Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 4

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PURE, F~ESH-GROUND VRtOff8 IN8EOT PUWDER For destruction of aul leaf-eating insects, in 1 pound tins, 10e. SPure English Paris Green. Church's ]Potato Bug 2j cts. per lb. J . Finish E. WlLLI8I Chemist cg Dru ggist, àMedicai Hall, Street, Whitby. ~I~t ~ùfhronîcIr. WHIITBY, JUNE 7? 1895. Short Notes. The salvation army is bocrning a pension Bchemne fer officers. These people coe round and preacb faith in God, -urging that we ail depend upon Him te feed his hungry oces, but the enly tbing they cân place any faith in for the future is the ge!d laid away where tbey cao keep IL under centrol. When It cornes te the peint they demenstrate clear- Iy tbat they take ne stock in what they preacb, their idea being te put away rhino. These remarks apply with equal force te many cf Our churches. We have heard a great deal about the crimnes cetnmitted and the money secured in life insurance jobs, but a gang et fire in- surance fakers has been captured which makes far greater hauls and spills ne hunian blood at ail. Tbey have capital and a nuxnber of t.henx apend their tiîne setting up business and heuseholds upen which far toe niuch insurance is placed, while others of the gang go around burning eut their partners un crime. One gang was ar- rested on Friday last which had made $2oe, - aoc in this way in a very short tinie. The Canadian Sportsman calîs attention ita what promises te be a very flagrant abuse cf the privilege et beok-emaking and pool- sellieg in coneection with herse racing in ~' Caiiada. It is very well known that th. Dominion parliament legalized betting un- r der strong muisgivings, nierely te encourage horse-breedi ng The saine tnethod had been adoptedf in New York and other States, and had proved highly successtul, nd iLt is ne doubt encourag-ing the develop- ment of fast herses in Canada. The priVi lege cf betting bas, hewever, been aJused in the states, insomuch that racing there meant nothirng but a gambling orgy, and Iaws had te b. passed te stop ail kinds et wagers at race tracks. The gambiing tribe ofteState of New York, who have been frazen cut in their own country, nom, pro- pose te hold an annual thirty or sixty day race-gambling fte at Windsor, Ont., aed Y legisiation wili have te be passed te pre. r vent it. We are very sure that in legalizieg betting at race tracks our Dominion parlia- ment neyer antici ated that ail the crccks cf the American sidTe wouid move over here and turn our sporting privileges into an abomination. Besides the disgrace of be- unga neutrai ground fer Yankee creeks, tUfs Windsor all-summer meeting would kili off ail our Canadian meetings, and thus anew and werse caiamity wouid cerne upon car Canadian breeders, there being several tbousands et herses and mares ini eut coun- try deveted te nething but breedieg fast steck. Toronto wants the Ontario Government te make over te the city of Toronto land worth $2co,ooo belonging te the Province, Yfor the purpose et erecting a menster hotel, a.nd the temperance people of the Province wiIl consent te this provided th. agreement stipulates that neolq uer shahl ever be sold lui the place. The Trade Review takes up thus latter aspect ef the case, and urges the. igovernment net te pay any heed te the tem- penanice people in 1 his mater, as the hotel wiil net pay without a barroom. This im- mense hetel is net needed te previde ac- commodation for travelers, but the swelîs of the city want a big nesort with a five-acre rotunda i0 which te exhibit their fine cLotes, and te blow themselves gerahîlv They want manble p illars, statuary. iatoric panels, stuccos, stained glass ian d corrugat.