Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 1

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nr )nrc VOL. XX XIX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRJDAY, JUJLY 12, 85 N.3 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CHBONIcLE COnaBSPONDENOE. FOR&T PFERRY. Miss Elle Hall ie vieiting Miss Robbins, Parkdele. Wrn. Braithwaiîe, of Winnipeg, is spending two monîhe at borne witb hie motber. Thomas Mellory, caf Brcckvill, le renewing old ecquaintances in town Ibis week. T. Mornison, Indlian, caught a 2oJ lb. rnaekinonge on Fniday and more lef! yet. Wrn. Hiscox tend famil>' bave taken up their ai-)ode for tbe cummer at Pettit'e Point. * i Rev. A. C. Courtice, editor of the Christ- ian Guardian, Toronto, je visiting hie par- ents this week. NIAGARA isn't te fie nientionedin ' Mr. and Mrs. John Sangeter, higb echool the camie breath with the talling ut teachers of Quebec city, are visiting Dr. Prices of Our Sangster and faniily. ,.-.vrýTOILET SOAPS. Dr. Archer rie moving this week mb b is Theymus cere dw~ieve if heynew surgery adjoining bis reeidence. Lt is a have lu tali down. (ýur -tock ot Toilet wI-pone fie Soaps miust befie sposed oft te make Mrs. W. H. Downer, Little britain, and room for uther gouds This expljains Miss Mavbee, Brighton, were visitors the the stupendous hargamns we are giving past vweek with Mrs. Robt. Lucas. Those wbo went from bere on the baptist B"TT'FR.IIZI A .<.f 'l excursion on Wednesday to Stur'gecan Point 0A lJF S11.' k ~ report having an enjoyable lime. And a Supeî fine une of T(il1ILET SOAF, è3 id tGenako h ohis. cakes for 2C. regular price 25ç. per cake. e-Genan nth obDe. AL-S(-) , , 0 Always on band 0 - Tesh JiImlan nsiiPf z- -Jkinds i Ilî1- P1k a iie (<tENFR I)RLG STORE. SWR. HOWSE'S STAND. P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate oft h- Roval College of Ph vicians, Ediffbur 't%,eniber of the Col- lege of Physicians and o.. *s fOntarlo. Office and residenee, north section of the -Terrace, " Byron Street, nrth of I)undas Street. Telephne onnuilcain vvth offic e. Whhulîlv 4th, iS4 N. F. PATERSON, QCO., Farnister, etc.-After two vears residence in England has resumed practuce ati 130 John St Toronta. - Oct. '94.6 mos. LOOK at the rernarkable Iow prices that 1 amn selling ýSolid Oak Drawing-roorn Suites at. The prices are from $22.50, $25, $28.50, $80.00, $35 and up- wards. E. J. Johnson.' DON'T FORGET that these goode are my own make. AUil upholstering orders given to me has my own supervision. E. J. JOHNSON, Leading Undertaker IN THE COVLNTY. Pasture to Let For a llrnited numnber of stock. First- claes pasture, with live stream of water, at lot NO. 30, 3rd con., Whitby. R. J. LYNDE. Whitby, May i, 195-22-tf. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. HELAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. Capital Âuthorized $1,000,000 Capital Subscribed 500,000 Capital Paid-up 373,000 10010001 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JoHN COWAN, EsQ., President. REUDEN S. HAMLIN, EsQ., Vice-President. W. F. Cowan, Esq., W. F. Allun, Esq., J. A. Gibson, Esq. Robert McIntosh M. D. Thomas Paterson, Esq. T. H. MCMKLLAN, - ashier BR A C9s.-Mld land, Tilsonburg, New liaiaburl;, Wf ltby, Paisley, Peneta-agnisb- ene, and Port Perry. Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- change bought îud sold. Deposits received and intcrest allowcd at highcst current rates 3%~ per cent. Collections solicited andi promptly madie., Correspondents in New York and tu Con- ada-Tbe Merchants Rank of Canada. Lon- don, Eng.