Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 6

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Barrlter Ocunty Orown Attorne u Ceuni'tieoiter. Office-Soutà lge Court Hongs, Whitby. Th .et»gon acil. U)8 2 01 4 etinig read andi ap O.A. AnDia complained thati te'efr lOWhaq paàrties ýhad Lnoes upon thé pub libi hlbWaysThos. Chuater, W. Chouter W. OOwsn, J. Grahamn, York Roada Co. DeWjit tOttst M. Gaulin, T. Lukeý, H LeM T. Caýrmon, Mrs. Aun Littlejohn 0. &UIStott cplained that Ezra Foaoh il OOUPYing the South haif of ideline be, tVreeu lots 26 a.nd 27 in the Srd con. IW )n ]motion Of Mesore. Mowbray ané Bulta the counceil resolved ituieif lotoa court Of revision with the reeve as chair. Inan. The varions appeais were heard anda report Of t.he court will be found ele where. Council resurned, reeve in the chair. Your standing comrnittee on indigente bee leave to report and recommend as foloews : Your committee have bad laid before theva a petition from J. H. Wag- onor and tbirty-eight others ask ng Bic for one Mrs. Smith and would recoina Mend that she be granted the sum of $1 per week froin the lut of May until the lot of October, John Gerow, commission- er. Ail of which ie respectfully submit ted. On motion of Mr. illt8, chairman, repot was adopted. Yonr standing comnrittee on oonting- encies beg leave to report and recoin- Inend as tollows: D R l3eaton expense serving liotic8s of court of revision $6, also drawinig deeds in duplicate, Mrs Jane Bilow to tins corporation $2, and on aîccounî of' disbursements $10 ; Mrs. Byron on account the suin of 75 oents per week frein leat of May, andti tat B. A. I3nntîng be conis1sioner ; \V J Clark advertîsing oourt of revision and printing sale bil]s re late Mrs Bi3low's property 85-50 ;,li W Mowbray, asses8or, for at- tending court of revision $5. Your coin mittee ackniowled-ge a communication froin the prisoners aid association asking for a gratit f rom tbis municîpality to aId themin In dir work, and while recogniz ing tbe good work they are doing-re- forrning the erring ooe-we cannot re- oruznentl a grant, as our county council lias for sorne years past contributed liber- ally to said Association. Xour coînmittee hiaving c onusdered a communicationj froîn Mr. L T Barclay and H B Taylor re speoting sclîool debenture rates in No. 4 West, claiming exemption fDr north baîf lot 17 in the first concession, find thiat the by-law placîng saîd lot on said school section was not to take effeot until the 25th day of December, 1892, tlîus ex. emptling said lande for thiat year and also that there was no understanding tbat said lands should be exempt from said debenture rate. AlI of which is respect fally enbmitted. On motion of Mr Mow- bray, obairman, report was adopted. The standing committee on roade and bridges reported and recommcnded as follows: Wm Vanstone, fur openîng ditch on Kingston rond, opp 17, accord ing to contract, 95 ; A Ellis, overseer of division 72, fer shiovelling snow, $4 ; John W I)unnj, drawing timber froin Brorig bain, and building culvert on sideline be tween lots 1 and 2, in~ the 7îb oon, 8; J H Conner, for shovelling snow on Brock road, in 8rd concession, the road- work bei1ng ail pertormed, $4.50; Cowie Bro8., balance of timber contrart $35 93; Casper Stotts, balance on culvert in 2nd con, at lot 20, 50 cents. Your conjiiîee visiîed the localit complained of b>' Messrs L T Bardla and H B Taylor in a former communici lion to îlîîs coucil respeczing water bE ing obstructed, therehv damaging lot 1i in the 1@t con, find that the damnage wa caused largely by the calvert in frontc said promises beîng filled witb earth which is not the work of