Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 4

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FOQR Ãœ SEDRY. No MIXIG REQUIRED. to the vines.-Finishes lus with one applica- olisafe way ta ....... A. sto poison....... ...Worth Its ...... a fertilizer. ., 2.cts. per lb. cost as1 rE.WILLI8i Chemnist d Druggist, iMedical Hall, ck Street, - Whitby. ~L~t ~L~reuctc. 'WHITBYp JULY 12Y 1895.1 A. Criais et Ottawa.. -W. bave adopted the above heading be- Casethe papers are full of it these days. TeFrencb and English speaking support- era othe Dominion governiment have dis- agred so badly upon the Manitoba schoo! question that the ministry bas flot been able to go on with the business of the House of Communs, and the Opposition has sought tofind an opening through which to put the màchlnery of the Conservatives out of gear. *The present status of the ýmatter is an an - * founcement by the goverfiment that final action will flot be taken until next january, wîheu a special session of parliament will be called Io pass remedial legislation, unless in the uleantime a compromise can be effected wlth the Manitoba authorities, which is very unlikely. The ministry has been putting off this matter for years in hope that by some means they mlgbt be unabled to shelve it >wlthout action ; but it has only been delay- ing the evil day. Now the Roman Catholics cf Quebec and other sections of the country are bcginning ta kick at the delay in grant- Ing justice ta thear co-religionists in Mani- toba. The question bas corne ta occupy1 about the smre position in aur Canadian Wolitics that Home Rule bias for years in1 r Iish ltlcs, and it is bard ta sec wbat the end wil e.1 It is held that the records do flot show elearly that the balf-breed scbools af Mani- toba were ta becrnsintaîned after that prov- ince jolned confederation. Perhaps the -promise is flot in good enough black and <white, but we have no doubt that the prom- ise was given. Tbe tquestion now is wheth- ýer this country can break faitb wltb a smiall '1,number of ignorant people wbo have fulfilled9 their part of th e agreement, let tbat agree- spent bcwritten or unwrtten. There never1 Those wba oppose separate schools, as being the link by wbicb tbe catholic bishops hope ta bind church and state, may bc right,i but wheu the state has bargained ta support these sebools it cannat very well back out. A general election is being beld in Great Britgin just now, the house of Commons bavlng been dissolved on Saturday last. ~Durlng the next tbree weeks every vote ini ,the United Kingdom will be polled, and a *new parliament wlll n<ý'et at Westminster on ,,.Aug. vatb. The struggle will be short and sharp. Lord Salisbury and bis new goverient start under favorable auspices. The Rose- berry government fell utterly discredited, to ?ail appearances, and tbe nation appeared ta hall witb dellght the return ai Salisbury to power' Xx is qulte possible that a reaction may set lu ta smre extent before the vote is ail taken, but the general opinion is that the new regime wlll bc sustained by a sale % loi lty, wblcb is estimated at from 50 to Sfor sure. Many wbo feit that Mr. GIad- *&.tone'u majorlty ai 4o after the last general election did not guarantee rnucb stability ta hlm, now daim that 4 would be a sale. thIng for Salisbury. I t depends on how thinge are poilntlng. The Libéral Party insmade upof so many f actions that it laia baclly disointed cancern, th. ouiy policy they have ln common being *tppiUon t the Tories, who are united and ,confident. Tih. main issue ta be fought out ~ eorm of the bouse of Lords, the action %*bkch body In doeatng Liberal measures ý.bIng defended byLord Salisbury on the > ïopnd thm libZ boeves the majorlty ai the _nation isfavorable to the defeat af Home Rule, church dlsestabllshment, and some ott*nmesures recentiy defeated ater being bteCommons. r. Gldtoneo bas retlred from iarliament buti4rCes the. nation to grant Home Rule ta lreland *bd to reform the bouse of Lords, and bis advlce will carry conslderabie welght lutevotlng. As ta what the resuits ma1y b. we sedflotspeculate. A fortnitlhtrom Snoir the hgreswill bc hnown. »03lm etJUF Why dg people celebrste tic mb c f july P avo lu Iis question 1* very vell Vaboy le It that the celebration ,atit of July bas been kept up vlit gorf W Over aoayears ? This ques- s one tblnkig >atte of the.Plains of Abraham was lmportant Quoe.mîgit suppM ose or th.eaIleof Watîrloo to Europe. itary achlevemaent the battie of the vas o! very 11111e accouat Butina y I wa&.ai event cf the higicat 1. i. s "lvsti crownina mule éurd for Mai liai.