Engravng INITUÉ-LS CRESTS IN SOUTIONS, J)one i~n a tastefut Way, /rompily, and ai przces, 6>y lowest JO ~BRNjw JEW.ELER & ENGRAVER, Ofliciai Oouaty Orgalc.-ILa.g C'rola tion of anj local paper sa Caon. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1895. LOCAL LAGONIO;s. E xc ursions I rofiti, Aug. 28, per Garden City?. 'Y. agara, Aug. 29, per Garden City, lerîernber the Wednesday excursion per i,î'erCity, to Toronto Aug. 28th. Niagara Falls excursion, per Garden City \îg 2) Last of the season. to Niagara Falls Per Garden City, ~eour 40 nch serge firess goods at oniy at \iV. Il. \Varren's. MIens ready made suits ai $2.99, 84.50, c. s t o SI(-)oo, ai WV- G . Walters'. Thr Misses. Pennil, Parkdale, speut par-t e, lte veek in town vi-iting friends. '-ee our men and boy's al Wool pants srîîîrîng very cheap. W. H. Warren. Antîn ou wanti ii school supplies get ilhm from tConner, the cheapest man in iown. Mlr, Farrer, Toronto, spent Monday in t'.ii aitIhe home of His Honor Judge Dart- Nr and MIrs. (}eo. Martin, Toronto, 1);urît the lioliday in town with Mr. and Yr4 Fred. Hatch. \1isse., Jessie and Nellie %Vitbers, Toronto, -.wiit un an id Monday at Glen Dhu, isitîrîg te Neen family, Al ithe new text books for collegiate insti- titt, nodel school, supplemnent.ary reading r ies, miodern classics, etc., ai Mrs. Alin's. Kce. Dr. [)ewart, of Toronto, and Rev. J. Hairris, of G;reenwood, were introduced to 0ie bible christian conference ai Barnstable, FI rgland, Aug. 2nd. Chrldren's navy serge suits to fit ages 5 10 i i vears reduced to q9c. on bargain days, S.turday and Monday, August 241h and 26tb, Mi WV. G. Walters'. Mm1 . j. E. .Robertson, afte r spending a fort. niîgbt with Mm. S. Quigley, returned to bis bomnei Elora accompanied by Master Walter Quigley who will not be back 1111 Clirstn.es. 'Or Jno. Noble bas just received ai bis Luiiber yard near ixptown station a new sup- jýof pine and hemnlock lumber, shingles xx A No. i cut for Amierican market,) i1liorîng and siding. Ail kinds of builders' .oîies, doors, sashes, blinds, etc., furnisb- ed atithrtesi notice. Screen doors, win- 'sof ail sizes, and shutters madet10order, î'ali around and seeour stock. JNO. NOBLE. Ta Rent. i o ,od stable, drive bouse and yard, nexi lo tb f. 'ut HrY north, Sir per month. Apply u,' \\'nS~ or E. Stephenson. Appeals postponed in etrisequence of the absence of the ma \ or andt ibe rien solircitor . the hearing of thv farmeýrs exemption appeals for this town li,sbteeri posiporied uriîl SaturdaY 31%t1 mat. at tleven a ir. WondemfuI barga.ins L.adies' fine kid butt boots, 81.15 ; gent's fie lace boots toe Up, 4Sc , gents fine gaiters toc tup, o9c - boy 's lace boots toe tip, 98C ; chid's tan shoes 8, 9, ici,5oc , child's flue shoes toe tip, Soc, ladies' bouse slippers, i5c. CatI eariy, M. W. Collins, new red shoe store, east side, Whiitby. Bad men these. The town milk men are bound te, drive people to the bad place. Two weeks ago they were n tified by the town counicil that Sundav delivery was bared after Aug. z5th, but iast Sunday they passed aound their l'everage the samne as before. The force of, Il bit a p)pears to have reduced them te a' srte o ut 1er lawlessness, and utîer reckless- niess as to consequences. l-owever, the responsiblliîy for tbeir desecration bas lu a nreasure been removed from the fathers, and if milkmen wont stop it when tbey are toldj t ie cou ncil sbould scnd the famous aix- of ils "Stott repar t, likids orpumpe. A lot of