this corporatioi to maintain. We would recommend the followirs grant on roads: Iinsaie road in the 2n( con, bo gravel, per petition o! Geo O'Con ner and 3 otherp, $45, Geo O'Conner un( James Richards commîssioners. Green wood road in 8rd con, bo gravel, per peti lion o! Jamnes Richards and 8 others, G-e( O'Leary and Jas Richarde corna, $50 Greenwood road in 4th con, to repair, ap p lication o! M Gleeson, F L Green anè 1oucber coins, $50. Fifth con road opr lot 18 to grave] the "Pnîty E 11, " 1 Poucher coin, $8. Sideline beîween loti 16 antI 17 in 4th con to repair, Han-j lilicoit anti Poucher, coma, $15. North bal o! sîieline between lots 10 and il in 6îh con to grade and gravel, Hugh Wil- son and Poucher comas, $80. Sîxtb con road opp lots 7 and 8 to repair, Gibsor and Mowbray, coma, $20. Sideline be- tween lots C6 and 7, in Ciîh con, to repair, Rogers and Mowbray, comas, $10. 7îlî con road opp lot 5 to grade and gravel, llarbron and Mowbray, comae, $15. Side- lune between lots 4 and 5 in 7th con to gravaI, B W Jones and Mowbray, comas, $20. 8îîî con road opp lot 8, 10 repair, Geo Coultîce and Mowbray, corna, $8. Otb co, opp lots 1 and 2 to repaîr, Jas 1 Davideon, com, $20 9th con road opp loti 6,.t9 and 11, to repair road 4Pp lot 6, R Ward ainti Mowbray, coma, $15 ; opp lot 9, Gerow, coin, $12; opp lot 11, Gerow, oini, $25. 9th con. eout of Claremont, (.erow, coin, 810. 6th con road opp lot 18 and Brock road in the 6tb con to grave], Cowie snd Poucher, coins, 850. Brook road in 5us con to gravel, W Wilson snd Poueber, coma, $25. 6th con wesî of Broughamu, gravel, Holtby and Poncho: cerna, $20. Brook road in 8rd cen, grave!. Conner and Hilta corna, 020 Sidelins between lots 16 aud 17 in B.F. cou, te gravel ewansp, Liut.on sud Richards, coins, 880. Sidoline between lois 20 sud 21lin B F. con, to repeir read, Weish sud Richards, cma, $20. Bide lino between 28 sud 27 iu 1-t cou for g ravel, Bih.., coin, 816. lit conuo0 lot 12, lImp rovinu bill, Lawton snd Hi! ta, comi.,080U. Sideroad betweeu lot 81 and 82 iu lot cou, His ecern, 10. Sideroad -'between lot 82 sud 88 in Sud con, Hilti cern, 810 Altous road in the Sud cou, to grade and gravel about 187 roda on tiii. nortb part, Hile. corn, $100 Bridge at Clrk# ollow, Poueher, and8Monfter, ornu, $26 Sidelin. botwo7a lot SI& Uî 1Ji the4th con, uoutb hait, Pono e *d J mIol oi*. $158.6M oont boin lob os U to rade agda g'.v.tsL.tj n Pooor mo, $100. e ti' btu lo& i ta M a 1 ith Mn . M - l0* U con, bttwoon iota 80 and* 81, 0MiJok or Wbo"ï6 front of Mrâ. Slimpocket's house wait.- àltona ruoulViert grading, Pouohn - îng for the expressman. What does it 8. cern, S16. Oti con, bêtween 14 and 16o This cereal commanding but a very mean ? Mri. Ennicott (wlth scorn)-it r rePafrin hWU and building two'oulverts, low and unprofitable price for the past means that she's going dowri to her Gero cern, #20$1. 4t on, be t2 , ew years, the tai-mers of Ontario bave uncle's farrn to spend the aummer. and 81oo, bu20.ig breaWt er sud lotesown it recently only ini srall quanti- Daddy, asked little Danny Grogan, il. 80 and 1 Pouchgbràaer co a nd il- ties, many sowing none at ail. The what i8 this new woman business, any- >.. ling, Hit n oce cm,80 ig price a o e up to the profitable wy hmn s," aid Mr. Grogan, aeton road, weet of Pickering villhe, now gonees gravelling, Hit, cern, #20. 4th on pin and next fail there will likely be a after a moment's thought, thot, iiistid o' pp lot 1,7, repairing and grading rod large area sown and, as many are not av a man an' his wife bein' wan anny Peroy and Poucher coma, $25. Brook growrng their own seed, there will be a moore, thot now he 18 wan man an' she road in Il snd 8 con, Gerow cern, #80. good demand for clean seed wheat. is another, bedad. 