Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1895, p. 5

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Cyclists wantto HIOW PAR they go on a or during the moasen. HOW FAST thoy cover a givon dis. tance. They can only do this by spendling $2.00 for a war- ranted, accurato. nest, duat proof Standard Cyclometer.1 You can get them to suit 26, 28 or 30-in. wheels from JNO. S. BARNARD, Whitby, who is siso agent for VICTOR, gents' Bicycles, VICTORIA, ladies' BicYcles. Officia Couftty Orgau.-LargOSt Circula- tion of auj local paper im Canada FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott epairs ail kinds of pumps. Garden City to Toronto Tuesday next. The town bas beer> full of edcoats this w eek. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at WV. Tilî's. Mr. AI. Hamn is here wearing a scarlet uniform in the 34th. Gents cuf links and watcb chains vemy cheap ai Diamor>d Hall. Mrs. Thos. Masor>, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister Mrs. A. Bruce. Mr. Ed. McBrien, missior>ary, froni Parry Sound district, is sper>ding a holiday with lus p&rents beme. Otur correspondents wlll fir>d their letters niucb boiled down this week, a course forc- ed upon us by press of matter. Mms. W. J. Foy, of this town, has pur- chased Macdonal d's hôtel, Sunderland, and will take charge of il as so r> as the trans- fer is compiete. Capi. D. M. Robertsoni, Grand Secretary S.îsof Scotlar>d. paid a visit to some of the local Scots on Saturday evening, having wheeled down from Toronto. Much fun was looked for at the athiic cro,,ncs on Saturday afternoon last, when our cu' '% 1tInici ofye to outdo any town or clty lu Caâda for cheap boots and shees. elt the red store, east aide. M. W. COLLÎNS. Mr. A. Allin, Toronto, la home on hià bolidaya. given mun Mr. M. McTaggart, P, Myrtie, wus îp town Monday. Now is the time to get a cheap watch from Conuer, the new jeweler. Miss N. Harper bas genc to Lansing, Mkch., to visit ber brother. Mns. E. Harper hpo gone to Michigan to visit friends for a few weeks. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite,- plusb, with silk plush bauds, for 832, worth $45s, at W. Till's. W. B. Pringle & Co's frisky horse ran awa y with a new deiivery wagon on Wed. nesday and damaged it considerabîy. Diamor>d hall is uew open witb a fullI Une of jewelry, watches, clocks. silverware. etc. Caîl in an>d sec the bargains we are offering. Sports Uxbridge b>eat Richmond Hill on Saturday last by 2 to i, and Newmarket beat Mark- ham 4 to r, at lacrosse. Ho for Dominion Day G. T. R. tickets issued lune 29th, 3oth and July t good tilI July 2nd to return at single first class fare. Aise special excursion tic- kets to Manitoba points for $28. Get tickets ar>d paticulars at Stephensons (opposite H atc B ros.,) Whitby. Excursion te Toronto Isaand. The Baptist Sunday schooi will hoid its annual excursion> to Toronto Island on FFn. day, 1 uly 5th. This trip proved a great suc- cess last year, and will draw a large crowd again- The fare is oiily go cents, which beats holiday atQs out of sight. Mark down Fmi. day, Juty th. Accidemtally shootlng. Jonathan Herbent and Young Murphy, two young beys who work fer fariners north. west of here, were fooling with ar> old re- volver the other day, when il accidentally went oA whilst ir> the bauds of Herbent, the bullet lodgzing ir> Murphy's shoulder. A doctor was7sumnmoned, sdfan h ijm was flot serlous. Matthew Murphy, of this town, drove eut to the farm where Herbeni works