Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 6

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a a8boy. coucil miusat te ad-t M~itat Town hp hall, Brougam ~%>l4y pe~t 5Ah. Membes al t4 Be're Orow in lb. chair. 5ev- "OOOflt wer6 presented aud ccx»- Z4ýimtiops resd sud referred te th. var- -0O=intadlg committeo on coutin- ROU#0itol bega leave te report and recomý mbnd'Pu foliows : D R Beaten, on accl oft rau ana57 u municipal blanke, 840.80; T Q ýbrownï ,on accouaI cf sary scare 'tkë ot hall, 820; James Hubbard, on PffUat 88; W J Clark, on acmcnt cf D=lag vees' Jiet for 1e9à, 985; Geo. Q4r*wo fer teiegraphing in conuection Wit Green River bridge, 8 1.05. Al of lawbohi reapeotluly submitted. On 'notion cf Mr. Mowbray, chairman, »Po>rt wusadopted. XYoux standing committce on Roade and Blridges boealoave te, report and recoin- .Mqll as foiows :-The following three &MWUatue have beon paid by the reeve, as a resoluticu pasaed at aset meeting: ' Fuller, for drawing gravel on sidercad bOtWeeu lot 16 sud 17, cou 4, 81 ô; J a=es Malcolm», fer repairing bridge at Forest X<ils cou. 1,9818050; Henry Hardy, for Bryeing sidernad between lots 2 sud 8, O=OU 8 25.80. The bills hereaftei were »Scmmended : W Silver, for gravelling ulderoad between lots 2 and 8, con. 5, $8.60; W Boyce, for repairing elone biidgo sud furnishing matenial un 401î oun. opp lot 1, 820; Ha King, fer re-1 pairing bill opp. Geoe. Middletonus 7tb con. $5; J Goruuley and T Weleh, for ne pairing railing sud drawing gravel ou ideline botweeu 20 and 21, B F, $30; J 13 H onuor, building cuivent on sidelitne ,between 15 sud 16 as per conîrset, $3; J3H Greenweod, suppiying gravel in lst. ccii, *6.58; J H Cenuon, grading Brock road in lutcocu, 15.50; P R Hoover, coin. for work doue on tewuline betweeri Pick- ering sud Markham, Pickering's ahane, #60; D &nnis, for gravel supplied for townlino botweon Pickering aud Mark ham. belng oee aîf ceet, $12; James Lidgett, balance cf contrsot gravelling ou th cou, oppilote 6 sud 7, $4.80; Hay Ring, for repairiug bridge in 9th con, on Mto Aroa,65; Mise M E Boone, 102 Yade et gravel sup.plied Gee. OLeary, Powell sud Joseph Rae, gravel o i.No. 4, 85 11;W Clark, gravel supplied div. No. 19 sud right cf way, 818.60; W J Macdonald, balance fon gravel ou Brook road on &th cen. and altowest cf Brook road, 838.00; Chas. Blevenson, for stone sud repairiug bridge on Brd con. epp lot 9, $7.50 ; A Binreli, drawing durt on Kingeton road, 94.50;1 * Jamues Gormuley, drawing gravel on Brooki road in loI cou, 815.04; J H Conner,1 cleaning ditch on let cou, epp lot 18, $4;1 S B Hoover, cieaniug out ditch aud dnaw- nggravel ou 7th con, opp. lot 34, 8 50; WW Irwin, new road scraper sud ne pairiug old oue, $5.75 ; Joseph Joues, gravelling 9th cou. aI lot 1, $19.80, aise for grvol enppIied said coutrsot, $5.28 ; Wm. Pengally, drawing gravel on th cou, opp. lot 7, $20, aIse for repairing bll, culverts and drawing gravel on side- read between lots 14 sud 15, $15, aise urawing gravai on Brook noad meut h of Brougham $25 ; John Henderson, gravol supplied Alloua road sud pathmasters in Cherrywcod sud other divisions, $26.74; A 1Oourîuey, gravelling Altona road bet. 2 and a cou as pr centîset, 863.25. S W. bog to eVckowledge notice from F -Soach concerning culvert betweeu lots .80 sud 81 in 2nd con, aud would îecemn- reave grant bis eider ou the treasuror in favor cf the parties -recommended in tho reporta of the varions standing commit- tep as preseuted tbis day. Mr. Mowbray, secouded by Mr. Bich "rd, moves for leave te introdue. a by- law te aasa