Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 6

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6814ouoxtwhioh uilé4 giis Sstrtnr ta tthe big town, notonn m B Elb mhoney. ftor t.he. irt time th og <~ As hoestood there a new interest began Vý on the sides of the houses to fi l bis Mimd. a h fr e n ilSues with which he han og a ed on under tholdn ebyoe logone oes, or did tbis lot of coII.ars repre- 1ýwas the firm of Dby and sent part of the old stock? Re bad bad Insanc. te an3Mayno news from home sine ho left, and fore bittarce.othe nameumaydte him that, P'04M&'but there wan a timne when it capital te aid hlm in resuscitatin« the W~A well known and wideiy adverti sed, business. Re resolved to go inside and 'in*t 041Y in England, but over the get some informotion. gnlrPart of the world an weil. IlYeuseoern to have a vory large stock n6Y did a great business, as every flrm cf those coilars on band," ho said te the tbtt spende a fortune svery year in ad mani who was evideritly the proprieter. .'V«IWUg ls bound te do.' Lt was in the "Yes," was the answ~-r. IlYeu sec ~P&Pr coilar days. IChere actuaiiy we are the soie agents for this make. 4 SStime when the majerity of mon Wo supply the country dealers." 'WO paper OoiIars, and, whon yen ocee l"O, yon do ? La the firm of Danby i-.tthfuk cf it, the wonder la that the and Strong stili in existence? I under jja.be-ollar trade ever fell away as it atood it had susjondod." Uiê,wben yeu consider witb wbat vile "1 guess net,' said the man. IlTbey lSflfldies London is and always bas been supply us aIl right enough. Stili, I Offléed. Take the Dauby and Strong roaliy know nothing about the firm, ex sOilas, for instance, advertised as boing copt that they turu eut a first-ciase article. alilar as linon, sc that only an expert We're net in any way responsible for oouild tell the differenee. That was Danby and Strong we're inerely agents 13trOUg's invention. Befere ho invented for the atate of "I exas, you know," the »the Piccadiilycoiiar, se calied, paper col mani added, with sudien caution. lare had a brilliant giaze that wouid not "I have nothing again the firm," said hoikVè decoived the moist rocent arrivai Strong. "I ased becanse 1 once knew fr;Dcàthe Most remote sbire in thiecountry. seme members ofit and was woudering * trong devised Borne nethod by wbicb a how it was getting along'" ilight linon film was put on the paper, Il Well, in that case yon ought to sec adding strongth te the collar and article the American representatîve. lie was Youeongt a pasteboard box containing bere this week ...... that's wby we ruake a. dozon linon eues. The Danly and such a display in flec windew, it alwavs Strong picoadilly collar juiriped at once pleases the agent ...... bes8 now working iDt great popularity, and the wonder is up the State and wiI be back in Gaiveston ihat the linen collar over recovered froni before a month ie ont.' 4he biQw deaIt it by this ingenieus in- " WLat's bis nane ? Do ven remem- vention. ber ? - PJanby. George Danby, I (Jnrieusiy enougb during the time the think. Here*s lbtis card. No, John Dan firma was etruggiing te estabiish iteelf, by je the niame. I rbouugit it war George. tihe two menibers of it were the best of Most En,,itsbimen are Georpe, you know." friends, but when presperîty came te Strong iooked at the card, but the let them, causes cf difféences arese, and tering seewed te waver before Lis eyea their relations, as the papers say of war- He made ont, bowever, that John I)anby liko nations, becanmo strained. \Vhetber Lad an address in New York and tiait he tho fanit lay with John Danby or with was the American representative of the William Strong ne ene bas ever beon firru of Danby and Strong, London able te find eut. Tbey bad mu tuai Strong piaced the card on the table be- friends that oiaimed that oach of theru fore iai. was a good feilow, but those frionda ai- Il I ueed te know Mr. Danby, and 1 ways added that Strong and Darby did wouid like te meet in!i. Where do you net "lbit it off." think 1 could fi nd Lia ? - Strong was a bitter mani when aroused Weil, as I said. before, you could see and oouid goneraily bo connted upon te Liai. right Lere in Galvi-sto)n, but if yen use harsh iangua'ge. Danby was quiter, are in a hurry, you nighit catch iai at but there was a suddeu streak of stub Bronchao Juncetien on Thursday niglit. bortiness in him that did net tend te t.he lie is travelling by rail, then ? maing up cf a quarrel. Tboy bad been No, lie is net lHe went by rail as' past the aeoaking point for more than a far as Fe!