Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 3

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z ~arsa RoseberryQuits. 1-IS RESIGNAI ION IN Il'HF HA~NI0S 1 tHt Q11FN. 0F LORD SALISBURY SENT FOR. HE IS A-;KI.t) 1FO FiSM lA c~ii\Si A N i HA-,('()N S FN 1IF. 1.-FI iHE REVIRIN( !ISR Londomn, Jlune 23. -t ïs flic clvian- nouriced that the Ro5ecl)crrV,Qvtti nient bias resigned. Lord 'Sallirv has hCei sitiric.mnecl cv h\,t (ciftic I rti al NIinI-tnv. antjI bi's t.lcnt %iii roc tc With the' routine hcisititss of tht 1I ccî5t obtain prc>vi.iccail ..oîpcîcît..andclthun di P ltlarliaîntnit. lic ort CII-Clilar CccIitt-ii Iic htfol- loc.ing I-ît l.c IarI't Rc)-ccrr\, I r-t Locrdlf tht Trta.skrN, acll r-.lîil the cPmcdli. ,îrnvi\ et .0 \Vic cr .t Saturclar , andcteiîclrtcl hi- rt-siLîati cil tcc ber bNI,îrstv. Ylcv \I acm t \ic-c - cepted.- 'FlicSecond imeeting ccf tht Cabintt yesterdav aiftennc >c cni cegc.o at4cctli ani lasted UnItIl 5;45 F lit m'ut-t îng held tci decidu \whuther thte.rc tfttl should rtsign tcr ti-i. ut I oament. It was deccided tic rt-mgn .-fter dining at \Vînd(sccr Castle lacit night Lord Rcsberrv had alccngpr)ivatt audience with thteytieen and tom- - - tip .4c,,O ri at by tht Govtrnmtnnt. The length if the1 Cabinets delîbenation was* due tcc tht attitude of Herbent Asquith, tht Home Secretarv, and John Morlco, Chief Secnetarv fc.r Ireland. w-ho strong- ly opposed ano ...tep invo.lvmng either resignation or d issolut cmn. TheNv anguec that. n vie" cof tht stage ocf the debatt on tht Wtlsh disestablishnient anc Inish land buils, the Govennment oughi to pass both into laws, THE RETIRING CAlINEI1. Following are tht mernbens of the ne- tirîng Nlinistry: Lord Roseberry, Prime M inister. first Lord of the Treasury and Lord President of the Council ; Lord Herschel, Lord High Chancellor; Sir William vennon Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lord Tweedmoutb, Lord Privy Seal and Chancellor of thi Duchy of Lancaster; Eani of Kimberley, Secrectary, of State for Foreign Affairs Il .-rhi-rtH .Aanmith. Secretarv of Stat( water. After taldng two* or threC m stroked he suddenly threw Up his hands chiefIIPiaY 0£ the Perovinoimi deteo ' and sank, and, when an oar was placed t've o@ic basroturted from Oolborne, lamot ii hs hndslie as ncaabl ofwher. bis investigatied a. suspiciouseuCae. lamst n hs hnct hewasincpabe oÂmân named FoQte, aged about 80, was R'F Îgrasping it, drowning befote a>ny fuithei a f&rm latorer for a Mr Aiti ey, in assistanDice could be rendered him. The anytwhi.1fW> ow. CI body was recovered after beiflg inlth borne ari.l 13ighou. Liý ng , 1P-Fote'r water about ten minutes; life was quite wif fo 12 years wu -,a Mrn. Nelson, 15 extinct. The corpse was brought here yesre biè senior, In tbe Rame Iooality by the boat from Dorset on Saturday, lived one Pilkey and wife. Pilkey dis- remaining until Sunday afternoon when appeared lut~ spring and the womnan, ari «ýit was taken to his home near Atherley. who was aged 26, went to keep house for Milal, à,' >a man named Spencer. Foote met ber %LC5TC at Trentonon May 10, and it was arraiig- Mr. Anson Taylor traded horses last ed between tbem thikt ah. ahould go to ':G T E CIR ULATweek but unfortunately the horse he Footes home and take up ber residence IN got died a short time after. tbere-a proceeding which wae carried :)in to unt-out, and wbich did uot contribute to the Rev. Mr. Edwards is go1ng to Hunt-f mind of Mr,;. Nelson. Mrs ing next year. Rev. Mr. Drew will b le y arrived at the Foote bouge on our minister as he is appointed for May 17. Next day word was sent to - Cartwright circuit. Foote whete he was working that his that, for everY man who had taken SOT. excursion June 29th. wife was ill. but he, it is eaid, rems4rked part in the noble conflicts of parliamen- Stones were used freely some nighits that be oould do ber no good, and refused tary lifc, the chièfest of al bis ambi- last week and strangers don't like it. to go