Hellebore,. Paris Green ¶ ar04d Copper Suiphate -Polk THFE-, Gat'dner and Fruit Grower. Chioride of Lime, Cam- 'PoMoth Caniphor, tnà Powder, Copperas and Carbolic Açiçl F'O:r Sporing House-Cleaning- Te 0; ïRYLIYo 1372, -OS HA IA. ~8~WÂ,JUNIE 21, 1895. >sRWÂ PAGE »TXiW8ss 1oteC- Oshawa subscribers it.dvertie may transact any business at h CEKoNcLB or may obtain extra plçs et any time, Ãrom P. R. Hobbs. Farmers wili do weii ta cail at M. E. *ys for boys' ready made ciothing. If yon wlsh a nice French china dinner or ta ut, or anYthlng ln fancy china, or glass- are, Ãt-to Eý -1 Morgan & Son. It will "y auy parties conteinplating buy- a an engageiîIent or wedding ring to see ýe large stock of Felt Bras., Oshawa as *Y wW li i tis month very cheap foi cash. mula. dlamond 14K. aniy $5. They are go0 waklng Borne special offers ln Gents', Édes' iiid.. Bay' gold and silver watches. ethe«%. FeIt Bras. Mi4 L R Luke ia vey iaw. ~LM Ã"sa Farewell, Sault @te Maie, is in town, Um M Glpin la visitng ber sîster at Dernili IlP, Mr F S Rathbun was in town on Monday on Rer Ohms Reynolds and wife are visting Mn4 *ô Luk. '1W Mr Ilit, lPort llpe, is visiting Mr 'W Mr ýW. Coad la spending a vacation a: kenchmaas bay. Rov $=lue and wife are visiting iiends ai stêvlile. aft Pobert Rogers. Park Hill, is the guest oi bgr Guy 3Dartel. Whltby. îs relieving a: the loMlnback bete. Rev idie Alyu, AlsaCragig.lavisting is *ss CsrsweI returned home lait week from .04p to he siatet t acksonville, Florida. Sýr . S. IEdtmsodlatu plYIDg the 34th ti*l1ong.now la cmp at Wýitby, wi ureac. Tb ildout. CnS., wu ilu wwn lus: wok in- Stbe ralway on behif aithe gavera. I&l>ouat Miss Brownjabn and Miss Riffing, "MSio ame the guesis of Miss Stu>. Prospect 'Mgs CYDeil, wbo bau boo on a trip ta western Lbwi= eltcies md on the upper laites. rtuira- db e gFriday 3mat Oshawa Bustness Dfrecteny. E L. VICKERY. barber. Smcoe street. BROOKS' LIVERY. Simca. atreet, norih. WM. ROLPH, bernes. maken. Slmcoe street. T. B. MOTHERBILL, butchen, King ât., West. Da. P,4TTieeoN, Dezti; orna aven Rowse's store. A. .3. STÂLTER -Dominion planasssand organe, Stmcae street. A. C. WÂxNNN, Vetenlnary Surgeon and Detilsi, King treet weut, Oshawa, Ont. CasrMIMCIÂL HarTEL-J. C. Waon, proprieton. Modern hashelry, neat and oomfontably equipped. D. M. Torx -Caterer fon Balle, Assembles, Wed- ding.. Suppere, etc., etc. Also ail kinds of fowene. OsHà WA liooxSTOua-FUlli ne af books, stationery and fancy goode. E. E. Rogers, Simcoe treet. OsHAwà Daua SToau-L 31 Maxwell, diapenaine chemisit. Pull Uineaof pure druge and ohemai cals alwaye annhsand. Jas. HoutrxNa - Whitby-Oshawa stage lino. Leaves Oshawa st 8 a nm and 2 p m, and Witby at 10 a m and 4 p m. Joea&H rn niG, manufacturer otf fie carrnages, carte, wagons. and all kinds of cuttera and sieighsa. Repairing a speciaity. Joint Bawxua, pater and decoraton. Dealer in wal) papene, ceiing decorationa, paais, ail, varalehines, brushes, wudow ehades, etc. JÂItUa SPELLOW, dealer fa sioves, furnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock kepi aonstantly on band. Jobbing a apeia)ty. imca. street nanti'.0 L. K. MmToit, ]B. A. - Baniter, Solcitar, Notary Public, Coaveyanoer, &o. Money ta lead. Office aven Dominion Bank, Blmcae Street, Oshawa. M. B. MÂ.-Lealer ia Orpoanles. Poncy China, Crokery, Tinware, and Fancy Gooae. Pure Teae and Gaffes. Bays' neady made suise a speolalty-veny eheap. AvOTION 85ÂLs-The subsoniber vii) be ln Osh au-a, ai th. Central Rote), Fnlday af eaoh week tram one ta 8 o'oiook p.m., ta make ar- angemenis with parties wlshing ta have sales. L Fi.Bxen sanelineer. P. LANDEET & [boxe-Theledn tailorng and gao-nts' fnrnishing hanse of Oshawa lplenddd asortiment of tweeds, vorsieda, trow'reings, shirts, coulrs , etc, always kepi in stock. PEtv 81»w - Waiohmakers and Zewelems Dealen la aiches. e10k1M jeweloej, ulver- vare, s =aoles. etc. Wz= à 9g.od sud ,d oldgol r matie"oover. Fln.e waieh e4oeansd jewelery repaling a SPeo"sty. OsuiwA BROLLUm xtm.