Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 8

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* V Th SntcTOM 'o:odu Chiurcb 0uic4ay emirated.t _,d wt £M iiie &olwfl hold thotinDuaIpilo at theolak ouete sttl Dadaorn Md 4odY (181ay.Wk Ii ccmodaOulof- ( about t*entyashts, oto flA.T~I~L~ N]) H O B S E S ~ %~0bY thocar$ Ih will néi dc btbe'the largst tc l-eI lIIg tý<~ l op~ over hMrobld by that Sunday Soo. OWn1er of a boat whlcli varrlod frcigbt be- The Oshawa gaillay Coy. are oocupylug tween Toronto and Montroal.' In t8,52 ie from the annoyance'of the their new offices' on Simcoe st. south. Ile Moved from Toronto to whiat isn u'w kaowâ Texas Fly by uaing the j freighifinotor, which welghs fourteen toun d e as Conlin)s and started farrnlng, to which very nloely gotten up, arrived thie weelc, The lie soon added cattie dealing. He soon liad TE A LY IT E r cars will be runnlng to the lake on Friday if no îooo acres of land under til lage, and would FL Y O/NTME T. unforseen'clelay occurs. often require to go to Toronto and Pur- The ladies' aid of the presbyterlan clinrcb ln. cae1,50 cattle for feeding purposes. He - A Sure Remedy. tend having a garden party at Pro pec Pr was neyer slck a day in bis lie, neyer toolc ---25 Cents per Tin. next Friday afternoon and evening. Tea will be einadwssohryttlewud servcd at iS cents each, while admission ta the frequently set out on foot to visit bis farn at m rounds lias been placed at îo cents. Thie34tb Saiâtfield. He was twice marrled and was .UÂNGLD)FOOT, large double sh eet battalion band bas been secured, and i f the the father of thirteen children, of wbom his 5eweatber la unsultable lit wlll be postponed titI second wife and twe!ve sons and daugliters 8 for 10e. Saturday evenlng. survive hini, viz: sons-james, John, Ed- IERff INSECT POWDER, 5c. 7-5. Miss M Talbot and N Rae, Osliawa, wona ward. Thomas, Sebastion, Philip and Frank, an oz. ; 4 oz. tor 15c. (rom R Reid and Mr E Tenkier, Bowmanvillê. daugliters.. Mrs. Steridan, (deceased), Kate, 6 4, 6-4 Misses M MIcLaughuin and E Reed, Eliza Annie, Sarali and Josephine, the ELY PAn S AND PAPE RS, 5c. Bowmanville, won (rom Misses F Mackie and M daugfiers being ail unmarnaed. Mr. Con- Talbot, Osyawa. 6 a, îo-8. Messrs. B Waon liti's heart was ln thie right place. Inde- and 100. per package, at and A McMillIan, Oshawa, won from Messrs. A pendent, thrifty, free and easy, ho experi- Chrisdnin and A Chisholm WhitbY. 7-5 6.2. enced a Illfe of great satisfaction and leftia 1' T'~Rev. 1 Talbot and Mr. R i3abbitt, O;shawa, wo ain flwhlch will long be r e pected by tiiose B yleys .srug Store, [rom Messrs. A Chisholm and R CasseIs, Wbnt- wlio new him. y. 6-4, 64. Hst Whitby Council. Sinxcoe St. South) Oshawa. About one hundred and twenty five took in Tlie counicil met Mionday. In the absence the excursion to NaraF ls . Mon - of Clqrk PurvesS L KeCrr acted as clerk proi day. This isà busy week for excurbjons from tem. Mr. Guy rn,,v~that the reeve grant( this dlstsict. One to the fails on Monday, ta an order on the 11 rasurer in favor of Thos.i Toronto Wlednesday, twa ta the ThoUsand Is- Hall for $2. bein!, îwo thirds value of one1 i e Q un c1 . lands Thursday(one b Gardon City, the other lamb kild y.dg-Cri.M.Gu t leaving Tonto l ppsantur t caîl boreand treasurer in favor of R Stevens for $4,being lm otber places The boats evidently find t otidsvleofoeseesild ydg towns profitable places ta run excursions