Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 3

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iry ,tt iy - i .1 t - ci t i g't ,ittd '-ut-. i t 1~,-t I ut Ail Nelp i t 'r bn Cures c -g '..',lt.tV t . , il Xli i -I t, , - . t c; a EXXXXX~X.Y~ 4;, I9EMEDOY EAST. ) I.-. e.ux m, i M b-tl.. c yco It. la &- 1 l,tat, aid lest vutaad th "e n l tt LnP O BoaS 'IPN RE JoAr3 Sbtl.XXo yu Suc mutm , lI i4 e '0T P N , NO :'IER NS [PAMPSI J1~[UXUlt -dpedsupon4 r~ts Sarsapila The Arizona Kicker. Another New Eut erprise.-A Bad Ma- Anothier Canard. SOME purI. QTPA*ü'IED OUT nemvuaweary, dopre.ued, headaches, Pslid or blue lisenergy ai gone-juist wastins away. REGAIN HEALTH by building up worn out "suea-puro blood does IL. SOTT'S SARSAPARILLA make. pure blood, cures nervous and wasting dis- ems. BLACESTOCK. Nirs. Wmi. Evans, of Western On- tarin, is 51ending a few days with ber 1)a rciit s,\r. anTi Mrs. lushiia Fer- Several weeke ago, when appoiîîtei ~i.acth red ut postmaster cf this tewn, we Iricie(l I'Hic h 111:111- Ilantd that we should have te establisti a new wvhîi:le of the arre s.i.Wnf heard ni graveyard witbin three monthis Thnt i or iiii(kt. Thu trîie ay the e prediction lbas b.ten verîfied. The jîi h i iske 15 \ er\ . office has been riîn in eucb a tieiiý tbat we nealized we should have ' 1lî t Ntand lNi-. 1<NI. 1>halen ait three or four îellow- citters bot ii ai\ 2t "('\t W(,.2- -cttn ting things down to anytbing lit- e - 't'a rNîsi! l li Ii tiie 'We puncbased biilf an acre o ii',-i i tAt'tI.fll't iý the rear ef the office, bal it leuct in anti Net i. i re\ r(Ui. a tulegram laid eut wîtli walks, and labt Tuesuay we ii i rîtiv et. cili ig savi uigthiit SoTne o(i deposîted our first viet m thercin. 1hI *, relajýt î\eus neaýr gCt 'ht9 uk rc dan- was a mnan calling, lbinîseîf Chain Livbt .e î~kI i n ir.Lrwlf ning Jim, and bîîiled from Wyomiing. (un norat.îirtîaivt.hre Out there in is cwn country le laqd TheRv Rnîng.te Ie otho , been *used te bîr ffin)g pustmasters and -The Net. R.1>. e nd ott rnte.h carrying thinge vtlîa high lband. Ilet I litt tI(i)w ean erfind\a mnade bis brage Ibat he would seare us i eîîî riit-t t îg at our ttîarsme eut cf cur ciice insule cf two minutes, tetr .uit the pulpit ýf tihe Me- and Tuesday mo i nng e called te try il thoisît chureh last Sundav mornirig. on. As soon as lie began shootiniz iThiîý revcrend gentleman. thnugh he through the general delivery %-wiiaow we (ar:_ied offl(une t4f Cartwright'- fair realized what sort cf a man we Lad t(, unes t Lv rnutual consent îs alwavs deal with, and juet as lie fired Lis seventb w-elcinc in etîr nidst as wcIl as in our shot and uttered his seventh war wlîucp pulpits. ()wîng tii the pasturs absence bis rollicking spirit sailed away tu rollick the bllsî,ness quartcrly meeting is pest- in the unknown land. We did noCt ire penied for two weweks. upon hini as the edjitur cf ie Kici-er. The farnios case, (;allagher vs. Bell, mayor or private citizen, but a, the. iaw wstidi h xw alFia v fully appointed postmas§ter, wntse duty a re n h .w iitFia vn it is te proteot the dignity and welfaeo n i aitaeTvu. Lwe the postal departmuent. LUbcls (if Potrîlrrv appeared for the Our readere nmust net conf, und the défendant. The following is a bnief two graveyarde. As edîtor cf The Kick- histnrv of tire case. TllI the end cf er we bave one containing ten inniates, lulv Sandy Bell had been werking for each one cf whoma fell while seekinR tu lamnes Gallagber, hetel keeper at wipe us eut as anewepaper man. Ibis i3orketon. JuIx- 31st Bell began te new graveyard bias nothing whatever te