Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 7

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ýby Cîerk i ACommon, Affliction Pormanontly Cured by Taklng AYLERS .Sarsa- parilla A CÂBR-DRIVE18 STORY. '1 was afflicted for eight years m-1th [Sait Rheum. Durtn1g that Lime, 1 trled agreat Il anY medicines which were higll rec- Fninendedj, but none gave me relief. 1 %vas at last advised to try A yer's Sarsa. parhlla, by a frlend who tolu me that 1 înlust purchase six bottles and uise them actord ing to directions. i y1elded to hls persuasion. hou ght the six hottles, and 1 okk te contents of th ree of these bot- lies without notlclng any direct benefit. liefore I had fitished thie fourth boutle, iiiy bands were as «Free from Eruptions .-%%--.er they were. My unes which iý hat of a cab)-driver, requires me to r i ut in cold and met eather, ofleit % il )ul iloves, and the trouible has r rre* rrned. "-TiiomA~s A. Jo0HŽNs, '-trtford, Ont. Ayoer's -O'n' Sarsoaarilla Admn.tted at the World's Fair., lve>rls Pilla Cleapise the D)iu'ei. FATHER AND SON CURED. VILLAGE 0F WllITU'lIlýCII LYII.DIESA SEN SATION. J ii- so~i i 1j s!. v i îtlCs.a ry Thit oan 1t \ 1.;cieI r 1v al 1 , l in \ ngliarrn \,il - e 1I l cpuNîin t t 1iw LA rrîî r chibd ,,kuan iltO tie wlîolet 110 ano otlloruuluîvl ] j (j t i) Shis blS a'S nd a Jovial rofilliallnuas wu li It il e-1known ilu ti.is part of On tario that Nlr. N ion's hlotel %vias destroyed I'y tire, but with that energy wbici le characteristic of Ii' te ,1uiîklv Fet to work to rebuild. Hie story,. as told a reporter of the WVinghama Advane, wlîo recently had occasion te visit his bosteiry-, will prove of intereet. III was lieîpîng te (119 out the c3ellar," lie sailj. Iaud in tlue datnpness and coid I 4,--_,ontracted rbeumnatistn, wbicb esettled in wNv rietbt l). It got se bad that 1 00o.11int sit ni a chair wit bout doubling mv leLz beck at the side cf the chair, and 1 cenlIn't ride in a buggy without Ietting the' affecting ieg bang eut. 1 suffered a great deal more froni the trouble than anvo0ne Who bas net been siruilarly atffect ed'can imagine. 11ow I was ceured is .J was helping« dig out the ce//ar. - even more intersstisg. Ose day I saw a tii-0-hberwhom I knew bail rbeumatism , ,itv bail, running dow n the road. I coal. lt-elj'i and aekeil what had cnred hie riieumatism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pillei 1Le promptly replisd, and thait determised Ille to try the mre reMedy. Wehl, the resuti l Pink Pille cured vas, sud that i. soinaetbing othor medicines fsiled to do. 1 don't know what is un them, but 1 do kuow that Pink Pille is a wonderfal med icino. Anmi it je net cniy lu my own cas;e." ocutinueil Mr. Nixca, 1"that I have reasin to ho gratoful for wbat the moè.i- cine has done. My son, Fred, &boat twelve years cf age, wua taken with an attack cf cold. Inflammation cf tihe lunge @et in, sud s e howu recovering from tihis, complications fellowed whiohà doveloped intô St. Vituo dsance, whicb b0 that h. could nos possibi>' a- e taîîi iil. We gave hlm Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, wîh the resuit that ho le Dow thorouglily cuzed, aud look& as thouçh h. 1usd nover b.d a day'. siokomeee Wlia 1 ie, &n d if thoe f acte, whioh are- knowu te ahi tbe neighbors, wiII b. of beneft te auyone .1.., yen ar- àt liberty Le publieli. theru."' Dr. Williams' Pink MPilla ae ld only in boxes beariug th. firm's tWse markr and wrapper, (pinted tu ed Ink). Bear in mind tat D1r. Willtme'Pi>nk Milanr neyer sold in bulk Sr by the doseis or buundred, and sny dernaWh*o coens b- stitut,, iu ibis forw le, trylog -u d.