tram, -Carnied. Messrs Butler & Jones were O SHAWA, AUG. 16) 85 er ihrgr oriwyo aeUe 19. Last Wednesday afternaon representatives of Mr. Henry maved that this cauncil meet hea ih eadtariay nbs i tbe Whitby and Bowmanville tennis team playpd committee of the Oshawa town council on m the Oshawa club, rssulting in a defeat ta the Tuesday Aug. 6, al 3 o'clock p. mi., for the tc 0 8 H APA G E home teamn by Bowmanvllle lof one game, and purposo of coming ta an agreement with the di the Oshawa teama defeatlng Whltby by two Oshawa Railway Ca. as to road ta be built ol garnis., The score la as follows :-Messrs, Pun- on base line as per application from R R Ca. 01 PA GE shon and N Rae, Osbawa, won from Messrs. F -Carried. Mr. Griersan moved that the ai O SIIAtt'W A E Crosher, Bowmanvile. 9.6-4F reve grant bis ai der on the treasurer far the 01 Messrs. E Tenkler and C Kent, Bowmanvlîîe, foilowlng accounts : Indigents-jas Hobbs, air OSA A wn. 4 6Mesr6.4Bo6- nd M ori, 1 3 M Burgoyne, $3; Mary McCartliy, 83; ai, Mr E Cohe, owa v AcLe a Mnrs aJ Dingle, relie f J Abrams, $3.50; Ra ~UUESNo-tiCt.- Oshawa subscnibers Mr.E rs a.>wnavîewn(o is FGnienson, relief W Hodgson $3; Wmi Claver- or advertisers may transact anu business Macie and Mr. Punsbon, Osbawa. 6-3, 5-7, tan, $i2.50. Roads and bridges-R Angle, 51 with the CHRoNicLER or may otain extra The Oriole base bail club went ta Bowman. hio; R Ham, $îa.5o; Jas White, $4.90; jas rel cop$ies at any time, irom E. E. Rogers. ville last %aturdéLy and were defeated by a score Stacks, $11.25; Jas Vallant, $12.5a; Gea. tbi Farmuers will do well to cail at M. E. Of 23 ta 'S. Our boys do not mind a defeat Allun, 83; Jas Craweil, $7.50; Chas Groat, jum Mays for boys' ready mado clathing. wben it is (air, but when arranging the match $6.56; Thos Campbell, $i ; John Gloven, up If ouwis anie Fenli hia innr r wîbBomanvîlle they arranged ta play a Bow- $1475; Cunningham & Cioverdon, $14; tri teasetoranyhig i fncychnaorglas-manvilie amateur team. They were surprised Fred Glover, $3.o6; Wm Luke, $2; JOh su tea set o an rbi g n f nc ch na, or gla s. w en sta ting t a play t a find an aRzregaton ai G l ve , $7.50 ; Jno Sykes, $i a; R Scott, thi ware gota B M rga & on.playera from Cobourg. Newcastle, Orno and $5.3; W m Michat, 4; Jos Pierson, $i.5; It will pay any parties conteinpiating buy- Bowiaavulle. This was the sains team wbicb Wmn. Jackson, $8.50; Wm Goyne, $6.55- ; r lng an engagement or wedding ring to see piayed the Crescents of Toronto. Some of the Jas McNaily, $1444; Thos Sleep, #q; John div the la re stockr of Foît Bras., Oshawa as playera were paid for the game, whicb used up Joynt, $4.1î8; Smith & Pankbunst, 1113.2,5; strn they wli soul this month very cheap for cash, ail the gar e receipts, and aur boys came borne Wesley Ellins, $1.2,5; Gea. Blair, $îg9. as Genuine diamond 14K. anlv $5. They are without their suppers, unless tbey paid for tbemu Statianery-Rowsell & Hutchinson, $$2.7o. met aiso making some special offers ina Gents', rhernselves. It seema ta be fashianable Ibis year Communications were necoived (rom J. E. - Ladies'an Boys' goid and silvor watches. for vsting bal clubs ta eat notbing. Whitby Farewell, re Glairer and council gravel pit, Sec thons. Foît Bras. set the example, and the others folawed. Ina also statutes, good roads and 0 R R C these srnali malters Whîîby leads, brit Osbawa is Council then adjaurned ta meet ist MondaCoSa ahead ina ather things. (Is lit nat