drink, paving fer the tiquer with money do with tbe newspaper business, but loaned im Lv yMr. Gallagher. On the beans directly lipon the poet-office de- îIlgb.t (ftthîe 3jst. su plaiiîîiff alleged, pantment, and will te a certain extent be ilis cash box waîs rilcd uf abouti welve under the change of the postmaster gen- dollars.13v sumine cot fonif réa- eral. No eue not kîlled in on anouind the sunîng he c oncluded that Bell %vas the poet-office, and for the bettenmeut of the tif hrfr i %-r u wr servcewil bebur'edin hislot Werant. for his arrest, and Constable Thos. belleve it te be the iret antd only post- Rtdbinson served the warrant on B3ell masters graveyard in aIl Ai-ries, but .Pr er nAgs s.Bl a hope to eee the feature generaîîy intro- un 1 r er nAgs.is.1e1wa duced uin tbe West. We are tnying bard incarccraîed in the 13ackstock leck-up to run this peet-office te the satisfaction îiisa îht~n i a rd ,n cf our fellow-townsunen, and on the same Friday evcflirg at 7.30 was preduced systeni as prevaile in Chîicago aud St. for trial as already stated. After bear- Louis. We realize thiat mauy difficulties îng twe ur tbree witnesses His Honor will confront us, but by the prompt use decîded that ne case had been made of the gun, backed by the new grave- eut and se discbarged Bell. Altheugh yard and the cream cf public opinion, an unfortunate creature for the most there wil be ne eucb thing as failure. part, people were yet deligbîed te find i- 1 1- 3 1_Bell cleared of tbe charge of tbeft. d are txntjcî.Ubt. t, ati re ro- « by ail Who 'liat durable 'Ofd1sîîry lî?e the 00cefflry Psa'#, pMgm Suuday last a bad man, giving bis namne as Pete Whaley, arrived at Loue Binie on an eld mule, and two heurs Later, while plaving a game cf peker witb a citizen named Roberts, get mad and fired a shet which killed tbe latter dcad in bis tracks. 1-e w-as premptIly takeni charge of Lv the vigilance cern- muîîee and led eut te be bung. but he so stoutlyv insisted that be was our agri- cultural editer ibat bis case w-as pest- p)(tfed and w-e were telepbened te coe oeer. Se far as we ceuld make eut w-e had neyer set eves on the mani befone, but fer baîf an heur be bad the impu- dence te stand up and boidly declare hirpself a memben cf tbe staff. W'he n we fiualv couvinced him ou this point he otlered te pav fer teni subscriptious te The Kîcker if we would intencede for bimn, and w-be e replied tbat the law- miust take it course be felI te- and lu- dulged un be worst vîtuperation and abuse w- ever beard frem the lips of a man in is ternitory. It was witb no littie sa lefaction tbat we pulled onth nope w ich ieft him dangling between tbe bea uis and the eartb. Our ag 'cultural editor bas taken this niatter te heart, and for bis benefit we wish te say that he is'lune seuse a tough man. He dees net even know the wortb of four aces in a baud of poker. He is a thin, stoop-shotildered mnan, wit a hack- iug ceugb and hang-dog look, and ne eue would even get him mixed up witb that of a travelling terrer. We pay him $7 a week te attend strictly te business, and thougb he has been lu town twe y ears he bas neyer wandered outside of the corporation limits. Mn. Whaley, late deceased, may have given bs true name or flot, but there is no curiesity on that point. He was hung lu the most thorough and workmanlike man- ner, and when the body wu cut down it was planted near Lh tree te, stay. We bought his two guns and bowie. kpife after the hanging for $7 in cash, and shouid his heart-broken mothen or loving father corne along the weapons can be had at that saie figure for the neit sixty