*v you and eheuld b.e voId. Tb@e pfli are &ase autloned aga"sê mt u sea s. eald blood bafildersantd rivé t Put op iDn sllev <f= jiopA*d i. 4 eoive. They au AUr4 $*wqew houe inakere hope te reap#ri tege (roum tie ftiheved b7 Dr. ilW . k Akyour deuiet-~ The"ePJ Dr WilH=je: Villot,ç t 1a h kCý i,î ! inr r'î w~utr- il l\ riu\ -1.k c!, i ii1 iIi- were thei rc In. Iifi - t bta( I, cd tr1i e rV lina- it-î wn.r-lit-ii. rr wand neg- l t .- tt w itl tilt-t-l a a look tif patit an.-it oit nd t ru sti ng hope, îliot eX cri at i ti- sOlderriding cf a hope- Ices IlOt, t1itrt- uigint ' 'roca change, atuil îîlcrnty iliîtht \ct îî!e-zbis sight. SîowlyI andi faIter. ;.gl v he tottered forward. looking reproachfully at all this grandeur, as he muttered : -And ail this is here, while my suhjects are eating their hearts eut in despair, for the want of something te satisfy their hunger. How can tbis be just ? " The startled party whom he scarcels' samw, gazed at bim in utter astonish- ment. Neyer before had they seen such a figure. Ney-er before had tbey seen a dry- crust; and alternately they gazed at bim and it in amazed affright. Suddenly be turned bis patient, woe- begorie face te thern. and said in a stern, comrnanding veice : Hew dare you, creatures of weaîth, keep this pîenty te yen rselves, while ethers know net where te get necessities ? " - Who are yeu, wbe appear se un- pardonably befere us, te repreach us. Hiow did yeu cerne, and wherefore and why ? "I-1arn the God of Want ! I cffixe te warn yen, whiie you -have yeî tirne f rom the life of the next world. You have everything in this 111e, think you, you are geing te migrate te a land ef plenty ? I tell younon ! every one. rnust in sorne stage of his existence knew every phase of living that there us, in erder te be a perfect man. If yeu have ahi riches here yeu rncst go through a werld ef ail peverty there. If your experiences are rnixed here, yen will net need se much poverty there. I tell yen sole rnly. you are geing te a werld ef afflictio.n and want, unless you disgorge sorne of your hoarded wealth te rny subjects, and that right seon. Divide your wealth with thern here, and they will divide your want with yeu there. Thus things will be equal. " What is want ? " the chiidren asked excitedly. "-rhis is want! " replied the god "-te have nothirug te, eat save this. Tarete and sce if your delicat.e palate could appreciate it. " They! tried to nibble it, as he held it toward them, but one faste sufficed, and they tu rned' away with disgtust written for the firet time on their exquisite faces. -Do your subjectis eat that? they cr ied.1 "-Yes,"' he said, with a grim contor- tiên- ueant for a laugh, *"they eMât that or nothiing.' -The poor, wretched morahi» anid jumping up, they gathered ;M *heo go14 they could carry and heapedit 1ïruân the ohd mon, whose facç e4OlsCà <1sud0 a feeling that was quite new to- i$.-4i intense, gloatlng *0y -l tbank youI un the fnw of4'I weary subjccts, who onuiÇ-Y1i1.