the custom in September at i o'clock p. Mn. WM. e Mr. T. James, of Toranto, spent Sunday ini among basebail clubs ta pay their own expenses? PuRVEs, Clerk. of, tow n. - E D . CH )M R L .2 r 'Miss Marion Talbot La vîstîng friends in To- E E ROG.ERS. routa. Mr. S. Barrett is driving one of the fine st -.Miss Nollie McGregor is visiîîng friends in Ioakîrg matched span of bay hanses in this £ Hamilton, Ont. Oshawa Busineu larsotory. section. Rev W 1JJolliffe in Iln town spending part ai tî L. VICKE SE, barber. Simcoae etreet. This division of Sons of Tempenance lias bi vcaio hre.BROOKS' LIVERY, Slmoe street, oati. decided not ta hoid any more weekly meet- Mirs. . . PWlca f afrngi vsîn WM. ROLPH, haruess malter, Smce s treet. If we bave berri correctiy informed thone isIs Wilibbe Warren. DaR. PATTERSON, Dentist; offie oaier Rowse's one evening last week. Mn. Wilu Hyland of Chesley, is spending hîs store. Some of aur farmners in this section hav:1 holidays in tawn. 1. J. STÂLTaR-Dominion pianos a.nd organs, threshed their alsike claver and the yield Mrs W. G. Pbullips and child are viitng Simooe street. ha.5 been fairiy goctd.. Mrs. T H. McMillan. A. C. WÂANN"a, Veterinary Surgean and Dentist, Mr. R. Bliglit and Mr. W. Grahianshave Miss James of Toronto, is vîsîing Miss Maud King street West, Oshawa, Ont. been ioading a car with about five liundred Wilson, King st. --ast. OMICALTLJ . W0011 pro busheis ai rye ait the G. T. R. station here this The asss Bclcey f Prisare~ ~ aaruat~ Hrrx~-JFC rnitor .veek, and are getting about fifty cents per TheMisesBukly o Pri ar vsiini Ms. Modern hoeteiry, neat n oral R. 1. Mackie, Centre s.g equipped. bushel. Miss May McMillari of St. Catherines, is vis- 0..1. Ta.-Caterer for Balls. Agsemhî4.. 1- ..3l Our villayp h1bla.,....;.a. Mr 't'y ,%2g;9uprs tcetc. h-. &czèc uii-icsitn mrw.rz-s, ~~c~gnîn. line, uprsetc. Aiea aU i tds of bas lately heen resbingling lise shop and Mr, and Mrs. Dr. Rae and daughter, are vis- mnaking some impravements inside, and the ling friends in Bellevle. OSHAWA 1B0OR5TonxFù.li une ofc ks marked inspnovrnsenî on t.he out s ide is etationery and fancy goode. E. E. pRogers, quito easily' 5een. Mn. and Mia R. S. Williamns have retumne<j Simca. Street, Stane-keeper Armour sliipped a car load fromn thein trip ta Europe OSEAW DBVOi SToaa-L J Maxwell, dispeneinR of pressed bay last week ta Toronto by the Mn. sud Mn@. St John of Rochester, are visi chemiet. Fu1n liofaipure druge and chemi. C. P. R. Mn. Hanna and Mn. Blight flu-ish- ing Mns. R. Wellington. calsaiways on hand. ed the hay and the Vickeuy buothers, froi Mie. C. L. Wbittey and child, of Port Perry, Jos. HotTLDEN - Whitby-OshaWa stage li.. Brç okîju did the pressing. The price paid aevstîng Mm. John Bane. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a m and 2 p mn, and f6,- the hay hefore pressing was about nine Mr. C Brockeîî and wife of New York State, Whiya10anan pm.dlrsert. are visiting Mis. ID Lick, Centre ai. Joaxmpia CRÂZG, manufacturer of fine carrnages, On Tburciday of last week being thie 79th mohe, rsJ Gul.Sincocaroth. 5e, Wb1s,iiadf&Bng a s f uttrsiy. - thay of Mn. David Briggs, a few ofhbis Pro E L oul ofBalimoe, s vsitngbis sleizb, !