Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 4

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rATO '806 FIN18H r WQ.USE DRY, N~O MIXING REQUIRED. to the vines.-Finishes bugs with one applica- aly sate way te ...... Sttong poison....... .*.*.*Worth its .0-*»**a fertilizer. 2j cts. per lb,. cost as1 L WIL LI1S, Chom8td Druggist, iMedical Hall, Street, Whitby ITBY, AUG. 16e 1895. 'bY bas had many civlc holidays which W* obtierved iargely as a day of rest or else roted te a littie quiet sport. Our towns- Ple appreclate a full day's relaxation, *(rom business, Suznday services or other ànrmatad a day's rest cornes better Ii esnthan at any other time. With ne sport added it Is j uch more welcorne il. Dur clvic holiday thîs IZar la te, be rend- d historlc by a tremendous meeting ef the Ma. F.very Scetchman who bas pan ta I be here, and those who have none will tont kilts or bloomers and corne. There i be bagplpes aud claymores, and war- ',,,,ud whuskey. There will be mnusic, d dancing, snd games, snd heather dew i snufi W>hen aIl the Scotchrnen in the zntr meet together for a day's fun they tibeattht world. Whitby has a rortgage <ail tht clans for next Monday, and a rld full of the.m will meet here te bring off tir annual national games. Mèere wlll be more sport snd more fun and Micte the square inch here that day than a square mile anywhere else on earth. A Tsar ot Plenty. Many farmers are now coming in for an tr supply et binder cord. This tells the >1.? of a grea-ter crop than the outlook pre- zted, and added te this they ail report that ie straw la abundantly laden with grain. lver, peasansd oas are turning eut a rich and sd many fields of fali and spring ýeat give great promise. Cern fields are fa»dvance et auything ever seen lu this suon ad potatees have taken a growth chsurpasses even sn Irishrnan's idea of êùy In many cases turnips are excellent, a-notiiers tht " catch " was poor, sud 1pwll be thin. Other vegetabies are il- vigoreus grewth. Apples willi be biet rop, for many years, sud pears will average crep. Plumbs will be tht <uçarce article this faîl. This la a year '-Ien, nd we believe prices will be fair, Lh the exception et barley, wbich is net ùtc h of a crop and promises very littie in ay of prives. Wetbelleve the lauguage used above dota )t oxaggerate tht prospects of yield in this cinlty, sud this msy with assurance be rmed a yeat et plenty. Our fermera have ng wvers a depressed look, sud have many nes roaptd unprofitsbie cropa, and a ouprous ytar cernes te themn with wonder. lwelcme. We can imagine ne fault that ý>,amer can have with this year's pros- mitas 1: I be that some may ssy, as did îèdgi-auget, that a good crop la too bard ~i bo land. ,é bave net fulreports frein the wboie dimnd district, but (rom man y places re- flgof p lenty are comlng lu. Wt congratu- tethe fariner on their goed creps. -ne LaeàCorrespoadet. 4,o*l correspondence lu country uews- pôim l now a recegalzed lustitutton, sud ppuimy Case people subscribe te tht local s "t ntlrely ou acceunt et thefiIeld et gtrlct newm it cevers. Much useful inter;. kiJou le spmead by this meaus, sud a suit- la c-orruopndent.cau do s lot ut good. But tiiose who resd these local newa-letters mome ssse of mauy important tacts, kW of whlch ve have selected for tht edi- Utoi of eut readers (rom Ilsat week's *k«Ing News. Frein Malvemu we read Omq barber bas net been seen slave the ýme. h la suppomed tir. monktys plckred o up."l Agalu w. have tht nad neya. 000h u ntroskitten apoken et lu lautissue 0O the. dtb t o- a warlor on Wtdnesday IL Then cemrmes the. Important query : W* woodcr if the. Scarbore Parrot bas ~tbe bulons off thte ow's toe e ye. ilrpa 7tb con. Scarboro " ve areo lu re- ,Pt oUtre (ellowIag sensational agrlcultural te; -"lSmith bhm a fine lot o crooked milpa" Then there la Information vanted: We wooder when Billvil be la ont bug1 (ortb Scarbo', seuda lu orne la:eusely ertlng* Items: '" Excuse me, jack, Mot te a«Y Ik as a boy." Alme : dos 1 Wr h» (orseken Armadtale." Here are Mtfthi ek'Items frein Mounutles> R ouso maya, thetu pupe are Ce M Po<brd," Ilja.ck maye ho don't 1 k. bck, itts to mueàbheber." f"C. la a lgtoo strIud,5te b erboçi, d twobeauto W bersrng, ' Tii. mev W 1i 4g&tIvs tii. black berme lanot oolv I>qbt a get A Mu el. .1v oudet- If 10 yU10 a mew»style ofet drfrig *u$pU=y Moont corneste * wth 0 (-00*iýg WY oet*î-mittcp ,1ý ,!4 e»w n W l «t- («, t1 w i . Good harvetw*«ther this week. âit. W. H. Greenwood le spendlug this week at hotu... Herwod lnng tables, 4 leaves, only $s, at W. vive.