local Matter ctOwded out this weèk. Se Our very bandsomne Stock of 'men's' furfitishlng at W. H. WarreaVs. Iiils i1lôrence Datn' Uif on Saturday last~~e tovstfi a in,~skk îMr. Jno. T~r,'oronto, spent Thursday ha to n d gvthe CEONICLB a eall. mi"a are Stevenson, Peterboro, la hoiidaying in town, the gucat of Miss Edith Grosa. W. bave a splendid range of men's and boy's hats and caps. Cail and see thens at W. H. Warren's. New flannels, flanneiletes, ladies' and cbiidren's underwear at lowest prices. w. G. Walters'. Mr. Wm. Meen and his friend, Mr. Chas. Allin, of Canmore, B. C.. bave returned to Toronto after a3 fortnight spent In assisting on Mr. H. Meen a farm. New exercise books-anammoth, bluebil, pansy land, violet, dauntless. New magaz- ines, daily papers, agent for standard deline- ator patterns. Mrs. Allun. Miss Edith Murray's appointment. St. Thomas Jouonai : Miss Ed lth Murray, o Toronto, bas been appoicted teacher of elo- cution at Aima Collcge in p lace of Miss Neal, who resigned recently. This Is regarded as an excellent appointment. Miss Murray is exceptionally qualified as a teacher. She bods a second Normal school certificat., and la regarded as one of the best teachers in Toronto. In elocutfon she is a pupil of the NeffCollege of Orâtory, Philadeiphia, and Dr. Neif says that nature has done more for Miss Murray in fitting ber for an elocu- tion teacher than for most of bis pupilIs. She is now cornpleting her course for ber degree in elocuion, under Dr. Neif, at Col- gate University, Hamilton, N. Y. She has many friends ini St. Thomas, having taught Scbool for several years in North Yarmouth. Waated. aooo people to buy boots and shoes at a reduction of 25 per cent. for the next 3o days ai tbe west sid boot and shoe store. A capital testimonial. I have much 1leasure in recommending Mr. W. H. Piper s pumps to an ' vparty re qurng the saine, I also find hlm to be a first casrepairer of any kind of pumps. He bas repaired severai for me and they aIl work firet ciRSs. JAMES CAMPBELL, Whitby, 22nd Aug. t895. Coal-Coal I bave completed the purchase of a large quantiîy of fresh min ed Scranton Valley coal, wbicb I can furnish 10 mny customers and others ai remarkablv low price.s. Also a large supply of soft coaI on hand. Before buying give me a cali. H. B. Taylor. Grand Special Attraction. Those inîending 10 visit Toronto during the indust l fair sbould not fail to spend an evening ai the news Princesa Theatre, wbicb la nearing completion and wilI be opened on Monday Sept. 2nd. Il is said ihat ibis new theatre, when finisbed will not only be the bandsomest in Canada but equal to many li tbe large cilles of the United States and one of tbe attractions of Toronto. It is siiuated on the site of the old Academy of Music, King St., wesî ot York St., wbere only tbe very best travelling companies will be seen. Mr. Frank Connelly thç manager bas secured especially for tbe firsi week of tbe fair, America'sgreatest p!ayer Mr. Frank Warde wbo will be seen in a round of superb productions and wiiI present for the first lime on any stage the great dramna " Runny- mede.'