ýparin: &apei&iy.relatives at Oshawa sunprised hitn and mothr, rs JT GuldSimoe s soth. JoEw iaiBRwxR, paintier and decorator. Dealer famil y hy caming out that aftennoon and pue- Miss Maud McMillan bas retunned trom a visaitin waLl papens, oeiing decoratiane, paints, sentirag bim wiîli a lange upliolstero<j chair. wlîh friendairan Sar-nia and Port Huron, ail , varnishines, brushes, wlnaow ehades, etc Our friend Mu. Walteu Borsberuy read the Mr. A. Geimond, tonmemly of bore, but naw of JAmme PELLow, dealer in etiovea, furnaces, tîn address at the tise of the presentation. St. Caîbernses, la an town tan a few daya. ware, etc. Large stock kept constantlyo Mn. C. Ellis and bride of Cleveland, Ohio, La han&. Jobbia1g a speciaiîy. Sizrcoe stee A veuy pleasant aftennoon and evening was vlsiting bis motben, Mme. Ellis, Albert street. north. spent on tlie 8th of August, at the residonce Nicoîl an ciiden. af Tonnto ae L K. Munras, . A -Banietr, Sololtrof M . David T. B iggs, il being bis 79th Mrs. N ol n hlrn fTrno r .R uTiB .-Britr oiiobintbday. Many of lis fiends and relatives spendlng the holidatys wiîb Mms. Geo Warren. Noiary.Public, Canvoyancer, &o. Maney ta asses bled at abouttn epmadto Mi.andMa-. Fed yre ofDetoit epnt ,end. OMfie aver Dominion Bank, Simca.ttrep..adto Mr.dayand MTu eday be. W.o.Detot'ye Street, Oshaawa. possession of bis bouse anaulawn for the ne- i. Jacksonuesd ewellMm.E.ofOilia e . E Â-eîrt rcnePanyCiamainder of the day. Eveuy one present M.Harry Jakojwler fOila i .B.M'.-elri ,oeis nyCI made up their minds ta have a joyous tise vlsltlng bis parents, Mn. and Mus. Win. Jacksona. CoTer« a n arfe, anos'd anadSula Treas a n affe.Ba'radcy mwle us aand noue wero dîsappointed. The large ex. Mrs. R. Munno of Torono, bas beeia vsiting apecaly-very cheap. tension table was puaced on the lawn and bher faîber, Mr. A. Hall, fon the past îwo weelcs.AUCTono SALESa-Tbe su crbe wllb. in 0gb tbe ladies soon had it filled wiîli sucli good MissHanfor, wh ba benviitig Mss&W ~ait the Centra Hotel, Fni<iny of ea.h things as only ladies cas provide. Aster Mi sango d h u e n vsti g M s e% m ne fh t ie8 s l sc bl Mn t o h a e s s perM us. J. W . Borsbery, O shaw a, on Mi R. Lbukslsreurjie trhominortonto.re L angmenàs ws atineer. b o ae i es. baîf of the cospany, presented lier uncle Mre ba bee bas eredaughjBtn, wee L màxsaoinwith an ans chair, and an ,adduess cangratu. âbebu eenvisaI-mg brdu beMus. Jals. F. L»MT & jiaNs-The les-ding tailorxag lating lin upon the near appuoacli af his 00" and gents' frishing hoae af Oshawa. oigbtieîb biuibday, and upon thie vigor of M4iss Gordon. of Pickoering, lias twen speu~n pendi d aesortment af tweeds, warsteds, mind and bady witli whicli ho is offsetting a w aidas iî lencousin. Miss Lema<. rwerns si, oirseoawaya kept advanced yoars. Ih assuued is of the groat inE stos tbatesan eeir.love and roveronce in whicli lie 5 beld by lias M. Barclay, of Torontohmbasen vIsit- Dealers In vatches. eocoka, Jewelery, sil't23 evea oeaias n ftha xr log Mm-s.Vsn. .anchiand for the past îwo ware, a oeec.Egl n delighit at seeang him 50 weli and hiappy. ___ lsec.En rvlng, gl n weeks. iver p ating, and aid gaie rings mnade aven. They tlianked hn for sliaring ail their.joys Mis Saie nquarilia reurud fam riit Fine watch, dlock, and jewelery repahing a and sonuows fou baif s century, and for a MissSade Uquhat bs rturnd fom viiit pecty.never-failing welcome ta bis consfoutable 'CI" Paxon.OSEÂwà  .RaE MmLL-Atentlan 0f farmers home talims and hope that lie may yet Oso. Pax oninlad frecte d ta feed ch appIn g ow aa-aed on ho spa ed m any years as tle head of is Mr-. TOor aris isspeding bis holidays vis- daily aiS5,)pe a OCeiebrated .ewel brand