Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 8

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E[ellebore1 Paris Green and Copper Suiphate irardener and» Fruit Grower. Ohioride of Lime, Cama- phor, Moth Canaphor, Ineect Powder, Copperas and Carbolie Acid ror Spring House-Cleaning. T %%%%%%N%%%%%%% UGJST, 0 OSIIA WA.1 W. Wright CEteuffalo, lu vislg l sParents, -Mr. E. Bilhitagais spending a few à;»_ lauOss., awa. Fred May, of St. Paul. is'visiting hi$ parents bere, Mr. D,. Hepburn, of Dom. Bank, Toronto. 1s lu town. Miss Brintneil of Belleville lu visiting Misa Alice Butland. Mrs. and Miss Brigg et Toronto are vlslting Mrs. B. 1. Rogers. Harry Blamey. of Detroit. la vsiting hlm ftbr Mr. Geo. Blamey. abr Mr. A. A, Moses cf Toronto la tht guest cf Mr. Frank Butland. Miss Ella Whitney has gone te Niagara te spend the summer. Miss E. M. 1 ewIll of Batavia, la visitlng ber mother, Mrs. 1. Q. Guy. Misa F. Johnson cf Berinula apendlng her holidays with ber parents. Mr. Clarence French of Toronto, bas been spendiug a few days lu tcwn. Dr. MeBrien bas moved te the bouse on lately eccupied by gev. las. Prosser. Miss E. M. Luke and Miss Laing cf Mon- treal are spending their bhldays in towu. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. French cf Mitchell, art vUtlug frieuds ln Oshawa and vicinity. Mr. S. Luke, cf Ottawa, was ln town the be- ginning of the week, vslting bis father, Mr. Geo. Luke. IMr. W. L. Titua la lu teen lu the luteresîs cf HÂWA, JULY 19) 1895.J WR. Sulivan, manufacturer cf axIe cutiig O¶I-fAWA PAGE OBRAWA. BU78SINfssNOTC,- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business with-tht CHRoNICLE or may otain extra COPies at sny time, iÏrom E. E. Rogers. Farmers wiIl do well teoeial at M. E. I(ay's for boys' ready made clothing. If you wish a nice French china dinner-or tes ut, or anytblng in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to 9 B Morgan & Son. It will pay amy parties contemplating buy- lgan engagement or wedding ring te sec tIlarge stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will sei this montb very cheap for cash. Genuine dlamond 14K, only $5. They are "is making some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Se« thens. F'elt Bros. Ed. Baker cas ln town ou Mouday uight. Mr. E. Hunier bas returutd from tht city. Mr. P. I. Nicholson la vinug bis parents at "Miss MoGregor, AIment, la visitiug Mies I>sarlMcGIll. Mr. Walter Alguire, Brighton, cas lu îowu yesterday. Miss Walemm, Wbiîby, la visitiug ai Mr. Umileu Freuch's. Mr. Walter Macit ,Torontoiintw &a week's bebidays.fba Mrs. Walemm, Whiîby, speut last ceek lu tecu wtth ber faîher. Mn. B Seue and daughter, Rochester, are visit- Ing Mrm R. Wellington. Miss Clama Tap#le lti home ou Friday asat for a holiday ai Mukoka. Dit. Soper, part owner otîht Oshawa Railway, cas in teen on Monday. Mr. T. G. Whiifield aptut Sunday at Edel. colss Cottage. Osbawa-ou.the.lake. Mmi. R. O. Lac, Chicago. la visting Mr. sud Mm .Jas. Mackit for a tee ceeka. Mmi Taylor sud Mms Farqubarsn, et Ro- ýhetr, N. Y., are lu tecu fer tht sumier. M&r. sud Mms.Pester, cho bave been in bowu Wo a short hoIday, bave returutd home. Mmm. 1. Lot, cf Ntw Rochelle, New York, la tho gist et ber ululer, Mr%. James Shelton. The Womau's Warior Baud et tht Salvation Army ere lu Oshawa ou Saturday sud Suuday. M4m. Whitelaw. cf Cleveland, cas lu towu on Tuesday on business cennected witb ber estat Misa Cauglia returued on Saturday lasit ram Syracuse trc.m atteuding tht funeral cf