Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 5

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CUTilISl inay be truthfuily said of o )i r prices for iver ]lair 1 ils and Ornamients Sil- \'(-r Mounted Side Combs, ('zirine Buckles, and Vail Ilolders. These are all This Season'8 Goode-e- anid are very fashionable. Ilowever, they must be clenred out and thus you 'et the advantage. Jx sx ]BARNARD, JEWELER & ENGRAVER, Ëfi c a o ut y O r . . g t C l a. tiosi Of Bsi 'lou lPaperla cm"a&. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1895. LOCAL LACONIoe. M î(onl ight excursion nexi Wed.nesday. "isseason aflords poor weatber for camp- inig onit. li.îrdwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only$5, .uW Tilî's. Miss liliza Sollitt, Peterboro, is visiting .îî Mr Wm Wicks. Noi for the îooo Islands on the Garden L 1it ()i Aug. 151h. New stock corsets t0 select froni at W. G. \V a1t e rs'. Pri ces froni 50e - 108 1. 40. Miss Theresa Keltx, Toronto, is here 'îsiting, the guesi of the Misses Bandel. .? s >0 1I prizes at the Caledonian ganies on cîvic lholidlay, Aug. i9th. See tbe prograni. nIieý Wednesday, Aug. i4-Regular weekly 1 rip Ici Toronto and moonlight excursion at i gphtL î,rass on the lawns is growing as green as ,il. june ist, and dust on the roads is a tbing ,lte pasi. Conner, the new jeweler, bas added a fine sio,.k of stationery, scbool books, etc., to bis present fine stock of jewelry. etc. MIrs Gross and Miss Edith left on Satur- d.îy last te, spend a couple of weeks visit- ing friends and relatives ini Peterboro and G'ucîph. File pronioters of tbe Harbor Bar Park are talking of getting Up a garden party ai the 1).a bon soon, the proceeds to be devoted to further improvements. The folowiug old Whîîby boys wheeled int town on Sunday: Messrs jas Hum. phirey, Geo Sturgess and Wm Robson Toronto, and Mr Bert Dartnell, Richmondi 1h11i. Mr aud Mrs W j Greenwood, of the col- lege, r*tuimed froin visiting their parents aI Mi tchell, on Friday hast, and will start on a trip to the Thousand Islands a.nd Montreal at the end of this week. Mr W C Micheil, B.A., and Miss Micheil Sr eturned here on Wednesday from camping at Pine Point They went on to Toronto the sanie evening, and Mr Micheil will be welh away on a trip 10 Michigan by the lune our readers see this paragraph. Sonie fresh bicycle cbaps ranl againsi a snag here Satunday night last. Tbey were stratigers, and apparently were not satisfied wit hebbcgrip tbe bikers have on the eartb nid its contents, s0 tbey sighed for further world to conquen, and pending the discovery of such feli at nagging Chief Constable Cal- verley by passiîg insulting remarks about bu 10o each other. By the lime be bad kepi theni moving on for baîf an bour or soi tbey were satisfled Ici admit tbey were worsted. Wa.nted. A good general servant. Apply to Mns. J. Brown, Byron St. norlh. String bs.nd. For evenv one wbo waîîs a good dance there will be a platfonni and a string band tb furniîsb music for the dancers ai the ex- hibition gnou ids on civic holiday. Caledonian Gaimes. These ganies are always attractive, and on cxvic holiday tbis year they promise to excel. Many of the best dancers in Amenica wxill compete for the valuable pnizes ofiercd. The daîci g conîpetîtion will take place on a<latform prepared for the purpose in front Colons for the 341h. The îew colons for the 341h babtalion have arried and are in possession of Major Fane- wI.We had the pîcasure of inspecting t il( m aid of hcaring the opinions of several tiltari' men wbo were preacunt, sud ai a g reed that they are elegani and Satisfactory. W- undersîand ibat tbeir presentation wîll takep lace at the falshow here, when Mr. \Vandcn H. 1. Gould will surround birnself witb a civlc staff consisting of as mani' cou îîy councillors and other civic dignitar- t-s as can be broughî together, and formally haid thern over in the namf i of the counti' of (>iîaio t0 Lieut.