Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 8

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ReleboeParis Green amndCopper Suiphate FO.R 711--., Gardener ansi Fruit Grower. Chioride of Lime, 'Cami- p hor, Moth Caruphor, InsetPowder, Copperas and CarbolioAoid For Spring House-Cleaning. Te 0. RYLECT, DRUGGIST, - OSH.A WA. OSHA~WA, JULY 26) 1895. ac go de BulSI1wzss NOTicr,.- Oshawa subscrjbers p or advertisers may trsnsact any business thl with tse CHRONICLE on may obtain extra a copies ai any tme, ïrom E. E. Rogers. on Fariners wiii do weli ta cali at M. E. thi May'e for boya' ready made clothing. wi If you wisb a nice French china dinner or h tea set, on anything lu fancy china, or glass- 's ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. i It will pay any parties conteinplating buy- da, ing an engagement or weddîng ring 10 see Tý tLe lange stock oC Felt Bros., Oshawa as jl ibey wili selI Ibis month very cheap for cash. Pol Genuine diamonci 14K. only $5. They are Ex aIea maaklng some epecini offens in Gents',c Ladies' andi Bys' gold andi silver watches. Mr See tbem. Feit Bros. h !Dr A Rare, Chicago, is vaiting friends in iown. Miss M Noît is visiing Miss Mai-y Naît ai Welcome. Mr and Mrs John May, St Paul, are visiting Mns May, Coibarue St. Mn Ohas Owens, teller ai the Western bank, la away ou bis holidays. Sever.i baho advantage ai the cheap excursion Io thse rooo Islandis last week. Miss Eva Gold ai Boston is spendiug the bel- Idsys wjth Mns T Luke, Albert street. Mr. Harry Lick, of Detroit. le spending bis holidays wiîh bis father, D. Lick, Esq.. Centre si. Mr- las Robeon bas purchased a iannery ir Kingston. This will in no way change bis bus- inesa here. Rcv T H Cuîbberî bas sold the brick resideuri Just north of the town ta Mi- Heur>' Garidner for $1500. Mrs Robt Walder, ai Hotel Del Norte, Pres- ton Sprngs le visîing ber mather, Mrs Robin- son., Cedar baîe. Mr- W H Thomnas le ndvertisiug lu ihe local papers for tenders for the erection ai a iver>' ôstable on the lot adjoiniug Gibsau's jcwehry store. Runuing a hundy.gurdy must b. a paying bus. ness. Thureday a famii>' st-udr îown with a wheeled outfi bauled b>' a borse. Man>' cap. pers were gieaued lu a tour ai the town. Mi-. W. 1. Drew, ai the Bissell Carpet Sweep- lug Ca , Grand Rapide, Mich., bas been spend- ing a iew days with Mr. W. J. Provan. He and Mr. Provan lefi for Europe ibis morning. Rev & W Rafle and sif. af Toi-auto, are cou- ducting services in the Christian Workers' Hall. We trust tbe>' may meet with great success, sud nd goodly numaber ta ibat already fiourishing co ugnegatian, T'he new offices ai the Dominion bauk when completed be as fiue as could b. designed. The woad fissures are ai oak, aud the iran cages are now being put lu shape. l'h. premises will b. ready for aacupauon. T'h. trolley pales are beiug painieci, sud il im- proves thei- looke very much it would b. a gooci idea if ail the iclephone, telegraph sud ckicre ighî paies lu uowu were painteci, mare especially on tb, main streei. Mr A 1 Stalters piano wanenoorns have been au attraction ta musicians duriug the past iew days. He bas there a Dominion plana witb a melodeon attachment. B>' the moveneut ofai pedal the toue ai the piano le insîsuil>' chauged and It :imitates n melodeon to, perfection. Mr A McBrieu, Buffalo la vîsiîiug bus faihen, Dr McBrien. Mn McBî4en is very eatbusiastic over the Siates as a place for youug mcn ta maire money. W. arc glaci ta hear ai these uccees ai any of our you-ng men, but we fent