Crb hyfnlygaehmagetes itiag hinnda (mastly ladies) in Brandfoadc, Prf-os- ai our, bei ln Can&(aaold by &ail tcla chir. . £uB inaigsae ns areat easy ton, Hansilton and Brighton. grocera tInWbtby snd Oshaws, and t Oi ur ch ir. Mu. Bniggs ade u fapr te re Mrs. Ed. Roy and Miss Lina Roy Of Toron- mila Oampbell& Whit.p'ysaying s th i-e alied for tepast to, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ev w ar&lilgMs rwa adale nnai aaUwxnma- Importers andi dealers fifty-two yaswt i eotdprseia tc aeviiin Ms Beeran thrfrensin i frmn, auf tri '=4ho»a ibh.tis was ose of the happiest days of bis life, N tOWD. lng suppl«iesMnuiscturma01ttinware.Es-v. ilai ho would often thinkpf the frienswi Ma-s. O. El. Landon. Macdanuell Ave., Paik. aruhnd~n other oontracunng doue. Fur- had so kindly thooght-of blet on "bsbis 79tb dae, la visîtiug ber sister, Mus. W. H. Kiby, Dacs, c7mdeli a"a lampa. A stock Of birthday, and that hewould'keep the cbajr - end M-s. W. Patte, bicycle, kepi on hanti. as long as ho lives. 1tffiay sot be niany-M Ma- and Mis Jas Tremeer of Glencao are vieil- OOLtuRijs. yoars, but iftthmsopreî no ves meot again ibg at Mu Stainton'. and ailiber friands and rela n 'aersae(s asii wy hson eartb bis beartfolt wlsh was that ail sbould: 0 tWàt.ln the vicesity, Orpoer aefs asntaa-Ti meeit ithat homo Whilch ou Saviosia- as, Ma--E. uxabewb ~, ~Mr ~ week aur towsisbilp sufiered the loss Of twO gone to prépare for thoswbo love and serve Q# Ryeyt n4 01itO ass taunhana noble -vetora!à n lu imsad oncemore thankisg hie, friesids 1.1 J G.~ ~ _St Ryedugsgoesa w Slelbtreouet the pensons of Meus. Hfarvey Kerr and f« Ï teier kindue.. ho took bis seat la bis neëv woek, where ho bas Secureti a gond position. Mn. TIi. Cosiin. For abotbafaaet renscar i.rsio u vnn <Mr. . T. Siemos ba retua-ord (rom a hotan- îles. two Joadlng aerculturhuî resldod spent VerY 0" tymsï inn tpl a nortbeo disict ad the ie gr withinhals-f a bundred rode of es-ch oîbè -p= Herprt m me fnd.» and whi'st rlvamlng os-ch ailer In s$kW CTands-g getoraiy [97 CuGi 182O'sg ~Ave. Teroto, PrOspelity, tli.y wOTO «btS hfrienda. -SLIS. vbb u bec 1îsýlimJobhnimaSsfor ithé iMr. Ka-ywas hotu lu hti.wnuOf»Dar-.-MW Ooisaorb, fsl two WOOIs, lot "0 iFnlday moe&lu. ligecn, Coç î of IDnrbms, lu ihieafter. 'its-tLpp wiUnrêlou Tho Epwoeth Lssgue of M a e s t. chu re, wsar4s morl wi t h a rmn s tqPeoI4 in u b tÇý U L- M r & m . , hsld' aMaY mhjayaba.arde.party ai Prospm ansd inaIly osuied la a-' n te. 'sie-f£-w'n.-to atray t, ia-k bui 'mw-.g.7evfth.lo bis deathteco paSpW> icotbs-t Uhe a pJh lc ttadn 4e Tbe MWUlvs Mma - ynm m iug prpsamd m ks bu mw d a < ~ i nt d ac m$ " h* OU&fê for tb* amui) esP meeting s MCoabet, CWnjatod e ý WMS wtxblme Wg r W"IS e b. eM (a-om Augusi eGelete o ugAs hMb for »Meo'mu pas* sI but *OI h i. W * qtbte ~Iméiae causof bJoghsib, vu et WaIkoe la-ce' IUnde Toues"à aC psoy (allure. »%.we4 £ wli mnbibthoron Weeai etulbe, Aq.i: s-5 hptI b, Tbf. wlB ba sanadUIn fa shoota lama W=t WI8@II ibis yea. tte~r obm a *W *Iofwle e r»O - Fwr.wàw as mm Ù rw atw obo"àiuR&t--tt bdm odsu id Uk~~IW 1oohmM*Aspfil,. ~- ~Te uboolboaT moti lat F-V fvei Mr, Ros, attended the councl -meetr tSàturday aiid eued the council to appc modbcal liealth officer. Hie request was refi The graveat and most harmfût charges a£ an institution or an Individual are tbose m take the or onf Insinuations or vague ger, ides. Mu. Frank Leask iratends ta take a tri, Manitoba, where lie will romnain for the bai We hope that bis sojounra raýy be pleasant profitable, that rtbe band of fart une may1 hlm whhile away. Ho will be missed (nom because lie is a universal favorite. As to Mn.