-Col. Paterson and his gai- lant staff of offlccrs.i wiIl be a cercmony wonth wiinessing. By &ailmeans The nequest of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, that the town bring tbeir magnificent edifice wilbin the scope of ils fire protection, is a very reasonable one, anc wbich neessity dictaîca te theni. t is outside bbhe 1h1i-r S tics for the college people ta maintain a lire brigade and apparatus and ail the. tomu bas 10 do la go put In a wefl soïnewbere witbiu hose-lengi b of that building. Mauy thous- ands of Co lars are hein1 laid out la new buildings there this suxumer, ouiy a wmal portion of it beiug subscj-bed lu dits town, and the least the. tow of Wbltby could offer te do would be to supply proction SaaMa the destructlon-o«the» .grand buildngsby tire. W. trust the CoseJI lwiIl make no 'de. layInlacompiylag wittbtht. v"ry nturel sud, reasonable requmet on tii. Paetof lb. ollag people. A fi" yoaagas de4" Ed ward B. Shtgrti.f, MOS muOf Ur. Oio. Shurfleff or tidstis W p % ied, ead& cY heart fatlnre t Oshawa oS ua mo*t, agcd 24 ye«*. The . 40d yowung -* bas bqoi a <.IUarÃ"g m ýM owa tstudm of dl t ât__ xqot aoYed by oppodt= have to compete Wfh.ÃŽWe hapOe S m.~nw petition but It bas nIeneeeD on' gola la on oa;Seepskin la ot: Dor« n-' ed as dongola at Pur store. Corne and ln- spect our gooda and you wilI find our prîces 25per cent. below any other sboe store ln Whitby. M. Collins, west side Erock st. Heavy 361n. wi de flaannelletes only io(-. yd at W. G. Waiters'. Miss Tyler, Bowmanville Pn Sunday ini town, the guest of Miss Ut Miss C Birreli, Clarernont, is visiting in town, the guest of the Misse's Nicholson, Mr. J. E. Robertson, Elora, formerly teacher in the separate scbool, Ja in town this week visiting friends. Corne and spend a pleasant evening at the OId Tirne Social at the tabernacle this, Friday, evening, Aug. 9Çlh. Conductor McMillan, together with his wife and family and Mrs. Lawler and fam. ily are camping at Corbett's Point. Don'l forget the Wednesday tri on the Garden City on Aug. I4th. Granf sail on the lake and a day ln Toronto for haif a dollar. Mrs. Danforth Roach, Newmarket, Miss Louie Clarke, Hamilton, and Mr. Knowles, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Joshua Richardson of this town. Mrs. M. J. Foy took possession of the Railroad House, Whitby junctjon, on Aug. ist, and by our advertising colunai t will be seen that the license transfer will be ap- plled for in a few days. Fine weather: Arrange for the iî2th Aug. to run the postponed excursisn to the Falls per Str. Garden City and Niagara River Etectric Ry. Boat leaves Newcastle 7 a. ni., Bowm.inville 7.20. Oshawa 8, Whîby 8.30, Frenchmnan's Bay (outside pier) 9 o'clock. We had the pleasure of inspecting on Sat. urday somne enormous raspberries froin the garden of Mr. Geo. White, at the bay. Tbey are mucb larger than the largest thimble bernies we ever saw, and teeming with juice. The introduction of such a variety mbt the gardens of our people will entirely revolu- tionize berry farming. Our attention is called by the Markham Economnist to a misstatement in the CHRON. ICLE Of two weeks ago, in regard to the en- trance exarns there. It appears that instead of c) passing out of 98, that it was 94 out of 140, and 4 recommended. We are glad t0 have our attention called to any error ap- pearing in this journal. Division courts. There will be extra sittings at Beaverton on the a8th, and ai Cannington on the 29th of August. 