Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1895, p. 4

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.OHUR-ns. POTATO 80FINI8H- EEÂDY FOIRUSE DR'I. .NO MIXIG REQUIEED. Sticks to the vines.-Finishes the bugs with one applica- tion. The only safe way to ...... use a strong poison ...... .......a lertîlizer. 2j cts. per lb. caut as1 d. E. WfLLIS, C h emis tif D rug gis t, Medical Hall, Brock Street, WHIITBY, JUNE 21, Whltby- 1895. The Chroniale as a ModIn.m. \%'e do not believe that it is overstating flatters 10 sa>- that thase who carefully scan the CHRONO. LES advertisemnents each issue cati save $i îpet week in ihe famîil> purchases. There are a4waî-s a lot of bargaîis ofiered, and $50 jîer annum can be saved by watch- ing lor tîhernThus the CHRONICLE is flot onlv woith a deal to the advertiser, but is worth fi11v tiitues its value yearly to each fam ly. On the oiher hand it is sale 10 Sa>' that those who do flot advertise in aur columns have no inducements ta affer. Ia business man intends to court trade he will do so through this medium, and the eniargement of purchases and consequent quick reîurns will enable him tw seil cheaper. Those who sit around wîîh rusty goods an their shelve& have to charge high prices to gel inter est dn their monev as well as miore than the usual trade profits. The CH RONiC LE S subscriptian lists cover everv house in this part of the country. Thev artea a,s open to anyhody's inspec- tion, a t bing which no other paper in this A ieadlng niercbant auka us to advoeote a halfholiday for roviow day attho camp. >. do not know tise date, but are fufly in accord witb the idea. We trustthe Mayor may see ta It that thse wlshes ofýibie pooplesare ascer- talaed and, car,'ied out do this point. We are flot enamored of milltarlsmp* but nonoecari but Col tisait tet-igbt of «0 many brilliant uniformes and sucb fine discipline ia inspiring. Canada will nover, we hope, be eatiod upon tgaspili blaod in ber own defence, and wiil certs.iniy neyer be the aggressar Id any International troubles that inay arise ; but any country ean far botter affard to maintatin lis soldley as an ornament than as destroyers of men. Should_ war, that destroylng relic of thse barbaraus past, be forced upon us, we feel that aur brave boýys would go forth ta deeds of valor sucb as could be lnspired oinly by deep lave of country and that conviction of right whicb makes otie Cool that b. could yleld the lasi drop of hlm blood for this happy and peaceful h<nsle. LICe ofiors no consolation ta a con- quert-dl or downtrodden ptople who bave ever known liberty. Lieut -Cal. Paiterson marshailed the bat- tallion on Tuesday and addrossed the mon in plain terms. This camp, ho said -was called for purposes of drill and discipline, jiot for an outing or holiday. To advance themselves in discipline ana in the service of Canada was the abject. Eacb man among the officers and In the ranke must keep tbis iN mind and inake his bearing such as pvould do himself and bis country hanar. He reminded ail that the strictest discipline would be maintalned, and that whenever necessary,harp penalties.wou Id bho mSicted. Those in ckýarge, no matter In what capacity, would 1ý held responsible ta the letter. rhese rearks ta apply bath outside and inside the lines. THE STRENGTH. No. i.-Capt. A. G Henderson, Lieuten- ants T. H. and W. H. Greenwood. 4.5 strong, froin Whitby. No. 2.-Capi. Wilbum Hendergon, Of 48th Wighlanders, Lieutenants F. Mortimer and Theodure King. Over strength, froin Green- wood. NO. 3.-Ca pt. J. F. Grierson, Lieutenants Farewe[l an d Ray. Under strength, irom Osh a wa. No. 4.-Capt. C. Paterson, Lieutenants Birchard a d Tisdale. 45 strong, irom Boa. v erton. No. 5 -Capi. S. S. Sharpe in complete charge. Over strength, fsrn Uxbridge. No. 6.-Capt. Wm. Smith, M. P.,- Capt. Donald, ai 48th Highlanders, Lieut. F, How- ard Aunes. 44 strong, frorn Columbus. NO. 7-Capt. Beck, Lieutenants Robinson and Strickland. 