Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 8

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Hellebore, Paria Green and Copper Suiphate FOR THE--, Gardener and Fruit Grower. Ohioride of Lime, Cam- Lhor, Moth Co.mphor, necot Powder, Copperas and Carboli Acid .For Spring House-Cleaniug. Te G. RTYLEY, DR UG GIS Tt -osirL4WA - fils sid Re Hi OBRAWA. e'l BUSINESS NOTIC- Oshawa subscribers P1 or advertiseru nsay transact an y businessiD -wth the CHRlONICLE or may o btain extra be copies at any time, ?rom P. R. Hobbs. ci Farmers willi do weIi Io cail at M. E. j May's for boys' roady made clothing. ý If you wisb a nice French china dinner or c tea set, or anythlng in fancy china, or glass- in ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. s It wiii pay any parties conteînplatig boy- an ing an engagement or wedding ring to se o the large stock of Feit Bros., shawa as bc they will seil thîs montb ver y ch#p for cash.u Genuine dîamnond 14K. only $4Ù.Tbey are also making some speciai allers ln Gents', c Ladies' -and Boys' goid and siver watches di See thees. Feit Brou. D ci Mns. C. F. May, Toronto, lu in town visiîlng T frlends. th )&r. T. W. Atkinson, Toronto, was ln town l Iast- week. l Mmn John Schofild lb vsiting fniends at Parism for a few days t Mr. Howard McL.augliln, Lindsay, was in al town last Fndav. b Miss Tlly Robinson, Toronto, spent Sunday' with trlends ln town. C Mis. (Rev ) 1. Harold, Oliver, lu visitng ber r oid oins mate. Milss Velma Gould. Miss Rie presided at Simcoe bt. cburcb or- Ic San on Sunday in tic absence of Prof Hunt. a Mr. C. L. Recnie lef t on Tuesday for To. r -tonte. Mr%. Renfle lu vsiting frlends ln Guelph. Miss Llck go to the Brooklin garden pantyc ou Thursday, 1 îxly 4th, to recite "The Honor t ot the Wood." t Rev. 0. W. McColl, B. A., IL D., willi preacb bis firt pastoral sermon in Medcali St. Metho- dist church on Sunday. Miss Powke and Miss Lillian King are dele.1 taes trosa the Baptist churcb w dthe Youngf %Wp1's Christian Association tb mecl iu Balti.È more Iu July. f Mi. C. F. Lobb wheeled from Toronto Frlday i land was the geut cf Mr Dixon, Codai Dais.t ever Sunday. He left Monday mcrnung intend- ing to wheel toMontOa.t )Ir. Wm. Dillon and Louis VanEvery, operat. es ln the head office of the C. P.R. Teiegraph Co, apeul Sunday wth A. J. Courtic at thet home of Mr. las. McTaggart. 3acob Cronk, Esq., d Taunton, attended divine service at Slmcoe St. church on Sabbath laut. Ho lu wiîhin a few weeks of go years of age and as haie aud bcarty as many fftcen yearsà younger. Rev. H. B. Kenny preaâched his fareweil ser- mon ai Medcalf St. Mehodist cburch on Sun- day mnorning and Tuesday aftennoon somne îoo members of tue Bible Assembly gave hlm a pic- nie at the laIte. Fred. A. McDermid, wcll knowu thnoughout Ontario couty for thc intcemt he toek in pro. molang temperance was married in Toronto on Wednesday lasite Miss Editti Kidd, second daughter of Mr. T. H. Kîdd. On the xth inaL, aI the reidence of tc brlde's parents. by Rcv. N. A. McDiarmid, S. T. D., Mr. Henri Ballande Myme, merchant, BaMt, t Miss Edith Julia.,second daughtcr of Thomas Conanl. Euq.. Cedar Dale. On lune iL9îb. at St. Anne's churcb, Toronto, by tbe Rev. IAox Ingail Smnith, ausis:d by the Rev. A. McLean Balard, Larrat GodfreyCa- sels, oft he Dominion Bank., Oshawa. to Eliza. beîb àMay Christie, yeungeâl daugblcr of thc late tbempmC4 tib l O smaous wse ab t a the Wbillsga py wo b. eans m SOf - vsuse.sud h.aî UW<M <J #sh ts Deveisil. brick sud stone work ; W. Noble, oi pentering ; Stewart & Klllacky, Too. o iug; and Scott. Oshawa, elctctlilghtint