-The Royal Bank of Scotland. Seilattention to collection of Farmers> 'Sale Notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. Maîuul, infantu uugnîer ol Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Wood, eged i month tend 5 days. Douglas Adarns obteined honorable men- tion in bistory, fifîb foçen, et the examina- tion of Trinity College scbcol, Port Hope. j. SIort McMasten and Mies McMaster, fatber and cicter oaf Rev. W. W. McMaster, spent last Thursday and Fnida>' with hlm. Dr. Geo. Thompeon, caf Iowa, formenl>' cf our high echool, and his brother Dr. Alonzo, were visiting cld inoende in tcawn last week, Mn. Jonathan Blcang is making active pre- parations to build at once a hendsome resi- dence at- Beechenhuret," costing about $2500. Mr. Cha ries Powers bas the ccntract. The yacht" Orient" is open for engage- ment b>' eraîl excursion parties ofttwenty or less, being in fine îrirn tnd a tact sailer. Mates-J no. Bowerrnati and Jno. McKenzie. The "At borne" given b>' Mr. anîd Mrs. McCaw last Fnidiv evening was a complete succese in ever>' way and xsas one of the best ever beld in town. Proceeds $38 for the renovating fund ot the Baptist cburch. limes are lcoking up in Port Perry as quite a few changes of properby bave taken place recenitl>'. Last week Mr. Robinson McGill sold bis residence on Lilla sîreet to Mrs. Moles, formierl>' of Asbburn, for a good figure. The Rev. A. DeBarrit-recetîtly caf the salvalionl army-of the South American evangelicel mission, delivered two earneet discouîses on SafibaîF ian St. Jobn's cburcb, aend lectured in the Methcadist church Mon- day evening. Indianagent Batemen's attention is calleti to the fact that corne person or porsons in Port Perry aregiving liquor 10 the Scugog aàk1~ ui Ioutane. rHe enouta at once rake stops; w ss.urny a~sJ nu r ssance n pa.iru JTne p. event it, the fine is a heavy cane if -the fait aseociaticià. Te'çwhdle 'tïcfwo part>' je found out. a> poinled to ted in the malter of J. J. Stewart, > Don'l forget the sons caf temperance excur- who teeketi for exemîption on five a«rS Qf sion t0 Sturgecan Point next Tueday 16th. land from taxation for electnic lighting and The Crendella leeves the deck t 7 o'clock sidewelks. Mr. Jefire>' carnied tbrough a a. mi A splendid programme will be given by-law exompting Paxton Tatt & Ce. Ton tend Iota of music. Bing along ý-our lunch $4,500. School taxes wili be paiti-on this basi etc and have a gooti day's cuting. s4,sco-with the proviso that ail the taxes be Tickts nl>'40 onta chldre cets. levied if the fou'ndry je closeti for more than Ticet olY40censchlden25 cets wo monthe in tho year, tend to core ne m The officers of the Sons caf Teniperance effec Jatnuar> 1&)6. Mr. Rureo movoti il division bore for the curnent quarter are : W- be $3000 insteati-bost. Mn. Willcox gave P. W Hallaren; W A,Mibs L McConnell;. notice of a by-law at next meeting to raice R S, H Bateman ; A R S, Miss L Hall; F. mono>' for municipal tend achocai purposesl S, J Gondy; Treas, W Stovin; Cbap, Miss for the current year. Orders wore granteci E Kennedy; Con, D D Content; A Con, 10 C. Sheebe>', *2; S. Houck, $2; Mrs. Mise A Hall; I S, L Whitby; O S, F Mole; Lewis, $2; W. Jamieson, strool watenIng, P W P, J McKnight. *40. Coutacil adjourneti. I amn ploasedt 1 note the frequent calîs our The thorny path. orchestra tend the preebytonian choir have An olti pnoverb