Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 3

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cam lige~ ity. Tboy are uBu&IIY tormentetlu hnteewh eaoulr Some of those who visited the boys dype stiate ne ilousnes andeurt at Camp on Sunday bring back queer trouble, coutputui o ctVOUstdOBandr r.Jon YweOi istnE. nMaim descriptions of tube menu on whicb tube sleepleOsnlSe. bycno esudyO i oh wei iitn uMrp sohier susitu.The tae hei melsnight, and lif ecmeOs a burden hesvy Mr. Jas. Cullacutt hbad the misfortuno, oirin mel nsst hyts o cofe e and Terau eoneao sngth sud reksoerialaey sitting anound .on thbe gron.Th d Telgearue rtebrak ore ua atl mornng ma mn wts aice onf beaitii.uivoi' for mnch weary, worn-u-it Miss-Etta Campbell la guesti Of Mis bread; when sua at apeeoad suffering people is Paiue's Oelery (Jreba, Peterboro, tibia w6ek. bread tube loaf îs thrown at C ndh ompound, now 80 univoiSS.IY approved Mi. Cham. Wilson. sud son, Torontv;, cuts it off himself. Skiily, an inde- of by zuedîcal mon. e vatnhrDoionay 4 scribable sour or stew,is tube principal »uemOle thpud ~Is e e viitn e -oentDominieon ay . dish for dinner, and bread and cheese jiar composItion, combines tube beat pro urlngtb rcnttudriom Mn. with tea (no butter) form tube evening ducers of bealthy and pure biood, tube firit Richar Hawkey'î bain wua itruk ti mea. Te ta ' mae i abig black eantltoefct h;altb, etreugtii and iightning, a valgab1e cow killed sud he kete hung over tube fine and looks actilvity Wiien thbe gros, eimi oi arwyecso et.Wt about as dark as the pot. The officers ueed lu summeI, langen, r it abiUty, fratpomtuli u prlng e fmi4 fanemuc beter, but it is principally nervousuesu ana sleepeess S»areper-b e mucceeded lÎ ztiguain ii6e fbaeauete hpi .ch daey uetiy baniabed, and men and wo=u IDunaided, not b-owever before a large b-oie- and buy sorne extras for their table. In go about tbrdte ith andil d a benbund a s bin this ase w supose -'table" is menely energy that indicate clbsdrbi- __________ a figure of speech. The Uxbnidge nas. Use Pnthe ot i . copafly get tubecredit in some quart- ne b o oud.jo ieluti ht "WIISoflastlIlgeOf. enofe g ue bestu looking squad on wethr. Word Rthevod c omuïletROVoY the ground and have been styled tube M. Jb1>uy Uxbridge dudes.- journal. -(Thase $u ue2-odb " e bie - ho camne to camp from Uz- odwuiiBohm ,uof thé Wompterd basossr bikersaw d1luu t)pv ,ot slowey J w(I'OUlob bridge Must have been dnunk when dMi 1sE>WiiY, otdbrofbeO. apuI0 e .hy returned home and odtbJorguis1M.-)Iw Sda. nul t-hein yarn about tube nations ashow.- Ti. rl mffUOO 0'e D U mT'IlpUp0bS es ed te the vçlunteers. It le plain, te be Ob~ssO 00-i, v " as theu li.msrkbiat e.the mw w* f sure, but le thbe saine t-at Britisb Êpeboro M e .1f ebt *Bd fiVh32' -eior Iba 1s ySnsstLB,.lu soidiers, snd officeri are alsysgien.l-m'of-5~S There le no strawberries and cream Bée Dr. ««tfIW" I ProededdCTb$poWlbYwdy Mf -Uvm b*r% x phygriaisBas best suited t-o the physlc__Ot ai elfare of -soldfiersé sud if butter _ zm eadded woi1d be excelent -oma _ Of these Uxbrl<e bicycle erthr .