Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 2

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efifl ocmfort and improvement and le tic personal eujoyrnent whev *' u»e& The mnany, who live bet. Miuu ethera and enjoy tife more, with '4peàditure, by more prompt]y. theword'abeet producta te = of hyscalbeing, will atteet V&40u to hoalth of the pure iiquid tiv priîrciptes embraced i-n the kelyt Syrup of %ig. s excellence is due te Ita presenting blho foyni meut acceptab'e and pleas- to tte, taste, the refrehing and trnhy 8fiAcial properties cf _a perfect lax- el; effeotua1ly cloaneing tfre System, Jalling coids, headachos and fevers ~peruanoîdyctriiîg constipatiton. àUes ivori satisfaction te u;illioiis and Sw~ h the approval of thîe nuedlil fesî on, beca use it tel s on t 11e Ktl 1, ivc-r sud J3owýe.s Ni0,t-ii.. r-- ~gthenard)(it ep -frftn 'ry Ç'jct; o- a1j' t-s r jif--rtn < .8- ept tt:* Common Affliction humso u d C ib, -Takl WSarsa- y? y artit iiay nedcleswhtch were highly rec- i~iDOiddbu Do. gveme rejLet.- wu tat tadvlsete tir rs a padUabya frend *ho toid me that I taitcbbue six botties, and use them todirections. 1[y1elded te bis 1 bnasobught the six boutles, snd tecontet ot three of these bot- .lthen tcing a direct benefît. 1ser I lid inisbed e tourth botUe, Mr bands were a ,u -from Eruptions. M*evr they were. IIy business, whleh of t att cabwdrtver, requîtes me te utln celd and wet weather often ithOUtt gloves~ and the trouble bas nver re urned. '- Maols A.JOURS, Ptidaord, Ont. ,du4fsd a t ie wormd.pa b. MLAREMONT. rPeter Macnab bas returned fron brd. ios. Jonu, cf the Nortb West, le bere friends for a few weeke. B. M.-Campbell, cf Stonffville, wau witb f riands oser Sunday. orge and Alexander Dowswel of To- e rs er.mon Sundey witb friends. iers wuaré good turnout et the mar- C'nwday auoruing, EW sold for 10 andbutMtet 12 cent.. I. ros pect of a weddlng oeour- i a tov dasainuthis n.lghbonhood. .on$t r$luss Sband serenadedý John Barry at Cbmmôuê th. otiner evenlng, aud ~i41 o re1us 1iet e.by «"in 1d tf.se90tionl ami W f du a 8'n S5ilnettg@n tih. W b *i tnued'on the méeacow. I W. ?boni.o, P. Gibsou left MKg4y _for ywiby, Noervous WOIIIOI Their Lot is Not a Happy One. At Home and Abroad Thev are Miserable. Paine's Celery Compound Gives Them a New Life. Makes Ihem Happy and Strongl Blet and Vivaclous!1 Every Woman Should Try IL. The M1e of the nervone womsn le a Moest urnbapjiy one.. Bie le contiuually miserble and le froquently a burden Wo herseif &"d family. Nervouionees l rdue yafr vAs*lethcase a. Usdaobu, bIllns Mrs. shurtief, sister of àMn., Jesse Truli, dled st Whitby aasud sebtiied st Trull's burying grond. - Mr.. Edward De Bart, of Whitby, wRs visiting her mother, Mrs. Jesse Trait, who is under Dr. Hillier's care. Mrs. Walter Oke is quite indisposled. One of Mr. John Clark'@ boys fell aud sprained his arn. Miss Hammn, of Clark, ie viiting her sieter, Mrs. Moffat. Mies FnRarty. of Buwimanville, is vidit ing Miss Ella BPurgeQs. Poplar bill. ýMise Vena Truil, of Powmanville, epent a few daYs iîlj Miss M. E. Van- Camp. Mr %Vill Rundle %uid Miss Jessie Stev- ens were marri' 1 Wednesday asat. 1'lie lipIpy couple ti r best wiebes. E eyperson s tsbing for rain ;Uih coI)îînlnod drauizlt is making very poor prw-pte1s for tle faimers. Haying liais cunhmncelSoiî.e of the farinera are plou p i i ;. ld of' cutting. Mrq Elljit, of Riclielieu, is viiting at A young daughiter lias arrived at Mr. Frank IBurns'. Mrs. A. E. Clemens of Tyrone, was vieiting ber sister, Mrs. Cameton Truli. Mr. Writson Foster and dauRhter Beatrice, of Orene, visted Mrs. Thiomas VanCamp. Mr. Herbert Bark, of Valdervilie, is visiting hie