Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 2

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]KNOWLEDGE Bdh~co m'fort and iniprovement and ~t od personal enjoyzneîît when ijgtl uad.Tho many, who live but. tf motherusud enjoy life more, with ,eu zpenditure, by more prornptly ,"Pting the 'World'is best produo te tc the 1ee0à 0f physical being, will attest thO e aUe t. health of the pure liquid luMtive principles embraced lu the. I'.ue, S Iyrup of Fig.. Iti oioelenoe la due te Its presenting i1 tbe rn most acceptmable and pleas- autto the. tato, the refreshing and truly bii.fi0W 1properties of a perfect lax- M!tive; effiectually cleansing the systeni, dlspeling colda, headaches snd fevers hMd<1 prmanently curing constipation. It lagven satisfaction te millions and met *h the approval of the medical Profession, because it acta on the Kid. 4-Y Liver and Bowels withont weak-- M,9theni aud it is perfectly free froin O*Pery ebjectionable substaice. .8Iyrup of Fige is for sale by ail drug. ftis in l 75c. boulîes, but it is niîatu- Ufctured by the California T'ig Svri:p 00. 0111v, wheae naine is printed on ev -v package, also the name, Svriîp cf Figs, Imd being well infornîed, yeu will uLot boeept-aîîy substitute if Qffe. :- i. Resuits Astonjsh MEN 0F SCIENCE. Sarsa- ~AYR'Sparl A MEDICINE WJTLOUT AN EQUALO 8tatement of a Well Known Doctor ".&yer's Sarsaparill Ils wtlout an equ:t! usa botxI-purMer and Spring medicîie, a;:, j ianot hve pralseenough. I have watchei AUs effeots in oronlo cases, where other treatmaent wasa of no avail, and have beeti aatoW&slid at the results. No other blood Ue"Iclne that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, h se thorougli In Its action, and efleets so man-y permanent cures as Ayers fiarsaparlUa.6"-Dr. H . F ERILL, ÂdaiU# àm*tuhe W CuLd' Pair. j*ger'*aieW.for iver and bowe&ip, OORRESPONNO Win&Mrquis, of Ripluy, is bore just riow with hi Deople. ETc snd lis brother, Oharles k., are in partnership ikeonoýds, and are getting &long n pWest. It 14 surpri gte fnot. the number of sooldeuts -thathave occurred st barn *aisung In thia looality during the present bSOMO4 Yomrs*go au accident at a rais ti waau rare, white the timbers vers ~raeh more w ht. Thoroet gon- 0Sti>s are not nemnlgo Se ltaccusted tk iuoh work. Urs Rorke, cf Thorubury, wIe vieiL- 4*thber nieLler, Mn. Richardson, OteBase linoeuesifeu dovu smaire 8»d sprained her ankle. It is t1 eclaar tht the acident hap. a jstàfew heurs if ter ber brotheir, -týV Pàobrdon, had sustained a mn by bua acunioity iu the tre.. The premeut yem ýv ont lnbloomi a4 àrc* au abondmnce off tâ if 1 ot loterfere viLI teoir 1 teIl4. swe of Our 4 frotltgrowcrs tonu s tb mêier Isard o be , »iAvfot.- dions ahoul d atQue oe e e. .It May myve them riro ,nioney. Trhe bydlaw is framed în the interesta of our loca del.. ern. u it ahould be. Those from other ocunties desirous of peddling in Ontario *hould aitiher pay a license or a fine, it matters lititie whioh. In short an agent without a license mueti seil by sample-' that is he cannot deliver the goods as he selle them. At a meeting held for that purpese at the Gor'don house, on Friday evening, the Pickering cricket club was re-organ- ized with the following officers: Presi- dent, R. A. Butiitig ; Vice-President, Geo. Kerr ; Captai::, N. B3. Margach; Stcy. -Treas., W B3unting ; Curator, W. D. Rogeris. The retiring 8ecrefary ru- port cd that the club had a sliglit balauce iii the treasury frorn Ia8t year, and the ret iring curatu:' atated that