Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 4

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the vinos.- Finishes pw.ith- one applica. 1«My sare W&y W...... ta *t............ Wo thls - 5 lertlIlzer. 21. cts. per lb. coal E.WILLISi hemist cd Dru ggisl, Medical Hall, Street, Whitby. Q't#rrnuch.* TBY-v JULY' 5,1895. lu T'h. Omu iaFs. 1 lvelY discussion is going on in The eck, Toronto, as to a new design for a rnflag. The agitation was started ir Sandford Fleming, of Ottawa, who ýàte the present scab removed from the aÏn0jack and a star substituted. Others ý %e lu favor of a beaver, a maple leaf, or bething cise. Mre would like to know what it the mat- ý th the ld Plag as it is? It bas done tY, a tbousand years (so they say), and 9i certainly borne itself with dignity and wetin ever- part of the earth. Surely it good enough for Canada. ,iàalal very well for a lot of our aesthetic lesnto display. their knowlede of heral- r, by wrlting to the papers, Uut before 7 put any more itdprovemnents upon the ~F1sg we ail want to have a say in it. euattempt previously made to place a nadian emblem upon the Union jack was iductive of one of the worst blotches we .'r saw, and if we listen to a lot ot edu- bd no-nothinga we will have a worse job rt time. (etthe Old Plaga&loue ! Ifwedon'twant use it we needn't. We cannot improve on it. Our people have in nearly al %es bought the Old Flakr in preference to eone with the Canadfian daub upon it, dI none of Sandford Fleming's designs Il change them off. IsioldiS ut VNlsaw pale rhia ha been a very good season so far rsuiciding by the Niagara Falls route, A many have taken advantage of it. The i*i4 le rid of about twenty, every one of ~hcould be spared. In fact we ne ver =z~ofany sorrowtul enquiries being made ~people who took this great tumble ýÇthe Iàils. e -bave always recommended Niaçara to people Who want to commit suicide, 4who would make a short and sure job SThey can uiways obtain excursion tes there et the proper season for suicid- g,,,ad have dlo od~e to subsidise in order take e drop. The water la fret to ail 9': there la plenty of it to drown an army ý*orthlesses every day. ý4* towhat would constitute sufficient rea- àafor conitting suicide we leave an open tention. When a man finds that-he is be- d-i s nuisance, or a crank. or a faddist, ahould at once make for the falis, and ýVer leave there untîl lhe has conquered oeaknecs-or else seek the jumping off Jte. a fat there are thousanda of peo- ë' w> ho would do the world a favor if they sad go, that way.. Itlel harrowing to eut K"- ' corpue ln a half llghted stable with eyca 0*ng at ou and a blackened stlcklg several inches, more or less "..lheumth. It laeven more hçrrible bave gto iun after the doctor for one who tak pa green, and to see his agonies Fius'l" 10bave him restored ta your .,rb.wwbis braine out with amus- Le Nisgm a Pl route leads down in the c-,oturse for suicides to go. It gives âgtbe right direction to thpir future è". It à not- necessary to turn on any #Wwster for a few suicides. The wheel ,iways turuing, as it were, and they can ýè tunble whenever they are in the lit frame of mind. There la no funeral penseê, tor coroner's lnquest necessary. .7y are utirecognizable. Nobody knows ara anid nobody cares who they are. Bhert Notes. The British electiois wîll comnmence fleIt ek The Toi les look for from .5o to zoo flic debt of the United States increased u.,ooo,ooo durlng the fiscal year ending Iy zs and there wus a deficît of over $,4s,- oooo lu the y«er expenses. Remedisl- Iegislatloù for Maniltoba le al à aIk JMit now at Ottawa, very littie hope Ing *utertalned of a cgmprornlse. Sir kè4renule Bowell may b. regarded as a mterona polîticlan If be steers bis party The battallon colora, for the pure_&Mseof wblch tbo