ýý Uow-thcir eyes will UtA'fl* much. Oh!Imusth glin fitpcla &ieý ecamle swY, d a&=,e Of Mbi bd ouaxfl lws as IPISC1L gbto iii tI e great htorse markets of the worid. JOHN DRYDEN, Minieter cf Agriculture. ORGANIZATION 0F FARMERS. A FMATUIRE 0F TULE DAT, Jau«neRoger sSpe-aka Earnestly. The dovelopunent of F'armers' Institutes and other iensno f educatien on successf ul practi- cal f6rming bas proven beyand a doubt that the prssent day fariner requires to ho a student of bis work. The mosti successful one are sot, as a raie, those who do the greateat amount cf manual labor, but they are tound, rauking fira as prize-wlsners ou aUl agricultural produefs James Rogers, a resldent et Tilaonburg, Oxford Ce., Ont.. for 4-5 years. bas taken numereus firet prizes durin'g the year. A succeestul, reliabie man, his stiatement will beocf isterest te many: - I bave suffered for soves or efght years with Itching Pilies; the* torture and agony 1 cansat here find words te describe. Night af ter nlght wae kept awake with the palaful itching. I tried ail the physicians andt every known remedy ail te so account, sot evten relief. In talking over my curions trouble wlth Mr. Chas. Thomison, aur well known druglt, ho recois- mendeit Cha8e's Oliment. Te my wonder sud surprise, 1 gel relief trois the second applica- tien. I firmly believe oe box suffcient te cure any case cf Itching Piles no matiter cf how long duration. I weuld not ho without if for tien timon its cent. In volunteering tii testi- mony and sy conssat for tihe manufacturra of Chase'@ Ottment te use Iti as they wish, iti le tbat Ukeaulferers may know theyosu be cured'* Prics 60 cents, neld by aiM delar. EMau- aom, Bates & Cc., Toronto. Mr. George Beer cf Orono is guest at Mr. W. Beer's. Mise Salisbury cf Sesforth is guest at Mr. JueeB. . Cole's. Mise Kate G. MoLeod cf Winnipeg is visiting relatives here. Mu. T. Elliott sud ladies oaupped sti Lake Sougog last week. Miss Loua Laue cf Toronto is visiting her mothea, Mite. M. Lane,. Miss Jennie Wsrd ie visiting friends in Toronto sud fHamilton. Miss Moore cf Newcastle in visiting lier unclo, IMn. R. Katiersont. Mr. W. Gibson of -Oshawa lu epending hie vacation ati hie home lier.. Rer. R. McOullooeh snd daugister'-of N'swhrg visitid hre recentJy. MimS Mande sud Loretta M. Clark. of Toronto are visiting brien&s ber. W. congratulate Mr. W. Inoh on bis muccans t the prIsnA1yezanunatios. Mise MaUd Clarke bu sr.turüed roMi prëlonged vietiL vLliber brbther st -Mie NahanDuoeonsudda gter cf * Oblo, au Oahave. a i.zW A-lte>' is4 fi will b. Sont by ii 1on roelpt of ri.ê. Wh9 bkstowed it, they1 vattished;- tôt-; Dr. Wtl1Iaae, pjpfl il maYb b.dà lowed by their king, whio sprcad hi§ of aiU druggimts "or di et by mati frôu fuil hands -ii benedicticrn toward the Dr. Wihi, li edicine Comepany fiom famnily,- muttering : -May your Want either addreas. Thei price at whioh,-the in you~r next life be lessened, as. you Pillearem eold malte a course '0f treat,- have le.ssened want in other lives.' Ment oomparativeiy inexpensive a htdlrosjyteewsi 00mPredwithothr reedis ormedcaldingyv, gloorny, fireless court, when the treatment. God'of Want toid to a joyousiy startled crowd of subjects his wondrous iuck, The Court of Want and -the Pal- in the Palace of Pienty; and ever after- ace of Plenty. wards in ail their faces shone that new- boni gleam 0f joy, (WRITTEN FOR -THE CHRNICLE.) ADELE PETERS. Far away in a country where there0 were immense goid and silver mines, M. Dryden on Racing at Fairs. and oceans of precious stones, where TheofialdivrneothOtro cltieo lethere Iiean v espedcal- Minister of Agriculture on the vexed welalinthy frî lvev Iiv e d a aterqulestion cf speed conteste at faire has weltyfaiv.TevI-e dy-fe been reoeived. The riele i laid down dit), for themselves, and the pleasure tbat prenliums shah net be awarded for wvhich theïr immense wveaîth