< The second week, commencing Monday Sept. 9ih, wiIl be devoted to high class musical comedy. '<A GayP Old Boy," a new comedy on the order of a " Trip 1 Cbinaiown " presented wlîh Mr. joseph Hart of Hallan & Hart in the leading role. Witb iwùj sucb strong attractions the new Princess sbould enjoy crowded bouses dur- ing the fair and those desinlng a delagbtful evening sbould secure Ibeir tickets duning the day, when aIl visitors to Toronto are cordiaily invited te inspeci on. of the baud- somest theatres lu America. Port Wbidtby Miss Woodhouse visited relatives bere duning tb. past week. Mr and Mrs Robt Sleep visited friends ln Pickering lasi week. MiËs Grace Patterson, of Toronto, is visit- iug ber parents bere. Mr. Braitbwaite, Port Perry, visited Mrs. Warren ibis werzk. Mrs McAllan, of Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mrs Donnelly. Miss Beale, of Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Bertha Atkinson. Mr and Mrs Lucas, Toronmto, are visiîing at Mr Juo Blow's. W H Rooke is visiîing bis sister Mrs. Hunter, at Long Branch. Mrs and Miss Mcçonacbie, Toronto, spent Monday with relatives bere. Mrs W Mimne, of Toronto, spent a few days wiîh ber brother ber. ibis week. Mrs. Freuch is staying witb ber daugbter, Mrs. M. Crawforib, Baseline easi. Mr and Mrs Gieo Siurgess and son, Tor- onto, visited ai Mr McCourt's last week. Mrs W Tbompson and children, of Ce- bourg, are visitlng aI Mrs. H. Thompson's. Mr Geo McClelian, of Bowmauville, spent Suaday and Mouday wiIb bis parents iere. The Misse Smith, Bayalde, bave reîurued from a two week's visit witia frieuds in To- route. Mis Woodhonse pleasantly eulerlaiued a few of ber ftiends ou Friday afternoou and eveulng. W. regret to hear cf th. illuess of Mr Juo Stirtevant, but hope be yull soon b. able te b. out aain. Georgie -Vanvalkenburgh bas returuod home after spedlng ber sommer holidays a Ct N.B. We congratulate lila Ada Sleep on bav- !Mg pmmed the.examinatlon for second-cl ama Çs, Toronto, sud Maggle. ler. recm ent visitors at1 ray teacher cf elocuition1 St. Thoas, visited hor bis week. 1wbo bas been vladng Kra flobson, for evel B=vne >o vist relatives Jur 10of About i5o people, mostly from Torouto, but many of therm former residents of Wblt-. by, sailed by ibe Garden City Thùrsday, e&t. lasi week for a tbree days' trip dovntao lake and tbrough the i,ooo Islands. 'No more cbarming weatber could bave been de-1 sired. Exquisite music was discoursed y Dono Frio's orchestra. The passage throu n the Murray canal, whicb makres au islanu f Prince Edward county, afforded' a chance te see ihat fine new public work. Belleville was reached ati o o'ciock the first .nigbt eut, and the luxuniously appomnted Hotel Quinte made the stop tiiere one net soon te be for- gotten. Mr. Baird, an Ontario ceuuîy boy, la the gentlemaniy clerk of ibis fine bouse. Friday momning tbe salI down the Bay of Quinte gave net a few of the party tbeir firsi inkling of the great beauty of mis laud-locked scenery. Leaving Kingston ai noon the real object of the outing was soon in evidence, for fromn there 10 Alexandria Bay is that won- derful work of nature, tb. migbty St. Law- rence river's myriads of islets, formed by the waters of lake Ontario wearing avay tb. Laurentian rock wbicb keepa our lakes back fromn the Atlantic. The lavish expenditure by multimillionaire Amnenicans wbo have built sumnmer residences on these isiauda la not the leasi inîeresîing feature of tbem. Very many of the improvements are aU that the mosi artistic taste could exact. The Garden City's amanrt appearauce elicited sa1utes; by cannon, wbistle and flag al.aloug tb. roule, te wbi-ch Capt. Cooney iniariably responded by tbree toots of his darling boat's deep-voiced steam signal. Returuiug f rom ibis earthly paradise Kingston vas neached before dank, se Ibal the qaint, oid Lixnestone