the several echool sectons in lahle township cf Pickering fer th. year 1IWO; that tb. sme ho now read a firet sMdsecond lime and thatt hé souneil go labo committee of the whole thereon. The conucil went into comrnitlee, Mr. Mowbray in the chair. The commite. marnsd reporled the blanka fllld up, Whhe lbly-law wua finally passed. Mr. RIllo, seconded by Mr. Poucor, =o«e for bave to, .introduoe a by law te ~appit à oUecter for lbe tcwnshlp et Fý-erig or heyear 1895 ; tthal lb. èam. b. now réad a flrst and secnd limue and tbat teoooucl go Itooommi&tof th tWwhoul.lqeonm. 1 'The. ootwoilwent laIe oumn t.,1)Er. S.Irdus'X N. b1,ni mita The by-law wa pt through its enral sg a finaly puae. Is *provlds =tthal lum of V12,486.21 b. raised in taxes foi th. year 1895, made Up as fol- Iowas: $1,129.26 for Amprovement of roada and bridges, payrnent cf salaries, and for grant te public soboole and of othor corporation expenses, oounty taxes 81,456.79; educationai, #891.16. Thc amount ef rateable property in the town. ship in 88,564,680. To procure the above amnounts, the rate cf taxation will bo for township purposes two mille on the dol- lar, for county purposes one eights of a cent on the dollar, and for educational purpoees one fcrtieth of a cent bn the dolar. Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Hilts, moves that the rt ove ho and i8 hereby authorized te grant his order on the treasurer in favor cf parties oompleting thoir contracte befere the next meeting cf this concil upon receipt cf certificate cf cotIlioners. Mn. Richards, sooonded by Mr. Hâlte, meves that this council do now adjoun to meet again on Monday, the lOch day cf Septem ber, at the heur cf 10 o'clock a. m, for the transaction of goDerai busi- ness. Mrs. D. Campbell je visiting relatives in Port Perry. Mre. H. J. Gouid and children are visiting in Toronto Junction. Mr. W. Hamilton visite hie youngest brother in Brooklyn, N.Y., thiB week. New rye Mr. John Whitney marketed some new rye on Tueeday. Ho wme offered 50c., but preferred to store it on the chance cf a rise. Ho bas about 300 buahels, and we understai d there are other farmere who bave large rye crope. Good luek In eight days' fishing at the Silcam tient pond Mi. T. B. Fîankish secured 470 specimons cf the finny tribe. Friends in Toronto had the privilege cf sampling many of themn and ne doubt wish Mn. Frankish's holidays wculd imet ti win- te r. Somte time ago it was repcrted that there was the material at Chalk Lake, in this connty, for cernent. Sinae thon the Rathbuns have been prospecting there. If there je a prospect cf rnaking money e 'ut of it the Rathbuns are people cf suffi- cient onergy and capital te take hold cf the matter. A nuruber of our reliRiousiy inclined young mon drove te Jackson, s Point on Sunday te attend the camp meetings that have beon in progross for a weck or more. We bave ne doubt their active presence was greatly appreciated and their assistance in running the meetings gladly accepted. Perjury A charge cf perjnry was preferred by Hiramn Wilson, cf Scott, against B. and L. Clark. The parties aIl live near Zephyr and tbis charge arose out of a divibion court case tried bore on Juiy 12. Justices Hamilton sud H. J. Gouid were te try the case, but the prosecution want ed te amend the information and this the bench decided net te sllow. The case was therefore wthdrawn for the present. F. N. Raines for plaintiff, T. W. Chap pie, M.P.P., for defendant. Early elosug A petition wae circulated thie week and igned by about 235 people whe pledge themselves te complote their Sat- A