$L-Âtteutiou of tarmers la directedti t end ohoppisinov cannieti on daily ati59 er 'bag. Celebrateti Jewel brand af flour, lut inCanada, sold by aU i ent-class gracers la Whithy and Oshawa, sud at aur mill. Campbel a White. BvuwiON & ilwxm s- Importera sud dealers Large aclencos attendeci the cosng exorcises in! mers, -,mnfniao an IiUiUrn* Of DeuilcoUaege. The commencement Ing ap upplieMnuaturers af tinvare. Esye- bol deIe s y'amday . traughlug sud other ontractlug done. Fur- naces, candeliers sud lampe. A stock of Mr And Mes L Ilay aoc! amlly. af St. Paul, bicycles kepi an hand. Xmi., are lu towv tting relatives. Mr May RAGLe". 1ss activeIpoilual the veSi We are glad ta ses Mn. James Roas home - 1 Revs J. S. Clark aud H. a. Keuny will con- again on a visit. duct iarecllservices on Sabhath net r. Mr. Thomas Curtis bas iniencis bers on a 'Clarkl ai xi a. mt., and Me. Kenay et 7 P. m-. visit from Seafartb. -Me Fred Hobhba u a hemonbag on Fiday The prayenr meeting vas weil attended lait nomnîug ibt leli hîm very veak. He bad »a" Wedaesay evening. bo*d .~ leato nMua.Ha ~ ' Mr. Thomas Moflati bas gai the etone Ur& .EF....1 Md dantâter. Mis Edleh, of work about completeci for bis nsw barn. scv~~~ng a lis Jmes oldnsThe carpeatens are busy getting the farne Wbh evwb maatm e u Mi THlEu'SIwark ready. laava m we. A number ai aur farmens bave statd 1e ruiiernu~ e nin ug rl ad arebaying. Turaips arc! about a)) sowu, ac! 9" ' 1 aooc! dm.uTva auammir carsare bîu it l we vaut nov la a good nain ta feîcb ibinge MW %Ivehandso e Sk 'lThe patronage along. le larg, betug zaoo on Satuedy. 0orse a Mes. Elizabeth Gorfatt'a rtmains passsd gon msy ae adu~la l ries ie onloaythraugh hpre lait Saturday eveg io e but Mtlhe.tiRe la 80o0&.sons la the west,.vbere asec!. Hec ne- lm*eLakae xMnesifta mé r X mains vers bunusd at Mount Zuoni, Danling- Tf..e tabie for Gaden Cty : Ncwcms t on, on Suuday afteraoa Ilut. A-04, %ow=011110ie 30, Os"a«a8 5, Whi:e>y The Ut, Carmel annliversary wms a succese 1.45, lrem:hatas 1b.7 g.xç fSortoancasd ne- lui 5very particulir. Ou Sanday aliernoon Toconto.R 5.30 > ai baif past tva a'clock Mr. O. Hezzlevood So conts for roubd Utp> Moonllght excusion et conductsd the msrvice sud ln <hi svenlng nique from eacb aI eh. Mme ipt, iMM',$ mots the> Rev. Mr. Wethenell prsachsd. Os< pe «>pl% maie lis e e o nas. Monday mfteruoon vs bac! quite a staff of , î.. suw akera.Tbers vasthe Hon.John Dryden, Irbutêmmmmatatthe. Sm0 bCS- thM P O. Hszziswood sud Tbluoslvery pepeeti, tabe rqmoc!ihisiMd !others. After apeaidng vs aUet dovu and .qûppefor<hiupovaoffce at au shd ~pmtook Of the good thlngs <bat te.good eh.4p for éutpay e'u fic» M d cs- iaSd ofC;i iesof-Mt. Carmnel bac!provIdeti for all. vbat ohere vas la h sac! -e>be .: lié ad le vas otisu up lu excellent style. la ths Sot , I*. MS uuuaiag la onerlly 'aca- noMIa a ncert vas ield couslstlsg of ed sist boui douht eh. bus lau« efor <hi dialoues, tirti.loaetc", by the.col under Uh.lmwaameuet 0 Visa Hansbley th. 81... c lob 9.11W~oublie ~sch4al tomher, muscby the %ndl foeudrjrh bsmm.etesive Ãm cocta tuaIme lisr coir te plÃoe. The PedIu aid olg pu bavêet onsau Ires roof ;new gpsbd 804 oth ch»a "" U-tit PS IU WMc las Mobi tiscfPIlmg, spbser Sm«ay sisisathe cebmgeI h ii su(nelovusa Md -fr*urae. --lu râ O- *)nuab. D à OImmI - a ub for 10 81834.7 dom ta ttsbewiay adm ta«"" jwi îi*neduu<ot ia<i. to ad wv bollovo give - Is $0.a a.r ibtah _PM. 0 "I m -mv ai nbu Peumu- "bs -omu tbte cents