T' musical pogame was nasfollews thech, being mise Clark, Mu Petiey, Miss MeDona Miss Editti MoDonald sud Miss Elli sopranos ; MIS iss lie Miss A. Muriphy. cc traites ;Mu. Kirk sud it(. Wsrd, tenong; b Kellyand Mr. Anglia, bass. Moning àK and Gloria, Mozaits îsib Mas ; Credo Sallc Beics.Gouned's Mess. Solennelle; 0f orty-Ave Varuma, Gounod. Evening: Vespa Gloria; Hoiy Qed, We Fraise Tby Nazi Dieuslu Adjotoium - Diint Dominos:. Sa' Mari (EngUsb); Sit Nomen Domunu Cagi Nol Ashaned of Ch. ist. Mms.Petlcy; ..ymni £--e Pn3s Donisetti; duet Miss Clark,1 Augla ; O0 luala erdi sololut Musslu< McDoaald edKldly Lgbl; T*si Ergo. Gri olohirMiss eliotIMr. W:a Confirme ec oaMr. Engiu. E .VIOKI. baubar. SInises a9qe4. B8. WÀI'WUM, Das SO W A.L M AW4 .6(pluu A"mwu t ~U.V~mr iv nD ýr on tbe aunets of Osbaws ou tbm mnlval ef è visitons. Fathor }effcott bad trieci te get ir service frein the station to the churcli, but bout suecess, and the walk et aimoat a"mle id a hiait wus taken tuder trylng conditions. 'ho serviço began lmmedlately atter thc visitons Tlvcd. The cougnegation incioded many pro- nent Protestants auci <heïu pres ence gave cvi- ne of the fricndy relatlonsbipu eftbte towns- opie of diflerent creedu. Mayor Cowan, ,eve Coulthard, R. S. Bainlin, Dr. Hoig ana -S. Wlliams were amoug <bo non* CathoIics suent. 0f the tnembers of the cburch wbo crc preseut at the dedicoition of the old cburcb hicti the prosont magnificeut structure replaces, it two, Mr. Patrick Wali and Mr.J am;s aiey. were present. Many efthde familles of ie congregatuon centrubuted windows te the eautifylng of the church, the memorlal windows eariu the followiug naines :-Miss Kate Far. îl,M ZfKittricir sud Freete families, Leonard, b areIs, Conlin, Riordusu, Hill, Brown, Crelgh- n, and Doyle Cetîssr. The pastor. Father eficott, contributcd s fine wiqdow. showing the mnine teatureofe St. Gregory tbo Great, the atron saint ot tee chuucb. Ail the windows are aretully cxccuîcd sud artiutic productions, the rrk of McCiusland & Sous. The softened glht shining tbrough tbe windows added dig- ty te an impressive rituai. The Bishop of leterbore', lu a few opeuing words, said the xst duty was te dedicate te the service ef Ged e beautiful church erected by the people of )shawai. The ritual for the occasion inciuded eayons that the sIrit et wlckedness would be :pt far .way. sud Ibat the pnayens oethe cburch muid bo ofiectual lu the case of aIl who sbould ome into Ibis temple te recelve grace iet their ýarts. Wbiîe the con gtien remnaincd iu- ide. the bishop sudaprestu went <o ihe front [oer and &roud the outer wails, which were * nkled by Uic bishop with bely water, while e ciergy repeated the 501h Psalin. The inter- or of the cburch was siien dedicated lu the saine vay. High mass was sung by Rev. Fatcher lallagher, sssted by Fathers Mulcaby and oeddsu. The sermon was delivered by Dean [arris, wboue senorous voîce rang through Nery part efthde building. Dean Harris b a reachor et scbolarly phrases sud clear reason- ng powers, sud bus sermon was an argument xucd upen the. wordu ot Paul to the Ephesians, xgluning: l'Husbauds, love your wvives. as hrist loves the chureb."' shewiug the exceeding- r close aud sacrad union uubsisting between hisi sud the churcb, It was hard,hne said, ta Dnoelveof e tronger figure than ibat presented n the icît. The symbel was that etf<tic mest acred union ou cathl. God first created man, aid, casting hlmm iet a deep sloep, frein bis iubuîauce drew tbat frein whicb woman was ,rmed. He bound thorm logether lu sacred eonds. And se wbcen the second Adamingu peu thc