geod vite, an author telle us, sbould b. lii'. hbree thinge, which lire. things she sheuld net b. 1k. Firet, ah.e hculd b. like as suail--always keep within lier ewu bouse ; but she sbeuld net ho liko a mnail, te carry ail she boas upon ber back. Secondly, se h buld b. like an echo, te epeak when se is spoken te ; but she ehould net b. like an echo, always te have lb. hast word. Thirdly, eh. should be lk. a lowu loek-aslways keep lime aud regulsrily; but se. hould net ho like a tevu dlock, te epeak se lond that ail the tovu may bear ber.-Journal. CAINmOTON. Mr. W. W. McLaren, cf Columbus, ia holidaying lu towu. Mr. R. A. Brovn, et Toronto, is viil- ing bis parents lu Ibis lovu. Mis Eva Lindsay la visitiug friende in Beaverton. ises Jeveil, etfOcilege treol, Tor- onto, mar e elgsutsetf M. sud is.mW. HL Hoyle. Mm .PbiIll Davaon sud her daugiter N"lieare visitiug friands in Toronto. Kwu.. Holine %pnt part et Ibis we.k la Bolaveton, th. guesl t herusdn,)Kw.' de tls mk viti fieuda laBovma. Mis.ASoarp g4d. so y mow th fflet, d-asit, l "(ohsu>te' fo uMain. MEN MEN O - Paîne's Celerv Compound Banishes Disease and Releases ail Cap- tive Sufferers. Mou sud wom. i forge their ewn fetters aud shaokles. ' bey pernaît thomseIves to be comploeey bounid and enchained by the common ilîs of life, sud the resait is rnisory and intensc suffening. The laws of heaith, wben disregarded, brng sovere penalties ; sud it is well te kuow that unlesti effective means are need te 'remove Ibese penalties, chîenic ailmenîs roanît, sud ife is lu danger. Medicai expoxieuce proves that the commou ils cof life, sncb ap dyspepeia, in- digestion, headaches, neuralia, rheuma tiem, insomnia, kidney sud liven troubles, sud biood disesses, cau, in a short time, ho efiotually banished by that wondroas medicine, Paine's Celery Comnpound. Weak, nervons sud euffering mou sud wornon are soon made strong sud vigor- ous when Paine's Celcry Compound is used. The life biood je purified sud courses Ihrough the body in a healtby stato. For pale, sallow, nervone sud over- worked womeu, Paine's Celeîy Cern- pound is a Ged-send. It ie juet the medicine that makes peo pie healthy sud stroug duning the heat cf summer., Paine's Celery Compound bas cured thousaudesud wifl surely moot your case. LINDSAY. Mr. Geo. H. Payne, lot 14, cou. 2 Op8, has centiived a fliture whiehch eauhoat- tachod te a binder for the purposo of sav- ing ail wild seede and over ripe grain. Ho bas Inied the invention sud eau save frein three te five bushels per acre. It is a capital thing where wild mustard is prevaleut. As Mr. Payne dees net in tend haviug hikq invention patented ho is qu.ite willing to, expîsin ils menite toanay of hie fallow farmers who msy calsud inspeet il and if they like it eau give it a trial. A case of twtus Twin fish wene caught in Lake Scugog eue day laut week. 'lhey weighed about 7 ibe. oach, and when lm.uded were fouud te ho counected at the cornier cf the rnoutb bv s baud that was nubreakable. Oue cf thie fish had evideuîly at ofle ime been osnght, sud eseaped «with the hook sud part of the troll firrnly ou4edded in hie jaw. Iu ewimming arotiid in his native ebomont ho hsd hooked on te a brother fieli, whose strugglea le, escape only served te, give the bock a firmer hold. In Ibis way Ibey muet have jour- neyed through life for several years, as the hook wue completoly coverod, sud the Iwo lunge had growu tegether in a wsy that was astonishiug. The luside cf the silver speen that dangled frein the port aide ci the twin fish bore th. initiais "4J.D., 1892." Pot-hunteru always