Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 5

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Cycist8 want to lKnow HIOW FAR they go on a given run or duririg the iesson. HIOW FAUT they cover a given dis- tance. They eau only do this by ispending $200 for a war- ranted, accurate, neat.. dust proof Standard C yci omet er.1 You can get thetu to suit 26, 21, or 30- in. wheelà frotu JNO. S. BARNARD, Wbitby, who is also agent for 'VICTOR, gents' Bicycles, VICTORIA, ladies' Bicycles. offiniai countY Orga.nL-Largest Circula- tion of SI1y iOOai paper t» Canada FIP{1AY, JUNE 7p 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. pti iiplh on june i2th. o t-pairs ail kinds of pumps. ,ý» h lt goes into Camp here on x8h. tmctiis anîd boys straw bats go te, W. uti ohlinks and watch chains veryt i;t I)ianiond Hall. Vs Irne, Of Toronto, spent Sunday in i,,t, gîest of Miss Gross. %re nlo cases to be heard lu either ' î or Oshawa division courts on \\v are selling the best and cheapesit .111( boy's clotbîng that is offered in ii W.l. \arren's. MiI ixin, of the Dominion Bank, i oho met wîth what was thought to i i l atcident while bandîtug a revolver î.iî wecks ago, la now out 0f danger. u want fun, pathos, and good com- ic.c cornbined ? Hear Carswell. A it n 11Store for you. Dont miss il oil iwg, Eght o'clock. Be on hand 1'ht I i Grants 'Haîrene" is guarantecd i -i.; illng hair and temove dandruiff G.ardetil Party. 1 t ..( \ i or hest girl and attend the gai (Jet) o' io thle Presbyteriati Nianise this 1-n % . îg Admission îoc. :el 110n1to men. \' \ ;S,<înts churcli on Sonda>' eveniîng 1 t A ..vî ond( sermon Io men will be preach the Rt-v Mr. Broughiali. The Rev. I)reaich ai both mornirg and evening tCe i0'i Sunida>', Jue i16th. Mr 0 Ma&lly to be ordained Sunday NIT, IL R. A. OMiýail>, BA., who coficiated .îcceptably ln St. John 's church for the 1,st wo summers, will be ordained on Sun- iav next in Toronto. We are pleased to 'ay that he bas kindly consented to cond oct the Wednesday evening service, June 12th. I)oubtless Mr. O'Mailyts many friends will he delighted to hear hîm once more. Two pretty railway books The litrerarv bureau of the Canadian Pacific Railwav sends the CHRONICLE Copies of -soînnier Tours" sud Fishîug and Shoot- iig- on the Canadian Pacific Railwav The- fist wil11assist you lu spend >i)iii- acaItion withi the greatest amournt of satisfaction white the second answers the two questions which spoirtsmen are now asking "\Vheris~ sport to he foulud ?" and 'XV hicb la the best %%av if getting there ?"tlit deals wlth the twill branches of sport-flsbing and shooting The big sale stili goes on lances lower than ever. Gents' dress gait ers, $i, gents fiue lace boots, $1, gents finE diuîgola kid shoes, $i.îo. gents fine but shoes, 89c., ladies fine kid button boots q99 I,ld ies e Oxfords, 8,5c., ladies fine lscq lieut, teec capped, Si mui, bovs fine lace boQi tee capped, 95c , misses achool b)oots, il to2 e,5c , clîllds school boots 6 to 10, 6oc, Every boidy corne aud get a big suppl>'. M. W Cllins, the Inew shoe store, east sîde- Brocl itreet. Union school picnÎc The iggest thing iu achool picuics an) wxhere arouud this part ut the country' la the itld each vear at Rosebauk on the lai shore on the east aide ofthie mouth of il Rouge river on Mr. Cowan's larin. This hlcd under the auspices of the public schoc o, Iickrîg and Scarboro towuships ne; Fri1dav. June 14. The Whitevale baud h. lîeeuî ngaged for the day. Steani yacti M. dl run short excursions ou the lakre aud 1.lSgo rounid bas been engaged for ti c.<sîeon. One! gold mnedal and lots iii, ney prizes are oflered for competiton .