Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 3

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Mrs. Î . seP-afrbuarn, Toronto, han, sous een ùitig-atMr. 0. Osborne'a. unsafriendi call hondgave Mise Tylr has been visiting Missi Brant, Whitby. Mine Ada Pethiok has beeu viitingc Mrs. J. H. Thompaon, Whitby. SCOTLAN D visting at or uncle'a, Mr. J. B. Martyn . ~SOOTLAJMisa Li e Ma:: Prnce r,wis J hin the Preibyterian churob next a, ~.fh1IaA WaI IoY JI5.~-The 34th Batt. Band cf Oshawa will 1 10a O w .I M GEM 33give an open air concert here neit Satur- i Gamasday evenîng. -i ~ ,~ Misa Helen Walbridge has returned Iol l y t r. 1 g 4 £ , frora visiting her unle, Mr. C. Simpson, A family named Mlurphy of the l4th ______ (TORON 'ýTO AND) P 711TiIY CI VIC HOLIDA Y.) con. of Manvers hive been arrested for N E h N U'm min making coanterfeit money. INTHE L1i 7iim i. dl. Rev. C. and Mm. Parker and Mine ~LU UI vwggy Matiwere gustof Mr.J.T. Clarke, Under the patronage of the 1r Excellciicies Lord and Lady Aberdeen and the Lindtay, wati drowned Saturday while *Grand Camip of the' Sons ()f Scotiand. and the management of Roderick ineasuiing lumber. * Dhu Camp S. (. S., îih and the united Camps of the Order in Mr. Jou. Knight wus called home front Toronto, which hold their Annu.îl Excursion to Whitby on the above date. Rochester lait week on account cf the Game com ence at a p.m.dangerous ilînesa of his sister, Miss Aunie Over$§o.ooin Csh ni therPries o beguvn aay. Osha wa and Bowmanvllle baselbal over$50,0()in ash nd tlie Przes o b givn aay.teamn played bore on Saturday afternoon M USIO BY.......... and the visitore were defeated by a score P(llda'Of /he S///i highlandI(ers (in uniform.) of 24 tu 13rue Entries may be made with the Secretar'les of the Toronto and Wihitby Committees or Saturday morning, Aug. 3, the steamer mailed to the address of either of them uP to noon, August i7th. Daisy, one of the best known steamers Cheap fares from ail poits ond. T. Ry. that plies on the Otonabee river and Rice Lake, wue burnt to the water'e edge, five i \dults, ) 25C. miles below Bastings on the Trent river. Admisio /o rouids Chîldren, (under 12 years) i c Los8 $5000. JOHN BA.I O\\'. B à, D. R. McLEAN, BA. Mr. Robt. Knox, License Inspector, Ca'infz' 1. , Acting Chairmtan Toron/o C('ar had Mr. Thoe. Swaîn, hotel keeper, of W I 1t )V. I12o Vonge St., Toronto. Cuesarea, before P. M. Haines, on Mon. W. C. MANN. JNO. T. MATHISON, day week for selling liquor during pro. Secreta?, T'a,o n i . Secreti;y U'hitlby ('cwnnniflee, hibited houri. Fine, $20.00, and $7.95 i-~Le rsîSi 1T'r,'nu' Xhitby. coste. The following gentlemen were elected on Thureday evening lait to represent P RO 9 RA M Ethe congregation of the Methodiet Church Pipe Mui.- acombe,J.C asoeLviMrs,. t i. Strathspevs anud Reel, --i-t S$ý, 2nt 55, 3rd $3. M. Cawker, Isaac Jewell, Wm. Trewin, t 2. Marche-s and lîrcs-r..î $..s ?Md $5, 3rd $3. and H. Baakerville. Dancing.- Rev. Professor Gregg, D. D., of Knox t i. Highland Fling, Men) ast SS2' td $5, 3rd $2, College, Toronto, conducted the service *2 Highland FIn . By and Girls under 14. :-'îst Medal value S3, 2nd $2, 3rd 1i. in St. Paulsa Church last Sunday. Many t SWOrd D1n Ce M enIl î1st $S, Zn d $ý5. ;rdI $2. of the older peuple especially were de 4.Sword Ilancu Bovs and Girls under 14 . .-ist Medal value $3, 2nd $2, 3rd Si. lighted to see Dr. Gretg itili hearty and ý,,. eanntriiilîa> ast $2 rd S5, ;rd S2, t f' Rel o Tuloci -it 2d Sý. ,rdý2,vigorous, and dis fervency and zeal un- t 7 Sailo' s (llrpip)e -ast $ý)2'. d 5-,rd $2. abated- A special feature of the evening Dress. .. service wae the singing of two solos, lfilllnde ll'i c0tiie :-st 6, nd,*ý4, rd 2."The Holy City" and "On the Croie" by 1 he.t Du'1Ilgiale Kîe r,-ist Silver Miedal, 2md Album MisMcLaughlîn and Mr. H. H. Saun- salu ~-.ders respectively.-Statesman. .