and irduced the bey te give up whal monev he had, s8, and now the autherities are after Murphy for extortion. Denver a.nd retura. The Wabash raiiway la the direct line to the great annual meeting of the National Educatioflal Association at Denver, Col. Tickets on sale July 5 to z2, good until Sept i. The rate wi ll bethe lowest ever made to the public. The Wabash is the only line that can take delegates via St. Louis and Kansas City and return theni via Chicago. or vice versa. Take this route and pass through seven states of the union in the fin- est equipped passenger trains in Amierica. AIl particulars froin any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson, Canadian passenger agent, northeast corner King and Yonge streets, Toronto, Ont. the marnied and single men were to play Civic Holiday cricket for the mastemy. The single chaps, Monday. Augusti ,th, is the date fixed for headed hy Capt. Hay, were on baud, and the civic holiday, the satie day as Teronto's. Possessed of thet reckless confidence which An enîhusiasti'c committee, composed of is the accompaniment of youth an>d inexperi- NMessrs. J. B. Dow (chairman,) John Burns, ence. The benedicts were discreetly ab- J. Frusn A. G. Hendet-son, A. M. Rosa, senit, wth one exception, an>d well it was for f) McKay, D. Galbraith, D. Wilson, Geo. themn that they held spart, and avoided a \l»athison, A. D. Fraser, D. McMillar>, J. Waterloo. Mathison, Geo. Cormack, Dr. McGillivray,1 Remeruber Cý F. Stewart and Thos. Manderson, is bard Thai Dr. Grani's 'Hairene" is guaranteed ai work, in cojunctioti wiih one froni the to stop falling hair and remove dandruif. Camps ir> Toronto, arranring for a big de- Birth monsimation at the exhibition grotinds, At the methodist parsouage on Sunday, under the patronage of the Grand Camp of ibe Sons of Scetland and Roderick Dhu June 1thî, the wife of Rev. Thos. Manning Camp, Wbitby. Invitations (rom the county of a daughter-stillborti. an>d town coundcils, backed up by one (nomý The late Thos Cunningamai the Grand Camp at-e te be sent te Lord and We are requestad to state that those hav- Lady Aberdeen to pay us a visit on that oc- ing legitimate claims againsi the laie Thos. casion, and eceive the usual loyal and pet. Cunningham will lie pai inir full upon pre- rioiic addresses. sentinig theni to Mm. j D. Howden and sat- oW&trlthLae isfying him as 10 their bona fides. Such ac- LwWtrl h ae counts must be har>ded in at once in order The water lu Lake Ontario is lower now to enaure their setilement. ihar> the present generation ever saw befere. GreCiyExcursions. 1htbas risen bu t si x iuches si nce Good Frid ay TGarden City wîî arya xurinwer the lowest point was reacbed. Usually tThorenCoi ty w ay a jn excursion t teme Is a ise ( f iwo feet or more between to Trono o Tuedaynex, Jue 21haithe low water of eariy spting lime andl the .5o cents for the round ti ip froni Newcastle, ist oh July when the greatest height is Bowr>îarville, Oshiawa, Whitby, and French- sîîained The marine citer of the CHILON- mans Bay. Moonlight excursion aI right ICLE vouches for the tt-utb of the statement froni the sanie Ports at 75 cents per cotuple, that ibere are some things Ie be secu new, or 5o cents single tickets. down ai Witby's water front, ueverdreamt Mmm Heyden'U estate of ir> bis pbilosophy. owi og te the phenomen- Mrs. Barbara Heyden', whe died lest ai shallowness of the water. Old salis say month, left an estate valued ai $83.743. 