Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 5

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At examination don't add to) your wroiig hY using a poor pen, one that you have te (III, dip, dip. Get a good founitain pen and enjoy an uninterrupted flow of your t houg h ts. TA, 71A.1. 4.II) .1 E re good THA /'A 17,ii A. I/RT, jbrands, agd you THE JMERC-ANTILE, cati get a nib to suit your band at BARNARD'S, the ,jeweler, Whitby. officiai Coun ty Organ. -Largeut Circula- tion of any local paper in Canada FR[)Y-iJlly 1.2, 1895. LOCAL LACONICS. t rj)air'. iii kirds of -1)pilnps. 1 ri o,,monIcil ont <(rMonda>' tt.itis dînn~ t41I4 .leave'., only $, 1.r -i..the fiime tIniUV VnI17 stimnler suits W i \Il. \\srren \1r (, eo chu ri cff, ncirtîî of 1t1h,3 town, ( <~51) rent his faren. liar gain day sale o'f prinits, iress goodis &C. saliturdav% JulV r3th, at W. G W Iters'. MIr \Wrn Marquis, of Rip)lev, tvas fin town on Mlonday and gave the CiîRoS1i iF a eall. Miss Edith Gross returned home on \Ved- iiesuiav after spending a week visîting in Toronto. 'Ne have a large stock of boys' and mien's odd parits which we are stelîing sýery cheap. W. H. Warren The Pickering anîd \Vhithy couticil re- ports wilI appear next vveek. )her news will flot keep a week. WV. H. Piper cari sel any kmnci of pump, and un easy termns Order'. for repairs should be le7ft at Fred. Jones' harness shop. Everybody arrange tb goî ti Niagara Falls on July 22nd. Nothing wîilel (fi undone that will contribute te the ciirnfort oîf ex- cursionist.s. " Do N o Friî'. orchestrian barnd" first class music. Harvesting bas commenced around here, and if the fine crops now being garniered are an indication of what the harvest 15 10 be we may ail rejolce. Several farmers west of here are cuttiug fine wheat. Mr W C MirheOll. B.A., af Rishop Ridley college, St. Catharines, is vi-siting bis many old frienda here, aud la widely welcomed. He bears the look of one who is steering for the front rauk of bis profession. Mn. G. H. Pice, of Price & Reed, seeda. men, Albany, N. Y., is here Ibis week look- ing at the pea erop, in wbich bis firm is la deepty interested. The early peas pro- mise a good yield, but a liltle more ram las necessarv to assure succesa to the later van- leties. Furîher nortb the weatber clerk has gîven a supply of lîquid but jusl arouud here we could stand a few showers. Rernember That Dr. Grauî's "Hairene" la guaranteed ta stop falling bair and remove dandruif. Large Excursion paty. About three bundred people froni vaiaus places attended the excursion party of the Whitby sud Lindsay Baptist Association ta Sturgeon Point on Tuesday. It turried ouI a graud trip, and al neturued ta their bornes deligbîed with the day's ouîing. Muakoka holiday outing. Mr. Perry sud family left yesterday moru- ing for Muskoka. Their temporary home wlll be Island Ne. 74, (Rockland), the suni- mterneidence of R. P. Perry, Bracebridge. We extend te Mr. sud Mns. Perry (net for-. genting John aud brother) our beat wisbes for a pleasant trip sud safe return home. P. S. We are nequested ta state that for post office sud îelegnaph address Bracebridge. A Proper step. An effort la being made among hotel keepers ta raise the price of wbiskey, t brandy, runi, and other strong drinks t0 10 cents a glàss. This la ight. A man wbo miust kilI bimuself should be made ta whack up, sud if the more dangenous drinks were naised ta a hlgjh figure it would cost more te acquire a taule fçr thein, for wbiskey drink- iug la a trade that bas ta be learned the saine as any other habit. The Wabaih Railro". is naw acknowledgd by traveilers te ha the best route from Canada ta Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, 01<1 Mexico, Calilornla sud wept, uerthwestern points. Its train equlpmnts lu superlatively the finest .ln America. It la the great trnuk lhue passing through six ttes of the union