reade "the way cf the receiveti latel', tend wbon cane beare the tranegreksor is bard," was realized te ai- soul-inspining music rendereti b>' Iis choir, most ils fullî meaning on Thunstia> evenin g tend the equally pleasiflg instrumental mnusic 4th imet. Whon Inspocton Ferguson geloff caf the orchestra, it isnt to be wvondered at the 5.25 R. m. train word quickly wonl that their services are ilu frequent demand, around :"The Inspector ls-lre. what's anti ourtcaown feele prouti caf wca such' well. u ?I' îî soon becamo known thal Ltý_Sebert traineti musical crganizations. The metho- cal Ie St. Chare, anti D. Whitney of the duel choir, tbough not caîled so often, is. Railroad House were served with papers equally as gooti in the renditian caf the an- charging Ihrni witb infraction cf the liquor theme b>' themn ever>' Sabbath day. law, anti like littho mon Ihe>' went beforo lte On Monda>' ovening the pi ebyteniten choir j.Pis tend setîled their fines, Sebent $20otand met t the manse 10 partakrecaf the appelle- 'Whbtnoy $4o, tbough onl>' six days before ing ston>' cake given 10 îhem by the Sonyte Mr. Sebert, on bis word of honor (?) said 10 fientis on Dominion day. Duning the me no liqucar hat been sold in or caver bis course caf the evening, Mn. DeIve on behaîf i ber on Sundays uinco March23rd. The end caf the chnistian endéavor societ>' cf St. Johbn's le acat yet. Look ouI for frtitor equalîs, cburcb made an opproptialo address, after The nex1 wiil be harder than lte firsl. wbicbh h presented 10 Mn. A. F. Birchard, aj Those mon have been warned lime after beautiful monogrami C.E. pin. Mn. B., 1tlime, andt paiti no attention, andi.lte>' will tbougb taken b>' surprise, ,made a suitable soon finti out " forbeartnce ceases le be a repb>' thanking the members caf the choir tend1 virtuel 1 tl imes. The botter ebement of lte the doncars. t own intenti thal Iflte>' will ot close tbein Installation, bars on Sunda>' vol untanil>' thonIbicy w.11 do, D D G M James cf Oshawa aseisteti b>' scab>'lte aid of the law tend the ifispeétôt. Mr Sanders Installedth ie officers of Wtrriner 1 have stateti before aend 1 do s0 again, -every Lodge I1O O F on Monda>' evening lasî»: W oeeof the botelmen le being watcbed very- H Leonarti, N G ; C L whitb>', V G ; J closely, anti if they sûtîl persiel in openly atnd INot, RS; JH Brown, P S; B McKnight, defiantî>' violating the law, tbey wll lose Treas; H J Batemen, Cen ; C H Alison I tbeir licenses ini the endi, as I aend othens W; A Campbell, R S N G; E fil urtiy, L know ever>' week in leasi tan 48 heurs afler S N G; 0 Graham, R S V G; J Jewell, L S J ?unday who fr-equent nt b'otels. I mento V G; W Montt,R S S; J Honîop, L S 5;.l1bis asts sad thotelmn wll kep cos-, G Willl.amson, 0, G; T Dobson, 1 G ; T J ' eti for thnee or four weeke now and fthon at Ash, Chap. Aften instalation tevisitera i gi.WseIbaeht onifii proa.anld e da ihcream and ti Ier IrIequenters and tbelr clique, .s»I It is a delicacles, and apleaasant lime "pnt. source cfustisfaction to know that the better dasa ofthe peopbl i terni maà4d joloing A Seoeaambulist. j ownhlps bave complimeeId me oit în A Youngt lsqu In towfl5few tigbt8mmOgOt bold stand and ev teclique Say 1 Ai n lun bis Qe witb ooly au undersbÎt nu, nlgbtybutf.bou14 Write esBer, Terare wetto bis brothcrs bouse end *askcd -for a oa s u ei0sthlsrond Who sSm" pair o<uuitscrs, hurYlu'bis bruther- as b.. and ases if they - ae pivlsged'ti o as îald Consabe MitKUI&ht wasafte Win t4y likoad doany meau act tboi .