Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 6

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# *ix odirs uly 8, lu toi, 1 Sud adopéled. à number lié' n4ctsd dcommuuie sufer dte tho-varic o ar hoard oLering roadm b Wite rominded tise couucfl Ipromaise uagardiug opeuing road fi OE Sha deiu.s Vo have made nez& w: ' Mowbray gave notice that ni ne: MfttiBg ýho would beg leave te introduq b IylAW teIMaS e Vssevoral echool se *08. anud union sections, sud aaked ti "M41 $011001isooltruste. boards bei 5ýw.dt ave iheir requestion in tl O f i t tie clerk net later than Aug 1' Mr Po*Oher aoconded by Mr Mowbre veé tbsaitishe tender cf Andrew Lintc 01% building roed throngh swamp1 nort 010 OPB on idoîjus bet. lots and 7, cc ho sceepiotd feo. $80, sud tbe timbero Mid rcaid slowmuoe, Geo Gerow, cou Mr blowbray eeconded by Mn Richarè 'OOVes hat the reeve be ais jeb Ï tItborlued te grant hie order on the trei muârer lu faver of parties eempletung. the: Contracte before nont meeting e! the cour 1il iroceipt of certifioste fronu cou Mlt Mowbray seoended by Mr Richard mnove tisai the reeve grant bis order o th#e Iroasuror in favor of Foster Hutcl 18on, collecter for the suin of one hunè ,r ed and tonty dollars, as salary for 1894 )b Mowbray seconded by Mr Pouche m Oves tiat the collcotor's rolae returi Odb. reelved sud the statornt contai: iga Ut oetihe amnount taxes rernitte b. *llowo,_1 sud ihati the bonds of aai 0OUiectier be sud are hereby onnoelled. Mr. Mowbray seconded by Mr Pondh au, moved that Tises Bonus be appointei as. ovorseer cf Wbitcvale rend division N 107,sud that tise seal of tise cerporntici be ba fixed te hs resolution. Your standing ccmmittee on indigent bonlave te, report and recemmend a ovew: F L Green Vo bag ef fleur t, MParminghsm 8 1; H Spencer in ai Colie auiniget 14.40. All Yeuu standing cotige oies bega basve t eotsud uscommen( as folloves: D RBoseton, drawing deed ii Sduplicate corpration toJ M Gerow, o Bybow propeuty lunthe-village of Broug bame $2; Thea Pouciser, advertising ani »Uling tise Bylow property in tise viilagi of Broughsamn, 5;RWMowbray, soni sou, for services renderod in equalizun, seiool section No 4 Union sud mileagi as m pr etatute, $5. Yeur commuttei hvîng ascertiiud that tise nons Suilf o Slot 17, lu those lt con waste b.e eempi from dobonture raie in scisool section Nc 4 veut at the turne ssid lot was added t( eaid section sud recemmend tisai thi tom of 810, b. refundod L T Barclay exocutor of! aad lot. Your commuttet isaving oeusidered' the report of tise a& sreof the townships 0e Pickeong &né Boarboro eqaising tise aseaamext lc Unionil8 No4,mhua ptition from Wn Chauter snd six others objeeting toi said squahasation, rcomnendtitise matiea b. 1.ft «v-uoutil tise nexi meeting oc ebsoncil ; Poster.Hutoisison, for est ag sd tatiouery, $5. Your commutE akewledge -aà communication fronm vwal adopted. Y 2our standing eommitto. on Ronds ý,4d Bridges begs les,. te report and ns. e ommrend as followse: Ps ymet te WBI Battez for 52 yards gravol mSuppliod path. s'=tmt.r, 4.16; Tises. Todd, for filling ini tutois, lot 81, 4tis con,1 87; W R Barten, S17 yards et gustvol for western towulino, bu?!! amountl, 81'86; T Hagerman, for tr -" oh>vs Ieèhi rgravel lu div. 49, 412JO Mu. Royuolds, for work doue on -to;wuéu belveen Pickering sud Ux- îuI- êsper ceuiraot, being one issU Ja.Lldgetî, for drawing 50 -y psY.!l on 7th oun. opp. loi 5, et M e r yd, $15; Wm Turner, for