Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 6

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Oitr County Fair. WmUTTI< POU TEE OHEONIOLE. Lite hs imply sa succession of changes. Jo and sorrow, sickness and heslth, life ad eat, follow inte footstope of eaeh #thoir so losely that wo scarcely realize lb. présence cf the one tilI w. are fully 1*unobed jute .other. Winter strides aa pnu with the iron grasp of a de- apolo runical monarôh whose anthor- iewe rosent although without avail. W«0 sot about proparing ourselves to euh. Muit te the inevitable, and soon we find 'biO atbehrity yielding te the gentle indlu. 01n9e cf spring. Spring-earth's ressur- teotion morniug-asserts ber sway, maie .musical by the ploughboy's whistle and the milkmaaid'e senog. We prepare ta en 03y it le the fuil, but before it is hait en- * Jyed, like the thiethe down, it is gone. L u mm comes Juné, which tantalizes us villi ber fragrant roses until we almo8t f"nc ourselves transported into "Araley the bleat," from which we drink in ail the *Dnjoyment possible. But vi e are forced te exolaim 1'8o- short ived l1" Next eornes our haying. Br-yant in bis praises Compares% tho tlU grass in its airy un- dulatione Le ttbe ocean in ita gentheet swel] slooetill, thon unchained again lie asks the brosses of the south "have ye fanrîed a. nubier or a lovelier scene than this ' This 8oason ie made musical by the click~ Md harm of the mowing machine hnsy ai work iu preparation for thbe supply of féod for thbe animais during the dead sea son. For this invention let every hue- bapdman offer up a sang of Thankgiving. Those who swung the scythe have n'ai fergetten the eweats and backaches white laying.low the beavy crop which the soit produoed in its virgin fertilit>'. This iE succeeded by the barvest, when every- wbere te ripe fields of grain "llike a set cf molten gold"' bespeaks plenty for tlîî wants of man and beaet. The next event of importance is oui Couuty Fair, te which nearly everyonE àe looking forward, oither as an interest. ed party or in sympathy in some one whc is looking ferward to iL as one of thbe un portant events of the season. Il is ne exaggeration to say that undei tho able management of the directort combined with the hearty coaoperation c tho commnunity in general, aur Counit, Fair bas; beld no second place among thý faire cf our Dominion, fromn whateve etandpoint yen choose to look. .Thise faire have not only beon a help f nsd pewerful factor in thbe advance ment of the intereet'of agriculture, bu alse beneficial in the fowarding of thbe in tereat cf tube community in general. Our intereets are so interwoven the oe brauch of industry cannot aprospe witt out matenialiy benefitting ail otherE nons oxerting a more powerful infiuenc ou ail others than that which advance agriculture. On this point needs n argument to convince even thbe moE skeptical as il bas beon too plain!> dt monslrated Ihal in the late years of dt pression ail other branches were in meissure crippled. The inducemer wbich thbe faire offer in prisets proves healtby stimulus te thbe searcb for kuov ledge. We profit by thbe experiencei others in the beat methods cf bringingt perfection whstuever may be the pi Lobby of eaeh individual ini bis anxis to imrnertalize a naine. Theze faire bring people togelberi eue commen interostu, which helpe break down prejudico and from that ii ecorel-ew l' oesiisare ba tost cow has been ehrinking in thbe qua tity of milk lately. Ned very innocent says tube pastures are gettiug bars a' dry. In each case of course the pri mouey is to belong te the oeeWho gE the animai up to lhe nequred perfectic This in very