and maklng direct conectlon wlth eue hundred sud nineteen other ralîroada. Tickets aud ie- tables cf thîs great rallway from au y ticket agent or J,. A. Richardson, C.auuidlan pas. senger agent. N.. E. Cor. King snd Yougc street, Toronto. Tommy Wies.' ltte. Our youug frlend, Tommy Bleus, wbo me- ccntly lefti home t eeulst lu the Salvation Army, ha& becu appolnted te the sou1.savlng crew ut a yacht# lu which Commandant Booth proposes vlsltlug uaumy et these front- ter towns. Tommy writes to us as foliom: - DEaR Eit bot : IUvaut te write you 'alS about the steamer 'WIDI&ià Deei.".SIte 1à875, ft. 1ôu,' afi'. bestàidai 8 6 fie f vater s&04 averagds 10 Mlles a» heur. Sas. to a nicé WesS yacht, once owned Ity-L crMcbpoWdb oono*but Coum#4O Blue and white check, plain and striped Zephyr clnth's will be l'educed ta half price, Saturojay July 13th. at W. G. Walîers. Mr. Tr. G. Colwifl, who has urchased Mr. A. Bandelse butchering busnes, hbas moved from the market to the uew Arnail block. On Wednesday Mr. John Baker brought lu sorne Beauty of Hebron potatoes of this year's growth, of good size, one beiug as large as a goose egg. This weeks cool weather tnakes aur old rheumatlc shape creak a litIle, but it is favorable ta the filling up. of the grain crap. It la the next best tbing t0 rain. Rev. J. Harris and wife intend sailing from Montreal for Liverpool lu S. S. Sardinia On Srd4urday, JUlV 13th. Mr. Harrit, expects 10 rusticate iu the west of Englaud for some weeks and returnt t Greeîîwood lu eight or ten weeks Rev. Mr. Manning preached on the Glorious 121h on Sunday night. He says he sees no evidences of christianity in a man who eulogises the glorlous, pious and immortal memory of William, and winds up with "To bell with the pope !" The Ail Saints' Sunday school picule on Wednesday was one of the largeat held at Corbetts Point for yeitrs, there being about fifty conveyances besides aIl the baud wagons thal could be found in town. The day was very pleasant aI the sheltered point, and a fine lime was put in. The party returned home about nine o'clock at, night in good spirits. Our correspondtnts will please write weeklv if possible. Those wbo need sup- plies sbould ]et us know. We cannot keep track of this matter. Notbing takes like local itemns. Que or two are in the habit of penning mysterious paragraphs about young ladies. This is a delicate malter to which we feel that uo newspaper sboutd refer, and voung ladies in sucb cases feel it keeuly. Cape Found Ou Mary street, uorth ward, one eveuing last week. Apply for it aI Ibis office. Jinly 11, 1895. Grand Excursion Oh for Niaeara Falls, July 2nud. Round trip 51.25 children 7,c., by Steamer Garden City and~ El ectric Railway. Boat leaves Newcastle 7 a.m,, Bowmanville 7:20 a.m., Oshawa 8 a.zn., Whitby 8:3o a.m., French- man's Bay 9 a. m. See large posters for particulars. Appeals before His Honor. Only three appeals from the court of revi- siOfi le His Honor Judge Burnham were successfut. That portion of the Heyden farm lyîng south of the Kingstan road west was reduced $5 per acr e, ,r 8$5oo in al. Three bouses of Rev. Mr. Ckirkes were re- duced $5o each. Dr. Aha'mns got $400 struck ofi the terrace on Byron street, whicb is as- sessed aI about haif its value, while moat propenîy lu îown is aissessed aI one third more than its value. $îaao wss struck o0i in aIl. The followiug appeals were dismis- sed : 1. H. Long, on bank property; M.'