ber sis- ter-in-law. Mm. (Rev.) McColsud oblîdren srrivtd ai dth Medcmit ai. Meibodist church parsouage on Thursday. Misa Anale Ellis, et the Mary ai. achool la sidng art cf ber vacation weuh ber aunt lu Faîber Lynch cf Niagara. Fatber Reddin, Tenonte, sud 'ather McCarty, et Belleville, wore the guesîs cf Faîber J eficoti bot cweek. It la understeod that tht trouble whicb cauatd thie dclay ia puttiug lu tht dîamond bas betu ar. ageti satîsfactery te boîh parties, sud i cl bo put ih nexi ceek. Then tht trolley ciii rau tote bay. Mr. B. T. Siemon. cf Osawsa bigh acheel, who bas been lu Haydeu for the past few weeks. bau reîurued te towu. Hoe wil leave ln a tew days for Mushoka lu company widi Mn. Stevenson, ef Perth ColegsteInsi. Brigadier J acoba, cho bas tutil rectatly betu lu charge cf the army work lu thé Maritinme Provinces. Nova Scetia sud Newteundland, sud cho la nec genemai aecretary for the Army iu th'oeinuien, ill couduot tht services in tht Army Barrants, Saiurdsy sud Sunday uett <plr soth sud axi, .Ht lsa s cedertul man ana thé *~ uIses oole may expect a ireat. It 15 ex- ecsd th:tIersJaoobs ciii aise accempany t IMisWm. Arnold dlaims that she ba hotu deserted by heu buaband. Ht seld tht fumniture te H. Scoît, telbug hlm hoe lahed in, aecure meney te take humself sud wife est et towu. Hlm wlfe did net suspect anytbing wroug as Amnod teld ber diat Scott cas euly moviug tht fumuture tom hlm itemuoi ber bouse and dld net hanow te the contrary ntil marof tht fitmitu, wua gene. Sho heard ta i- ad gvos ber bushanti a ride and, se abs follocot aller tbem. Slhe feunti Gibbs ai tht place wcerce vertu. Mad b told lher tisat ber huasuud b id loft ihm ai PvePoins, andi ho hadno lea che hovoent ftont <hrt. -AmulWa',brother lu tht ma ho eailfroin thet UI jeai ftsm assailud t em'--Wto oolItb àalle vire eau t Warbé& â u sses'd«g hmitFrlday Oc,ýtb~e1*gipb vires brootssud d tisa kll*, 0 (me macf ila rchin'g th 'lb. - sowhtig. aw gdog came 11h s vM mhpornat ahidrl r-cee-det r"i thse naturof,.*aî wlr e Medt, m a my mpdsed dog. la bla im ai- p 441 fis.bu*ot blaisif ncaseatUgls uWeg metesr.but ho smade sem acts 0oftlo xi b musi it bfisd Use virs. mep4, L Rédldaeht 4P toekmua"y Wg5ol*roabout <bat vire, batel, t id mu, owl tseM«« mcv, as o bas bio Wsveei by t1% vèq vitubluse" oeortobewal bi ,4bibbwty-t edevti au AItb Ofo Mr. Allan McLean, science master in the Richmond Hill bigh achool, is spending the vacation in town. Miss L. lames, of Tronto, who bas been vsiting ber mauy frienda la Oshawa. left on Monday for Peterbore H. Sandersen, of Maxwell's drug store, bas rtturued from Lindsay aud vicluity where he bas been speuding biz vacation. Tht L-adies Aid Society cf the Simcee st. Methodist church aie holding a lawu social on Prospect Place tbis (Frlday) evtning. Messrs. R. McCaw, A E Henry, Dr Rat, È Pect, A R McLean, Dr Kgisar, and 1 S Beaton art in Toronto atteuding Masouic Grand Lodge. L. K. Murton, Esq., bas heen appointed a delfgate te tht Supreme Court of the Indepe. dent Order of Foresters, te be held lu Londion, Eug., durlug August. He lefi for tht old sod yesterday. Wm . Bambridge, a former resident of Oshawa, sud who atter learniug tht printing business in Toronto, went te Victoria BC0. te reside, was drowned there ou Monda afternuu. Deceased was a relative cf Mr. W m. Bambridge, cf ibie towu. Tht trolley cars sîopped running ou Friday during tht electric storm hecause tht lightnmng arresters bave net yet been put lu sud they are necessary te proteci tht plant