îîhletic games. Hot water la provided ue grounida, admission to which is ici ceul ,ixccpt for school children who are free. The Review of Reviews. The editor of the Review of Reviewa, flis running comment On " The rogress i het 'Word "in the june number ews t Ctîhani situation and Eugland'5 Nicaragil relations ai somne lengtb ; he also summarit t lic probable resuits of peace ln thc far Ea other internationlal matters wil l eceive teni ion iu the editorial -paiges-Of the Revi, are the relief Of. Chitral,. German and Ai t rien politiCa, France and thec Nue, the ni speaker of the British House of COnMMO elections lu Greece sud Denmarkt, îhe'éP E nc vclical to Engifld, sud the school qu tion lu Manitoba. On the side of home po tics, onmddrahlespace .a de ote - t Rotufs atet as>'y "Us bi. and Mrm. Wmý Shaw movcd froua Aurora tht. wtîcb te take up tizeft r4sldencc lu Whltb7 anain, after au absenceof up- ward o orty yem- Mr- Shaw, W'110aaa buildIng coïutflctao Put "P ose of he best residences sud business places in tise lova, wlli le in ltise Cottage ext nortiz of thse foed ) visicis bc lit himz. B bb? JftIsIO ropeity for $q» lte.y. nie alotie eCet jar. Sa&*$15Wo vie» ac bls ?g1" 1i5 on the Ofli betc. at W. Tit1'1..-n e41ýae»QI$é Mis" Nellit Eck, of Preston la the gueit of Misa Beatrice Dartneil. Now ta the time te gÇet a cheap watch froua Conner, the new leweîer, L.awn socilltis (Prld&Y) evenlng at- the lase oc., BasalMAtconnection. von can g99-t- rePait'wfor every stove and furnace made in Canada freinJ. Mclntyre. Mr. Warden, of the Bank of Toronto, speut Sunday In tewn, the guest of Mr. G. E. Groas. Men'a and boy's extra wool pants, over- ails and cotton pants at bottetu price at, W. H. Warren's. It you want the best excursion of the season don't miss the "Model Farm" on june îîth, I2th, I3th. Jraw~n-tas eotdl nte The crope are Iook!ng fine as a resuit of the reent raina. -Plain and fancy fiannelettes in ail qualities and wldth's frotu Scts. yd. up, at W, H. Warren'a, 6 piece solid walnut parler suite, plush,. with silk plush bande, for $32, wortb $M5, at W. Till'a. Caîl and see the grand display of spring gooda at the west aide boot and shoe store. M. Colline. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired at Diamnond Hall on shortest notice. Ail work warranted. We are showing a very cboice selection of dresu goods and at very close prices at, W. H. Warren's. linings for ail kinda of atoves, ranges or ba aeaa h ~~ rcsa,~ furnaces, frornJ. MeIntyre. H. Warren's. Rev Thos. Manning's horse strayed away Ladies solid silver neck buckles, the lai- the other day, and was found at Utica, hav- est thing out, ouI> 75 cents at Conner's, the ing wandered about 2o tuiles. newjewelry store. Be sure and see the Triîlby corset the The Bowrnanville Statesman cornes out very best $ioo corset in the market to be this week in a new suit, in which it looks had only frotu, W. H. Warren's. quite scrumptuous. Fires do good iu some Diamnd hll s no opn wih afuilunerespects. of jeelry halchs nodope, siverare.l lie. The Sons of Scotland are rnakiug arrange- Caiewlry uand c hesbargaînsilweare.fec.ng. euts for a programme ou civic holiday Scal tir ndsetoe of lins 5wf. ale éinen hchwill draw the largesi crowd seen in feor sets. oer owiell.ing fr 5tble in. Whitby for a cquartcr of a century. flass o cts., 8iulhuc towe îîîufogct.,16n Dr. Grants "Hairene," for the hair, is i24ssct5. tH.7t- 8n hc oel the only preparation guaranteed to sto fal - 2it. tW. . Warren's. ling hair, aud remnove dandruif. NoMead, One Maurice Goodhardt, a Russian, who no sulphur. Ask your druggist for it. keeps a amall shop in the north eud, had Mr. Carswell's. Wm. Taylor surmmoned before P. M. Har- Do you want a real good side-splitting per ou Saturday for catching hold of his lau gh? Go and hear Carswell on Monday bicycle aud making Goodhardt take a head- ngt h ohis. eprneHloe er. lt