hiehpful in encucersging bo le tako an in terest in the f anus. As seg aLS a boy feels ho is a live -pantner. and a.lowd te shs.re in thbe profits, if ouly -& a oMaI proportion, ho at once becon intîêesWd. and bis intereetu grows if 1 efforte meet with appreciation sude 'Couragemeut wbicb sbeuld nover ,wlthoid. Mauy a boy bas become soi ed froru beiug crîicised aud fcund la witb whiisl doing bis boul, when perbo ~a litîle onenuragernont and a word prae wonld bave pr.veuted. Of laIe years, espeoialhy last yesr, îbf im a genoral diaapproevl of tbe mariai imt o f lb. fait. . Tiiwueparly for lowing fir.ofet v.ry description oo«us mbolt.efaitgrounda te open thae timt lflainoueansd swindling pt *1.., ickespookel. or suytbing E cOMM le b.r w&Y. Net onlylbî sl*q & W.t *0 Ibm vet saent pousi -' or. ~p1auibl. sud d.lnsrve ibiltpdhb.sthat tb. UnsuMpýOoti woes b.lrm"us, ue tbey $y pu e t obrkek b tête laTh s '.bust tb4Ns nO=tb u hh with whom lhey arn dwming. They sbonld net b. allowed to operate under thbe protectiug wiug cf su honorable bpd'v like the, agrieultural seciety. Under tbe protection oft tus body everycue >rent expeots that bis cbild will be shiolded froin contamnating influences, ons fan se as witbin thbe power cf the managers te make . il se. The beet way would ho te give fakirs e n esI for the soles of their feet witbin Lb. corporation, but let thein b. driven eut, sud shunncd like a plague. Those wbo come 10 tube fair because of this being the chief attraction will meet assunedly receive no benefit, neither wili others receive a benefit from them. Dollars sud cents are not to be ls sight of but when weighed aitainst tube better inter. sts of tube cowrnuning tbey becomne not oni>' trivial but despisable. If tube fair cannot sustain itef witbout tubes. swindhers, and stand upon it'e own menite tube botter way wili be to lock tuhe gates tand allow tbem to nemain so. The editor of tube CitEONIcLE is ver>' indulgent in grantiug the. privilege of fre. discussion in~ ite calumns, especially in regard ta tanytbing that concerne the better inter- seste of societ>'. Let us hean from somne anecelse reepecting this, as it is a matter whicb concerns tube communit>' as s whole and by no mens the individus] alone. This a matter at lest wortby e passing consideratian. Lt is to be hoped kit Mnay receive the proper attention tram tthose in whose power it lies to prevent s ;frepetition of tube evile which have beer pointed out in this. Funny Things. Mrs. Peastraw-How on earth did you get yourself so dirty ? Johnnie- 1 was in swirnrnin' ' So your papa is willing to trust me with vou, is he?' ,Yes. He seemed sure youd fetch me back to him.- She-Yes, He.-Indeed. VOUr favorite -Man. 1 arn very fond What,nay 1 animal? She, of pets ask, iý frankly is Mack-My %'îfe made me a present of $5o bill vesterdlay. WvIld-Your're in luck. Mack-I dont think so. I have to pay It. Bachelor-l arn told that a married man can live on haîf the income that a single man requires. Married man- Yes, he has to. Winks, who keeps house,-We had an old-fashioned potpie for dinner to- day. Minks, who boards-W'e had an old-fashioned chicken. "Bingle's wife says she thinks hea- yen must be something lîke Boston," "What does Bingle say? ' He says he is tempted to becorne an agnostîc. - Ellis-Miss Ballad has a remarkably sweet v'oice. Warburton-She ought to have; it has cost me about sixtv pounds of chocolates in the hast six weeks. Bolton-Wîhat is the difference be- tween a specialist and an ordinarv phy- sician?, Colton-YoulIl know quick enough when the specialist sends in his bill, Wiggles-What's the matter with you, old man ? Waggles-Oh, several