at the power' bouse. Tht previeus electric storm burutd two couls oui of tht g-.nerator sud it îook the elec- trician nearly ail nigbt te malte repaira. Wben the system la completed tht trolley cars wiI ru through all kiuds cf weather sud tht generators wdli be sait tram hartu The blaze lu tht Sykes & So's platng mill was net detected untitii bad burned îbrough tht roof sud get ou tht inside cf tht building. Al- bert Sykes bad occasion te go ie thé loft when h. found the place falled with smoke. Ht cal- led te Arthur Kemp, wbo seized a -ready fire extiuguisber, " reachtd the roof sud tumutd tht contents ou tht blaze, wbich was ai euce extia- guished. There la uething surer than that tht ire extinguisher saved the proptrty from total destruction. lames Linton of Park Farm was playlgtht part cf amnateur constable last wtek. Hte bas been bothtred considtmahly of late by boys ater gretn peas. At first he merely dreve theni off bis farm, but soon fouud eut that be would have. to devote al bis time te watch bis pea fieldis. Ht concluded te malte an txaiuple et seme, se he brougbt twe boys deen te Chiet Haluan, who allowed themtu t go mter giviug thetu fair waruiug ot ebat ty might expeciwere tbey ever maught at te mme work agalu. The Oshawa Railway Company bave secured tht use of tht buildings sud grounds of Mr. W. H. Thomas on Simcoe fit. Thepremises eil be put iu shape at once as car sheds, offices &c. Tht lots extnd back te Albert atreet, sud will be used for % coal sud woad yard. The cen- pauy art very fortunate lu securlng such a ffin location for their headquarters. h las rumo ihat Mr. Thomas wiul ereci buildings suitable for bis livtry business ou the lot botwetu Gib- soa's jewellry store sud McCaw's biocok. Tht Trac Blue lodgt la trying te arrange for a démonstraion ou Civic Holiday. Thty bave been soliciting subscriptions tram tht towus- people, sud if they secure euough money to as- sii îhem we will bave a good day's sport. 1< bas been seme uirne since ce bad any amuse- ments on a holiday, and if is to be haptd the True Blues cili be successful. We trust they ciii have better weaîher than did the Citlzeus' committee whicb got up a iaî cf july celébration some f bree years aga. aud after poatpouiug tht eveuts some îwc or three trnes on acctofte main bad te give up tht idea. t petition bas been circulaîed ameng tht business tutu te have the holiday ou August 9. Tht advertisement for tenders for tht recon- structien cf tht Medcalf ai. Methodist ehurGh brought lu tenders that exceeded tht restrictions placed upon tht buflding committeetot such au exteut that tht building will not go on. A promi- neut member cf the Màedcaif at. cburch saad, that wiuh tht pressing nectssity for lncreased ac- commodation usunethiug could bave te bu doue, and ho was strongly impressed that union with Simcoe ai. Methodsti church cas the best solu- tion te tht difficuhty. A member of the saine church Wmd îlan censideriug the influence te bu witldtd iIý tht cemmunity by a united M.etho- dism, them wcasmSclito e esaid lu lave t oee chumcliasd oeecongreation. A fariner ho attended thse Columubus ansi- veraary daid the Oshawa rsillay cas diucussedo sud net attew cho ewn spirlted herses saad that radier dian ..risk meng te trolley car they could do thei îaing liter Mi Whuby or Bec- manville. Tht ocacrs of herses ciii flutithat their animais cii readily adapt theinulves te the trolley, snd mter meenug It once or twce puy ne attention to it. &W since this feeling la abrcSd it l u agUMent la tavor of exteudiug Mary st. srti sudetwîard te taterseet Simoot st. nordi of the car tract, sud te opta Albert st. te the depot. li ho b necessary for thetoten te provide tlioroughfazeuif those cie brade hmr go elsechere, radier dieu use thoue already pro. E E ROGsas. Osiava 8 tacomm otr EkVIOXUET, barbe. Sinies tad BOOKS' UVEEZ Stases 5ba$a sortIs. WM. EOLPK Iýb&em =&W,, ~.Sinises sht,1 T. B. MOTMEUM L.