- abul 'eà sh~I~the lustory 'Of t-he Auu*rl w if thcy vant to-know ala> .»Wd 1 %Ibs bmod pe day; lb. - "t ,nttoe&-cheeSe, 'tes, CQffîe1 Pop. -GIVIN4 ' . _Q -Mu7. g* ý4 'N, - tc1e1 ea"for Chi- Mers bglt Otýud A rw h eeteea hospitalas a 19Wi&efr hvc~II ugdlidgigwbè.lie Wâs n, the sd Mins -U illiaÙmn, atrgb Mr. Abraham Baehaw left town last met in its lnal iI<OUepOutuu.in -the bottom of tiiê pît snd was waiting for tti aé e cligo finahr -audyfo on Point, in Peter- Methodiat 'OllObi hat Raglan, on Thurs- bucket tW dl cend frodi îLàe top o b, e 11hA Teenailyng on frmie-, ud er t boro county, tO assist in mission work. day, Junc 20e. thedy u. lhed n a mor and b t eM e Mx A TastnblyMr"amilry rn, iie We are orr t hear tat owi g gves bide fai for a gooil time., The pro- n.ouqgti hdu fdboe CII leraie i erv We re ory t har hatowng oident, Mr. H. B. Briggs, ot Myie, book nm ug ablnd without warnwng tibe Muster 0 Xnapp aud Mrs O Knapp the iliness of Mrs. Chappie the trip te ttie chair and opened the. metng. Aller buoket foUl from top to bottomi strîklnig Toronto Junction, qre visiting friends the old country which she and Mr. the. uual dtvotiontil srvieed'<ho ecre- Tom02 crusbinç blow on iii. bOUl. hmr. Chapple had annanged for is postponed. tary, Mr. J. B. Barnard, of Whitby, pro. Strange te Bay tie wau not mîunned but Mr gavage, Birkenhead, England, bas They hope to sail by a later boat about sented reporteshowing 24 achoola in the came ,t the surface flfl5881tdc. On~ been guetofhe ce Mrîs 8 G Rourke j uly 2th. gociety, with 15 reporte, giviug a mem- resohing home, however, ho became Un*abtheii parsonage. bership of 2,446, witb au average attend- onscious. Dr. MODonOl, of Orilia, 'a8 Mr, Rd Lyvester. f the Sylvester L When the mayor went to take his ance of 1,614, losse 244 officiers snd tesoh eummoned who put seeu1 stitehês ~~i n giulturâdWorks, Lindsay, visited hie seat at the council on Tuesday night ens Who average 211 iu attoudance. It ugiy wound ini tbe young maflB head Aghri adehr l redsh u he found a large piece of ice at his feet ise îopecd that iu anotuher year ail reportesTii. wound bas ince h.s.led an~1d oly amoer uete odfine oeli in front of the m agiste ial chair. One will reach the e. sur ad a better soar rom ains te te s"ify to the . Wee k. o t al mac a l ye t B r e of the counicillors had piaced it there to sBowing be given, which, Do doubt, wil f Tomns bead. ton on the 2lmt uit, between the, sobool keep him cool. add stimulus te tthe good work. Indivi- Tiie boume of Mr. John Doherty.. of tourna of Burketon and Enniskillen. It Two weeks ago a large hamn and roll dual sciiools are directly connected witii Atherley, wau etruck by ligbtuing during ruulted in favor of thbe latter by two of nieat were stolen frorn the premîises thon. township associationse who are r. ubee torm of last Saturday eveuing.Th goalstenhig of m. idd QukerHil. M. iddponsible te thbe county organisations of building, which wus a ose storey frobme Rev G Rourke, the new pastor of the Bot ntro epeeîigPcering structure, teok fire and was entirel3' con mtodist churchhromaeavr authorizes the journal to state that if an(lWhituby S.S. kssooiatiDne, and it jesnmed witb tii. contents. No jinsrnctfavorbleb i bpresso rne irud a vry the thief or thieves will return he will acco untable to the. Provincial AssociationFarVlehdsmoonSbt veig Arcpin gîve thern a fat hog. for ail jut return. Ater thbe reports Mr. Wm. Robinson, ai Vieybasr mon o in anath meing. At e ption- Mr. Donald McGilivray is just now were received and udopted thb. election a bee on Baturday to get uP a n e b ain.wsgivenbayvnd ily at ii. parsoh- inhsgoyand the O)ttawa vallev. of officers took place ns f ollowe : The Metiiodistu cburcb, Fair Valle fîjends on the circuit and a very pleasant Fisingis oodthee. e bs fund Presidetnt, Mr. W Purves, Columbus. Dow presents a very fine appearance