things. Wiggles-Well, get engaged to one of them, and then let the rest of themn alone. "Some people," remarked the can- nital chief, as he passed his plate for a second. '-have a mission in lite, w-hile others have a missionary,» Bragg-Oh Nyou can t get ahead of me. Synnex-I dont know as I care to get a head of y-ou if the one vou ex- hibit is a fair sample of your stock in trade. Dukane-So vou ng Timberw-heel has succumbed to Cupid and married the ugly Miss Roxgalore. Gaswell-You mean he has succumbed to cupidity. Old lady to motorman on trolley car -Ain't you afraid of the electricity, Mr. Motorman ? Motorman - No, ma'am, 1 ain't got no call to be afraid. 1 ain't a conductor. Father-What was your mother talk- ing about a while ago ?-Son-I don't know. Father-Why, you sat and heard it ah! " Son-Yes, but she was talking to the baby. Visitor-Life must be ver>' monoton- ous to you. Convict-Yes, sometimes. Visitor-When does it seem most tire- some to you ? Convict-Just now, for instance. Cerk-That gentleman you sold a boule of haijr dye to three weeks ago was here again to-day. Druggist- Was he ater another botule? "No, sir. He wanted to know if we kept wigs." Guest, pushing thein away from hum -1 don't like the: way ta cook egg~ at! this restaurant. Waiter-WNhat's the trouble, sr? Guest-You don't cook soon enougli. #,Weh," said the camel in the circus parade, "there's one comfort for me after ail.""Whst do you mean ? -My hump is pretty bad, but it miglit be worse. 1 don't ride a bicycle." Guest, angniy-What lias become of te watcr I gave my order to -most an hour ago? Ua atri4nt~* sali, buit mSt likély ho'a valUa on some gent wot tipçied him, sali, thé2lgo dôwh'tothe grocery" &'Ii5t- m'e] do ail the milkin. Figg-It'saa rnighty good., ithirtË toi have a relentive mûemory. Fogg-That depends. If the memory is- yours, it 'is a mighty good thing, as you say; but if it happens to be the properfy of your wife that's another matter. -Say, " said the city editor, ,it seemns to me that this expression of yours about showing a clean pair of heels is flot just the thing in the thing in the report of a bicycle race." "IAil right," answered the lazy reporter. ý Just stick in a 'w' and make it a clean pair of wheels. " Entrance Exams. UXBRIDGE. Mand Warner, No. 8 Scott. Ethel May Wren, No. 1 Scott. Allen Anderson, Uxbridge. John Breen, Uxbridge.f Henry Cooke, Uxbridge, Fred Darlington, Uxbridge, Frank B. Gould, Uxbridge, Joseph P. Gould, Uxbridge, F. Hamilton, Uxbridge, (highest marks) Alex. MoPhail, Uxbridge, Benjamin Manning, Uxbridge, Mabel Card, Uxbridge, Eva Frankish, Uxbridge, A.nnie Galbraith, Uxbridth, Estella Napp, Uxhridge, Gertie MeKinnell, Uxbridge, Kate Malone, Uxbridge, Jessie Smith, Txbridge, Zella Jones, Uxbridge, Lois Oke, Uxbridge, Milton Saunders, Uxbridge, Mabel Best, No. 2 Scott, May Blackburn, No. 3 Uibridge, Ethel Borton, No. 5 Georgina, Bella Currie, No. 8 Scott, Betty Forsyth, No. ô Uxbridge, Martha Gray, No. 3 Scott, Bella Bird, No. 2 Scott. Florence Lasher, No. 7 'Uxbridge. E. A. Shannon, No. 4 Scott, Winnifred Webster, No. 18 Georgina, A. Moorehead, No. 14 E. Gwilunibury, John G. Meek, No. 2 Scott, James Kennedy, Quasker Bill, Judson Edwards, No. 14 Pickering. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. Della Dafoe, No. 6 Georginit, Allie Prout, No. 6 Georgina, W. Pickering, (entrance standing), No. 5 Scott. BEAVERTON. Etta Brandon, No. 8 Mara, Mary Campbell, Ifeavertan. Jennie Chisholm, No. 3 Thorah, Mary Ann Flood, No. 7 Mars, Nellie Bickey, No. 7 Mars, Mamie MoKa>', No. 8 Thorah, Cathberine MoLean, No. 4 Mars, Nellie Moflattie, I\o. 8 Thorah, Minnie O'Boyle, No. 7 Mara, Belon Robinson, Wellosley, Toronto, Marietta Ruttle, Brechin, Nellie Smith, No. 2 Thorah, Gertrude Stabback, No. 2 Thonah, May' St. John, No. 1 Tborah, Jennie Taylor, No. 8 Thorah, Robent Bradley, Brechin, Ronald Campbell, No. 5 Thorah, John Calder, Breobin, Alexander MeRae, Brecbin, Norman Ritchie, Beavertntin Samuel Rutherford, Beaverton, Lindsay' Tiedale, No. 5 Thorab, Alphonso Gillespie, No. 4 Mars, Thomas Mulvhill, No. 4 Mars, Archibald Tisdale, No. 5 Thora.h, Norman Young, No. 5 Thorah, Bella Galloway, No. 3 Thorah, Margzaret Mahoney, No. 4 Mars, Hughina MoPherson, No. 1 Mara, Rose O'Leary, No. 4 Mara (highest marks. Eva Scott, No. 5 Thorah, Jessie Walls, No. 1 Mara, Lizzie Read (entrance standing>, No. 4 Mara. CANNINGTON. Miss Shier, teacher at Greenbank, was the guest of Miss Alleh for a few days this week. Mr. B. Vicars, of Uxbridge, has ac- cepted a situation in Messrs. Bick & Sons factor>' here. Mr. J. Van Ham, teller in the Standard Bank at Chatham, spent a few days in town this week renewing old acquaintenances. Hîs many friends gave him a hearty welcome. There are so many Cannington people summering at Ethel Park, Beaverton, that the name of the place should be changed t.o Cannington-on- the-lake. " Mr, James Harrison is erecting a large blacksmith shop on Ann street. When finished it will be -one of the largest and most complete 1 shops in this district. Mr. T. Stephenson, car «gebuildr had te misfortune t.o lose the littie finger of bis Ieft hand while running- a, jointer in Messrs 1M&k4ê Sons factory yesterday afternoon.Th wound wau dressed by Dre, Gillespie aud, Wilson Mr.. James, Biens, whose lihiess we referred to at wee*k, la7stili <'Veylm,-. and te dctors- boldoutvery Iîttie hoe for bis recSver AÃ"e41tto <4la~ if t1his towiland Dr.,emi A Generouis Offer. (Pîublish'ed by Request.) Dear Mr. Edilor .-Will you kindly in- form the readers of your valuable paper that I will gladly send FREE ta any suflerer from Lost Manhood, Nervous Debility, Night Lasses, Varicocele, Impotency and the rzsults of youthful folly, particulars of a simple and inexpensive means of self-cure' which after be- ing humhugged and imposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured ire in a few weeks. I have nothing ta seil or give away, nor arn 1 advertising any patent medicine business, but will be pleased ta bear tram any sufferer anxious ta flnd a cure for bis complaînt. ta whom I1 will explain confiden- tially how and by what means 1 was cured. Hundreds have been cured through my ad- vice. Costs nothing ta learn what 1 paid hun- dreds of dollars ta find out. Address confi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEI'J. Toronto, Ont. Rîverside P.. Lc A] A A The body of Capt. Cox, who was drowned the Ottawa river, bas been for warded to ondon. I wAs CERET) of a severe cold by MIN- ,RD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N.S. R. F. H zwsoN. I WAS cuREFn of a terrible sprain by MIN. RD'S LINIMENT. Yarmouth, N.S. Y. A.A. C. I WAS CURED of Black Erysipelas by MIN LRD'S LINIMENT. Ingleeville. . W. RUGOLES. The firet car ferry for service between Par laver ancu Conneaut was launched at Toledo Effectually yet gcntly, wben costive or biliaus, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, tc permanently cure habituai constipation, tc awaken the kidneye and liver ta a healthy activity, witbout irritating or weakening them, ta dispel hdadachee, colde or levers use Syrui of Figs. k I illed by an overdose of pain.killer. (med'a Liniment Cures Gaz-get in Cow rt i. y 12, p y exploded, and several persone were injured. No person should g o from home withont a