Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 3

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John L&aw, of Detroit, wus here this week with ieirelatives. Enos MbcCausland-,af Essex Centre, is here wlth his parents for vacation. W. V. Richardson. 5&le ta be about the village a shr iï"-each day, but requires the assistance of crutches. He will nat be in the office much for same time yet. There died at Port Union, on Sunday evening, an aged and higbly esteemed resident of this township, in the person of John Hilts, aged 85 years. Deceas- ed's farnily are at present scattered over the township in homes of their ewn. Rachel A. Burt and William H. Peak were duly married by Rev. E. E. Scott, at Parkdale, on Wednesdav. julv 3rd. T bey returned hbere from the city Fri- day evening, and bave ever since been shaking hands and receiving congratu- lations. We wisb tbemi long life and abundance of happiness. Rev. Father Gallaghei- left for lu 1s native country, Donegal. I-clanti, last week. He hias been grant cd two mnontbs leave of absence frein this par- isb and will spenti that tie in visiting tbe scenes cf his childhecd. lie ii also visit other parts of Eu repe beforc his return. Ve .vish lîtnii a pleasanlt voyage, plentv eofllcasui-c whilc wv andl a safe ret'urn. It xviii bc nttitcd th.tt the? ciiiiccter s roltli m'astniv rcturnud ut tho., teint il t()nleontiaylast. Tht tici.xay s oneti tht tt.ih trii u t hc fat thtt hec collec-tervas cnîuiu, iwaItt tir the taxes for stînt' t n ris t ha xi cre c n nrt- anti thte wnr.iîtc tilt i it lic (.ttlc( s'> mr. Se-ct')f tht ccnc. ai-c t)f the îçiînth.ît tht Iter tCnt. .îfter thr i ;th tif PI i~ctr 1,; all righît. bu t t1 h esiti tu ii bc an 11ni rease cat h week after that unti the taxes wc%,rc pal(id Taxes ha-e te bc aui..nd thc sceller they art' settiedti tht htter fiori al parties. Magistrates Par-ker anti Bunting heid court at Dunbartmn on Saturday. \when the charges cf carr'ing guns at Fair- port carne up for trial. Mlessrs. Covan and Chester werc acquitteti but had te pay tbeir cwn costs. Fred Stoner was fined $5 anti ccsts, w-hiie the cases against E. Stoner. J. Gotrdon, j. Avis, J. Marks anti (ett. Stoner wvere with- drawn by the warden. [)istrict Xarden Smith,.()f Belleville, was present te) look after the prosecutien. while the defendants were guitiet by Messrs. McPberson andi ScDIonald. Warden SnMIth stateti, after the cases hati been disposeti of, that he did not ivish teseee anyone punisheti while ignorant of the law ; but by example onilv would people learn sut-h th1 igs. 1in securing one convict ion that purpose was actcmpiish- ed, There wiII be ne excuse in future for those viclating gamre iaw at the hay with regards te ducks. John Chai-les King was up before Squire I3unting on Thui-sday nmcm ing chargeti with hp.ving assaulteti John Lynde on Wednesday. King is a weak mîinded fellow wbo lîves neai- Dixie Hill and makes a living by working arnong the farmers. While be is some- what mutitleti in the head he is by ne rneans an invalîi. Wednesdav Lynde NI-sNMa;' left ton Monda), te spenti a feu, wecks with her son, Thomas, at WXdVt>t111i e. The Rev Mr Leggott too--k oui- min- ister's place at I3ethel on Sunday, and paeached an excellent sermon. Mr jas Vivian anti family w-ere visit- ing trientsisn (Oshawa on Sunday. Tht farmers ai-c inte their faîl wheat anti rve harvcst, which is reporteti a geeti crep. Quilte a number cf oui- citizens cele- hnate<l the ' latQle of ibe Boyne" ntt Blakst)ck on the l2tb. A yo-ung vian fi-cm Osbawa t tai-ted for Port L'en-y on a wheel on Sunday afternoon, buit he lost bis beai-ings bad- ]y' Iy foll<>wing Dr Archers telephone hune whicb leads ta Blackstock. He tt()ver into Cartwright, where he met a person, of whom he enquired haw far he was firn P P., when be was -kindly informed he would have ta re- trac-e his tracks if he ever gat there. He willingly turned around and headed for P P., where we presumne he arrived in due time. I wus with regret that we heard of the death of Me. Fred Hobbs, the late cor. for Oshawa. Though not person,. aly acquainted with hini we were veryr much nterestcd ln hie .writings and al- ways admired the fearless stand which he took against aIl kinds of wrong do- Ingl, May hie mantie fail on hie suc. Mrs. Robcr<s bit here about three weks ago to visit her daughter who is a tchr at Burke'i Fait, Muàkoks.