Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 7

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i etor = so 1w o e b * îàg t e. m = o w it driving w îtIIà crnts é t-r-1.i bxeswap, at5<> bes grl 8unday between indsay and cetsa ox o e~ o~ fr$2.50. Daniforddrove over à 00W thal wu Iy. Io o ds Tbey may b. had fr*m an>' dernier, or ing on the road, and the animal beoame wil b. sentI by m ail on r.ceipt f price. wedged te ween t he. wheels nd nearly Oun a&S 'erofula anrd Ân ai 9, Bkixi ruptions an di Pale Or D r. W illiam a' P nk Pille m ay b. had uPset both into the. ditoh. As it w as 3 U w CmBi n ,a e p e ü u e of ail drnggiets Pr direct by niail fron two wheels of the rig were badly dished, gy1WCm1xoa reeedl'crda> Dr. Williams' Medicine CJompany' froni and it in whiepered that the young man's - c~~~~ither addres. Tihe prie.st whioh the chances of makinR that young lady hie 11 I A I 1 .h pille are sala make a course of treat,- wife were "diehed" alec. Suh ije hf.. Lions E là ' ment oomparativeiy inexpeneive as Mr. Dan Stineon, carter, met with a nu compared with other rernedies or medcai painful acident Monday eve'ning, fromuithe. Cream of Ood-liver Oil. No otherrem- 'kN treatment. the effete of which. he wili have to re- edAILkl n feeie> nrce n main ini the bouse for sorne time. It aLp- d oqikyadeffié ercsan Literary ompetition. pears that Mr. Stinson was riding home prfe hebodadges ouishment V near bis residence, Kent-et. west, when prfe âebodidgvsnu The Toronto Saturday Night, a re- bis horse shied at a passing bicycle and to the. whole eyetem. It in pleasant to taka cognized authority in Canada on mat- tbrew the rider to the ground. He was and easy on the. stomach. tes etanigto literature, refers as asee oe r obt a aîd Thin, Emaoiated Persona and aul follows to the short story competition 1 on xaniiation onnd hat a malie. .. Jo,.. . 4ohLao. tleed y he r. iiiam Meic ne nced the ankie wae brol<en. He re- .s--.--f r om rer coniS.panyQn of eed by h r.killiasMdcnene the fracture and niadq the patient etored to health b>' Scott's Emuision. înost o Bokvll: as comfortable as could be expected Be sure you get the bottie with our M m s Lt is gratifying to find this large under the circumtances.tae-akoi.Reuesstues business firm interested in literature, Bouncing baby girl -rfAOE MARK. taemroni.%uecap sbttts Passes Bel jef and the nature of the competition i Mr. Benjamin Chambers, of Bridge- SndJfor pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.C ______1___________ that a keen interest is sure to be north, je the father of a baby whose ab- Sot & 10w ne, Bellevlle. Ail Drugglsts. 50.: d S I Mr. Jas. B. Nicholson, Fiorencevllle, aroused in ail parts of Canada. There normal growth is a maLter of comment a N. B., Struggles for Sevan Long i perhaps no portion of the world that tbrougiiout the whole cuuntry-side. atid Yee.rs with yields material so abundant, situations visitors corne in from far and near to see CANCER ON THE LIP, So piquant and characters s0 striking, it. The litte girl je only a year old, but AND o cuR= B forthe writer of short stories, as may already weigbs Ui pounids. Rer waiet 15 Â.N 1 ORE B be found in Canada and more particu- 82 inchee in girth and bier wrist seven A E 1# 0anE U P I Sa- larly in the Northwest Territories. We When born tbe child waa no larizer tuanLA ( E i4~~X~T lEE~l S parilla hav~e seen what Gilbert Parker has oCher children, but when eix monthe oldBA Knd E U T O I ' B -YR been able to dIo with his ail too limited it weigbed forîy pounde, and it je etîli ____________ Mr. Nicholson sarq: "i consulted doc- knovvledge of the Hudson Baycountry. getting beavier. The baby je now 8o fat to)rs w ho prese rbed for me, but t0 Had he or an>' other trained writer as that great care bas to be taken of it that nu purposo; Lte cancer bgan to complete a knowledge of our great it does not. emother itesf. li; flesb le ' E at inito the Flesh, - Northwest, the traditions of the forts, Dot at ail flabby, but beautîfuîîy firim. !