county couincil appropriated 82wo dld not reach camp tli time W bepreseutea, to the. battaikn. I t as a great dîsappoint- meut, and th. order wili now be cancclled, we undersîand, It la reported that the Militla Department at Ottawa sent oui spotters ta find out what sort of discipline prevailed in the varlous camps, and that illega j whisky seiling n other irregularlîles were found li but at Whlîby wbere everything was reported as bcing clean, orderiy and satisfacîory in every ailier way. Some of the mcn of No. i company dlaim that the CHRONIcLs bas siiated the. officers and men of that company la givlng raise tu the battallon. We acknowledge he consi. Tht close connecuiou between N-o. i and the CHRONICLE camnpels us Io leave these thinga for others to say, or for the neturn of inspection, whicli aur baye ueed not fear to sec. Whn.u wouidn'î be a sol( 1er brave Upan a tenicd field ? Who wouidnt fil a warrior's grave If calleci our rigbts ta yield ? Fair Canada, îhy atalwart sons Shail ne'er deser:thy cause; Nor fcar ta standi beside the guns That ail detcrad îby Iaws. Two weeke ago the CHRONICLEs statcd that Private Wm. Richardson, Wbitby, was the tallesi man la camp, 6 ft, 2%~ in. Upon (urîher investigation i as foutad that J. C. Coultie, No. 2 compaay, Grecnwood, (lie hails from Dunbarton) ran u p the mark to 6 ft. 3% in. Then J. Broden burg, (a Cart- wright blazer> No. 6 company, Columbus, stood under and 6 ft. 4 in. was the record. Ontanio county couid îunn oui several bat- talions of men aver six feet in beight. IThere was a bald eojer boy W ho wore a red cuat and a gua Ando ibis lad sported maidens cov SW hen the days drill and service was donc. To foo1 îhem hé reckoned quie smaart. And hebasted his tricks ta " the bboys How bc'd stoien a sby damaseih eari, While he used @weet words for decjys. But in sorrow he found bis misiake, For he learned that the coy lite îhing Had been working a capital lake. She had bina and tbret more on a stiîng 1 No. 2 Company held whati i termed tht cookes parade on Friday aigbî, this being a comicai wiad-up ta every camp. Tht parade consisted of five divisions: No. i, King's Pluna Dufiers; NO. 2, Coaks' Body Gîîand; NO. 3, Sons of Reçt; NO. 4, Greeawood Fine Eatcrs; No. 5, King's Army. Lieut. King's men had dressed ibenaselves grQîesquely la tht anmony, aad gave a great burlesque of the battalion marci. Ih was immense and gneatly amused tbe iveive bundred visitons to camp. Tbey finished up by parading the town. The ahana fighi on Fniday was a fine spec- tacle, and would bave been mucb betien had the grounds not been sa level and coafined thai il wa.impossible ta get the soldiers oui of siglit of ont anather. Capt. Paterson, Beaven-ton, led, on rather tried to secrete, the cacmy, wbo vere supposed to fine on the 34ih battalion " uabeknowncc.'" Tht fiing waE soon aaswered, and ibis was followcd by sucli manoeuvres as wene possible in tht place. About tbret thousand people saw the spectacle, and we cannoi give an intel- ligent description of it ta thase af-aur rcad- ers wbo vere not pnesent. At the conclusion of the war Lieut.-Col. Paterson marshalled tht mca and bestowed mucb praise upon thena. At tht wiad-up tht colonel received a great cheer from the men.t h I speaka higbly for tht rtsptctability af tht 34th battatan that, white reports of rawdylism and bad discipline bave bcen hear rm ail tht other camps In tht pro-' rince, evea whiskey beiag i1iegally sold from tht canteen ai Niagara, ual a single instance of tht ike can be laid at the doar of aur baîtalion. ht is evea stated tbat la other camps a coterit ai afficers had ta be detiitet coatiiually ta keep things la regu- ation, wbite our boys siood on their bonor atiali urnes exceptinlsofar as the negulations demasided piquet. For discipline, moality, drill, cleanliacas, and ail. ihat goes ta raise the s tandard of a militany organizaion, we can challenge ail Canada ta show a record equal ta ibat of thet Mib baîtalion on this oc. casion. Lieut .