îxopehis Tbere le takos îa par when there case a crisis in their re- herse and goes across the prairies to lions with eacb ether that ended ln dir, Broncha Junctioni, a three-day jonrney. aster te, tho business carried on under the 1 teld hlm he woulnt do nauch business tiLle of Danby and Strong. Neitlier man on that rente, title sa:d le was geing .Would budge, and betweeu them the partly for Lis bealth and partly te see the busineoss snk te muin. Where competi. country, Ile expected te rea Bronche lion is foerce ne firmn eau stand agaiunet it Thursday nîight if thore ie internai dissension. Danby The dry goods inerchant iaughed as his i ground quietiy but firmly, eue who bnddenlv remembers a pleasant Streng raged and onrsed, but was oqualiy circuaistance. " bý'u're an Englishman, eteadfut in net yielding a point. I take it. - W are ail rathor proue te be inisled Strone nodded. .b'appearances. As eue walks down 'Weil, I must sax' yen folks have -Piooadilly, or the Strand, or Fleet streot, queor notions about tis cou ntry. Danby *nd- meets numeroua irreproacbably who wae gaing for a tliree-day j'ourney drssd men with glossy tali bats and acroas th-, plains, bought bimseîf two poliuheid boots, with affable manners and Colas' revolvers and a kuife baîf as longà $à Couiteons way cf doporting thexuseives as his arm. Now, I've travelled al ever toigar's-their feliows, we are apt te, fali this State. and nover carried a gun, but I hato the failacy of believing that these conldn't get Dauby te believe this routei gentlemen are civiiized. We fail te e- was as safe as a cbnrcb. 0f course, uow alie tîhat if yen probe in tho right direc- and thon iu Texas a oowboy shoote off lion yen will come uo osblte of bis gun, but i's imore often bis moutb, Wj-pthêpautn.r taklng -the life o! the1 horizon aret-nd thoma. Beside's the rai Blrong feund. himueif pennîleas dl, as vas bis habit, sud wrcte to in Texas, a.k-ng if ho could get g le' do over there. He was tired itry of law and order, ho said, irai, net as complimentary te o.it, îigbthbave been. But bis ,y1 «005 toeshow what extraor- lois Englisbmon have cf foreign lho frieudu anser wui not very efug, but noverthelese, Streng get out thore somebow, aud iu course became a cowboy. Ho grew ýïy expert with bis revolver aud iustang as welI a,] oeuld b. ex obuaidering that he had never haut animal in London, even at 1 Th, e i.ofaà eowboy on a touas *de to thme forgetîig ef sncb i lipshir aunud piper oulrs. r'4. r4 bf Di>nby never oeaaid, igu tobh"nfcfim s.often. ýeï bon b sf expe ted theLb *M brMM twbis mmd lusa ~ ..bm. ewui #awtq-àiu.a -0Yhith*ranch aezIohb. oul volvema in bis boit, Stmong had a Win- 1, chester rifle lu front of bina. Ho did net know but ho nigbt have te shoot a long range. and it wual ai ays weil te prepare for eventnalitiea. Twolve o'clock camet but ho met ne one, and there wus netbing in sight around the empty circie of the1 horizon. Lt was nearly two bofore ho saw a moving dot beforo him. Dauby l wus evidently unused to riding and liedd orne leisnrely. Sorne timeS1efore tbey met Strong rocognized bis formerpartner. aud b. got bus rifle ready. .66Throw up your bande 1 " ho shouted, bringing thelif ie butgo bis shoulder. Danby instantly raised bis bands above bis head.111I1bave ne mcney," ho cried, evidently Dotu r.eogniziug hie pon. "6Yen may search me if YOD ik. "1, Gt down off your hors.; dont bower1 yo'îr badsor Li re."o Danbygot downaU voe s beo ould - wiLh bis bauds abeve bis bead. 8trongc h a d thro wn bis riaht leg over te tthe loft Med 01 the, bot"#, md, n Mthe.enemy Rot dowai b h o sudMto tl*grouudkoping Danby 0eodVue itliÉbt rifle. - togd iot aunwr., tinglia {usb before thée boit jue drawn. 