uncie, Mr. Joseph Van- Camp. Mr. Edward and 'Miss Mand Wither age, attended the Dong Sauît Sunday sellool aniiiversary. VICTORLIA CORNERS. The pasture is drving 01) 50 t s but The picnie leld at St. lamnes' church. WVest Brtu.k, as a grand siiccess. The Sunderland hand was in attendance and rsdrnsonie excellent music. There was also running and -jumping, A 11 arrrîngton cleared off every-thing casy,. After ter the people started for homie. The 'ou ng people especially did flot hurry. The proceeds were $i11e. The beef ring is a grand success. Everv\ one U; well sat;sfied with it. There was a large crowd here on Sundav e-vening. S &INTFIELD. \Vcathcr extrernely dry, roads very dustNv. The services at the W'ick Presbyter- ian church on Sunday iast were very largel\u atended. Sacrament was par- taken of hy, mauy. both Methodist and Presbyterian. The Sunday school at Saintfield was agreeabiy surprised on Sunday to see Messrs. Goid and Croxaîl, of Uxbridge, present. Mr. Croxall gave a very thriliing solo adapted to the young men and boys, which no doubt will be long remembered by many, as it was well rendered and very effecting. Mr. Goid addressed the seholars in his usual style for some ten or fifteen minutes. Mr. GoId occupied the pulpit in the evening. Sorry to relate the death of Archie McMillan., a younig man of somne 30 years. He was as well as usual on Thursday evening and died on Sunday morning of inflammation. He was a sonn of John MrMillann f Brock. The A heavy deW is -the precursor ci rain, because it shows that t.he atmnospherelt1 saturated wlth moisture. Red hair is of that color because it 18 supposed to have a larger proportion of suiphur than black hair. Lunor halos are sometimes large and somretimes small, because they are form- ed at different heights in the air. The glowworm has a brush attached to its tail because it is necessary Vo show its light that the back be kept ci ean. Silver taruishes when exposed to the light. because of the actinis or chernical property possessed by the rays of the suni. I)ccaying wood and purifying fish look luminious in the dark because they aire aeally undcrgoing a slow combus- tion. A burning gas jet is unhealthy- in a bedroom, because one gas light gives out, as much carbohie acid gas as two slepers. Iron bedsteads are safe during a thunderstorm, because, being good cotiductors. they keep the clectricity fronm the body. The evehaîl is white because thc blood vessel that feed its substance are so small that they do not admit the red et rpuscles. Lightning is s-c lestructivo ltr- ruse ()f its enormops power. A dasl - rigt nng has been calculated t eql1 2,- 000, horse pcwc-r. The flesh nnder thre nails k-red hecause the nails arec almosr. triiii>ioroflt, antd thus the color of the tissu(-bi eneth is visible. The dav aftcr a heavy u.olauis usuallv uery clear. because tîn. ut ' in falling brings down with it nu r-i. [ ihe dust and impurities of the air ani caves the atmospherc exceedingly pure. The cars of most dcfenceless wnimals like the rabbit arc turned bac kward. be- cause these creatures are in constant apprehension of pursuit; hunting ani- mals have their cars turnet fonvard. hIthe DOMINION 0F CANADA An accident happencd at Mr. John Meek's, Sandford, on Tuesday mcrning. A few days previcus a large barn had been raised tihere snd the work wue net completed. Tuesday mornmng while James Lookie, son of Mr. James Loekie cfZpyand a young man from Mark- ham narned Rester, were on a high scaf-- fotding putting on some raftiers tihe scaf- folding euddeuly broke and lot thon down te the greund, a distance of neariy forty feet. Lockie was badly brui8edand cuti abouti the head and face, hie head swelting np te an unusual size, whiie Kester had four ribe broken. A doctor wus quickly procured from Uxbridge and the injured mon were carefnlly attiended te. 3otih are expeoted te recoer.