-Col. Paterson and Major Farewell as commanders bave aid downaa standard for militany camps of the future. Before eaviag town some of the men apread a stary ta the efleci that the officers had cbeatcd tht men OUI of 25 cents each la the pay sheet. This would amaount ta about $75 an ail, and vould be quite a pull an sal- aries, vhicli oaly amouat ta So cents per day ; but, il la not truc, Ia former years vhea the camps vert lield at Niagara 25 cents extra vas allowed ta the-mea for ta- tioning themives in travelling toanad frona camp. Tht camp befng beld at home 1h.s year, there vas no netd fan this extra tra- velling and no allowance vis made for the grub. Tht men vert pald eveny cent that vas due thtm, and, s0 fat were tht aficers frona perpcîrating auch a job. that evcnyonc of them was out for. many extras. Those' wba started sncb charges af dishonai againet tht officers should b. dischanged from the battalion aI once. The camp waund up vkh a social tri- umph. la returnforth.many courtesies, civilities and encouragements received by the. officcra (rom the people of thc lova and vlcinlty a grand reception was givea at the offioera' quatr on Frlday uilght, ta wbicb au soldierasudl civillana vee ofreely iaiilted, and tht affar proved a brilliant succeas, &bout fiftecn hundrcd being prosent. The pnttty camp area of about lEv. acres vas as clean as sapin, sud sato bat! bec prepared for tbose who prcfcrrcd band music W promenading. The 341h battalion baud,, under the capable iesderablp- of Mr. Geo. McGulie, of Uitbrldge, ds& nadmulcE for the goda v hite lbe 1 mtaflan oçcatsdid the gaitant for tb. ladis lua astyqle whb sbowed Ibem t1* b. disciples o!fb me cupd. One oecer ba&dbeelai u1w et once, asud another b"dIredufra oeucujabbc prMenade lu les*on Iluaur 4c iu.Tepfrs1o wonldfollov bl suocim o bdeiMb., ud wrm emenaite sha uautue ranitano Tane ob.ta slheld byh.epeople o the. towa of Wblby. 1"I have the. honor to ho your obedient Servant CHAS; Kn4o, Reeve of Town of Whitby. In response to Ibis a vote of tbanka vwu paased by tht afficers. Mr. Payne, of Orilia, is vlsitxng frtends in, town. Miss Lena Switzer ls visiting friends ln To- ronto. Mrs R Shier is visiring ber parents in Mid- land Mas Calhoun spent a fcw days this week la Toronto. The boys are busy every evening practiaiag football. Miss Osmund, of Buffala, is the guest ai Mrs. Dr. Hunier, Tht Moîhodisi choir gave a concert ai Green. bank on tht ici Mas Bain, of Toronto, spent Dominion Day at Mi T H Walshe's. Mr Broîbatar and wifé are viiing at the resi- dence of Mr J Brabsion. Miss Gîta of Goadwood, spent a few days last wcek witb Mrs Tho,. Fogg. The Meihodisi Sunday Schoal anriversary wîll bc beld on tlie 141h and 15th. Miss Ada Baker, of Ontario Ladies College, Whiîby, as home for bolidays. Miss McDermott, cf Bondhcad, is visiing ai tht resideace of Dr McDermoit. The Misses William@, of Woodville, were the zuesîs of Mns E T Williams, Suuday. Mas Rawlison of Kiamouat. speni s few days ai the nesidence of Mn. Gea. Rawlison. Miss Maybee, wbo has been viîiing Miss Hall, bas returneni ta her home in Belleville. Mr Wakefond and wile. af Seagrave, are vis- iting iheir daugliter, Mrs E Richardson. Mr Fonsyib, of Toronto, was tht guesi of Mn. E T Williîams for a few dsys last week. Mi. Fred Bircb bas returned after speading a few weeks wiîh bis parents lan -avelock. Mr 1 B Vailenîyne bas returned asuer spend- ing a week. in Parry Sound lookiag up mnng la tent sts. Rev W R Barker, of Orillia, spent a few davs witb hie father in town on his way bomne (rom conference. Mr John Brandon was maried at Port Perry on Wedncsday t0 Miss Hearn, of ihat place, formerly of Sunderland. Rcv Mr Stuart will preach the annual sermon ta the Orangemen in the town hall, Sundav morning at 10. 