the material was in very goed order, therefore the txpelîses shou&d be ligbt for the senson. The tiienîibQrslii1 fou" was fixed at 50 cents. l'racilce w1ll begiu with the loat poqssile delay. Tuesday rîii whilu dri%,itîg te the bay in coinpany wiuil John Field, W. V. Richardsoni met with a rather serieu8 ac cident. The horse shied at some barreli by Lhe roadside and f earing that thc rig was about to u pget M r. Richardson ju m p ud out and in alighting he sprained hiâ right ankle. He was net aware cf the extent of lis injuries until atter LIe ex- cursion boat lad reached Darhirîgton, when le became helpiesa and had te hi carriud off and on the boat at Oak Or- dhard. Mr. Field, who was drivîng the vehicle, rumainud quiet and escaped in- j ury. Although the arîkie is sornewhat painful, Mr. Richardson expects to be about agaîn in a feiv days, with tIc as sistatice of a crutch perlapa. A number frein this section visited the Friends' yeariy meeting at Newmarket during the past weuk It was the bing- est meeting held fer senie yeans. aIl thv delogates beîng prescrit but two. TIe large Cengrugational dhurcI was kind:y gîven over for tIc diflerent sessions dur- îng the week, and ail tIec durcIes ni the town wunu tîrown open on tIe Sabbath, anîd wure well filled te hear the gospel preached hy ininisters from New Yerk, Chicago, Kansas, etc. Busidep the regu- lar meetings on tIe Sabbath, a large Sab bath achool meeting wau held and a tum- pernue meeting. The bu-ýiress was tranaactud in much harmeuny, and ad- journed to muet at Pîckerirtg at the usual tinie next year. John Kniewaaser, onu cf the telephone line gang who are eructing new poles thnough the village, narrowly uscaped death on Tuusday merîîing. i th a numbur cf others he wus planting a pole and wau juat aettling the uarth around before pronouncing the job comipleted, when a handaxe fell frem the belt cf one of his companions who lad ascendud te fasten the wires te the insulators. The axe weighs somu three and a haîf peunds and feil about twenty feet, the blade striking the man upon the 1usd. A sue was taken off the scalp and the scull fracturud. M edical attundance was cal- led and tIe wound drusud, and from presunt indications the man is rapidly receverîng. This wus a miraculous us- cape from îduath.-Neiws. STOUFFVILLIE. A Jumnp to death.-Joaeph Yakea, of kurora, a meniber of the l2th York Bat- talion, atartud on Friday te walk home, but. jumped a freiglit train at Thoruhili, hanging on between the cars. The train did net stop at Aurora, and hu, aeuing that hu waa passing hie home, attempmed Le luap ont te the aide. Re fell and fractured his skull. Whun found by tIe agent hu waa unconacions, and in apitie of assistance bue diud in a short time, His brother was aise, on the train, but went on te Newmarket and walked back from there. Bloomers.-A number of the towns- people neticed onu of our prornising young ladies clad in bîcemers ridîng a gentlemans bicycle on Main stireet last night. We underatand tizi is cre cf suveral of tîhe young ladies cf the town who have been learning te ride a bicycle on the back streets for seme ime past, The procession, as iL passed up Main streut leaded by the fair rider sud paced by severai ef oui- sporting young men, created ,quite a sensation, and remurks such aus e foliowing ocouid be huard : "8h.'. a daisy 1 " -"Oh, isn't sho a buauty! "-Free Press. »P&O1& The celar under Jue. Aekuey 1 barrn las furarsbed up wards cf ene ,hun1dred loadae ofgravel for rmadl purpses. Thiq gravel bottom lu the cliar will Afford ex. ceileuti drainage fer the building..