15 sale road souti of Audley, gravelling Whether the present high prices will Mr. Billus-Maria, how does it hap- in 8rd con, Mowbray cm, $80. Altona continue for any great length of time nta an s' on ocuc droad in let con, and repaire, Hilte com, depends upon a variety of circum- pen harFnn.in Bgin t lcus-ch a$10. Base lins opp lots 28 and 24, grad- stances. England does fot seem to be with you this mnorning ? Ms ls a ng, Hilte oom, #10. Bay' road between in any hurry to lay in a stock with the You know as well as 1 do, John, that rlote 22 and 28, Hilte cern, 815. Sth con expectation that higher prices are to when Bessie and Kate and 1 go to abetween lots 82 and 88, gr&àding and fil- prevail. The following report from churéh somebody has to stay ait home. Bling, Gerow com. Ail of which is re- King & Co. o TleodaedMa 27' There isn't room for four pairs of Ppeoîfally subrnitîed. On motion of Mr. should be of some authority as regards sleeves in our pew. Poucher, chairman, report was adopted. the Ujnited States crop: During the 1 heard, sir, that you said my piano Mr. Richardes eoonded b>' Mr. Hilte, past four days we have received replies playing sounded part of the time as if m roves tihat the reeve grant hie order on from 4578 reliable grain dealers and 1 were jumping on the keys with both the treasurer in faver of ticeparties re- millers, convering ex-ciy important feet. Exactly, madam, 1 refei-red to ô ommended in the reports of the varions, wheaî counîy in the six principal win- the pianissimo passages. Any one who standing committees as presented tis ter wheat states which generallv i-aise would stop to think would know that *day. two-thirds of that crop in the Uniîed such sinaîl and delicate feet as yours 1 Mr. Rlicharde seeconded by Mr. Mow- States. Three thousand 'one hundred could only produce the softest effecîs. Bbray moyeu that the council do now ad, and eleven replies are from the larger 1. *jouru to meet again on Moriday, 8th of wheat producing counties and 1467 A Generous Offer. July Bt the hour of 10 o'clock for the froin the less important. The present (Published by Reqîuest.) transaction of general business. prospect in the six staies, reduced acre- Deapr mr. Editor .--Wifl you kndly in- age considered is for about haîf a ci-dp. form the readers of your valuable paper that The Arizona Kicker. Ohio and Michigan promise about to I will gladly send FREE to, any sufferer fromj ihirds of a crop, Missouri about haif a Losi Manhood, Nervous Debility, Nighî A ULEANING Out. crop, Indiana a irifle beiow haif, Illinois bosses, Varicocele, lmpotency and the rc-sults w ors an K a sas abou a uar er. T he o r youthful folly, particulars of a sim ple and w o r s a n d K a n s s a b u t a q u a r e r . h e in e x p e n s iv e m e a n s o f s e lf-c u re w h ic h a f e r b e - 0 13 During the lasi fourvar certain damnage has occurred mostiN, du ring the ing humnhugged and imposed upon for years miembers of Coogress hav-e been N'e paitre ees heareg i by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured courteous and generous tomwar'd The eîd iibemcral less thoLn î,sî1 me in a few weeks. 