Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 1

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WTIITBFW Ta1~ aout ~LOCAL CONWS ONETCER Mr sud Mrs. CamneroU £Md familY, of To- I' routa, are visting at Mr. T. Camplins N~M rs. 1Ino. Whiteford sud family are cnjoying r-2- avisit wîmb relatives at Wood Lake, Muskoka. The Women's brasa baud of the Salvation -- -~~r Army were here ou Tucsday and attractcd quite Cg a large audience ta the barracks. There wi 11 ha no preacbing service in the Pres- J Messrs, John Robinson sud Robert Spencer have each received a new thrcshing englue froin the Brantford coinay, sud are uaw fully NIAGARA isn't ta be mentioned in equipped or their (aIl work. the same breath with the falling of Mr. John Bt-ay ai Raglan, has purchased lt-rn Prices af aur Mr. John Medland the bouse at present accu- .-A...i#TOIET SOAPS. pied by Mr. F. Scott. The price is said ta be r-&ý T(L]@T i2oo. Mr. Bray will take possession in the They must corne down, even if they fal. bave ta faîl dowu. Our Stock ai Toilet By an overeight ou my part I neglected ta i-e- Soape mnust be disposcd af ta make part that the ' Mapla Leafs,'" the uewly organ- room for- other goods. This explains ized football teain, won their fitst match, played the stupeudous bat-gains wc at-e giving. wîth Columbus. b>' a score ai 3 ta 2. Cou. B UTTERMILK SOAP ïoc.boys. OA TMERAL SOAP ako2c. A gang Of 30 Italians is here wating for work OA TEAL OAP _? akefor 5c. at the gravel pit. The train wbicb the G. T, R. And a superfine line ai TOILET SOAP, 3 agret-o f t urnisb for the use af the Oshawa rail- cakes for 25c., regular price 25C. pet- cake. way people iu getting out their ballast did flot ALSO ai-rive tili Thursday moruing. S Aimym n bad *Mr. C. E. Scott la away ou a visit ta bis home 0 A1ý%Yon hnd 0near st. Thomas. 'ibe services in the Baptist -Firesh Dalmagia» Insect Powde-r and- church next Sunday will be couducted by I-on.J -ail kinds o/FL Y P D S ai the- John Dryden in the mrnring sud Mr. F. L. CORNER DRUG STORE. A ai o Oshawa, lu the eveniug.r Anumber ai Brooklij men wha werc promis-t I:Ee- W. R. HOWSE'S STAND. ed work at the gravel pit by the con tractor forr the Oshawa ralway, have been rnucb disap- 1 pointed b>' fiuding their places filled by Italiaus.1 P.. G. Mleldrurn, M. D. As it la. thaugh, a number tram bei-e will beonau the job. t Ou Tburday ai last week. Mr. Wm. Fowler, Liceutiate ai the Royal Colege a Irj., stepped tram a hay lait doar ta a ladder, d Physiciaus, Edinbut-gh: Memnber of the Col- which slipped sud fell witu hum onto a pile ofa lege of Physicians and Sut-geons, ai Ontat-io. atones tweive tact below. Will was ver>' set-loua. t Office and reaudenea, north section ]y injured, but was lai-twiste enougb ta escapeh ofta Tence " yrn ~retwithout an>' broken bonies.a otheof Dunas StBrone tret, We had the best rmnnMonday uigb: that fi Teehne omm o uncaston ethof. has fallen in Ibis district this season, and crop s Telehon comuncaton ithoffce. prospects have matet-iaJly biigbtened. Harvest- P Wbitby, July 4th, 1894. inR apet-ations wiil soon be in full swing, sud firn present appea.nces there is likel>' ta ha a N. . P TE BON Q ., ver>' fair vieîd af grain. Tut-nips have becu t-e- p N. IF PATE SON, (3-0 sowu in a nunuber af fields tiaisweek. e Batrister, etc.-After twa vears resudence lu A traveling medicine company, of two mcm. li Engîand bas resurned practice at 136 John st. bers, gave a "*show" ou the street on Monday te Totonto.-Oct. '94.