3o a. rit., JuIY 7th inst. Rev Mr Parent. of Montreal, a relorned Roman Catholic, preached in the Meihodist church Sunday nilzht and lectured ta a large andienoe Monday evening. Rev Mr Powers occupied tbe pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday mornng in the ab- sence of the pastor, Mr Stewart, who preached anniversary s:ýrmons ai Vroomanton. KEDIRON Misses Mcflonald, of Toronto, are visiting their cousins, Misses Conlin. Mrs. Wilcox. of Chicago, is visitîng her brother Mr. J. Luke. Miss Ida Hoskin, of Bowmanville, bas re- turned home after sperading a couple of weeks as the guest of Miss Ida Kerr. On Sunday Mr. F. Werry, received s visit (rom bis cousin Mr. Bray, of Enniskil- len, and hie sister Miss Delia Werry, of Solina. So tbat ail mpy feel free ta attend the Sun- day school anniversary services at Cblum- bus, the services here for next ýSurdafhi4e' been withdrawn. Rev. H. I. Allin, pastor for the coming year, preacbed bere on Sunday. Hie ser- mon was full of cheer and encouragement, at tbe close of which he spoke of the posiion in whicb lie was placed as not being the choice of the people, but he aaid that being sent it was bis choice to obey, and that God could overrule ail for good. Al seemed favorably impréssed and sincerely desire that thse bond of 'love wlll unite pastor ami people and that a igood work will be donc for Gocl. - romotion Eamlnstione. SEPARATE SCHOOL. The following are the naines of the pupilà of the Separate school who bave been suc4. cessful lu the promotion examinations. The pupils' naines are printed ln aider of menit: I ta Pt. II.-Walter Quigley. Willie Gould, Mike Failon, Leo Connor. Pt. Ita II.- Maggzie McDonald, Lea Coffey, James Foley, Minnie Gould, Rose McCroban. II ta 111.- Maggie Breen, Lena Quigley, Eddie bic- Kinnon, Frank MeCrohan, Frank Fallon, Stephen Coffey, Katie Cofley. Ill jr. ta, III ar-Nellie Quigley. Loretto Newiome, Ray- moud Barton, John MeKinnon, John Mc- Donald. III ta IV.-Emma Foiey, Ilean McCrohan, Bertha McCann, Kathleen Me- Croban, Frank Barton, Wlie McKinnon, Mary E. O'Connor. LAwToN-TÂIT.-At the resideuce of the hride's father Mr. Wm. Tait, of Greenwood, on Jnly 2nd, I8n, by Rev. Jno. Harris,r.. Pred. Lawton, of Pembroke, to Mise Aice Tait. Fali wheat, 85c to go; spring wheat, S$; goose wbesî, Bac: buckwhat on 43C ; bar- Iey, six-rowed, 45e 10 %og;., bariy. two- rowed, 4=c; Iny Soc;0ù;ot8p, c 0 pois,amualt, 6oc; auumu*ypea, 6o10 to C Mes, black eye 6c iepaot6c claver, Alsiket, 4t5s b16 .s; ted.clover, S -5p.s; potatme, per bag,,3= 0 6oc ba,$7.1o 08 ;nbaiedbay, fiéto $2;u 3cr 2e 14c; eggs, to roc; drsacd- bop, 045-50 o 10 6.a; 'ive -w.Igbte --7-abe Prints, Gingliaffs, cha11ies, Dolainos,' Dross Goods In Serges, Henrietta, both In Black and Colored; 511k, Flannel- lettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a great many other uines ail of which will be SOL]D) 1~7ýTr :[D OWŽ.11>* Corne and secure some of the Bargains before they are ail gone, lc7»Rernem ber the .1** D Ru ON SATURDA Y Having had a large trade this spring, JwIy, Oth5,1896 we find pile after pile of w M» DR Y GOODS, ELEARING RO SALEX ss, WHITB Y. For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to hold a grand Clearing Sale of new and tashionable Dry Goods. The stock is thorougbly cornplete in ail the latest novelties in the trade. We offer: 88-im. wool Serge at 12je.,l5c., 20. 40-mn. wool Serge, fancy, 25e., 80c., regular 40c. goods. 40-i. wool shot effeets, 27c., 29c., regular 40c. and 45c. goods. 