-t t 1nô -coéme tome n30Y' ~ ms th 'ay.psbaýi m*llitanj wondenthère are those wbo say the charches are not popr ingandsocelybecming more depraved-? Think àfYoubg men wbo are in thein prime, beingèornarninated by sncb work, losing aU res- pect for'tbemselves and mankind in general, loading tip on Sundays witb whisky and beer 1 The »ame young men. in a uiajoiy of caces are ldnd of -heart. manly in their appearnoe, but. wonrt long remain so, if they "ce on in their downward path. W. J.NOTT. ]Pr«"eryBusiess Dlrotory.,. àfmn»LnenBMMsisvon S&L.-The unîles- signed ofer.e for sale ber miilnery busines ai a borgain. Thtis tea. rare chane, te sloeurs a thoroughiy eatablIshed mlllnerv business Possessionivois 'aboutt1h. Middle of 'June next; In lte meautime 1 wMlsell my pronet, stock o! miUinerYni sd below cou. 'Lsd&is vlsblng mnything ln my linso iii fln# ta tbsir advanlsags te give me a 13611, xas. W. L. PARRISH, HAFRDWJ* RÉ9, PORT PERRY. in town Iis Week. a Dr. Olver, of Newcastle, spent last $un- day at Mr. A. Ketchen's.'i Miss Watson,. of Toronto, je the guet of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Finie. su Miss Thomas, of Port Perry, bas been v visiting Miss Robinson for a short tîne. - Mrs. Win. Pirie bas returned from Fox-, boro' where she bas been for the past six bi oeontbs. T.7ev . C. Sycaînore wîU preacb at1 the evening -service in the Baptist cburch next of Sabbath.e Mrs. Hewltt, of Hanover, is bere to ro- main for a few weeks with her son, Mr. W.':0 H. -Hewitt, G.T.R. agent., a -Mrs. Nic'bols arrived from Rochesten on Monday evenlng, te --remain for a time -wih.' erparen ts, 1!.and Mrs. A WRbF Rev. lit. WflmbtWIll reac hîn-u eMetbo- Y dWt bÙrÉh-umai.Sabbat? mornlioe and evenkI., avi;tlh InI ciased fr(n sod:a quani for lte Geli taken olnt ïai The BaJatii enable readers to judge of the 'rharacter of the entertainment presented without n commente on my part. The tnembers of the council had provided a bountiful siipply of refreshments which were served to ail the company. The gross proceeds were #3o. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. junior Division Brooklin School-i895... ist Tablet to 2nd Tablet-N Banner, D Delong, C Allens, C Elliott. 2nd Tablet to zst-G Colley, F Wells, J Husson, R Cheyne, F Cunningham, A Campbell, L Fowlie, L Laurence, G Cheyne, <P Francis. ist to Part 1.-T Robson, C Colton, R Spencer, R Waring, A Cook. Part II to Jr. 2nd. N. CoIwill, L. Whiteford, C Cook, E Delong, L Langford, F Redman, O Wilson. Jr. 2fld to Sr. 2nd.-E Francis, F Cairns, F Vipoud, j Colton, j Hislop, J Colwill, S Spencer,1 j Hudson, H Colley, L Briggs. Sr. div. Sr. 2nd to jun. 3rd.-A Lantford, M Vipond, H Hoskings, J Kerr. Jr. iv to Sr. tv.-J. Colley, W Bel], N H Burde, M E Burrnughs, L M Coakwell, H M Delong, L J Hislop, J. M Holliceay, E. M. Husceon, L L Knight. fJr. III to Jr IV.-M. Fowlie, H S M Grass, N.M Hilop. Jr. III to Sr. I1.-C Pherrili, B Goldebro, H Robinson, W Hocking, E KC Francis, L M Skinner, M B Medland. W. A. H. raiil Win. Ackermian, or Peterboro, is in towti ait the one who writes in favor o)f reform. Il is OQur young minister, Mr. Dove, bas visiting. far pleasanter to me ta record anything and preached here once. He is boarding at Mr. Wednesday 7th Au guet is by the reeve's everytbing that is creditable ta the town or any Mackeye. oroclamation a civic holiday. The firemen of its citizens. It is significant that the parties > ee tpesnmy ebaderyec ave an