build- .lng colverts and grading sideline bot loti lot. 80 iud 81, Oth con. $10 ; J. Ldgetî, repmhing two culvontesud cleaning eut, ditoles un swideroad bot weeu lots 10 sud 3 1. uis con. 488.50; Wm Parrinder, for, gasvWàlng Brook road sud Otis- con. uer m » Isss, $50 ; John Dewyrqo, for gnad- foulaosa balveen lots 28 sud 27, Suis $ 8.10.50; John BriguaI!, grmvoiing *0#t ill,5Vis co00. as pet coutraci, $8; Conner, usakig ruad tisuugil 4vo! t4 on Stis om d reaesung cul- 5.600; Wm lMitcellu, guelling 0o0 veat'et of ZOhux néaspar con. of v»Y lncluded, nt 100 pur yard, 086,97"f gr.aod 6. h mer lnl Ï06 b 0.5 lts an tth concession, -114.10; johnl Wilhon gradin g on Sth con opp lot 2, , por coo, bd. tract, ta5; H Gordon, 74- d*Wa;wk ai vu.' 75o per day, being atatuto liber'paid t( ,re the collector, #5.63; F. Matthews, gravel ast ing, Brook roaâd, bot 3 and 4 con, $14 t J -of Joues, gravelling sidoroad beot ist 2 aud3 e- Sth con, as per contract, $5; P Bedon, 161 )U ft odar ut 7o and 23 ydo'gravol ut 8o pei yard, $3.02, aise for gravelling o pp lot 6, Ct 9th con, aocording te contraot, $16 as!s for gravelîng M hcon, opp lot 16, as pel ofî contraci, &812. 15, also. gravolling 9th con, for opp lot 9, aéaper contract, $12.02; F Mat. in- thews,drading sidoroad bot. Jets 30 and 31, 1eV con, $10; Matthews & Connor, grad, BXI 4th con, opp lots 17, as per contract, $25 ce F Matthews, building cul on Altona road, oc- bet let and 2nd con, as per contract, $5. Lat 75 J H- Counor, turnpiking and dithng re 2nd con, op plt3, -aoc te engincer'e he award, $6 ;J oseph Joncs, grsv sideline sV bet lots 4 and 5, 8th con, as per contr.; ýay P Gates, 48 cd. pesta at lOc, fer Altona On bridge, $4 80 ; JM Joncs, 108 yds grave] .tî, and right of way, $8.21 ; T F 'Wilson, 100 oni yda gravel and right of way, 8; F L onGreen, 90 yds gra vel for road work in ~.Greenwood division, 07.20 ; T Boyles for building calvcrt on sideroad bet lots 8 .d and 9, 4th con, $5 ; F L Green for 75 by, yards gravel for Greenwood road, and Sright of way $6 ; F L Green for work or ir Greenwood rond as per grant $66.10 M_ Tebias Caster for water-lime, Portland M_ cernent, and steve lime $980; R A Car- perter for filling washout bot 4 aud 5 ~,d con, $3 ; Wr» Mosher for cutting hiIl on DU Lit con opp lot 32 per cent $80 ; Wrr b-. Lotton for 25 yds gravel 81.76; Wm d- Mitchell cont's on side road bet lots 27 4 and 28 8Vh con, per cent $20; A Boyer. or for 588 ft plank fer bridge bet lots 12 and In 13 ini cen 7, $5.88 also laying sarne and n- filling approach $1 ; A Courtney for 9 gravelling on sideline bet lots 34 and 35, id 2nd con per cent $10; A Birreil for grsv- elling Kingston rond west of Spink mille h- per cent #20. John Micheil gravelling d con 6 epp 27 and 28 per contract $100; r0 C Stevenson drawing gravel on Green- Swood road per cent $23 ; A Huggins for drawing gravel on Greenwood rond 3rd ts on $22 ; G OLeary building culvert on as Grecnwood rd 3 con 83; aise grsd Green- t, wood rd, and rd te gravel pit, and right id of way te saine $4; A Huggins for 121 yds of gravel including right of way 810.47; T R W David draw gravel on Auley rd, 2nd con per cent 840; D Brown for use of rd. machine 1 day $5; also use of rd machine don aide rond bot lots 4 and 5 B F one day les a of hour $4.674 ; Jas Richards jr., offor 2 days work spteading gravel 01.50; 9.D Fersyth 1814 ft plank for Claremont La bridge, spikes and layung plank, also 95 efeet plank