1 have noîhing 10 seil or Kicker' in the matter of foi-waiding %I cîýJ zve away, nrianIavriîgayptn public documents. Many- a uirne it has 'er More is being piowced up )tho nmedicine 'business, but wîll be pleased to hear tîsual. Reserves of (îld ht arc- %-i-x [rom any sufferer anxious to find a cure for his taken iwo extra rnaiibags te bring thenm al complaint. I0 whom 1 will excolain confiden- along. and for da-s ai a timne îh-ev hlave ti ally how and by what means 1 was cured. leen abo(ut the o)nli bag receîv-ed. -------lundrede aesn ue hruh D Whîl au hert ges ui > th oficiis TnnyThiga-vice. Gests nothing to learn whaî 1 paid hun- foril t he rubl e s o taod e- theî - we ciao F nn hidreds of dollars tb find out. Address confi- at ort help robut andl1-" rlit-,%.'e'qn- dentially and enclose stamp if convenieni. n. iupbt spaLize wîîh' ihe lest 'Mr. usovoody-.If y'ou îîang tho-se D. G. OWEN. )tlice i epaltient. At a close esti- turkcy's by the feet Nvou will kecep thcni Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. n1atte We ha\ e re(e-i-ed two tons of pub). longer. Butcher-Thai ai who-t 1 ni tlocs. toi wlh fl ot a cent of ryin t d.1 wani to sel] 'cm. miss B. MeCabe wa8 drowned at et. , t a e t r i n g o d o ',M a la c h ie , Q u e b e c . was paîd. Io no (me instance ha\-e w-e Mi-. Droppin-is Mi-. Baîte in to- Hwt ueHa ce.-ontepesfe moue than glanced ait te titie page. day? Mi-1 , Bite's parner-No. sir; uîî tieydyafeea.it edc Thcy hav-e been îackcd up in a rooni hes down ai ihe Rangîcys. Mr rtp- There is rest neither day or nigbt until the 0O as faci as iecei\ved, and the other day, pin-Ah, caîching fish? Mi-. B's 1. nerves are all unstrong. The cause is enerally= wlîeîî we wanted the room and decided No, si-; fishing. a disordered esomach, and a cure can be îo elecan oui the deadheois,- we found -I will work nighî and day to make effected by using Parmelee's Vegetable Pilla, tue eapnîesurd jsi îreecors, app,' h sad. o, he ns-containing Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. th lcp esue ls tre ods ou hpy"h ad -o"seas Finlay Wark, Lysander, P.Q , write, : I find= -Tiie\ w-cru remtw\-ed by horse and wered, îhoughtfullv, -don't do tuai. Parmelee's Pille afirsicelass article for Bi lious wagon b v\acatlt ts in i-car of the Just work during the day and sîay honme Head ache. " otîhce an(i (onsîgned to the flames. and ai night.- The 35tb Battalion will camp at Orillia June P. it was thi-ce davs and îhree nighîs he- Gusî-1 wouid like a nice roîund 1 fore the iasi v-olume was cttnsumed. steak rai-e done, and some fresh frie.d For one dollar, you ruay buy a bottle oi lu rnay be possible that soi-ne members potaîocs. Waiici- (in stentorian %v<i( e> Ayer's Sarssparilla, wbicb, if taked in time, Ar of Congress, statistician. historian, -Carnage in the skilleî. Fried P'in- and according îo directions, tuay save a great Bu edittr or prix-aie citizen inds use for grecs on the side! aydlar 1dces'ble n iu xr-V. soi tif these public documents sent 'Thei-c doesnt seem to be anything plify the truth of tbe oid maxim, "Prevention (Al tt wth such lîberai hand, but wc be- selfish about ihat man Pingrec, ..said is better than t-ure." etc lieve the besi use thai can be made of Ijncie Allen Sparks.* -In uhat poîdîtie Rev. Thorne Bailey, rector of St. Barnabus- then is to send îhern to the prairie paîch scherne of his he has ici everv- church, Ottawa, bas resigned. settiers o~f Kansas, Nebraska and the body in on the ground floor. - Piles!1 Piles 1 Itching Pules. I)akoîas. A foui- poundc pub. doc. will SMTM-osue burn for about fifty hours, îaking the. Mrs. Poorman-This monex- ques- SMTM-osue intenqe iîching andar plae f n igî f crdofwodtion seems to be geîîing verx- bitter. îlingîng ; most ai niîght ;-wore by sciatchîng. Ar aod ein conpak an eay t hadieHow do y-ou feel about it, dear. Ni-r. If allowed to cmtînue tumers forro, whicb A and warrantcd cica- of mu-robes and ex- alPoma-Bd nogh.RaMyyn plosions, hy would be welcomed as a ai brk uprn boon and made good use of. She-The man I mari-y must be oniv A CUSTOMI ABOLISHED. Ever since