ý:amp p rt 'ûieîeg bust appuarance in Dress :-S'iver Mledai. presented by 1) M0 k'l)trtson. ,;raned Sceretary. b Camil)prt itreime btst appearant in physique :-Silver Medal, presented Ps I r \V lit' rad Meical Examiner. Catii p l1avttcg utt 1 ii tiibe)r of Members on the grounds :-Silver Me1tdal pi'( t, ttd Pv Col Canipbell, Grand Chief. Races. - 1. {,ptiI as 1, r Nt-dal. saillt 5e, 21d Box Cigars, value $4 - 3rd, Ink 2, Boys' Race uinder 14 ytears. i,-. yr'-îst, Kit of Tools, value $3 ; d, Aýrtiçc, value Z2., Base 51'value $i.5u. c,;ri, Race, idcer 14 y-ears, ix yards -îst, Cape, value $350 : 2d,Lais SliplperS. Value $1.50 ;rd 2 Box Candies, value $i. 4. Niarried Melns Race, îoo yards (memibers only) :-îst, Daily Mail and Empire, value $6 'nd, Lady's Shawl or Jacket, value 5 3rd, Toilet Soap, valu> $2. s. embers' Race, y mile, îmembers only) :-ist, Parlor Stove, value $6 ;*2fd, Box Spices, i'alue $4 3rd, Box Biscuits, value $2. 6. loo Yards Race :-ist, Sîlver Medal, value $6, 2nd Box Cigare, vaine $4 ; 3rd, Set Irons, value $i.5o. Jumlping.- i. Running Long jump :-ist, Medal, value $6 ;m2d, Box Cigars, value 84; 3rd Book, value $i.5o. 2, Running High Jump :-ist, MIedal, value $6; 2nd, Box Soap, value $3 3rd, ýýuarter Box Smoking Tobbacco, value $2. V.\aulting wîth Pole :-îst, MIedal, value $6 -12d, Soap, value $4; 3rd, Hat, value $2 _50. Putting Stone, Etc.- i. Puttîng Lîght Stone ý-îst, Silver MNedal, value $6 2md, Album, valua $3; 3rd, Hamn, value Si.50o. 2. Putting Heavy Stone :-îst, Daily Globe, value $6 2nd, 10 lbs. Tea, value $3 3rcl, Ham, value $1.50. 3. Throwing Light Hammer :-ist, Silver Medal, value $6; 2nd, Box Soap, value $3 ;3Td, Caddy Tea, value $2. 4. Throwing Heavy Hammer :-ist, Silver Medal, value $6; 2nd, Cruet Stand, value $. 50 ; 3rd, Articles, value $2. ,5. Tossilg Caber :-i st. Silver Medai, value $5 ; 2nd, Bronze Medal, value $3. Misellaneous. *i. Tug-of-War, (members only, o in each team,) Toronto against al ethers Sîlver Thistle to each inember of winning team, best two out of three ; te be pulled on the level. t 2. Quoiting Match :- 1st $7 ; n d, $3. 3. Bicycle Race, 1 mile, (gentlemen( :-i at, Silver Medal, value $6 ; md, Bronze Medal, value $4.- 4. Bicycle Race, 1 mile, (ladies)-îst, Parlor Lamp, value $6 ; nd Tennis Racket, and Balle, value $4. These races to be run in heats; best two out of three. t Entry Fee 5o cents. * Free. - >=-BAND PROGRAMME :-- r. GRAND MARdII-' San Salvatore . ................... ....................Baker- 2. OV'zRTURE-'PUritani" ................ ......... ......................... ........ Bosquet .;. QUADRILLE-"The Duke of Pife".................... ......... ...... ........... Wood 4. SE-LEcTION- 'Plantation Songe"............ ........... ......................Beyer 5- VALS-"Daughter of Love" .... ............................... -.................. Bne 6. CORNET SOLO-' The Sea Flower", ...................................Rollinson 7. SsLEicTION- Scotch .... ..... ............... ............... ............ ailn S. ScHo-rnscHs- "Dancing on the Pier"...... ...... ...... .......»........... ............ 9. POLKA-' 'P"un of the Pair"............. ......... ........ .... .... ................. Aigreto 10. SîtLECTîoN-' "Irish" ........................................ .................. *........ Beyer i i. SoNGý- 'Mona ........................................ *................... ......... Adams 12. GALOP-'Cleopatra"..... ......... ..............................-.......D'Alber-t T.GRIFFIN, Baudmaster, 48th Highlanders. The Committee desire te thank the following and othen gentlemen for donations to, the prîze fund :-V. B. Woodruff. James Emaney, J. H. Perrin, '. T. McGreary, W. New- ort, Mathison Bros., M. C. I.awler, M. E. Jackson, 4anes long, las. Heny Jno. Mi,- lough, N. W. ColwiIl, Win. Foy, Jos. Bandel, ]ï. oruton, 1<. Bndel, ]H ., Thomp- sou, G H Sonley, J E Willis, M Colline, C A Conner, j S Barnrard, W G Walters, B D Warren, Philip Taylor- -Rules Goverming Gsme.