Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 2

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KŽTOWLDGB MIng. oomfort and Iniprovement a$ "tnst. porsonal enjoyxnenb ivhev rightly use&. The many, who live beL. fie than others and enjoy lif. more, with »oss Spenditure, by m'ore promptly idaptîng the worId's beet producte to téeeda of physical being, will attn thé 'value to heaith of tho pure liquid laxtive principlos embraoed in the. Zmeody, Byrup of Fige. Its excellence is due te, Ita presentlng IUthe forni most aoceptab' e and plea.- siitto the tante, the refreahing and truly bênofloia properties of a perfect lax- Ativo ; effEctually cleansing the ayster, "diPeling co:ds, beadachies and foi ors Md4 1ermanenlly curing c 'e8tiDation. It basîgiron satisfaction to nilflions and met wth tho approval of Lb. medical Profession, bocause it sets on the Kid- n" r, Iàver and Bowels witbouut weak- ening hêm a nd i t in pe rf ec t1y fre. froni *m.ery objecti>onable su b8tai, ce. Isyrup of Fige'i. for saleo by aildrug. gisté in 75c. 'boles, but iL isn manu- facturr-d by the Ciiiiforiia Fig Syî up) CO. ouily, wbose namo is printed on ery paekage-, also the name, S,-vri!p of Figs, suMi ng wohl in)foriedi, you wilI flot soept ily substitute Ozào~r.a. AYER'S Hair VIGOR Reatore. natu color to the hair, andadsloo prevents H. W. Fenwtck, of Digby, X. a., Baya: than two yea.ag> - to uim one bnttie of Ayer's flair Vigor my hair waïL restored to its original color and ceased faliing out. An occasional application bas since kept the hair in good condition.-Mrs. IL P. FENWICK, Digby, N. S. UGroth of fair. 10CiEight years ago, I had the vario- id, aid lost my hair, which previ- ously m-as quiite abundant. 1 tried a variety of- preparations, but with- out beneficial resuit, tili 1 began to fear I should be permanently bald. About six rnonths ago, my husband brougut home a bottie of Ayer's Hlair Vigir, and I began at on ce to use it. In a short tirne, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as tli' 'k a prowth of !:ras Ihefor#' mv liss' lirs. A. Wr::LIlyninia ht., New I: :,La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PRIARED BY OR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL MASS., U . J Auer'a Pille cure Sick Headaeae. CORRESPONDENCE ZEPHýYZ. Mr. H. Pickering commeuced bar- vest on the îotb. A number of clover machines are al- ready busy. Miss L. Dafoe is spendiug ber holi- days at ber brother's, Mr. J. Dafoe. Mr. Henderson, our school teacher, wus in town last Wednesday night. giv- ing instructions to the baud boys. ",he fine lu the bush south of Zcphyr is stilb burniug. h lias already run from the 3rd concession to the 4th. A uew way of killing potato bugs la to knock them off the tops into the sand and it wibl scorcli their feet off, which prevents thena climbing up again. Mr. Cook's saw-mull le running again. A few days ago heliad to shut down for want of water, but by the addition of auother well he lias been able to start agai a. Soinethinbg new for Zephyr-preach- Ing in t e thodist churchevery Sun- day evening. ,I1think it would bcad- V1îsb1eto hgave tii.ChrisÜ»as ndavOr *Oàe %ýthrugb h ti.e k so asto JuaSt.a fe* u let fr<m is for a Ion g iffle- with cancer. They came out fromESngland and set1lédi this neighborhood, where they havd lived ever sitice. Mr: Hutt was eightyý one years old. He was a inember of the Methodist church, in which he took an active part, and both by bis words ànd life always left an impression foi' good. * On Friday his remains were brought fromn Queensville and laid in Zephyr cemnetery. The burial service was conducted by Rev. G. Dewey. UXBRIDOGE. Mr. R. F. Harman .,-as in Lindsay this week. Mrs. T. Tod of Bowmanville is visit- ing in town. Rev. Mr. Manning joins bis family under canvas this week at Beaverton. Messrs. T. \V. Chapple, M. P. P., and E. J. Breen. of Uxbridge, were registered at Strawhcrry island a few dax-s ago. It is neported that MNI. James Dur- ward of Greenbank had bis hand cut off by accident a few days ago. An- other report stated that lie only had a finger cut. We hope the latter is the correct une, if either is Correct. Nover Botter. An idea of Mlanitoba's crop