bottle of Dr. J. D. lKellcgg's Dysentery Cor. dial in their possession, as change of water, cooking, climpte, etc., frequently bringe on summer complaint, and there je nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, wbich oftentimes s3aves great enffering, and frequent. ]y valuable lives. This Cordial bas gained for itsesf a wide spres.d repntation for affording protnpt relief from ail summer complainte. Storrington, waa tlhrown off a bors n, ild it is used the better it je liked. Such ie the case with Ayer'e flair Vigor. People who have been ueing it for yeare, conld not be in- duced te try any other dressing for their hair, because it gives such perfect satisfaction. ledhard eiecricthacoring trderw Bt Sing Sing. Symp'roM-Moisture; intense itching and tinging ; -most at night ; worse by seratcblg. If alawed to continus tumors ferm., whielà often bleed and ulcerate, becoaning very sors. "SwayN' OiZI1TXET" stops the itching and bloeding. beals ulceration, and ln most cases remeves the tumore. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelpbia, Lyman Bons & Co., M6ontreal, Whelesale Agente. idWq alwayy fry or i Ourmoat Fish, OysfcrsSara.' le- ý . ir - - Bar cou cou IUlliq riN *RWELq.4 rrster, Oounty Grrcwn 4ttorneOy, and inty Boclieitr. Office-Soutil Wing 01 art House, Wlitby. JAMES RUTLBI>GE, the s ir dge "of the blade- passed ove bs egjust above the knee and cut 'itlo the bone. Dr. Bingham was summoned and put in six stitchti. After losing a considerable amount of blood he *tas removed to his own home where he is improving. lAs we go to press we learn that Micksel Bryans, eldest son of Mr. James Bryans, ex-deputy reeve of Brock, committed suicide in his own barn at Vroomanton this morning. Deceased left work yesterday afternoon and was flot seen again until his body was found hanging to a beamn in the barn this morning. The body was cut down by Mr. James Glendinning, ex-M. P. P. Coroner Wyatt was notified but deemed an inquest unnecessary.- Gleane r. Bal Off Bri D J. 0f fice in Mathison & Hawken'5 new block ckSt., Whitby, sonth af Ontario bank. rPs Warren & Moore. J. Moore, M -D, Brooklin. flos hours 9. a. m2. ta il1ar. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office hourà la.fl to 2 P.m. 9Y- Privale Telephone CommuntZiIon. D. P. BOGART, MU.D.,L.D.S. PhyBican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. office and Besidence next to AlI Saint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches prortly attended ta. Dr» H. Wîghtman DENTIS T. Over Grosz & Granger's. Wbitby. o 1' A E "J p c e e e f W. B. YA.RNOLD, D. L.S.. ounty Surveyer and Drainage Enginees aort 7erry ,Ont. A. A POST, .rchitect, late with Langley, Langley Burke, Toronto. Designa for ChurcheE Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawing repared for remodeling existing structureE Jffice-Firat flat over W. R . Bowse's dru atare. 1e-P O Box M0, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESS MAKER, WRITBY; Blaving moved into our ne-w prernises, w are prepared ta extend tuie range of busizies Ail work pertaining to the harness-mak: and saddlery business wili be doue te satj faction. Collars a specialty. Caîl and sE ny shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of ol.d shop. * Dundas Street, Wbitl, JNO. NOBLE, r, ge sa. isa- Me- ee -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- sash, »oors and Blindo, Tiaruing and Fret-Sawlflg. _;M-Ail orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wfl. son's residence. WVhitby, April 4h, 1894. Established 1856. $1.60. Subsoriptilns always payable at the offoe ef publication. The publisher do net undertake to deliver the paper aI mny pegt «e but 'Whltby. A.ny paper which lails te reaeh Its destination will be replaced upon notification as a malter of ceurtesy. Advertislng rates ualons by cou- tract, 10 cents per lins, nonpariel, irstin- sertien, and 5 cents per linoe ach subse- queut insertion Loeals, 10 cents Vor line. HE'NDRBBON & GBÂEÂM. Propriotors. Rallway Time Table GWRbD TBUIRK ÂBDMDPLABD1 muIlus Gozzo wastVaEI. 