- btcher, Mug 8>,f4Wà.* Du. ?AMueow, non"lS; Qeorvi aws' A. J. O=Ms.Vuâapnawv p am a Q .a. land, Oace à - E.IIL oar-6Mrin r ore ea, o5hins ooksrlt, wbnwmr, "a*slnoy C ure Te"& ehe*apt -Bos'resdy made suits a ÂUCTM sBÀr2n-Tb, aubsoriber wlaI n Osh aw% ait the oenial Rotai, Pridsy of each MOUSwit Patieswiaingte ha"esasles. F. B]' L»euT oN-The lbading tailorinfi sd gent.' tnrnishlng housof Osaswa. Mpl1hdd asortment of tweeds, worstedaý tÏOwSeriu<B ahirta, collars, etc, alwaya k.p N'ELT Bi - Watobmnakers sud Jewelor Der nies uwstohes, clocha, jewelery, ailver- WL'UIetacles, etc. Engrsvlng, gold and aiblpiting-,andeold gl rngsmade ever. Pine watob, oloeh, snd jeweisry repafrlng a SpeOislty. OaxÂuw RoLZ.na ILLsT-Âtitentlon of farinere la dlreoted te feed ohoppin no'w osrried on d9ily St 5- par bag. Cefeb rated Jewel brand cf IlOnr, beat InCana"a, aold by a&l firt-ols greceraIn Whilby aud Osawa, sud at our M111a. Oampbefl & White. Evu"Nao & Hawms~ - Importera and dealers in farier', manufacturera' and heusefurnisb- lng auppien. Manufacturera of Unware. Bave- trcughng and other oontraotlng dons. Fur- uscea chandeliers ad lampa. A stock of bicycs kept on hsnd. CADUDI. Mrs. W. Watson, cf Peterboro, improviuig. Very little if any improvement in the condition cf Mr. and Mrs enry Gibson. Master David Watson, cf Peterboro, bas been visitlng amoug Cartwright fneuds. Mrs. Wate, of Port Hope, is visitin at ber father's, Mr. T. D. Williamsen, Maple Villa.T Mr. Peier Hoît bas been on the sick list. Fisb, cf Blackstock, director cf ruedical cere- monies. Blacksmnithing business, under the supervision of Mr. Robert McCullougb, bas beeti for seme time first-rate. Say what we like, thiuk what we wlll, Tbere's a good demand for Fish among us sti; He'a driviug uortb. and south, and west aud east, And if its bard on hlm, is worse on bis beast. But be atands it well, witbouî s doubi. And la bearty leokiug, plump sud atout; And lu spite cf hurry sud cf dash, Stilîl proudly out wavta bis moustache. Let Sharpe's many customers be ready te ap- preclatively recewve the fresh supply cf goods soon te be introduced luto bis well known aud commodicus emporium. Report bas it that he was eftered $ro.ooo for store, stock sud alI oui- buildings, public sud privat, land sud wood; ofler net accepted. Every day hears empbatic testimony te tbe trutb et tht Scriptural declaratlon, "Lu the midsî cf lite we are in deatb ;" sud eue more sulem ansd ssddeuing proof bas been given, iu tht case .ef Mr. Thomas McQuade. On2 Wed- nesday. the 3rd, we drove w.th hîm te Lotus, sud ou tht Tbursday or Friday followîug, be re- ceived injuries by beiug throwu from the cart while cirivng ou the rsi cou., of Cartwrigbt. He was cenveyed te bis home sud medical aid sum- moued in tht person cf McKibbon, of Black- stock,, sud Brerton, cf Bethany ; but lu spite cf tbtar skili, sud the assiducus care, watcbfuluess and attention cf moîher, wlfe sud frends, death supervened on tht aftteoon cf thter xtb. The Saturday following. tht body, followed hy a very large funtral procession, was conveyed te is last restnng place lu tht buryiug grouud cf St. John's churcb. COUETICE Eva Sauders, Pickering, la visiiing friends here. dLucy Lander visited Miss Littlejobus, 'Sumryous" recently. Ethel Hall, tocu, cas tht guest of ber aisier Mrs S S Brooks, lasi week. Messrs Aif Tuckem sud Bolton, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mm L;M Courtict's. Mm sud Mrs R F Richards spent a day or îwe cith friends.