Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 7

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ion ourts 1<> 181i5. lVhitby, Clerk ril 2. May 2 et. 2;N,,v. 2, iI 1 May 3 t3 N'y. 4, à Vi 'oi eStables Proprîetoî- --- Ia t 'i MER. i. 'S , ETC W H. War4. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Oough. No B.est Night nor Day. Given up by Dootors. A LIFE SAVED 13'T AÀINO AVID( HERR le- IlILnI ù PEcUU AL srp rmth aes1fon nat trsufe working over me to the best of whiêh we think there is several errîrs, Ccir ability, pronounced ny case hope less, LigL ly disrespectu otenaitae aî i aid ltlîy cçîuld do no more for me. ef Rrock. Nctf1uî touh nagistable A fiilearîlnîîg of rny trouble, sent me ~ NwIanpitdt eai a i ,t1 ut I fA yv 's Cherry Pectoral, which I to state that the magistrates <if lBrutk 1' ýgi t'taki'. ciii Nery soon 1 was greatly Wîl Compare favorahîlv xith an','in tlie r, ;j,%v,. p%, the tirne I had uised the w'hole cî(iu ntv foîr up rightness and Lenestv. 1 :1.Iwas vonîpletely cured. 1 have never .1i iiîiicof a cough since that trne, and 1 <rth ee t igsrts 'î f y '!jî've that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral sat on theo Brvan case in ('aîîningtiin, inyliue "-W. IL. WARD, 8 Quixnby we knew each one oif thero versonallv, .A\'., Ll.ccl, Mass. and. atogithev di tieredJiln thu ei r 'on that roatter, we hielieve thcey ,ýc caIl actuated hy their ionest con- A yers cherry Pectoral*î victiiins. W'hat w~e find fault with i-i HIGHEST AWARDS- AT WORLD'S FAIR. that any official or public paçier shou Id !îr*s lillýa the Dest JamtlV Physio. uise any unfair moans te i btiin a con- v ic tion against anx' defenilant. The1 aricle in the CHiiN la '. <, f whîch we1 A STORY FOR MOTHERS. ire now spoaking, was calculated, îr' nia y 1 sav întondod, tii poison the mmnd 'if the public, and of anv jury that WIII.'II MAY SAV E1T11 LIX LS (1'iOtFocledo h 1 n 1 ht e clle onthecase, against 1i 'YIIEIR D)ACUlTEIS. the defendant, As fat as we know, Nir, Dawson hiniseîf lOi iked ()n tho A Y hun ad atbs I)ior-ilIi'r 111 mattor as a mistake and fît theft. It %Vhn Nar eat*s )Oo-Ilr llstat os that Bryan denicîl having the ïuess Brought Abouît b 'vA nnsninoy, whereas it is1 clearlv showni Ilecular b UHer Sex-Only Oune Wayuta.rynddntno tathLd in ý\ hieli They Cî<n Be Suc'c sstully ta ra i o nwta i a lietisted. the money. When asked about it Le instantîy produced ail the rooney hLej From tLe Otiasa Citizen. Lad. which we think Le wculd flot 'hav e Perliaps there is no ic'aithier peo1Ile done if Le was stealing. Ho states on e on the continent of Awerica te day than et thero weakened, plainly insinuatingt the residents; of the. lilturesque village that the two Bryans wore in league in ,of Merrickviîle, situiiteu on the Rlideau siýealing the rooney. We are unable te river, and the reasen is Dot go cuucb 1ln tcï'Uv understand what the correspn its saluibrmecliniate as in tLe wîSe pre. dev 1t et the CHRONIC-I cý means by cautions taken by its lirîbabitauts 111 "st 1 ffing the beineh."' If Le mean's warding off dîsease Ly a tiinely use of that MIr. Glendinnîng. Mr. lavîor and proper medicine. Thp greatest favoirite Neil McPhadden were there to oxeride ie Dr. Williamns' Pink Plille, and ma "Y justice, this we plumply deny. We are the testimoniale in re,.'ard to their -n virtues. Your correspondent on Monday ko the men to be honorable, upright laot called at the residence of Mr. and men, and understanding the meaning Mre W astnandîntrvewe thirof their magisterial oath as well as any5 daughtEr. s ti Easton, and trvee bi nd this county, and we look upon it as sorne young lady of 20 3 ears, wbo isbewthdgntofnyetlmno known to have been very lowv and has accuse thero of perjury, Qf which the been restored to health by the use of article whîch we speaý- of in thet Pink Pille. ",Yes," she eaid, "I suifer- CHReNICLE clearly d96ý. The article ed a great deal, but 1 ain so thankful turther states that it is a common prac- that 1 amn once more restored to bealth. tice in Brock to "stuif the bench," You have no idea what it is to be go near meaning that Brock magistrates are ail the portais and feel that everything in dishonest, perjured men, having no re- Ilues future is about to slip from your gard for their magisterial oath or the grasp and an early grave your domr punishment of real offenders. Now asî i was takea iii four years ago with this matter has been tried before the2 troublee poculiar te my sei. and wbich court, and the prosecuting counselt bas hurried mahy a young woman te ber worked hard for a conviction, twelve doorn-an early grave. 