bomne. Finally he wa8 pi-rstuaded, i and Mr Ainsley went to thbe bouse suh t10o1ý bad heen to stand well with the Several children have the measels tin seqently. Mrs. Nelson was in great IlosuBlackstock. agony, wretching and moaning wih i T HTE PROPER COURSE. Mr. A. Taylor's horse ran away and pains in ber stornach. Foote declined to Nir. Bialfour said that everybody in broke the buggy badly at Caesarea, go for a dootor, but Ainsley finally per tiie 11<05e had heard with sympathy whcn the boat came ini. suaded bim to Ézo. Just then, it le eaid. an eotonthe touching words with the Pilkey wowan urged bim not to go and h ir illa acuthdcn HAMPTON and be did flot. Later in the day they cluded, Ail must feel, he said, in a re- \isitors: Miss Gifiord, Mis i-borwdstaefomanih O n o trcspecc of the labors of the Chancellor cei isWie fBwavle at the suffering woman to ber bed. O c h el , M s s W i t e o f B o w m n v i l e , S u n d a y se d ie d , a n d D r . R ic h a r d T h o r of th(- Fxchequer. that the workhe had F. Groats. burn was called ln te grant a certificate, dcne n tht 1Hcusc had flot been in vain. Betwccn thirty and forty from here but as the coroner and orown attorney N r. Baifcur then appealed to the mem-toknthexusntoFnonFlsweaayfmboead eee ibcrs of the Opposition for an expres- to nteecrint éeo al eeaa rmhmadn n sitn o thirsvmath wih hathadonthe Crandella fromi Caesarea oni Sat- troubled furtrier, there was no inquest, htcn said. WVhatever they mi ght think urday , eotavr laattp adtetwsi fiiI ue h cf ht cclic wichha ben ursed Miss Jennie Ward is on the sick list. body. Foote atteuded the funeral and 1)\- tht Gcverniment, ail of their politi- The Butter and Cheese Co. shipped mborrowed Spasfotfo ar youngTh .11cccpnctsrccognized the Chancel- the balance of the May cheese on Wed- andSment era t h ai (pporentsam e night he boarded p the bouse a d or as one of the greatest ornamnents of nesday. h. and the Pilkey womnan moved away. tht' H1ousc, and who ever kcpt the dig- Mr. H. W'ilcox who has been laid up While Detective Murray was at Cobourg nîtv of the Assembly in view. While for some time with inflammatory rhcu- in connectien with an incendary case, lie. 1Nîr. B3alfour, recognized the fact matismn is some better. tbe facta were laid before hlm by County that the members of the Governrnent Matr .Ktesn Itli confined Crewn Attorney Kerr. Murray had the wcre t he best judges of the question to ther house. sni t body of the Nelson womau exbumed, and iwhether to continue to be responsible otehu.es a poetmortem conducted by Dre. Thon- f )r the conduct of public atiairs, he The picnic at Willow Point on Tues- um and Stineon, after wbieb the officer thoughit hîmself that the proper consti- day passed off pleasantly. brought the viscera to Toronto and left tut jonal course to adopt would have Arrangements are being made for a it witb Prof. Ellis to he analyzed A 1 ceen to dissolve Parliament. For a game of football, Tyrone vs. Leskard, package ofesugar lead wae fonnd in the (;cv\ernment in the position of the pre- to be played here on J uly i st. bouse, and it le euspetd sorne of this -etoeto rcsign it wvas practically Miss Ward's health isipoig may have been given thie woman. Foot.. seatone mprOing. is under arrest.-Star. equivalent to a determination oni their Lively football cuntests are expected __________________ fpart to put the burden of office upon here on J uly i st. the opposition. t was not in accord- Mr. Henry Fursier andfml oe ance with the best traditions of the 1 dfml oe E IlU Biouse. to Oshawa on Thursday. E I OU Mrs. C. Oke left Monday on a visit STOUTFVILLE. to her brother at Owen Sound. r On Tuesday evening Iast the dwel- GIad to see Mr. Henry Wilcox around M V A T A IInN ling hou se of Gordon Ferrier, Church again after bis recent illness. £UALAW ATTIE!H street, south. was badly scorched by Mr. Wm. Beer has purchased a fine tfire. Mrs. Ferrier had placed a light- jersey cow from Rev. jas. Liddy. cd