- cd skyligbts in this reat retunda, and the. bareom la te furnish the mcney. Gran- 4dean end display in the rotunda are te b. yadfrby the peor jagger who peurs hie amir living down bis Lroat at the. bar. It wcu d b. a apectache for tbe gods ta sec tuis Province squander $2oo,ooo worth cf property te bud an exhibition bouse for .welse and grandeur, it - beibg very well kown ail the. while that the wbole bouse addisplay wIll have te be k. t up by a man-destroyer in one room, a blcewer. se many hdnian pensons will have to ho sacrlficed eachyean te pay the immense ceet cf the' show. W. (car that in maklng its argument the Trade Review grves awsy- ;the darmnable sature cf th'e wbo. sciieme, It la a disgrace te modern imtes, a crying ahame in the eycs cf both God anid ms- that our Province sbouild accept ;îcà moue y for licensing a traffc whbch la a4- mittedly nc good, and wbicb destroys thea- sands cf lives and millions cf moue>', filUa * asylums and nisens and apsets business generaîiy, wltout makiog a pr-et of a quarter cf a million dollars -te make a dis-. play bouse for the gongeous costumes of inen and women, wbose ex",enas are bcluug paid for by tbe sacrifice of flies. The Ti.resulu of ith.-at emtiaèns held la tihe colleglate Insihute undon thc direction oW ibe Ontario GovernnsM Apdil s9tb sMd soêh. îs ttco below. As may b. eem the pls ci tht e lga.bave b= .sueesifl b.yond ail -8iosrooe.Twelve dlPlemssaad z5s M>O M*oc icsUltlcte. avebu. awad.d u.. Blvile gi".t4 aMsescf teibe uu. a Wd. iAam LwI AuWn Wo t. A&Là. FnwhiPlLL.LIWm Bànwe choUl, LOO e3z4éqb~NCIn,~s Shaw, Arthur Storeï.', xibért Smith Js Thompson, Sidney Tbmopscn, Wesley Iundle, Ada Richa.rdson, Harold Richardson. Leslie Austin. Per atve Drawlneg."Isse Adalr, Maude AArnlÂbert. Carruthers, Frank Canner. Wrn. Ca pb"l lleiett Delong, Robert-B rreli, Ira Camp': E, dgar Hall, Ethe1 Holidy, Berta> Henderse'n,. Arthur Lauder, Fred Manning. Wlrmle Meîdruto, Sadle McCartby, Ccra Me- Tagpart, Charles Smith, Arthur Storey, Mabel Sîrain, Frank Beweil. Wm. MeBrlen. Model and Objeet Drawng.-Clana Adams. Wm. Arnold. loues Allan, Wrn. Barnes, AI. bert Carruthers, Frank Canner, Herbert Delong, Rabt, Birreli, Kate Fraser. Edgar Hall, Eva Hawkins, Loule Hubbard, Lena Horne, Bonui Henderson, Bâna Jabnsten, Betba King, Ida Lee, Winnle Meldrum. Cora Mc raggart, Âllan Mitchel, Mincie Orvis*, Hate Pringle, Frank Shaw, Arthur Starey, Annle Smith, jean Tbcmp- sen, Sidney Thompsen, Gertie Smiîth, Annie Rowe. Blackbcard and Mernory. - Clam Adamos, Win. Arnold, Albert Carruthers. Frank Cenner, Maggie Camnpbell, Win. Campbell, Herbert Delc'ng, Kate Fraser. Alex. Fraser, Edgar Hall, Eva Hawkins, Annie Howden, Edna Johnston, Carnie Ioston. Winnie Meldrum, Frank Math. isen, Cora McTaggart. Hattle Pringle, Annie Smitb, Heury Smnith, Sidney Thompson. Beinuice Tamblyn, Lcutie Trull, Wesley Rundle, Ada Richardson, Arthur j effrey, Wm. Lawten. Teachers' Dipoena.-Binie Adair. *Albert Carruthers, *Frank Canner, Wm. Campbell, *Herbert Delong, *Edgar Hall. Berta Hender- son, *Wlnnie Meldrurn, Cora McTaggart, Chas. Smith, Mable Strain, l'a Lawrence. *Covered the full course within three terins. Oouzty Couacli. Metjuesday last at 2.15 p.m. Members ail present except Mr. Hoyle, reeve ef Cannlngton. COMMUNICATIONS. Frem His Honor Jud -e Burnham asklng for a grant of $25 to each ceunty judge for defraying expenses of postage and station- ery. From Thos. Cooper and many others ask- ing fer a grant of $2,5o on ceunty line cf On- tarie and Victoria between Head River and Black River, on condition that Victoria county apprnpriate an equal arnount. From the secretary of the Provincial Geod Roads association, enclosing copies of mo- tions passed by that body in faver ef send- ing circulars te municipal bodies asking for replies te Lb. fellowing questions : () whiat course would you recommend as having the strongest tendency te promoe good road- making ;(2) are you in favor et a plebiscite upon the question et abolishing statute labor ;(3) cao you make any other sugges- tion ? From T. C. Nichols, Uxbridge, resigning his position as a trustee of the Port Perry high scheol. F-cm Wm. Bateman. commissiener of Scugog bridge, stating that the grant cf $4o made te that roadway was whelly insuffi- cient, and expressing the opinion that it would require from $150 te $225 per anntim for some years tcprctect it against the wash oi'the lake and the depredations of musk- rats. From the education department, Toronto, giving