- Coffey, Mrs. Richardson on C.Jehuson houise, jas. Bell on bouse, sud H. W. Will- cox on Spurrîll fan. Bright sampies of wbeat. Mr. Thos. Mandenson. of Myrtle, brought us lu bis annunal sample of new (ail wheat heads ou Saturday. conaistiug of twa brigbt bunchea, labelled "Surprise" sud "Rogers.' The straw of each is brigbter than goîd, sud tbe heada are bath compact aud weil filled. The yield will be good sud every kernal wll be perfect. Mr. Manderson bas mast returu- ed froni a visit ta the Dominion Experiment- ai fan, Ottawa, wbicb he says fan exceeded bis expectations. lu fact he nevtrrsuppesed there was any sucb land nean Ottawa. Thousands of experirnents are being worked out successfully there, sud the institution caunot help being the means of a greac ad. vance in agriculture la the Dominion. On Tuesdav Mr. W. J. Davey, of tbe Kingston road west, brought in a fine sheaf of fall wheat, wbicb shows a straw of good lengtb sud very bright. The kernel la vcry piump. He hopes for thirty buahels per acre. -Cheap Ez=usIons. To the Barnum and Bailey greatest show on earth. Saine rare sights te ha seen. As the railroads have came te the front sud quoted a îow round-trip rate, it la safe te predict that a larme crowd frein Ibis place will attend the Bamnumin d Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, when it exhibits at Torente Monday- -JuIy -2%h. The railreada, rccog- uizing the vast importance ef this amuse- ment institution, always make special ar- rangements lu the way of train schedules, and guarautees te accnrmmedate the big crowds that are always sure te attend, sud this year will prove ino exception te the mile of tbe past, as this.great show this year la more than ever werthy cf enermous pat- rouage ; fer where can eue sec se mach fer se lîtie merney. That the show la a great natienal affar is witbout a doubt. No event creRtes hait as much of a sensation as the] sdvent ef the Grett Show On Eartb In a towu, for tie peeple are aware that nowhcre cisc cati they sec se trly grand sud over- whelmilng au exhibition or obtalu hait the fun sud amusement. The oulY Wonder about the vonderful affair ls that emuch anu ha exhbitcd for se sSiiS au admissio price. Tb* Reilansd Scalawagos. The Ragtsg frm UP tovu sd SCRulaPg of theusoutit ad playda -game-of basebal et thc athletie Par on Saftuzday lest Mesk# and &ad ct ne feInoeLuthe.gain., a"d îwo elovel ibondies sud a fceSatke tipà.ed do» Mared aU bw»tsili tbey vWure btUl, W*.baîvôihtVu411,11 The r#ýxk o c lhta boots an=ou," n the latee. desîgfe ili,ýWl be soId, at il cuti ~eon, $atuiday. July 6tb. Child'a doiýjola à fords tobesodvery chp Speclal bug«aila gent'; nelaeups and gaiters. Great bargains tbis, Saturday July 6th, at the new red store, east side. . W. COLLINS. Pet o.n easnithaï -lt w n uins ThursdOur Mr. H, G. Thompson han purchasedl O'Brien's Photograph business here. Mr. J. H. Long à8 moving back into the Devereil building West of WoodruWs hotel. Mr c. Lawler and llutle girl, of Kingston, was a guests Of Mrs. Judge Dartnell for a few days this week. Wbat le the natter w-th the lacrosse club, no matches on 80 far. Why ual get Pickering club down ? Wikçren's stock of reRdy made clothing canntt be beaten, either in quality or price. Corne and see for yourself. Ladies' fast black cotton hose, regular price 8c., reduced t0 4c. pair on bargain day, Saturday July 13th, at W. G. WAalters'. The new telephone poles are being favor- ed with a coating of drab paint, the bases 10 be red, and this will give them a presentable appearance. We bave several timea called attention ta the fact that liquor la being sold in Ibis towu on Sunday, aud it wîll be as well for those who are transgressing to take heed. Mr. W. J. Greenwood, B. A., of Ontario Ladies' college, bas gone west te viait bis parents aI Mitchell for a week M rs. Greenwood bad preceded bim a week in going west. $1.23 will take you te Niagara Falls on JulY 22ud, by Garden City and lilectric Raîlway. Wbitby tickets cari bc procured at J. E. Willis' drug store and E. R. Blow's C. P. R. ticket office. Mr. Tracy, et the D. M. Ferry Company, seedarnen, Detroit, Rogers, of Chemount, N. Y., seedaman, and Griffitb, of Griffith, Turner & Co., Baltimore, Md., seedsmen, wete here last week looking over the pea and bear, cropa, in wbicb tbey are ail in- terested throulgb