couid 5up- epeed alone. Mr. Dryden's letter reade Pl v. a-s fellows: Their palace tvas one îblaze of gor- Several applications bhaving heon made gcousness. Thecir floors and ceiiings te this department by varions agricultural were golden. inlid with diamorids, secieties fer an interpretation of section sapph ires, ru hies and emcralds. They 29 of the Agricultural and Arts Act, 1895, needed noliîghit, for the glittering, the foîiowîng decision ie givon te the of- sjaarkîi1ng," jeuwcîs kcept the 'r halls ablazeý. ficors and directors for their guidance as The vcrv coals the\,- burneLd in the gol- being the evident intention of the Legie- den grate 'vere gloiinggeims. Their lature when passing the aci garmients wcre made f4 cloth of gold By section 9 cf the said act, the objeot trimncd ithjewcs.of sncb societies, as relating te live stock, Ther wcc si SiOS ati ix dugh ~ onfined te îwo tbings: (a) the pur- terri beside the l)rd oand lady of the chs r importationoe aubeaias plac Thv wre ti1 aînd afer omean J (b) awarding preminrno for excel- lence in raisinq stock, etc. Snb section J)articular leu-el, andi they wore the three cf ibis section declares that none l .euel the naine repre-ientcd. s0 that of the fnnds shial ho expended for any when thcy %were assenied thev were a purpose inconsistent witb the ahove. harmionN- n rainbow tiflts. The opinon of tbe Legisiatuire, as ex- Their faces relected llasure and pressed in section 29, wae that horse-rRc I)Iaci( content. Thev knew not what ing. as ordinariîy condncted, is inconaiet trouble ineant. Care iiad iought shy ent with the objecte above set forth. Il of their giîled cag.c is presnrned, thorefore, in awarding \Vell, -one Chrîstînia, eve they al premiume for liglit [torses cf ans' class îgathered arounid the graîre. Musicians tbat form, sonndtiess and style s ýali al- m1) glî.tening couches jILOS -d <on jewýxel- waye be considered as well as epeed, and cd instrumiients. Tht- zitter cf light1 that ne herse shah hoe placed first for vvas f.întlv- suîîdued h.v the creeping i peed abuse. If, in the jndgment ef the nîct ~ode. l-o h rlvmae theîr officers or judges it is deemed desirable nt î ît 'r i nre'i .\ th stottest the speed cf the contesting herses, thi~'lrrînîi~ m'~îrî rcnwedit is c empotent n nder thie clause te do 1Y.auîu ntin to! e In lo. te ee, but the prizes muet in every case be p1eaz1llu l ,Iiu (lrtar \..[he re tIawarded on general excellence, as pos- lo ir t" , k1- and lIeap in a sessing the above charactenetice. Neither fi,)týLr111f ý l :îfil "* w1lc d-w -i te it ended tliatpurses shall [te pro- pard o oferi2s romownrsof cou U i "Tît i Ci iiUiOtcstiti!z herses, but that premiurne shaîl -t n i'o- r t ' tr tc rgtetced be offered in ths ordinary way. c eî n n ' -r'[-' ' ti. -oi, an k It lé hoped that the oporatien of this i ct e ' h ' n a t'r -'lr io-h hng clauce will de away with the professional m -[r .-1 ru-t of h1 reo'I.racehiorse at our agrictiltural i£bowSsud o ni I' -i . -c. r 1-io! bl n'tend to promote the deveiopmont andi ni ;-itrr-1r~-rr, N 'kt-rnth-id eéncorracýe the breeding of sound, Styiish, -h.c, a i-w -hn\r,-Mik flair.i ri-,,bt stepping herses, se rnucb in demand Instant Reliefs IT'CHFIÇG PILES la an *xceedingly paintul and ar.noyig affli¶ #ion, found ajiKlun the. rich and poor, male and female. rhe princlp4 ymptoms are a severe Itchlng, which Ja worst at nigb, w heu the ax ferer beconios warrn in boit. SL terrible te the itcblng t1 ai frequenq iti laimpossible to