scial evening wau spent. a cornpa i o wh ies t aseli as ou istu vice, Mr E Nanookiveil, Columbus. Messie. Wm. Brown and vWm. Steven 8 d os an t hv esIn asîng ra ek 2nd vice, Mr John Blow, Whituby. son, of Orillia, have been bighly compli- 1N0 few ays go e sa thy ca~ ~ Se cretay, Mr W E Dycr, Oshawa. mentued on tubeir work as painters.Mr A fw ay ao e ay tic cugIt Assistan .t sec , Mr T Morris, Oshawa. Ostrander did the brick work weîî. Mi Edwin Benson, Lakefield, was in 200 trout in the Gatineau river. aÀ Treastirer, Mr James Burns, Raglan. CaaeBehn edabl town last week. tributarv of the ()ttaÀWa. The Journal Executivp, Ccmmittee-J S Barnard Mn. A. dbe rcibl al Mis. Wm H.ay, Cobourg, was guest of is of the opinion that 100 ftsh pur da,, and Mrs J L Smith, Wbîtby; F L Fowke, on June 14, wben over 60 couples were Mr. R. Foster. p)er hisher is good 1 - n.j Bailes and B J Rogers, Oshawa; W A present. The ladies were very beauti- MsW oe a envstn Another chiange 11t, . tî lte1 Holli day and Mrs Deh-art, Bîooklin; H fully dîeesed and looked very pretty, rns Win Sneshn en iît touketlet Ninda' Thenîo~trouE Brigizs and Rev Mr Wetheral, Myrtie; especially Miss Lizzie O'Leary, dressed fitd nCitn foiort>nti tio<' liet c.u h n t lasBifu. sbun an evM M in cream satin. The rmusic was grand Master Freddie Benson is visiting Mr. hlaseBaloumAbu and was fMrnMohad by the Brechin string F. W. Williamson. fonrnuti)0 tki~.titttr «1) rnouosmbs.r Wlbrn a nd baud.A vry ni joyable time was spent. Mi. Thomas Thoîntuon le visiting 10 o. Il uutrtufnIII).C tlItbt<< son and J Harper. Mr WPrea r. M. Tbomas Kelly, near Brechin, wbile red nBokn train lan,îtbu <nie Ct 1>a lu the afternoon M uvs spe coming home froin cburcii iast Sunday Mis C G Armstrong bas been visiting Miland. f ,r tht' preseit t' <fýim«(1a sideut in tube chair, conductued thbe meet Lad an exciting time. The poie of t1be fiiends in Borli. to(n given hv Itle ruI',«Uat i nz aqîoilows: Addrees, "Reviewes and buggy dropped cauaing the rig to 11112 Mi H P Gould, Toronto, visited Mr J very poor i isigu'tlltititatIl P Rleview Methods," toy Mi J S Barnard, unto tube team. Tii. herses took fight G Honey îecently. j)ek j,;bu to ()ru u r NIvir t Whitby. "God's promises of help te S. and rail a quarter o! a mile iu this w8y, The Votera' Lizt for thbe township of Connu .CtIng . \vth the aýl'1Ylvrait) n <tle 1S. Workers,' by Mr Elmer Lick, Oshawa. when the end of tube pole stnuck somne- Clarke bas been issued. C. P would bu a c nrntf1t4) OUit Normal Work," by Mr W E Dyer. thing sud îaised thbe rig îigbtu up. Eleven Tebn ileer h rnee h)ustttess men, tt <t1 (aj Il~ In thbe vng the question drawer people were in the rig at thbe tiare but To he baonudiln ot haOagee suths brne îllha' t u rt<rttvas opeued, aud speeches were made bY noue were huit.MiAEWloadbrePryon to. cerem'l Rev Mr Wetheral and Mr Dyeu, and anMrAEWloanbidPryw, 1 ) 1eUCcaddress on tube subject, "The Tino Mis- ENF]IELID. weîe in town lastweek. NIî(ndiiv mrning a tnw itPC' -itur( of Sabbatb Sc1aool Work;' by Rev Mr Thes Campbell, Orangeville, is vis watc .dng1 a spart w 'fce>ingls v«' < < NI r Ferguson, B.A., B.D., of Columbus. Mr.J îulu l iiiga o t tng Mi Wm Thompson, sen, on he a wrcnfn t nw the aud. 01t-iCe- There was a very feir attendance and Peiry. -e inwhe fledga (ltn.eppu>igad. < t t' excellent interest. Mr. Geo. McTaggaitu Mr. C Selby is enjoying a teip to ing he ledging stppedoutandcorrducted thbe singing, assisted by Mise England. grabhed