the agency of Mr. T. G. CoIwill. Tbev found the cropa looking very well and promising, and were much pleased geuerally. Mr. Foy bas not yet taken possession of the hotel business lately purchased in Sund- erl.and After securing tbe transfer of the license, the owner of the hotel appears ta have gone back on the agreement as ta the transfer of the lease. The malter is thus in a tangle, and in ail probability there will be a bill of damages for someone to pay, as Mr. Foy missed several other good chances ta purchase locations through confidence in the good faith of the Sunderlaud people. Coal at Toronto prices. SeIling out duriug next week-I wlll selI very best Scranton aud Lebigb roaI $4.75 at shed, $5 delivered--spot cash ouly. H. B. Taylor. An Error. It appears that we were lu error last week in sîaîing that there was 20 cents difference ber ween Whitby and Osbawa rates for the iooo Islands excursion on July î8tb. We îook our figures from the Statearnan, whicb bad given il wrong tbrough an error. The diflei ence la only ta cents. A great excursion Between six and seven huxrdred took pas- sage to Toronto on the Garden City on Wednesday, and enjoyed a grand trip to Toronto. The boat behaves admlrably, and Commodore Jackson knows exactly how ta manage an excursion. The return wasaa little later than usuai, on accaunt of the boat having made a trip across ta Wilson duning the day, but ail wçre aafely home in very good lime. Visit ta Port Perry. License Inspector Fenguson paid Port Perry a visit on Fniday iast with the intention of lodging information against Messrs. L. Sebert snd D. Whitney, on charges of hav- ing sold liquoir after hours Saturday nights and on Sundays every week for a montb or six weeks. It ila stated that the luspector canried iu bis pocket lista of the names of witnesscs 10 thc nuruber of eighty or ninety. Both tbe accused hotel keepers plcaded guilty, Mn. Sebert being fiued $o snd costs sud Mr. Whitney 4.o sud costs, bis beiug a second effence for the latter.J Young touglis. Ou Monday Chief Constable Caivenley ar- rested Wtn. Harris, aged ten years, for. theft. He had been dowu te the barber and had raunded up the boastbouses there, bring- ing away everything he could. carry. The saine day the conutable aiso arrested Charles Harria, aged 15 years, on a charge of inde- cent assaIlt committed upon a littie, girl namned Harria. Bath beys are now lan jail. The Harris family la a worthless one wbich came here lat (aIl, snd which la a poor ac- quisition te a town. Mea who bave lived here aud paid taxes for years were dis- chargcd froin the emplymcnt of the streets cominmttee Ist wînter in erder te givethe fatl.er of orne of these hays, a acwcomer, work te keep theci frein starvlng, sud the members of the W.C.T.U. bave bustled te previde clothes for these youug villians,, who bave net been brougbt up te obey their par- ents or te go te achoel. They. should ha sent te sQme referming iustitutioil où sen- tences whlcb wlll nôt expire until thcy are fit te ha turned at large. Later-Charies was sentenced te thee years ai Mimico. A uflu rockouing. It did not occur te the publishers of the Oshawa Refermer te say a word be- sidtes the hare *unouncemeut of the deoth of1 our Oshaws w*fer, tbç late Fred R. Hobb.ýI Of courute i Refermer and ïMr. Hobls b.d>j ledUled -la ite tifis occautoually, aud the geoder'. grsuy women ma have fêlt =eat htuy veworied,but fi a $Îsual even in ibis cruel wvend te lnguve wben anudver- sary or oppnut CIO*%' big eq.. la de4tbh. $ucb a um affaita ully cal!. upd# us to içave the ool of the depmntd to the4dt JULY, -1-lt> &AN SAES '~"1n1perative purpose toseil govérns.all prices. CoBt sinka out of sight iÎt iis.,Bale. if savIng je making money, this la oertainly.coiningi t. Don't fanl to share in the Bargain s of the GREÂT O LE'ÂRING SIUMER BA&LE s LIST to Mie dirge ol Low l>rwes : Job lot of Dress Goods, 500. Vo 75c., reduced to 250. and 850. White Swies Skirt Embroidery 75c. to $2.00 at 60e. Job lot of Purtes, worth 85c. each, 8elling fai 250. Great value in- Mrs Jas Kean la visiting friends at Game- bridge. Master Harold Robinson, Toronto, is vlsiting wlth friends ini town. Mitis Florence Dartnellisl spending two week's holldaying iu Toronto. 