< Garden -Citt Niagara F1alls on Thurs day, A.ng..2gth. Mr. jue. Ellis, now a resident of Michigan, la here for a holiday. Fishlng at the bay appears te be played eut for the tirne being. Tossing the caber, vaulting with the pole, jumping etc., civic holiday. Mr. AI. Warren, Toronto, la visiting his uncle, W. H. Warren and farnily. $,-oo ln money, niedals etc. to be given the winners at the cîvic holiday games, Monday Aug. i9tb. Handsomne ail wool delaines, light and dark shades only 25C. per yd. at W. H. Warren's. Parade of camps in competition for three valuabie medais in front of grand stand at 3 o'cdock civlc holiday. Get your fire-pots, grates, iren or brick linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. Remember the Wednesday excursion to Toronto on the Garden City on the 21St August, and mnoonlight trip at night. We have juat received a handsome assort- ment of gent's iined and unlined kid gloves, your inspectinn invited. W. H. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fursey, Oshawa, M. F. A. Larke, Belleville, and Mrs. *Harrison and daughter, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Elliott, Whitby. Dr. Grant's "Hairene," for the hair, is the only preparation guaranteed to stop fal- ling hair, and reinove dandruif. No lead, no sulphur. Ask your druggist for it. HaIt ? Betore buying a spray punlip. be sure and see the And#tson double aci' n tore Spray pump The bestinl the worid. Tri of thern bought by the government for the exp ri- ýntal farin. Only 813.5aoeach. L. Fairbanks. ý%thitby, ageût. Ceai 1 Ia Just received three cafgoets, 400 tons each, fresh ni ned Scranton co-i per steamer Fiera Carveth I am now prepired te supply dlean. bright, carefuily scrt±ened ceaI at lowest possible price. Office opposite THE CHRONICLE Whitby. E. R. BLOW. The Wabash Rallrosd la now acknowledged by travellers te be the best route frorn Canada te Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Oid Mexice, California and west, northwestern points. Its train equiprnents la superlatively the fineat in Arnerica. It is the great trunk Une passing through six states of the union anîd making direct connection with one hundred and nineteen other railroads. Tickets and time- tables of this great railway fror nary ticket agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas seniger agent. N. E. Cor. King and \'onge street, Toronto. Returned frein Maniteba Messrs. J. D. Howdeni and S. Coxworth returned frorn their visit to the northwest on Tuesda., They attended the exhibitions at both Winnipeg and Regina, and were much pleased with what they saw at both. Mr. Howden was judge of horses at both shows, and Mr. Coxworth exbibited sheep and swine at both, carrying off first prizes on everything he exhibited. He tlnally sold ail the stock he had with him. They report the north west as having the promise ef abundant crops of grain which is now ripening; but there is always tht dread uncertainty of frost at this tirne of year. It takes grain a good deal longer to corne te tht sickle than it does here. but if net cut away by froat there wiil be a great amount ef wheat and oats te ship frorn that country. Iu several places they saw the results of tht fearful hail stortas that country suifera frem at tirnes. A sud- den cloudburst springs upon themn and takes across the-country at great speed until its force is spent, and while it lasts everytbing la cut down aioug its track, whlch is usualiy about a quarter er haît mile in- width. Mr. Howden visited mauy northwest farinera who weut there trorn Ontario, sud notably Mr. W. G. Dow aud the Thompsons, with whom bhe stayed several days. They reside near Pilot Monnd, which la southwest of Winnipeg, and have great promise of cropa at present. The beat section ef Manitoba in Mr. Howden's opinion is immediately west ef Winnipeg, around Portage la Prairie, but the whole province ia good. West et Regina the ]and is taken up largely by oid, country dudes who have rcmittances comiug in from their