ýI'ret1 10 my chin, and 1 suffered In the haifbreed and the Indians, as is The parente are very proud indeed ofM A guniy for ;even long years. Flrrally 1 possessed by hundreds of our readers, thAir7 T1T 177!forbIennTVyT i ý,g;w ia' ng Ayers iSarsaplrrila.inAcierypnftacdn ccre l . 1 . a vek or two 1 ntîced a the literature of the world would be A o pfu cident o . edonÇ 1 1. ELl 'J L ' ~ -- A D eidd mpovmet. enriched. Winners of cash prizes in tb 2tbofMa t oo vunes sn f __________________________ Fnrsur'a,yed i y thiîs restirt. 1 perse. te opttosaeecues abzPmn ftr ttwri bc that there is no reason why beginners ho wae very badiv barred. It sppears W'ITH BEEF IRON A.ND WINE. ni1er r uy chirri egil rrl îe;l. 1l1 thi s should not try a hand,' be was intending t.o join in the celebra h iiîiths iily 1Hp bg:rrr to heai, andt, afier Three hundred dollars is off ered in Lion of tire day, and for Lbst purpose bad,st 1lrrlig te iarqa I rilia for s:x nutli t thje lasit raceoof tle cancer disappeared.,d prîzes. the amount. being divrded like ail the rest of the boys, provided brm- t , ~ mong the best five stories received. self wliib a blinch of flrecrackere, and no t New n o d ru lo u ii r n AYeI's onI11y asp îia Stories for competition must reach the iraving any better place to keep tbem wa a W de uI Bo d P rf ran N rv 1 _______ V r. illiamns Medicine Co., Irockviiie, bandy for uîs e placed them in they- p-'o 1%ýT.-I c Admitted at the World's Fair. Ont_ before the ist of Jlv next. breast pocket of liri blouse. In taking.L *./.LN -.'..e À I'ER'b 1'ILL8 Regutato th.e Bosoets. one out to set il off lie somebow or other Cnan OSDUS1Eeyigein saHAT GLECN 3MAJOR. set fire to the whole buncb, and not no iCntisNo IN.JURI SDRG EerinedntsaHAL B1D Mr. William Bedshaw je now visiting ticing the fact put thein back in bis ER. CERTAIN and PERMANENT RELIEF i8 GUARANTEED àncsso friende at Mr. Thompson's. breait pocifet, wiren tbev began t.o exlT plode, blowing the front off bis shiirt and Constipation, Dyspepsia, Hvunes UW akess ACarleton 00. Miracle. Joseph Jones is renewing old acquaint- burnîng bis breast and stornacb very Bkiji Diseases. ance atMr.Blacbur's.badiY. A doctor was SoOn at band to I3ACN1- TO HEA.LTII AFTER YEARS 'Mr. James Walker was visiting at Mr. It oudadh is UWrcvr tj baeed on GLYCERINE instead of ALCOHOL. For producing ot@la OF E-,XTREME SUFFEI{ING. Lewises on Sunday last. dres bs mccladv. s owreo e kin, bright complexion, and relieving ail ilîs peculiar to women, it jes urpss Yrle oteAdieo rend and Mr. Robert Spenser je advertising for Attemlpted incendiarism CRAN T E .... Oblddtainhe d viResu hreo rsF ha adri ver to ped dls washîng tmachies Whaî seems to bave been another at- ........BE CRAN T E .o h r ObtanedResuts hre Docorsbadwith. Failed to Secure. isNmaMthl eo h khs. ternpt aiceudrarisr occurred on Tbnr- 6M N.LY9 9 ak.e no0 MisaNoma Mtchll s o th sik lst.day eveninrg lat, and bas been kept quiet Fromn the Ottawa journal. lier many triends wish ber a speedy re- since in tire boe tliat a clew mibt be Mr. George Argue is one of t1h6 bet et Pic(d pthtCol la naghedscv krrown farniers in the vicinity of North covey red n th iret w, ouil o' ktir dscv (~owr. H baspassd though~ ~. Mr. Lidge Gerow ia laid up wiîbbatevo tefrbg buti 'lcta (oe.H ba asd hog ane-failure. evening 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Anders,)n no- perience as painful a.s ihje reinarkable, Anneroouyunpopewn trced Orat emoke wtt, entering ibeir living and iris story as told a reporter ,wi%çill per-At' Io oryun epl et o1ro)iusis n the rear o thre fruit store, butI r c 1 i*T; hape be of vaiue to othera. '-I wae born Greenwood on tbe -24tb and report b' after a close investigation conid see no iii Lb. county cf Carleton," said Mr. ing a good ime.i ofleabt.H eertremkeA D Argue, "and have lived allniy life witb- Mr. Fred Gubson paid aur town a vii, rndèrertine. îîrey descended to tirs celiar, P N W R S in