- Mn. Bahl, sister te Mr. Jno. Carrutil- ors, las arrived frein Brussels. rs. Ball's intention la to, stay sud take cire et ber mother, wboae sdvaneed yeur render a loving band indispenoible.. Quit. s nuniber of road.jcbe arm beiug let in our noighborhood, whioh if efUii. eutlY done., asw. e élsurs Lhey wihl, will Rive excellent firui-elase aed for oar travellers. Few people realize that the hay erop la ligît gc wohl as a fermner ln this vici- nity, who bas the vonderful yield cf five loade on twentY five acres, or Due load to every.fiv.ares. Tabor Broo., our n.w ,ou. xUUafao- t'lm game mking tJ4sgs hv*zs oro nd ber.. They ame progrssvemen, snd1 Iloey to ciste a moss f tbefr oooutp*- r ff i v b t e ' s S » '~m Wm. Burk is making preparation for building a new barn this summer. A. Ferrier, of Markham, called on E. R. Hoover one day last week. Mrs. Paul, of the 7th con., Picker- ing, spent a day with Mrs. Lapp, sr., of R. B. Vardon is visiting with fi1crds in-the west. J. C. Major, of Aurora, spent Sun- day at Maple Avenue. J. D. McPhee, of Toronto, was here with bis moýther Monday. Mrs. Mott, of Toronito, is here with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Wilson. Mrs. J. Dundas, of Toronto, and her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.( Carleton, of Nia- gara, was herc over Sunday with fric nds. It has been learned that MNr. Samuel Arthur, who mysteriously disappeared fromn this place about four years ago, returned to his old home in Ircland, and there died about two years after. [lis creditors will therefore charge death with the various amounts. The funeral sermon of the late Samil Coulter was preached here on Sunday last by Re\v. Siple. It will be remem- bered that deceased died from the effects of an assault at Lewiston a few days ago. Samuel was well and favor- ably known here and his bereaved mother and family have much sympa- thv. Rcv. MIr. Picket preached his fare- wxe]I sermon on Sunday to a large and appreciatîve audience. [le left for Willowdale on Wednesday with his famnily. carrvîn g with him the good wxishes of the people of this commun- itv. Rev. Mr. ()kc, of Sandford, las Mrs. Bentley, of StoufTville, spent several days with her daughiter Mrs. McAvoy not long since. L. Dougher-tv and family, of Stoutlf- ville, spent Sunday last with S. 13. Hoover of this place. Miss Effie Wismer returned home on Wednesday last after spending a week with her sister Mrs. Hoyd Burk. Mr. and Mrs. Morty, of Waterloo, spent a couple of days in this locality last week visiting their many friends. Q uite a number in this vicinity at- tended the excursion te Guelph and report having had a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of the 7th con. Pickering, spent a day with Mrs. A. Lott, sr., of this place this week. Mrs. and MNrs. N. B. Hloover return- cd home on Tuesday aftcr spcnding Hoover spent a week with Mr. Kirby spent the rveut .pp )inteo k) Luis circuit, u)n )c- Mr. and MNrs. A. B. Lehman return- hait of the vîiagers we extend to the cd home on Mondav aftcr a ten days' new faiilya beartyv welccme. sojcurn vwitb triends inlButffalo andI St. DUNBARTON Catharines and report having liad a I Ion r roll tir J une : 4tb eiass-leti- ver pleasant trip. ia Wright, Maria Cîwv Aggle Conu- 1TIe picnic beîd in Mr. (.owie's Wi _,,rd class;-- Waîtc'r M k-lilst>u, grove on l-rîday iast in conuecti in Ethle] l ilel nis, .1essie A.imn t. Sr. 211ii with tIe publiecmnd Sallath selkooIs cf e.s(;eWlhite, D an Conwav, tlîb Is place passed off very pîeasant1v, NII)îmal.Jr. 2nd class- Jn ni - GutIe Young u'i ing themiseives witî waNlmtitiardi(i;cninîcv. \ili NichAi- croquet, swinging and aise) a gaine cf son. 