that al wha go to the Siates ta niake their fortune are ual as luchy as Mr- MC 3. The Oshawa bnancb of the Lords Day Alli. ance coinpleted their arrangements for organiza. tion laftIWcducsday evcuing lu ihe Metcalfe Si. churcb. They bave put tIse membcrship tee ai â5c. W. hope IIsey may gain a large member- sbip. TIser. is a greai work for it ta do, and it needs the Ielp of everyoue wbo le wlliug ta john la its work W. notice lu tIse Reformer Ihat the Rcv C W Watcb, formcnly pestai ai man>' churches lu ibis counsy. bas been Învheci, andi bas accepted thse invitation, to preach iu Baltimore, Md.. ou Oct. 13 On the follawlng Tpiesday b. yutl lecture la tge saine cit y. Mn Wicbe bas hecome wel known la tIse Siaimiathbrougb hies vritinga la tbe Templar. Loan azd Savlngs Companlea appear tobe ver>' popular with Oshawa people as a mna of saving tIseimo1cy. The Aid Loan and -Savlags tMr W E DMnas et.areci soin.limen ago andi have 110w a large liât of stock holders lu lova, l'he Sua Loaandi8avhngs Compmny oesId bhre reoeuly wyu a very good ondM w atilbuiness TýW* mss dverthsng Andi Compouad ispeut the pmsWeek dsîving arouidtIse tow* hn a vey <a>' tou0LThe smialiboy bisieti bimnaci félkingthedgô,eqndogiLas the drive woold tsssfr lus :tbsîuve o etes incvclt i. ba JUslstrd the ank au.wboeimmbas a iVu, 8 ~ aayfor bugu»14oleypolos, . M bue as W" s. sdavodte god" ssrie J MssHusfodWf TSeSto, le vhldg I EtopkI&k BD4 dniersP4 f MissAZlokso , of ktoa Oblo,18vitlng Bt j - 5 M.p' EUh'A 1115h.. nlgSut.yecln L n.M.Cm Mise Dioksonusf Akron, Oioele 0f tinva eaà =a - Mms A.'Glfford's. sM0li X]o nffýenSda eUtthRe.r Cm ur~gnw u~ o~noonhraoting dons1. eron preached on the aubject"I Pence, " and Mis. R. Munroe, of Toronto, là visltlng ber Daces 21 antes d lampe. A stock of gave an tinusuaily good sermon. He urged father, Mi A. Hall. oîqls'" st ouband. upon ail to have pece wlth God, peace ln Mrs. Palmer. of Brantford, la spendlng à few OUDAx»Axu the home, pence fn"t churcb, and conciud- dayswithMrs.& byes.cd wlîb an carnes: appeal to have pence ln daywlt Mi. A.~,ves.W Strnnnd le home front Detroit the neîghborhood or everywherc. H e 100k Mr. Walter Wright left for Buftaio to-day, Mr and BfM Waider, of Preston, were in oepsaewlhey htL htslrî after spendlng two weeks in town. town over Sunday. uone ag aa d ontrnsed tatwirth- iss aLf Picday , oft C ies Ma hinley. nd. Mr-.!&Whitint er, has gone 10 Conneci- other whlch enys that he that ceaseth (rom lnga fw dys lî Mis Mb Wltny. cut to vihhîfn1enâs. ' meddiing le wlse and dld It 9o as to iglve the MM. Dr. Genre »and Miss Stella Geare, of Two of the Smith boys, of elow hase, are former n position that no one wou id envy. Rochester, are tbe guesta of Mrs. M. D. Camp. down wthdte typhoid féver. He snld there are persone in every commun- bell. A new switch tower ha& been erected at Jtywbu are always endeavorlng to get up a 1Mrs. A. P. Cameron and Mrs. Henry Camer- the G.T. R. crossing, Sincoe.st. Xinrrel who wilI even set on two cogs if ooStPal inare visiting their relatives MmaweandaherofRcster, ey can stant nothlng cisc, and who conse- i on. r St. Pdaul, Mr, o Roueste quently have no pence or happinese of mind Mn WiIl Dolling, wbo wns for some time head arevlsiting with Capt Hill at Lnkeside. ln themseives, and who are consumnate cierk ln Wigbîman's dry goods store, but now of Messrs. Jna. McLean and Harry Brock, of fools as laid down in the text ; whlle on the DesMones Iwnlaspedig bs ohlay hee.PorttPeri7y, pent Monday with W. E. Mc other hand there are those