twenty miles of the city of Ottawa. on Sunday iast. anrd foiund ibai ibe fire was between the PN ~ V RVS Ten yeare of that imie have been years Mr. E. Evans was tbe guet of Miss, joists sui)porting thre upper floor. Lt had ITCH[NQ FILES is an exceedingir painful and anoigaft of pain and misery almost beyond endur- Mary Williamns on Sunday. miade its way up between tbe baseboard, Not d4 ovi ffî i hr ad po. mle and fernais.Thprnt ance. Eleven yearB ago I contra cted a Mîr. E. Crozier ie again visiting friends andi if tiot discovered wouid speediiy have ~ . symptonis ar a svere çing. whtch 18 wo t nigha hntr cold which resulted in pleursy and infianiatCirenot.iworKed up b-tween thle walls and started rer becomesO warmin d.S terrible 18 thre itcing tua rqe matioD of thre lunge, Other cemplica- avr serious tire As it was, a few pailniosîe s M orthesifre'iiIotei a viki avsbefo nte e rvp adurint sle escratches thertsu until they are sore-ulcerad a tins then ollowed and I was confind t t mn it advnable frhanther dre o at- qenhdth litYl a trxcsiembuJl Vue emlsar my roniforfiveyeas. he dcto wh nofound tirai a bunch of old rage and paper M iser g ro tisdlmese eu" unbearableirritation and tioàbe Lui tht lng llegstal' gofonl haingseric one l evz7other srnptom otr tching Piles or irritation la jn tc attended me throughta ln1lnee 1in folyhvn srieonei ad been inserted f rom the ontside iflto bo4j ae Immediatay allayed and quteki ecured by is eaid that thre reasonI was unabie to move two weeks. 1 an opening between tire joiets. A more ment. It wilhlinstantyir Mttchim S tem abutwa de o heoot Acigof the Tire 00nw belig cf Glen Major are again lkl ptL tr tr iecudntup the moiature. norir bentir fsh ond ar!copi tediàrr unfo a trtu the iet hapendto À# tbrougir1long confinemlent tA)g Dca. 8. -a- - - coud oble ronda littile on crutches, Mr. J. joues la going ebidasm and aftcr a short delay whie Rathbu g'u bout was wei nrhiles ttnssaemr reeort for touriste. mern were clearing a passage, thre boat bu a secondacotorwas oaled inAtwh daerCOLUMBUS. contioued tire trp, the Point and Lisd- > Its Tam. Bproag. . *3q $0 Cu u s 19uiJbo ed my ýtiuble was spinal complaint. Mr. Yarnold, P. L. S., passed threugh say being made with one whe 1 threshing Notwthstanding medical advice and irere last week on his way to survey a tire -ater intc foam ...An accident alec :A new Remedy ln General U.e, ie Manitoba SiMply apply ""SWAXNYW nIS KN"N treat ment i was sinkisg icwer and lower, gravrelpit. ovcrtook tire Columbian on thre trip home and the Northwest teraimedicine .ired.Cuestete asinurbl. wsfrem Port Perry-something went wrong Wnmu ' 1&a r27_Te eeotsJe 01 nos. and was regardedasicuebe IW5 The 24th of May pased off ver wthhehyeiderird andtir btcf fBSkhtUd n0w in sucir a etate that I wu& unable to rubewihth ylnerhad n tebotgua.iM balù » isave i bedbut determined te Lsnd aquel. eby ad otobedritted for some timebefore tire engineer po healtby In-phad curintihe ver cure if possible1 and ent for one of tire îingrng ho me the gamne. Concert iancceeded in repairirrg thre break in a tom- eoticsabeli thé-iuereasug aàmobut cf tira dêgait fer SW&YNt'SOUeMUN.Le niost abe in Ottwa. i was was good and 9roceeds satisfactory. porary manner to enrabte hum to reach dr »tl'e ew. There bas beeu quit. a r ns & oMo1ulwoiseaets msabephysicians ion tir%,e kidù# d yuowoel kuow u n- A Micf et om 1w otWIupg undc iri car andtreatment for thrce Mr. Blake Doolittie is witir us again. port.-Post. dc i eesi o -d wn-a us mBOB mot Iade. ____________ clel? from. t! hts=dzaof Mr. Artbun y cars. -He blitred My baok ever>' Unicie Sam' s domnains could flot hold _________ez la thre r ourweksan exrt e aRbi hm.hats Dick doing r'ow f Well, Dick, Ooýleyt of Sôwn*r ,tbrongfr their umeý an Jw arme thre eoMedis lo ei thre r f I wekm ndexrtWn edaitirs im aceount cf viii appeamrd leu sp pe,,gve quailie- ,us, re i ets aveal et. or ad'wake ~dbegn -th ie end number of lUttie friends to her birth- oS.tai1.As ailimn es Sruide ras ble-e té Mddl - aihi1 Kuthb* ,O t thelires, coould ot be fauroff. At Ibis jancture a b ddit hutpmën h ot frindstonl~ uge m btri Dr. Wil- day party. We wish our little friend iavin, cf goulu. And Tom?2 Well,;Tomusehelds, its fase-tau*inMg .aarameit dmpiiIi<~h uab ea tiaW Pnk ill. [ieleri~ ~~.many happy binthdays. ,he'.sonter plitÂoliasin' aotn'.Am tie esotest parts ef thï, prevMçer.nd>àt ftsediPink ilcf.dDicktr Van' ohn, an' ilamnd a-ds o vr usmadtii.