city was prcuty îhorougbly <'doue." The British Amnenican vas the, favorite stopping place. Saiurday mornlg by 7.30 the stant was .made for home. For a couple et heurs a stiftsouthwesl breezesmd. a grand sea off the Prince Edward shore§, but by noon the lake had qnieted anad al were happy. After dinnen the. piano was moved tnom lb. forwand cab1wn back tte'. large open awning-covered space, on th. uppen deck and aun ententalnaient, witb volunteer perfortiiers improvfrwd. _lh programme ancluded vocal and'inatniz'imental, muifmncv dance.. ela1u5»es, aud an addresa froua Mi'. TÃ"»aNihu the owaner of thé. Gardenty,'b1wtde wlfe, a mcml estimable lady, and, th)iew lr h'- lly, w»s on oard. A notible b4e a lb. prosentation cf au addrçÈssi ,É dzo Wà 1 the pamepgers tw Capt. CooÃ"uyýà ndWe4ýbt ~ce'ah~pyreply. bl.,Fraul ,teýwnli, % WhIîh boy ead the, addrui- *,$o- ' L ~Ho m wm d h o a n o h IrýM t i ,I~ The balance of our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goode, Clothing, Lace Curtains, Ps Erabroiderjes, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Millinery, &o., to b.e leared out this Mo; GREAT REDUOTIONS. Corne and see. In sorne cases the jwices eut ini two. In Clan Tartans, on-ly 26o. each. Mens' Straw Hats mill to be eleared out at 2504eah 75e., 50c., and 85c. Bg bargà ins a the west slde boot attd shoe store. -- Hard wood dinlng tableis-, 4 leavea, 01113 $5, at W. Till's. 1 Se. our " watcb sprlng" corsettebs in tbe tmarket at W. H. Warrens.t'teba Mr. Cbarley McClelland, of tbe Vestern Bank, as taklng a two weeks' holiday.. W. H. Warren la sielllng dresu goode at greatly reduced prîces during this niontb. Miss Morland, Toronto, is visiting in town, the gucat of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. iaxai Perry. Dr. Grant'i '<Hairene,10 for the hair, is the oniy preparation guaranteed to, stop.fal- iing hair, and remove dandruif. No lead, no sulphur. Ast: yonr druggist for it. Aitbough certain persons trled to stop Conner from getting school books because be la selling atio1 per cent. discount, be's, got them just the same, at tbe discount, as will be seen by bIs ad. Miss Jessie M. Fisher, of Parkdale, wbo bas been visitlng ber aunt, Mrs. Dr. Meidrum, contributed mucb to tbe pleasure of tbe con- gregation of St. Andrew's cburcb on last Sabbaih by a vocal solo, wbicb was rendered witb mucb expression and skili. Mr. Robt. Campbell, V. S., Chicago, ar- rived here on a visit last Saturday. He ia growing in tature, that la crosswise, and bas establisbed a firatrate practice in the wesi. His many old friends were giad to see him here again the samne smîîîng ciaeer. fui Bob as of yore. Mr. G. I.. Tbompson, Lindsay, la borne since Saturday, being laid off by a kink li his aide. He intenda moving bis family to Lindsay nexi weelc. We are glad to see Mr. Thompson promoted, but sorry to lbac hlm as a iownsman His genial manner and long residence bere have made for hlmn tbousands of warm friends. Wanted. A good general servant. Apply to Mrs. J. Brown, Byron St. north. Threshing Coal ioo tons of firat class soft coal jiast receiv- ed per Schooner Jamîeson from Sandusky. Fartnera, cali on E. R. ]Blow for your threshing coal :Office Opposite CH RONICLE, Whitby. Old Whitby boys. Many old Whitby boys came down fromn Toronto on civic holiday to see' the caledon- ian games. Among tbem we noticed the following : Chas. Snow, Ed. Robinson, Herbert Robinson, Wm. Young, Thos. Morley, Geo. Tbompson, Geo. Lyxin, Robt. McBurney. G. T. R. Excursions. G. T. R. annual