ý Rose's complaint, we mnay aay we accept bits cacrection, rhaugh wewrt item belîeving if ta be true Thie rosa ol vhijse tenrle only atiissue of insi Utions Ho says have lnconrecaly repoî ted him severailimres, ho cannaI truthtuliy mime another. Thon this imxaginany founclation. samething unr tioned anid unnsontianable, ho basés his unwoi 'insinuation about our beariug (aise witnees. A young man of Sîsinîfield was driving hi a young lady of Wick tihe ather nigzht, wher met witb a mast trylng a.zcident. Ho was d . g serenely along in the rjeipzhboýrhood of 1 Braba zon's gate wben thle honse fe J 1dawn, hri a shafl rot the buggy, and bocame hopeiessîy tanuaied irn the harness. Tj releasebim the h of Mm. Gibson was called, and with his assistai ho animai was madeba, but i was t! found tir cou d go no further an his journey, the yc.uthbade bis (air one goad night and s, rowfully saught his home. We sympath wltb arayone in a disappojntment like this, cri and liardbeared as we are. In sendlng down news fnom bore wo have depend ta a certain extent an wbat is rumon about, soit is therefare possible ta ho sometin mistaken. However, we tnke every precauti, to guard against errons. We shall aiways e Jeavar ta Write fainly, and ta give oui boni )pinion on matters under notice, wbethen th )pinian be censure or praise. We hope ify re even unsitaken in speaking of anyone he w )penly And frankly say wbat is wnong withoi Lay fiavorlng of pensanal abuse, and we sho 1ways ho rnast happy ta correct our mistalt id ta do it courteously. M. Wm. Stewart was laist week ernployed i Ens. Ferguson ta repain ber barn an the pia nîed to Mr. John Tbompson. He fixed t iings, and it happened to be ina the evenir et hefare te& that ho finisbed, and ho hutche, i bis hanse ta go. But like threshensq, cor ators, etc., ho wasra'î going away witbout hi ipper, sa ho wenî iat the house ta attend.a as. But whiie ho was in the honse sorne mu~ ieviaua persan came by, unhitched bis horse rewed bis things along the naad, and playei vens other pranks ta annoy hîm. William ha rong suspician as ta who is tbe guîlty one, bu it is a *tniflirag offenco ho will probabiy ir 'ncy let it pass by. CALDWELL.-At 98 John St., Toronto, ar tunday, August ioth, - Nettie A. G. Caid. Il, only daugbter of Alexander Caldwell, Newtnarket, fat menly of Whithy, in iet rd year. LETTER LOST ýut *~ u amIMMIV W M MI Lot us assume asa- fact that you do. tii We neanly ail -do. The great essential, os therefore, is ta know wliere ta get the best TEA for the least money. I C al at JAP,&N TEA-We have just purchased Lip from a wliolesale Tea Hanse, 2,5 pack- P LL W S ages of fine japan Tea atvery close-' ri- 5ac. Tea an the market ta- day. We are lsand see hlis offening it at tlie veny low price of Wrought Steel 25c. per Mb or 5 iba. for $1.10- ýde, .A.~- This is an excellent baz-gnin. CalI and ..N X.fJ get a sample and tny ih. it-AT.- W We want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, nand other fans praduce, for which-w«_.-- pay higliest ppuces. _ ~5OOO.Beaton's Grocery i Aso Ihis COAL QIL and GAS STOVIES OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, rFOM Oshawa, - Ontario. 