details et public inoni-v a ppropriated te county public schools, as folows : Brock $451, Mara $315, Pickering $726, Rama$S16i. Reach $464, Scott $277. Scugog s$66, Thorah $166, Uxbridge township $352, Eassi Whitby 9305. Whitby township $281. Total $356t. The clerk explained that a by-law had been passed at the January session reducing the ýailer's salary, subject te the opinion cf the inspecter et prisons, as th. law directs The inspecter had been notified, but had written back that as h. had net been in- forxned et the jailer's fermner saiary h. ceuld net give an opinion on the question. He xnentioned, however, that he does net believe the salaries cf jailers are toc high as a ussai thing. Several notices ef motions were given. The ceuncil adjourned for the day. 2ND DAY. FOitENceN SESSION. Met at 10.30. Mr. B.ewn mov.d that the sum ef $8s be granted Le meet a like ameunt appropriated by Lb. county cf Victoria te erect a bridge on tb. county ice between Thorah and El- don. Mr. Edmonson said such moins as this should go before the cernmittee on roads and bridges, in order that Lbey rnight en- quire into the expenditures asked for, and ascertain what the duty et the couuty is in such cases as this. He behieves that iL slould be laid down as a principle that ail .xpenditures should be considered by sorne committce. He does net oppose the grant, but cannet agree Le this metbod of appro- piating maney. He moveti that the matter be reterredt t the cemmittee an roads and bridges. Mn. Harn accondeti the amneedment. He said that the committee on roads and bridges had refused this grant at the January ses- sien, and he believeti the ceuncil shouid net now pass iL over the committec's heads. Mr. Brown said the county had assumned this bridge and bad expended mone>' upon iL, as bad aIse Lb. count>' cf Victoria. Thse work hati been alroady doue for wblch tb. grant was asked. A part>' bad suflereti loas from the bridge being out cf repair, and part cf the $85 askcd for had beon used La settle the damages. . The matter ws.s rcferred te tth, commItte. on ronds andi bridges. Mr. Vncoman introduceti andi carrieti tbrough a bylaw te confit-un bylaw 465 cf Lb. township cf Brock, wbich close£ a "glven", rond througlu the concessions cf Bnock. - On motion of Mr. Willcox the following members viere appeinted a cemmttêe. t r.- vise the personal propert>' of the. couuty cf Ontanlo for the. purpose oi lvying -taxation : Mesurs.- Willeox, King, Gillespie, Edman. son, Heyle anid Mowbray. Adjourned ta APRECRNOON SËSSIONi. Met at 2 o'clock. ICDUCÂ&TION. Mr. Edmonso broujht tu the. finit repon ol tue, Education oemm tcaflos.Thoat iii. miratiôn of T. C. Niciiola uosbMc tstees or.Port Pry" oacot b ud<a a ýylou e.potmd1611 the vacmucy, (1.), Rgogoýs=di <bat <ho lotS»atY 'ratae a auffount necesar>'to ment tht sPpQc on.- mont aiput)lle uchool gnatu as Oap prp-lt.d !) b . eOntaniGovruDmes.T isne report, ýba* à -àeýnd FriidýY afterÏisu ehweek. Houris . te 5. *office aÏ bMrs. Jane Briguais. We.h bye bepo fqvored wftb sme extremne- ly scorcblng days for tbe month cf May. One4ay ýast Week was said te be the hôttest day on record. Mat will it be by July 12. M4rs. Judao Gîibeon, who bas been for sev- eral days PMt suffering fremn a severe attack cf Ifiammitation ôf the. lungs, bas of late been recoverang under Dr. Moore's alcilful hand. Thue nein of Tuesday and Wednesday was Joyfully recelved by our farmers, the dry weatber havlng.lasited long enough for the benefit of the grain crops. Corn is looking very well around here, some being busily engaged hoelng the sanie. Mr. E. W. Wlce sustained a serieus acci- dent a few days sî.nce. Whilst tying a cow upln the stable the beast bolted and there being a bock on the chain it tore the flesh the full length of the hand te the bone. Dr. Starr dressed the 11mb and says iL will re- quire somne tirne before recovery. A travellIng troupe representing Uncle Tom's Cabin passed through our village on Tbursday morning last. A procession of several rigs, drawn by iS herses, cut quite a figure te say nething ef the good looking people. They gave their