-6 mas. evening. The>' had a fine lookiug teatn and fr wagon, but the petformance appears ta haveM been ai a vet-y tagged kiud. The fit-m shauld fIl L O U cati îhern in at once or else inatruct thein ta de- t vote their turne ta advertising lunsaine other way. at the remarkable low prices We regret ta, lest-n af due seriaus indisposition thât 1 arn selling Siolid Oak af Mr. Wm. Fowlie. Last wiuîcr be bad anc f ai Drawin-raor Suite at. h is legs it-ozen. since which tine be hau had Drawig-rom Suies a T marc or less trouble with it, but uow it la worse qt pricesarase frôm $2 2.50, $25) than it bas been ai an>' ine. The doctor lu at-d $28Ã"0,$800, 85 nd p-tendance advises Mr-. Fowlic to ~ta the bos- th' pitl. We hope ta soon bear that ee la reccver. M] wards. îng. af E.J.Jonsn.The çecnd divison o! moue>' bas just beeatou tory on the basiosâ! pentspcr ltundred paundg aifinilk. 'Mis not quite as gaod as the returusT N 'T G ETfor the carl>' part ai lai sumnuer, but shows quite DON FO GE au impiovement ovcr the fi-at psymcnt. No Wc sale bas been made since lune xr5tb, owiug ta h tiat these the coutiuued dulluess ai the mar-ket. h gooa ae m ow mae. il Mi. James A. JUnderbill bas resigned the e te toprncipalsbip ai the Broaklin school and accept- a upholstering orders gîven t d a position lu thc Port Pcrry bigh achool. I me haB my own supervision. Mr-. Undet-hilI bas proved during the two and a ly hall yeau-s that hie bas been with us, that be la a Pei c,,areful and efficient teacher, sud there will be a thz E. . J011 N O N ,genet-al feeling ai regret ai bis departure. He lat E. J JO N SO N wil eter n bs nw duiesin epteber bytii wbich turne a capable successor will no doubt art Leading have b&en fouud b>' aur school trustees.Pr Undertaker W. A. H. INl THE COISTNTY. Business ireenerv. f.. . . Guy GEYC.grain bu>'ers. P'asture (O Let For a llmited number ai stock. Firt- chas pasture, witb ive sti-eam ai waîer- at lot NO. 30, 3rd con., Wbmîby. R.J. LYNDE. Whlîby, Ma>' i, 895-22-If. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. OSHAWA, ONT. Capital Âuthorized $1,000,000 Capital Bubscribed 500,000 Capital Paid-up 373,000 lest ioopooo BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JOHN COWAN, ESQ., President. REuazN S. HAMLIN, ESQ.o Vice-President. W. F. Gowan, Esq., W. F. Allun, Esq., j.- A. Gibson, Esq. Robert Mclntosh M. D. Thomias Paterson, Esq. T. H. MicMLLÂN, - - . Cashier BRÀNcHES.-Midland, Tilsonburg, New Hamburg, Whitby, Paisley, Pe-netanguish. ene, and Port Perry. Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- change bougbt and soid. Deposits received and interest allowed at bighest current rates 3% per cent. Collections soliclted and promptiy made. Correspondents ln New York and in Can- ada-The Mercbants Bankr of Canada. L.on- don, Eng.--The Royal Bank of Scotland. Speclal attention ta collection of Farmers' Sale Notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of- Whitby Brancb. PUMPvMAKERt, WBITBY. (Sucesor Io H. 77sompsou.) Da. PATTEEsoN, Dentist; atu Sebeitu's hotuel, fit-st Thursda>', evtr>' mont!>. BEÂLL, 8. - Issuar af Marriage LIcenses. Residauce opposite Town Hall, Brooklil. W A MONEECLi. D V S.-OGraduate c the On- taio Veterinar>' Caiege, Taronto; Honorai>' meniber af thbe Ontuario Mediosu Society'. Treats aIl diseases ai thbe dometicated animaie b>'tuhe most a~,ppoved metîhad. Aiso pa-ticular attentotulcu iaperations aud deutuistur>. Day or ulght cals promptl> attended to. Olftie snd residence grookIls>, Delicacies-ý~ FOR THE Rot Weather.e/jI, oses s, * * e... * s s. e. *5 1~ Shreddcd Codfisb, Corned Bcd', Beat-dsley>s sliced snioked bec!, Canued beminga, (smoked>, Finnan Haddle ; SalMOn, 2 cans for 25C Tomate soup, lac. ; Cauned Pun itn, lac. ; 2 bottles 'PicklçnF(lai e size) 2s cents. Oranges, Lemons, Bama as, etc. WVe always bave fine 'value lu SUG&RS. Highest price pald for firet-clasa BUTTE£R C>Store closes at 7 paz. ubarp, eaoh Tuesday aud Thuws8ay vsng HOLLIDAT 8108. BROV~JN. J