te jeseph Slack, $24. o6; F Dowsweil for 9 hours shovelling snow, g 90c. We beg to acknowledge j Monk- e houses notice concernung bridge at AI- etona, would recommend that the reeve >fmake necessary- repairs. We beg Vo ~acknowledge W. Dunsheath's notice o concerning culvert on Townlune bet. eo Pickering and Markham, would recoin- ce mend that the first deputy reeve in- 79 spect the saine and report at next meet- eing of this council. We beg te, ac- 'knowledge Mr. Pearce's notice of flow dof water on 2nd con opp lot 30e weuld )frecommend that third deputy reeve nmake necessary repairs. We beg te, rd acknowledge J. Parsons notice con- f cernung the unsa.fe condition of bridge In ist con. opp. lot 32, would recoin- first deputy reeve inspect saine and re- gport at next meeting of this ceuncil. We beg to acknowledge Mr. Middle- ton's notice for repairing hill 7 con be- tween i0 and 11, weuld recemniend' 1that reeve inspect saine and make ,necessary repairs. We beg te acknow- ,ledge J Gregg's complaunt with refer- rence te gravel pit, would recommend that suin Of $7' be tpaid him for gravel. A Parkins was heard before the coun- cil with reference to an open ditch in ffront of his farin, would recommend that this council pay $î.63 for opening saine. We beg to, acknowledge E'~ Bryant's application for repaira on bridge on 3rd con opp lot 9, recoin- mend tb.at councillbr Richards inspec± the saine and make necessar repairs. "Nie would recommenti that Cuéjo Richards cover broken stone onXi- stOn road opp loti xi with earth or;aand. Payment te James Gormley for'.drw- ing gravel on sideroad bet lots 3"0î'and 2 1in iust con, as per contract, $15e, all o! which is respectfully submitted,. On1 motion of Mr. Poucher, chairraux, te.- port was adopted. Mr. Richards, seconded by Wi Mow- bray moves that the rtome "=î I$ order orn the treasurer lu- tavbr, ofthe parties recommended in the reports of>1 thse varieus *standin comsieçsas PresMr.d tRi dy. Mr.Ritarseooa4e by Mr. Poucs.. er moves tisat the counill do ow ad- jouiïn to meet %%ain on Monda-Y. Au* Sth at 10 a. in. for, the tin*<io*i of genezal business. D ào"oi of Tevnship of Wilby mot peruat le adjoUrument on Julp $tS, &ml the mombors pueet. ou Motion conernors -Keicisen, Mo- Tsgsuî Mud *eerrBurrougs wene auihorised te nopair bhW on 8 con, oppos r ts lot 84 ase hey deetu uecesary. 9 Overseer Plougian vas antborised to >oxpend 6iv. dollars breaking sene on 8rd r con, opposite lots 19 aud 20. Tise troasuror wae anihorised te issue hie checque te Jas. Carnegie for $280 S0 ini p&Ynsest for cedar sud lumber for rends; to D. Holliday, on account ealary, 875 ; te Wm. Lynde, part psy building rond betweeu lots 82 sud 88, con. 5, $75; Geo. Delong operatung road machine, 9 71.50. 3 ey. J. Harris miade application fer efuntiser nid te Jne. Hudson, indigent, sud enquired if h vawueisulad cxpected that ministers shoulti do statute labor. Tise matter of Jue Hudson vas refer- red te indigent cemmittee, sud Mr. Barris informsd that ministers were ex- peoted te penform statute labor. On motion e! Mr. McTaggart council resumed inie committce of the whole on by-lav te regulate tise rnning at large ef domeitc animale ou higbways, to de- fine tise duties o! pound keeper and fence viewers, te define a lawful fence etc. Commitîe &rose sud reported by-law whicb vas rend a tisird ime sud passed. The clenk vas required te get copies of said by law, alise of by law regulating tic duuies