- i. -Competitions shall be open tô Amateurs enly, excepting in pipe Music, Dancing and Quoiting, which shaîl be open to ail. 2. -Competitors must pay their fees on making entry ; fees -to eacb evrent to hi 25 Cents ezcept when marked by a dagger or a star. 1 -There must hi four competitors or ne (bird prize vlWM be &owed) àsud limes omuji tors or ne second prire wMflbe sllowed. 4.-Decision of Judgesanti committee shah W efinal inu s cas"i.- .-Last te, enter wil cempete fi-at. 6.-Compet±ors muat have (hein names necontied prW o te c<* - t of event in wlich they intenti competlug 7. -NO One vil hiallowed luside the ring except the judge14 é0uspedtm, sud offwce of thec day. 8,-Ti anager sualfot bW bowd ta. bring on the eveuWl~u-tbe àt #<' pmr . .-Judgcs of IMuajom&hal W nader cwrer dUrlg. bsg pip. =W th dieWon thu bleaXn 5shal direct othe 10. Tlrwn bt ppe payW ahi ifto itê60cSt Sfe# -Rules Gveig~si S cottvs A duce by an exces ui c di h Iahed blooti. So-cailet nealgia cithte thigh lsaâl~o rheumatismi seofnltle rheumatlsm ts haedtwta; syphilitie euila frein ypbffls; gpsMla eausédby high living; aIuPiî efrouatacu&&b the hea&t 06TIE KIRD THAT tf£$S Thus the whcf e Une et iheumaM dlaea OwO their bolng toan aMtotd elrouaa cf impare be& No peucm ian suifar à riematie pain tliai baua free aMi eusl circulation ef pure bieod,, aad lii.s » counit. for SSoWe Swmsamrli Ia ei the upposed incurable Sc. lb eradtflm au riaumatie poison Md m #rom ri ths blood sud Lquailz ue l.c IstIoU RiIEUEATISI AN<D GOUT Scorre SocinSOAP muuvun mUasv OuP&Mu The. omulue Meit Of Hoodeg Sarasparilla wmns friends wieî-ever it ie fairly and honestly tnisd. To bave perfect boaltb, yen must bave pure bleod, and (hi bit way te have pure blood le te take Hoodes Hood's Saréaparilla, the beat blood purifier and strangtb builder. It expels ail tait cf scrof nia, sait nhenrn snd ail other humera, snd at the sanie tinte builde up (hi vhole systemn Hood's Pille are prompt and effiient. 25a. William Court Gully bas been unanimously î-e-eleted Speaker cf the Impenial Houa. of Yon will find a box of Ayer's Pille au excel-, lent traveling -companion. For coStivenesin- digestion, ick hadache, anti nanees, (bey are prompt, sale, and effloacieus. Takeu n mase- son, tiey mai privent serions lim ansd vexa- tions delay aud dleappointment. .F. R. ýCoudent lu spoken cf au a probable sucoSsaor te Justice Jackson in the 'U.& Supreme Court. mli uanhbognW04tihe gueet of Mise L. >ugh over Simnday. - Mr John Redshaw waa the gueist of Mia. A. Léwjî. Mr. Bannington, of Brandon, was calling un old frien)dt here iast week. Mr. Samuel Anderson waa renewfng old friends on Saturday lait.1 The choir folles were glad to see Mr,. reteon Ward at choir practice after hie severe ilineas. Misa Emmra Williams and Mr. Edward Evans are practicing a duet for the cont. ing band concert at Clareînont. Mr. Dove preached an excellent sermon on Sunday lait, and we hope the young men will profit by the advice given.by him and remain in cburch during service. Don't forget this Charlie 1 I A numlber from bere attended the garden party at Mt. Z!on and some report not having as good a time as was ex- pected. Mr. Robert Spencer is thinking of leaaing bis farni to Mr. John Walker. Mr. Joseph Jones intends having hie binding bee on Thursday next. A] the young men have a cordial ivitation to attend. We think it ie our minister. duty to see that prayer meeting ie re-opened on Sunday evening. We hope thie matter will be attended to and not have the people walking the roada. Our echool will be re-opened on Mon- day next. We will be pleaeed Wo sec Mi-sa Harris back aguin. Notice of Trane fer of Tavern L icense. Public notice is bereby given that 1 have made application for th e tiansfer of town tavern license No. 36o now held by John Smith of the Railroad Flouse, Whitby, to me, M. J. FOY, Whitby Ont. August ist, 1895-35-2ifl. DOMINION BANK. Oapital Paid up, - $1950090001I Surplus, -$1,500000l General Tra.nsacted. Banking Businessi SÂVINGE