-andt a ilPoe ýII#d. W .gt ~M J bn, torë ent un weekm' holIday witb bher mo ther, Mrs. Luke. Mms. Wm. Till, Toronto, is spendlng a few dayà ber. vlsltlng lier many frienda. You can get repairs for every stave and furnace madle ln Canad a from J. MeIntyre. Mr. <. H. Hogarth bas returned after speiiding a week at bis blrthplace in Dar- llngton. Mr. R. A. Paterson, B. A., principal af Perth colleglate institute, and Mrs. Paterson are in town. Mrs. Wilkinson, Markhani, after spend- ing a week visiting in town returned to her home on Thursday. Get your fire-pot8, grates, iran or brick linings for ail kinds of staves, ranges or furnaces, from J. McIntyre. We have a h8rndaame assortmcnt of ncck- wear. Anythi:îg Vou want cither in color or shape, at W. H-. Warren's. The Whitby cricket club went to Bow- manville yesterday ta cither leave or bring away exactiy eleven scalps. We have a nice assoerment of belt buckles, Czarine buckles, side combs, fancy hair pins, etc., at W. H. Warren's. M r. Silcox, ce, master of the cal- legiate institute, presiX.led last week at the departmental exams. in Pickering. Frank Webb, late af Uxbridge, and his wife, are said ta bave been shot in Muskoka iast week. Webb was kilied. The assas. sins are Italians. AIl remnants dress goods, towlings, table linens, prints, mtislins, fiannelettes are re- duced ta half regular prices Saturday, July i3th. at W. G. Waltcrs'. Dr. Grants "Hairene," for the hair, i. the only preparatian guaranteed ta stop fal- ling hair, and reniove dandruif. No iead, no sulphur. Ask your druggist for it. Major Farewell, Mrs. Farewell and Miss Wolfenden have gone ta cnjay the sea air a: Ocean Grave, N. J., and are accompanied by Mrs. Jos. Barnes. af Batavia, N, Y. Major Farewell will rcturn in a tew days, leaving the ladies there. An attetaMpt is being made ta rearganize the Witbyband. The boys held a meet- ing an Tuesday ni.ght at the Buliy Boys' club roani, and sa successful were they that the upon windows of the room belcbed forth a terrible taating an Wednesday night. There is talk af giving a tune or two an the street Saturday night. The mayor has issued a warning ta boys who break windows. In future a reward af $5 is ta be offered in each case for canvict- ng window-breakers. If evcry young scamp who breaks windows in this town is caught it will take hundreds ai dollars ta pay the rewards. We wi-h bis warship would also ofier $5 reward for each boy con- victed af birds-nesting.' FOR 50 CTS.Te HRN Weekly Globe ta tho end of th ear for 50 cents. Speali ta your friends about this snap. Hat ? Bei are buyîng a spray pump, be sure and ste the Anderson double action farce spray pump. The best in the world. Ten af them bought by the government for the experimnentai farrn. Only $13.,50 eacb. L. Fairbanks, Wbîtby, agent. W. H. Piper Is busy as ever putting in ncw Pumps and rcpairing aId ones. He seils the best pump in the market, reftrences: J. K. Gardon, Wm. Ne wprt, and dazens of others. See his pumps befoýre buying. Civlc holiday. A joint meeting of the Whitby and To- ronto committee was heid Wednesday at Toronto. Messrs. J. B. Dow, A. M. Ross, A. G. Henderson and D. McKay represent- ed Whitby. A splendid programme af caledonian games was prepared, and aIl the work mapped out for a big Scotch demon- stration at the exhibition grounds ber. an Aug. i2th. The cammittees will spare no effort ia order ta eclipse ail former demon- strations. Here are some snaps. L.oît bis ead. - We regret ta have ta announce that the best known citizen af he country bas loei bis reason, vîx: the weatber cierkt. For four or five montbs past tic aid clerk's many friends bave felt anxiaus about bis mental condition. When midsummer was turned on at May ist, and the crank turned bnck ta Christmas at May i.5tb, it was Iooked upon witb charity by most people, but stili tbey felt their suspicions awakening, Many fan- tastic, escapades bave followed. but tic weatber recorder was rcgarded as being harmiese tiaugi undoubtcdly loing bis grip, until tis week, wien another midwin- ter sfide was put lu anad a second polar wave turnea lbase upon us. W. sec no other way left but Wo place the. old gentleman in sale keeplng, and bave oid Probe. placed in charge for te turne bcingr. Oui village tanner le dolng a good trade. Send la your beef ring bides. Good worký guaranteed. Mr. Law, oui village srnltby, leà-vry busy tiese deys. Farinera oil for a good deal ,,of re~rIgthI tule.o! the yesr._ lb. the wag ministe r fibM r- rot, Per p.c bis fluet sermon here o0w Râbab Hediscosue va -a1er 1ealest- and practicai oe, ail belutpl.sed wlU lis M.C. trozler v!itîMfýZ q -evt " Miss.Nomia- Mthl enwvsta frlends at Uxbridge.