days. Mr. L. M. Courtice la Preparing bis flock of Sout.hdowuis for thse cording fail Misa A. Doolittie. COlurnous, 18 visit- ing Miss P. Wode, uOvelake Out-. iook." Mr. Woftz, Torontol, Who, wusvisit- ing RvD.Mtito u&i u Choral MVkSt fbuee.Lunday. ev'j. . EOé ndda- erHue, ef white* timr,.w us ýMm s.O- EàNFILD Mn\I. T. Hall is baviug bis bouse ne- medelled. The seng service in the division passed cff!w-ell last Tuesday nigbt. The inlur foot-bail teams cf lamp- ton and Enfield plaved a fiendiy game laist Saturday eveniug. nesuitiug in a The nmaven the sidewalk ness. Wbeu date w111 be bolidax-. cf Eufield should see that comrnItîee gel at busi- this is completed the setied on for our civic Recent visitons: Mn. J. Thorn, Mari- posa; Mn. S. Tapp, Chicago; Misses McLaughlin., Oshawa; Miss L. Elford, Fenelon Falls, Miss M. and Mrs. T. Pascoe, Selina; Master Pency Hunîbut, Toronte: Mn. and Mrs. T. Ashton, Havdon; Miss Clapp, Port Hope; Mn. Nichois, Courtice; Miss M. Hogarth, Sulina; Mr. T. Hobbs, Columbus; Miss Osborne, Ebenezer. Miss Bundick, Rochester; Mr. and Mns. Heard, Mani- c hester. The foilowing is the report of the promotions in Enfield public scbool, j une, 1895: names in order of menit:- Jr. IV te Sr. V-F. Campbell; Jr. III te Sr. 11-N. McCulloch, C Powell, 'A. Niddery, L. McCulloch. Jr. Il te Sr. Il--C. Niddeny, E. Webbet, E. Hurîbut, C. McCullock, M. McCul- loch, J. Wotten, L. Hurîbut. Jr. Pt. 1I1 te Sr. Pt. 2fd-A. Forsyth, 0. Nid- aery, W. Powell, O. McCulloch, N. Webber. Pt. I te Pt. II-L. Huribut, V. Traîner, B. Starks, L. Knapp, C. Knapp, P. Hubbard. CÇ. L. MÂCKEY, teacher. Dr. Jno. Brown, jacksoiiville, Ill., is guest of Mms W. Brown. Mn. and M.Dcin of Akron, Ohio, have been g0fest8pifMr. Rgg Mn. and Mis. IW. 'H. Martin havce been visiting frieuidi Miss Ktn MçLcodi $rait4oit -ai is guest ofbMiemFE'ad C. Roges. enly servc à -t. V«n' ux . factorlly o inghrWM À n* wr Iracle 0 v' Condition !rom Taklinuo 3arIIla. And Cottages -are on the South shore cf Lake Ontario, at the New York terminal portcf the proposed interna- S tional railway ferry. They are among a magnificent growth of cake, rnaking the S hotel and beach unexceiled for a summer resort. It le known- as the "Fisberman's Para- dise-" There are surf and still-water bathing, fishing, S and ail athletic sports. Beau- 6 tif ul drives abennd. No mos- quitees. The Inn previdep the beet of service with mcd erate charges, aiid special rates by the season, month or S week. Opens early in June. For rates, illustrated circu- lare etc., address, E. W. EMMONS, Prop., May 23rd, 1895.-2-moe. Albion, N. Y. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of MARGARET BZRRELL, Decea.red. Pursuant to the "<Revised Stabutes cf Ou- tarie, 1887," Chapter iic, notice le heneby given that ail creditens and other pensons having claims against the estate of MAR- GARET BIRRELL, late of the township of Pickering ini the County of Ontario, spinster, deceased, who dled on or about the z9tb day of March A. D. 1895, are requined to send by regisbered letter to Messrs. Dow and Uc- GliRviray, Brock St., Wbitby, Seliciters for. thre Toronto Géneral Trusts Company, the ýadminîstrators wibh tbe wiil and codicll enneited ef thesald Margaret Bfrrel deceàhed,, on or before the 7th dayof Septembe r A., r895, their naines and addresses w t ut artîculars of their dlaims and of thc eur-m Ies (if any) beld by thena. And notice la further given thatalter tbe sailt mIxentioned date the said Admimigýs- trators wilL ýproed toi distribute tlfe assets of the said deceaw à,.mong the persionh en- titted thereto,hvig regard ànly te tithe eûnaim of wlich notice shel bhave beetn $lv6iI sîe obové sr.