W. are credlibly iuforrned tbat numer- oua ducka are already being shqt on West Creek, near Little Britain, by pet -hanIers frein shal section, and aise at McLareu'a creek. On September lt duck-sboeting legally commences, sud by that lime the wild dueka thal are wilh-us uow wilh be fully one peund heavier, and botter fiavored. These duoke are the blacok sud wood dnokm, sud wbicb as a mro main in these;, feeding groundlaunutil the ice drives lhom furtber sot. Il is tee bad if these poîhunters are ailowed le break the game lawu as they se. fit, sud go un- u nisbed. The fiali sud gaine wsrdeu for Ibis section should look luto lh. mat- ter, sud make an exampbe cf several cf theme fellowa as a warni.ug teolliters. Every well-dispcsed sportsman or citizen boa power te bring these poaohers before the couuty magistrale, viii> vil promptly deal witb lhem if afforded in opportumnty. Warllevrbe A uo*bh ard citizen la tii. prend pes-, sessor 'et a bng bê ylloe ary which iu addition tbeing âsiýoet ingrisa prononoed pugilast. Th" al ethIis pet' propriato for tlb id-; is agansu alwayoready for as igbt e, he bowuer groe w eary aned dqoU»sfùii he jas peints bis fiager at "80ijpy" sud h 44baIl yle w- egci taev yîm 444. lb. ftuly ve 8ws ehouàe-m I wàs cuRE!) of a severe cold by MIN. ARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N.S. R. F. HEwsoN. I WA&s cURE!) of a terrible eprain by MIN. ARD'S LINIMENT. Yarmouth, N.S. FRD CoCLSON, Y.A.A. C. I wAs cuaun et Black Erysipelas by MIN. AiRDS LINIMENT. Ingleliville. 1. W. RUooLIEs. The fourteenth Irnperial Parliament of Queen Victoria opened at Westminigter Mon. day. Microbe Kilier penetrates the eystem with life-giving curative principles, kiiling ail dis- ease germa, as does the sun that penatrates your chaniber and fils the gems therein with- out danger to sleeping babes. Old barbaric drug remedies sioken everyone. Try this Microbe Killer 1 Corner Drug Store, agent. The postoffice at Gravenhuret, Ont , wa8 broken intu by burzlars, and about $225 in cash taken. Thie Care of the. Skiu. In an article on the cultivation of beauty, a physician writes: "The beet methode of keep- ing the skin in a healthy and dlean condition is frequent bathîng in co!d water and avoidance of the'use of qomplexion powder containing arsenic or iead, proper diet, correct habits, plenty cf sleep and open-air exercise ; and if we might add nce article of medicine as being specially valuable for this jrnrpose it would be Feelay'eg Liver Lozenges.' Mr. John Little, a Winnipeg teamater, is alive, althongh bie neck was broken on Satur- day. To Clean8e thie Bystem Effectually yet gentiy, when costive or bilions, or when the blood is impure or einggiab, to penmanently cure habituai constipation, te awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without'irritating or weakening tbem, to dispel hbadaches, colde or fevene use Syrup of Fige. Queen's Prizeman Hayhurst was accorded a great reception in Montreal Monday. Minard'. MLment Cures Garget la Cows. Hamilton is threatened wih a law suit if the purchase of the county jail is peruisted ini. Piles! PU«es1IIteblngPules. gSmms--Moisture; intense itehing and' tinging ; Mest at nilt; worse by scratchlng. If allowed to continue tumors form, whicL oten bleed and ulcerate, becoming very Bore. "SwÂnn's OnqTMENT" stops the itchlng and bleeding, heais ulcertion, and in Moset cases removes the tumùors. At drugg'tsciby mail f or 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman Bons C (o., Montrea, Whelesaie Agents. reaohed Lindsay -et.,, ho Jumped itbeà haok, but