~~ cittios, nd >'tiiime ix botlsa of Miss Ida Smith pd intiends of Ycu e1 ' otfrin u etTrieis gui wre 1e Ifound myself gottin Columbus a short vist a'Te> po -une, otîr*m b ub'meïoIlId ete. sd j int thirCY, boxes, anl M . Hern stili lies iii a cxiical state. UP w -f: nÊ Tfý o they have aoeomnpiahed wh*t1el41years of Mn. Edgan Hodgson, while plowing Mirst Onugrs Mry bQ eured hi, s fe, heursbé tretmnt ndr pysciaisbied W do. tast Saturday, ncaenijre o ui ty rate in a f ev days.. ýY theue of Dr. 3 T>. KtWooeo Tirnk te tis w ndrfu m dicne Ipareilfrin dr tba m ar beteatn o mderut i sud seriotis tire doctor says lie car do no AYer's Cherry Pectoral. Withhsucirofa prompt up- as reefrm dseae s a ma mor~n-more hard won aisud sure reme<ty as tht. ai baud, thom 'Bue dy.<stsry, d$whôsà,jS p ùg- psi» supd.iu- asDefr. ouillids i'in Plly eo n e an inMn. Thc . cf proloSgiDg lb. ge97<o vofud ie uMOMultt<-1t bh UU.ê -sttu amy de',# Mantlei "e l m7tis Kop ht z*rg tu en hu.. resP< te-- th mdiin frme,.aid 4o long M 1 Magistrate Sanders this mmrfing 0onthe ' 1Vhlu3*h li"e 1 shail use no other. If IhWd ot charge of assault, preferred aganut hum xuMss tAmmca r" DwmuOv m .umU 'ab4e tbeme pilla ton1 y.ars agoIlar b*f. by Mn. Henry- Dion. He ýadmitted ,lu W WonlDnot have enffreri as 1 dia, asd the charge and paid the u6Wufine and' 14Lmuh~o1*.. ~ w o uld have sa "ed so mebu fd eds f d ol-Tbrq> .t .. ir xo ýF « à vg M r d W_ 04--tt- - laredooter bils, le .ou l - ,,w. have iarmed through snob a terrible siege t1 Bdrhtayug~d~df~ < as hve os wb cs fil' malsethe wkthin a hundrcd miles-of Markbaii m; - woneriilmef fDr. WilllniiPink called on a tailor thre t .da. -_geý.a- N Pl"'pair of, bicyce bloo tuB101IP o Dr. Willanùs l Mk Pilamw. old onl tailOr podce te ap istO;wVfý- 40 b«[«,; beaxin lii*et*meide m82 she wleat n WpPPtf1 l ei).Bear with %irts for Somtîiln e tI0Wy& i..-0 luod - - t t . =IM' Pink Pilla aie hile r* 'h= bpbg I&MIn r LJAnyU ru~11 Tli hrpor in town of thosi BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN PA PERS) qrders to Match )WEST ::PRIÇES. 'rne earl, andi getfirast choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan'e oid Stand, Brook St., Whitby. ,ack in Whitby. WM. TILL, idertaker, Cabinet Makei', Upho/ster, d dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subecriber begs te, announcO thnt 3 s agamn opencd business in his old and, and ms ptaced therein a choice, ylish and complets stock of NEW FURNITURE E every description, which will be sotd. ta smail margin on cost. Another baie cf thoe celebmated Mixed fattrasee $8125, worth $5.00. See thos. 'apestry or Carpet Lounges at $5, wortli $8. lardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glasis, fer 18.501 orth $12. Undoi'takiigu Cýe A full stock of Oo1Mns a.nd Caskets, and a Fùrst-C&88 Hearse. N'bîtby, Oct. 12, 1893. IRÂDÂM' S ahinnrr iFD1 PR AIÇFDY 3. S. EDGAR,- Merchant, Wind- M. K-. acted rnarvelously in my case cf chronic stornacir and bowel trouble. W l.X k--oR.A , L.D.Ii>, Uook- Was give xto-tu die froina complication cf' Dyspepsia anyLiver troubie-with censnrnption,, Aua weill as eve nov ; it is-trul>' vonderfuh .H.LU5CoOKEEtBarristort London: rI r Fo ale aiml au stTa -i Decci I ,l [ on Liv Saw Sh op c E. cidenut me Cot . uf al 1 to thre wihont ah or Whitby. Sroto. m givirug 1 a dio- Sru bber, r filitng -torB at ie city. charge. i corner I. r t y / ER. 420 pn B,66 ain 2:80 p ns 4)p mn J ing bo IV% hftlir -tw uwam" %,* 1 LAND 'ALL m

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