12%6C. prints reduced 9% ca. on bargain day, Saturday July 13th. W. G. Walter's. Mra. Burke, Toronto, Is visiting in town the guest of bei sister Mrs. Judge Burnham. We have a nice assortment of shirtings and cottonadesata very low prices, at W. H. Warren's. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plush, with silk plush bands, for $32, worth $45,aI W. Till's. Tuspector McBrien and Messrs. Gale and Perg-uson finished the second aud third class exams. READEaR, GR ERNBANK. -The United States consul for this district is W. P. Ster- ricker, Oshawa. Dont forget that new Trilby corset, it is tbe best in the market. To be had only from W. H. Wa-ren. Grey Caltons. Shirtings. Flannelettes. Cottonades. Embroideries.l C. w. Friday and Saturday Ail fancy Parasols redueed to one- haif price. AUl Remnants reduced to one-haif regular price. 1 20 pieces Cream and White Laces redueed to one-haif price. Stainlese Black Hose only 5 ets. per pair. Saturday aqd Monday Msn's and Boys' Clotbing. Boys' Navy Bine Serge Suits Vo fit ages 4 Vo 10 years, reduoed Vo 990. Good Týweed Suite, 2-pïece, 4 Vo 10 ypars, $1.26. M0n5s'12.00 Suite redueed to $9.00. 10.00 " " " 7.50. Men'# $5 Navy Serge Suits reduoed Knee ' PantscYD '50c., 60c., 75c. and $ 1. C:W. STE I ITS Ail our Stock lof MILLINERY Vo be bleared ont ai cost prices. Job lot of GENTLEMEN'S TIES, worth from 25c. Vo 85e. ; ail Vo go at 16C. MEN'S UNDERSHLRTS & DRAWERS, worth 50e., to be sold at 25a ORDERED CLOTHING at great reduetions.1 HALIFAX TWEED BLUE SERGE SUITS.............$10-00 SUITS...............$12-00 Special line SCO'rCVi TWEED BITITS, worth $20.00 for $15.00 flon't FaW to attend the Clearing Sale et :Fm Go s TED WLRT'lS. WALTERS y Saturday and Monday Special '.oba ý: her tinn ait- by ior, iG. ~ex- ~wil bis we -'men ,aa ton rily n of àere Pants. $1.05 for regular $1.50 working Pants. $1.85 for never rip everyday Pants.- $1 .90 for good $2. 50 Tweed Pante. $2. 50 for Black Woreted Pants lworth, Saturday and Monday css-SPECJA 25c., regular '40oe., -White Btrw. Rad and' Sofit ,Hat- n àtheIa 5Oc. Blouise Waisi RE'DUORiD ~34CÀ OPPORTUNIft $ for every person ini town to buy goods at =OiVE-HLALF $Regular Prices for 2 TWO DA YS. 2 Pale blue, navy and white striped Zephyrs, regular price U25., re- duced te I 2je. Amerioan Liama Clothe, light and dark colors, regular price 20c., Bargain Day price10c. 20 pieces light and dark Dreus Goods, re- dnoed to j regular prices. Victoria Lawns, 42 and 44 luches wide, si ô tel1c.yd. 124o. Prints ail rïaucedto Die. 10c. Prints reduced te 8c. 1 piece Butcher' Biue Dùek, warranted frat celer, regular price 20c., redueed ý te 10e. Double width blne and white stripe Zephyr, riegular pripe 20c. do. 25c., reauced Vo 15e. OEJ'The above prices are for Bargain Days ONLY, Sat4irray and Xiiay,.Jiy lSthau'1t -g=esfan towards cstabllshing the stading of a business bouse in the cemimunity, sud the good-wilsud favor we have been shown indicate that those whe have deait wlth us have becu cmineutly satisfied'wîth their transactions Çà IF YOU' HAVE NO? SBEN the Bargalas ve are ofierlnglu L / Watches yen .dbetercore sud'ase. W.can 've yeu good Watcbes fr5m gi We give yen easy terms e yct sud take yoiir old watcb lu excbange. pirRepairing PromptUY on. W. hbive aise been sp- pointe4agent for' the w. G.-m WÂgvA;L'1 j JUSTREE Chiua GlAeswaxe -and' Ci Ohoiéce ?amUy <ýroerii Ckeapfor Cash.-&Tra Mgksy v Bargaîn ~Dt) R erun an ts Remuants Remnants1 Remuantsi Remnant8

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