- The praytir meeting, on Sunday nlgbt-was poarly attended as usual. Mis% Brandon of CRnnlngton, bas been the guest of Miss M. Williamns for the past week . Mr. Robert Maies had the tnisfortune ta have three young cattîn killcd by the train last week. Mr. Charlie Silver is taking orders for paper banging. The only fault he bas is that he puts it on ups;dc down, Mr. Robert Spencer just got bDme in tine an àlonday morning ta save their house from running ofi with Mr. Walker's farm. ta wbich it was attachcd. Mr. Marshall Crozier was suddenly taken wlth a paralytic fit while on bis way homne Sunday evening, but wc are glad ta e-ay he is improving quite nicely. BROUGRAI& A Urquhart was in the city iast wcek. Council an Monday and court on Tues- day. Miss Linnie James is visiting with lier mother Mrs. John Hood. Miss Dewey, of Whitby, spent Suaday at bier uncle's Mr Jac. Burk. Miss Fuller, af Bracebridge, spent a tew days last week with lier cousin, Mrs Robt Phllips. Miss Minnie and Gertie Allaway, of Pick- ering, spent last week with their grand- mother, Mrs Tohn McIntyre. Rev Mr Harris visited the sabbath school Sunday moraingprior ta bis going ta Eng- land for tbree months for bis healtb. Thc Epworth league of C. B., which will be held in the presbyterian c hurch for th e next two months, was led by the young methodist minister, Mr Dore. GEMENDA NK Miss Annie Perkins bas been visiting at Orillia, TIc infant child of Elanza Wood is very seriously jil The presbyterian Sunday school have gat their schooi-room repaintcd which greatly impraves its appearance. Mr. Gea. Horne, of Dungannon, son of aur townsmnan, Alex. Horne, has been spcnding a few days with friends in this neighborhood. W. Muckiestone and Chas. White have got bacli from their visit ta their native land, Eagland, and report having a splen- did tme. A younger brother ai Charlie came out with him. Our aid friend Gea. Ironside, for sanie time a resident of Toronto, paid aur village a visit iast wcck. It is about three ycars since le was here last and many had sanie difficulty in recognizing him as the sanie George whose face was once sa familiar. MANCHESTEM. The harvest bas begun. Mrs. David Resse is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. Robert Moore, who bas for same time been visiting with hîi5 brother and sister here, returned ta bis home in Napanee last week. Messrs. George and Charlie Ewers are spendidg their hzJidays here under the parental roof. Eacb have a wheel and are doing some grand scoring. At Mr. J. Boy's raising on Saturday week, Mr. S. Martin had a bad faIl. We are glad ta say that nothing seriaus happened, ano that le is naw as weli as ever. We are glad ta notice tbnt Mr. W. Dick- son, who is in attendance at the general hospital. Toronto, is saine better. We hope ta s on bear af his complete rccovery. Talk about fish stane, but as good a& hay yarn was reiated the other day as your hum- ble scribe ever beard af. One af the citizens was telling an implemnent agent wbat -f ine crp bfay he bad, antd was spre it ;w»Wl gfrmtwo ta twa and a hall tonsta the acre." Tbe agent replied. "O0, that is no- thing, why a gentleman in the vicînity af Port Perry bas a field thnt would giveâfve tans ta -- ---tIc ce a n fr rend PRINCE ALEZEST. Mi. Joshua Wright bas been verv sick, but le is now alowiy on the mcnd. Mr. L. falis, teacber in Elora higb scboal, is spcnding bis vacation at bomne.