admissiot will b. chargeci. Grand'tà sidW voapers a517 p. am,3$ conta admissioa. An ex. cursion la ad4vrtised ta, rua trom "rcoote th. passengers tb te. aarred up î*n by *faesecîric railway. There la a great deal i dkikng about allowint the eleotric rallway ta do a imsse nger business on Sunday, iba: belng ans f the pro- hibitions enjoinoc inl the agreement between the company andi the tawn. The town canne)) is Verm wsak lu the -back. andi doesenot appear wliing ta taokle bath Fathor jefiott andi the railway company. Mr. F. L. Fawke writes a strong andi urgent letton la the Vindicatur, de- manding that the council make a 1ght now, if that part ai the agreement Ia not ta be droppeci. The protesant ministers have resointeci .trangly about the miatter, and the Vindicator breaks forth la a volume aifacivice, iliuminated hI lilua- trnitions, but wbat it is -driving at la not dlear. Its counse)la intended ta be interpreteci both for andi against Sunday cars. Ihose who fayot Suoday cars could n.-ver have bit upon a better schenle ta acco)nipiîsh themr end, for the abject of this excursion is solely ta carry people- stnangers at :hat-fram the G. T. R. ta chureh. It is quite abviaus that the people tram Toronto who are 'andeci a: Oshawa station that marning will nat walk a mile andi n half andi thus subher the railway or else busses wlll b5 requireci. We dso no: betieve ln Sunday cars belng introduceci, but il people drive hanses ta ebureh ar ride bikes, we do not belleve heaven will commenci them and condemn those who have no: hanses and bikes and who take the trolley for it. The railway company wili 1no doubt be glaci ta break through their agreement as soozi as possible, and if they are allowed ta do so once "Ii seek early opportuumties to repea: the act. The council has a difficuit job la band ta des) with the mater- the fathers being between the devil and the deep sea, se it were. A iew days ago a despatch was published in the daily pîspers annouaciag the burning of a bouse uean Hastings, cccupied by a Mns O'Melia. Mrs. O'Melia who left here a year on more ago weaîta Hastings ta live, and a good maay have corne ta the natunal conclusion that i was she who had been bunned oui, but her friends have been gratified ta learning that this surmise was incorrect. It was anaîhen Mrs O'Melia wbo was the vic:im ai the fine. The Presbyteriant aif Brooklia and Columbus wlll holci a union meeting in the Columbus chuncb next Suaday moraing, a: whlch the sac- rament ai the Lord's supper wili Le observed. The negutan service here bas been withdrawa fon that day, but the C. E. socieiy vil) mee: in the eveuing as usual. The tapie for that evening is "The world for Christ ; Our wan)ds lot Christ'" This wil) be made a mîssionary servie and wîll likely be of special unteneat. The decoration service, beld ia Grave Side cemeteryl ast Saturday, passed ofi very pleasaliîly and satisfactoriiy. The Clare- mont band, eightssa strong, ied the praces- isian'made up ai members ai the societies, from the village to the cemetery vuiere a large concoureai people bac! already gatb- ered- Mr. D. Holliday acted as marshal sand bac!char ge ai the proceedunga at the eeery. Afts the graves, ten la aumber, bac! been decorated witb flowsnaaad the emblema ai the orden ta wbicb the"deoeased bac! belongeci short addresses, inierspersed wlîb einging ac! app .pate mueié by ths band!, were givell by the foliowiag,- in the order aamed: Revdu.T.'W. lýeggom d C. E. Scot, Hou., John Drydor UtKi Wm. Smith, Mi.P. Tbeà e addiessà .rcre ail very mutch appreclaedý by the large cons- pany wbo atteatlveylsse c th emr. -At, tbe conclusion Mr. Eer mhas# c4ofCau ningian, wbo la awua. wner-ofthe-eme- tery. vas called on. M.'Thomaréeponded