1 have taken in men on their oath said «flot guilty.'< ail about twenty boxes ef Pink Pille, and If th e three magistrates above mention- 1 amn oply tee gIad te let the world know ed perjured th emselves, se did the wbat tbegâ wonderful littie pelleta have done for me, hoping &hat seme otbor un. jury. The jury had no hesitation and fortunate you woman may be benefifi- ne doubt as to the honesty ef thet ted us 1 was. When sixteen years of ag. Bryans'. It did noi take them long te 1 bi-gao ,w grow pale, knd woak and agree on this matter and pronounce the rnany theught I was goin&into deoline Bryans' flot guilty. and we hearth 1 became subject te faintim4' spelIe and ât judge's charge was ln their favor. Now times would beceo unoonecîoue, My we think that the correspondent of the etrength graduaiîy deoreaeed and I be- CHRONICLE owes our magistrates an 'ea.me e emaciated that I wae simply a apology and a withdrawal ef the in- lieing skeleton. My bIood see-ned te sinuating cast upon them. The offic-2 tura wte wîter and my face wae the celer ials at Whitby should be the last te use1 of Pa.,rpo. 1 had tried different kinds any such language against them. 1 tif Medicine@, but &hey did -me ne good. FAIR PLAY.t I wî±s at last cenined le my room for Sunderland, June i8th, 1895. several montha and hope of Mwy recevery Imuthvtaeteptineo was given np. At 1Maetafriend strongrly -(it muay"av taxed thue upatiece eto tîrged the use ot Dr. William.' Pink Ët'is "arPa"t raueu oyo aend after usiv)g a few boxes I began te the CHRONICLE since December last in grow sligbtiy strenger. I oontinued tiheir order to vindicate the Brock magis-c r/ONER .CA, THER. oei kit <> l,",r ît, " F4440<. ;4 <'#tut Il te. rre P&4t.Eju renewed health. deny ihat lbe tlwe wen* and 0at U pou. The tacts above related are important the bepcb by requet bom Bryan. This te parente ta the"e aremany Young girl. jS eq"iaét,6 r* L % r ' -ou dition la,' le gay thel«@4 ,merncritimca towi1tbe- e=hi than f hair pwrets Iuuaie. Their oow. - n,èela <tod cti pleim u laPa*e Md wasY lnapp"earnoThe aces eov*noolofbrâdtbo.tht ci ledIqht. n i.$com eeVroiMseýNAam »d 4oàhr lrasn bvmutomwwll uslbyla e br'.'* old h.ukor by the dogeu;-6? htiu tes n là et iyd6aler ho offers 'mub * s it s tuths 10 t l lylng Lo derraud YOu and sbould be -avoided. 'Tihe publie are aie cantioned againstal eVher s0 oalled blood blaiideri and norve toulou, Put up in ii ljar forixi intended tb deý ceive. They are al limitations whose makers hope te reap a pecuniary advan. tage frorri the weonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Wiilisi' Pink Pil. Ask your dealer for tbem. These Pille are manufactured by the Dr Williani's Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, nt .50 vents a box, or six boxes for $2 50. They may be bad from any' vdealer, <r will be sent by mail on recept of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pils ruay be liad of ail druggiste or direct by mail frorn Dr. Williams' Medicine Company tram oitber address. The price at whicb the pills are sold make a course of treat- muent comparatively inexpensive as oompared with other rernediAs or mediral treatment. Re Queen vs. Bryan. (Fror-n the Cannington Gleaner. To //z<. <dlor of The<' (/an-r: It Las now transpired that Dctectcîve Greer's vîsits to Orillia wero in connec- tien with an alleged case...bt tampering with jurors at the last assizes at Barrie. It was through Mr. Isaiah Armstrong, who lives near Orillia, and who was on the jury in question that the Attorney- General's depariment became cognizant of the tacts in the case. . Down the other side of Barrie there resides a weaithy old bachelor named Ambler, who Las a family named Stewart as neighbors, Ambler had in bis posses- sien last fail a premissery note for $342 gîven him by a Mr. Woolman. The note disappeared and turned up in the possession of Stewart, who claimed that Le discounted it for Ambler. This Ambler denied, saying