who were aiwnys ne oyl Tmparsoftheto popse Ot the G. T. R. freight office, for pence, who are the very sait of the place, hodngR oalTemiadn ofihetyon proose d Geo Shipman left Wednesdny evenîng to who have pence and contentment théemeel. ai Pospct ark.Bau wi belu ttedane se hie fathet, who je vety eick ai Chat- ves and the ones who are truly wise. He and Prempert acr shBn wlli be i ttnci. lotte, ih.At lmet accounts lhe wasfot saici ibis was flot the code of honor of Borne, adTempLaie Aid of S ica.St, ethdis expected to live. but that the real worid, the true world, ThrheLda ery dofsuce u anstmoi ai The Oshawa raiîway are placing about 6o aiways mensure men so. Hie remnarks PrsetPark inst Saturday eveuiug. The i crsofbals pt atontei feihîun hould b. thoroughly digested by al. cepoe between 4g.Osbhawa station andi the town ;the Tnçt4blewith A Volt, ~eipts f the eening wre s~.lake portion will bc go)ne on uumeciiately as ra da fiOul nanoac n The McLauRhlin Carrnage Ca.. and Willinm's well. expes ehabeentculed an n. Dncane Piano Iactory are ai present busy gettiug their TeOhanmila oupn aegvigQinsehohsoeboad le' torancol *xhbis fr he îfernt fl fahi rs in shape. ali theit poles a good coat of paint, which T'h. animal came into hie premises a few 1ey ohiîn aiglrer exhiits .taies away the primeval foreet appearance monthe agzo and as no owner could b. ound *verO bfrOur Main etreets. h will be in order for it was duly advertised and about to be sold About ton citizens wbo were intenit on having the Bell telephone Coxnpany to follow suit, as the law directs. Btti atrarne peadsapitedayhoun e udta igr a Mnday Croppet was down ta Port Hope ta inter- ment was flot made in time, for on the Sun- )ere disapponieabhe t en the ound t oaivtew~ the manager of Barnum andi Bailey's day before the day oC the adiverîised sale a coît wof o .al arat the ha-br o circus 0on Saiurday andi - find out how stranger turned up and laid dlaim to the econtofîL fg.chances were for geîîing a position; but we colt. The validity of hie dlaim was neyer Some of the boys of the Piano works have for regret to etate that hie was inCormned that ail suspected, though laie and on Sunday as it long time been --herisbing a fond hope of or- vacancies were filled in his particular liue, came, and he was accordingiy given posses- ,anizing a base bail club. Afier weary weeks A vety exciting game of base bail îe play- sion of the horse. He was without any f wauîîug and af nursing ibis thought it reacheci ed each eveniug duriug the week between money to psy Cor it's hait year's eed, but thie levelopment last week. They called a very the Chicago Colts and the Orioles oC Cedar littie matter was easily adjusted by hlm giv- pecial meeting, made a collection, and found Dale. Froni the noise made in the game Ing hie note for the stated amount an-d this hat the tuncis would warrant them establisbing one would suppose tuer. was an audience being settled h. Iý d oft his prize t0 hie home club that might even in trne do up the Toi- o f 5,000, cheering lueteîy when n mun is which he said was away in the region of nto îearn of professionais. Tbey cami that ecoted. We un derstand the lasi gamue Lindsay. And now it le seen what a senlous eir average age is z6 years. and they are out played the reeult was 45 to 4o lu fayot of the blunder the holder of the colt has made in iuh blood in their eyes lookng for any team Chîcagoin. being s0 ready to dispose of hie stock. The îpai e es r10 be hanquishes f C apt y M lMorI Mm 1 Shearm, who lives on