45 strong. irorn Canning- ton. Bugl.- band oai i metn, under Sesgeant Pallard as instructor, iom Canningion. Town Local. Ladies solid silver neck buckles, the lat- est thing out, anly 75 cents at Conners, the newjewelry store. In the Methodist tabernacle next Sunday eveninig Rev. T'hos. Manning will preach upon "The union of the churches" countv dare sa>- for a moment, We ask aur W m. M. Ellis readers ta note the many bargains advertised in thîs and succeeding issues, and they wil admit that our advertîsing columns are worih a dollar a week to each family. Short Notes. Hendershott and WNelter, tlhe St. Thomas mnrderi-rs, were hanged at that city on Monda>' morning. The peopie of St. Thomas had so little sym pathy for the con- demned mcen that crow ds gathcred outside ,the jail walls during the exe,.ution and hoat- ed the conivcts. The m1urderers coniessed their guilt to a clergyman, but he declines to tel wbat they said. more than that tbey declared aIl other persons innocent 'but tbemsel ves. The coutit>- council of XYork has, ater maniy futile attenipts, abolished toli roads. Agent for the famons Stearns, Falcon and Faiconess bicycles. The marveilous record made on the Steamus' Yellow-Fellow by Ina. S. Johnson and others have thoroughly tested the ppeed qualities af the Steamas' wheel. Write for bull particulars ta Wm. M. ELLIs, box 304, Whitby. Carrying the War into Corea. If the Coreans knew ai the manifold iir- tues ai thse New Williams sewing machine they would teach the Chinese and Japs how ta use the New Williams sewing machines, and in tlîat-peaceful occupation ail thoughts af the borrors of war, especiaiiy during these dreadfuliy hat dag-days, wauld, be giyen- over ta sewing societies and'ttîè maàking of ail kinds ai clothes for thse Asiatics. The New Williams is on dock ready for war at Ed. Hart's, the Whîtby agent Ladies wishing ta purchase a sewing machine will please caîl and examine the New Williamns ai bis bouse on Brock street south, The old gratin y women ai the Oshawa1 The Methodist Clergymen Refornier are harrified ai the thought of the couîîîy council recommnending Jndge Dart- neli, an erst-wNhile conservative, ta the posi- tion ai Master of Tities under the Torrens L.ard Systeni in tbis county. Fitness lias nothing ta do with it according ta tise wlicezing aid feniale Women ai aur Oshawa cateni ; the candidates politica being the otly consideration, and the said poiitics must be Liberal. To name any other stripe ai politica but a Lib. is a gratuitaus insit As Gratny Mundy was a Tory until thse Re- farinera made hem over by a large bonus ta atari a ne wspaper, ai course she wili flot be eligible for Master ai Tities. Sister Mundy is always ready ta condernu the party spails systeni until the propagation af indepen- dent appointments is likely ta cost a lîtîle sacrifice of grabs, and then it is an offence inthe l old ladys nase for people ta talli any- thing but spoils ta thse dominant party. We presunse the caunty counciliors in recam- mending JudFe Dartneli had no ibongisi ai pari yigrabbings, but merely desired ta establiîsh the Torrens syste-ni of tities on a business basis, and they thought the Judge would take pains to have it stari on a proper basis. afadmavlulypty The GaUant 555h. No. r Co. began idle practlce on Thurs- Pirvate Douglas Rogers, af No. i Ca., is th< %~ttest mat ini the regimrent. I>rî'vatc Wm. Richardson is thse tallest mari in the regimeut-scalrrug 6 fi. 2%6 in. Lieutenants Birchard and Tisdale attend- cdd it closing at DernilI college on Tues. day. Sergi. Campbell, ai the Royal achool of Inifa uti y, is present as instructor af campany NO. il. Ordcrly Sergeant John McKay makes a splendid ciemk, being the beSi wrier on thse force.