8à-e xpEpressMai ~... Ixigs 0f 'Eh. Diduloa OpurII ~otJ1qTY 0F OIITABIO 1895. OcI a' IL lm a1 M dg n F c Clerk o! the Peace. -tober lSth, 1894. iw Livery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberaly desît with Teaming done at reasoùable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at reagan- ble prices. A cal solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- lanutacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Go. )u the continent. Ninety per cent. of ail kcnmulatione ot surplus ie returned te the olicy holdere. Ail claime are paid without lelay or discount on proof of death or naturity of endowment Agent, Whitby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three menthe 1 arn giving special attention te, patients frein a dis- tance. Amn etili making plates inu rubber, 88, celiuloid $10. Gold and silver flling work crowning by firsi-class operatore ai, the mosi reasonable rates in the ciy. When in the city-cali, in and let me. exam- in teelli. I make ne extra echarge. 0. l BIGGS, Dentint, aouth - eMcone King and Yonge Sis., Tqroutow Nov. th 9 82.. 1- W. H. WARNER.a DEALER IN GOAL» LUMBERP OORDWOODI BLABS9 ETC. SOLE AGENT ed" I'LYMOUTH GOAL. Office and Yard jiât Uptown, Station,. Whitby, Oct. 25th, '1894. East Of' A8K YOUR 8STATIQNER,' SPA] T~Z '<Was -te gro 1 1 Feb. lst, 93. To Clea»e the System C. 1 1 1 1 S. is 1 WmTBT-D. O. aofLOll Whftby, Olerk Jan. 2; Feb. 2;M&irch 2; X pril 2;P- ay 2 June 8: 3u1y 6; Sep. 3; Oct. 2; IIuv. 2 Dec. 8. OSiÂW-D. (3. Mmadonell, Whitby, Olerk; Jan.9; Fei).4; March 4; Àprl 8; May & june4; julya; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; NON. 4; Dec. 4, BiauoiuGH - M. GleesonGenod Clerk.-JSfl 4; Mazoh 5; May 4; Jiily 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 6. FORT PsnzrY - J. W. Burnham Port Ferry, Olerk-Jflm 29; Mlarch 9; Ïlay 9 July il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Uxenmz~JoOPhB. Gould, tlxbrldge, Clerk-Janf. 80; March 18; May lSth; July 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. CANNINGTONGeorge Smith, Canningtofl, Jan. 31; March 14; May 16; July 13; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. IBEAVETON-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. tTTP.BoB-F J Gillespie, ljptergrove, Olerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, 1 ft 'l 1 Barrister, etc. office formeriy occispiea by Farewell & Rntledge, next Xoys.l HotOlo Brock St., Whitby.: DAVID ORMISTON,9 B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in GhancerY, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - Ii the Office south of the Post Office, in McMillSf'B Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG &XI1TU. LL. ]B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Isitier of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc(1ILLIVRAY, 1 1 AI WITL Statemi "Aver' as a bioo cannot h~ its eif ec: treatiren astoni-,be medicine tried thes andi effer Avers S: Augusta, AyeF' Adm NEAB A YOUi Pale, Lis Bac Goix of IL the From the It is I ity te wonderf the use diru giet uiedia of instai these a -resders Howev, titan ut give th, the ben years a oif Mr. 1 Ln 1 1 1 1 JOITN STANTON, 1floremin.

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