IMr. Jamues fever, aud tla Two youn Briggs, o! Mg nsg relatives. Promo9tio Wea;heril4, < Wlnle F=au <The Subscnlberhm sgn opeped busine S Ie hm., 1S oHi$0ce lltai . B.LBbaW's IcbsWu teilegraph oafike, factory i Mm. Newbmrys M. boum as Broci t ieetsonth, . New Kuinps w Mt 1 Firsi dlm maatetfsW a. d dwomk warrant.tal .4. Wells 4eg çleamW.d oui. 0rdm e shcam solldt.d. MnA phý Po] tam cd aIr. bol hig tha stal wii bo) bac Or! uit li ope Bol via the wbq be se Lot fort me "ty, lam ben wlt~ Pali M IL ~ a Mr-. Ed. Burton, af Tweed, la in town vlsiting friends. Mr. Edward Bac iîeturned from Scotland on Wcduesday. Miss Campbell, ai Por-t Hope, is visiting ber relatives in towu. Col. N. F. Paterson, af Toronto, was here last Friday on business. Mrs. N. F. Paterson, of Toronto, is a, guest of Mrs. Major Hodgsou. Mrs. At-matou is visitlng ber father and ruother, Mr-. and Mrs. D. Campbell, Albert Christie, ai Zephyr, was visitlug bis mother and sister over Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Clemrnns and son returned fromn a visit ta ber former homne, Beilin, on Satur- -----------r o ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUJLY 19e 1895. Died, in Port Perry, Monday i5th inst Harry, the infant son or Mr. W. E . ancf Inf C.e McealmhpanagedLindsathsn the 1the baebail maotchPiad atLndsay oh the finhbe wn Por P.rryPudnd aayfrtUnd gamefnseyih4fr .P n ôfrUd The August Delineator bas an excellent sud readable article with illustrations on the Ontario Ladies' College written by an "aid graduate."1 Miss McBride, Miss Hortan sud Miss Mc. Nemi, ai St. John's presbytes-ian chut-ch chiltian endeavot- saciety, have beeu at- tend ing the C. E. convention at Boston. At-thur- Allen, B.A., PhD., wha bas coin- p leted bis course ai stu dies lu the best col- leges ofiGernany and France, salis for home on jul>' 25th, and will at-rive here about AMgst oR. cngtPotPrysrgthd m.R. McKught, Prtet-y'ns t-igand l insule aesbei-e2 o th 19on at., suill i bae on abotanmonîhona stta bis noatveladcol and Whsrvceille he owu i knathe a i servicea, laie ghlada kndow she ilbnoy agwel-and holidayu and ish opehme.vyg u aai -l - The Sous af Ternpei-ance excursion, Tues- day, was a splendid success, a large ct-owd aud aIl enjoyed theinselves. The morning tbreatcned main wbich lcept nearl>' >00 St home, as tbe day advanced the weatber was aiI that could be desjred. The corniitcee fulfllled their advertised promise, every anc saying ih was the best auting ai the season. Proceeda $87. Mr-. Or-lu Powell bas carned a good i-e. putaion as a contractari-nl the erection ai electi-ic 11gb: atnd telephone hunes. He was one ai the best men in erectiug oui- electric ligbt systemas. Recentl>' he bas Completed a telephone fiue froin town ta Scugog, and ram bei-e ta Blackstock, for anc of aur nedical men, and la uow iec-rtiug a liue from Caesat-ea ta But-keton sud Blackstock to Burton for Dr. Fisb. I have been asked b>' inu> citizens ta publish Ta s acb week the namea o! every mnan or boy fie. afo jueu:mug the batela on Saturda>' uigbu s ad Sun- cu says. If due>' ail for the future do as well as bey did hlast Sunda>', etc., 1 shall gladi>' rive. xQOYA hem ci-edit for it. If violations continue, mt ta ny intention ta publisb lu this columu te name > ever>' frequenter, na: guestua or boarders, so mr townsp.euple ,zay ,know, jst wbois hiefor~uoain ti. 5.1 We.,keep bce Oshawa Cor. n uniture Though an cutire stranger persanally 1 'the loaet Velcome Mm. Roýers as a correspondent of wet me CHRONICLE, If yournew cor. kepa -ou he saine Unes as he started upon thc rca«td- 1 's ai duis piper will be iuterested lu Osb-1 ,a news. 1 ina> tell aur new wîiter he. W. J. NO iust not expect a bcd ai roses if he faitbiul- ' ïpet-foi-ms bis