ý wkMn'rs, rept. hrseli highly pl.s.ed wth ber visitb tat~ rowtantic Miss Effie Robbiïns&snd Louie Elliott are visiting friends iW to*n.i Miss Eunice Roaçh is Visiting wîth her brother, Rev. F. Roaeh at Bjurke'is tFalls. t F A Cole, Esq., and Company are camping at Washburn Island. r A number of young people indulged in a pleasure trip to the lake one even- ing Iast week. GIad to see Mr Chas Stonehouse out again since bis recent illness, Mr Frank Mason has returned home fronm an extended visit witb frie-ads in Buffalo. Recent visitors: Messrs- Fred and C Howard, Brandon, at the parsonage; MIrs Anderson, Exeter, at j Y Co1e's; Mr- j Mijns, wife and son Gladstone, of Strathroy, at j T Cole's; Miss Ethel -Stevenson, Oshawa, at E Trenouth's; NIrs Short and daughter, Oshawa, at \V Allin's; Miss Annie McCarthy, Stratford, at Mr J Cole's; Mr D Mc- I )unald. towfl, at C Stonehouse; Mi- and Surs D) Brokenshire, Hardon, at j Pn k-d's; Miss Alice Creeper, Tyrone, .t WV Crccper's. ENNISKILLEN. Nr.Fiford is visiting friends in M...\illiamrson, Cartwright, is guest I II..11- Patter. MrF. Rn(gters is visiting friends in C Il gwecdand Orillia. Ni ..(j Kncx and Miss Minnie Elemnes vrcturned te the city. \V Dove, Greenwood. a f Rev. S. J. Kooke last week. Smce (f our vo ung people had anen Vi) mre at Lake Scugog on the 1 2. Nirs Rcninier. Miss Vail and Mr. Jno. Lee, Pickering, are guest of Mr. E. Rogers. The parsonage is being thoroughly renovated and repaired for Rex'. S. G. Rorke and farnily. A number from here intend te take in the excursion to the "many Isies" and to Niagara. Miss Edna Fallis, Toronto, bas been guest of Mr. N. Byers; Miss Ferguson, Toi-onto. is aguest of ber grandfatber, Mi-. Wm. Bingham. Messrs. Windsor, Woodstock; Moth- ersill, Oshawa; Scott, Cartwright; Miss h. Hoskin, Miss V. Tyler, Mr. Tyler the Misses. Freelands, Bowmanville, amd Miss cill, Brockville, have been visîting friends here. IBLA&CKSTOCK Edward Montgomery is roofing his bar-n. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsînan left for the old country last week. Mrs. A. Kinsman while visiting at T. D. Wilkinson's took sick, and could not get borne for several days. Thomas Henry McQuad died JuIy i i th and was buried î3th at i o'clock. A fight took place July i 2th where- by two panes of glass were broken in Mr. Johnston's windows. Wm. Hooey and Sandy Bell were the men who fell out and were fined. Measies have been prevalent among tbe cbildren here and one death has i-e- sulted. Sunday last the infant cbild of Mr. Samuel Beacock succumbed to the disease and was buried Tuesday. Recent visitors: Mi-. Scott, wife and son, Toronto; Mr. Rehill and wife, Janetville; Mi-. and Miss Sonley, Mr. Lakey and wife, Reach; the Misses Hollander and Philp, Pickering; and Mr. Thomas Johnson, of Little Cur- re nt. Miss Rose Reynolds, of Picton, is visiting at the methodist parsonage. The grosis receipts of Newcastle post office for the year ending june 30, 1894, are SI1,240.43. The Foi-esters of Newcastle attended divine service Sunday evening in the methodist church. Mi- E Gibson,, merchant tailor, of Edgar, Ont., bas. been visiting his father, Mr James Gibeon. Rev. A Carswel, B.A. ho is leav- ing Newcastle, wu Kes-ted-w "-ant address and some 'suitàble îgft4 by the members of St -'Gi'egryte churcla& a token 'of their eàfr himastheir pastor. the Rev. E. J. Etherington, thi popul 1ar rector of the English church, delivered ta themn an able and appropriate address, After the services were over the breth- i-en returned. ta their lodge-room and unanimaously passed votes of thanks tô both the Rev. gentlemen, the choir and the trustees of the metbodist cflurch. TTYZONE. Farmers who have cut their barley report a light crop. Miss Florence Fr-aser bas been visit- ing friends at Grafton. Rev. A. C. Wilson'ssubject, l'judas," was abiy deait witb