cross, frein bis sacred substance the -burcb was created anew, sud God brcathed on ithe brcatb et life. The sauctuty ef the chural lid net mcmn the ssuctity of eacb individual cou- ectod witbh i. lrli churcb et Christ was neta close corporation etfsnctificd laudividuals. rbere wcre ilu h foolish virgins as weil as wiue, there was s Judas te, betray sud a Peter te deny. Thle churcli was s living principle sud its sanca tity consisted of the sacrements and its institu- tions. Iu illustration ef the ssncîity oethe sacra- menis Uic cloquent preacher made refereuce tc the mauriage tic spoken et iu the eext. A net. abie thing lu thiuIccnlury b the leesenesaf thu bonds tbat bound husbaud sud wifc. To the sooîb eue migbt leok where the States had des clared that uotwltbslsnding that s.od bad said, vtiat God bath joined lot net minu part, maný made legislatuies would make men fiee freinthe usriage tic, free te wed again. They bsd tel lowcd duis coursu ntil scondition et affairs tiac tra'uen <bat thougbitul men viewed witb amait meut. The man who bsd swarn st the sitar tc love sud cberlsb the fair girl who becaine hii arife when she lest ber pensenal charmas sougb out a new victlm and cast bis wite aside. Tbi church threw the shield et uts protection aroonc that wninkled womsn wbom ber busband sough te discard and toid that is that bell was opea te rezelve sucb astic sud that the cuiseof <bg chorclu would lu upon hlm. Iu ibis cburch 0 Urod there was ne separaien sud romainiage The saciagnont et maruiage was iustltuted Io due protection of womeu, and frein thai day tIl due end tbey were sale wltbln ut. Men migi trame lawusud constitutions, but Ged was lolk lng down sud everuing <hem. The soumai thuougheut was dellvered with dramatic.powe and was cooched lu due meut couiteous terras i thc - separated breitircu' as !>canHanrs aleg the Proestants present. At the cloue <of the sei vice Bisbop O'Counor thanked ail, Catholic sister, Mrs. Sleep. Mis. Roi p b, efOshawa, was the guest of Mr. W. Richuardson, sr. Walter Moore lu laid up witb a very bad baud, it hsving been blood poisoned. Norman Wickeit nearly had bis car loin off by falling off a herse rake last week. The Y. P.S.C. E. of the Presbyteriali cburcb wiil bold a lawn social on Monday, July ast, on the church gtounds. The sudcien death of Mrs. R. Powers bas cast a gboin over the wbole community. Hem ueraI on Monday was wcll attended, tbe funcral sermon being preacbed by Rev. Mi. Ferguson. She was an amiable christ- ian womnan, welI belovncd by ail who knew ber, sud welI known for her lirdly words sud deeds. Rev. Mr. Ferguson prechced his farewell sermon on Sunday night lasi and wbich was an exhortation for ail te renuain faibrful bo God and 'he cburch, and contained good ad- vice te ail. On Mondsy evening a large number of the congregatioti surprised bnm ai Mr. D. Ashton's and he waa presentcd witb an address and a weil filîed purse. Miss S. Webb lu visiting the pasti week wlth friends around bere. The firsi message went îbrough tb'e new1 telephone on Wednesday asat. Mia. George Hilburn, of Cannîngton, bas been upeuding a tew days with Mvrs. R. Coombe. There are five ucholars in oui achool îry- lng the extrance exama. at Port Pcrry this week. Succeus te îbern all. Mra. Grabamu sud Miss Henderson attend- cd the S. S. convention ai Raglan on Thurs- day asat and wcrc highly pleased wiîb ihe addresues tbey heard. A boise beiouging te Mm. T. Vance met wuth a serieus accident on Frîday evening by runuing againsi the sharp end of a board, whicb rau ie is aboulder seversi inclues, requiingu the services et a vet. Those