duty as -a cor., as 1 know' ersonally it ta no: aIlifun. I anm passsug league teamu, and there were ouly thres junior and E Gardon attended tbe District Division members ini their ta < tatlayed agamns aur held In Wilfrid. Tbey repart a good time Brown. junior second and A. Prsoyshoad Fre Mr Wm Hoskin had is barn raisd last Played lacrSse before. Even with the dds SCurayer3o odn n r c against them aur team went in ta play a cla d ca ptis rMClyssd en game, n ere surprssed ta find they bad met ahed Mr Hoskiii will bave a fine barn with larosesluggers instead of larosepiayers Icom pleted. The game ad not been iu progress three1mi_- e un derstand the members of the Sns utes wheu anc o! our teamu was kuocked do-wu Of Temperauce division cf this p lace are and waa not near tbe WbaSt the tdmne. When about to renovate their hall. This ls a step half time waa up, Asb received a bad *cut on the i In the right direction and we wisb the Sans head from a stick, and the Ramne had ta be stop. every succeslu their new undentaking. ped for saine minutes. Every ane of aur boys was bruised or scratced, and as far as known GLEN MAJOR. flot anc ai Lindsay teain had as much a Mr C Hewitt was the fit-st ta finish haying brise. Tht-ce goals that were scored for Lid. 'in this neighborhood. sa y w ere m ad e b y E lil tants d R îtch ie, an d th e M s h m ci w a v s t u g t M ss P h ' fourth goal was scored by a Lindsay june MilsT haisawasvsiiega Ms Pg' plaiuly showig that if aur teamn had had juni - l twek ta play against Lindsay teain wuld have beeèn Mr C Crosier was visiting old frienda in a difierent positior. Our j»nior third teamn Saturd ay evenitig. will play Lindsay's junior third teain-no se- 1 A number from here went on the excursion couds nor seniors included-and I arn authoruzed ta Orllia. They got left and returned next by the captatu af aur teain ta saY this la a cha- day. le ng e , a n d ta p la y h e re t a n y tim e a n d the y M . J t o a d h s a e v r a t c k f wiIl play a geiitlernanly gaine of lacrasse sud n' hrt ati artdocas a severe taa sluggiug. The match ended lu 4 goals ta Lind-batliue ttedco hnsb a say~ ~ ~ ~~W ta a oNotPry over Port Pesa-7 Business Direetoz-y, W. L. PARRISH, HAFRD WARE. PORT PERpy. PRBS GREEN CHUHCH'8 Bug Finish -10 1h;tP.e0hVe okl h FL~. I WB OÂNIT st- Ir reu rJJ.k.. cuured. I try to act on 1 MT George Tait Of St Catharines is visiting 'e advice of Davy Crockett; "be sure you bia mother Mrs. jas Taylor. re right and then go ahead." y Miss Willeata Beare bas been visiting diaity friends in Toronto the past week. I have another bone ta Pick witb aur batels, Miss Kate McPbee of Hamilon is spending d that is tbe foul-Moutbei protanity and blas- ber bolldaya under tbe parental roo.- *emy tbat goes on everY Sunday in thel Master Maitlsind Burton, of Toronto, is Drcbes of aur batels. I spoke ta one roPrie. stopping for a wbile with bis grandparents. o about i< twa weeks ago, and he aaid is ean- JMs ono fSabr'adMs almost impossible ta stop it. ht is psszgMs ono fSabrladMs range if nt canna: be stopped. Around onei Poucher of Toronto spent a few days this itel in particular the air is fairy bine w h thewek with A E Major. ithsand curses ooustantdy going on, andci t is Mr El Wilson,*of Toronto university, ac- ýgh time it came ta an end. I kuow for a tact companied by bis wife, is sqjourning, witb. at complant bas been made ta the chie! con. l is parents for a seasan. ablc, and ih is the intention ta make examuples Thete is troublé in connection with bath some-ai them and sec what eftect a good fine aur nuls jus: now, and ini tbe meantmme tbe i do. 1 bave seen respectable men, womcn, mucb diptdwers ungtoat. q and girls d tcrred from p assng tho n>s sp te at r s un i g a as