prospects max' be had from an item in the Car- man, Man.,- Standard Of JulY 4th, which stated that they had received a sample of wheat oven 3 feet high and well headed out, and that prospects for a fine crop wene neyer better. Death of a Hors.. The well known trotting stallion, Capt. Waters, owned by Mn, AlexE On july Ot a main îmid' TbOM'a MXoqùado of1auvers,Ql1knownia $àaewnileiid sayof, hacople of booù oompauions oi e t.o owmaievle, lvhere Sa Pretty good cargo 01 whiskey wua taken aboard. Thé trio then drove te Ballyduif, and spent some time in oaroubing and drinking. At a laie heur the. horé. wus headecf for Burton, and the followin dyMcQuad waa found on the roadmidiii a dying condition. Hie' body wae covered with bruiees, and there was ove~ indication that the unfortuný ate man7ad met with rougli troal ment. Hoe died Wedneday afteruoon. An in quest waa hold, wo understaud, but we have been unab:e to learu tho resuit. Natnrally the affair is causing muel talk througbout the township and further in- Berlous acident. Tuesday afternoon last master RoY Wood, the 4 yoar-old son of Mrs. Wood, Skitch'e t.erraoe, wag playing with a number of companions on the roadway at the weet outrance to the Wolîngtoi2-st. bridge. What started in fun ended in a scufflo. Que of the lads struck at Roy with a stick and he jumped back to avoid tho blow. Just at this moment Dr. Hlerriman drove np and Roy was under the horse, foot before the doctor could briug tho animal to a standstill. The cbild was picked up, whon it w&8 found that he had sustained a fracture of the lofi thigh, abovo tho knoe. lhiesuppoBed the horse stepped on the lad's Iimb. Dr.j Herriman at once convoyod the littie sufferer to hie mothore reuidence and set the fracture. The horse w&8 walking at the timo, drivon by the doctor's boy, and no danger was euspeot.ed until too laie to -s' u a OAons Aavoid tho ufrtnateacidn htlstabes, Uuora, Tuesday monn- On viglatwesthsemr ing. He was taken with an attack of Quevnnlatwkstesemr inflammation in the night. Some per- Esturion wae about puiliog out from the son in the hotel heard it and discover- b wor wharf, on ber down trip, a sligbt - mishap occurred that caused not a litile ing that it was sick got Veîeinary commotion amnong the passengors on Williams from Sunderland, but the board. Packing blew ont cf somo of the animal died in a few bours. It is a mxachinery. a.lowing the steam to escape serious loss to the owner, with a rush, aud in a fow moments the Rak the= np. lower part of the boat was fiUod with A few bours' work on Brock street, sceam. Iu thoesmoking cabin wae one raking the loose stones to the centre of our loading hotel.mon, a bank clerk and breaking them, would greaîly im- and a Rentleman of leisure, and îhey w-, e prove the coniforts ut travelling over Juut about te sui do A~n to a social Rpcuî-» the street. Bicycli.ý;s suifer the most, of pedro, whou one of the seats b1096 Ilp and t i a ondr sme ire hae nt with a bang and the cabin was white wîitli and isa wnde sum ties avenotteam in !oue timne thian it takes bo te 1i t been punctured the!re. but riders in Tehtlmnyle o oeoet other vehicles also no)ticýe the unplea- punch a bobe in the ceîliug aud lot the santness of bumî.ing over stones that steam oui, but didu't waiît t to see the have no excuse to be scattered aIl over order executed. He joined bis compan- the street. However. even if bicycîists ions in a rush for the end of the boat were the only suiferers. tbey are suffi- from where the trio hoped to reaoh the cientl>- numerous to dcserve consider- dock, but the end of the steamer had ation wben reads are being repained. swnng ont elightly, and this was fonud Iseems to the riders that the road impossible. It was thon prot-oued Wo committee have neglected this matter jnmp iuto the river and swim ashore, but too long. this proposition died almost init s birth, H1ýUi.d back. and they stood their ground, Ilamid A yong an ged23, romFenlonment aaguiuh and bodily fear." In thé A yong an ged23, romFenlonmeantuno there was a humred soamper Falls, was arrested at Uxbnidge by by the rest of the passengeru to shore by Chief Wright last Tbursday and taken way of the gang plank. Pureer Diament