wîîh a speech la wbîch lie urge à tIl 'i ance af beantifyiag the city of tbe dsad tac! sbowed bow easiiy ibis would b. =m plisbed If eacb person interssted' did, 11is9,or brpart. It was vsry pleasing to set 50 mauy graves, aihen thasi thost ini whieh the societies vers inierested, specially deco0ratéd for the occasion, thue ebowhsg that the absent ans are iondly remembene by thase wbo loved them in life. W. A. H. OUT & CO., pain bayema Du. PATTEESon, Detislz; st Seboni'. )iotel, fixai ThursdY. "e"er onth BUALLL, a. - Issur i01 Mariap e LIcese. Besidono.opposite Towm Salt, Brooklib. W A MoNEEaLT,-D -V 8-Graduste of the On- imalo Veterlnary Colieg.,Toronlo; Honorary metuber of tihe, Outanxlo NKedl ocoiuty. Troats 6il1 41808M a1 t'hodomeslîioated aimais by the mast approed method. Atua paniloular a.tu>nion s urgical eoertions: ana dentistry. Dayor nlght coels Urmupt1y ettended to. Oflice andi refidence rookli, BUY A POUND O- Baking Powder -IMD GC? AN- EGG POACHERFRE --Cok six egg at once.- -EverY houe. shoaid have-. .-ti.Tht powder la firsî--- --dame quaw t.... .TI' SEED J8 -going witb a ...rsh. 1U'e bave wfred Mr. WMi*l.... ....Elaas fo, imore n -s0otne aswiAl*... 04é 1 eLLEI Min Helena moo«els PotP vp~autt egv la Teoita44 thaït tâwn n t T u~dÙOS eIn bM ga. Uîeot Toronto, -wbo tas been visitlng t Mr. John>, Morrison'.. returned 'home- last Mondays a=ompanîed4 k Miss Jetnie Mort)- A I!oro,>to photographer took a photogrkph of lbe public schoo , teachers and ebiUdren an Wednesday , morning. There was verynearlv a fui) turnout for the occasion. A quaitity ,af irôn pipe, a hundred feet or more, was stolen from the cellar of Dr. Starr'i, new hous, on Tuesday, night. The doctor in- tends ta find the guilty party if it is Possible ta do so and punish hlm as he deserves. The iollowing là I bellove a complote ll5s C>i the Brooklilamèmbers af the 3.4th Batt.. 1>0w in camp ai Wbltby ;-W. Gardon, James Harvev, Chas. Wheeler, R Hawkin, Cisc. Wilson, Wm. Medland, Ptank Medland, W. Miller and R. Colley. Mr. F4. Bowles arrived home from hie [rip to Liverpool on Thursday of last week. It wili be remembered that he went over with one of Meurs. Eiliott Bras., cattle shiprnents. He wus awaY five woeks but was only eight days on bighsh sali. Mr. F. A. Mille and wife Ici: here, on Wed - nosday evening for Gravenhurst, where Mr. Milis is ta take the postion af Grand Trunk agent. Hie successor, Mr. W. H. Hewitt. bas been an duty bers for a week. Mr. Hewitt came from Gravenhurat. A number ai smail boys in this village bave acquircd the bad habit af îearing down bis, ai- mos: as soon as the>, are posted These lads ahould bo given ta understand that gaad money bas been pad for printing and posting these ad vertisements, and that they are liable ta punisb- ment for tearing them down. The Claremont band gave lots af good music while bers on Saturday. They are a gentleman- ly lot ai fellows and in every way a oredit ta the village they hailliram. Tbey make a fine ap. pearanoe with their D.w wagon, four horse team and ail dressed in their tasty grey uniformé. We will always be &M dta welcome them to Brooklil. A horse belanging ta Mr. Wm. Vanstone made a break for f reedom wbile tued in front of the hotel last Thursday. Thraugh the breaking af the harness it go: clear of the buggy at ai- most the first jump and was stopped before it had traveled mare thanb a few yards. No dam age was donc ta anything but the barness. THE ARCADRU Mr. 'A. 'Edgà r le home for vacation. Mrms.'Egig borne for the preseat aima. The btiéting %of,,ans hundred and i flty d4legatea and îhirt>' horses bas been provid- eci for. 