42-mn. wôol Serge 48e., 50e., 55c. 45-mn. coveri coatings 65c., regular 75c. 45-im. Tweeds 65c., regular 75c. Black Drese (*oodsaiat 25c., 85e., 40c., 50c., 65c., 75c., 90c., $1.00. Lawns, check and stripe Muelins, Swiss spot Muslins at low prices. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Under-wear, etc., Prints a.nd SateensB. Duck Suitmngs at 1ic. and l2je.. regular 15e. See our 52-in Table Linen, only 20c., better quality at 80c., 85e., 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c. Bleached Table Linen 67c., 80e., 90c. Napkins ai ail prices. 16-à. glass Towelliug 7e. RoUler Towelling from 5c. 18-lu Hluck- Towellig 12kc. In' Men's Furnishings everyihing up to--date-. - Mn!s Fedora Rats 75c. Men's Hard Hais $1. Straw Hais for 25c. Men and Boys' Clothing aithe very elosest prices and of the beat qudality and make, equal to any enstom made goodsa. It will pay you ho imspeet our stock and prices before buying..1 W Ha 4>THE WARREN, : NEWP Tenders for Sohool Work. HaywardTenders wvill be receivtd until 9 a.m. of w a r WEDNESDAY, JULY ioii, 1895, for the follovîng work : cOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. non'tFoi'g t, -36 double folding deske or 72 single deske. sellethe bet god Pintinga inelide of collegicte institute, witb Smost of themn for the Pointing and repairing eaet side of old i leet oney Wearebuilding. les ou e~uy ou te Iokr Fre bMOPEL COL cosa4.4n1 h lo- Fo h placing o! one-beater or two- a ou fo bagain. Eery Kalsornlning Inlerior of building. week we go to Toronto UFria;TIT CO. Iand bunt the markets For chataplag door of building, aud re- aud the cash enabýl, paillg vals. Sealed tenders mprked "Tender . for tu to B~OUM . oanylosof goodeai St oo W '."should be addrcssed ýt. heRIpiW. Mtha's why w.e au soUl JOHN FERGUSON, Chairmnan o!. Sciool so chesp. Every woek wM ifnd neus e with new in ies of up-to-date good at a 7 Whlby, juRy 4,1j895. Toronto prices. - Tis week we hâve- seourea sgeNtIetaO dtrs ~>reaui5 WSiiaS mm-, 0850E Kibbo.010 1, WHITBY, :STORE. e Binder Central I 1 his Twine is guaranteed from oech makei ih, Price 7 ci No second Oentral -Pr pa8t.ure ,to L4 ITwino. rison Make. pure, weil-made, and h o biyad more aheaveis bail than sny other te arket. ts ýper lb. quality made at the ires ai Orio. H.o LON G At examiniat wrong by using have to dip, dip, pen and enjoy an thoughts. WA TERMA N THE PAUL E THE VERCA. BARNARD'E ~4t Omeuca Oonnty lion of any FBIIDK«Y LOCA Scottrepaire 2 Hardwood din at W. Tilî's. Mrs. Geo. A. 1 at Brockville. Great year for moths. Look o Hurry Up bo- Warren bas or-I: Mn. Robt. Hol ian day witb the Bargain days urdaiy and Mon( Mr. Joe. Adar this week. Ht ta do. Mrs. R. Ros Mich., to visit Johnston. We bave a lar odd panîs whicl W. H. Warren. Mnr. Geo. B ro, Wbitby on Fnid business, but re witness tht sha day. Mr. Jos. Banni here on a visit oi until Wednes-da County Attorne, the strcams beg were highly suci Rev. Thos. hs bath observance makes no compa break up our q favored with a i c..-red incidentally -Oshawa aver Catholics ta rui town over tht 'saccessfully opp Romember î That Dr. Graz ta stop faling h At the camp 9 on Friday, Juni teeth. The fini 4y secing ther Twlce the regula Wc notice t] Thonsand Lelai tht Bawmanvil] nation Of 20t Oshawa ($2.20 and only five Bowmaaville, i -fan, and only 2, port iHope. 1 Whitby people smenr Ohe 34t] Mn. Michael Party in houai Grasso barayat large enpply a necessaries, 2woflj 10the se too lte. Not ~made up bis n at ail bazardE Mike and him- amfe whiisky -would take a - tround unili so eiuts, a1 er-etover DaosiaDa log ihe matrOf thwe-,tofJOHN LANDJ, AIeOftke 7bwushNp ô 1 l~wsto keqipoopi. fanas dusectatlug I 7~obbath4 wbul we _~anusas I sud breverles whld, verI Remnants on our counters, consisting of day and date, July 6th, 1895. ..C DRY : GOODS

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