- Journal- DANGEROUSCONSOLATION. Ail igkt la a Day or Two, But the Day Never Came. "AIt right in a day or two" is the thought that consoles every one who is suffering from any indisposition that doeÉ net pros- trate hl.In thc case of a perso bd ridden for mentins with disease of the Kid- neys being asked, "Did you not have any warningof this condition yen are now in?' "VYes, I was bothered at first with back- ache, with occasional headachés, but did net consider nýysélf sick or the necessity of medicine further than a plaster on my bacis errubbiug wîth my favorite liniment It was menths before I began ta realize that it was useless te f urther force myseif te ignore my condition. Thie backache had becomeè a pain in the back and sides weiik an,'tired feeling, high-cotored urine wit obstructionsand stoppaee,1 'pau1 n luthebladder; palýpitaü tuo Ie1 heart, peer, appetite;, indigesUti,. ud a duil, languidfeceling, withèntie lackof ýnergy_.'Had tic first signa1,: f disir ss We regret. emce gyto etat. tIIBt Dr. Walter, Thoi ,f Dimbartou, le Vety ilthie week. H REio- ýhest of friends are. anxiously awaitiing tidings ,of hie 1111 provement. J. J. Kelso, cf Tor onto, whooe dutY it is te look after abused and mneg1ected children, was here Friday aud gave us a cati. He had some business to look altier hereabouts, it ie said. c&otet ar o f b-orues wAas hipped by Mr. Joseph Ward lait',week. Thore were some very làne lookers among the lot.1 Mr. T. W. Ohapple an&family saied for.i Liverpool by steamer Vancouver on Bat- nrday, the l9tb mest., and will be absent &bout two menthe. A slow bicycle race le on the lisi cf contesta for July let and ought to pro- vide a lot of fun. The ides je for eaoh rider to go as slowly us possible. There will be considerable wiggling and faliing off before the distance je covered. Mr. P. A Macdonald, Who lias fiIled the duties of pastor eX EpFoin for nearly a year, bas been appointed to assist 11ev. Mr Dewey at Mount Albert. They will inake a etroniz teain. Mr. Dewey is widely kinown as a suiocersaful niaiiter and Mr. Macdonald gives prom'Esp of bc- ing a second Dewey. His departure from Epsom will bc generally regretted. Hood's Pille are easy tic take, easy in action and sure in effect. 25c. The uew Gevernmnent systiam cf trunk line telephonea bas been opener]inl England. Cehia and Eidney Difficuliy. Mr. 1. W. Wilder, J.P., Lafargevihie. N.Y., writes : "I am n sbjeet to severe attacks cf colie and kid- uey difficuity, sud flnd Patmelee's Puis efford me great relief, while a&U other remedies have failed They are the besti medicine I have ever used-" Infeact se great le the power of thia niedicine te cleause and purify, tbat diseases of almoot evory flamte and nature are driven fromn the body. It le theughu probable tihat the troubles at Jeddah -will culminate :n a general Bedouin re- voit. wben Baby wassick, *e gave ber Castor1a. Wben she waa& eb£Ld, eh. erled for Castorla. Wben she beceme Miami, abse clung te Casterla. Wben abe lied Cfildren, as gavetàetu Castoria. The Austrian estimates coutain au item cf 20,000,000 florinsi for repoitiirg rifles. nads Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Extensive reduotions are propoaed in the salaries cf Winnipeg ity officiais. ExpewienS ebas puuaved It. A triuimph in mediolue was atained when ex- pedneo proved that &ot'i8 Emulsion weuld lie t ôouy stop ýthe pregreseof Pulmonary Cou- seuzaption, ýbut ny liecoutintied use, bieaith and -vagor oouhd be uly restongd. - - -- --- NAA- 9> Much olover b'as been ont in til vieil'- ity during the pesti week and the yield la much below the ieast expectation. The timnotliy crop ie abour. a total failure. 