0f that lu 1&47 the lake was lower tban uow but ibis the personalty, 839,043, comprises $26,- of course we don't guat-aulce such to bave 9,30 in banit stock, $6,480 in momigages, and been the euse. [t la worth whlle takiug a $2.850 lu bebt an>d notes. The ,ealtv, $44,- tumu lakewards these tîmes te witness this 700, consiste of lands in Toronto, Oillia, ot-ange state of affaire. No difficulty is ex- Whitby and Port Arthur. The soe legateesýî perienced i navigators makring and leaving are Mr Lawrence Heyden an>d Miss B. Whitby barber as the deptb of water-in thïe Heyden., son aud daughter, who ahare the channel is siill greater thar> that in any other estaie equaliy. Mr. J. C. Hamilton ar>d of the nroth shore ports. Mis-; -feyder> are the executors under the Court of Revistoli. will, whlch was made September 29ih, 1892. The fnliowing tesults were arrived at: Death of i-vtille La.adon/ Misa Hem, sî tee, reduced te $îoe; jas. The many frends and acquaintances ef Bell, $1000, reduced le $90e; J. T. Newpor-t, Mr. Orville Landofi were vemy much sur- $1300, reduced te $i2w0; Aiez. Bruce, Sioso, prised and shocked to becar on Fiday iast of reduced te 5,000 ; M. Collin.s, îSoo, reduccd hi-i sudden death et bis home, î5g Mac- t0 1300; Jue. Smith Smith, ,7700, îeduced te doneil ave. Pakdale. He had bern attend- *7400; Mns. Cullen, $9oo, reduced te $7oe; ing to businýess up tlll six e'clock on Thurs- H. W. Wilicex, 26oo, on Spurreil faim, re- day. wben he rhturned home and had cnly duced te $2275; Mis. Walsh, 450, rcduced sai clown te dinner when he was taken iii. t 400 W. G. Walters, 1300, ou bouse by lhie famnilv pbvsicieti was.sent for, but let- foundry reduced to xîoo; W. G. Waiters, %% thstanding the united efforts ofithree good 16 15, ou Campbell bouse, reduccd to $1000 ; physicians, be passed away about 3 o'ciocit S. J. Holden, 6=oe. reduced ta $5000 ; Chas. Ofi Fridey mornîn g. The doctors pro- E-astîcy, 400, teduced Wo $35o; Clara Chat- nou.ced it heart fail une. The famiîly have tersnns g3oo, t-cduced te swoe; J. ,Peignell, the sympathy ef a large circle of ficnds sud $300, reduced te $2w0; B. Haydeu, $5425, on acquaintandCl n Parkrdale and in other Lynde farm, reduced to$5000; Robt. Sleep. pat fteCity. 3125, Of' fanu, rednced to $2800;- Miss War- Seriez of Excur ioti to Tet-etto. kup, $56o, reriuce<i W $460 ; H. Hawkcn, 1It le the Intention of the management of the $65o, reduced W $.6oo; H. B. Tayl-3r icoa steamer Gardes Cty te t-un a seties of cbeap $t6oo stt-uck ofi. luefol onaretieap excursions from these port% to Toronto dur- peals dlsmissed: M. <o*, K.. Crosby lr>g the comiug bot season. The first of (2), Z. Burnham, H. B. TaylOr (homa), Mis these cbcap trips le billed for Tuesday next Hunt, Mie. RicbaTdSOflJao. Blow, J. Con- June 25tb, at so cents eacb for the round soi, J. H. ThmotusO, M% . t>. anpdel, . . trip. Some have mlaread the posters and and B. Hayden. P. Ormlumc (Tinblyiite interpret the cost as being 5o cents eacb residence>, Dr. Adants, <) way, but we are requested W stmue that 50<,,sjo. m latO 8 cents paya the colt of going and returning.ouF*atedwr liera lia 6o mile ride on the lako f« a hal( Mi. W. -. .Tmln flbda dollar sud a day la the city tbrown, ln. Ady the mosu brililftuit s ém. tiken by mi lecige, cburcb or other oiganisat1ii wlsbiflg etudent or ibis unlera*Y. -lcldiintte to chat-«.the Garden City fo triîp, or de. capturint of t i mls. lveify strng Wo obtain a spaclal rate for Bony of is best classicui scitoinila t1e~ul<~ reglir tripemiapply tW Thos. O.Ja&ck. cidng bscoursis by rocCln -* e eM on#, agent, *bitby. B. A.Mi. T.HmswuOî 59 Abylav tg o Id prm. ste de i 1hli1VU SS W. Dntce tin. tovo autbouitim are taklns la thse dç tm ole miduýât tins by tise foelock te re t the. boys A. IL or <~btigt ~bae bar. Sucli a by- nUtly aowS b, Iaw gu 0 -4 o ae ise torni. We nover cesmm &d isead ofam sld.Uut npoue5 alog tise Sinclai 1,1 o barber b«. r, o artd ubrersud I9 i»sIM. 0. W eurfe ac0J dW « is0r,0la plsuty olaw stand ll"td wls00Wj"7 wo wId d sithet oftb.