'r, jit. 211( - J lin Richard:, f o)tba 11. l3ertîe l mîmnes, Esther Nichlsoni and TYRONE Ros~e N- iviequal i. Jr. pt. 211(]--- liss #B. Wilson, Albertt coliege, Relit I ixcî iiiîînie Spencer, Charle Belleviie, is hotme for vacaticn. ,N1eGintý-. 11t. i st - Ethtl Richards Mr .Albi n o aehe andA (:a ra Dixcu iequali, e-arl Annan, M-r.RAPhipansohvebn Weiiingtn Aiisc. Jue pomoton iSiting at lis father's, NIr. T. Philp, ex.îms. ".S. No>. 3, litkering, naines Pceig i n )r(ier of nien-It, 3rd tO 4th-E We congratulate Arthur J. Manning 1 flinies, B NMark,,j Annan, W Niecio- on lis succecss at tIc recent Normal so, G Walton. On trial, F. Fergu- school1 exams. so)n. Sr. dt r-F Lacey, D) Con- Mn. J. Phare's new stable and driv- wa*ýv. L WVaitcn, M M.\,cDonald, G ing house presents an imposing appear- IWiiit e. Jr. 2nd te sr. 2ng-W Nichol- ance with its metal siding and roofing. son, j Conway, M1 Gornmley, S Roach, Our little town very narrowly escap- T Conway, F Daies. On trial, M cd a conflagration a few days since Keirstead, NM Lotton, V Lacey, J trom the carelcss liglting of a pipe by Marks. Pt. 2nd te jr. 2nd-E Nichol- an habituaI sinoker. son. J Richards, B [cImes, D Cowan, Officers of Tyrone division S. efT R' McGinty, j Mead, O Annan. On No. 126: W P, jas Socch, W A, Mis trial. H Coumtney. C j McKechnie, L Penfound; R S, Miss H Emmerson; L Noble, teachers. A nC'- ' -1 --- TP. O0F IARA The corner stone of the new metho- dist dhurcI, Atîerlcy, was laid on June 27th at 5 o'clock p. mn., by F Gaddye, Esq., wîo gave a practical address and a gencrous donation ot $moo, fifty in cash and fifty on subscription, which la but part of his generosity to the house of worship. "God loveth a cheertul giver. " The beautiful ceremony of the mcthodist church wrs conducted by the pastor, and the people present con- tnibuted $90 which, wlth the proceeds of the festival, netted over $200 to- wards the building fund. Mn. Cornelius Doyle, Tptetgrove, passed away on Sunday at the ago of 71 years.. He lad resided for 56 yeâts in this part of the country and wag universaliy respected. The fune.al on Tuesday was a very large one, over i00 rigs being in Une. The remains were interred at St. Coiumbkili's cemetery, Rev. Fathers Hogan and Hayes offici- ating. Deceared leaves two daugîters, Mrs. H. Thornton and Maty-Doyfe and three sons, James, John and Frank to moumn him. The last named came from St. M ichael's college to attend the funeral. IHAXPTOI Mr. W. Gibson, Oshawa, speut Sun- day at his home. Farmers have about finished haying, and report a very light croP, Fruit gatherers- are reporting an abundant supply of red raspherries. Mn. C. H. Burrows spent Sunday with lis sister Mrs. C. Goodman, at Mrs. C. Oke has teturued after an extended visit with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Ettie Fursier has returued, hme to Oshawa after a pleasant visit with friends here. Miss Ida McLean, of the Central' methodist choir, Toioto, de=ghe the congregation. wih a solo Su~ evening. A R S, Miss G Souch; F S, T Creeper: treas, Geo Welsh; chap, R Philp; con, Sherwood Rundlc; A C, Jaunes Simp- son; 1 S, E Wight; O S. Geo Sandens; SCUGOG. James A. Sweetman of Toronto, an old Scugog boy, ia home on a visit iooking hale and hearty. Miss D. Bolton and Mr. Smnith of Toronto, attcnded the Maple Grove Sunday Sunday. Thc Patrons did not onder so rnucl twine this year, owing to the shortage in straw. Rev. Mn. Mallet preached a very ap- propriate sermon from II Thessalonians i 1- i, last Sabbath. 