- Hospital Sergeani J. W. Thoipson bas been named the 'rninistering angoV'by bis conirades. Quarter-mastor Mlon is knowa as the be,î-heartod and ilfdesi ,nannered officer Lieut. T. H. Groonwood [Is t camp4, boy- losg pcspeIp0UOd trip i Mtise lantic C41 f(eings am i facWred becasm .thor are DOt a copwofoaBag *binglg *frnt b. Sm, - tbd o dO« é Z ' 34g* nutibu of vIstm*baue bose àmototh cmp.Rudrds 0<c(perd The metbodist clergymen appointed ta ibis district are given in aur Pari Permy colurnu. Tihe iollowing are those ai the Bowrnanville district : Caleb Parker, Bow- manville ; jas Kines, Sirncoe st. ; G W Mc- Coll. B A, B D, Metcalb st., Oshawa; G H Copeland, Newcasle; Jas Real, jas Bal- stone, Orono; W Down, Newtonville; A C Wilson; T H P Anderson, Tyrone; E E Howard, Hampton; H L Allen, Enniskii- len ; S G Norke, Darlington ; N D Drew, Cartwright. Caleb Par-ker is chairusan of the district and G. W. McColl, secy. Revs. Jesse Whitlock, J W Savage, R M Pope, W Tucker, Amas Camnpbell and j S Clar-ke have been ganted supes-annsiatlon. Hlayward'a Ima".. Great snaps for Saturday, June 22nd: Ducking for ladies' and children's suits and blouses 8c.,- regularr 2jc. gaods. 25 IbS. ai granulated, 30 lbs. ai brown sugar for $i. Saîurday, special sale ai teaqn, 3.5c. green and black teas for 25C. 4ac. and 45c. Ceylon teas for 3oc. Bas-gains in men'm ties, 25c. for ix5c., aiso ladies' and children's fine Irish linon, hem- stitched handkerchiefs for ioc. Old stand, on the corner. E. R. B. Hayeward. Great lace sale an Saturday, June 22nd, 1895. New Venice, Chantîiley. Irish Gupeir Point de Ireland, etc., In black, black and white, creains, wbites and twa tanes in al qualities. ai haîf price. wzCR We art pleased ta notice the cheerful face ai Mm. Wrn. Beaton again is our midst. Mm. Be-atan bas been acrosth. ocean for sorne lime andi bis many friends bore unito in gi ving bim a hearty *vecoïe mase. One of aur young mmn Mr. Jamesl Mc- Cully, bas onllstod as a recruit wt b voiunteers and bis gone doues to Wbltby ta, drili. James tsaua entevprislng .sad dannfg, man ; that ho nîU yot moke l ark lis lb. baties of la scountry thore le no - omn for doubi. SSé.dd .kt bal.deV"tn, l orit eath * ofArdl-' bal XctUua-unofJohbl cUilhan.wbk* toak Place on Suvdav enornlm taut.-Hi*s destb nvry Ms*d4. e #b* u ic*ouIy tua days. Tw foueral *okete oeM> dyM Wu Inloruat Ne OeaatouIMJ«t*4o ouai am veterans, Fraor sude Ttteffte8 V01 t >n asd où withouto ddo5%1P or roùgbnetsofany klnd. hie u~i~t tise.etattess *nd askl f awoknsuhpo Mr. Stewart, ýwho make omaae.'r Stewart, havlng served for sevoral Years un- der thse- bot builders lns Detroit, luan adept at~ bouse work and anyone lnteiidiiig to bulld would do well ta soe hlmn before letting hie contract Burgiams Burglars entered Sergeant McCully's office list Tuosday whlle ho was ln the back- yard attending ta bis tboro'-bred Langshans, and stole bis uniform. The sergeant did flot miss It until he went ta prepare for drilil l the evening. Ho at once agrised the citi- sens of thse robbery and found that two doubtful characters had passod througb smre Urne ln the afiernoon. They were traced as far south as Saintfield where they triod ta pawn kt for summer drinks, but not succeeding they dlsappeared and no trace of tbem bas been found since. IMOUGEAU Mr. WiII Matthews la able ta be out around again. Miss James, ai Toronto, is visitlng ber mother, Mrs. John Hood. Lawyer Pouch' r was in the village Satur- day and remained until Monday. Quite a number attended the christian canference Sunday, beld in Altona. John Poucher, af Toronto and daughtor, are viskling Mr. Thos. Pouclier of ibis place. Stanley Gerow accompanied the River- sidos, of Toranto, to Owen Sound to play football last Friday. The members of the ladies' aid of the Christlon cburcb beld a strawberry festival at Mrs. J. Burk's on Wednesday. Services will b. beld twice on Sunday in the methodist chus-ch, and Monday evening there will be a strawberry festival. The public schaal plcnic was a success as usual, but owing to the shallowness of the lake near -the shore the children did flot have their accustomed ride. BALASAIK. Report