'Strong low.red: hisr.vo-teud fired, .hbattrlng oeeùi ok. f the doomed man. Dazuby dropp.d wlths, &'y 'bat was drowned )>y the second report. The second bulle t put outi lof bt oye, and the mnnrdered man, lay with hie Mutilated face turned op to the blus sky. A revolver report en the prairies is short, sharp and sobosbsas. The silence that foilowed seemed intense and bonnd iss as if ncwheme on earth theme was suoh a thing aas ou nd. Tho man on bis back gave an aweome toncli cf the eternal te, the stilinese. Stroug, now that it was aill ver, bogan te realizo hie position. Texas, perbape, paid tee littie heed te life lest lu fair fight, but she had an unceinfortabie habit of puttiug a rope round the neck of a cowardly murderer. Strong was an in- venter by nature. Ho prooeeded te in- veut bis justification. Ho teok eue of Dauby's revolvers aud fired two shots eut of it inte the ernpty air. This would show that the dead mau had defended liseîf, at ieast, and it would ho difficuit ta prove that ho bad not been the flrst to fLire, Ho piaced the other pistol sud the kuife in their places in Danby's boit. Ho teok Danby'a right baud while iL was stili warm sund closed the fingerte around the buit of the revolver froi whichliLeliad fired, piacing dis fori-finger on the trigeeor of the coc2ked six-siiooter.i To give effeat sud naturalieos ta tue tab lean Le was arranging for the benefit of thie noxt travelier b3- that Liail,1. e drew upi Lbe right kuee sud put revolver an 1 clesed biand on IL as- if Dan by h ai blt-e killed while ,just about to fir- lus tluîri sbot. Stroug, witb the pride of a true artitci in lus work, stepped back a pace or twu,ý for the purpose of soeing the effcct of 11-i9 work as a whoie. XV heu I)auby fe11, the back of bis bead struck a lumupef' soul or a tuft of grass, whiclh threw the ciii! for- ward ou the- breast. As Stroug iooked at bis victiai Lis heart juwped, sud a sort of bypuotie fear took possession of lim aud paralyzed action at iLs source. Dauby was net yet dead. Hie right oye was open, sud it giared at Stroug, wiLlb a malice aud Latred that rnesmerized the murdlerer sud lheld hum Lbere, altbonghi Lie feit rather tban kuew be was coveredl bv the cocked revolver hllad placed iu wbat Le thougbt was a dead man's band Dan by's lips moved, but ne sound came frein berni. Strong could net take bis fascinatîug gaze frein the open oye. He- knew ho wae a dead mnu if Dauhy liad strengtb te croek bis finger, yet le coulul net take thoe leap that wonld briiug hum out of range. The fifth pistai shot ranug ont, sud Strong pîtceei forward ou Lis face. The fira of Danby & Strong was dis. soived. See ly New flreos1 It used ta ho my- nmm.mna's old cashmere, which she teck taopieces and dyed with Ditu~ niond Dy« and- made me two new dresses, a blue snd aI brown. Brother's got a new suit tee ; it's made (rom Uncle Jack's old Masters W. Goard, Bowmauvilie, and Wm. Noden, Toronto, are visiting in this vicinity. Mr. Thos. Westlake has been to Hamilton and ordered a new traction engine. As this completes his excel- lent outfit we expect some good work done this year. Loyal Crusaders and Sunday schooi picnic at Roselandvale, the rural resid- ence of Mr. W. Werry, on Frîday nexL, Procession fornis at the Sons' hall and marches to the gr~ounds. Corneand. brirug your baskets. Officers Solina division for foilowg q~uarter . W P, J T Rundie, W A,-Wjsý Laura Hog-arth, R S, ýSilas Wnry, A, R S, Miss Rose Ashton$ TES, ýCharjes Weni-y, treas, '- Miss Sarah: . Jieddots, thap, E Pascoe, con, A Montgomery- A C, Miss 'L Argue.- 1S, MI" Lydi' montomer, O SFi eddon, P Wfp Lt~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C WUace ransMs lm (Publthed byRogwwt,) Dear Art.Rditor .',-,Wln ouklndly la. feraithe. eders f yOur aale ppr that owoyul glitdly send YPREn to an 0sltrrfree L.ost MaDhoodo Nervousebllsy, Nigbt Lasses, Varicocele, Iot eu n su the r:slts cf yeuîhful folly, p arirs of a, simple andi tnexpinsîive mentis cf self-cure whlch after be. iug humbugged sud huposeti upon for years by quasekansd patent mediciue shsrks, cureti ire lu a few weeks. 1 have nothing te soul or give awsy, uer arn 1 adverticbug any patent mediclue business, but will ho pi eaaed te hear fror n ay sufi'erer anxieus te, fiud a cure for bis comupiaiut. te whom 1 will explain cenfiden- tially how and by what means 1 ws ured. Hundreds have been cured ibreugh my ad- vice. Coats notbiug te learu what I paid hun. dreds of dollars te find out. Address confi- deuîiaily sud enclose stamp il convenieut. D. G. OWEN, r Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. t James Wall, eofIHamilton, was remanded for a week onIl-h e charge of shootiug James Nealon. f Why suifer froïn weak nerves, waut of ap- petite, sud general debiiity ? letting the bas8 of sieep sud roat impoverish the system aud thin tho biood, when sueb a real;y menitoni- nus remody as Northrop & Lynan's Quinine Wiue may ho had at any drug store. This article is roaommeuded by the higbest mnem- bers of the medical faculty bu cases