swindliig cloîh pediars were doing this neigbborboed isut week, and duped saine et our enterprising farmerie with ibeir taise promises snd shoddy gods. Mr. me. Ceates lu providiug himseif with a seven shooter sud he vows thai lue wiil shoot any agent or pediar that dares te corne luside et bis fate afier ibis, wthout any exceptions. on friday Coniin's séhool united witb Maxwell's sud wen<te <luhe laIte for a plcnic. Ou arri'ving <lure dinner was partaken et, ater wblclu <le boating cemmeuced. The day was deîightfui sad ail must bave thor- ougbly eujoyed viewing thc beautitul biue waters sud brcathing thi avigorating breeze. In <lue evenlng tes was served wben al ne- turcd home, iircd bttwelikqtistA4 with <lue day's proceedisg. On Suday Rov. H. T. Fcr<uson preached lucre fer ticiasat rime befojyo enteruug upou bis new labons at St. Josepb's. Island. At the close efth<le service teic m as few part- ing remarks, In wbich lue said that bis stay cf six mouttis had been pleasan sud <bat lue had rcceivcd only kindacs. frein aIl. The geod feeling ountic part of, tho people s fuîby returucd sud <bey wish hlm every suc- ceslu the future. Rev. 1. W. Savage aise st<ended tic Sunday service sud took tbis opportunity te uay good-bye tc bis people before geuug <o reside in Toronto. BENE1ZErý Mr. Arthur Weîry lu rejoicing over an- otherfiower wbiclu nas becu 'added te bis fsmily. Mr. J. C. Gibsen la kept quite busy <hoe das, hiviuf becs. We predîct a good yeai for honey. Mr. William Rundle sud Miss Jennie Stephenson were quietîy maried on Wed- ncsday, june 12th, ai <lue home et Mn. jssue Truli. Oui litIle churclu was well filled Bt both services on Suuday, te bear <lue fanewcîl ad. dresses by Rev. Mr. Phelps, whe is te com- mence upon bis uew aphene et work utxt Sabbatlu at Milbrect.. The Patrons arc geing te bold a grand picnic on Saturday in Mn. Eli Oubonne's grove, a mile and s quarter nortlu et Coun- tice. Mnr. Wm. Hoskin intende building a uew harn<bis sumnuer. Thue cfcps lu <is neigbbonhood look as if <bey need ramn badly. Wc trust 1< wlli come Mu. Jue. Waddeli bas the foundation ton bis new bouse completed, sud expects soon to bave the carpen<eu's at work tapon 1. put uder part of the bo-im se.Tcarpenters are woon. te take psesion of Mt Plesant snd tboreughly repair It. L»eka as If John vere goÇttm<gt. he 'cage ready, but wherc la the blrd? I. lames Mcklformety or <14. place bhm. W. areIad <o sec tihe old gentleman fain n udto nd tbt bis eatb is nproving. e will llv8-s meet with a wurss wecopso at Pipe E410, Aê ,a...wAlia1an on Mausdav ea,... tale StMy- 1, tjl àAMBau hnex-Tha saln 1ilcr1ig " d glnts, furnishini bouse e Oshawa SVpieng.ici ssortmeut cft weeds, woustedu, <iOresringt, shirts, collais, etc, always kepi in stok. NmeLTBues - Watebmakeru sud Jowoenur. Doanon. iu watces, olooks, jewoiery, silver- <er, soiaees, etc. Rngratlg, gold sud sle luig,sund eid goid rings made even. Fine wstoh, clock, sud 3ewelery repaiiing a opeelulty. OsHAwà BoLLEE MILLe-A.ttentliofl ef farmens la dlreoied te feed ohop iug now carrled on daly st 651 per bsg. OeteXîsted Jowei braud of flour, beft lun(Canada., soid by ail fit-ciao. groera iWhitby aud Oshawa, aud et oui mille. Campbell & White. Evason & HAWKIxS - Importera aud doaions in farmers', mauutactursns'sud houaefurnish- ig supplies. Manufacturera ef tiuware. Bave- troughlug sud othor ootrsotiug doue. Fur- naoesschandelier@ and lampe. À steak of bleyeeukept ou band. COLUMBIYS. Rev. Mr. Savage la moving to Toronto tiisweek. 