e account of tbe Iewd taik indulged in~ Mr and Mrs. Samuel -Dlcksan of Toronto angers ; and more, 1 bave smen then> tutun are vist ng ber pae t Mra d MsJ h ek rather than puss those botels. Kirton, andi ber uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Our Orangemen and True Blues went ta James Bail. illia or Blackstock ta celebrate the 2.5 an- We noticeý that7 aur wortby veterinary, Dr versary of the "battle. f the Byne.ti I Whaley, lea wearing a very batppy amile tbcse vnderful ta read the loyal and arotc CIBys, as bcis sporting not only a new driver eeces f tbe big gunus-for instance, but also, a new'grl >Weil and Wallaec:-anid wben tbeirse- W. are very nuucb surprised ta learn ta esare of sanie use, tbey are somebluin Our teacher, Mr McKay, bas. sent in bis position of nc trying ta catch a l ee,*rsinatia; oOwing td Mditiéttilàn i ien You tbink yon bave your finger o nc section. It strlkps un that the people of titis is not there. It la enougi t tam e -. -lgborh -od are very bard'to plea'e In the lt th nk lng cla ss cf people disgusted i m aU ï, ft,ý e ac e s t w hl k t à i n e the twists and .turus of aur*ommoners, iere setdowii to them afrotabove bc could Ottawa with the-Manitoba schocl matter.h rly g1ve satisfactlon to ail clas ses in" tbls, bt parties are lu the urne boat. The R. @îUinÃŽitY. nosare as tricky in thig matter asà the ' Wos homteatteudé4 divine -vQzubipélast ýuservatives. Wby db-obflotur Ontario S4tbmoralsg atthée baptlst éçbprq .ré ,, conomrative an.d ýreformer, yI s Mone. wtd.oý* a In.tendoê ,as-,;g L anid ay ta those French emSien> ôbytlte NO tY put«$ IR ' 'on shall sot: interfère wlth maunltobaçl» lylls Tiwo y. manur tdo Dur mon uýhad as muait baclcbone ad mrmw -Ër -painsto-buO a tidzêù o f the' as àPrembier Greeowaur the.French mem- * ,, rens-YO 1 w-nM thtO C4i3* Of- m would tiot Oar'té play'bdeandmé vi seil fumnituz-e at cost, but we can rd ta seli at as iow a price as is istent with au >thi, largest aid"'néot- stock 0f BBOp F uritture Co.,y 'TT, c"J Mr anud Mrs Wideman, ai Markbam, was visititug at Mr-. Pugh's on Sunda>'. Mi- Jackson, ai Greenwood, preacbed bei-e on Suuday. We ai-e always pleased ta sec Mr-. Jackson. Mi- sud Mis Hill ai Toi-auto were viaitiug at ber bi-othet-a Mr R Cruthers on Sunday last. Mi-. Mai-shal Ci-osier took iu the annivers- at-y at Mount Zion. Mr Biadsbaw's little boy Wlllie was lant secu going tbrougb oui- town Sunda>' even- îng. Mi- Redsbaw will give a i-eward ta anyaue giving information that will lead ta, bis wbereabouts. Miss Mary Williams sud Mr. Edward Evans are having their bolidays. Miss Naomi Mitchell bas i-etut-ned irani ber visit in Uxbridge. Mr. Joseph Joues sud bis Aunt Miss Black- but-n were aut dî-iviug Sondayeveniug. We ai-e glad ta sec Joc looking so well. SONYA. One ai the prettiest and miost fashionable events ai the season took place at Sonya ou Wednesday, July 3t-d, the occasion being the mariage ai Mi-. Gea. West. ai Canning- ton, ta Miss Annie L. Rundle, second yaungest daughter of W. H. Rundle, Esq., af Sonya, one ai Brock's most îespected resideuts. The cei-cmany, wbicb was pet- farmmd by the Rev. J. W. Stewart of Sunder- land, assisted by the Rev. P. A. McLeod, M. A., B. D., of Sonys, took place ou the beautiful sud spaciaus lawn ln front af Mr. Rundle's resideuce, lu the presence of a ver>' The sidewaiks ai the village are ta, be re- paired. Dr. J. Lang, Chicago, la visitiug bis father Mm. Ricb. Lang. - Mis. C. Billings, Port Perry, la visitifig ber sister, Mis. S. M. Billinga. Mr., John Gardon, of H-ope township, a' former resident ucar Kirby, is dead. 1741. .. ,. DImg Aý .eiJuy, Wbitby Town Loeajs. Trade is improving witb the merd4ants. Miss Mabel Cochrane, Toronto, la viiit- ing lu