-quired; and the. salti Adminis, #9UIes wlU ot'be fiable, for the said assets ç~raiyputt1e ,ofto any persnopmot*l 'au Pa '" din or caims notiçe shah <not _1-bave beeti tecelveédby tiren or- thrir Sollat-. -ors st thtime ,taforesalti. Dateti at Whltby tire ,*tb day df tJity, À I wish to correct the. correspondent 'The 008t im*portant matter now before ,rom Wick in last week's CHRONICLE, Oriltias-a matter that effeots the ffhere he states that Messrs Rose and matetial welfare of the town and evFry: Rennie have been down interviewing resident in it-is the continuai *uwering I1r. Dryden, the Minister of Agricul- Of the watErs of Lakes Couchichiîg 0îld -ure, on important business. IhaeSin'coe iii t1lu intertaLs uf rual es:aitu en l Lever been at Mr. Dryden's, and furth- n_ naj onyfreswohv r 1 have neyer seen the honorable waete land they wish to niake a fortune. gentleman to know hlm. As this cor- out of. Up to date, the talking bas been resondnt as epotedme ncoreclyail done by thern; it ie now time for espetmb aetel(ad me incorectl those who wisb to see Orillia remain the everl tmeslatly andmy oordogprosperous town it le to wake up. The o) I hope in the future be will mani- advocates of the lowering of the waters- fest more of that christian peace-pre- or 66regulating'" as they styled it.- serving quality which he spoke of a have dlone a great deal of quiet work, and couple of weeks ago, and remember have mnade representations at Ottawa that what the good old book says: -"Thou have induced the gevernment to grant shalt flot bear false witness against thy several thousands of dollars to open up neighbor." Gin,(. A. R ()s F Wický, the Severn,-remnove the obstructions, it rXug. 7, 1895. is called. le Lake Couchiching of any ORONO. importance to Orillia? Would a town of Miss Lena Davey bas been visiting the size of ours be here if Lake Couchi- frieds a Mape Grve.ching did not exist ? As Orillia is not a rnd \tM apl , G so. s istig rnanufacturing town what le t that gives MrF i 1 1,Missou i, is visi i t a steady gruw th ? M bat is it aI tracte E \h>heron.well-to-do people to settle here ? Would A Ist- 1%va Brown, Haydon, le vieiting the furtber lnwering of Cnuchîching im- at Mrs n ii Chapple's. pair the excursiun busine~ss here and tlius Mr J J Jones, Toronto, was lu town directly hurt the town? That the time ist week. bas comîe for Orîlliane who take an inter- Mis P aden of Bruesells, je visiting e't ini their owîî property to wake up is tb fi veîlt bere.mirifest. C?11t. Mýclnnee ;says that the wtur is gettîni. su low at the narrows .1 . L Miler er, vsîtd fiene 1 that the Illay bai te sln-w right. down te kîîî~î~ rc!ntly.t.trrugb the passage Capt. Johnston, Mies Minnie Linton visited Miss Mut- of" the Longfnrd, says it je getting too ligan, Newcastle. low for safe navigation. Last imeek the Mrs Archihald, of Chicago, and Mr Longford broke bier wheel coming tbruugb Bert Petie, of Guelph, are guests cf Mr the Nanrowe, stniking on a sunken log R Foster. that bas beeni theru for yeare. The Mise Lillie Allun cf Fenelon le visiting eteamboate cannut nuw tunn near Orillia lier sister, Mrs Wm Boddy. wharf. The Longfurd bas te back eut several handred yards. The water le 22 Miss Etliel Hawkie of Oshawa ie visit- liches lower than it should be. The old ing at Mr Thos X inson's. wharf was exactly une foot bigber than Mrs Tbunipson, Toronto, bas been the present une, and the present une le visiting Mr Win Boddy. toe high for cotnfort for present day use. Mr Win 1111, Bowtnanvîlle, visited