entertainment in Greenwcod on Thursday night te a small gathering. A large party cf yeung people, with a sprinkling of eider enes, were the invited gueits at Mr. jeseph Tripp's last Friday night. A general good Lime was indulged in by eacb and ail. After a few heurs of jollity and partaking abeartv luncheon of ail the delicacies of the seasen, the party broke up, returning homeward sorry the nights were 80 short. On Saturday last two large loads of our temperance folks betock themîselves te Chalk lakte ta camp for the day. A fine tîme was enjoyed by ail wbo were fortuniate enough te geL away. Boating, fishing, swinging, etc., drew the attention cf the picnickers. Ail came berne well satlsfiedwih the day's eut- ing. Gatherings of this kind tend tq make the youth more sociable and do a gdbd deal towards brightening up the youniz people. Dr. Bateson, cf Brougham, has started a branch office in Kinsale, at Mrs. Brignalî's shoe store. The Dr. cornes te us with a goed recomrnend, but we scarcely thiok he can run Dr. Moore off the route. How- ever this Is net a matter for us to fret ever, more than webope te be able to get aleng witheut ernploying either. We always sup- posed our protessional men wauld net inter- fere with their brother profession al ist!s try- ing Le cover their territory, but if competi- tien will bave the sanie eflect aneng the medical staff as among the general public we may look for a drop in drugs. BIKOUGEAM Miss Effie Bodeil is in the city this week. Teachers meeting at Mrs. Gee. Youngs Friday evening. Mrs. Joe. Piper and Clarence were in the village last week. Mr. Jne. Gerow and Stanley were in the city Saturday. Frank Sandersen had a nail driven threugh his foot the other day. Miss Gibson and Miss Stule and a x-eung gentleman cf Markham spent Sunday at W. Wa gner' s. Mrs. joseph Burks anîd Lawn spent Sat- urda3 and Sunday at Mr. Gamnages near Scarbere junctien. Our gardner Mr. Jos. Burk, had ripe strawberries te treat bis guests with on Tuesday hast, and good ones at that. He has any ameunt et cabbage and tcxnate plants for sale. Our village was almost ful cf visitors on Tuesday last, whee the Sunday school con- vention wa% held in the. Presbyterian church. There were people bene from Dunbarton, Stouffrilie, Clanemont, and, in fact, ftom al aven thus and tbe adjoing townsbips of Wbitby and Mankbam. The, meeting was addressed by a numben cf rev.rend gentlemen ameng whom were Rev McAuiy, cf Pickering, White, of Clan.- mont, Chisholin, cf Dunbarten, Percy, cf Steuffville, and Bethune, of Beaventon. Tii. latter speaker gave a long address en the. bible, telling that he believed eveny word ie it. H. Laiked as if he was lecturieg to infidels, or people that did net believe iu the. bible. I tiiought that it was hardly wonth uis while to spend 4o minutes ie try- ing te preve that the. bible was inspired, as every eue around here, and almnost every- wbene else, believes in the bible as much as he dees. The other speakers did very well. Tii. one tbat was mcst favenably comment- ed ou was a lady frnm Stouffville named Yoang, who did nemankabiy well. Sh. taukedte the chldren almost eutirerly, on, the piurity of the beant, and everycue en- joyedber acdress ver>'mach. Tii.musical part cf the convention was te bave heen conducted by P. R. Hoover, but car hoei choir for somte neason took ut in band. Tii. convention eiected thein officers : Mn. Heu- derson, teacher at Brougham, as president ; T. C. McAvoy, vice-president; J. Hegle, secretar>'. VICTORXIACRN S Miss L. Card, cf Uxbridge. spent a few days visiting ber cousin, Miss Zella Card. Mr C. Fair bad a iogging bec on Fniday. A large number came and a good days wonkt was donc. The- Sunday school held their anniver$ary last Sunda>' and Monda>'. A large crewd was inuatteudance, and . ever>' one enjoyed -On Friday evening smorn f the baye went te James Ruddle's pond for a swirn, when WM-Wilsou nearly lest bis life -whill leatn- ing te swls. MH. maoagéd te geL eut about a rode ansd was about te sink when Josephu Cook, wbe was ocar, caughi hum. Wilson thora esugbtht old.f Cook b>' the arme andi preveteti hlm frein being able te swlm, anti tby bath Voent ta the. botorm.Cook mans agedta get away7 from him thon. By, jià trne Russe, R.uddy vias on band and caught Wlilson vien - b. came ta the, top. Tii. -lIat. ,ter promptily caught R.uddy and brcuxh% hlmt down, but both nos.easpin, - Once more- Wilson vient 4own -Raddy <love for, itu and broaght luim up agahn. By thus ime Thuomasa Rddy cam ad luelpcd uheff ui.