Sabbath evening. Miss E. Carnpbell isguest of Rev. R. and Mrs. McCulloch at the parsonage, Newburg. The annual Hodgson-McLaugblin picnic at Scugog Lake passed off vei-y pleasant on Saturday. Tyrone takes the iead at the recent entrance examinations, Miss M. Cade, one of the number who wrote firn tbis school, baving beaded the list. COURTI CE. Mrs. O. Pickle, Morden, Man., is visitlng friends bei-e. Miss Bonnie Richards visited friends in Orono this week. Alsike is a good crop in this district and (armets are busy hai-vesting it. Sorne oi oui- local sports attended the lea- gue base bail match in Toi-ono ast week. Mi-. Walt. Osborne anti Misses Littlejohns and Annis visited Rev. J. H. Oke and farn- iv at Whitevale recently. The regu lai- weelc night meetings of the epworth league at Ebenezer have been closeti for the summer. The meetings will now be held Sunday evening at'ter the pi-eachin,-,service. Recent visitai-s: Master Percy and Miss Hatine Clemens ai L. M. Cou i-ices: Misses FIa andi Frankie Brown, Canton, ai Jas. Courtices; L. T. Courtice, town, at home ; Mr. L. Pascoe and sistei-s, afi Sauna, at John Worden's ; Messrs. G. A. and J. G. Lang- maid and wives, Zion, ai Middlegreen Villa. Toroutos Latest Rorror. TORONTO, JulY 15.-Tc>roflto bas another insu-ance murder case an connection with the disappearance ai the children ai the late Benjamin F. Pitzei, forrnerly of Terre Haute, Ind. The bodies ai îwa of the three chil. dren were fou nt here to-day in tbe cellar of a cottage ai 16 St. Vincent street, wbich, it is allegeti, was rented and accupied by H. H. Hoimes, now under arrest at Philadel- phia an a charge oi defrauding insurance companies there. A body alleged ta be Pitzels, wbose ie was insured for- $io,aoo, was found in a bouse he had rented in Phila- deiphia. It was declared thai be was acci- dentally burned ta death. The $ra.ooo in-. surance bad been made payable ta Holmes on condition ihai he would pi-avide for and educate the Pitzel childi-en until tbey were oi age. If he could get iid ai tbem sooner he would have the maney absaluteiy. Halmes ieft Philadelphia witb Pitzei's three childi-en. They wenîta oCincinnati, Indian- apolis, Detroit, and came bei-e on October i8th hast. A few days ago Detective Geyer ai Phila- deiphia arrived bei-e and proceeded quietiy ta search for the bodies ai the childi-en. He seemed confident that they were last seen alive bei-e, and said he was determined ta find tbemn before be left To-day hie found their naked bodies. Tbey bad been buried in cellar witbout a coffin. Geyer and the detectives bei-e who astist- ed bim in the searcb discovered that the cbildren had been brought bere lu October and taken to a second-class botel. AU trace of tbem was last for sometime after that. It It was found that the children's tickets had -flot been bongbt on any railroad running out ai Toi-onto. Geyer was of the opinion that a hanse bad been rented bei-e by ,The oppression of the poor Western fqrrner stili goes on apace. In Nebras- ka the Supreme Court of the State bas just tal#en fi-rn him a lucrative mneans of livelihood. For years there bas been a law; in the state rcuquiring rail- raad engineers ta whistle at every high- way crossing, and imposing a fine of $50 for every failure ta do so, haif the fine going ta the informer. For same reason engineers have flot been able ta do ail the whistling required by this law, perhaps fi-rn need of samne steam for running the locomotive and the farmers have made a great deal of money by watching the ci-ossings and bringing suit against the companies for infraction of the law. Every suit thus brougbt bas heretofore been decided against the campanies and'the law has cost tbem a great deal of money. One farmer i-ecently got a verdict for $3. 