5The boys have started football again. Hfors. Routes. aoyal Soffma, (5317), ClydWadale, owid by onathan Pprter, Piokerln* Monday tu Kennedy'. baseihe noix; Central hotel, Osh- swa, nlght. Tuèsay, te Woodriuff' hotai, WVhitby, for the ntgbl. Wodnesday.jîo hia owu stable, Picering, foit h. nlghf. frhur-sday, Gordon's hotel, ricertng, nooil sud his own stable for, th. night Pflday t&âWlhîand (Jraek for the night. Saturday I 1 1r owD S table un- til Monday. Termes, 00 o Iireu Newday, (w076, [1912h> 0lideWma1a owned by Wim. Iliiohrdscon & Son. Uoliimbaa4 onday î!ttornocin bave hiesown stable for Sfoo&Uin sud romain o-vrnlght. Taesday, flortop's, Kinsale, zoon; Mad4grds, 4udle Z;nlght. Wodnusday, Fzd.aGir' n on,;Pi:ring, niglit. Thurs, * ia oot&'@ Kngto -roVA-d non ; Wooh é ~'howo, Whitby, niglu. Fri4ay, Craw- forthls, baseline, acen ; Contrai hotol, Osaw nigIt. BaturdaJ to ies wn stable unilf Mon. day, TuernI Si teus-. josh li 1umroudoter owned by Jonathan citr Poke-lu. Mn4y, te Woodrufse hotol, VhTby awcn; Central hotel, Omhawa, s&;, à ami-,têt. Chartes bnoi,,Po Pery, n Wednesday, Ueardis hotel1, Manchester, neen' WiblsuhotoAb bur ninght, ýThurséday, éobort's loto!,à rook,. Uin, noon; Piceoring, -n!gL, fril*.. TIcs. KnX'ail, Brook rosd, uoon<t eume creek. uaighi. îatnrday, )elin Benrsou n uo=',sad tot oa stbeunrKedy. fl'n d0l 0 r w . 9 >o w4 b y Th 0s0.W 1 so0n. t*0 lin, 1!104-"- XYrt&04. nOu4ý: Uttar. ü- - IAIACIING IEAD acIe Mr. and Mrs. J. B. couple of days last Barkers, of Sharon. Frank and Wilmot ist of July under the There are overM 300 iles cf canal& iU France. Thonsqanda Like He.-rena McLeod, Sev ern Bridge, writes: -I owe a dubt cf gratitudje te Du. THOMAS' EcLaCTRIC OIL for curing nie of s severe coliS that troubled me nuarly ail last winte." In order te give a quietus te a hack- ing cougli take a dose of DR. THOMAT EGLEO* TRIO OnI nrice a dsy, or oftener if the cough spells rendor it necessiiry. Thoreanar 200 building apiswiations in Balti- mor-e. Pi-avent disease by keepng the systema regu lar and the biood pure. Esetjay'si Liver Loz- enges. 25 crs. at drugizisté. Save dollars in doctors' bille. Eseljay'8 Liver Lozenges. Minardsa Liniment is thé bolit. Cooefortable dressies are now made of wood- en fibre. Wheou '%ravofling WbetIer on pleaaure bent or business, take on *very tip a boule cf SyrulP of Fige, as it acte moit pldasantly and effectuahl en the kidneys, liver and lb,#els, preventing ferer, hoadache and other fcn*aa'of sickness. For gale tu 75c. bottles by ail lemidipg dr'xgisats.Mai- tur8d bv the Califctbla Fig Symup Co. onfy, The Canadian rifletestî bas taken. np qùàW- ers at Biuley. Moen Baby wua slk, w. gave ber CadM&ls When aho wasaOblld, he ciled for Castcl. Whenuabe becameMias, she dring te Csstorf*, Whon "sh",hOen, uhegavethem Oasod*.ý OthrsFalled ioi'@fuIB ln the, wck'BuflOhes AR 6o. ows Kfayor J. B. Gould sud Meissxié . ' Ko Guire and H. Viars itre f 'lorth on a canof trip. Farmers wbo have a silo filled with corn ensilage this fail wl be fortanate in view of the amall hay corp. On Wednesday oi' last week the barn ofJames Coney, lot 19, con. 6, Ux bridge, was trck by ligrning and the end torn out, but it was net fired, nor were the herses inside injured.