3 valuable prizes are oflered ai the civic holidair sports for lady bicyclists. Bloomers preferred. Kilts and bloomers would give tbe grounds a picturesque appearance. Thre shiug Coal ioo tons of first class soft coal just receiv- ed per Schooner Jamieson froni Sandusky. Farmers, caîl on E. R. Blow for your threshing coal: office opposite CHRONICLE, Whitby. Teachers Exatas. Tbe following is the resuht in the primary class, wbich is equivalent t0 whaî is known as third class certificaies: Whitby-J M Allun, W F Bewell, H E Bewcll, B King, W Lawîon, P Madill, C Mclaggart, W Meldruni, Blanche Nichol- son, G Pningle, A Rowe, H Sm-th, M Spen- cer, M Strain, E Waning. Uxbridge-M' Carneron, S Galbraith, j H Chini. List NO. 2-E Galloway, j Grahami, M Hawker, M Smitîh. Port Perry-M Armstrong, W Ash. L Dodds, P Edgerton, W Emmnerson*, E Foy,. T Holtby, M Mark, C Mark, L McConnell, H McHoull, M McLean, W Moore, F Pax- ton, M Savage, C Soenes, E Thompson, A Wallace. Oshawa-T Curtin, A Dyer, H Haînan, G Hezzlewood, F jobhin, R Lauder, F Luke, M May, C Man, A O'Connor, F Sugdon, C Swanson, A thonipson. Pickering College-W Gourtie. List No. 2-W Cronli, j Rush. Markham-J Betz, j Bigley, E Davideon, D Dix, C Fleming, A Gray, W Green, W Grove, L Hall. L Klinck. A Lunan, A Mc- Caîl, H Nighswander, E Robinson, W Rosamond, G Tamblyn. U Young. List No 2-J Everest, E Wales. Bowmanville-S Belînian, C Bilkey, W Bruce, A Cawker, F Fielding, j Frazer, L Gamsby, W Inch, J Jewell, G Laing, M Mc- Lean, F Mciore. N Moyse, C Tait, G Trewin, M Vintue, G Wilson, j Rogers. Newcasle-E Best, W Law, R Rowland, - E M Thorne. 4 Oilia-C Hewitt, N Jeflenles, T Kelley. N Lanegan, A Rix, A Thonipson, R Watson. List NO. 2-K Fox. Our cicketers wlll flot be happy until. tbey beat Pickeî ing. I a league gamne in thec Midlaud district lacrosse senies on Saturday lasst tUxbridge Slouffville dcfeated Uxbridge by.4 goals ta t. This puIs Uxbridge ont of it for thc championship. Whiîby basebail club pad arturs visit to Oshawa on Saturday hast tj wipe off the stain of defeat on many former occasions, but il didn't go. Our boys were again de- feated by 22 tO 16, which shows that a good deal of boot heatherçwas woru out on bath aides. The oyl Qaks basebafl club, of WhiCh John Trwridge, 11,5 Pariament St., Tor- onro, 15 secretary, wishes ta arrange a match te come off at the Sans of Scfaiid picnic here on civic holiday, Aug. igth, the players nolte be aider thoan au average of 16 years. Bowmanvilllc cricket clubýplays ber. bu i day. Our casIers friends bave bh= twlce defeated Ibis ycar by Wbltby,'but amt.G At ail subdued, and wlth lb. pluck whlcb 1, cbaracteristic of that towu have decided 10to cubher inake their record very bu4 or botter tban lb now iii. It la truly beaubiful to me the UAbridgO Journal condemuinng the. sitýr.business whici appears to na 4 =a aatour 1acroase, For years pat the journal libas Iia4 to leepu quit a bb cn o!tihe "mm# 1 beePS e i lUnbrldgc club wus sluaya ladd wltb Beaverton ringera. wblt," *dé-the. Uab. boys have played 0oUît fr '>lm p Il ' e truc met-i-mtu ou. or t"o *im*ofS course. It Wes a picasaut awopdUoe tar=towo ail o ete cWhithy cr1*« 1.de4O yonMonay la 'tu Tii. bowlingasd fkd Ï- - tb Clubs were very pod,bu s01ow, l$0pthe m mU&0S#* 'the Uuàdsay Ï ,eadv tas aime ass IRememüber the blg sale O f boots and sh oes nowr going on at the I few red ahoe store, for 30 days. Honest Ibargains-no deception, no