1 he cattîs have long eince been accorded free acces to rnany meadows. WVilliam Logan is naliog preparatiofle for bildingl( au extensive cil and store- bouse. Men are now it work, teariflg duwei the o:d sLcd! aLd stable, te ,permilt of thie uew aretrw¾ich wiU join the store Pr op, r to the wck. t wben complet. eti, l1iîs 1uilding w;ii «Leof considerable C01nî1uiispier-r lia'ley had a strange fi8lieiviiâuiUp bdr Squire Parker the other dlay, charvp'd witdi carryinc a gun in a place frequente 4 by gaine uuring the close seasen. If we are net înisinfermed the peer feliow had net many $5 te throw away, yet lie was breaking the iaw snd of course the magistrate had ne eption in the matter. Wby dees not the commis sioner serve ail allike ? There are parties seen frequently hunting aonnd the bay, yet we biave net heard of anether case beiug taken before the magistrate. «Un lees these game laws are enforced ln alh instances their usefuines j liard te cen- ceive. Cerne. Mr. Hadley, dent be bluf-- fed by these wee'ern felews. Arrest overy gun yen ind, and if the mati won'V give itup, arrest i înuto.-News. MANCHESTER. Miss V. Fitchett bas returned home after spending a week with friends ini ()uitc a number attended the district division of the Sons of Temperauce at l'rince Albert, lasi. Friday and were hilglîlv dclightcd with their trip aud the mianner in which thsy were entertained. Miss Wilson, the highly respected ex-teacher of Prospect school, is paying a visit te the Evergreen Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor pald a flying visit te the latters brother on Sunday. The anniversarv in connection with our Sabbath school is Vo be held on the i4th and i Sth of July, when a grand time is expected. The services of Mr. J. B3alfour and Mrs. Hurd have been secured for Sunday and Monday which is sufficient in itself to ensure success. Partîculars later. Nervous People A.nd these who are ail tireti ouV sud have that ired feeling or gick headache cau he reîe ved of ail these s;ymptoius by taking Hontis Sarsa- parilla, wbich gives nerve. mental andi bodily strough andti toreughly purifiem the blond. It also creates a good appetite, cures indigestion, heartburn and dyspepsia. The bile are eut. The posters annetnucing the ganueF3 te be heid bore on Jnly lst have been le. sued. The programme i 'ncludes lacrosse matches, bicycle races, tng of war be-- tween the firemen and volunteers, mun- ning, jumping, puttng weiglits, etc. lu- stead cf a concert in the evening a gar. don party will be held on Dr. BascemeB lawn. Rard lUnes. A couple from Canninigten desireus cf getting nuarried arrived in Uibridge ou Wednesday ef last week, andi waited ahi day for the purpese, but cenld noi get a nurnister in tewn. Tbev were ail awas-. The couple were disappointei, [tut net dliscourageti, fer on taking the eveuirig train rAie prospective bride saiti tht-y would "get off at Steuffville by J'ingro, and catch s ome et tlîim there." Illegal fishing. Yesterday, befere Magistrate Camp- bell, Jolhn Cowan and Jattez Wright were clîarged by the Broekdale Trout Co. with fislîing in their waters. Tlie men Vlîouglit tlrey m ere safe because standing on a public roati. The magistrate deciled agaîns t them sud as beîh were peo er n tlire Trout Ce. ag,,reed te pay the cests (ne smahi suin), the defendant being allowed te go on suspendeti sentence, Thie will probably prevent auy further attempts at poacbing. Thieves are eperating again. On Monday nigbt Mr. Geo. W. Stewart's peuitry lieuse was