~ alb~hithhis blswe topemt bath.wood p@§.b c"9 l-*os«41iAfy cWm ÎW ti.brerla thse f r I I i I s 'i M mci ro 7'1 w ro at m th Mt uide'boot ad uho sore.. Fe challenge competition. ln boots and ms. We do- not quote prices to iead yeu believe we are selilng under cost. Out )do are marked ln plain figures and are ,marked 25~ per cent. above what we-ln- id selling theni at, to lead yen to believe àare gettlng a great sacrifice by the 25 cent. reduction. M. Colline. Iany complaints cf dry weather, but the :pe are looklpg well. qext Saturday wll be tbe longeai day dur- the year-more or lesi. (ou can get repairs for every steve and nace mnade ln Canada (rom J1. Mclntyre. die Beatrice Dartnell left on Wednesday pend a montb witb friends lu Kingston. Vatches, dlocks and jewelry repaized at amoud Hall on shortest notice. AUl work ranted. 7et your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick ings for ail kinda of stoves, ranges or -aces, from J. McIntyre. shwan eseily fine. ,selection FTisiira ImaIh or*'f Light.weight Gooda -for Bùmmer wear. A.nnual Excursion The annual excursion in> connecien wiih the Whitby sud Lin>dsay Baptist association will take place Tuesday, July 9tb. to Stur- geon Point, the beautiful pleasure resoni of the midland laites. Transit by train to Lir>dsay and thence by steamer te the point. Rev. 0. C. S. Wallace, the r>ewly nominated chaucellor of McMaster ur>iver- sity, wili be or>e of the speakers nu this oc- casion. Pen and Sunlight Sktetches The Grand Trur>k naiiway bas publisbed a book of limne tables, pictumes and descrip- tions, beernirg the above title. It tells ail about routes and fanes, round trip tours, gives pictures and descriptions ef 911 the picturesque on sporting localities in Mus- koka, Georgien Bey, Tbousand, Islands, White Mountains, sea bathinig resorts, St. Lawrence and Easten meorts. Those who are ha doubt as te where 10 spend tbeir va-1 cation shonld sec Mn. E Stephenson, Whit- by, and gel eue of these boks. The Grand Truuk is the great international route, and touriets cen reach any spot in Amneica by consulting its agents. ouï cendid, blunt appeel ir> lest issue for a few eerly strewberîes, reechcd e tender spot in the big heant cf our valued but raîher diminutive fiiend, Mr. Jue. Brant, who sup- plicd us with. e prodîgal portion of delicieus fruit- W. have but te, remet-k lu return that MNi. Brat is a gentlemen. e scbolaî and a connoisseur ta regard te stimulants of a spiritual nature. If tiis is 1c teffy than oc- coiemas beslobbei upon these wbn fil their pouches with fruit, we would like te be us- derstood as adding our wimh that Mr. Brant's shadow may neyer gt-ow less (1), and that in oui humble opinion b. will be a man before bis mether. I Look ont for fakirs. Now, boys, look bere. Corne, let us t-ca- son together. These are nice evenings, and almost any aigbt now ybu may look for a fakir to light his torcb et thc corner of Brock and Dundes streets. He wlll apend a long lime fixing il, sud vou will elmost