olci stock clty I goods. Every pair up to date. A guarantee we are away below ciii' pricçs. Cali ai' fSe if we are honest about nt. M. W. COLLIN<S, east aide, Wbitby. Confier for school books, 'stationery, etc. See bis adv. Mrs. D. J. Adamis, Port Perry, is the guest If you attend bargain day sales at W. G. Walter's you will get lower prices than ini tbe ciîy or town. We failed îo complete our district miarket reports for this issue as promised, baving been too busy to attend to it. Get your school supplies froni Conner, the new jeweler, and get 10 per cent. discount by securing one of bis checks. Mr. W. R. Howse returned froni bis trip t0 tbe old country on Friday lasi, and re- ports an excellent timne througbouî. On August i9tb a grand demonstration will be hehd in Oshawa under the auspices of Victoria lodge No. 55, L. T. B and the 34th Batt. band. Don't forget the date Aug. 12th. Excur- sion to Niagara Falls per Sir. Garden City and Electric Ry. Aduits 81. 25, cbildren 7,5c. Prof. Pickard's band will be on board, i, first class musicians. Tickets for sale a E R. Blow's, C. P. Ry. ticket office. Remember That Dr. Granb's "Hairene" is guaranteed to stop falling hair and remnove dandruif. Dinna ye hear lb ? The sound of the Pibroch could be heard from the highland club room on Monday evening. The local Scots are working up to a high pitch over the coming gaines. Coal-Coal h have conipleted the purchase of a large quantity of fresh mined Scrantotn Valley coal, which I can furnish t0 my customers and others at remarkably low pnices. Also a large supply of sot coal on hand. Before buying give me a cali. H. B. Taylor. Farta laborers excursions. Oh for Manitoba ami Assiniiboia points, Aug. 13th and 201h, offly $îo. Rojund trip $27, good t0 return tili Nov. 3oth. For tbrough tickets and full information apply to E. Stephenson, upti)wn telegraph, express and ticket office, (opposite Match Bros., Whitby. To Correspondents. We can afford no guarantee for the inser- tion of matter which does not reacb us by \Vednesday, or bi' Wednesdav night's mails, for use early Tbursday moi nidg. We want the latest news, but every week latelv we bave received letters on Friday after the CHRONICLE is orinted and distributed far The weekly wednesday tnp. The Garden City will make another of ber weekly Wednesday trips to Toronto on Wednesday nexi, Aug. 14th, running froni Newcastle, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering and return, The reîurn fare will be 5oc., and the lime table fqr starting ini the morning as follows : Newcastle 7 a.m., Bownianville 8, Oshawa 8.30, Whitby 9, Frenchrnan's Bai' 9.30. These excursions are becoming vcry popular. Dea±h of Mrs. Stuart Henderson. Manv people in tbc cil' wil!lelarn with re- gret of ibe deaîb of Mrs. Stuart Henderson, wbich occurred on juli' 26th. at ber home on McLaren st. Mrs. Henderson bas been ill for nearli' îwo montba but ber deatb was flot expcctcd. This forenoon Mr. Hender- son was at the city hall wben be received a telephone message ibat Mrs. Henderson was dring and before he reached home she bad pas-ed *away. Mrs. Henderson was a woman of kindly disposition and was mauch respected. She was a Miss L.oudon, of Tor- onto. 5h. leaves a-five-year-old child witb bier husband tb mouria ber loss. Mr. Hen- derson wil bave the. deep sympathy of bis friends.-Ottawa Free Press. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Major Henderson, Tor- onto. Clie cHoliays. The followipg dates of civic boidays have been fixcd . Augusl 9-Gaît, Oakville. Augusît o--Port Hope. Auguat 12-Brantford, Ingersoll, Simcoe. August 14-Dunnville. Napance, Lisîowel. August 15-Aurora, Grand Valley, Owen Sound, Miîcbelt. 