by thia timue' Oief Bell teck -a band In, su«d when the hack roached Me Conneil'a corner ho attemptod te. arreet Murphy, but the latter threw hiwself ont cf the Ã"oppogite window, witlithe ohief in close pursuit, but net quite close enougb te catch con. Murphy was flnally stop ped in bis propoese by a carter named Rtaymond, when Chief Bell slipped on tbe darbies and marched his man te the coo0ler, where at the time cf going te press e howa sleeping as peacefuily as a child. On his person was found among other thinge a ticket for the C.M.B.Â. excursion te Niagara. -Watchman. A Genercous Offer. (Published by Requesi.) Dear Mr. Ediior .-Will yeu kindly in- form the readers cf your valuable paper thai 1 wil gladly send FREE te any suflerer froni Lost Manbood, Nervous Debility, Nigbî Losses, Varîqocele, lmpoiency and the r!sults of youthfui folly, particulars cf a simple and inexpensive nîeans cf self-cure which after be- îng humhugged and imposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured ire in a few weoks. I have nothing te seil or give away, noir amn I advertising any patent medicine business, but wili be pieased te bear froni any sufferer auxieus te find a cure for bis complaint. te whorn I will expiain cenfiden- tiaiiy how and by wbat meanis 1 was cured. Hundreds have been cured througb my ad- vice. Costs nothlng te learn what 1 paid hun- dreds cf dollars te find oui,~ Address confi. dentially and enclose vamp if &nvenien t. D. G. OWEIN, Toronto, Ont. Rî iveruide P.O. The steamer North King ran ashone in the Bay cf Quinte Monday, and the Alexandria ia aground at Brighton. Èrooklin. Office heure 9. a. mn, te il a.m. Whitby . Office hoors il a.nx le 2 p.m. .2-Privale Telephone Communlicatui. D. P. BOGART, £,.D.gL.D.B. Phymican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and IResidence next te Ail Saint'& Churcli, Dundas Street, Wbitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ah ils branches promptly attended te. Drir H. Wightmian DENTIS T. Over G'Oaa & GTanger's. Whidtby. W, E. YARNOLD9 D. L.S.. Gounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with LEangley, Langiey& Burke, Toronto. Designa for Churches, Villas and Cottages a speciaity. Prawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Office-First fiat over W. R. Howse's drug store. e»P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY-, HARNESas MAKER, WElTBY; Having moved into our new premises, we are prepared1 to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining to the harness-making and saddiery business will be done to satis- faction. Coliars a speciaitý. Cail and see my shop and stock.1.- W. CALNEBEYs, Second door west of oid shop. Dunda8 Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shingleis, - Saah, DocTe and Blinda, Turntng and Fret..Sawing. _"mAil orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Whitby, April 4th, x8g,4. Es8t.blished 1856. *1 persannum in adysuce, othervise $1.50. Subsorlptlis ulwaya payable at the office of publication. The pubuisho3r ,ao net undiertake te deliver the piper -ait sny pet offce but Whitby. Any tper ,whiohtallate reaeh itg deBstiation wl-b. replaced upon notihattiou &s mater cf eourtesy. AdvertWsng rates niu1*wby.,con- tract, 10 cents per lino, nonparil, t 1 ù- ollon, and ô cents pur lino eaoh sub>s.. quaent insertIon LOolecents perln.. HZNDEBSON à GBÂAIRA Proprietors. JOHN1 STÂNTON, Poreman. -alwyTimo Table, QBAND TBUUNK -,ND -MLÂ" Barrîster~ County Orcyn Attorney, and out olicitar. Office-South Wlng 0f Court Houge, Whitby. JAMUES RKTLEUB, Barrister, etc. Office formerLy occflPied by Farewell & Rutiedge, nextt Royal Ilotli, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMlSTON, B. A.