the corner of note is worthless, being drawn on Sunday irpe t a elehrev hlegs rn n'cu Whiting ave. andi Esplanade street, had a and Mr. Quinn will have to stand the cosi îowuor lsehen, iember of the East Whiîby couticil view- of feed of advertising &c., but worse than Full arrangements bave been completed for a ing an anchor Pole p.laCed immediately in ail this it le gravely believed Cirn enquiries y's sport here an clvlc holiday, August r9th. front of hie gaie, and leaning aven the side- that the strangen neyer owned s0 much as a- 'he Loyal True Blues aund 34th hait, baud bave walk by the Bell Tel. Co. He wants it te- colt ln hie life. This is how tbe matter- ined forces, and ou accouni of the libers! sup- inoveci without futther delay, and we tbink stands at present, and elepe are t0 be taketi trit of the citizen@ a good day's sport le asstated. it shoulci be, ns it ie an unsightly abject the to invesîlgate and if possible recover the xcursions wili be u from Belleville, St. way it is. clbthwovri nsteicdn tîhrmus, lnsay an iterediiePoints. New eidewaîks are beingp ut dowu on shows that there le business as well as vintue r. Edmondsou, owncr of Prospect Park, will Oui- main etreet north of the G. T. R. trac ks. in leavi ng a transaction of this kind i 111 ve the park iu perfect order for the occasion. protection fences are also beingbuilt on the Monday, and a!so that folks can't be toc, sters of the day's programme will be out nexi rond ta the lake, whete the dutches are deep cautlous lu dealing with a man they know ek. when ever>' detail will be settleci. We on tbe west side of thse tondway The E ast notbing about. List that ibis wiil b. such a success that the whithv o'r...iC ....îa . . . ec-i %i:' cli snuod e highly comnmend- agninsi accidents thtough horses getting ftightened ni the trolley cars an thse oppo- site eide of the rond. What mighî have been a serious accident occunred ta James Smnith, of the lake char., while driving home laet Monday. A boit broke in the shafis of the buggy while cros- sing the Oshawa tailway tnacks near the Brook houe, this frighîened 1h. horse, throwing Mn. Smith oui and dislocating hie hip. l'h. fracture was xeduced by Dr. Cobouru andi then he wns conveyecl to hie home while unden the influence of chlori- farmi. He is prognessing as well as can b. Some of tIse cycliste of Oshawa euhl con - tinue ta make a racing trnck of the side walk, much to tIse diecomfort of pedestrians. While gaiug to town one evcni.ng ver>' ne- centi>' a noteti darinue rider occupied th. en- tire eidcwalk, runnsng n lth. fastes- duan the ]Empite express rune. Cannait the con- stable of the iown use his nuthorit>' in hnvmng a stop put ta duis k=d of-ýWçrk. Other cycliste of ,1he town wlfff tti4y dis canveniessce of pedestine cone Iii forun-« j usi cniticism on that account, miles Stevenson, ai Toronto, is visitiiing trieud ebe.. Mies Laura Hambi>', ai Port Penn>', 18 vliiingý ber sister ber.. Mrs. Welbourne bas gone on a trip ta Rd- mouton, N.W. W. believe last Satutday s'as the hotteet day we bnci this sumnmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fane, ai Poutypool, were visiting Mr. E. Couch laet vei. We again heau tbe hum ai tbe machine lu aur ueighborbood, bus>' tbresbiug clavez-, Miss Charlotte Gi-ose bas been au the sick liet but we are giad ta bear she le împraviug. W. notice ou thse 9tb cou. a grand fieldi ai oats owneci b>'Mn. T. Maffntt. I promises a good Vietti. Mr. and Mes. C. Hudson have netnrned froin the s'est, wbere the>' have been