procure ale.p. Often the sufoî nconsclous during sieev scratches tbe parte until they are sore-ul- s and tumo frm, echives rne s udeit. FeMales are pc mîarlv sfeo evrother scs, a sn ubarbeirritation and trou b-e. hese teri. eces sive ofIture t Pile or Irrittrfcn in any pat.of0 bodyr are immediataly a"lYed and q*lkl7 cureit by O=has ment. It will instantly stop tchlag, h»U the mores and ulceru, upthe molsiiure. PIN WORMS lnau a lment entfrely difeeretastoa1 ~aItching Piles yet Its effeota andt symptomae are exaotly the an The sanie intolerable ltching; the came creeping orawitng. sting sensation oharacterizes bch diseases. OhaWssôhtment acta 1 magio. It will at once afford relief frais tihisterment. REFEBKUS. Newmarket-J. T. Bogart Mr. Kitto. Hamilton-R.G.* Deoite. sutton-Mr. She ppard. Mr. McDonald. r ing Oity-Wm. Walkei, Bellevllle-R. Tmpetndrget Churchili- Davtd OTose. Totenam-ams maln.J-Reid. Bradforci-R Davis, J. RaÎd. The oelobratgd Dr, Chases Qintinent is made expresaly for Itohing Piles bu t i la eqna.Il ýo i curing &l tchy Sitin Diseass&a sch as REzenia. Itch. Barbers Itoh. Sait p.him roIMo. stc. Flor sale b>' ail drugisto. Jrlce 60centg e=£U U% :ù-I DANOBATES & CO., Toronto. , Ont. LoAgentui for Domunion g.1 na Few are the remedies whose heneticial qualitise and reai merit§ bave made them, se popular witb the public, and increaaed f rom ye ar te year their censumption, wbich, wbul8t possing the ment valuable remedial properties, are yet seo simple un their ceom- pound. aud so easy tc take, as The Qui nine Wine, propared by Northrop & Lyman cf Toronto. T hie article is prepared t rom the sute Sulpha tcof Quinine, combined with e hryWine, sud choice aromaucs, whicb relîies the Quinine cf ite bitter taste, snd does net impair in the lest degree the efficacy cf its action upon thbe patient; while email dose. trequently repeated, strengttben the Puiset imorose e nincular force, and in- vigorate the tone cf the nerveuj systren, and thus by the general vigor whicb it imparte, creates an appetite, whieh &rives to, the etoni- &eh toue sud onergy, and forti fies tihe oye- tes ageluet ail infections dieases. Ask f oi Northrop & Lyinan'a Quinine Wine ; nold by &Il druggiste. Christian Erb. the Stratiferd quack doctor, obarged with attempting to, poison hi. famuly, is nder arrest. 'E.gw t» CureAUl SMa Dis«»a., SiMply, apply " SWAYNE'S OUqTXMT" Ne lnternaI iedicine requfred. Cures tetter, ecea, itch, aIleruptione on the face, handIE nae c6 leaving the skin clea, white auJ healtby. 1îts great healing sud curative powers are pouessed by no other remedy., Asir your drugaat: for Bwànm'e Onmxu. Lyman, Bons & Co., Montreal, whoee agents. Prospecters cdaini te have struck a rich vola cf u ors in the Cascade inontainso Waahiiug- ton Terrltory. Oold ini tho head-Émaal Baim gives instant relief; speedily cures, Neyer fans. The Cubas insurgents- are steadily gaining grud. Xinwdle LUniment Cures CoMa, et. Wbeat harvestiug lin beceming general tbroggbout Manitoba. Mae4 the Wawniag. The. common. -ud ever-present warning of kinsy troble, blachue sund weaknese in back, are qulokly, elieved by Dr. ( hms'$ diana, hou &cnmiteddiesf&1rein i.dis graceh. fit e hie saenV diorce St. jobn, s te uh Zt«eted in th eosu*t MAN LEY'S Celery NERVE COMPOUND Cures Blood and 8km DiBea8ee. WESTERil BANK 0F CANADAB HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. Capital Âuthorized $1,000,000 Capital Bubacribed 5009000 Capital Paid-up 373,000 Reat 100()000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JoHN CowAN, Esq., President. REruBBN S. HAuLIN, EsQ., Vice-President. W. F. Cowan, Esq., W. F. AllUn, Eýsq.,J. X Gibson, Esq.. Robert McIntosh M. D. Thomas Paterson, Esq. T. M .McMILLMN, - - .