relatives acros the brine, who psy thern enormous annual bonusea te remain away. They spend money uuwlsely and are s ulost profigate clasa in every other way. Tht tendency among the uerthwest- ern people as a, whole la te be idie and froiicky. The aumnmer is very long betweeu aeeding and harvest, sud there is net enough te dole keep the farmers extremeiy busy al summer, se they congregate at country villages and taverns sud drink whiskey aud conduct crub herse races. Whiskey îssold at two drinks for a quarter, and- et tank quality at that, whille cigars of rauk brand seil tht saine, eniy lu amokes, iÊstead et drinks. There are many prosperous hait- breeda througbout tht great enet of country *which la settied thete, but et course a short vimit dots net utIfce te visit, inspect sud torm compiete idegs of a counrtry as large as oee..ourth et the continent et Europe. aEALU ,Mr. jas. Wilso n nov sports a valuable pair e1 cap strings. Mr. Elliott was the gueut et Mr. Thos. Wilson Sunday asat. Mr. Herbert Joue s t nov Dr. W. L. Brovn's assistant choir leader. Mi-. J. E. Disney han thteshed .bis <al whetan sd barley sud report asu excellent yleld. MîmsaIda sud Jane Crummsers veretbei restaet Mina Mary Wilkinson on Friday Tht gardon party held at Mm. james Hortope Iar Friday evna roved a great William a abukkevmrs a smlig fa=e, Its a boy. M ~~~- rV u om.Rcaêo tWky as tih% iioners are niYer stecké, thçy s*w Mr. Evans and eped the e Claremort band, Mr. Madili sud aiaterMlgsary Davtdson and Mr. A. Smith, &IliJ ohondld excellent service and sent everyb6dy horne weil pleased. Mrs. Roger; provlded a good big can of Ice crearu, which was stqon ail soid and ne wender as It was like the fat boy said firat clase. AUDLET Dr. Walters Sundayed here. Schooi reepens Monday next. Mr. R. M. Logan, or Oil City la visiting here. Mr. O'Lonne and family have returrîed te the Queen City. Miss Laura McCarthy gees te teach in Western Onitarie on Monday. Thomas Puckerin wears a very broad smile these days. Another bouncing boy! We would suggest that the census be taken soon te ascertain cour increased population. Misses Eiliott, of Toronto, have been visit- ing here. Miss Sophia Eliiott gees back with them. Some of our people are anxiousl y awaiting the resuit of the examinations. We hope te hear favorably. O)ur garden party is te be held on the 3oth ast , on the beautiful grounds of Mr. Bye. A grand time is expected as extensive ar- rangements are being made. VICTORLIA CORNE"S. The farmera are busy harveating. Wesley Acton spent Sunday in Udora. Work is very scarce for working men. Robert Acton has thirty acres ploughed. Mr. A. Doty is spending a few days home The threshing machines are busy aîound here. Miss Madill, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Zella Card. John McKee who got his ribs broken a week ago laslowiy recovering. The Misses Doty, of Toronto, are vîsiting their parents here Mr. aud Mrs. Dody. à%TNA. Mr. and Mrs. Percy of the 7th con. Pickering, spent Sunday with H. B. Lott's. P. Lott. Locust Hill, spent Sunday iast visiting friends in this vicinity. J. H. Ramers of Scarboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hoover of this place. Mr, Wadding-ton. of Kinsale, called on somne of his friends in this vicinity this week. S. B. and N. B. Hoover spent a day flot long ago with Mr. Cuip of the 7th con. Markham, Mr. Bell of UInionvilie, spent a couple of days with his daughter. Mrs. S. P. Lapp, last week. Master Ira Lott, of spending a week with his nest Lott of this place. Uxbridge, is cousin, Er- Miss Mabel Spears, of lJxbridge, is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Ethel of this place. Miss Calvert, of the 7th con. Picker- ing, is spending a couple of days with her aunt, M -rs. Dunkfield, of this place. A. J. Poynter, of Markham High School, a former zeacher of this place. has been renewing old acquaintances for the Iast few days. J. B. Hoover spent a couple of days at Morton's Park attending the camp meeting held in conneçtion with<, the-, Christian church, and they report_ splendid time and good meeting. ECNIEL. Mr. W. Berry has been sick. Mr. W. Gibson of Hampton bas been visiting Mr. John Gibson.. Mrti. Donald MecOulloct iài visiting- with frienda in St. Catharines. Miss Jennie Ashton and