to Lindsay by Chief Bell, charged witb had to see a man suddenly a-shbe, the. seduction under promise of inarrage. gallant captain turned a shade palet, County Magistrate Deacon offered to wbile the stalwart eecretary treasurér of let him out on bail and give bim one the Toronto Street Railway Co. (linited) week in which to get married, but he graoefully souuuht shelter behind the i was not able to obtain bail and iu con- freight shed. The chiof engineer was off sequence was taken to gaol. Chief .1he boat at the ticae, but assistant engi- Bell procured a marriage license and it neer Howe took the maLter cooly, sud was expected that the pair would be soon had the eeoaping steam ebut off and married Fniday nigbt. overything in ship shape order again. The wishap caused a delay of a couple of A Boss Fro-Catoher. bourg- watchman. Last week a party of Uxbnidge fisher-_________ men sent down for some frogs for bait, to be sent up with another of the party T<tt'ua by the evening train. AccondînglyA GIA IN IV II steps were tî.ken to secure the frogs. A man was found who said he was a dandy frog catcher, and undertook to secure a supplv in good tîme. H e ne- turned after three hours' absence with nary a f rog and the simple excuse that .when he wenî to catch them they jumped in the water!"f The frogs were consequently not sent that night, but next day three litîle boys wenî down to the samne pond and landed i150 in less than an bour. Small frogs are said to be great bait for black bass. Scott InsUranoe Amocua. A meeting of Scott people intenested in fonming au insunance association was hebd at Sandford on the iotb inst. It was decided to proceed at once witb the formation. of tbe society and as a finst necessary step tbe following offi- cens were elected :-President, John Thompson ; sec-Treas, Wm. Nelson. Directors (representing every poling division in the township), G. A. Smith, M. Riseboro, Richard Rynard, Wm. McLeod, Arch. Reid, J. Graham, James Cook. ,James Quigley, Joseph Barton, C. Wren. The necessary amount of insurance to star-t with ($uoo.ooo) lias been secured and as soon as a license is received from the governinent the association will be ready f.-r busintss. The directonslicld a meeting at 2 P. M. on Saturday, July 2oth, at the township hall.-Journai. ThéelacrSse maW tche tiagricultura park T'asday afterno<m, between thé Lndeay Centris aMd the. Port Poery tueni resubted iu na sy viotory for the home tesn. ITégame *AaudiK 4 te -O in taarrdetLin4ay. PIay l1s4d just « miutm. A aliIht fracastook place du- lug th».pm., but w.qu *Iy ai japprm*4 sat Mré Of th#é visItMM. * rd a mul &àlVfui nrht.hid* lut. 'war 'un _jb__- w ~%V 3 UE L Fast For Coton Diam*ond andc Mixed Dyes Good& The OnIy orn- vet. Dys on the Market that Make Fa"t anmd Uufadlng Mlized Gods(i2clo) are triumphs f wcum~ Ile7 are neu- and le- lescontrofleby ]DiamondDys and are i n l IA~ nooherna e )II color mrgoo<is than otiir paka eisa and mate coorathat are absoluoWy &tettoz' and washing. Be sme that on et Past Dia. mond Dyea for Cotton and rMimed Goods, as they excel ail others. Bld ever7where. 1Urm a BbksuUfmt MMuIple1 c lorel chik bus. MARUMÂU. Thé Ontario Medw ca ouncilbasde-' cd.ed te raise thei standard for matrien- lated ýmédical students. lu future they will bave te takeo a jui peau Ours" at the~ Governmeut depuatuieutAl exainatio»a withu.oud.claa. honoe, or shw Ir- Lifcat 1r~ison, sconlsed univeuity 'As Mr. Jas. Duncan and 'daughter, of near AginoourI, -on Buàday night luat, the l4th inat., were returning from atteniding ehuroh at Agincourt about 10 e'clock, they drove iute tihe driving houa.e, and af ter unhitohing Mr. Dunoan waa bring. ing the hors.eout when the. floor gave way, preeilbitating hina, horse, covered buggy and sundry other thingu into the cellar benoath, xnaking a general smash. up. Mr Duncan had hie log and a rib broken and was otberwi-se bruised. Mise Duncan had juet stepped out of the driv- ing bouse wben the floor gave way. She rnanaged to get ber father oui -Econo- mist. Deceased had fiends in the city, the family of Mn. George Hewson, 71 Pal- merston avenue, and she often visited there in her holidays, but this summer she had not written themn