that he Lad neyer disceunted a note in his lite, and alleging that Stewart stele it. Stewart sued Ambler and Woolman last assuzes and get judgment. Ambler appealed and en Saturday last at Os- geode Hall Mr. justice Ferguson set aside the verdict and erdered a new trial. This decisien was reached after hearung the affaàavits made by Mr. Armstrong, et Orillia, and ether jurors. After comîng home trom the assizes Mr. Armstrong said that a brother of Stewart had corne te the hotel where the jury was stopping- He treated themn and then, ut is said, invited Mr. Armstrong te take a walk. He refus- ed but another jurer went with him, it is alleged, and the next day in the jury reorn, it is claimed this jurer won over eight men te find a verdict for Stewart. Affidavits et jurers and others were aise, filed showing treating by Stewart, his brother, and bis solicitor, Mr. H. Lennox, and discussion by themn with the jurers. Mr. George Clarke worked up the Orillia end ef the case.-News- Letter. GAMEEBRIDGEC. The Scotch picnic at the grove here on Dominion day was an 'uriqualified success, upwards 'of a tiiousand people being present. The bagpipes played merriiy ail atternoon and the Scotch dancing of Miss Maudie McComb, of Cannington, was n=ch applauded. The programmae et sports was carried out Mr. Freneu, ot Beaverton, winning the shot putting with a put et 41 feet 7 inclues. The comrnittee- deserve thanks for the nianner in which the affair was carried out. Becent viaitorso: Mr W and B 3ardhie, Mrt aud Mits ohaArnuold, Toronto; Mfr and Un s oli Osborne, Ooiur",o. Tb*. raîoing -# KwN. T. gHalVo am xoa CHÉïl1CLZ -and could not muster ptuck enough e#Vennow to corne -out like a man of courage and make us be- lieve he had faith ini his cause by sign- ing his naine. How many stabbers and scoundrels have signed their lying tirades ,ýFair Play !" Such an epistie has no effeet upon.the thinking public. To carry conviction one cannot expect to conceal himself and make state- ments which it is apparent he dare flot father. To take such a position stamnps -Fair Play" as a falsifier and deceivo-r from the start.-Eî). CH.) ORILLIA. Curions. Mr. J. G. Wilson has a pear tree which blossomced on July ist. Fruit growers are uriablc to account for the freak. ()ther pear trecs in the same gardon gave forth blossoms oarly in the soason and it was thoughit this one wvould not bear fruit this sumimer, until the blossomns appeared on Nlonday. Grand Trunk ln busy. Railway people sav that the Grand Trunk has flot beon as busv nit wlek years as it is at presont, as far as frcight s concernoed. It bas been feunid nec- essary to promoto a ntimber ef brake- nien to the position Of conductîîr, and a large number of now Lands have been takon on. We bolievo cv"erV sOçictx wanting a (lay's outing should mak t ta s îint te go north and not city trds. 1I'very excursîîîn to Toronto just afferds facili- tics tir soine peop~le tiidoi tht irtraiing there te the b Oss<f our store keeçiers a1nr Citîzens generally. FIvî~c Ilîndred vie qdexwho spend oil apIc 1 tik S5 - an<tler tuîwvi and i\11if i- l'pe 5J\'O a fex c ent.,; ()nthe(ir c(Ii)l 1)'111 c b i-etrn the end, ftrir mnc\- taken esw reis nienev lest te uis (fr e\ er so far as circulatiuin 9gees. Fell 44ft. te death Iu a canal. M u e i lev, an ( rîIll an hi ci wh left tew,ýn alhi ut a vear age mnet an .~t death at 'Sault 'Ste. Marie on Friday ast. Ile was walking along the new 1((-k wall lin the evcning Iin question when le lost Lis balance and fell into the pit, a distance cOf 44 feet, He only Ilved a short tinie. The dead boy.s methor Ili'es on Wcs,,ýt street, lis fathor havîng died about a %.car ago. At one tinie Mlaurice essaved te learn the art preszervative in the News-Letter office', and recollections of lis sunny disposi- tion are still cherishod hv the older memnbers of the staff. Alleged tampering wttb jurers. Kldner Facto ln Tan., 18M, mny son was takon with kid- ney dise&se. Though attended by*three phy- siciansp and change of -climate ho vrrew worse and by '93 had fallen frein 19b Ibe. te 95 lbi. n 10 days froin starting te use Dr. Obase's Kidney-Liver Pisewo were eable te me shlm home. In 4 months ho gained 50 lb.sud waa fully restored te bealthb y the use et this medicino. Jno. S. Hastings, 23 St. Paul st., Mentroal. The man who can preaoh a $10,000 sermon 013 a $1,000 salary is as sure et heaven as if h. was already there. A womau, whose frewn eauaeid the househoîd te ehiver, Ie now the Most peacef ni with whom yen could dwell ; Her crankinees came fromn complainte of the li ver,ý And Eseljay'e Lozenge made ber quite wel <' A LII'LE fILTOUS ?» Tisl may Iead te serions illnees. Get a box of Eseljay's Liver Lozenges aI once. 25 ce. at druggiste. In Rome family people never balte bread; they buy it.