MMn. L. Nid- dery and objîdren have been visiting raIatives in Port Hope. Mrl. J. Hurîbut and Mr. B. Powell attended the f uneral of their aunt ati Richmnond fHillasti week. TU E AERKMT8. Fali wheat, Soc ; spring wheat, Soc; goose wheat, Soc: buckwheat, oo ýc ; bar- ley, six-rowed, 4,5c to Soc ; barley. two- rowed, 42c; rye, 50Ç; Oats, 35c tW 38c; peas, amali, 6oc; mummy pes, 6o te 6.5c; peas, black eye, 65c ; blue peas, 6o to 6oc ; clover, Alsike, U4oo Wo 85.o0; new potatees, per bag, 5Cte 5oc ;haY. $7 te 88; baled hay;, $soo $12; buttèr, 12C tO17c; .eggs, iic.i The following are higbest prices quoted: White wheat Soc, red Soc, goose ooc., oats 40c, bariey 46c, cominon. pes 64c, rye w0c, hay $13 te $15, Straw f-7-50, butter 17C, eggs- new laid 13c, dressed> hogs $5.00, potatees per bag, 4oc- Fui wheat 65e te 67c, sprlng 65e te 67c, gc«es6oc to oobaney 6rowïd3c tO 4c, z4 te a50, blackoyed =pEau teoouu~> ,çc te 00, smait sS 1co, uewbeat 35c te So, beanis $xt.oo te $1,25, aluike clover 84.0<> to 4.7o, red $So to #5.5o>, gruseed $z.7ý te $2.2 1 cm n 500to 00, aheipokits 40C te 60c, vol »Cso oo, +dde se cto 6c, 7beef e 00 te 0.00, Pm*I $5.oo, te 5,50, turkeqa toc to o0, dqtckos roc to o, chlçkçns- 7c te 0e, geose7c too0% butter ucto :5c, eggs roc to ric, lard !14 to 13r- potatooe 20 t PC" I»fr eeri We beg REAOY- wTO- WlEARCLOTi/iS leave to inform the residents of the towfl 0f Whitby and surrounding country that in connection with our General Dry Goods Stock we have opened out a super i e of To any person desiring such we would the sort we seil. It is good for Men, Boys mnade, fits 1oo0 either. costs say, corne and see and Children, styligh and well n0 more than the common sorts8 do Look out for the Great Dlisplay onuA, SATURDAYý -AU GU STl7th C!:;i:7NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS-D 3**T ]:D RnE' DR Y GOODS TUE DRY M. A ND REA DY-MA DE GGGDI :RO ss, CLOTHING. :1GRI, '~We H. WARREN. 9PJECIid AUJGUST W.H.WARREN. WHe H.a yward Esele the best goodsg, most of theni for the least moueyV. We are ooustautly on the look- ýOu#'forbarg&ins. Ee~ week ,we go tq Toronto -,and bunt the markets :med the esh enebles us toseonre xn-»y. los o of ps ai Ul SAJ[Ex 'RING THE PRE SENT MONTH we purpose effering some very Special Bargains. See a few of our prices : lu Dres Goods-44-in Serge, regular 20c., for 15. 46-in. Amazon, reg. '25c., for 20c. 38-in ail wool Serge, reg 25c, for 20c. 42-mn Shot Effeets, 40e and 45c, for 27c. 44-in Coating Serge, reg 60e, for 43c. 44-in Covert Coating, reg 75c, for 63. In Black, Serge from 25c- to 90t. Henriettas from 25e to $1. Fancy Black from , 25c<fc $1*. ,- Pritfs-- Ail our regular 124e prints for, 10e. Sateens, ireg "~c a'd-7., for 124e. Duek Suiting, reg 15c, for 10c. Hosiey Gloves, Handker- chiefs, Corsets, (in ail the popular makes) at very low prices. Table Linen from 20c. Towelling from 5e. yd. Linen Towels from 5e' «eaeh. In Men's Furnishings our stock is thoroughly assorted and at very close prices. In Men's, Youtha' and Boys" -Clothing we are offering the very best goods in the market, well made and perfect fitting, and at priees that cannot be beaten. W-ARREN WHITBY, The -United S$ta tes Life Iurn ouo Head offie- In NEW YORLK The L of Scol the Cr and th are t Most Silver gormi Silver Thisti havet tion tý short etc., a scripti upon gameE rs JEWEI tien ef an~ FRIDAY LOC. Ste our a!ll Warren. Foot races holiday game A large disc days at Mrn music store. 48tb highlan Ste the exceli, by this famou Mrs. Robert by after beji friends at Tor See the exti civic holiday, have liberaIly Miss Eliza Toronto, Bai where her si Bicycle rac for ladies a Special bicyci siding in the Assessor J. -tax. We hep rush made fc neuncement i lars or scalp tomah.awk te Mr. Wm. B best farmers, a lease draw- 2po acre farmr wiil in al Pr( and devote hi education of *Under the'l tht Port Pe "Rev. jas. 1 the methodis îng at 8o>c m.ushing the s N ines us a leave te thea, ~,WaatecL iA geod ger ùBrown, Byreî Vtean Up for C L~et us ail front of busi There will b4 day, and evi should be al Sports For the district lac2 Wediiesday feated the 1 after a very Ceai-Ceai. I bave ce nems SMp gie City.- L. A. Stewart, CanacUan Managr.' IIew Ready Macle çlothîng. 1 q

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