-9 Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convoyancer, etc. Office - in the Office south of the post Office, in McMilan'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. Go YOUNG SMITH. LL. B1., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuner of Marriage Licenses. Office - Sniith'5 Block, South of Market, Bt ock St., Whitby. DOW &M(LIRY Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new bloc~k Brook St., W hitby, south of Ontario ba.fk. Dr8. Warren cMoore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. tk - Cor Jan. r; 17b.-2;, mi Dec. J).O. lMsoil. utWhitby1: lerk; jan. 8; Feb. 4; MTOb 4 ÂYdi U&a7 ; june 4; 1uy68;sep. 4; Ot. NOV. 4; Dec. 4, [M8.eon rewoi Clerk.-J5fl 4; Mesrci 5; May'4; July 9; sep. 5 ;-Nov- 5. POR PEnY J.w. BnTihai Fl ort FRT 2i~4 9; March 9; 1ïiay 9; Jmiy i;ep28Nov. 18. julxnil;Ze«JO58;Pli . Gould, Ujxbzidge, Clerk-Jafl- 80;* Merci 18; May 11;JI 12; Ocet 14 ; Dec'. 17. (çàyWqNGTOIwGeOrge Builti' CaMiîngtoii, Jan. 81; Marc,' 14; May 16; july 18; Oct. 15BeÂVE1.RT o. F. Bruce, Beaverton, CierkMarch 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. UpTERGReOvz-] J GiIIOU 18, Uptergrove, Cierk,.-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; DeC 20. By order, J. E . FAREWELL, Olerk et the Peace. October 15tb, 1894, New Ltvery and Sale Stables Dundas. St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial meu liberally desît with Teamuing doue at resonablo prices. Freight sud Bagga"o hanied st reason- able prices. A cal sohîcted. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufa.cturera' LUN & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lite Insouranice Ce. ou the continent. Ninety per cent. of ail accumulations et surplus is retuirned te the poiicy heiders. Al daim-s are paid without delay or discount on proof uf death or maturity of endowment 1Feb. Li, 93. 0. J. 'B. POWELL, Agent, Wbitby. H1. RIGGS. DENTIST.. Cor. King & 9Yonge St. Toronto. Fer the next three menthe, I arngi-ring epecial attention te patiente trop a dis- tance. Arnm tli mkngpas.lu ruber, 88, celuleid #10. Gel l. sud silver -flling.z work crowning by frut'-class operaters I the mcet reaso-nable rates - u 'e.ony Wheu lu 1he cit_ý' eallintand let ime ex2ai- i4e YouX letçi. -,I "e no. xr hré MG-,Dentiet, senti' osat corner King aud Yo-n-1 Ste., Tcôzo"i, WHa*W4 DEALER IN GOAL, SOLELEU in WhItbyfo, Ih e etràt_. O10fice, and Yard-just East of' 'Uptown Station., Wh ÙyOt. 25bl, 1894. AU, yOUR STA TfONE-à I w'zs he4 more lut ,bot liho r.,un om sud i TluaiN ON 2'&» pr, aiymail. rnted Exxurous ... .. i., Permanendy Ci ALYEI A OkE-DEV 'I was afflicted foi Rbeuin. During tii rnany med.îcines wi ,ommeuded, but ni was at la-st advise panilla, by a trient Elust prhase six acorrg to direc Sesuasion, bougi k the contentsý tles wtthout notici Befort 1 had flDi ray bands were as ,ree from E as ever they were Is that of a cab-c be eut in coid aî without gioves. neyer returned."- StraUford, Ont. ~y~The .A dmtted at ti .18 'sPUIS Cli HEVILLAGE PEVELO PES ýhe Fatber Attaci aud the sou witl Story That cau the Neighbors. rothe Winghan bir oseph NÙ W~ny hetel ia kch, asudi *3zide as brtn is mpanlon i s eo thie part cf Q0 hÊotel wau destro ,energywbich la q~ik1 set te lý aid,- isud lunlb ~outrcWd reu ,conld't sit lu a My leg back att 1 couldn't"ride - he affecting lg g atdeal more anyoflO who bas .ed eau imagine.

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