope tihe day la sot f « distant W hn m thers w il onsi erth ral tnterest of tiheir children, and use Castorla l- tead of thev a1m qua k floeu m whie ar detouylng theïr loved oses, by forclngopium, morphine, soothing syrup and ct-ber hurt-fui agente do'ws their thros*a, tihereby uediug làe=o t'Ormat i0graveLs D1. J. F. KRnCERW1 Oosway, Ârk. .CastorS a lasovell adaptedtocbdrmUhUt 1 recommend lt as apaot1iO5WM=4 knmownmto rme." ni1 So, OxfordStM, rooklynN. ML-ý 64our physicienslu the ebildrea'# dePU&- mt bave spoken blgblyof tbulr xPft-- enSointheir outiside pracUoe wWiOUtla, adalthough w.OnlUy hma mom memicaisupplies wbat la kziowa asregular- produets, yet we un free to em9 tibtl merlts of Castorla bas won un to Içok uità CL um4P1Z*&AR The Cesilsu? CampenT, T! Muwway '8fr..~, Severe Paln ia, I Cred "yTheDA~ mAius1i mse ,e rdoawllh aselli ht4d Sold EBvrymWhe. VaMo0oflli w~you te a;,

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