o! overseen o! biqhways prînted for distribution among officers requiring saine. Messrs- McTaggart aud Ketchen were anthorised Vo cause gravel pit on Cufl 8, between lots 82 sud 88, Vo be muade more convenient for public travel, and miake provision for regulating the taking of gmavel Lierefroni. Mr. Edvamd Lidgett asked permission Le cnt trees gnowing on highway adjacent te hi. premises. Tise matter vas left witis cenuclor Rogers te report the ad- visabiity or otherwise e! havung said trocscout down. Mr James Woodward and H Meen re- speotavely made application to be muade collecter o! taxes for township for 1895 A. by lav vas intmodnced and pnssed its several rendings appointing Han-y Meen collecter for 1895. Tise eeve was nuthomised te grant hiq order on the mrensurer wotise folio wing pensons: Hatcis Bros for sewer pipe, 89.60; Tises Balmser gravel for ronds, $10.15; Alex Sinclair, gravel for ronds, 68.16; Tises. Arksey, gravel for roads, 65.18 ; C W Smniths, repaiing cnlvert Bnd con, 81 ; Jno Phermill, gravel and timber for ronds, $6.20; Hcemmingway Bros, stravel for ronds, $11.20; Wm MoGregor, teamine gravel, $4.80; W O Eastwood, consultation ne Mme McPberson, 65; B Wngner, repairing rond machine, 45c; J E Disney, vork on rend, 69; Wm White, work on rond, $1.50; Wmx Provse, work on road, 89 ; R Moore, creck gravel for rond, 87; Jne Harris, breaking etene, $5; Wm Mason, for gravel sud nnnd machine, $15.70; Tis Black, nnlonding cedar, 61 ; Jno O'Day, teamng cedan, 81.50; J B Dow, gravel for rends, 018; S BeaUl, plauk for moade, 82; D Holliday, ceai account cleaning council room aud expenses ne lumben, 65.30; Mn Bunider, board te Mn Millei 'udigent Ite lai July, 65; Wm Street, epeuing ditcS 7tis con, $5. Concil ndjourned te uncet Monday the second day o! Sepreniber next ni en EOWMLANVILLEC. W&e cengratubate Mr. Andrew A. Moore, fermerly ef Blacksteck, on be- ceming one efthtie preprieters e! tise News Printing Ce. ef Kingston. Mr. Sisannon, tise bate preprieter, having disposed efthtie centrelling interest etf tise business te Messrs. John P. Oraru and Andrew A. Meore, they will ini future carry on tise bussuness. On Friday evening last, Mr. M. A, Jaines, editer of tise Statesnsan, was. elected Noble Grand, in tise A.0,O.F. After the officers had been installed, Mr. James unvited those present te bis residence, visere a very pleasant trne vas spent. Refresisments were served during tise evening, and ahl present thoroughly enjoyed tisenselves. Mr. E. L. Fortt, vise sonie time ago joineti a wisaiing expedition te nortisern latitudes is expecteti home this week, if tise valking keeps gooti, as ise is be- yond railway or steamboat cennection. Having cousented to furnisis us witis an account of bis traveis anti adventures, our readera rnay look out for seme ini- teresting reading, especially that rebat- ing te ,"1siooting tise cat. " a new andi peculiar species o!fvisicis he discovereti in tisai region. At thse- bicycle races in Port Hope last veek, Mr. M. Galbraith o! tiss tewn, vas one of thé~ coinvetitors, and fairly won tise race, but tise jutiges gave it te tise Port Hoper. Speaking of theïr action in this, tise Times, ef their own t.ovn, says :-"&'R Johuiston teok tise lead freintise stant and made tise pace-for tise otiser riders,' followed by on the home stretch , and. presseti Hamilton. Galbraiths passeti Hamilton johustors bard. Tise crovd pressed inx on the tiders as they, neared tise