7- efs Georgina owiwsfb akG bhese nd Gogn ut ofshipces aingwarebose ane waggon ocramfed, and upoan aplcaton ofhe wbip they ated, nd of apericutiny ofvte lwiene tbrtofg f ahr. isoddnlo ovano Ieavn th o on tbeMrouGnutbe adme avng Mtha St. ond upeSimoe, manag- crng te ster car ofSthenduSmrosehicles icb hospee te bo the street, <eiiitey reached ppnd eosite t.eW.stbre tey collided opthsMte D. WCaSithswaggon and carne ea tanrD.il wib oe rse on tnd ground and the waggou tongue brokren. underthwee sCH et B eaveonsaing atnoon ter provens edayavetp ay tat nu tpniesaITbosh Isalsnd. Uofninvsti- pin <icpicuichr- sland.e fonudvestb- Messti J.nJholmeices S.Caefon, Baile MesKinneJ. . H arison. Sud meothers whc dîd nboug teHaiso ,aGe orgu uathe be. di t b eof msta engin< ltastic Georgis IcseanofInisasenie netitatheu baud tIlI, Tuesday eft <is week. A Wba was almeat if net quie a boit frein tlue bloc laut Saturday wonked considenabie bavea on <lue spire et St. Audrews chuncti. A stermu was paosing over the village about 6.3o tbat eveuiug, witb some nain but very litile iigtitning. when a rosi and s blinding flash startIed haîf <lue women abmos< eut of iheir boots, sud upen ioeking up te sec what was struck St. Andrew's church wss seen te be Iscking shingles for uts spire. The ulingles aud outer woed work wcre stripped comipietely offas aura as the brick work, leav- ig tle tringeru perectly bae. Qe etf<thc boick piblans was sbattered sud altic inside electric igbt wines werc badly twisted. Sonie oet<ho church committec are lu (aveu et remeving the steeple sitogettier on short- ening it lu some way as ibis lu <he second time it bas undergene the sanie rnsackiug. The meut oeth<le incandescent ligbts arouud tewn werc bUrnt eut 5< tich fuse at tic saine time sud evidently tlue presence ef cicctric wires lu the chuîcti had semethiug te do wi<b prvnigfine sud other damage. Mr.e Wm.e Parrcw lest a vainable herse tÉ or. Ratl aig ieftteptu iu front of his new bouse. Ourtotwn isa ai aglow with tal# of a wed- 4iug or two expected iu thse siar future. bank basbecuoff uty orrafe fyO ut ta recvetwgabaut sud fitted u Who wil«I-o Thse ebage ,wltla the Brool hiteis la thée bu lTe d ry weu bey -crois and about doùhlbki Quite * nm Bmaerwtot1 I a ftI 111E ARCADE s c c .m one on a A Banl ifl T :orl mal ove G cric suit cail T big fani disl pro hou 0W1 an con ger gor telli Bel not tha inv oCg Iati Pr( adci foi, fiaý 'o) trs d e w op 'utc frc bul A AtI w 'he first camiping party of the season ck town Monday. r. F. McRae bas finisbed tbe erection of of the cottages at Etht 1 Park and 19 busy. asecond. Slarge picnic from Woodville visiteri -kers grove last Tuesday the i8th. It was ie Methodist persuasion. Irs. F. S. King who has been making a r to her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Thompson roronto, returned this week. rhe Sons of Scotland excursion Friday, steamer Enterprise, promises to be a ,er, weather being favorable. Ir. R. Bucicler réturned last week after ,ing a detour in Western Ontario, looking r the farms of that part of the country. ;amebridge and Beaverton met on the cket crease at Gamebridge Friday. Re- tBeaverton 47, Gamebridge 45. A close rhe union school pienie at Turner's grove Frlday iast. The chiidren put ln a greal time -gnd the older folks did the light astic act till evening when the gathering iersed. Wessre. Cameron & Cameron are now the Dud possessors or a thoroughbred grey- Lmd which was secured from Ketchum the ,er of the ceiebrated trotting dog. The imal Is lndeed a beauty. Beware of the junior officers of Beaverton mnran.y 34th Batt. as these two young ntleman are flot married. TteybMr a od reputation at home but you can neyer 1what