excursion to Niagara F-als t1hat day. 1in the flajority or cases, the ones who find fauli ng goiephnhsMa ehrdalyac with me, are those who are in sympathy with mornin oghi regular rounds wîth his mlwagon. In the case from Scugog of Atkinson vs. the liquor traffic, and take sides with those who Miss w eAanonl oe rm h tCrandell, the defendant, Martin Luther do unlawful acte, and whose lives are enough ta ieBarc dmo ehm rn h Crandell, was fined $io and coste for point- color the town black as ebony. Tbey are the city, where she has been living with ber ing a revolver at plaintifi. hypocritical carpers who say I arn respsie grandmother. Great intereet is taken in the lawn ensbcuetetonb a ae n au ar- Rev. Mr. Bunner officiated for Rev. Harris competition going on among the members of ticlesvrlwek gIstaied it is only a on Sabbath. He will continue in this capac- our local club. The players are paired by t;mall number of the population who do these ity for about three monthe. ballot, and are playing off the best gent's evil acts. The larger number of our people are Bckshacutrbsbenheodrf singles, best gent'e doubles, beet ladies' law-abiding and honorable citizens, and it is5 uc for somcute bsbe teodro cingles and best ladies' doubles. with regret 1 have had ta record the actions cof tbe day frsm ime past. Nothing will those few who care for neither God, man nor the put better spirit in a man than bock wheat The contracte for the renovatingt 0f the devil Lt is a surprise to those parties how 1 get pancakes and beans. Baptist church have been given t on. my information. and I can only account for their Mr. Fred. Lawton, second son of Mr. Jno. Powers, woodwork ;jas. Sornerville, moan; strong opposition on the ground <Ibat they fear Lawton, has joined the benedicts. baving and Jno. Rodman, painting and decorating, that they cannaI carry on their "&ness and been lately married to Mies Tait, of Green- and will be ready for re-opening in about 5 unlawful work lest they may be reported in the wood. We extend our best wisbes. weeks. CHRONIcLE, and it is this fear th,%t shows op- M oep abnisoeo hefwsc Messrs. W. Rose, Dr. mno. Ross, with Dr. Position ta my correspondence. One good lady ceeful bee king's in *our midst. He has ai- Fred Capon, of Toronto, leave on the i6th said: "Why are flot those things written up in read y this season extracted tcoo Ibe. of pure and sail fromn Philadelphia on the Kensing- our own locil papers ?" I cannot answer this honev' and stili there is more to foliow. ton with the Foresters' excursion, for an old question. I shoutd be only tac, &lad ta cee an1 country trip, taking in England, Ireland,' abler pen than mine take this malter up. Be- The five pupils who îried the exame. of Scotland, France and Germnany in their fore being a correspondent, 1 neyer had so many entrance and uublic school leaving from here ti aels.seem sOa anxious (?) for MY financial and phy. passed successfully with but one exception. tivl.sical welfare. In times past it dîd not seem ta Our teacher has great reason to feel grateful. Rev, Jesse Whitlock bas rented the Scugog malter ta those parties whether I sank or swam We exterîd our congratulations. parsonage opposite the R. C. churchr and in as far as they were concerned. Personally, I AUDLEY. tends residing there. He takes the superin- care as little for their opinions or ceeming an- tendency of the Island work, the young xàety on my behaîf. 