it. p n> d waiked «t .th<t Hezzlewood as organiat. Mi. L. Foster, Mr. James Gilbert loat a valuable cow DELICIOUS leavingth thrbr icnilte a veteranr in S.S. work, wue present aud lust week by entangling ituscîf in fence She may have thought tIla a canarY. took part in tube exercises.. wire, or niay have kno\w\n that it was (ni\v ae aaMia. W. Tapp je recovering from be sparrow and cou1d net t n. - ý M Ilsickuess, so tubat ellee tablhe tobe aro2iIAuAnW TTE events tve hope s5ic<(11(i)ot thi<tk of a~mmagain. IÀW T E the crueity of rnbbing the mo ther (f a m u i vug. Anima] -au ar1K\.luhIuuchLarge numbers fuom bere attcnded tube the' saine as hurnan naturen1 dcr.ea excursions te Fenelon Falls and Guelph. unk-nd t kil or ot) he lwer rea-A football team oiganized bere two E S tuc edesy weeks .Lautu Fîiday they played gaturday night shopping witb Buiketon îesuiting in a tie.0 If people put off their shopping tîli a Mr. J. E. Dyeî hua invented a botter 15,009000 late hour on Saturdav nîght and the machine for killing cîows tuban a gatJiig. deliverv men and clerks are kept wsork B . I He aucoeeded in getting 33 one afternoon ing after midnight. are these late shop- 'uI~ au aeua ailfull grown. pers responsibie to some extent for the for ~U~U~ U Visituors :-Miss Dolla Werry, Solina; P rrbol 'Sabbath desecration" that foilows ? UM MUWMr. and Mrs. Hogartb, Solina ; Mra. ,LtL-1-C4-s Does a late shopper, sitting in bis or Eezzlcwood, Raglan; Mr. sud Mi%. El. her pew on Sunday. ever notice the H.. oeLin;M.su i. PFeain, absence o! some well known store Port Peîiy ; Mr- and Mis. SolL. Fasoce worker and say to himrseif -"that isi Ii Taunton. L4 AUlJ partly my fault; if mny order, and the HMTI orders of a few others had been placed Mr ras. ssc.I ra carerheWouild have been able to at- -TO- Ladies Di A llght lake*tcbu aefrum G qu ~iItis&uoft sud y*llkt coufàrinuing readlly to foldi, yet»giviti'proper -shapete SHPEskirt or r. SHÀPE~The. OniySlrt -B-0=-,, that May be *et wlthollt iujuiy. The Oelebral.têd eatherbone corsets mre oorded with thia ressest imrw Ipo Sae b ledin Dr 'G odsDsas.~ What is C9.storla 18 Dr. SameLPftcher'5 prOSoell foIr Infants sSd Oblldren. ]Et ontafto neither Oxlump orphine nor other !îarcotio substanlce. It is a barmless oslubttuto for Paregoricg, Dropi, SootUn In yrup,, and Castor 0M It 18 Pleasant. Its guaramtee là tbfrty year&' use by Millons of Mothers. Castoria detOYO WOrim and aflays feverabIleSe astorla prevents vomlting Sour (lur&i cures Diarrhoea and -Wind Colle. Ca6tOra rellev« teethlng troubles, cure stipaitifon and fiatulenc7e Castorla asaimUatdSi the food* regualed the etomaeh and bowels, giving healthy and natural 91,"P- C41s- toria is the ChildreWs 8panacea-the XothoeS Fland "Cantmilslafan excellent medicino for chul- dieu Mothb.have repediy tbld Me cf ita D& . . 080Os0D9u LowéE M& a. litlatb benMotesmd 4obdeI ,Wel tofh1iam bmdint i nu uthe &Wlan- desboylflgtedr loved oubyfoeOlDROPhUm, morpn ootblflg UM m sd cUrer burtàfu agents dowfl t-bothielfithotbrey sd ii= stg 3uumturo graves." OCmway, A.rk- CaatoII soe5 ttoril@ 1c~~amis u 0naetod itAw~ Â..EEXf siOuri hpkbioin tute; aldI m* dMp on ncelutioir outme PisotiOS .Mdêhot sud althbom* WO0 W O medica Ri ppi wb5t ineas ~ PueWetsawOmefis. 10oe.ihMd Dimerd CMwsb-s wtw look i favorUpu IL UmTD HsaiiL-D upi ÂznuuO. SRE, ~ --- -.- SevereFP.ahiit Cured yTl .4 tir 4 1, r. 1, -4. f i ~If TYLE Aum a sàm!iiiý Pte&, menq .ne Min

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