The uld Couchiching dock le still in ex- friende bere last week. istence, but te disembark un it to-day Miss Annie Berry, Bowmanville a you would bave to clumb up the mast cus f Miss Ethel Andrus. tiret. The firet blasting wurk at the gnesJh alt n aiy mouth of the Severn was done in 18î71 Mrs obuHalettandIamlyWood- by Mr. McPhee, father of Dra. S. D. Mc- bridge, are visiting at Mr J ilallettea. Pbee and W. W. McPbee, at the ordere Mr Jas Cuttle, G T R agent at Potter- of the Ontario (Gevernment. No sooner ville, Mîch.,1s visîting bis father, Mr bad the water commenced to fail unduly John Cuttle. tbrough Mn. IcPhee's work tban an iu- Mr Elbert Gamsby and Miss Bertha juniction was secured at Barrie by the late Rutherford are vieiting at Tilsonburg. Mr. John Thomson, of Longferd, and the Mr Josepb Campbell and daugbter, operations commenced by Mr. McPhee Mrs Grabarn, cf Dundalk, visited friends were neyer firtisbed. Lt le te be hoped bere last week. that some public-spirited citizen will Mn an Mrs lex isson Man ers mnulate Mr. Thompeon's example when Mr ad Mr Ale SisonManvrsthe next attack je made on the rocks at visited at Mr J P Williarnsonsa. the Severn. Capt. Read saye there bas Mr and Mns. Robert Beat bave return- been no dredging at the Narrows for ed bomne frem California. about 35 years, contrary te the statements Misses Lena, Bertha and Edna East- of several people who allege that the wool], Cavan, necently visited at Mr F W chat the channel. bas been freqnently Williamson's. deepened. In Capt. Reade's opinion our Tbe Agrienitural Society have men steamboats will net be able to go through employed putting the fair grounds in the Narrows if the waters ara lowered six shape for the fail exhibition. The inches more. -News- Letten. grounds including the addition of land 18 being levelied and the fencês repaired Oak£ Orchardl Inn and othen innprovements made. AND ~>uI1lL -TO- Ladies --.Dresses, For Sale by Skirt Bone A light, pliable, elastic bone made from ls., It is soft and yieldirig, conforming lily to folds, yet giving proper shape to) t or Dress. The only Skirt Boiie that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are corded with this material. leading Dry Goods Dealers. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitchergs prescriPt!On for Infants and Children. It contains neither OiDium, M~orphine nor other Narcotie substance. It la a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrnps, and Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la tblrty years' use by Milions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea tind «Wmd Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipat'lon and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulaes the stomach and bowels, giving bealthy and natural sieep. Cas- toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mot:ier's Friend. Castoria. "Çass ou an excellent medicine for chli dren. Mthers have repeatedly tctd me cf ils good effect upen their chidren." Da. G. C. Ooon', Lewell, Mas nCatoria je the beet remnedy for children cf which 1 ara acquainted. I hope the day je net fan distant when mothers wili consder the real Interest cf thetr children, and use Castenia in- stead cf the vanious quack nestrums which are destroying their lcved cnes, by forcing opium, morphine, scothixig eyrup and other htfui agents down their thrcats, thereby sending thezn te prematrie gravS"çý Du- J. F. KNCmE=z, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Castoria ie so well adaptet echildren tba. 1 recommend it as superior teany prescription known to, me." Ai. A. Aam, 4M-.D, 111 Se. Oxford S., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart- ment have spoken highly cf their experi- ence in their outside practioe with Castenia, and although we only bave among crn medical supplies what je knewn as regular products, yet we are free te confess ths.t thes menits of Castenia bas won US te lock with favor upon it." UNrrun Hcsprr.AL ÂND DrSPENA2R., Boston, ya ALLEt C. SmnTE, Prea-, Th. ce2taur Company, 'i Murry Stnset, ~Iew York OitY. Severe Pain in Shoulder 2ZYears Cured by"The D.