1 arno deck arnd purpose Miss Sadie Bray, spent Sunday in Green- minicter, Rev. J. H. Mallett, working under staying there. I hope this clatement of tny wood and vicinity. Mr. Whitlock's supervision, position will satisfy those people, as their bluffs Crops are very light indeed and harder Miss Dora McGill, daughter of Mr. Wm. and threatenings are like chaht before the wind as year than last is anticipated. McGtll, receîved second class honore for fan as I arn concerned. I do nol expezt b Mse er n tveso oono a. pinaforte for ber first year at the Toronto please everyone, and, shail endeavor ta the best Mbee eran rveso Trnoh Conservatory of Music. Miss Bertha Dewart of mv humble ability ta report everything that ls ee usticating at Pleasant Valley. (a former re ident) got second-dlace honore public news as faithfully as 1 can, and I always Mr. Jonathan Bray of Myrtle paid a flying in the vocal department in her third year.1 endeavor ta have every item confirmed before caîl on his old friend and cousin, Samuel Deserve credit sending it for insertion in this column. Some Bray here. of our townspeople have said ta me, '-Do you Ms ineOvsadM.IaLwec Our hotels seem 10o have profiled by the think il is right ta report every item so closely? have finiewrind onrthIrdarentae sevre nd osly xpeiene f afewday tYou "do not hear of such work in Whitby, exams. Succees.1 ago. as ail tbree hotels wvtre as quiet as an Oshawa, Uxbridge, Lindsay and other places ?' Mr. Moon of Reach bas been visiting bis ordinary boarding house Saîurday night and My answer le, two wrongs do not make onereais r.Hesahlfboe fM. all'eday Sunday. This te as it sbould be, rigbt If such things go on in those towns ]et rltvshr.H eablbohro r ané 1 arn pleased to record the tact tirat no themn look after their own, -.te have no ight to Dunlop of Orangeville, formerly resident one as far as known got any liquor on those measure our corn in iheir measure. 1 rpea, i here. dats. knw eeryoneuf ou ankeep id decidedly wrcng for such illegal lîquor sel- Our visitbrs have been numerous since the law if you sa desire. ling, licentious and rascality to go on in a îown lest writing. Many have been coming and 1Inspector Fenguson . with s0 many churches, W. C. T. U's., leagues, going. Mr. and Mre. L. V. McBrady and Atter my article ini refetence ta liquor endeavurs and temperance workers, and bave no Father McBrady, of Toronto, have been selling appeared two weeks ago I received check placed on sucb work. I im a truer friend viciting their father here. two letîcre from Inspector Fergu son asking of titis town by far than those who only care for The following je the report of the Audley me ta send the narnes of' frequenters of our the town so long as cone cof ils citizens pander public echool for the terrn ending June 29th: hotels on Sundays. 1 consulted with several 10 theor ordai vies. I anya nd o eve kiy th 5tli Cl ase-Jennie Bell, 40 per cent. Sr. 4th well-known remperance workers and they cietyfor isobizatthe citn>' and verv in tat class-Ed. McBrady 52, Willie McQuay 5o, edvised me not ta do so or answer theletttr.hafrilojcîte pîtngndepngoi Abram Brown 43, Winnie Clapman 40. Her- Notbecuseof isrspet t Mr F.the mankind, and 1 arn a determined opposition of bert Iread 7 nnie Maddaford 30. Jr. said, but 1 had furnished, in a public way, anything that depraves man, woman or cbild. t ls-ilWsny rennBon the inormaton tht violtionswere oing n and irtualy mics th, Aggiets o'Leary,, ARosa Orvisosa AliseAi We tneyy the informainthaytholatIshwere