ppears that the complainantwaspasnîG.hY, th îofinse. TempencenHals.e sing a crowd of boys snd that one of them G .Sihsofc.OI'tncns gave his bike a jerk from behind. It was Hait ? broken and he was damaged as well. Other Belore buying a spray pump, be sure and see boys who were iu the gang swore that. Tay- the Andeison double action force spray pump. lor was innocent, and he was discharged. The best ln the worid. Ten of them bought by the government for the experimnent.al farm. OnlY 813.0 eoh.L..iaibank, Wltb, aent The South End Parkdales will play bas;e- ball here Saturday agaiust the Whitby club. The Danghters of St. Andrew's. Presbyterian Mause this (Friday) evenhîîg et tbeir lawu social. Admission ioc. Co&I! at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-I will sel! ver> best Scranton aud Lebigb coal $4.7 at shed, $5 delivered-spot cash only. H. B Taylor. Mrs Corrnack aiborne. Mirs. Geo. Cormack gave a very success- fui At Home to ber friends ou Mouday night. A great many invitations were issued and responded to. The affair flnally assumed the dimensions ol a garden party, and under the brilliancy of chinese lariterus a most en- jovable evening was brougbt to a close. H elped lay the corner stone judge Dartneli, F. Howard Aunes, L. T. Barclay, Theo. A. McGillivray and D. Or- inîst.on Nvere guests at the Foresters' lunch- eon to the Governor-General aItbe Queen's hotel, Toronto, on Tbursday of last week, thte occasion ot- Lord Aberdeen's laying the corner stone of the Foresters' Temple. It Il11ie a magnifIcent office structure on the north-west corner of Bay and Richmond streîs, and one of the finest societv build- ings in the worid. Carrying the War into Corea. Conversation The subject of Pastor Sycamore's sermon next Sunday evening lu the Baptist church will be "Conversation." On Tuesaa even- iug at 8 o'clock he will commence a series of studies ou " Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progreas." These meetings wlll be open to ail. Coming back to Whitby. Hayward the cheap goods mani will open for business on Saturday June 8th, ln bis old stand, cor. Brock and Dundas streets, Do you waut bargaîns ? Wait for hlm. See ad- vertisemeut next week. Remember Domin- ion Warerooms. E. R. B. Hayward. Lawn Social. A few of the young ladies of St. Audrew's Congregation intend holding a lawn social at the Manse this ýFriday) evening at seven o'cdock. When a large collection of useful as well as ornamental articles will be oflered for sale. The articles are the handiwork of the voung ladies snd the proceeds go for church purposes. Refreshments will be served. Admission ioc. The Wabash Railroad the Kar Soi ketf Arr beax If rthe Coreans kuew of the manifold vin- " s of the New WVilliams sewîug niachin evi v would teach the Chînese and Japs how n ose thec New Williams sewing machines. uge ( iin thai 1eacefol occupation all hoogfts An the forrors of war, especiail>' durîng these * eadfully fut dog-days. woold be given ro er to sewsiug societies and the making of P kiuds of ciothes for the Asiatics. The ai, w \A illiams la on deck ready for war ai. J. Hart's, the Whîtby agent. Ladies ýhing to purchase a sewiug machine will rase caîl and examine the New Williams bis bouse on Brock street soutb, îrnsby Park The CHRONICLE la lu receipt of a baud- )mclv illustrated book of twcuty odd page-s nîiaining a description ut Grimsby Park d the seasou's programme of that beauti- A somrmer resort on the nontb shore of lake ntario, Mr. Noah Phelpa, St. Catharines, presideut ut the board ut directors, of hom Mn. Nicholas Awrey, M.P.P., is une. ev. Dr. Here, principal of the Ontario ,adies' College, delivers a four days' course fpopulan science lectures, illustrated b), irge drawings aud examinetions by micro- ope. Mrs. Hare