of lier inten- tion tQ go there and tbey knew no- thing of lier presence in the city until yesterday moruing, wlien Mrs. James sent a message asking them to corne to the Bellevue avenue ho-use. Before they arrived the girl was dead, and ar- rangements were being made for the shipping of the body to Utica, the doc- tors having certified tliat she had clied from'penitonitis. Mr. Hewson was not satisfied, however, tliat everythiug was ail riglit and lie communicated with the police, who i turn uotified Dr. Johinson, the Coroner., From his pre- Iiminary iuquiry the doctor thougkht a fuli linestigation should be nmade, and, accordingly ordered an lnqum't, as sts.ted above. The principâl réasoa aýppariztlv c i i s r t c I i ai ki a al bg El bt 1 1 il M tue council fur 1 attenon. tr:MisGlfla, o Rec.enlit visins:MissGFTil, oWf, tn H.alt r; MnE.. iTs riloc. tewn a n.J. E.L. Chle's; Mr. J. atrs;inMa.dfrdAshtown, at nl, J, J. ters; Mn. FreAshawnfea, atH J. Wards; H Fissiaer, lOshaw, at H T. Wilcox's. The annual meeting of the Sunday school executive was held on Tuesday evening. The reports frôm the differ- eni ofhicers shows the average attend- ance being much ahov-e that of former years. The following officers were ap- poinîed: Supt., Jos Clatworthy; Ass't Supt, A. 1. Crydeninan; Sec'y, F. J. Groat; Ass't Sec'y, Mliss Laura Salter; Treas, C. Johns; Librarians, C. H. Burrows, F. Cryderman; Organists, Miss Mary Jane Ellioît, Miss Gertie Brown, Auditons, T. J. Clark, H. Elliot; Teachers, C. Johns, F. T. AI- lin, A. B. Cryderman, Mrs. Howard, Miss Ward, E. Brown, C. Horn, Miss Tuesday's Toronto Globe contain5 the following; An inquest wilI be helé at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the un- dertaking establishment of Edmund -J. Humphrey, 407 Queen street west, by Coroner Johnsoni, upon the body ol Sara M. James, a young school-teacher from Utica, near Myrtie, Ontario Coun- ty, who died yesterday at Mrs. Qoher- ty's boarding-house, 49 Bellevue avenue, under circumstances which ap- pea.r to cail for investigation. Con- tlicting atonies are told concerning the case by those connected wiîh it, but the facts apparently are as foliows: For the past three years deceased bad been teaching school at Corbetton, a village in the east riding of Grey, where she was a great favorite and highly esteemed by the villagers. While there she made the acquaintance of Albert Somerville, a well-to-do young farmer of the neighboring vil- lage of Banda, in Simcoe Counîy. The acquaintance ripened until they be- came engaged to be unarried, Miss James having in the meantime broken off a previous engagement with a young catie dealer of hier own village. When the scbooi term clo-sed this midsummer the girl visited ber fiancee's home for a week or ten days, and then started for hier own home, arriving in Toronto en route on Tuesday, the 9th nst., two weeks ago to-day. Here she wa.s taken iii and was unable to pro- ceed; she stayed over, and went to Dr. Lehmann's surgery, 164 Spadina avenue, for treatment. Dr. Lebmann states that from bier symptoms as de- scribed to him bie prescribed for threaî- ening inflammation of the bowels, and she left. She was an entire strariger to liim, and came to bis office unan- rxounced. From there she went to Mrs. Doher- :y's, 49 Bellevue avenue, where she ap- peared to, rally for a day or two, but to- wards the end of the week got worse again. Dr. Lehmann saw ber again, and about the beginning of last week, lie says, he first suspected that she had not given him a correct statement of her condition, and told bier so. She theu admitted that sbe was enciente, and upon examination he found the cbild was dead, and that an operation was necessary in the hope of saving hier ife, Dr. E. E. King was called in con- sultation, and agreed with Dr. Leh- nann's diagnosis, and the operation was perfornted by these physicians on Wednesday last. The shock proved too great for the patient's weakened condition, and she neyer rallied. Mrs. )oherty, realizing how iii tbe girl was, begged hier to send for bier mother, but bhe nef used at first, as she was most inxious not to let any of ber people :now her unbapppy condition. On Friday last she