'Mr. Bob Bongard andi Mr. andi Mrs. Stuart Bruce were uown irom Toronto. The gen- tlemen vîilînts enijoyed a fish on Monday. Mr. John -Bongard arriveci home on Friday from the sopth, wbrre he was compelied ta spend the wlater on account of poor heaith. He is.now, etiy iniproved and we hope he bas quite rcovsred. Our iawn-soclal was a success in every re- spect. We reaiized about $8 and the pro- gramme was ai an excellent nature and weil rendereci. The conclusion was excellent and everyone went home smiling. The Sa). vallon Army, an ils way ta "Brother But- san's," lingered a short tîme before the gate, affered up their pelitions and addnessed the assembly wiîh such audacity that une might almoat be led ýo beileve [bat they thought us assembled for same unrighteous purpose. BZAVEEITON The steam yacht Siesta, has not been taken from its winter quartera yet. Ladies' pure silk Gloves in at 85c., worth 45c. No fut-ther steps have been taken for the Patrons' picnic bers on tle 25th insî. 1S e i l A party af Indians fnam Georgina island pic-nicked at Tborah island Tuesday last. During the recent cold snap the ther- 'reometer was below zoo deg. lu the shade. Mns. J. J. Hlmes, who bas been visiting frienda in Creemone and Collingwood, re- lurned home last Salut day. Work on the new cottages aI Ethel Park is being pushed with a rush, ta be ready fat the season for sum mer visitors. Mn. Ken Davidson bas secured a position as manager for the supply store ot a lum ber company 200 miles north of here. Stant up a lacrasse club, Ken. A amali steam yacht from Sutton took a small picnic party here last Thunsday, and the roughness ofrthe lake prevented themr ne- turti tii) late that night. They, however, had an enjoyabie lime. It looks as if we were la have a deanth of celebrations here this year, as no steps have been taken ta celebrîst Dominion day, and the 24th has passed off wiîhout anything la mark the 76th anniversary of aur graciaus Queen's birthday. The garden party held an Westcalt's lawn, Bay street, laý-t Friday, was fairly attended, al:hough the evening was samne- what cold and windy. Thase wha attended enjayed themsives veny much, however, as the wind went down laten in the evening and made it a mode[ night for an afiair af this kind, Rev. M. N. Bethune prenched hie las: ser- mon befons departing for the aid country on Sunday evening last. Service was held in the basement on account ai the dilapidated appearance ai the upstains. Ki ax church is undengoiog a much needed process ai paint- ing and kaisomining. The higbt part af the work bas been completed and the scaffoid- ing taken down, and judging fram the part campleted it ill) be an excellent jab. Simcoe street lsata pressai a scene ai desolation-olci boards, grave), notten sleep- et s andi dirt, - but as it us in preparation for vast umprovement la the sidewalks, il, is1>oî kicked about. Three or four teame are busy drawing away the debrus and carling fresb grave) for the bed on which tbe new granollîhie pavement is ta bs iad. The nsw walks are ; f rom Overend's corner la J.-McRae's store ; (rom Glassford's ta Dr. Galloway'e, and in front ai Dr. Granl's. Home Circie met bei e Manday evening lust. .Mr 'Chamian, ai Audley, spent Sabbath wih friencis here. )Ir. and frr. Wm Redman visiieci friende hère on Sabbath. Our ped'agogue bac! the pupils and school phoiograpbed on Tnesday. Sewlng machine agents are as thick as potato bugs ln ibis localiy. Mre. Harry Joues and sisten ai Mt.. Zion ai- tended sanctuary on Sabbatb. Do flot forget the iawn social ai Mn. Thas- McBrien's to-îîigbt, Friday. Mu-a. Tripp bas been under the doetor's cars ai iate, but lu mucb betier aow. IMaay fram bers atter'ded the big picnic ai Rosebank on Friday Inel andi spent a gooci dîne. James SadIer is icokîng mucb betten. We wouid be glaci îo ses James pi rmaneatly ne- caver. ht lu wiili feelings ai deepesi regret we leara that Mn. Walter Thom ai Duabarton is daagerously sick again. Rev. Mn. Elliot preacheci bis fareweil ser- mon bers on Sabbaib. He gaseta take charge ai the Seagrave circuit. Rev. Jno. Harris, wbo bas labarec! 