attendiug the iuuex-al ai the latten'sauncle. Harveet bas again stanteti andi mosit armets are bus>' cuîîiug fall wheaî andi harle>'. TIse wheai a gooti yield, the barley .iowed early faml>' gooci but short. -1 A picuic was helci in Mn. 1-andeus woods last Weduesday, wbere there s'as a large cnowd. The principal entertaluments wei-a football auci the aId women jumping over pales. PersWnOL Mison a ko oot svstn ee MraMis eakon Tronofl vSitn ere.d, Mne sd Mre JhnerguMison Selando arey vstg bre. iss ene B.ida o Sefonn set unaet's mail.mMn,Edardo thetguon, er a esty'sn ma ian. Thas s tes ante ta bhad o n bis chok. Thi Jonke quit. a chage lu hi. o ak, s. Mm JothninTammaipof etae sort'tw eamn Je hi forhesped nlanxato f ebuwhe e phsfope for be spo eedy eoer>'. Tee ppls rteomn trance examination. A Narrai Escape. Mm. George Hiatdea, Jr., Lad a ver>' close call on. day lmt week. He was workzng, round a horse when thse animal kicieed, anti so good was ils nim that it stnuck bfin over tise e, 1but fortquately L h sé o r wa tisati asereiy kuocked îSL kIa off bis *frace. W. Ofion read Of balmbieadîh escapes, but it le secdoro vo ind ibe b>l pilucb d'&Wrthan iMi, for bad h1e boots "g»a-ding any nearer whatevom, h Je Lard to tel!l bç(serlîous îheý reauk vwomit Lave Leen. TIsse to. Qait - M urS Ro e, u ni i, add à a d Gor- duce îble Iuspotor bofr h tsstaa * SCUGOO. Mr. and Mrs. William Wagoner, of tJtiça, were visitiug friends on the Island lasi Mr. C. Crozier bas opened up 1h. black- smith sehop formeriy occupied by Mr. Conk- ling. This le anoîher move lu the right direction, ns there was mnuch neeci of a biacksmith on the Island. Success C. Farmnens are tbreshiug their early peas, but they do not turn out like they did last year, the average beiug about nine bushels per acre. I guese thene wiil not be so many raised nexi yean, as tbey are about ta be Ih would just lîke to inform Viec readets of theb CHRONIcLE tIsaitthe nîticle prnuted two Iweeks ago headed Scugog Foot was flot Iwritten b>' tLe regular correspondent, andi Snuother thing the CHRONICLE la no more ape o r, nta Iandoubt had îte papr tapltmand dutbing imh a>'the- editor knowa froin what source il sprung, he- would b-aye thtoWn-i t : one side. The yonng man mn veh1 knownaround ber., s50 Le is no new thing. Now, we wouid 11k. ilmat persan ta just explain matters a litile more dlean>', andi hé shouhdn't write au>'- thing tIsai he is ashamedti t sign bis naine ta being lu tbe position b. la in. P r e rI KnCErAof eteT.r cleg is visiting bis fientis here. TIse literai-y meeting of the E L of C E will b. held on Monda>' eveniug, Juiy 29. The subject for thse evcning la IlThe Life andi work ofithe Wesleys." Sevemal papers wlll be rend b>' tb. members of thse league anti other mens shall be taken ta make tIse meeting întenesîing andi cnîcnîaining, l'h. annual excursion of thse Prince Albert Sunda>' echool wiii take place next Tueda>', Juiy 301h, la Washburn Islandi. TIse hand. some andi cammodious boat, the Ckpudella, has beeti engageti for tIse occasion. It will lenve thse wharf immediately after thse arrivai, of tLe 9 n. m. train andi will arrive at Part Pcrry in th. cvening before tIse leaving of thse south train. Let us ail make au effort ta attend thse excursion andi we shall ot merel>' enjoy ourselves but shahl make il a pleasaut trip for tIse chiltien anti a benefit ta the Sunda>' school. Admission 2,5 cents. Chiidren of tIse SS fnee, cLildren ottide GRAND DEMONSTRATION Under-the auspices of Victoria Lodge No. 55, L.T. B., Oshawa, and- 