lamp on a chair near an open door Miss Eunice Roach has returned v and the door closing struck the chair fromn a pleasant visit with friends in T A S3 and threw the lamp upon the floor, Oshawa.T -breaking it and setting the building on fire. Our fine brigade were soon on A young daughter arrived at Mr. ehand and working with their wonted Wm. Martin's Ssturday morning-a 145,)(0 0 000 d energy soon had the flamnes under con- pretty June rose. r trot. The loss is fully covered by in- Mrs. (Rev.) Liddy's Sunday school r surance. class presented her with a handsome 1, On Friday last some party smeared pair of vases on ber departure for a k t ,e portion of the harness on Rev. Mr. en.1 ,- - . iBlack's horse with the drippings from Grand preparations are being made buggy axles while conference was in for the anniversary to be held here on ,e vroçrress. Whv anv oerson should July ist. Those wishing to have an SONldanunilv for Hcome Atiains; Marquis of Rîpon. thus treat a stranger is a mystery. To er Secrctary of State for the Colonies; H. say tbe least of it the act was that of Fi Canilitl Bannerman, Secretary of some person devoid of the commonest Statt cor \ar , Henry Fowler, Secrctan-y principles of decency. A reward of le <f State focr India; Eanl Spencer, First $15 15 offered for information which". Lord if the Admnirality; James Bryce, will Icad to the apprehension and con-IV lr-.idctit cof Board of Trade; A.-1IL viction of the guilty party. A fewm l)vkc Acland, \'ice-Prcsidtiit Comimit-. touches of the "cat" would be the pro- tee ocf the Co-unicil tNinister of Educa- per remedy for such senseless conduct. tic n: (Geocrge 'Shaw Lefevre. President Anodmnae PtrSihs, of 1i LoalGovrn fctBord;Jh from Markham townsbip, died at the 'w Morr\ý Chef ecetay fr Ieiad;industrial home recently. He was f Sir. George Trevelyan.1 Setrctar-y for1 committed to the institution nearly P Scotland. Arnold MorleN, Postmasten- four weeks ago, but be was only there VI General. a few days when he disappeared. He London, June 24th.-Thie House of wandered back to wbere he was Couinions was crowAded with members known and was brought to the homne and .,sItcrs at the openiflg of to-days again. Though 82 years of age he sittinig. Upon the appearance of H-. was decidedly opposed to rermaining Campbell-Baflferman, Setretar>'of there anid ran awvay again. During Stat for War., the Liberals gave hini the cold spell be slept out doors two or an ovation, ri sing to their feet and ithree nigbts and cortracted a heavy checring. waving their hats, etc. Th, cold, which used him up so, badly he Irish miembers sat sîlent. The Peers 1wAs glad to return to the home for gallery was filled with memibers of the meia sitne u after a few days Upienrflouse. ý h succumbed to the inevitable. The Sir William Vernori Hantcurt made a body was taken back to Markham for bnief statement, saying that as the ad- bunial by his friends. verse vote on Friday was in ciiect a vote of want of, confidence in the Secr- For some time past the farmers on tary of State for War, with whom thei the 2nd and 3rd concessions of Ux- Govnflniet ad ssoiatd hemelvsbridge have been missing grain from tbey had heretofore placed the resigna- their barns and concluded to keep a tions in the hands of the Qucen, w-ho sharp lookout. On Monday night W.1 hadaccpte tbm.Watson, of the 2fld con., caught Jess Reierring ro Mr. Camnpbell-Barifer- Davis, of lot 8, con. 3, Uxbridge, cros- man, Sir William said he would take it sing bis fleld from the barn to the road upon himnself to îiay that no abler, more witb a bag of grain on bis back. The respected or popular minister--<cheers thief was Ordiered to hait but he moved from both sides)-had ever filled the faster tîlI the click of a gun cap warned office. The course o! the Opposition him te be, careful and hé surrendered. he declared, had digabled the WarMin- On Tuesday moungle was brougit ister f romn proceediiig witb the army before Geo. Dows;well .1. PP, ançl comn- estimates and had made it impossible mîitted te stad his tri'a a the next for the Governmeflt to obtain votes of court cif c0114)tceht juriwditlotL, About supply absolutely necessary to the ser- siX YCOs ago he wa» cbarged with a vice of the counltry. The Government, srai ofae sudbctg f*und gpilty, lesiW'Ould hold office only until waSs sCfte=eCd t thrS, Yffflr rn 4 their successors had been appointed PrOvlca eeatIq tKIsto and lie, therefore, would move that the but 4Cer soeVt 41Woit two .pu4 da 1,tou House adjourn; but it was indispen- Yeam a'9OP4$ODe .I sbebfore 'this was donc that the W*"t5e0C4ý 4te IWSW 01jI îI I,3cIig Ses bill be paesed. w 'order tc~S ~WC-1 IeY.Tii that it ight receive the.royalasesent. sliotld hB p*a aut*Ior7 h no MAA1C01I.RTS LOSIXO SPEE~CH. eE ltqitting office Sir Williamï Ver- ntoni1IS t ai tic reinquished a ~iathi4eh ad î aYsav'=ejarded aW ?oint on that day. Recer.t visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ash- ey, Oshawa, at Mr. jas. Cryderman's; Mr. Stanley Goyne, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Pascoe's; Miss Winnie Good- man, Oshawa, at Mr. J. H. Burrow's; Miss Annie Crumb at Rev. Jas. Liddy's. On Monday evening the choir of whicb Mrs. Liddy bas been a member for the past tbree years, met at the parsonage and presented ber witb a sil- ver pickle cruet and marmalade jar. The presentation was an entire surprise. Sipnor Maccio lia bee» apeoiuted Ltalim' btiuister to Chili. GzatUylug XnUlgenO. Word Recei ved of the Complet. Recovery of Mrs. John Dowly. owExI SouN, June 24-Word bau bien te- ouived ber. of the oowplete restoration te baaltb of Mis. John Dowly, vif. -of a former well Irnown and esteemed resident ef the towo. The intelligence bai been vsery gladly reeîvod' as Mms. Dowly bus msny tnienda bore *rho aro weil avare ef the lamentable condition of be; health during the past six or seven years. BRer ilus bas bien fouud te, resait hemn a s-emas kidney cooeplint sndd e.bas bei» ristored te bemltb by a judlelounueoftDodd's Ki<bi.y Pille, e remedy wh ilenov. veU noevuto mont ef the resideâttsin tii looality as bavng peevleusly affected somesVery tra«ffiauy> Subseuiptons te the 1Nevfe;ued. Iotalnea Loudon amonnted to e uy double th. am Wll der 1,F, Laf-1 Wilde 1-$ one 60y dilubt . sud Su 'mi~M petvi failed. To *bile"h ln Great B~1taiu Fea-thelloe Sit~ne FOR GIVING STYLE ÀDSHAPE quille. It-le soft eud yieldlng, conforming readily te folds, yet gilng proper shape to Skirt or Drees. The only Skirt Bon. that may be wet witbout injury.- Corsetis a1re oorded- with ti Ladies Dresses,% atril For Sale by leading, Dry Gooda Dealers.I What is Castoria le Dr. Samuel Pltcher'5 prumirptOui for Infantok and Children. It containg nefther OMium, Morph1tie nor other INarcotie substance. It la a harmless substituto for I'aregoric, Drops, Sootblng Syrupo, and Cantor Oil. It la pleasalut. Its guarantee Io tbfrty yeaWs use by Millonsof mothers. Castoria destroya Wormsl and aflaji :feverlohnell. Castorla preventS vomlitng Sour Curdg, eures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castuls& relleves teeth.ng troubles, cure@ Conatipaf'Ofland Iatulencys Castori assimilates the fod regulWe5 the otomach and bowels, giving healthY aun traBM ee. as toria is the Cbfldren's panacefr-tho Xgothes PULe Cs1storia. a utort la an excellent medicine for ehil- dren. MotheU8 havO ePeStely told meo09 its goo caa uonther cbldren." Du. G. 0. Omooci>, Lovez Mm& et atowis e hest.bnedy for ebildreuef which 1 am acquanted.1Ihepe the. day la nat fu isttitwhlimufleonsidethorml intiiitof teir CbMme, sud ui Cutorda in- morphine, soohng sywup eu&otber hurtful -gn dovu fleir threats, thereby u.dlng tàem tO pieUtum grave&" Dr. X. FP .imuuzéou, Ooaway. Ark. "aaàetrlalsoirefldapdtée known tg . Ourmpytuldau Antha daA moet baw o - ,bw of th peductqy0voenris meots et -(oaarI-b*&'*=alu- te svupnA.' Md 8o14 9 --, ý;ý, ý-

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