of indi- gestion, general debility, ]oss ot anp etite, sud niervous affections et ail kinda. I t is ai se 8p.cialiy beneficial te children sud deli- caLe females, sud te business men, studeuta, sud these who have much brain work. We would say, "Nover ho without i&.." It will strengthen yen, keep your systeru bu regular order, and enable you te successfully grapple with the work yen have te do. Lt is plea- sant te the Lamte. and contains nothing iu jurions to the 'mue)t delicate cnstitution, Reiietiber te ask for the Quinine Wine, ipreîared lîy Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, atid we are sure you will be satislied that you have foul value for your mouey. Drug. MNr William Barnies, of Woodstock, died from the etfects of chloroform during a dental o peratien. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. C. W. Snow & Ce , Syracuse, N.Y., writes: "Please send us ton gross of puis. We are seliing more of Par- neiee's Pilla than any other pili we keep. Tbey have a great reputation for the cure of dyspep. sia sud liver complaint." Mr. Chas. A. Smith, Lindtiay, writes : "Parmelee's Pills are au ex- cellent medicine. My sister bas been troubled wîtn severe Leadache, but these pilla bave cured Ler." The ses serpent exhibited himself to two fiaherinen near Hamnilton Beach. Minardsa Liniment the best bair mestorer- e BarrIstèr 0County Co ttorneYvgand Court House, Whitby. JAMES AIJTLEDGE, Barister, etc. Office for-merly oocupied by Farewell & Batledge, next Royal Hotel, Brook Bc., Whltby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-s.t-Law, Solicitor in <Jhancery, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south of- the Post Office, in McMilan's Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B3., Barrister, etc. ,-Money te Lean. lInser of Marriage Licensea Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, B7 ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(GILLIVRAY, Barristers, Soliciters in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Bgawken'a new block Brock St., W hitby, eonth of Ontario bank. Drs Warren & Moore J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Ofice hours 9. a. mi. ta il a.m. Whitby. Office hours il a.m to 92 p.. p-Pr-iva/e Telephone Communicatio-n Physicanû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to AIL. Saint's Churcb, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promrtly attended to. Dr. H. Wightman J9ENTJST. Over Grosa 8& O'ranger's. Whitby. W. E. Y ARN OL 0 9D. L.S.. Mr. ame Daidau, o Notb ouobauCounty Survoyer and Drainage Engineer, felI o! a load af bay, was run over sud ild ot1 erOt Constipation, an exceedingly dangenous con- dition o! the bowels. la neaniy aiways the neanît o! carelesuiessanad inattention te the calla of nature. TL) correct irregnlarities and restons healthy mevemeuts, the beat apenient ia Ayer'si Pilia. They are easy La take. On a division in tLe Hous the Geverumeut majority felI to five. Rands and Ank.les Raw For years I have been a great suffener from itchy skin trouble sud saIt nheumn. My banda sud ankles were literally raw. The firet applii- cation o! Dr. Cbase'a Oiutmeuî allayed the burning, itcbing sensation. One box and a haif eutireiy cuned tne. fi is aIse instant re- lief for chiblains. Henry A. Parmeuter, St. Catharlues, Ont. Mr@. Tobias Prince, cf Ancater, was fondr dyiug ou the roadgide a short distance from ber home I WAS: CUBED of Bronchatis and Astbma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lot 5, P.E.I. Mas. A.. LIVINOSTONIE. I WA5 CURE!) of a severe attack of Rbouma- tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mabone Bay. JOHN MADER. I WAs cunxn of a ise-verely aprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bridgewater. JosHUA WYNAORT. Mr. Chris Greaves, a well knewn hotel mean of Montreal, shot bimaeof doad with a revolver. Piles i Plies 1 Itcbing PU«e. SymPTrous-Moisture; intense itching and tinging ; meut at night ; worse by soi atcbng. If allowed te continue tumors fomwhicb often bleed and ulcerate, bocoming very scre. "SwArrs'aOrTruz" stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in moat cases reineves tbo tuseers. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Phuladelphia. Lyman Sons & Ce., Montreal, Whoeale Agents. Pua finiltwith -the cook if tb# pustry does flot eaty Suityo Nor, with or ife, -etler-lWrbpa asela mot tal A. A POST, Architeat, late with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Designe for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. O)ffice-Firat flat o-ver W. R. Howse's drug store. Lr.