* A ynng lad namevd lrown was march- ed te the lock-up yesterday. He is ac- nsed of stealing eie vaudi aLwatch frein the liuse of Geori-e Kerr, Toronto street. iA. number of te men wo passed tlrouglî town ten or iwelve days tigeo. toini fr the iet canal, , gre liere liii in o tif« i.ýli tm igo on t e re turu tr p T 1'~îlist bave ,failed to get work We are 8orry te lie Lr that Mr. Georgeo. W. Stewart as tleded te leave Ux- bridRe. HoehaliRwbon travelliu-,i now foi ritarly eleveri vars and intpuds te quit siori ly in orir te go mt.) bitsine.-s t Colliuigwood. We hpe hia igbiest ex- pecations may be realizel. Hi8 resid- ence here is for qale. Strange but true Mrs Gilbert Ferý uson. 6tb con. Readli, liad a lien setting on ten egg, but the lien geL tired and strück work. After a couple ot days the woman set another hou on the eggs but next day al the eggs but two had disappeared. Ttîee we she teok frein Lhe nest and tlireiv ever inte a cern fielil. ln a few heurs she huard a chirping noise and entering Lhe fie-ld di8covered a newly hatolied chicken frein one of the egs. Police court Last Saturday Police Magistrate Camp- bell fined, Lewis, son of fHenry Veitdli, $2 and coess (in ail $9> for knocàing (IewD and striking Oliver, son of Peter Whitney. Young Whitney is Dine years old and Veitch 15 or 16. The latter is n )t very bright and lias rat-her a vicions disposition, wbich lias net been im- proved by contact with other boys, for iL is said they annoy him at sehool. In this case Whitney was running away frein Veitch wlien the latter overtook hum. Wliitney's noue started te bleed. frein the faîl or blow, and reputable wit- liesses frein Reacli said they were afraid the boy would bleed te deatb. Te show Lhe peculiar disposition of Yonng Veitch iL is related that bu entered a yard one day te geL a drink frein the pumnp aud noticing everythin{, quiet witli apparenr.ly ne person around the bouise he picked up a stne and tlrew it throuRb a window. Any person Bo aflicted is te bu piliiui as well as blamed. If he cernes before the court here again the chances are he will be sent te the reformatqry.-Jourual. Celd in the head-Nasal Balm gives instant relief; speedily cures, Neyer Tu IOST sUCCErssFuL EI FOR MAN OR BEAST. Dr mà i Os tah hi f a.mnd never. bllats, Re"oapresb b: KENDALL'S SPA VIN SUREs en B. J KrIxnGo eczr 8.ra-i Ln ad 5ive o rtti ue h«. 1 "Kedai s nain are vth uc uce. fo= L a etLnietIeez t*s. a& e r.- Dr. B. . 1m'U. K~DL OP. KenOUl'SURH ALViT. bc Toil Shi S ur T: ari t'i in- W-l vte rh-. t r1 wth t el eu t( TI Mcen chahl wenc froin Sec froru asse., m mov on 1 .Yar vey ilharb ried. the: aîné ditic taxe Heui ordE S. C for her ecul Sto( ordi acci $3; Car 'Abi Ho Thq Flii D. $2; $6. ~i 130, MAlEY ~ q ITt-.,Oum 1 Sangerville. malne. "C. I. Hood & (30., LOwell, MaSs.: "'Gentlemen :-I feel that 1 cannot say enough in favor of Hood'5 SaMsp«& For ftve years I have been troubled with scrofula In my necki and throat. Several kinds of medicines wblch I tried dld not do me any good, and when 1 coin- menced te take Hood's Sarsaparilla there were large bunches on my neck se sore that I coula llood"ors Cures flot bear the sllghtest toucli. WhenlIhad taken one bottle o! this medicine, the soreness had gone, and befere I had finished the second thc bunches had entlrely dlsappeared." BL.ANcHE ATWOOD, Sangerville, Maine. IN. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- rîlla do flot be lnduced to buy any othér. Mood's Pills cure constipation by restor. !-ng tie peribtaltic action of the a!unentary caUal

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