-in Orono recenîly. Florence Courtice lia returued from a visit te, Little Britain, accompanied by ber cousin, Anule Alun. Emily A Courtice ciii -leave with' a pIes- saut party et tourists for Europe ou Friday sund ciii sojouru lu Englanti for s few menths citi relatives lu Devonshire. COLUMBUS. Mes R Ashton, cf Emsdale, la home ou a visit. Mary Roberta is home for ber suimmer bolidays. A number cf our young men bave tgken ta bicycling as a meaus cf recreation.. On Saturday lait Richard Ashton in jump- ing frotu a buggy slipped sud feil, disiocat- ing bis elbow. S Tiuk, cf Albert callege, Belleville, sud JT Guy, cf Agricultural coilege, Guelph, are homne for holidays. A fotball match cas played on anniver- samy day beteeu the Maple Leafs sud Columbus teatu, resuluiug in i te o for tht Maplie Leais. A meeting te reorganixe: tht Columbus football club cill be held next Saturday uight., Al cishing te join please bear ibis iu mimd and be present. Rev J B McLaren left iast week fer Boston as a delegate of tht county te tht Christian Endeavor convention. His place cas filled Sunday by Rev. Mm. Eatman. The efforts te, organise a Mutual Insurauce company bas been successful. Risks te the vatue cf $Su,,ooo have been pledged, sud officers elected. Tht headquarems ciii be ai Columbus. .Azuong meet visitors ce notice S Rob- erts, Miss Sheppard, Hamilton, at Mm. E Ceeuis; Miss L McLaren, Toronto, at John McKeuzie's ; RobtAshton, Novar, sud C Roberis, Haveieck, ai home. 8»WURANVLLE. Mr H H Saauders, et OWen Sound la home. Mm. . S. SeukIrer, cf Perth, is guest cf E. W. Loscombe. Mrs R R Loscembe bas been guet tof mm G M Clark, Cobourg. Mr Clare Williams bas been visitlug frienda in Cobourg snd Port hope. Mm. H. J. Kaigit will i slg at a concert in Cobourg on Mtgust 6th. Mr M 1) Wlllamm waa in Port Hope ever Suaday guest of Mr John Curtis. Miss Lotte Robinso tacher at Hunts- villé, MItakoka, bas Lesa vlasit sgMiss joblin, # Mr AnIsai cCIelIaa *OfGatsanoque, bas benvsiii bis grandêter, Jas XcCIsUlau Mr T. Hatberly sud family -wete the, gutats cf iu Geo Marlow on Sunday laît'. . Miss Sarah Byers was vlsiftmg at ber sis.. ters, Mrs C Sanderson, on Sunday and Monday. C Lott and faniily bave returned hume, after spending their holidays with their friends. Mr A Raham's new bouse is at a stand still at present, waiting on marnons and painters. Herb Sanderson is home spending his holidays with friends here and elsewhere. A Rose was vlsiting friemds at Lindsay last week. It bas been reported that Robert Bailey and Teasdale Whitefield have purchased a new steam threshing machine from tht Waterloo Co. Opposition is tht life of trade. Peace bas been 'proclalmed at tht south end store. For some timie past it bas been disturbed by unlawful frequenters and pro. perty destroyed, but when tht 1mw was go- ing to be enforced the fight was on tht other side. Ou Friday morning a horst and cart came into our village bearing two objects, wbich afterwards was found te be two human beinga. They stayed for a short time and tben starteco fer Pontypool. After Soingtabout two miles ont cf them teither feil rom ht