of Balsam school. Naines of pupils in order of ment: IV class-jennie Pile, Lizzît, Ward, Willhe Miller, Fecl Disney, Jas M:ller, Fred Ward. III ciass-May Jones, Janet Wlsdon, Geo Forest, John Gordon. Il class- Effle Ellis, Rosa Burgess. Pt. Il class-LIe- wellyn Disney, Hugh Jones, Roy Ward, Allan Walker. Sr. I cias-Edna Pbilp, Newton Burgess, Janet ')avidson. Jr. I class-Eva Burgess, Viola Philp, Wilbert Dinginan. AL- BERT HuBBARD, teacher. KYETLE Mr. Eber Thomas, from Cannington, was at the Sunday achool picnic last week. The choir went to Mount Carmel on Sun. day and Monday last to assist at the anni- ver ary services. Much to the satisfaction of the people of this place the Rev. Mr. Wetherell returns to the circuit for another year at least. Somne few of the trlends of this neighbor- hood attended the decoration of graves at the Groveside cernetery on Saturday Jast. Mrs, Edwin Hoderes had a bee last week drawing brick froin Port Perry ta brick up her house. Sorne eighteen teains turned out and drew the twelve tbousand that were required. The C. P. R have lateiy been extending the platform at their station here somne two hundred feet to the- east, 50 that the early rnorning express frorn the east can iaad and unload express while the engine is taking water and save the turne of stopping at the station. Evetything went off nicely at the Sunday scbool ic.c last week. The day was fine, and Mr.il M ndevson's grove le sucb a deligbtful place for sucb a gathering, that- nearly ail present seered, ta have a good trne, and ta add ta the happiness of the younger part of the school Mr. Rich. Blight treated the acholars with nearly a pail of candies. MIDLAND MUTUAL FIRE :INSURANCE ::00.,l HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. Directors-Wrn. Harnilton, Uxbridge; G. F. Bruce, Beaverton ;Wrn. Shier, Sunder- land; R. S. Webster, Udora; A. Graham, Uxbridge ; James Burnis, Greenbank ; F. Dobson, Epsoms; M. McTaggas-t, Myrtle. Officers-President, W. Hamnilton; vice presidont, G. F. Bruce; secrotary, H. Mc- Kay, Uxbrsdge; treas, C'îas. Gould, Ux- bridge; solicitor, F. N. Raines, Uxbridge. Special agent, H. S. Petons, Uxbridge. This company maures nothing but farm buildings and tbeïr contents, isolated dwefl- ings aund their contents, churches and sebool bouses, and pays alliaosses inside ai 6 days. Goverrnent reports show that smre sixty campanies of ibis kind in -Western Ontario have existed for a periad of 2o or 30 yoars and bave on)ly exponlenced bases requizlng premiums of fs-arn 40 ta 6o cents ais the hun- dred dollars for tisree years. The Midland Mutual Fis-o Insurance Company granis "blanket" policies. which old Unme companies refuse. For insurance appiy to WM. LED- INGHAM, agent at Myrtle, or ta M. Mc- TAGGART, director, Mytle.r ESAVEKTON. Mr. George Bertram isl erecti.ug a neat brick cla4 dwelIina on tise lake sh-ore. The 20 muéÏ bicycl1e handicap rcad race, Fay evening, las t Breehin and back Wa" %von be Mr. W&MdiU, ho'ps m!âde buatîmé gofrg -the distan c m1 hour and 8b" -m. Mr.  .Krlo i.pnwchaaed the grooery and bresd -buoine#o of B. Foun- tan islemskug 40m0 fitustios:in the store. Mr.'Pontalin bi, taken n of Mr.M re0*~e l. teloke. The Odldfolow # $iruaauiu m,."u s *na ls 0 .:ie , -Tble lu. ti0 ND REWMROS G~J UNE- BARGAI N AWHOLE MONTH FOR- BARGAINSO SILX DBEBS DEPÂBTMENT. Black Surah Bi1k at 40e., 50c., 75e- and $1. Black Brocade Silk, beautiful goods, at 50c. Oolored Fancy SiLk at 50c, worth 65o CURTAIN DEPÂRTMENT. Good Taped Lace Curtains, taped ail round, 5 yds long, 45e per pair. Better ones at 75c., $1, $1.25,8$1.75, 82-00. Art muelins, Peek.a-Boo muslins also ini stock. BLÂ.CK AND COLORED DEPARTMENT. DRESSI Black Serges at 25e, 85e, 50e, 60c. Faney Serges at 20e, 25c, 850, 50e, 75c. Also a fuil lino of Henriettas, bath ini blaek and eolored, at exception- aily low prices. STÂPLE DEPÂBTMENT. Faney Flannailettes àt 70. to 12143. Good Factory cotton, 1 yd wide, at 5e, 7c, 8c, 9e, 10e. Good whitc do., 8e, 9e, 10c, 1ie. Great Big Towels, 2 for 25e. Also numerous other bargains. Corne and see for yourself. GENTS' FURNISHINO DEPT. Men's Cotton Sois at 5e, 10e, 124e, 15c, 20e, 25c. Boys' Cotton Sois at 5c, 14je, 15e. Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c, 85e, 60e, 60C. Men's Braces, (2 pr. for 25e.,) 15c, 20e, 25e, 80e, 85c. Men's unlaundried Shirts at 40e, 500 60c, 75c. Men's lanndlried Shlirts at $1, $1.85. Boys' unlaundried Shirts at 50c. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats very iow in price. See north win- dow. Grand display. Am.P. S.-Remember for One Month 2Ž4T# ID REU M» DR Y GOODS, GLEARJNG SALEI Cyc HOW]1 HOW 1 PRINTS, MUSLINB & DELÂINES A large assortmn lto ohoose from. Ohallies at 7e., worth 12>e. HOSIBY9 GLOVES & UNDER- WEAR DEPÂBTMENT. Ladies' Vesta, (without eleeves) 6 for 25e. and 12*-e oas. Ladies' Vesta with siéeves at 8e, 1loc, 12+43, 20e, White and eream Laue Mitto 15e. pr. Black Lae itta at 25e., 85e. Oream and white 811k (3loves at 80c, 40e, 45e. Black 811k Gloves 20e, 25e, 85e, 40e. Ladies' BWak Cotton Hose 10c, 12c, 150. Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, fust black, warranted, at 20e, 25c., 85e. ; also a job lot of children's at 2 pr. for 25e., aIl sizes, O nly.... RO 88, WHITB Y. For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to hold a grand Clearing Sale of new and fashionable Dry Goods.- The stock is thoroughly complete in ail the latest novelties in the trade. We offer: 88-in. wool Serge at 12+e, 1,5c., 20. 40-in. wool Serge, faney, 25c., 80c., regular 40e. gooda. 40-im. wool shot effeets, 27e., 29e., regular 40C. and 45e. goods. 42'-i. wool Serge 48e., 50c., 55c. 45-im. eovert eoatings 65c., regular 75c. 45-im. Tweeds 65c., regular 75e. Black Dress Goods at 25e., 85e., 40c., 50e., 65e., 75e., 90c., $1.00. Lawns, check and stripe Muelins, Swiss spot Muslins at low prices. Corsets, 'Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., Prints and Sateens. Duek Suitings et lic. and 4is eglr1. 8ee aur 52-mn Table Linen, only 20c., better quality et 80c., 86e., 40e., 45p.. 50e., 55e. Bleaohied Table Linon 67e., 80e., 90e. Napkins at ail prices. 16-mn. glass Toweiling 7c.e. RoUer Toweiling frorn be. 18-in Huek Towelling 121-c. In Men's Furnishings everything up ta date. Men's Fedora Hats 75c. Men's liard Hats $1. Straw Hats for 25e. Men and Bgys' Clothig et the very elosest prices and of tise best quality and make, equal ta any custom made goods. It will pay you to inspeet our stock and prices before buying. WARREN, DR Y : GOODS DiCE W He 4>THE : NEWF 9.0.O M. Ezouz'sion To MODEL FARM, GUELPH Tuesday, Tu.ne 25. Darlingtan Sons of Engiand will run' a Farmers' excursion ta the Model Farm, Guelph, on Tuesday, June 25. The Agrieui- tural College grounds and Farm as-e in ex- cellent conditian now and this la the best season of ail the year ta visit thero. This lu H kely ta b. the lat and best excursion ta Guelphs thià year froin this district. Tuesday, Jane 25, excursion day, a specWIa train wiii beave G.T.R. stations as-bobow ýau the falbowîng rat«s Oshawa Witby Pickering Pt. Union TL hi Ticet, * WH ITBY, STORE. LIAI! i HAYWARfD, THE- CHEAP GO0ODS MAN, And will Lhe open for -busirles o SATU IN -THE 0OLD, BTÂND O L085, R. Stan I _ VICTE VIOTO PARS CHILDREM I 115 - &8o :55, .~ 8.37 tl LJSTI Il luTh '1111 mi tien FR Scotti Garde The t week. Hardi ai W. T~ Mr.AP tiniforin rGyent' cbeap ai mrs. guest ai Mr. E~ Sound d his pare Our c mnuchb b ed upol cisased svill ta fer is co CaptL Sons of local Sc wiseelecl much graunds the mar cricket headed once. sent w tbem us Waterl Remeaat >That ta stop Birth june ii of a dà Weai ing legs Cunnin sén5inFg isfyingl cauntsI ta ensai Garden The( ta Tara . 5o cent man s from tb or 50 Ci thisthî 93o inl 700, C are Heyd, estate Mis$ Tise -Mr.( mng-t( dav.i 97U- ='=ýs ==- =-tM=fýA

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