gOnon Our tOwn le cane caf the prettiest and inest inland Sherman Brown. r ls-ra et costnly adrhy bugt holdnt etownS in Canada, aend our citizens. witb few ex. -3dcas-ra et whisky detective and informer as it was not ceptions, are a fine class of people, courteous ne>', Ettie Linton, Arkland Smith, liarold rny business, Inspector Ferguson being a aud obîioin9' our mercantile men stand higit, McBrady, John Ellicaît, Gus. Maddaford, paid official ta do that dlace of work. Our schcaols are second ta none, the young peo Editb Haigbî, John Haight. 2nd clace- Town counicil met on the 2nd ils. Mrs. p1e ae par excellence, and it le with regret I Geo. Huntle>', Lorne Puckrin, Geo. Wil- Charles Grahamn acked for help as ber bus: havelta mite as 1 do and bave bbe fein name of liameon, Henry' Brown, Susie Meddaford, band was not supïporing ber. Mn. Blong OW tqWn larnished b>' sucb a clees as I bave Bertha Orvis. 2nd pert-Albert Huntley, compleined aend esktd for the nemnovai of f0nd4nned. In the last twca weeks I have had Joeie McBrady. Marlon Hunîle>', Ben. boat bouses on Beecb St. The baptist fathet&. mothers aend wives corne ta me anid s> Fowlie, UrrelI Lyn'rde. itldace A.-John churcb esked for the use caf the town bail for inias5 $Uotig words as te>' could uter:- 4"Go Bayles, Alfred,*Lynde. itldase B.-Frank three or four Sundays. It wae rented to on ; oiir writing will do-good. Sîrike those Elliott, Maggie Haight, John Calvert, Gertie tbemn for 83 per Sunday. Constable Mc- Sunida' liquor sellers tan limes barder. Our McBrady. Infant clase-Katie Fowlie, Knighl was grantod lbave of absence for lwo sons ayd husbande are being ruined by rlraffic Stewart Rowe. Wallon Baylos. monlbs withouî boss of salary. Mn. . DmP'1 in thbisêhotels go u4uitys _B ut siîEOK~I plim .utît o .t Iriiuaàoaia &Iràaaea.E vuie;<0'etilA We always have fine value inaIf Highest price paiti for first-clasit tend now laid EGGS. - Oi"Store closes at 7 p.m.sh Tuesday and Thursday eveni :OLLIDAT 0 Mis, C. A. trk fWh àg hon parents bore., Mr. -D; Gunu tend famil>' lme eince" «Duùrl Miss Brankley of.Staý gisil at.Mrs.. C'amoron's,". Sundnitige. A -woonhigitt excnrsioni , fi Beavento C1iri£W Ba rrunk PARIS' GREFi-) see what we have b oýkWl!the H. SCTT, m PUMPMAKER, .WHITBY.ý Ibo S becniberbas aaibn openeti bîasin «re. 1 Hi* offioe wlll be t & R. NImI~s elotrpb ofSfalcMory aI Mm .Newbery' om on OU ock Stretoulh. New Pump sufastured sdoliPumps -nrily. lv.ot cea 3.m 5 tOiantiwork Warrnt d.,Wg d.i 4or clcsued out. Owders H. 8002?, 4,*8~ Wbltby aud bfa ~->4 Buiness Direftory. GUY & CO., grain buyers. Du. PÂTTLenoNq, Dentisit; st Sebert's hotel, ftrat Tisursday, ev6ry month. BEÂLL, 8. - Isouer of Marriage Licenses Besidence opposite Town Hall, Brooki. W A MaNEELmr, D V S.--Graduate of the On.- tario Veterlnary College, Toronto; Honorazy member of the Ontario Medical Bociety. Treate ail '.Iseaoes o!flte domestIoated animals by the moût aprve method. AlSe particular attention w0 surgicai operations and dentfelry. Day or night cais promptl attended to. Office ant resmdnce tWrooklin, Ontario. Deicacies,, D FOR THE Rot Weather/aD *05* * * * * * r, a-r, ** *0 5*0*5*** Rest Shredded Codfish, Corneti Beef, Beardsley*s sliced smoked beef, Canneti herninge, (smocked), Finnen Haidie ; SalMOn, 2 cane for z5C.; Tomate -soup, toc. ; Canned Pumpkiu, -toc. ;- 2 boules Pickles (large ,size> 25 conte. Orangt*e,. I,emc>ns, Bananas, etc. - 6 -

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