~ The laut tise Wilson vient, devinhe temaibiV oui long enough to-b. drownupd, bat. la ail dglut »ôv. Duar, Ohdm it 1<waa an'aw<îa) ly 4oeo calL M~r. G. S. Dormn, of Totmuto, was home on holWay asat week. Mn., W. P. Thumpspq, of ?ctmnbgro. h f s More Can be Desired 0'0 Than those beautifo1 designo thist .W0 r h>wn PLAIN & STIUED ZEjPHYRS, SATEENS, OHA&LLtE&SDELAINES, at prices away down. Space will fot permit to quote pricos. Corne and inspect for yourse].f. o o o o o o o Cali and see the elegant range of Fancy Silks, used expressely for Blouses, in the following colors: black, pink, bine, oream, etc., at 50 cents per yard,* A full lino of Ladies' Vests, ranging im price from 5c., or 6 for 25. AlSO 12ie., 20c., 30e., 40e. eaoh. Just reeeived a new line of Boit Ribbon, purposeiy for sum mer wear, with buekies in black and oolored. Also> Beit Pins ini black and colored. Another shipment to hand of Fibre ihades. Also Grass Cloth in black, Chamois in three different brown and oream. j J '~Bargains to be picked Up in our -3ŽT ]D REU mm store every day. :RO0s DR Y GOODS, S5 WHITB Y. SALEI For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to hold a grand Clearing Sale of new and fashionable Dry Goods. The stock is thoroughly complete in ail the latest novelties in the trade. We offer: 88-im. wool Serge at 14c.;, 15c., 20. 40-in. wool Serge, fancy, 25e., 80c., regular 40c. goods. 404in. wool shot effect8, 27c., 29c., regul'ar 40c. and 45e. goods. 42-im. wool Serge 48c., 50e., 55c. 45-im. covert coatmngs 65c., regular 75e. 45-in. Tweeds 65c., regular 75c. Black Dress Goode at 25c., 35e., 40c., 50c., 65c., 75e., 90c., $1.00. Lawns, check and stripe Maslins, Swiss spot Muslins at low prices. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., Prints and Sateens. Duek Suitings at lie. and 12j.e., regular 15c. Bee our 52-im Table Linon, only 20e., botter quality at 80c., 85e., 40c., 45o. 50c., 56c. Bleaced Table Linon 67e., 80ei., 90e.- Napkins at SM.',ies 16-in. glass Towelling Tce. Bolier Towelling from be. 18-i Uek Toweling l2êc. In Men's Farnishings everything up to 'date. Man's Fedora Hats 75e. Men's Hard Hats $1. Straw Hats for 25c. Men and Boys' Clothing at the very eloseet prices and of the best qnality and make, equal to any custom made goods. It will pay you to inspeet our stock and priees before buying. W He 4>THE : NEWP sure the kindness will be appreciated by the people who pulled the big sail boat back from Thorah island the hotteot day of last week. The excellent eating qualities of Lake Simcoe trout and basa are being tested by a large number of citizens who have frienda who can pull a good oar, and know the lay of the water, as it were. JAmzs.-In Oshawa, on Tuesday, June 4tb, 1895, Elizabeth 0ke, beioved wife of, John James, ln. ber 7;st yeaT, and mother -of bi( A. James, of the Statesnan. The fanerai will take place (rom the. famlly reuidence William strèet, Oshewà, on Fri- FalUi -Yocs iet, 95c to $i pnng, eat, 86c -buckwheali, c oe.45c, *ta Oc; WARREN, : DRY DACE WH ITBY, :GOODS Il !IIflT :STORE.* UAII I .4 IIAYWARD, THE CHEA GOODSM AN, And will be open for businèss -oni IN THE OLD sFrTiqt> ON --,Tu£,a P;Ition to Ib.gos~yte aU tnem 10W 10W Stan VIOT( VIOT( tien FEF ELEARJNG Go te Scott 34th 1 For n H. Waz GenMt' cheap a miss Town t' Thert the Wh Mondai We a men s 2 tcwn al Mn. Guelph b. a fat several ýDo y nmon se rare trt for an-v early. RememI That te stop Garden TakE party « day) ei Sermen At AI next a: ed by Prof. witl pr service -Mr. 1 80 acce say tha the Wq Doubti b. dal 'TWO pn The. j.alw ingl 0 first w ,-witii I wlucb sport twin t Prit ors, $!1 -dong4 ladict

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