'tÈe 34th Batt Band, to be heli in Mond&y, Augusjt loUi, 1895. SPeda1 Rat«. on aU, Raikways. Monsifr Parade-in the M6rPîiJ. Thé. oommitee of. - ManUagenieut lu oou- meotion WUitis ti-.above namet! organ*za tioris bave argod a ,s- elmpro- gmrame of sporta, sud lIbersI p>izes yuil. PRôn>a ýP R x fiur; a ii*hi us.ran- Po iru lodge and baud wiul be encoutsged to alae i an annual affair. Mr. G. H. Gnerson, police magistrate, ai Oshawa, has sent a letter to the pr-es of Oshawa in which he warns parents against aliowing their chîldren ta trespasesud damage other people's propcrîy. ln the past Mr. Grierson bas been very lenient wth voung ofteuders lu this respect, all1owîng them ta go with a severe admonition, but the offeuce bas been occurrng so frequentjy ai laie that the magistrate bas decmded that hai-sher means must be used ta stop it and lu future offeuders will h. fineci. We trust that parties iuterested wiil take notice of ibis fair warning and not ailow auy ai their chilciren 10 be fined ai- impiîoned. Sbaotug wood-chucks is the popular amuse- ement of several of aur tawnsmen. 8a great basi the euuhusîasm became that the>' now go oui in baud wagons ta th. seat oi wan, just norîh ai Raglan. Lasi Monday aternoon a large party ofa these auiborities ou the woodchuck questiun, -accompsuied by tbeir lady irieuds, veut oui for a day's batth., wbicb resultec inluthe killiug ai 17 chucirs, sud dangerous or fatal injuries ta ev- eral stumps sud trees. The foliowing made up the part>' ai ladies : Mes, 0. Hezzlewood, Mrs. - *C. F. Nicholson, Mes. H. Long Mrs. H. E. Everson, Mrs. E. h. Rowse, the Misses Luire, the Misses Dinzle, Mies Hezzlewood, Mies Hap- kirk sud Miss Hausiord. TIse iollowing gentle- men made up the list ai warriors bold : Rev, Jas Kines. Mesers 0. Hezzlewood, H. Luke, E. I. Rowse, C. F. Nicholson, H. E. Evenson, T. G. Ryle>', sud P. H. Punshon, W. thauk Mi-. Naît, the Port Penny wriici-, for bis kndly greeting, and eci ta say lu returu ihat ail who have an interest lu thpi- home sud town, sud in the advauce af public morale, must b. lu sympathy with Mi- Naît. We congratulai. hlm upon being primna-il>'tbe causec oiciosiug the bai-i-cme ou Sunda>', sud, uow tIsai tIse> are closed. the people ai ibai burg will deserve to be scoffed ai if they do noi keep thcm closeci.it seeme st-ange ibai the local papers will kcep their eye chut toalah sucb tbings, anti wben an outside papen takes up tIse agitation tbruugh thpe efforts ai a local correspondent andi meets wiîb succese, the>' are immcdlaicly filled wyuL euvy sud jealousy. Andti îe> wouder why a paper bas such a wonderiul increase lu circulation lu places where suds wonk as Mr- Naît bas been do ing la carnicti on 1 Again vs se>' v. beartil>' congra.tulatc Mr Naît ou bis efforts, andi wish hîm the greatest success possible. He le indeed iollowing the hunes laid dowu by the editon ai the CaRONicLE receuil>', tIsai a ncwspaper's great mission lis îo do gooti. Mr Notle fegriess lu hie eudesvor ta advocaîe wbat les beet for tIse towu ln wbic beb lives, anti altbough penhape losiug the iiendshp oai tome, Le le making far more wbo will stand by hlm lu bis wonk ai neform. E E ROGEzRs. Oshawa Dusaamu Dfrectory. B L. VICKERY, barber. Simoa stsîeet. BROOKS, LIVRETy, Simaca. sreet, north. WM. EOLPHt, harrea udakr. Simaca. street. T. B. MWOTHERSILL, butcher, Ring 8t.,Wet Da. PÂTTr.usON, Dentist; offtce over Rave.'