the town had a post office it has heen the customnof certain people who eau ai the gencrai delivcry for y mail to pull a gun and shoot through y the opeoing to atu-act attention. The a-firsu tw-o posurnasuers put up a plank in 7,range to catch the bullets, but the lasu 18cri-ter w-as uo azy and shifltess to care Ofabout saving thi-ce or- four founds o! blead per w-cck and ailow-ed the bullets n uo go through the opposite wall and oui over the sand lots. During his lime g wo o f the empioves w-ci- accudentaliy dshot and rnany- o! the mail bags badly daniaged. The cail au the wvindows d and tke firing were so frequenu that the 1. office was always blue wuuh the sinoke iand oppressiv-e wiîh the srnell of Gun- o powder. If oui- predecessor ever thought of a -change for the beuter, he hadn't the d pluck to make a suai-t. Ten days ago Pwe put up a sign au ihe right of the r window rcading, '. Don't shoot, but rap 1on the window.'" No one heedcd the y sign, and after two days we rcplaced it wtone reading, "No attention paid tshooters.-' (Ad Jim Hewson and hscrowd came in one afuer another and fired tw-lvc shots apiece through -through the window and walked oui. There were thi-ty-three shooters and the shooîing was rather conuinnous for severai hours. The cast wali of the post office was so darnagcd that we had *to get a car-penuer to put in some new plan ks. Oui- third sign read, "Any one shoot- ing through this window will be shot at in reîurn" ' That saine old Jin Hewson was the only man in town who woulIdn't believe that we meant business. He came in, read the sig-n, pondered over it for awhile, and then fired a shot through the window. That is why Mr-. Hewson is now laid up with a bullet in bis leg, and why he won't cavort around town for severai weeks to corne. He was contending for a custom fifteen years old, and we feit no resentinent. Indeed, we used to shoot through that1 saie window ourselves before we be-1 came a part of the United States Postal- Departrnent. We do flot expecit to run 9 this postoffice in the hightoned, gold 4 iacy manner which prevals in Chicg or St, Louis, but wc shWW aim to havýe a system n sd to preserve a cearian f oe ans o apnütheahe of the enral deivery wilo* wltit 0 butto hîgtai no onie wÎ1iý1 but thcre m eIoM«> Oà When we am e -ncS or ut1gl to oo Our, ~to Stidm ne. a litile lower than thée angeéls.- Hu (suddenly floppingi-Here 1 arn on nî\- -knces a little lower than one of thenîî. He got ber. r Hoax-Whai I ob-Iect id in vet 1boarding house is the lack o! tenu. joax- Huh! 1 gucss you havun i heard the girl in the next roorn sing- ung -'When Summer Cornes Again. Mrs. Malaprop-WMho are the tw,' ladies playing that duet on the Piani ,- Here Sîrawitski-one is the daughtur of the hosîess. Mrs. MNalaprop-.-Xnî!, pi-av. who is ber accomplice? "A cat,' said Tommy. -has ti ciî- killcd fine urnes before ts duad.-1 "-Thai's nothing, - said the neighbor's boy. whose fauher is on the Bloard if Trade, -you jusi oughu to hear about the whcaî crop.- The docioi--Qucer saving that about t-uth lying at the botîom otf a wuII i t The lawyer-You wouldn't uhink sifa you knew the arnounu of punîping w, .u lawyers have to do id get ILir This coin you gave me remninds nie t of sorne women,' said the conductî,s uhrowing the counterfeit nickel over Mo his hand. "-How so?" askcd the cu-1 nious passenger. "Fare, but false -, said the other. She-It must have been an alwfui storin to biow away the lightheuse, Cholly - Terrible, my dear' But it could only have been through cai-elessý ness that there was a lighîhouse in sucha. "Ai-e those bei-ries just the sarne au the bottoin of the box as they ai-c on tcp ?" asked Mrs. Hunnîmune. "Yes, irideed 'cm," replied the vendor, And hie toid the truth. The box was ony only one layer of bei-ries deep. Mrs. Magun-I carne across one o! youi- old letters to-day, George, wherc you said uhat you would rauher be in .ndless toi-ment with me than be in blîss by yourself. Mr-. Magun-Weli, my dea-, I got my wish. Cobbs-That was a pretty sentiment poungr masher got off the other night ifheni bidding Miss Plunxpy good night. )obbs-Sol1 What waS it ? Cobb..