requested. to bave imessage sent to young Somerville, isking birn to corne to bier at once, and àe prornptly responded, arriving bere )n Saturday mnorning. Mrs, Doberty .ad also secured the addres of bier .xotber and wired for her, and she -eached the city Saturday afternoon. Everything was done for tbe poo>r girl, ut sbe continued to sink and died Mr. William Chambers, an old uoldier, died at Dreud en at the age of 108 years. Are you ail tired out, do yen have that tfred feeling or sick beadache ?You can b. releved of ahl these by taking Hood's Sarsaparila. The uearch for Dr. McGee's body in Hai- ton Bay bau net been aucosful yet. Âocording Le the bet ucientiflo authorities, the problem of disease-killing lies iu the solu- tion of providiug a germ destroying remedy « whicb wiIl do this witbout bar-m to healthy functions of the body. Radam'si Microbe Kil- ler bas abundantly proven that it le thim long- sought for principle. Try it. W. R. Howee, agent for Wbitby. If the color bas been taken ont of ejîka hy fruit mtains, ammonia will usually restore the colon. - When Travelling Whether on pleaeure bout, or buainesu, take ou every trip a bottle of Syrup of Fi e sit acte most pleasantly and effectually on tho' kkidneys, liver aud bowels, preventing fei-er, hoadache ana othor for-ms of ickuess. For sale iu 75a. botties by ail leading druggists. Manufac- tured by the California Fig Syrup Go. ouly. Wbeàt losed a cent Iower Tuesday in Ohi- cago on weak cables aud a emailipeculative domand, ý When Baby w« a ie-k, we gave her C!auStort When she wu a ChiId, ah. oeled for castorl When she became Mlu, she chmng to Castoria. When sh. bad Chiidren, ahe gavethem CaoSia Cures Nervous Prostration. her death.. The poorwomàan',leit for home yesterday afternoon -rôken. hearted in ber. terrible affliction.'og Somerville also went homq ycsterday nloon. Mrs. Hewson will,;acc6mpany the body east after the Coroner gives permission for its rernoval, probably this afternoon. HAmpTON. Miss A. Gibson is spending ber vaca- tion witb friends at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beer and Miss Asb- ton visited in Port Hope tbis week. Miss Litta Ruse gave a party to ber fniends at Wjllow Pdint on Tbursday Oshawa, O01& Pains in__the Joints Caused by Inflammatory SwelIIng A Perfect Cure by Mood's Sarsa- parllla. "It affords me much pleasure to rédômmend Ilood's Sarsaparllla. My son was affllcted wtth great pain In the joints, aocompanied wlth swolllng go bad that he could not got Up stairs to bed wlthout crawling on bands and knees. I was very auxious about hlm, and havlng r"ad Hood':Cure$ so much about Hood's Sarsaparlila I deter- mIned to try It, and got a half-dozen botties, four of wblch entlrely curod hnL."Mma. G. A. LARE, Oshawa, Ontario. X. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparifla. Hood's Pille act easlly, yet promptly and ,mfciently, on the liver and bowels. 25c, DOIT tiýCC&tÉhIL SID FOR aM O ýff UI1AST. Dmr'ObvPIMU »M i= -PSme im j e ffl our :=. d mlt pavita "d 19s ba#tiMemidcure o. IKEROILLSSI9OR Dr.. L EIMO. ' 'A Dmr SteUI »aeiuad MvImalb«1hefYou ~UnasSpavfn cm"" wlSh mm* muoeos.I umostomr Cuub mi I..4 S 1 vaa sa" ff l aummé tL Ernsaudaw Faux. VT. Ca NTIPAION.) eBILIOU8NES8, DYSEPI siC0K HEADAoI.e-,qF, REcu LATETHl'.ER. ON E Pl I. KAPtER EATlNmG INSURÈS 9000 DIGESTIO1N. For Twen1ty-Five Year o lýl 1 1 ýý .1 TYRONE. Quite a numben attended Thursday's excursion. Dr. P. N. Davey and niece, Miss May Davey, Whitby, visited fiends bere last week. Mn. jas. Moyse, Rochester, N. Y., i amusing himself by taking the prin- cipal building with a kodak, wbile visit- ing here. Clover milîs are humming. Mn. J. Colwill threshed for Mn. Artbur Annis last week, the seed yielding handsome- ly-five bushels to tbe acre. Not only did Miss Cade corne out abead in tbe entrance exams, but two other pupils from Tyrone school dis- tinguished themselves, Miss May Clemens coming out first and Mj. Orton Bond, third in public school leaving.. Cold in the be>td-\asal Balm gives instant relief; ipeedily cures, Nover fails. The Canadian team won £850 at Bialey. l' TTICA. MW MUn"d'a Liniment te the bout. _,O

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