500 whistling mnoney against the Union Pacific. The Supreme Court bas finally d eclared the law unconstitutional. Monday afternoon of last week two strangers put up at the Queen's hotel, Unionville, one of tbern geing into tea and tbe other sitting in the bar room of which be was tbe sole occupant for a time. After the one who had bis tea camie eut, tbey got into their rig to go home, but changed their mmid and carne back into the bar roorn for a last drink. Mrs. Webbei-, wbo was waiting ci- them, on cpening the till to make change, discovered that al the money was gene, sometbing ever $8, and ac- cused the man who bad been sitting in the bar roomn of having taken it. He owned up and banded the rneney back te Mrs. Webber, stating that he was soi-iy and did not know what made birn do sucb a tbing. He gave bis name as Chai-les Gussam, of Wexfoi-d. The men then drove off. After they had gone Mr-. Webber laid an information and the constable was sent after tbe accused, wbom be found in bed at bis brother's at Wexford. The case was beard before Squire Miller Tuesday, and Gussam was comrnitted for trial at the next assizes. -Tribune. DE LICIOUS. MAZA WAT TEE TE AS, 15,0009000 Pa ckets SONd Aua ln Great BrItain Whben the detectives reached the cellar it [seemned ta tbem that something had distui-b- ed the cellai- floor, and, arming tbemnselves witb shovels, tbey began ta dig. A short distance belaw the surface tbey came across the ai-m and a portion of the head ai one ai the murdered girls, and furtber work soon revealed the bodies of îwa vjctims. They were bath nude and had lait there, in ail probability, since last October. Tbe bodies ai the little ones were burieçi three feet below the surface and were in -a fair state ai perservatian. A nice'legal points now presents itself. The murder having been committed in ,Canada, the accused must be tried wlthln its boundaries; but au Holmes bas~ pleaded gnilty taos e charge in the United States, he vi sy insist on being sentenced for that. I Foatherbone FOR GIVING UIIL1AND 1111I The only Sklrt Bone that znay bo wet without lnjury. -T0- The Celebrated Featherbone, Come are oorded -with this Ladies -:Dressest atrw A ligbt, pliable, elastlc bene made.fron: quilîs. It ls soft end yleldiuge conforrning readily ta folds, yet glving proper shape' to i For Bale by leading Dry Gooda Dealers. f5 What is EV Castorla la Dr. Samuel Pitches prmesripin for.Infant_ and Ohlldren. It contains neither Ovuuna, MorPhine nor other Narcotie substance. It la a b.armlessubstitute for Paregorlcg Drops, Soothing Syrupo, and Castor. 01M It le Pleasant. Its guaran±-ee ia tbirty years' use by IMlons of Mothers. (astorla degtroys Worms and allaju feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures DiarrhoSa and Wlnd Colle. Vastoris relieaS. teething troubles, cures constiption aud fiatulenoy. Castoria asslmllates the food, rega1saée the stonMach and bowels gving healthy and - natural 01e>p. Oa torts is the Çqildren's Panacea-tho Xother's floud Oastoria. ecastouls a au excellent xeilirefor CMi. dren moUihavhm repeatefly told me or Its good ecte upon theirchildren." DiL G. O. Om80SD, Loweu Maa& 'Oatria la thé bout remedy for childre of whtch 1 am acquainted. I hope the. day la noe far distant when motlrers wMeansler the roa ntwest ot their cbildren, mauosCautorla in- stead of thevmrousquac notmmwbIch me deoyngharovdozm b yf«eeingoluztÇ morpin, oothlng ay an ad other hrfu - eb dwn thoir thro tbtereby oendfrg t2àM to retco egitmIrâves Du J mF INHE, k T" cmtLlrl OCrnway, iM. i Âu 4 auO5uuuk catir I leonm t nomulortoayjrwpc knowinto me&" U l.Ofod Stroo ,K . Our Vhyýln the cbildm'ls deput- nmt bave spokea lhae of alex pUl- eni nce ter outaMe pracum swm~t~a and aithcugh we cary bae am oegoo mediml ipples what la kunmas egular producda, y« erefm fista cofthu the merfts of Caitorla ba won inste, Io& itR fa.voeupoftit." uzniTED130u=" LA» D EFurikET, "tos Kf» SevereP* nin-Shon1 el, ears Qired byTe DMZethot lasC MyItmsUiiIfv voyMwktaeVful«~ItMSde.4hU~I ah ulu Uaynednwtbaiue7hefid".L"uhIIo.d~su yalcceeEmissona, Nev Strictoro, SPhili, te be loiu atr e VARiO'OCELE, EMil W. . COLLIL3. W. S. Collin, 161 am 29. At 15 1 I t 9.1tbpn. Farinersan Mr. and Ms visiting frieni Mlr. John, much better < bas made onl That.lîttle1 Skirt Bons h T/w ea -ofthe 0k iepiorai D«e our '« with weak 4iý,,ithat I dut tk-.ùearly job$ *e back *rTl Skîrt- 1 RTVI 9 - --- tulpi

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