ç Microbe Killer penetrates th3e asBei with iife-giving curative principles, killing ail dis. sase germe, as does the 8131 that penetrates yeur chamber - nd fis the .germe theri witbout danger te sleeping babes. OId bar- barie drug- remediees suken everyone. TryI this Miorobe-Kiiler I W. R. Hewse, agent. London nus 200,000,M0 gallons et water a day. Commendable ProuptItuÎe A Reident of St. John, N.B' maltes -a Sucé. cesfui tral of Dodd's K"îi<n.y Pille reeiKdn rn I 'lm.own, a à orbf Ibis oi0i ha. rmcntiy made wb*t ls altewed 'by .10wïio' areý aàqainted with the facts to e A, Mseer. markalge iéoety. Re hb 'a euffcr frem a, serilons coSVAut1of tIi.~d Ie on oven savon yeuns, and 4prlpgtbaft'isup 3%' if" toe&'-, ýxeruclatlne4vi. :1He, Laaime s#aad.i MAN LEY'S ~~L~LJCOMPOUND Cures Blood and Skia DIaea8es. 'How » Cure AU Skia ieae simp'y p 'y " M" wmOe r" No' se e A, tchs afl er"Up on s on the la eI ha 1 n=1 aci. f113 sho " clear, whlto ned bealhy.ce at ealing Md onnrtiv~wr are Imm bY no other remedy.7;-6u d tgasifor Sw&nm'e OMUNIs . Lymans Sons l& On.. Montrea, wholesale agents. The delegates to the3 Bailway ceagiswre dined ln the 0 rystail Palace by f113 Railay- t7oinpan1es'Association. Fow ame the remedies 'wbom,,benefioia qualifies and real monits have. made tibom sné popular with the puiblic, m"doeassd fr yea to year ther chunfewlb prpen mae yt 8esipei he om ~ou. dSe.,a te a a lQmOinia We have the F4inest Selac- tien in town of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WA.LL *Perhaps ydu may, tbink that Scott's Emulsion is only usefui to fatten babies, to*round up the angles anid makce omeîy and attractive, lean and angular women, and fil out the ho11oF cheeks and stop the wasti*ng of the consumptive, and enrich and vitalize the blood of the serofulouùs and anSmic pièrsons, It will do ail this -but it will do more. It will cure a Har d, Stubborn Cough when the ordinary cough syrups and specifies entirely fail. The cough that lingers after thé Grip and Pneu- monia will be softened and cured by the balsamie heal- ing and strengthening influences of this beneficent food-medicjne, namely, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver 011 and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. -Refuse substitu/es. T/iey «are neyer as good Scott & Bowne, Belleville, Ail Drugglsts. 50c. and $ 1. Borders to Match Corne edarly and getfirat ehoice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Whitby Back iWhitby. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, And dealer in Furniture of ail krinds. The Suibsoriber- begys to announce that he has again opened business in his old stand, and has placed therein a choice, etylish and complote stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will be sold at a smail margin on coet. Another bale of those celebrated Mixed Mattrasses $8.25, worth $5.00. See those Tapestry or Carpet Louxuges at $5, worth 88. flardwood Sideboards, l4ý24 glass, for 98.50, worth #12,- tSÊ' full stok of Coffins and Ca.skets, a.nd a Firet-Olaes Hearse. Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893-ï RADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY, J. B. EDGAR, Merchant, Wmnd- Bor: M. K. acted marvelously lu my case of cronmic stomach snd bowel troble. Win. MACAIL.J.. oç sbire, Que.: Was given Up te die from a complication of- Dyspepia and Liver troble -witb consumption T. E X8ÇX~ London, Chronic cough aMg Ibu= ýhuya yl .sbeiseswesm as cmv. ~fiorobe Killer Oc. Wm. Ràdam]ý 120 KN TE? Por msaau i eli.~ "w by ,;ose Ank ,tic oba ýher Mn ;Cex sit- by 71eor, der- iG. ex- will thi5 jeen n is .1 we =,en Ys a has Ise a ýe on 'imily ýbn Of -there gicldes i this Uex. an sud 1 PA PER8, IOWEST :-: PRICES. vell

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