vire andinl some way the riders came to.. gether, Johnston as.us tu-niWg a fa»and Galbrthb Oishing fi-t. Tise iies. Miss Abbib VauNeét i. recoveziug frein her récent ilîness. Mms. W. N. Pascoe Sas been to Tor- ente Vo. consuit vitis a specialist-Dr. Grahamn. Recent visitera: Mr. Hamry andth ie Misses Pearce, Newcastle; Mr. Geo. H. Hogarths, B. A., Whitby, visiting his mother, Mrs. D. Hogartis; Mrs. M. A. James, Master Normian and Geo., Bovinanville, at Roselantivale. Tise Loyal Crusaders' andi Sabbath school picnic vas net largely attended owing to tise unfayorable weather. Tise Loyal Crusaderai formed in llue and marcheti frointise Sens' Hall under tise ceinmand o! Wortisy Commander, Miss Laura Hogartis. Tise host and isostess, Mr. and Mrs. Werry, ruade everybody feel quite at home and the cisildren enjey thensselves immensely. It teck 232 imon to Taise tise big barn on W. W. Revington'a tsrm, usas London. Tise Bank of Montreal, Ottawa, bas received a gold brick, 50 pounds, worth $13,158. Tise O.P.R. land ddpartment paid $30,000 for Mauitot)a farnu land d urng thse lut mouth. Thse steaniship Mlexo le! t Montreal vith 55 on. ef Canadian butter for Great Britain. Robert DaîzeIl Knox, a former clergyman of Kingston, bas disappeareti fnom bis home. JOUX m. P&REWELIL, 4. cet Barrlster1 Oounfiy rown Attorkey,an OOuftV iolofter. Office- Bouth Wlng 01 OoUrt Reuse, Whitby. JAMECS UTLECDGEt Barrister, etc. Office f ormer~y <>cupîed by Farewell & Rutledge, neit iKOY&l Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORXÎSTON, B. A-, Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohanoery, Ocuenyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Post office, in MrMiIl&f'a Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMIITH. LJL. Bo, Barriater, etc. -Moey te Loan. lIsner OflMarriage Licenses. office - Smith's Block, Sodth of Market, B) ock St., Whitby. DOW & McGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Ohancery, etc. Office in Mathison & HEawken's; new block Brock St., W hitby, south of Ontario bank. Drs, Warren--& Moore. Nov Livery and Sale Stables WNXBT-. . McdzselWhhtby Olerk Jan. 2; Feb Lmearh ; April 2; ay 2; June 8:ul Sp. 3; ot. 0;Nuv. 2; Dec. 8. OmHwA-D. 0. Macdoell, Whtby, lerk; Jan. 8; Feb. 4; Mrch 4; April 8; ay 8 June4; Julye; Sep. 4; Ot. 8;.Nv. 4; Dec. 4, BOUGIN - M. Glesn, Greenwood, lrk. -Jan,4; Mro 5; May 4; July 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT - PCUBiz - J. W. Burnham, Port Perry, Clerk-J&i. 29; March 9; Masy 9; July il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxnnmGrie-Joe5ph B. Gold, txbrdge, Clerk-Jan * 80; March 18; May l5th; ,uly 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. ÇC.ANNsTON-Gorge Smith, Cannugon, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; Juy 18; Oct. 16; Dec. 18. BEVRTo-Ge. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clrk-Marth 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. UPTERBov-F J Gilleupie, Uptergroec, Clerk,-MaI!Oh 16; May 18; Ot. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, 0 etoer 1th, 194. lerk ofthe f eace. J. J. Moore, M. D., Minardsa Liniment thse bout hai r restorerj Office heurs 9. a. mu. ,A'Private Te/ephone Communication. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D-%S. Physicana, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Church, flundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Snrgery in ail its branches promptiy attended Vo. Dr. H. Wîghtman I9ENTIST. Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, aged 73, teck ber owu life ai Peterboro' by swalluwing Paris green. Mr. Odeli, Quebec, i8 being smcd by bie wife for separation and possession of ubeir chu.- d ren. À Gonorous Offer. (Published t.y Requert.> Dear Mr. Editor .-Will you kindly in- formn the readers of your valuable pnper that I will glndly send FREE te, any suflerer from Lest Mnnbood, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Varicocele, Impotency and the rzsults of youtbful folly, particulars of a simple sud inexpeusive means of self-cure wbtcb after be- iug humbugged and împesed upon for yenrs by quacks and patent medicine sbarks, cured we in a few weeks. I have nothing te sel] or give away, nor amn I advertiaing any patent medicine business, but will be pleased te hear from any sufferer auxieus te find a cure for bis complaint. r» wbom I vil! explain confiden- tially bow sud by wbat menus I wss cured. Hundreds bave been cured through my ad- vice. Coite nothing te learu wbnt I paid bun- dretis et dollars te Sund out. Address cenfi- dentiaily sud enclose stnmp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Rivenside P.O. Dr. F. L. Beyd, o! London townshsip, died fromn injuries received in collision witis a tire!. ley car. George B. Lawrence, Quebec, toek an over- dese o! enîphonal for insomnia and killed him- self. I WÂ5 cviSD o! Broncitis sud Asitima by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lot 5, P.E.I. Mas. A. LIVINGSTONE. I w-ns ouir, o! a severe attack o! Riseuma- tisin by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mabone Bay. JOHNr MÂDER. 1 ws.s cumm >o! s severely sprnined leg by MINARDS LINIMENT. Bridgewater. JOsHUA WyNÂ,cwr. William Thornton, a colored cattle dealer, is charged with irculating bogua $5 notes in Extensive cattie shipinents are expected te be made from Manitoba during the next couple of weeks. Minard'a Liniment for rheumatiam. A by-law was passed Vo barrow 840,000 from tbe Bank of Montréal te meet current ex- pensées, inLondon. PoI Pe pes i Itohing pilu.s SyrmpTois-Moisture; intense itcbung aud tinging ; moat at night ; worse by scmatchtng. If allowed -te continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoxning vcry sore. "SwÂruru'e OiNTmnwr stops the itching and bleeding, beals uloeration, sud in most cases removes the tumoe. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Lyman Sons & Oe., Montréal, Wholeaale Agents. i~irs t n d' wifl F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office hours 11 a.m Overa Gos& raner!. Whiby W. B. YÂRNOLD, D. L. S.. Oount Surveyer and Dra.inage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, laVe with Langiey, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeinig exisoting structures. Office-First flat over W. R. Howse's ding store. 8ý*P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, HÂRNEIs MÂKER, WHMTY. Having moved into our new premises, we are prepared to end the range of business. AUl work pertaiig te the harness-making and saddlery business wil be done te satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Oall anddae my shop and stock W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shep. Dundas Street, Whitbhy JNO. NOB3LE, -DEALER IN ÂLL 'KINDS 0F- Lumber, ShIngles, Bsah, Doors and Biads, Tunaing and Frot.SawIng. SAil orders or information can be obtained fror» JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil. son's residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Whitbp . IJronidt, Esotablished 1856. $1 per annum lu advanoe, otherwlue $1.50. Subisouiptions alwaya payable at the office of publication. The publlqherr do net undertake te douive: tho paper ai any post, office but Whitby.' Any paper which tala te reaoh Lt destination will be replaced upon notification, a a matie: of courtesy. Âdvertluung rates unless by con- tract, 10 cents per lino, neupariel, firet in- sertion, and 5 oents per lino each subse- quent insertion Locals, 10 cents per lino. HENDBU8ON &à GBÂHÂM. Proprietors. JOHN STANTON, Poremaxi. GRAND TRUNK ÂND MIDLA1ND No 8, Express Dally Mml....... :48 am No, 5 Limited Express......... 6:24 arn No. 7, Lecal, excopt Sustdmy ..9«*0arna No. 18, Pasienger - ..2:64 P m 6Expreu, tMmii eeopt Sun .. &l0a N -2Expres, li.... 9:82 pin M1DtaAUD, DMg 5*1! Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial m6en liberally desît vith Teazuing doue at reasouable prices. Freight sud Bagga.fe hauled ai reasen- able prices. A os»l solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manuta.cturers' Life & Açoident Insurance Co., Toronto. Larg'est Capital Stock Lif e hnaurance Ce. On tise continent. Ninety «per cent, et aIl accumulations ef surplus is retnrned tetise policy holdens. All daims are pmid vithout delay or discount on proof u! dents 'or maturity of endovment Feb. lst, 98. Agent, Whitby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three montha I arn giviz3g special attention toe s>tients hemr a dis- tance. Amn still makmgn plates i.n rubber, 88, celluloïd *10. Gelf and silver filling werk orowniug by firit-elsas operatoresta the meut reasonable rates In the city. When in the oity cal lu and lot me oxa.m- ine your teeth. I make no eitra-charge. 0.H ELRIGGS, Dentiat. oi omtetocrner King mand Yon e t., Tront Nov. 8ih, 1 WB . WARNER., DEALER IN 0OAL LATH,9 CORDWOODY SOLE AGENT. in Whitby for the "Celebrat- ed" PLYMOUTH COAL. Office and lard just Eastof ,Uptown ¶gion. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ASK *YOfJfl STATIONER ME NW mIT Ï7 ÂPl J. B. POWELL, Tho" AVE A CAB-DI "I as afflete& Eheuin. Durini many medicine omrended, bu wa5s t lmet ad parîlla, by a fi must purchase accordluýg o di f esuasion, bo ok the contu Mles vithont 1ni Before I had my bauds were Free fromn as ever they w ILS that of a c. be eut in col vithout glove neyer returne< Stratterd, ont Ayîs Admit ed at THE TERROI A DISEASE 1 LIFE 0F ITS A Bufferer for : Vained Relle for Tiose Si Freintise Bownaî Tise editon of vus Mn. Jury, o! Stott & Jury, nel Wood, in ti] ton, for the pu: partienlare o! ai able cures happi use ef Dr. Will- Peeple. 1V wus tisus been reeai wlien thse novai "huis dmion ase s a 'brigisitestimo liame' Pink EUl tisoy did net sa~ BomG ,tiueyeai -upen-re in a i % -wih oeso! tise ~,than year, but ataiywonse. coat meVa dollar ndiiune, vas vers me ne geod. -Ti asI1wu groinI ter Vo try soea tisat unhes a ci doomed te live ty~,pic 8 11f. Xdoubbed i aesmod es ifsa la 1lthentàied«a cemmendod, for tisem]ýbrougisi t had so ofton eag Aolseved, by Dr. tusati. dotes-mini gotuia autpphy lu wae gone Iteu Ï oontinued Vise had taken eleven r eeovered.. Tisi Ago. andI haveî Art ber isbal takd geaVdi ~~ toea PikPille itheàAud tseys - wS&.eh TAKE NO"0tO -:49Ü4a 318* 1 over A- Gross & Grangers. Feb. Ist, 98. ý0- wmtby. 1

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