1ý5.5O to 025-000 THE CORNER SHOE STORE,, CGIýOSHAWA. Oshaa SeamhipLeather Steadlly Advanolng. Ticket Agency. RMMMM -M-* 1 Staamship Tickets Wliol esale puices for faotwea ur ta Europe by the best linos an the Atlantic. are 20 per cent. higlier. -Special railway rates. Oshawa ta Monîreal, ina cannectian witb Steamship Tickets. Otrr immense stock is selling Canadian Express Co. fata l rcs Goods forwarded Save money by buyiag your on aUl Dassonger trains; aiso collected and de. shoes at once. livered to ail parts of the town without extra chare. Many Orersan alefnomcglThe opportunity will soon pais. wifil always use thern. O 1 pic aaIL Cash down. oint1 lused gainsý whicl nerai. rvest, and (ava, that e he let- an d on non- orthy One D he mr. roke p-n- ielp Lnc,. Su~ ýOr- lize mel ta red les ior ien., wse OUT 0F OUR ALPHABET If yau do flot buy your Schaol Books from us. We carry the langest assaut- ment of High and Public Schcol Books sud sclîooi supplies in the county. We invite eveny schoaauta inspeci aur Scuihhling sud Exorcise books. We bave the hesi linos in île market. We lead in lowesî prices. ROGERS' B00K STORE. One door nortli af Post Office, j OSHAWA, - - ONTARIO. MUILRRyG King Street Es-et, ]ROU80»Ble1k, Omàhuwa People of Oshawa did nat understand wby Fashianable Cloîhlng, or auy stylo desfred, cauld not be urned eut as cheap as Iake',it as you get il" what thoy have bëeefr!ed ta. They res-hz. sow it caux be donc by ns. No slack seasn. We are constantly employecL. We nover calculate on ai- terations or goods retursed ; we bave sosie. We cailate os Cas1 h, or as near as:passible. DALL &AND SE aur assortment of Goods just roceived. q. B.-Parties purc'hasing gooda from, us for zoakii* Up, càn have them cüt freeQfoIcs-rge. iRA'N- -: DEMN8TRA7JION uder ~ ~ o tieaslieucfViàor'a àdie:t r l'a, AIL I Specials pieces af Stripe Lawns, regular 1234c goods fan 7%4c. A 44-inch Cre pannes, in pink and bine, reducedltaai9c. White Ducking, regular 17c. goods, reduced ta 1234C. Oui $250 Parasols reduced ta $175* Oui $i.5a Parasols reduced ta $1,00. All 1254c and 14c. Prints at a price, aoc Chimezeits, negular 35c. lino for 22C. Ladies' White Linen Quifs for igc. Ladies' Stripe Skints, regular 45 cts., for 3o cts. Ail Summer Goods reduced to a price that wiIl tempt every one. Thel one ric Cah sore Is that we are mnaking of Rings. It's equal is not ta ho found in t -he county. Here you can have a stock ta select frons that 15 prac- tically limitless. Among the beautiful and really arîittic things are aur z5k Ruby and Peanlï Set Rings. _M@-Engagement and Wedding Rings -q specalty. N. B. -A new lino o Silverware just open- Forward messages to ail point of Canada and U. S. Messages received promnptly delivered. W. P, STERIOKER, Agent, Office opposite the Post Office. W E. D YER, 0 S S OSEAWA OMFOM. * Bale Block, just north of the post of- *fice. Inspector -of Agencies of Aid * Savings & Loan Co., Toronto. Agent * Sun Life Assurance Company of *Canada and the~ Employers' Liabili'ty Corporation of t*oNDoN, ENG. -2&- Our rate of profit is the Iowest fil this district. Il KEEPS US p-OOR. We have always a general and varied stock to select from-latest desigus and finishes. Prices riglit. Undertaking department fully stock. ed, and embahning accordlng to Iatest nietliods. Picture framaing,pronptlY 2andatWa factorily done. The. Joseph Hal ,Machin wot'hi -EBTÂBL1saED 1857.- 1i1 By fr5 Pa Pli TC, sua ani 211 Poo. Lo Ap Au -.iEAl- U, ,Lljý ý,â9âU & STORE. ,n'UA

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