entered and robbed of its featheroti occupants. The same night Mr. Thempson's fruit store was broken inte, anti some of bis steck carried away. Make your promises seenre and keep tbe bull dog loaded. Three changes were matie doring the lasti mitrutes cf the Toronto con ference in regard te the lJxbridge district. At Whitevale, Rev. J. H. Oke me stationeti, in place cf 11ev. J. E. Wilson ; at Goti wood, Rev. W. Thornley, in the place of R ey. W. P. Brown, and at Sandford 11ev. IGeo. Washington in place cf Rev. J. H. IOke. HP 1 l Mv.J.AlodOchaume Wontreal. P. Q. iMarVeoUS Medicine Whenevéeolven a Fair Trial l4ood's Proffl Its Menit. The I!oliowifg letter ls froM Mr. .1. Alcide ChauIlssé, architect aud surveyor, Noî 1L3 Shaw Ft-reet, Montteal, Canada;- C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas-q.: dGentlemen: -I have been al:.Ing H-ood's Sarsaparilla àor raout six moruths and amn glad to say tilat it ha,% 2 ag~. îO~ od Last May my wceigh .was 15' .pooni,(s, but since 1[began to tâlê Hoods Sarsaparilla i' , lis i.- creased to 163. 1 think Uloocl'sS Srsaparil la is a marvellous medicineé and arn very imucli pleased wlth 1V." J. AIX<IDE CHAUSSE. I4ood's Pitt$ cure Ilver 1Lus.constilnition, blousness, Jaundice, sick leadacbe, indigestion. HE. 1,- Lo flou n m-ent wit TI lowi Lor< the Sate to 1 ce pi T and beli sho It au(t at tir thi 1y re Ci 1> Ir t( 711E N OST SUCCESCFUL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. £t OeSula Ini efesandnebuas KENDALL'$ SPA VIN SUREs Dr. BJ =C. eino Dear Sira-lSemend=m n fyu os Dock. aud oige Ihvenae agratdeo f you aOsutSavin aM tve bottiescured ber. keepaoetIu baufthe tme. -rmuuIyr, V Powmrz. KENDALL'S SPA VIN OURL Dr. Jl. nimAmCo. c ~ ,r8 W NeS Siw.-1 lave naed veabotecfouw thinit the beut pâiis t I~5 a4Be . ueomd nedos ui a 1O.i,~ l à4Mê . tioBoue Spviu. Hvaree.ooezded 5It $o and IeL oee ul , Dr. B.J. KEN~& P O. Sa uENosSUaoH FALLS. MT q~DYPEPSA- IN $uI*sB oo D~ IN . DIAMONI) DY,~ are the great favorites with the ladies for iburé dyeing. Why they are PopuIkr. They are the easiest te use ; they giv,ý the brightest clr.; they make celers thj. fast tilt the geods are woru eut ; the colon lýever crock or fade, and will stand soap and waiWng. Ask your deaier for thIl"DIAMO<D e; re- fuse imitations. Soid every-where. [t>!Drection Book andforty san;iea s t ,dciothi rec. WELLS & fl;eLÂARDSOiçCe., Mdontras!, lQ. Toronto has 149 churches, and sin- ners enough to fill 149 more, say~ an exchange, Rtoyal Soosmau, (5317), lydeedale, oinod by Jonathain Porter, eiokering. Monde- tu Kennedy'F. baselixie, no-in; Centrai hotel. >eh- swa, night.. Tue.,day, te Woodî-ufta Itel, Whitby, for the night. Wednesday,to hisxwn stable. Piokertbigfr)r the ntgbt. Thurutay, Gerdon's hetel, Piokerineon. aud his ,wn stable for tihe uight. Frlday te Hlighland Cbek for t-bs night. liaturdsay te bis own atabieba- tii Monday. Termsi, $10 te mesure. Newday, (8078) [1912], Clydesdale, owne i by Wmn. Richardson & Son. COIubua. Mol atternoon lea-se-bise wu tale for Br ohi remain ovorniglit. Tuesday, flortople, K1ne, noon -,; Maddatord, AîiIOy, flght ed"neeêy, Fred. Ksrrit'e, noon; Piokering, night. Thirs deyMOGulre's, Etuguton road. noom; W<a. ruft's ote, Whitby, nlgbt, e#d4oé, w. torth's, baUine, noon ; Central - tel Oh".a unt. saturajtohIe$ Own stablunti ~- day. Terme 10toinsur. mfltr* ronaite; ownedlyou Porter Plkeruzg.Monday, toWcrr hotel, wùitby nou on; ntral hobei, Ob&k night. Ttýe9day,0 agaspon; et. csai hote], Port P. iit .ns yac burEnulht. Thunudy, beberYats l t5ailm o y, Un.a e«= Oraunte (Mf)OI md by TIw& W11onlaro lira. ecuiLsy 1!0 yrite on Uc. 107Wm

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