fancy the îbiug is out of kilter and will not buis. But il wll! nevertheless. He uses delay te, adventise, and cen make thet torcb buis wbenever be is so iucliued. Wben it doca finally iflicker biliintly b. wili com- mence te talk gliblv. He will have a rexnedy thet will cure waits, or yaak teetb without pain, orsometbing cIsc. And b. will have jewelrv. and a greal echeme fart-hie beys te make money and for bu 10a loe it. He will atart with a simple device and a lot of taik. and wl1 get bis achemes more compliceted after a Urne, until il wil fisslly tais eut that h. bas faked the boys eut cf a lot of, money and given tber non value. He will then put out bis Iigbt and tbose wbe bave, bittes hie baits wyul sec wbat (sols tbey are and bow clever the fakir la. E ucb au exbi- tien may ho looked for any of these lise nlgbts, and If a fakir cornes along we dire bat a box of cigars iat every one ho clieats out ofmooywiUibe asrart young mn vh*I"@ asrea liisparagraph. sud wbo le te., suart lua bis owu estimatIon ta requit-ewaru- Tb L, LL. Omis. On bIoaeber tise sud z094 ibe Misses. t. Riarr, A. oldeo, M. ?owe, C. HeI4u', M. Morsis, L. Richardson. L., Page-, ý Martn.J.Tatbyn drew up md adopt' uaMm.4 club'. Wkei the lkttffliX. L 5,. ùM p leano.00_71tats . Itlwawi ~a"ud la - «0 iOat*4 MM u4o o Wes ahio to b flot tene per cr01 N furc tom8 Dia war 111i A sch4 last the lins nex e awi Cou ver at B. Fui At 22n Mr FA Hai the Thi the tof to Swiss Spot Muslins, whlch inckdeil white,, pale bine, gr oyte. Ais Duok, Piques, Pawnî4. India Linons, Chambrays, Sateens, Puinie, and variOus other desirable and fasInable wah Fabries. ast Black Hosiery...... A full lino of Ladies' Misses, Men's ana Boys' Hosiery heom 10. a Pair Up. ast Black Gloves and Mitts ...... nderwear.................... 82r slpmL&irA Ladies' and Children~s Underwear. A large variety ln white and ai from 5e. upwards. orsets.......................... Pricos ranging e, JE in il LE' O«U£;R HEALTHY, VIGOROUS AND 9 TEWÂRTU PROGRESSIVE, Why do we talk ....Cut Prices,. simply because» competition is keen, aoreasing our business we must offer Ç~Increased W. G.Walter8. W. Go and to keep to Buy erà. Walter8. VE Quote a tew prces with descriptions below. Our stock affords abundance of real effective material for advertising. We have no occasion to exaggerate, yo wl. our g-oods all we say they are. and knumber (rom ber. teck in the union oo1 plcnic held at Rosebank on Friday ýand report baving bad a good time. Dr. Grant's "Hait-ene," for the hai-, is eonly preparation guarmnteed te stop (ai- q hair, and remove' dandruff. No lead, sulphur. Ask your druggist for it. Rev. ]Dr. Cade goes to Belleville west for ct year. Rev. E. S. Rowe bas been ap- nted to the Berean church ir> Toronto "st district. Rev. H. B. Kenny, of Osh- ra, goes to Grafto>. &Ii at Toronto prices. Selling out durir>g next week-l will sel] ry best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 shed, $5 delivered--spot cash only. H. Taylor. umiture Sale by Auction the market block, Whitby, on Saturday, nd J une, at 10 o'clock a. m. Property of r.~ PennelI and others. Termus-cash. L kIRBANKS, auctioneer. ait ? Before buying a spray pump, he çure and see eAnderson double actinn force spray pump e best in> the world. ren of them bouht bý egevernment for the experimentail(armOnIý :3.50 each. L. Fairbanks, Whitby, agent. arden party this evening. rhere will be a big time at the residenct .Mr. G. V. Martin this, Friday, afternoor d evening, whe> a grand garden party i! Sbe grve> by the ladies of the W.C.T.U ie 34th battalion band and hundreds o te redcoats will be on hand. and a brillian -ene will be the result. There wili bi )on for ail. le Lake Excursion Tuesday next. Time table for Garde> City: Newcastli a.m., Bowmanville 7.30, Oshawa 8.!! 