- Miss M. Garrat, ofrNorwood high scbool. is thc gue;t of Mr. James Lang. Mr. R. O. White, af Sudbury. is alsa l*,mc for vacation. The above rnentioned teachers wcrc forrnerly residents ai tuis place, and their previaus asso- ciations have bound their affections ta tb. vil- lage and'tic people with a tdc that years do-Dot, divde. Scarcely a vacation passes but they are bere. Amid ail thc opportunities thfs seasop oai the year offers for excursons and trips îp se Canadian wonders - anc abject is foremost in their minds, tiat ai revisiting thec place they.' kcnow so well and the people wbam they cenot forget. The members of the Ladies' Aid intend bavizng a social tii vening et thc parsanageAi arc invitcd. Admission [,5 cents. WICK. 6"Who steals my purse steals trash, But b, whÃ" fiches from me my good narne, Rabs me of tint wbicb ne'er enriches buIm, Bunt leaves me poar indccd." Ramn bas et length came but not enougi. Tic crop e be.require stll i more. A pair of new chimacys have leecn luilt on the manse, and very much improve the appparance of the. bouse, but tbcjob wooid look ati better if the cbntractar bad >1eer tidy enougb ta dlean off the ro*f afterwards. Tic job at pesent, pesents a slovenly ap- pearance with he roofbespreadwith bricks and mortar 'and îbte bricks c:f*tube aid dim- ney scattered around the ground. Not long aga w. nalsied »4r. Jos. Stone from bi; accustamed bautits on oac or two occasionts, and on enquireing the. cause learned tint he bad injured ii knee. il ap- penne that be (cil and received what lic sup. posed only a sligbt injury, but by and by the. trouble grew voile-anuediéal aid had to be sangla. Nov, laawever, b. bas recovèý cd and' w. nue pleansd W ee m isaI4 D tl TUE r. o~sr SAURDA-y4 Having had a large trade this July l3th, spring, we e95o find pile after pile of Remnants on our counters, consisting of Pririts, Girigliaffs, Chales, Delaines, Dross Goods In Serges, Henrietta, both in Black and Colored; Silk,' Flannel- lettes, Shirtings,- Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a great many other uines ail of which will be SOLD: Corne and secure some oflhe Bargains before they are ail gone.% Jzernember the day IS D R E W and date, July l3th, 1895. -C auL :RO s, WHITBY. A t wrong o bave ta pen and thoughts. WA TE]I THE P. THE A BARN. 10DB O 0 O O O O O O O ~WeH.eWARREN. Now is the lime to buy Dry Goods. We are selling everytking ai reduced prices preparalory Io recei*ving our Fa/i Stock. Dress Goods in ail shades. Delaines, light and dark. Prints, Ducks, Ginghams, Shirtings, Table Linens, Napkins, Towells, Towellinga, (iloves, Hosiery, Cor- sets, Handkercbiefs, Cottons, and Ready-made Cloth- ing are ail seiling at reduced prices.o Our Gents' Furnishing stock is very briglit, having .lately - been improved by another consignment~ of Shirts, Collars, Cuifs, Ties, Hose and flats. We are selling Hard and SAf Foît Hats, also Straw Hats at remairkably low prices. We fail to.quote prices for want of space. It wifl be to your interest to examine our stock And compare prices and qualities before buying elsewhese.1 wu. * >THE He : NE W Hayward -selles the 'beet goodea, most of them for the lest mouey. We are oonsteautly on the look- Àoutfor bargains..-Every week wo go té; Toronto- sludanut it)erkts ùud tecahenables us~~ii te sermnylots -of goôds .t il1f urt4e.h. twhvv Wêeau mai WARREN DRY -: GOODS Notice ta, Creditor8. In lte malter of lte esiale o JOHN ME))- LAND , te off/we 7'owni fWrt fy, in lte Counly of Onlario, yeoman, deceased. Notice is hcreby given purslant te the vivsians of the - Revise<i Statutes of On- tarl, 188,C ater ua,' that ail pýersons havxgcli ord dea aanst the e- tate tfheisal4 late JOHN mura.,AM who died ona-r about the.twenty-6fth da ofOCk-tober, AD., 1851, -a"e required.-on or before the sixth-day -of Ât2Au = A..D,;~ to c by, ost prepa'i d vertui WH ITBY, :STORE« Binder sTt Central >Prison MakM. This Twins le Piu gùarateed fre=oli Nê. omoua tian F&1 Scott r The t1 night. Hardv at W. Ti Now i: from W. Mr. Gi wishes t Bargai Saturda2 Mr. W an Mon( miss E nesday Toronto. Wc ha odd pani W. H. 1 Thc 1 parts wil wili natI W. H. and on should b nveryl on Juy that wil cursioni band" ; Harve: and if t] are an i b. we i west of 1 Mr W college, aid ftiea Re bear, * for the f Mr. G mca, Ait ing att1 * is deepl: mise-a g necessar icties. given a bere we Rememb4 That I ta stop f Large E About plnces a Sturgec a agrand jdeligbte Mr. P ing for will b. mer res Wc et getting oiffice ai - ÀAPropu Anc keeper cents a miust k TheWi tle Pu and -IDOW- DR Y GOODS, siORE9 dUL-1b Ma t-M y «C

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