town. Mr. John McCourt, o! Ouapiug, is home for a bolda>'. Misses Georgius and .May Counelly, Lindsay, are the guests o! the Misses King. Mr. Gea. Pettit, owner of the sunsmering place on Scugag Island, was here yesterday. You can ge: repaira for every stove and furnace made lu Canada froni-J. Mclulyre. The AUl Saints' chuircit people wlll old a' Larden party an July 3-5t Particulara Sec W H Warren's seléction o! ladies> handkerchlefs, gloves and baslcry, thé beat. ' The Misses Dininan, of B.wapvum e -spcn: Saturday and Sunay ,vltiug, fiionda 6 piece solid walnut parler suite, lusit,. with ailit plusb bauds, for $ - wm1 Il5 ~ W. TIIl's. -Mss.Jno. Speuce sud E. R. Edldy aud theïr -familfies are camping at i PlePdoin i Laite c e, Tbei.,fantera araud' here are wearin g s 'lsfor thée fts>t titi>. ance beef toak its lm p saDine. $1.25 ill takê you ta Niagara Falls on Ju1iy 22nd, b Garden City and electz-jc Raiway. whltby tickets cas> be Pracured at J. il iis' drug store and E. R.Blow's C. P. R.ticket office. Read the advertiseinents in the CHRON. ICLE. Zacb faimily cas> save $i a week by watcbing oui comuan for bargains. Trlose wbo advertise are the ones ta buy from. They mean business. Mr. R. S. Casselis, cf tbe Dominion bank here, returned on Tuesday froni Atlantic. City, N.J., wbere be bad spent a fortuiglut, He enjoycd the spectacle o! secing 3,o people bathinr-at once. Miss Lou Willcox left bere for Manitoba John, who bas been located in tbe Moosonuin district for ra or 12 years. Misa Willcox takes the lake route ta Port Arthur. The Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. is ait- tiug iu Toronto thîs weck, and Compos- ite Lodge of Wbitby lu repreaented by Mvessrs. W. W. TIbnis, M. A., and G. H. Hogarth, B. A., o! the collegiate institute. bei-e, are lu Toronto this week, rcadiug cX- amination papers at the department. it wiUi take about three weeks to , complete tuis work. a The long-talked-of cricket match between the married and single men cf the town la likel>' ta corne off on Saturday next, and wo hope that on this occasion te married men will show sh6w up-and kive the boys a thorougît drubbiug. Mr. E. Stepbensou's office front lias doiined a white coat titis 'week. WouId- that ail would take pattern off titis gentle- man, who ls nat asIy a hustier, but alâo a mas> of taste and an nhmited advettiser who secs the advantage of- nsing printers' ink. Sheriff Paxton and famuly set ont fo their us-ual suuumering place -at Stony Lak:Ie, o n the iotb af July, and the -Eastwood bny followed oan the î3tb, *witb the, excepto the doctor buiseli, Dr. aud lrs.Estod P' k ' g, will spend 'a wekotte. Mr. R. D. Stanley, u spcu of agencies of the United States Insurance C'102,ny, who is making a business trip tbroug tii province laaking after the coitpany'i inter.' ests and appointing agents, la iin:WhitbY at preseut. Messrs. Wm. PicÈardacu, and Alez. Chishoîni- went -ta Haba B.ay, -Quebec, on- Mouday* Tbey willspend acoup'le or dures- weeks arouud castemu -Canadiai 'cilles sud: - watering places. -Tbey- weut by Rikhelieu - Navigation Company's boats, aud returo byy." C. -P. R, Mr. Jna. Bircbal, -Aahburn; :w5as in te wu- Saturday. lu giving the resïuIts- cfIthe T.' routa University exçamoa.,We eitda*t& that be passed bis iid year wàï ifs&t7da honora in EngIîsh_ "ond. ModerM,-cl sures hlm the rankoeýf specialisa iéàde after lie cornpletes hiscouaae. -'- M T. . J.ElIis, N ew Yof! ;1son Mr. Arthur E ôlto-thiWîôtÈnýàù%ëd A coui Tuesday'd a uew rii ConiPound as le t ty -o S * K AAII1 VOL. XXXIX. ] HEAD OFFICE, H.SCO TT, NOe 33 1 0 1 1 POIELT PZaRT - 1 ilir iciu .0 . hër sôà-'it, mrs. S. M. ýl énj; werë ý ffle!ý.anflir, )TT9 MANÀGÉR. a 1 1

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