. stow.. A. J. STLm-Dominj>n pianos andi organe, Simca. «Tet, A. 0. WÂXNAet, Vote-iner>' Sur-geon and Dentiati Rinîg stm"etWest. Oshawa, Ont. CouuwA xucx OruZ,-J. C. WOOD, propnietior. bIiiderD bostitin>',usat and e mut&biy equippeti. D. M. Ton. -Oaterer for Ball, Assenblles, Wed- dingo, Suppers, etc., etc. Alào a&l kinda qf Osluiva BSoozsu-pun Inl» 01 ka statiocery sud imoy ego"da. .E.osr Sime". streot OsEAVA Dm,. SO E- avidses Citonast. JUinslluof purs drugs sud lOu cals alays ounbaud mitb t 0a m an s d p =,a main#.a au 96 JAMS ar.ow Ai-n aâew. *k THE ARC~ s IMMICIl Clearing- Sale Every line of Goods, at prices neyer SQ low* for high class goods. CASH ONLY. Tho:; Millor £o PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel RJAIG-oMIJs -AT- 080 his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $,5.50 to $25-00. 1 ('I #c5Loe.LLbaa Ticket Agency. Sîeamship Tickets ta Europe by the best lUnes on the Atlaniic. Special railway rates, Oshawa ta Montreal, lu connection witb Steamship Tickets. Caniadian Express <Go. Goods forwarded ou ail passenger trains ; also. collected aund de- livereci toalal parts af the town without extra charge. $'Money Orders ou sale froin cight a. m. until elgIsI p.m. Give tisei a trial and you Great Nor-th-western )rward messages to all point of Canada id U. S. Messages received promptly livered. W. P. BTERICKER, Agent. ffce opposite the Post Office. V. E. D YER, 0 0 a OSEAWA OFFIO. -z- *Bale Block, just north of the post of- * fice. Inspector of Agencies of Aid *Savings & Loan Co., Toronto. Agent *Sun Life Assurance Company of *Canada and the Employers' Liability * Corporation of LONDON, ENG. Luke Bro8., - 08h8W& Fa Bfl( dcl 0f '4 A Oreat Di8pkq, Io that we are making of Rings. It's equal ie not to be found in the county. Here you can have a stock to select from that is prac- tically Iimit4ess. Among the beautifu Iand really artit tic things are our 15k Ruby and Pearl Set Rings. ;E&Engagement and Wedding Rings n specialty. N. B.-A new lineof Silverware just open- ed out, at le BOlYD'8JewotWV Store. KING. STREET WEST, y- OSHAwA. DO YOU DRINK=AU? ? Let us assume as a fact that you do. We nearly ail do. The great essential, therefore, is to know where to get the best TEA for the least money. JAPAN TEA-We have just purchased from a wholesale Tea House, 25 pack- ages of fine Japan Tea at very close figures. It is equal in quality to any '25c. per lb. or 5 iba. for $1.10. This la an excellent bargnin. Caîl and get a sampie and try it. W We want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and other farm produce, for whicb we pay bigbest prices. Beaton's Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, CGýýOSHAWA.--ýD Leather Steadily Advancing. SOur rate of profit is the lowest in this district. 17 KEEFS us POOk.ý We have always a general .and varied stock to select from>-latest desigus and finishes. Prices right. Undertaicing department fully stock- ed, and embalming nccording to latest methods. Picture framing Promptly and sati- dectoril one. The Joseph Hall ,Machiîne wrs -~TAZLII$aW 1857.- lisp la Thes~igM e n~Teeth fotalme Leater d Rubbet Be1ing. t Lcej, EBndless Rubber Batts for T#é~shing iE Ruhber Packing.-, <i Wholesale prices for footwear are 20 per cent. higher. Our immense stock is selling fast at old prices. ~ Save money by buying jour shoes at once. The opportunity wMiUsoon. pass. One price to aL Cash -T.: Hla ene - I cha and pro c adn don sa]s 1 st 1 1 1 -- Fa I!n-l il 1 1 ý m 1 ý c *i ALBERT. 1 PROSPECT PARK, OSHAWA, Cali at Oshawa, Ontario, m Osha Wou -ESTABLISBED ý, 1857i-

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