perloms an instrumental lu befone each lecture. LCapitalstaEf From aiLl ides we are constautl>' lu re- dpt of complimenter>' remanka lu regard othe CHRONICLES clever sud able stafi ut >cal writers at the varlous county points. innr efforts for ten years have been directed osecuriug and training a local correspon eut frotu every point lu the cont>', and we ave uow almoat attained to our ideal hope. Dur readers enjo>' letters from fifty places lu the count>' each week, ail abl>' writteu sud les;gued to serve a good purpose. Our in- variable instructions' lu new correspondents are :(i) Gel ahl the news; (2) write nu nysterlous paragrapha : (31 Do aîl the good you can, b>' uoting sud commeudiug that îrhich is good snd condemning whet is wrong. We trust that during the beated snmmer acason our writers ay>'find enough surplus energy to keep their respective col- imus alive wlth hright paragrapha as usuel. A South Ward Sunday Paper. The final number of the Pom t Whitby Hard Times was publiabed on Sunda>' Ist, print- ed upou 18 inch shinglea. Our cotemn. sets out under very favorable auspices, sud we understand bas aecured. a good circulation sud patronage already. It la bnigbt sud newsy, sud everything about it shows teste, abilit>' and enterprise. The leading editor- !lisl as follows: ,open scason for muticats comnmences June toth," Tbe leading local ia: "We regret that Mr. 'F. Atkinson la about to0salake oùi tbe dust of Uic side lhue fromn bis boots, sud wilI visît -the nerth pole dnring the heated season. Veril>', as jack Craw says, we are here te-day sud to-maor- row aomcewbere euse (unIess we stand stlill.)" H-ere la a specimen of thc ersonals nce W. J. Nomrs bas quit taking -his evening walks ait Io. 15 bis health la reported, better, sud he wili soon recover. The advertise-k nients of the " Hard limes" are Original Iu thought .sud uni que in desigu.Heme are a few : WÂNTIID).-SteSdy asd ellable men te scare crows aud guisaay froluUicice bouse.-Appi>'te FRANK pailtT." '4JOHN RI L.EY, rcalesta'te breker. HOMMeste rent On 3i5t st-" "Big9 cash saleofycasals.J. Wesicv Soo tons, Mary AnD 1-21tmo, Har- trick Yacht u.oo Ibo., rta min wer- Musita&H be sod by aY1 19M0,8 OwOerC bas a bicycle."' "JNO fQI __ machinet. Sg em Wings mdc te p be Iowes livinýgpri op ."Té'il lu asked ,0,bied elPt. bby z40, bld s. nM ys*W way, ked 1zoo, W t - e b ad i ,bid .1er with W 0letb 1wants te couI>' truc route 10 Chicago, St. Louis, usas City, Texas, Mexico and- Il West, utfwest sud Paciflc Coast poi ta. Tic- s sold at lowest rates to aIl points iu icrîca. Touristsansd teachers shonld ar iu mind that the Wabash is the on!>' tthat can take passeugers tu Denver iSt. Louis and Kansas Citv aud returu em via Chicago, or vice versa. B>' go- gour way you pass through six states ut eUnion, lu the finest equipped trains lu nerica. AIl particulars from auy rail- id agent, or J. A. Richardson, Canadian sseuger Agent, northeast corner King id \onge streets, Toronto. If you. requfre some. new olothes, it will pay you to see the values being offered by us this seagon. Our -reputation for doing first-olae work is well known. Neyer before were Our prices 80 low. ëe Our $10 s'uits, made to order. No need to buy ready-made suite nowb Gentlemen, see Our Hats, Caps, 'Ties,' Shirts, Sweaters, Collars, etc. b. fore purchasing eisewhere. Prices muoh lower than at anYother place. Blouses and Chemisettes@ - We have just reeeived a new line of Ladies' Blouses, Chemisette, Corsets, Waists, Gloves, Hosiery, ste., ail marked at popular prices so sss to make trade hum. New Dress Gooa, Zephers, Chambr:tys, Prints, Sateens, Drls and Duek Suitings. Special line of plaid Ginghams at 8 c.niti ; won't say what they are worth. Corne in an& see them. G N Y NX I:F OUTT-R; HEALTHY, VIGOROUS ]BUSI IS[ES AND gTgw.