cart or was thrown eut, and lay in tht bot sun for many heurs, and when found bis legs were paralized. Dr., McKib- bon, cf Blackstock, was called and pro- nounced it a very serious case. This should be a warning te many others. Mr. Bummel, of Port Hope, speut a few days at Mr F Glover's, Miss M Trewin, of Lindsay, is visiting ber cousin Miss Ida Kerr. Miss Sheppard, cf Hamilton, is visiîing ai tht home cf ber uncle Mr E Colt. Mr Thos Conlin. who bas been ill with bemerrhage cf tht siemach, is recevering. Tht crcp prospects are fairly good. Tht straw is short but tht grain promi.sts te filî fairly well. Mr C Fox, cf New Hamburg, bas reîurn- ed home after speudiug a few days at bis uncle'r, Mr J Lee. Mr Harvey Kerr, wbe bas been ilI for some time, bas been suflering greatly fromn heart disease duriug tht last week. Rev Mr Allen gave bis second sermon on Suuday and strengtbened tht good impres- sion be made tht Suuday before. Quite s social time was spent at Mr. Jehn Lee's, Breck farm, on Friday last in cele- bration cf tht 39tb anuiversary cf their wed- ding. Their childreu, grand cbildren and friends from the city were preseut. EAYDEN Miss Zella Brimacombe, tewu, la visiting friends bere. Mr. Thomas Cowling and. Mrs T Mount- jey are sick. Messrs. Elias Ashton and Wm. Brima- combe spent Suuday ai Columbus. Mrs E T Siemon is home frere Toronto very littlt impreved by ber stay there. Mr aud Mrs W H Creeper sud Miss Annie speut Sunday witb Newcastle frienda. Rev. T H Andlerson created a favorable impression on bis appearance bere Suuday. Mr. Albert and Miss Ida Moore and Mr sud Mrs Woodley spent Sunday at Solina. Miss Ethel Washington sud Messrs H Rundle, A Aunger sud F Moore, cf this place, wrete ou tht departmental examina- tiens. Tht long job cf gravelliug on tht second concession, whicb was taken by Mr. John Ashton, is now nearly completed. Tht job was much needed sud bas been faithfully ptrformed. Some time last spring Mr. John Kirton hirtd William Thorburu cf Sonya te work for him during tht present summer, but for some reasoni or other tht partutrship bas been dissolved and Will bas quit. Tht va- cant position is te be filled, we believe, by Mr. John Ferguson, cf ibis place. Many men are driving about in old look- iug, weaîher-beaten buggies ihat a dollar's worth cf paint would make as good in ap- pearance as svben it was new. But this sort cf man is -neî John McCully. jack bas everhaiiled sud repaiuted bis buggy, sud it now shines witb a lustre that ia second te noue lu tihe entire neighborbood. Jack la eue cf the few men we meet wbo can always set into tht fitntss cf tbings. Tht bard grouud of tht present season bas reudered fence building an exceediugly difficult task, but lu spite cf this object Mr. Robt. Brabazon sud James Waddell have been pushing on this work. Tht former bas built a new road feuce ffor s- considerable distance sotxth ýof town, while the latter la construcîing, a new lane fence froni bis barn te tht road. Thte xample of these men is worthy cf imitation, as geod fences are a convenieuce as well as au evidence of a pro- gressive sud tbrifty farmer. Correction. I kindly ask you, Mr Editer, te correct tht report that some evil disposed persons have been trying te circulate te, thte ffect that .Mr George Rose was tht author cf tht article which appeared iu tht CHRONICLE sud Daily, Mail a &kw weeks ago iu refereuce te a visît' te bis faimu. We feel a correction due Mr Rose, frein the fact thai we were greatly ebliged te hlmsand Mrs Rose