a feiiow wii do when he gets away. And Gi A.S SOE -FROM- $p5.50 to $25-000 Oshawa Bteamship Sieamship Tickets te Europe by the best linos on the Atlantic. Spocial railway rates, Oshawa te Meaireai, lu connection witb Stamnsbip Tickets. Oane.dian Express Co. Goods tonwarded on al Passeu- trains;-,aise collected sud de- iivored te al parts cf tic îown wthont extra charge. WMey Ouden oun sale frein eight a. mn. utUil igbl p.m. Gîveîhcm s ra id ad yen wlll alwayu use thoin. GrTeat North-weetern Telegraph Oompa.ny sd U. S. Messages necelved promptiy delivered. W. P. STERIOKER, Agent Office opposite the Post Officbk W. E. D YER, e e S0OSAWA OFFlIC. * aie Blockt, jmt north of the pet of- * fce. Inspector cf Ageacies of Aid " Savings & Loan C., Toronto. Agent Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and the Employers' Liabilîty I u eo po t n y wtheov o ier you et buy- ing a ATCH ai a rasteraa euctio fon &Dy prices we ever ' made onu binb1 oe For example : We will sel] a watcb Worth f fo r $5 ; a $ 30 w tc b fo r $ s , s $2 5 ou $20 a $20 watch for $16 ; aR16 watch f or $94; a $14 for $12 a $10 watcb tOir8; a $8 wtcb for $6. Se;1a,$6 watb for 85, ýand so on dewu wo en. Dent (ail te sec the bagals we are oftoung iu al lunes at 0BOrYDs jewer$ store. (Headquarters fer Bargains) KING STREET WEST, . OSHAWA. ,-HEADQbAR TERS FOR-. Seeds, Ma.ngels, Field Car- rots and Turnip Seeds of all varieties. Ensilage and other corni at lowest mar- kcet prie". Staple and Fane, et bottoni prices. Higheut market FarnaProduce. cy Groceries prices for rocery, O0shawa, - Ontarioe THE CORNER SHOE STORE, c@e s HAWA.--E' Leather 8teadily Advanclng. Wholesale puices for footwear are 20 per cent. bîgher. Our immnense stock ia selllngý fast at old prices. Save moneyrby buying youw Tbc oppomt4ity wil leclou pasi. One price te aiL Caush d*.-ý gAM Ouirrate of profit liuthe foweti,"bi district. iT KEFS UI'OOLz- We bave aiways agnriand, ared stock te sel«tetrlatUes cusn snd finishes. Puices- *ght it. e e Undertaking department fullày stock- cd, and cmbalmmg accoding io-atut Picture framing. prouptlv sand mati. faetorily.doue. Luke Bro&, - Qs"0hlwa9 The JosephHllk cuecelezib -eclln 'i NIM the: Price B uý OA, And cake -al i àk ni ~\~î buten spordtbsyac be salv ub.onofIbeI ueflon bvs.Thyotheoung Cbeckcof bae won anyhng ys Te n ilisecbersbope Suton yting be u a t sTh e obae 'atiton e iland u ad Grhenbousravn :ios won'tbedsappoandtae if theyaoue ' just what tbey expect. rhe crowd wbicb took in the Christian la- id excursion on the 201h found the train lvided for transit te Midland almost in- lequate for tbeir demands. Another train iowed 20 minutes later and took the over- >w. The day was magnificent. and the en- 'able sail ucrous the bay ta the islandu ade the trip worth the going alone. The ain reacbed bore at 9. 15 on the relurn trip. At laut Beaverton is to have a qualifled ntist of ils "ery own. Dr. Bowcrmsn, h-) Iately beld forth in Huntsville, bas ened an office over D. M. Smitb's new ore, and is prepared to relieve the sufferer >m toothache in the usual way or supply nm or ber witb cbewers of the finesi qualitv. dentisi certainly ougbt te do weli bore by rention te business and doinz good work. le hope Mr. Bowerman will fill the bll. im~M:m CLEARING frT S -m :SALE prices neyer so low for high class Lgoods. CASH ONLY. Cali at PELLOWSý and see his Wrought Steel -AT- $ 50.00. 1 1 line of Goods) at 1 Everv 813IF»LBY 1 1 neuuofb a OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, àl. Thunderbolt. plum DALiL 1 %xi ILBDZON.

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