-H e saîd. he wished shie was locked in his arus aud the ce y lbut zI 6 1ave krin4er had My doubts, " said Ur. JYason,, as h. removed his Sunda>' Barrister, etc. Office formerlv occupled b>' Farewell & Ruted eto< lRtl Brook Sb., Witb>'.go etoyiHel DAVID ORM1STON, Bj.DoA., Attoruey-at.Law, Solicitor lu Ciancer>', Convoyancer, etc. Office -Inuths Office South of the Post Office, in McMillau's Blook, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. Bo, Barseetc. .-Money to Loan. Issue: o! Mariage Liceuses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ook St., Whitby. DOW & Mci.ILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors iu Chancer>', etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., Whitb>', soutb of Ontario bank. Dirs Warren & Moore# J. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. D. Brooklin, Whitby. Office hours 9. a. m. ,Afl Privale Teeph on e Communicaison.w 1. P. BOGART, iM.D.L.Dg. q u m Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to All Saiut's Dundas St., W'hitby, Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N.- B Dental Surgery iu ail its branches popl .'r-N W OR, Po rr .ttended to. Commercial meu libersil.y desît with Teaming doue at reasonable pricea. Preight sud Bsggsge hauled ai resson- D re H. W ig ht luan able rices. A caUl solicited. DEN77WS .T. L- XMEU DENTST.MACHINIST, WHITBY, Bittlngit 0f Tire Dfiision Courts. OUSTY 01? ONTABIO 1895. Wamyr-D. 0. Macdoneil, Whitby Olerk J'an. 2; Feb. 2; March 2; April 2; ïl 2 ; lune 8: July 6; 8ep. 3; Oct. 2; Nuv. 2; De. 8. Os.uawÂ-D. 0. Maodonel, Whitby, Olerk; Jan. 8; Peb. 4 March 4; April 8; May 8; lune4; 3ul>'d; Sep. 4; Oct. .8; Nov. 4; Deo. 4, Biouen.&x -' M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan. 4; Maroh 5; May 4; july 9; Sep. 6; Nov. 5. 0 PORT PERET - J. W. Burnhaxn, Port P"rr, CIerk-Jan. 29; Maroh 9; May 9; Juiyý1.; Sep. 28; Nov, 18. UXnBi2DGz-Joeeph E. Gould, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jaài. 80; Mardi 18; May l5th; July 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. OÂArnbeaon-Ge orge Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; Mazch 14; May 16; JnLly 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. B19ÂVEUToN-Geo. P. BrUce, BeaVerton, Cierk-March 15; Ma.y 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. By order, J. E. FARE WELL, Olerk of the Peace. October lSth, 1894. New Livery and Sale Stables W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. )ount>' Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, 'ort Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Lrhiteet, late with Langley, Langley& îirke, Toronto. Designe for Chtirches, illas and Cottages a specialty. Drawlngs repared for remodeling existing structures. ýfce-First fiat over W. R. Howse's d.rug tore. Le-P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, RARNEsB MAKR, WHITBY. Havsing moved into oui new premises, we re prepared to extend the range of business. 