for their klndh mess ln gîilg us tht information sud par- ticulars asked fer without amy knowledgt whatever that it would appear ip public print. Sabbath Dosecatlea For a ftc days t<c euunin sud Barre have item <ith Jaes 4 ei, and oit Su.ndi tco strangers lun company Wl camne drivmg nup furiouslyapn Pau a lUme or tour or llvè rips Ingto burh. heroad wi ed iRobin tss of, TUE ARCADEU 1M11131 CI'earillg Sar Every lune of Goods, at îE prices neyer so low for high class goods. CASH ONLY. Tho:. Millar £ :on:. Gall at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel B,5 A ISr GE IS -AT- $ 50.00. AJso hie COAL ORL and GAS STOVES -PRO Mtv $5.50 to $25-000 Grand Trunk Railway. Excursion to Portland, Me., Halifax, N. S., St. John's, N.B., Moncton, N. B., and St. Andrews, N. B. Tickets good going July 25th, 26th, 27th and valid to arrive back at starting point on or before August ioth. RATES. Oshawa te Portlarid, Me............ $z6 6o Oshawa to St John, NB, or Moncton, N B, via Quebec or Portland and Inter- tional SS8Co ................... $17 60 Oshawa to St Andrews,'N B, via Port- land and steamer ................. $176oi Osbawa te Halifax. NS, via Quebec or Portland and International S S Co.. $ic8 6o Stop over will be allowed within tht limtit of tickets at Quebec, Portland and tast thereof only. For tickets and ail information cail at Office opposite the Post Office, W. E. DYER, e e eOSHAWA OFFiocE. * Bale Block, just north of the post of- * fice. Inspector of Agencies of Aid * Savings & Lggn Co., Toronto. Agent * .Il Sun T 4L U, Aa iiran F fnm i Corporation cf LoNDON, ENG. L "k ro. 'The ioseph Hall Machiîneworks, -191TABLISRED 1857.- 1~ Is that we are making of Rings. It's equal Is flot to be found in tht county. Here you can have a stock to select frons tha: is prac- tically limitless. Among the beautiful and really artlaic things are our 1,5k Ruby and Pearl Set Rings. _$à@Engagement and Wedding Rings si specialty. N. B. -A new lie of Silverware just open- ed out, at 9b.. .. .* B OY D's jew elry Store. KING, STREET WEST,-. OSHAwA. DO YOU DRINK TEA? Let us assume as a fact tlat you do. We neary al do. The great essential, therefore, is to know where to get the best TEA for the least money. JAPAN TEA-We have just purchased from a whoesale Tes House, 25 pack- ages of fine Japan Tes at very close figures. It is equal in quality to any 5oc. Tes on the market today. We are offering it at the very low price of 25c. per lb. or 5 Ibo. for $1.10. This is an excellent bargrin. Cali and get a sample and try it. W' We want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and other farm produce, for which we Beaton's Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, G-ýOS HAWA.--D Leather 8teadily Advanolng. Wholtsaie prices for footwear are 2o per cent higher. Our immense stock is sellng fast at old prices. Save money by buying yeur shoes at once. The oppertunity will»oon paso. Ont price to ail. Cash dewln. SU- Our rate of profit is therlowest in this. district. Jr KERFS US POOR.j We have always a general and varied stock to select* fromi-latçst desiis and finishes. Prices right Undertaicing department fully stock- ed, sud embslming accordingto Iatet methods. * e ptl an stî- Picture framiisg PEA H&RVESTERS. Threehing Mahm, Te Leather aud ]Rubber .fleItir Endleiss Rubber BeIts o -for ail joNU0ý Dé. X4 Tbp,- E. -pa8~ Fo: class et N< Mh «161 Capi capi JOHN REU w-y-. Ph leg OFFICti 1 Oshawa, Ontario. STERICKER'S

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