&RT. 's PROGRESSIVE, Why do we ta]k .... Cut Prices,. simply because competition is keen, and to keep inoreasing our business we must offer (jý -Increased W. G.Walter8. Inducements to Bu«yers. W.G Wal.ters. WE Qzwte a tew prices witlz descrittions below. Our stock affords abundance of real and effective material for advertising. 14e have no occasion to exaggerate, you will find our goods ail we say they are. In our Dress Gooda Department our black Serges and Renriettas will draw enstomers and retain them. Our prices are eut to the boue. 38-in silk finish Serge only 25c., in ail colore. BlackUion Creppon at 25e Ail1 wool Creppons in black, grey, cream, apple, green at 50c. Silk and wool stripe Creppens at $4.40 te $7, for drese length of 7 yards. Ask te see ont range of 44-mn Tweed effeets at 25e. ; a better Unme at 85o'. They are excellent value and we show our line at 10c. yd., 22-in. wide, that should surprise yen. Lt wili, pay you to look through our Dress Goods, the collection is the fineat we have ever shown. Lace Ourtains.-We start them at 25e. whieh is only 5e. yd. A better lime at 87j. ; edges are taped. Yein will pay 60c. elsewhere forýthis particular liao. We have them at ail pricea, Up te, $6.75 per pair. Men's, Youths' and Ohildren's Ready-made Gloting.-We offer yen ready-made elothing at 01<1-HRAL cost of ordered goods, that are well lined, perfect fitting and lateat style eut. Men's Navy Serge Suits at 5$3.75 ; you pay $5 elsewhere. Meu's all-wool Halifax Tweed Suits in fawn, light grey ana dark grey, at $ $6.50 ; a better hune- at $7.560 te $10. We will be pleased te show yen our Ready-made Clothing whether yen ,,want to buy or net. Youths' all-wool Halifax Tweed Suite, Vo fit ages 12 te 17 years, at $4. Children's Tweed Buits, te fit ages 5 te, 10 years, at $2. ~" AFew Special You oan't buy elsewhere 86-mn. faetory cotton at 8c. Cream or colore Shaker Flaànel only 5c. Ladies' stain- less black cotton Rose 8c to 10o per pair. 3 pair Ladies' 40c. Cashmere Rose for $1. Men's Fedora Rats 85c. Men's Flannelette Shirts at 25c. Double fold Cotton Sheeting at 150. 86-mn, Buteher's Linen 15c. White Victoria Lawn 8c, do. 10c. We ask you to Ca/i and Examine our Good8 anid 'Proe8. W. G. WALTERS.Z Excursion to Guelph. JUST RECEIVED Best time to visit Model FarmPueNwMdeMp Wednesday, jufle 12th. China GlaeSwyare &andaC .L.LJ;La1nar m l Pàý%É Visit the Model Faim and Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, by thc Royal Templars' excursion next Wednesday. The manager assure.; thc committce that this îlathei vr>' best season to visit the fermi and bas agreed to suppl>' a f ree lunch at the college for excursîenists. Don't feu b ojoin 1h15 oompany. Wednesday, lune z2th, exc~ursion day, a special train will leave G. T. R, stations as be- low et the following rates : FARE CEIDREN TillE. Oshawa z15 s .60 8.98 Whitby 1z10 .55 8.15 Pickering 10os .55.2 Pt. Union 100 .50 8&41 Arriving et Guelph Si 11.25 a. e Tickets at thc sasse rates wMf be good geint on ail p. m. trains on Tuesday. Jane zîth. Alil trains on Wednesday, lune z2th, and g~lre- turning on ail trains til Thursday algn.June 13th. No perses intcrestcd in afly way in .dairvlng$ stock raislng or an>' other branch of alItuW enu afford te miss the opprtlutY W tbis grand excursion affords. FINRST AND LARGEST, Assortmnitof ]plan*u LOWZ8T. PRIORS DIN VQWI Geraniuzùs;ail co *".i i Colons, IU 40 dÜS9 0 QUS Cold gfltflo CW*ý>ýwtR .. 0to $ ~ Choice Fiû Cheap for "Ci Ca Don'iî buy before calhng and ex=s Ce" WANTED..à-pplett Butter, itok thé euoaHoilmos. &,BOH94h oenzmen4dd'b,'th. les4g -ruit Q*Îý them 48 oery U , .~ buIb~ îily EGru eas, Cofe., Bargains. /aD- (lýý ..... .....

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