&L;.Menthol Plaster. Mywjeafflicted fortwo yearswith a sevepainunderhetftidUIU18and throau wî bnn;, aiter cung --anyrude without relief, she tried a « D. & L" Menihol Plamer. As did as oek gid owIzi< o ibi c.hundzedof thae plauma have been sold by tme hew, giving oiualmiatCa. J. B. SuraLAit< Dugat, Riverlobe,W&S, 801<1 Eve"yherce 55..each. WEAL RERYOAg DISEASED MEN rIThusêndEï Of Yowsg u4OM XM e»Aged N..taza annnally tos %*%gehmavi ruined ad wreok e i f e Of mn roanisng Young nmon. Hav. -you any of the fflowing i Ne er$ou naAd=sonen TiÎd ormg A~omb;- tion6m ory Pooe a rol= eaid !riiible -Byes BIurimples on th. e Dresmsa Dinse t t; Bestimso Hg dL oo@ý L B1otches- $ore Chasi attem. RHdave w WIftRs ENtEDY &KEIGAN0 oe «,&t 14 ears Ce Ime a ~O badbhabit which almost rained m&. 1 becamenev andi w"akMr baok trobled me. I enulti stind ne zertion. Zi -"ut me oSe month' tikmbe ài'Àa.eusl. Ni ÙI ILC TYRONE Mise Nellie Gordon, sister cf Mrs W Hillyay was bnought hene last week iii witb typhoid foyer. Mn and Mns S Hutchinge have rented their lieuse te Mns F Wilbnr and gene te Toronto te seek their fortune. Visitons: Mise M Martin, Mise Rey. ncîde, Toronto ; Mis May Sparling, Bowmaanville; Mies Florence Kenner, Prince Albert. Mont Invaluable. The New Specific Remedy je being Extensive- ly Uaed at Ottawa. O'rrAwA, July %)-rhe inarvellous recovery of Mr. G. H. Kent, cf this ciby, f rom Brigbt's disease by the use cf Dodd's Kidney PiIis 18 still fresh un the mnemonles cf Ottawa people, and the nemedy le being freely recommended botb by druggiets and private citizens. The elînilan wcnderful eutes cf Dr. A. G. MoCor mick, cf Richmnond, Quebec, and cf Mr. Arthur Coley, cf Somerset, Manitoba, te eay nothing of many others, are generally qncted in favor cf the assertion that no remedy cf modemu times bas gene se successfull1y bhrough a severe triai, and been se efficacions in ail cases cf kid- uey trouble. Ib i8 alec prcving itef invalu. able in the milder forms cf sicknees which ap- pear during the summer. The Khedive, lb is announced, will pay a visit te St. Petersburg af ber leaving Constanti- nople. "Canet theu minister te a mind diseased ?" asks Macbeth. 'Cerbainly, my lord; the con- dition cf the mind depende largely, if net soie- ly, on the condition cf the stomach, lver, and bowols, fer ail cf which complaints Ayer's Pilla are I the sovereigneet tbing on earth."1 Ib ie rmaored in Winnipeg that Sir John Schultz will make way for Hon. J. B. Patter- son en September lot. Italy bas given her ultimatum to Brasi. The Italian war squadren le ready te sail te Brazilian waters. Three seamen belonging te the steamer Ben- gore Head were drowned at Quebeo on Mon- day Dîght. - Why suffer front weak nerves, want of ap- petite, anti goeraideblityt letting the iesq ef.ae? anditout Iipoverish bçhesyotem ai thi th blo(4Whou suais a rQOiq'meritori-, eus rsumdy as Norhrop & Loymait a Quinlue Wine May bebWAat au, >4rugtoM rWis article s oooinmetde<l bv tisa ,Igst, eê, hArà of th& mAnlufai4uin .. ýa .J a ,.i»

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