0 August z6-Berlin, Canipheliford, Mer- August 19-Toronto. Oshawa, Whiîby, St, Caîberines, London. August 20-St. Thomnas. AugUSt 21-Strathroy, Georgetown. August 22-Prescott. Auguat 27-Straford. The Eu rydice carried about one hundred and fifty- excursioniats tram Bowmanville, Oshawa and Wbitby ta Niagara Falls and retur oun Monday st thc vet y low rate of 82 per family. the affair was a private one, and was searcely successful. Tom Counil. Regular meeting Mondai' nigbt.. Mr. A. Rowland wrote complaining of the bad aide- walk from bis -residence south ta Dundas St. 1%êBf board of directors of Ontario Ladies College sent In a letter statiug that they wcre iaying out a very large sm of money and fettýhat the toma should provide a weHl for the protecion of their buildings against lire. Principal are and Director G. Y. Sithî addrc thebb council on the matter, and crcated avezy good impresson. On motion the commîttee ou ire and water was instruct- dtareport upoun i.robablecost otputting In a eiurti olege, sud to rep)ot st next nmeeting ofeuncl. coub. Devereil read, a ýreporDM-ro-the ste L1"Iteets comnuttereeam mffdiuymnt of lb. folwing accotants: John eCori, lbor $2t. 1 ; Win. o sr,do, $#1L9; Johw 1#terti2 3 =oasgrveJ, $2.7; Geo. Crsk, Inubere, $z u7 4asWI Jabot, »e27; R, àMu"l, labori *-6- The, report possed. 1COtUD. RBonn bme hlu a report froun the comsaitt.ee on tire and water rucooecndi payauent o e zfrtub imd lumb.rýfor .ÂTJULY 'Imperative purpose to -sell governs allprîces. Cost sinks out of sight in th.is Sale. If saving is maki.ng money, this le oertainly coimflg it. Don't fail to share in the Bargains of the GItEÂT'CLEARING SUMMER SALE at LIST to th~e dirge 0/ Low I>rices.- 0. :' W. S ÇX'-.A -R oT'S.~ Job lot of Drese Goodas, 500. to 75o.p reduoed to 25c. and 8o White Bwiss Skirt Embroidery 75c. to $2.00 at 500. Job lot ofi Purses, selling at 250. Great value in- Rmnuan ta .Remuants Remuants Remnants Remuants worth 85. each,l of Grey Cottons. of Shirting8. of Flannelettes. Of Cottonades. of Embroiderjes.1 c. 1'~ S TE W.ART' S. tvý4i: DDUOs s SATiJRDAY August lOth and l2th. N-ew this season 's 75e. 600. 550. 500. 40c. 37j~e. Tweed effeets, Serges, Creppons, Menetian "lJ 0f course there were oI-IOICEJ-$i, Al our Stock of MILLINERY to be bleared ot at cost price. Job lot of GENTLEMEN'S TIES, worth from 25c. to 85C. ; al to go at 1 5c. MEN'S UNDEIRSHIRTS & DRAWERS, worth 60c., to be sold at 25o HALIFAX TWEED SUITS.......... BLUE SERGE SUITS .............. ............ Special line SCOTDCli TWEED SITITS, worth $20.00 for ]Monet ]FaîIV to ate dth l artn Sae t eS $10-00 $12-00 ffliOO DDS*SLINS". AN D.ý- MONDA-Y SUMMER DRXggg -GOODgý 425 ots.v' elegant values were given as at this one. '~8traw- Hate fer Everybody should take advantage of ,goodf3than you can.buyi h iy ME>n's Navy serge Suits...... ....... $2.99. Boys" .2-piece Serge Suits ......................99. Boys' Navy Serge Knee Fants ...........40. Men's ÂII Wool Tweed Suits ............4.99. our Bargain Dayis. What we advertise We give yen better values a we have ini Our- store te show'- Yon caq't beat the above prices in for above lines, but we are having' save yen money. vv 1Go 1 .DIAMOND «The s will o=~ JPe :hâve a finwer* r I the city or 'in town. Bargain Days now. We buy in larg ÂlwA y Ta HALL, of ry of Now o - Jewelry o ~t a ~ine -co oi-ioicm] m ; styles. 900., 850., 75c., 6'0c., 500., 45c. 2 40c. 350. MONDAýY,, August wmmmzqý 10t h-, and 'q'N>25 ots.4000-

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