1 worki pertaining to the harness-xnaking ad saddlery business will be donc to satis- ýtion. Collars a specialty. Cail and sec Second dcoor west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINUS 0F- Lumber, Shingles, Saah, Dooru and Blinds, -Ag Ahl orders or information obtained froin JOHN NJOBLE, Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. can be WIjbitbp jhuuce Establinhed 1856. $1 per annum in advanoe, otherwiue S1.60ý Subsoriptions alwayu payable at the-office of publication. The publisherr do not undertake te deliver the'paper at any post office but Whitby. An>' paper which faimB to reaoh ius destination wIll be replaoed upon notification a a matter of ~ortesy. Adverting rates unis by con- tract, 10 cents per lins, nonparlel, firat in. sertion, and 5 cents per lins ssci aubs-. quent insertion Locale, 10 cents psr lins. HENDICRSON & GBAHÂM. [OH9N S TÂNTON, Poreman. Prpreos Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3[d Con, Township of WVhitby ; 2 miles fromn Whitby; same known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second te none, in a first-class state cf cultivadion. Good fences ; watered by live Stream acrosa ene.cor- ner zoo yards fromn a fine Stone bouse ; frame stable and driving shed ; aise frasne bouse ànd abundance cf fruit of aIl kinds. For partlu., lars ap ply te .1 L N E wu H. ANR DEALBRINi si a Has opened a Repair Shop in conneciion with the Cooper Shop latel>' carried on by bis father, opposite Ail Sainte' Church, sud wili do alkiuds of Repasring., Sewing Ma- chines a specialt>'. swu Mowers, Bicy- cles, PFrearms, Locke, Scsies, Claties Wringers, Washine Machines, &c. Saw iln.Skates, Scîssors, Xnives, Clipr, &osarpeued sud repsired. Ail i1 0o Cooper Work mnade sud repszred. Shop oppoite Al Saints' Churc, Dundas Street, Whitby Manutacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lit e Insurauce Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent,.eofa&l accumnulations of surplus is returned te the policy holders. Ai l aims are paid vithoni dela>' or diicunut on proof of death or maturît>' of endowmeut J. B. POWELL, Peb. lat,'98. Agent, Wbiiby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. Par thc nexit tres montlhs I arn gi-ving special attention ta 'stients frein a dis- tance. Arn euhl makxng plates in rubber, #8, ceiluloid 010. Golf and silver filling work cro'w-ning by firai-clasa opersiors at the mosi reasenable rates in tic ciy. Wien in the ci>' eaUl in sud let me -emar- ise your teeth. I make ne extra charge. 0. H. RIGGS, Deutlgt, senti est ce rner King and Yonge Ste., Toronto. Nov. 8th, 1892. ASK YOUR STA TIONER SPARTICA,, -AND- TAKE NO OTHER. August 315t :893. Railway Time Table GRAND TRUNSK AND MIDLÂI» N O , E x p r e s s D a iy M a if . 6 O M & a-M No, fi7, sIxcepi na ..9:Oiaza po. u; asoenger'< " ..2.4pm Ti , xrsKl xelSn.Sl ~- *OI~e  ~ V.M NoLHp4adl ego)4Kasi<r~ ~u~9~85D Almost Pass Kr. . E. NichaI Yearî CANCER O A"ND 1 C M.r. Nicholson sa tors who presci no purpOse; the( Eat inito th( slpread to nxy cl agotiy for seveti 1 begantakiug A a weeZor iwo Decided Im Dnoo-raged by vered. uý i in l under My chin 1 mintlîg iMy up usngthe ýSarsa tlaiaceofi Ay8I:suITh Âdmitted at 4.YB' FLL A Carleto BACR TO flEA] mided to tbe A Obtained Re FLiled to Se, Promn the Ottawa 1, Mr. George Ai knowfl farmers Gowcr. Ho bas p ence as pain1 ana bis atoz'>'as hlps be of value In *the conntyi Argue,$"sud hsv in twen-ty Miles Ten years of tia of pain sud mse uc.Elevan Y .,od wioi resui matinOfthde]1 lions thon tollay My roorn for fivi attended Me t] 8aid that tic rea about was; due t - q- - Tad 1o tirugibouln ~oould hobble rbtwaWell ,'aecMY ttoO -vamsiiGu raost-ablé -Pl ~udrbsci -sbeor foin t a, >e 7 ai 0 b )r )c id ýp r Lis y h n h Office hours 11 am to 2 P.M. )ver (Iross & Granger's. 'Wh--i-tby.

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