'hitby 8.4,5, Frenchman's Bay 9. 15 for Tc )nto and return. Retumr> Leaves Tomentq t5.3 sharp. So cents for round trip [oon I ght excursion at right froni each o ie same ports, for 75 cents per couple igle tickets So ccnts. Meu's, Youths' and Obhildren'a Ready-made loting.-We offer yen ready-made elething ai ON cost of orderod goods, that are weill lned, perfect fitting and latest style eut. men'e Navy *Serge ý $8.7 5; you pay 0 5 elsewhere. Men's all-wool Halifax Tweed Suite in fawn,' light, grey ana, -dark- $6. 50 ; a botter lino at $7. 60 to $10. We will ho pleased te show yen our Beay-made- Olothing whel want te buy or not. Yeuthe' all-weel HaIix Tweed Suite, to-fit ages 12 te 17;-yeare, t $4. <3M 7Pwead Sits, te, fit -aRes 5 te 10 vears, at $2. (3s" A Few sp eial .,Barg. na.- Yen ean't buy elsewhero 386-in. faetery cotten ai 8U. (ream or, oobored Shakrer FIanel onty .50- Ladi tees btack cotton Houe 8c te 10e per pair. 8 pair Ladile' 40e. Csmr He o $.Mn Fedora Haie 85e. Mens- Flanneletie Shirts ai 25e. Doubele heM (JeiÈ heÏting at 15e, 86-jix, Butcer'e Linon 15e. White Victoria Lawn 8c, do. 10c. We ask you to Ca/i and Examine our Goodé- and. Prioes0- w. Go Do you want a ~O1àmà? CON NER, the New Jeweller, INSTALMENT mi -:- PLAN *. Hie Primesand trernswiil iniprise yeu. o if your o-,i!edll!lp bave wiU -send for it,,au4 returu itafter it ia rea Xd o e, xtraow re ~~~~~~~ *Ukn a ô .o Jy,~ Slve - wAielwayns 6o; hand and oi prica The pesy. na bnil « rifý WALTE RS. XUSTREZV» IPab= Don f bar ef Pure, NewJ china 0G'laiif Di=nn&)u Choice Faxi Fruitsj CkeaporC bave been appO. rpr ok, * Colombl, ll. anisd Claies :~fr $ lert la W' ~tcho*. id ether ied that ud sum- p answer 4 a large~ beloug- te Wm., jridge-pn ý- proved -ad beew ITill hadý, -.milnei je wantesi ' th,beïl ick'coat ýiîtor re wh'at f beuix, 1u Io be cs ÀandUi Streacheý ý n s o i n s i In our Drsa Goods Department our black Serges and Henriettas will draw custemers and 'rotain theml. Our pricos are out to the bono. 38-in silk finish Serge only 25c., in ail colore. Black Union Orepponj. i25* kil wool Oroppons in black, grey, cream, apple, green at 5Oc. 81.1k and wol stripeOCreppone at 14.40 t17' for dres e lngth of 7 yards. Ask te see our range of 44-mn Tweed offecte ai 25c. ; a botter lin. at 85c.ý They« are excellent value and we show our line at 10c. yd., 22-mn. 'acde, that sbould surprise yoin. 'h will'pa yon to look throngh oui Drese Goods, the collection is the fineut we bave ever ehown. Lace Ourtains.-We start them at 25e. which la enly 5c. yd. A botter lime at 87je. ; edges are tàped-. Yén. will pay 60e. elsewhero for thie particular lino. We have them ai ail pricea, up te $6.75 per pair. Ir Tho bout known makes ; several linos confined exciusiveiy te oureves. We eau epecia at-. tention to a line of Summer Corsets which we are offering at 500. &Ise a hoavier nuake at tho saine prico. Thoso goodu are mueli below the regular value. 'EARLNG-OUT PRICES in oui Millinery ana Tailoring Departinonts. GX~N .1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 VA Lýu:m.«£s Bilk. tbe ix Such I nducements A IF SO CALL AND GET ONE FROM -ON THE-

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