DEPÂBTMENT. Interest aUlowed ut hlghest current rates. No notice of withdrawal required B. J. THORNTON, Manager Oak Oi'chai'd Inn s g And Cottages are on the South shore of Lake Ontario, ut the Now York terminal pont oie the propoaed interna- tional nailway ferry. They are am.ong a magnificent, -.gaoth cf ébaks, making the hotel and beach unexcelled for s summer resont. It is known ai; the "Fiaherman's Para. dise." There ana surf snd still-water bathing, fishing, and ail athietie aponts. Beau- tif ul drives abonnd . No mes- quitoos. The Inn providee the beet cf service with mod- erato charges, and special rates by the sesison, mentir or weok. Opena eanrly in June. For rates, illustnated circu- lara etc., addresa, E. W. EMMONS, Pnop., May 23nd, 1895-2-mos. Abion, N. Y. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO 'CREDITURS& 0f MARGAREkT BIRRELL, Deceased. Pursuant te tic "Revised Statutes Qf On- tarie, 1887," Chapter ie, notice is heneby givea that ail creditors and other persons having daims againat tic estate cf MAR- GARET BIRRELL, late cf tic townî,hip of Pickenn;lthe County of Ontario, spiïsten, deceamcd who died on or about tic îgýth day cf March A. D. z89,5, are nequired (c> mmnd by negisterati letter to Mess. Jow -."d, c- GiWUvnay, Breck St., Whltby, Solititors for tic Tororito General T*îUsts ý Corpauy thec Admiuistfltors witb ÎLbe viii-sd o. iedIi annexeti of thesad arart BI celde ceased, ci.r'rbefone the 7ü a fSpmc >. 3895 their napies and, a4dinesswith 7u pa;ffc!hflor f thir cr aims and. pf thé secur, a hel ba hwA ti -A commercil treaty Wbtweeu -(la Uuited tt Stet. sud BeaaIJ .being foruiulàedp, Pr-bi4 l 011*0 ýPUJ, i'd wU- Feather 'boite Skit A ligbtp'pliable, elastic bone made froià FOR GIVING quii.It la soft end yieldlng, conformning readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to STYE ND SHPE Skirt or Des STYLEAND HAPE The only Skrirt Bone that may be wet without injury. -TO- The Celebrated Featherbone Corse are oorded with this Ladies Dresses% atrw For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. What is- Castorla le Dr. Samnuel Pitoher's presciptho for ItLfat1s and Chlldren. lItScntal»ueither Ouluin, tôrpblne flo other &arcotlc substance. It la a barmiesa substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Boothlng Syrapo, and -Castor OU. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thfrty yeas!'us > MMlons ofMNothers. Castorla destrOYO Woflfl5ad~a feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting, Bour Çurd cures Dlarrhoea and WLud Colle.(atolreiS teethlng troubles, cures constipation sud,'auef~y Castorla asaimilates the foo4, regufle5the stomaich and bowels, givlng healthy and- natural sleep. Cas. toria la the Chlldren's Panacea-the Xothýer's J-,Idend Castoria. "Casions19 an excellent medicne for <ffl- dren. Motàme have repestediy toid me of Its good off oct upon thedr children."1 Da. G. C. OwSen, Lowell, Mss "Casterla thle lest remedy for childreo f which I amn scquainted. I hope the day la net fer distantwhen motherswillconÉldif theini&l Interest cf their chikIren, anti use Castoria in- stead of thevarlousquack nostninnswhich am' destroylng (hein loveti cnes, byforcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and otiber hurtiful agets down (hein (broata, tbaveby sning <hem (o pnomat4ur graves.%' Da.. J. P. KmxNCHEL, COnway, Ark. Caatoif s toria known toima" niU Ho. OxfoSd st, Brocklmyn, "4Our pbysteiam nS la fi. ildrs d q metbave spokea bhly -et t * ence in the&r ontae vpcic wflC" andi aithouge v >l a a nmedc suppaieswbatlo.Iiiown Um rq products, y" t warefrue.te cufteg th" menits cf Casoins asWou us to lo1o favor UPOn IL" Whitby Agenoye IL a r 4 N b4%. h'i~ i. y sari, ry 1 ft Ample or Mr, bsgary >UrTp, Ot sal on J~ i Tii. Csutwur ComaeIl, T muwy Severe Pain in, Stioi Cured "beDU&L et Sold gverywbeft. 25,Cd Vanicoe oVYom te. alois- liiddI~ Cousi olclock, >

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