excursions-Aug. 3otb and 31st and Sept. ist and 2nd good 10 reîurn til Sept. i-th. Rate from Wbltby, Picker- ing, Brooklin and Myrtle to Kingston and return $4, Ottawa $5, Monfreal $7, Quebec $9. Also Sept. 22fld 10 return, Portland $13, St. Andrew's, St. John's and Moncton 814.50, Halitax $17. Also excursions to Manitoba and Assinaboian points Aug. 27th and Sept. 3rd good for 6o days only $28. Pa.ssed Commercial Ex a.s The following pupils of the Whitby coilegiate institute have pa.ssed the laie commercial ex- aminations, and have been awarded oertificates : Clara Adams, Maude Arnold, Frand Brant, William Barnes. Kennetb Camnpbell, Albert Carruthers, Olive Crawforth, Allie Coakwell, Frank Conner, Herbert Deiong, Robert Bîrreil, Kate Fraser. Harold Fraser, George Till, Jean Galbraivh, Clara <ilpin, Edgar Hall, Ethel Fiol!iday, Annie Howden, Bertha King, Arthur Lauder, Fred Manning, Winnie Meldrum, Cora McTagR&rt, Allan Mitchell, Lily Medland, Nora McLean, Mary Nicholson, Frank Rich. ardson, Florence Ross, Wesley Rundie, Frank Shaw. Gertie Smith. Annie Smith, Jean Tbomp. son, Sidney Tbompson, Lotîle Truil, Beatice Tamblyn. a' t. AUl our beautiful Linen Beeiug is Believing. We have Jmist opened up New Fail and Wttr -Tweeds, S3erges, Worsteds, Golf Cloakinsp Tlietôe goods arc the- best te be had in the trade. Make your seleotionsj early, as we have aIre ecnr.ri,'ncE-d tbsuli thiese goods. When 'ou waîit satigfiictiou visit c- E. STEW~: ý4i DUUSS TWo SATU RDAY August 0:8:010Eu New 75c. 60e. 550. 500. 40c. 37. this season's styles. Tweed effeots, Serges, Oreppons, Menetian Twills, eto., è Qf course there were other Bargain Day Sales, but neyer one at whioh sucol elegant values were given as at this one. m*>-AND 24th and 26th. MY DS.Ye rsummgR DRErsrsGOO: ',lr25 otsV' CIIOICE--si, 90e., 85e., 75e., 60e., 50e.,.45c., 40c., 85c. Straw Hats f or,25 Everybody should take advautage of gooda than you can buy in the city. b96u'8 Navy Serge Suits ...............$2.99. à py '2-pieeSrge Suts ............... ... 99. -bysl Navy Serge Knee Pants ...........40. MWns Al- Wool Tweed Suits ............499. Yon can't beat the above prices iu the eity or ini town. for above hunes, but we are- having Bargain Days uow. save you mouey. our Bargain Days. 'We give you botter, values What we advertise we have iiý our -store to -show ~1~I VV e G. We buy in large quantitiesia Always read our advertis'el WAL TES Whitby 18OHOOL BOOK8 SOHOOL BOOK8S Complete Assortment of ail Books used in -the Col1egiý Ihstitute, High a'nd Public Schools. A new supply of Ezercise-and Scribbling,.Bookii,,and Sho Bqii whiok for price sud quityr cannot be .upse.Aise thé latgeat aun b satock df Sationery aud JFanoy Go foda ', ad Muicail Instrumenits,- Liberal DiS-codlt fAr the NextTIryD j down, L Fergusoýn, 'P rayer,FHasui. C Maddena W McLaughlla, A Millen, > Miller. Matt u1ati9an-$ F9ote, t b yi Sia Marlowe o l.hem stry - also c4emnsry; If Bretbour5 oa,, Markham.-ulo kaix.M Badem,, Button, J Dobafty, reene , Hoen, R Jobnston,0 - Ão ; L> SrNni C Flint, L Forfft, «On A ene ' IRkett. Iq"ï$ alto Latin'- A0 Castfer, G *ri Latin. Fré*I. ' Dre8s Goods, worth 50e., 40e. and 80e., ail te go at 25c. per yard. REeduced Prices. Sumrner Goods mast go eut at Bargain Prices3. 1 M POR T A NT..Z eh do res îcts, 4-in 90C. ts- for lier- able adi. ve ry ran g and -)17 i20 ;95 M:3 22! IÉ m , ! 1 0. m Go 1 1 4 GOODS MAIM]m t éw ID n 24th and 26-the