-Cashier BAÀNqzs.-Midland, Tilsonburge. New Hamburg, Whltby, Pailiey, Penetanguish- eue, and Port Perry. Drafts ýon New 'York and. Sterling' Ex- change bouglit aud soid. Deposits, recehed and luterest allowed at bighest current rates 39~ per cent. Collections solicited and promptly made., - Correspondents iu New York and-,in Can- ada-Tbé Merchants Banik of Canada. LQn- don, Eng.-The Royal Bank of Scotland.,- Spea-Îl attention to collection of Farmers' Sale Notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of -Whltby. Brancb. LOOK àt thi e marJ We have the Fient Selec- tien in town ai thase BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN WhatUsain Emulsion? Milk s- a true Emulsion, and as milk or cream is easier to digest and assimilate than butter, so0 is the mnik or cream of Cod-liver OÙ easier to digest and as- similate than raw Oil. This is why Scott's .mulsion is imucli more useful and effective t han the natural Oil; why it accomplishes 8 mucli in arresting waste and buiding up the body. ' But it is much more than ordinary fat food. It lias other constituents that have wonderful healing and strengthenîne power, and in addition we add the Hypo- phophiesor Phosphorus), another most important element in overcoming decreased, vitality or i oss of fiesh. These are the reasons why Scott's Emulsion is bénefiting to-day hundreds of thousands of consurnp- tives and anoemic pe'rsons, as well as being a food and remedy for sickiy, wasting chidren that is surprising both to physicians and parents. Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ail Drugglsts. 50c. anid $ 1. rCIlIIN-11*TG AND__I. PIN WORMS. MM PA PER8, Borders to Match LOWEST ::PRICES* Corne early and getftr-si choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Wbitby Back in Whitby. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Uphoister, Makeri And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoriber begs to announce t~ he has again opened business ini hie old stand, and lia placed thorein a ohoice, stylish and complette ritock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which wil be fsold at a smali margin on ceet. Another bale cf thos celebrated Mixed Mattrasses $8.25, worth $5.00. See those Tapestry or Carpet Lounges at $5, worth $8. Hardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for $8.50, worth $12. Undcx'taking. f:E' A full stock of Coffins and Ca.skets, a.nd a Firet-Olae Hearse. WM. TMI&akLL. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. ]RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. JS. EDGAR, Merchaut, Wmnd- $or : M. K~. acted marvelously in my case cf chromoc stcmach and bowel trouble. Wl!. IURAE, L.D.B., Cook. sbire, Que.: Was given up t0 dis frcm a complication of Dyspepsia sud Liver trouble with cotibumption Arn as weil as ever naw; it le uruly wonderfuil. T. H. LUSOMBE Barrister, London :1 Chromo ceough sud hemorrhages frein the Iungs were-hurryiug my wife te an early grave but thainkete M. K. she is as well as eVet-. Wm. Radam Microbe ]mlerO060- 120 KINÉG STEB EWST, TORPNO N For sale at a&B ohenitet, or at 1 iprietor NCL. -, ur o.- - lie it Il R, 'ES, OOD, ETC -ist rif (j!ri n-t(' trM uth fo s WALL N~o Mlore M/isery.

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