-P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESS MAKEB, WRITBY. Having moved into our new premises, we are prepared ta extend the range of business. Ail work pertaillifg te the ha.rness-making and saddlery business will be done te satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second deeor west ef old shop. Diandas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Bflnds, Turning and Fret-Sawtng. SAil orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Established 1856. $1 per aunum in advance, otherwle $LSO . Subscriptions always payable at the office et publication. The publishcrr do net undertake te, deliver the payer i any post office but Whitby. 'Any paper which fala te reaob its destination will be replaced upen notification as a matter cf ceurtesy. Advertlsing rates unless by con- tract, 10 cents per lin , nenparfel, firot in- sertion, and ô cents per lin. each subse- quent insertion Leeale, 10 cents per line. HEND1KB8ON à GEÂHÂM. JOHN STANTON, Preran. Poreos Railway Time Table GERD TRUNE AND MIDLAND Xe, 5Li-,ra-ted xpreus.....69 o,1$, Pauseuger . ~ :4P ]ü Noqe' Zx press, Malt eept&8i#..8C pMa oOtTNTY o»' OIST4310 18#5. . Yu -D. -a don l, Whiby, Clerk Jan. 2; Feb. crh ;prillý2; LMay 2; June 8: .Tuly - eBp. 3;ot. 2; Nuv. 2; Dec. S. OSEÂWà-D. 0. Macdoneli, Whitbyr, Clerk; J&n. 8; Feb. 4; Maçh 4; ApriiB8; May 8 June 4; July 8; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; No-v. 4; Dec. 4, y BouHaig - M. Gleeien, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jafl 4; Maroh 6; May i; Jniy 9; $ep. 6; Nov. 6. PORT PmnRY - J. W. Bnrnham, Port Perry, Clerk-Jân. 29; Maroh 9; May 9 JuJy il; sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxBDG-o Ep B. Gonld, tlxbridge, Clerk-JaIl. 80; Mgarch 18;. M.ay lSth; Jnly 12; Oct 14 ; Dcc. 17. CÂA!I1iTON-Ge orge Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; Maroh 14i May 16; July 13; Oct. 16; Dec. 18. BEAàVERTol-Geo, F. Bruce, Boavorton, Clerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. tTiTznaiovz-F J Gillespie, Uptergrove, Olerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. October 1 5th, 1894. 5 New Livery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberally deait with Teaming done at reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at reaBon- able prices. A cal1 solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manutacturers' UNf & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. i.argest Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co. on the continent. Ninety per cent. of al accumulations ot surplus is returned to the policy holders. All dait-. are paid without delay or -lisc,,unt on proof of death or tnaturity ef endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent, Whitby. A Young Wher Peculi in V.] From the O Perhîs on the con tbo re8idei of Mercel river, sud its salnbmîc Cautions t warding el proper mei is Dr. Wi] are the te virtues. «Y Iafcalled, Mrs. H. 1 daughter, I soine yolin known te been restez Pink Pilla. 'cd a great that I arn Yen bave t the portais ilfe'e futur, grasp and 1 was tek troubles pf bas humnoti deern-au ail about t, I amooidy what thés done for a ted as I wi 1 begau t .mauiy Usez 1 became 1 times Wou strengtb g 7 -m 8 e s éing s kel1 SOf a ourp Of m.dxc -- Seroral M( c0- DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the u4ext three menths I amn giving special attention to patients frein a dis- tance. Amn still making plates in rnbber, 88, ceiluloid #10. Gold a2nd silver filling work crowning by'first-class operators ai the moat reasonable rates in the city. When in the city cail in and let me 'exam- ine your teeth. I make ne extra charge. C.. IGGS, Dentist, south eaat cerner King and 'Yenge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8th, 1892. W. H. WARNER., DEÂLERB IN COA.L, LAMH LUMBER, * . CORDWOOD, * SLABB, ETC0. SOLE AG ENT in .Whitby for the "Celebrat- ed" PLYMOUTH GOAL. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. -2btht 1894. A8K YOUR 8T4TWONER -701- TA: H A Terril nom Il A AYI "Severa] attended', tue no res tors, aiLer their abiLi and said A frieud, a bouleloe began te retieved. bottle, 1 m 2ad mnch firniy bel aaved my Ave., Lowç Ayer ý IQES yer'a.Z AST1 WHICH T.

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