50 suc- cessfülly bers for the lasi ibree yens, w)) nre- main wiib ns for another year. Claremont brass bandi passed throngb towu Saiunclsy evening goitig homewand fnom the Brooklil decoration ceremany. Our juvenile temperance folk ntend pic- nicklng an *25ttr-lst. down ai Lake -Ontario. A goocl time wiil be enJoyed bY thee uttle folk vs trust. ýý Fermuera, are -begwning te cry oui about- the very dry ;tiÃc, but *ould'i. flot b. more vise ta conasder that He wbo created ll thînge kuove besi.7 A larg e pa y took placeat hMr. Aaron Per-' kj»Ins tsîweek.wr M teyoung' and sanie of tht ailder ones we're in- à tendasict. A good te waa eajoyedty all. cream at1 80 doz. Straw hats for Gentlemen, Children and Youths at j price. Stylish Millinery and Dress Goodo. CASH ONLY. Tha:. M1,1ioc THE ARCADE. Cali at PELLOWS, and see bis Wrought Steel -AT- $ 50.00. Aiso his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- $p5.5o to $25-00. Oshawa Stea.mship Ticket Agency. Steamship Tickets to, Europe by the best lins. on the Atlantic. Speciai railway rates, Oshawa to, Montreai, in connectian with Steamâship Tickets. Oanadian Express Co. Goocis forwarded on ail Passeagor trains ; also collecteci andi de. livereci to ail parts ai the towa witbont extra charge OrMonel Orders on sale from eight a. mri uni)! eighî p.i.Givethbem &a ýtad jon vaU Uwyase tes Great .North-westeru Telegraph Company Forward messages t alai point of Canada andi U. S. Messages noceiveci pramptly deivensci. W. P. 8TERICKER, Agent, Offie oppoUite the Pont- Office W E. DYER, e e OSEWA 0OMM0. * Bale Block, juat north of the post of- * fice. Inspector of Agencles of Aid *Saviags & Loan Co., Toronto. Agegt *Sun Lufe Assurance Compaay of * Canada and !the Employera>lilabillty *Coratioa of Lom>oÈ, ENO.- The J-ilDbhHa White Swiss Stripe Muuslin 10c. per yard, Worth 20c. White 80-in. Pique 5c. per yd.,,wortb 100. White Swiss, with colored spots 20c., Worth 85C. Ladies' sud Children's tan fast color- ed Hose from 14c. up. KING. STREET WEST, -OSHAWA. ,-HEADQbARTERS FOR--- Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Mangels, Field Car- rots and Turnip Seeds of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn at lowest inar- ~ket prices. Staple at bott iliglis Farm Beaton '8 eand Faney Groceries btom pnices. est market prices for Produco. Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, O0shawa, Ontario, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, cý-o0SHAWA.--D Leather Steadily Advanclng. Wholesale prices for footwear are 2o per cent. higher. Our immense stock is seiling fast ai aid prices. Save money by buyrng your Tht opporitnty wil soouPMB Ont price to aL.CÃà sh cdown> _Zl Our rate of profit is the loweut la ibis district. 17' KEEPS US POOR.' W. have alwaye a general; and vad stock.,ta select froml-latest designu. and finiabes. Prices right. Uudentaking departtlenutulMy stocki ed,. and, smbalmiag accocc!ing t talieet factoclly doue. Luke Bo,-Oh & -L Is the oppartunitY We naw afler you ai buy- lag a WATCH at a matenlal reductian iroin any prices we ever made on them belons. For example : We w))) ssii a watch worth $35 for $25 ; a $30 watcb ion $25 ; a $25 for $2o; a 82o watcb for $16 ; a $16 watch for 814 ; a $14 for $12 ; a $10 WaLteb for 88; a $8 watch fon 8650; a $6 wateb for 85, and sa 0on down ta, the bottom. Dont lai) to ses the bargains we are ofterlng ina ai uines ai 0 BOYD'S Jewelry Store. (Heaciquartens fan Bargalas)