Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 7

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Division Courts ONTARIO 1895- doue!11, WÇhitl'y, l ;Alirll 21 May 2 dotel. '. ~ vCI k 11 4 , i o ot S' id sale Stables LT, Proprîctor lu" , t ' i i1 ')U RANC L To rnt o. n r , - lu e t us I \s tý op . jeItGS 'AR E COALu~ oono SlABS , Ei TCr :.NT tut i. - -, S TA TIONER R - rIO-A, OTH ER. L i n t 'i l M 'hf r) lu4 t (,. Ibs".uy'~- utnc hr . ' i. I Resuit of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Whlch Doctoru Fail.d te HeIp, CURED BY TAKINO Chery AYI3RSctoral. "1 contrcted a severe cold, wblch settlted omylurîigs, and 1 did what is often done l";e ce, glcdR thinkin It would FI( îvasit carne; but 1 fouu. , after a "hiwlle that the lghtest exertion panm e. 1 then Consuiltod a Doctor m ho f ound, on examlnlng my lungs, that the pae ;rt of the letI anc was badly affect cd. i g ve me some mediclue whlch 1 took as 4 ted, but lt dîd flot seem ta do any gmod. 1l!fatl happened ta read ln Ayer's \ ianac,o the e ect that Ayer's Cherry 1< trai had on others, and 1 determined lo iet a triai. After takifiR a tew doses wv hie was relleved, and hefore 1 had f.i - 'the hottie I was eured."'-A. LzEFlÂI, v atclmaker, Orangevîlle, Ont. Ayer's cherry Pectoral Hlghemt .&wards at Wcril's ailr. iuer'e PSUs Cure Indigestion. IN DEEP DESPAIR. MONTiIEALER RELAIES IIIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. LleliIad Tried Foreign and Local Physi- ciafle and was Operated upon Witb- eut Sticces-I)r. Williatms' Pink Pille Cured Wbeu ahl other Medi cines Failed. Froîn the Mentreal Heralc. Ititaaces of marvedous cures by the ise cof Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People are nuinerous, buti the oue related 41oisj of special interest, owiug to the peculiarity cf the iline-ss, and aIse ta the fact that in tbe present in8t4c0e the gentleman je well known in 1Montreal. Mr. Charles Frank, inepector of the meohanios department af the Bell Tele- phone Co., at 371 Aqueduot street, and whe resides at 54 A.rgy le Avenue, in a.n interview with a lleraid reporter, related the followiug wonderful cure by the use cf Pink Pills. Mr. Frank, Wbo je 25 yeave' cf age, je a Ruesi&n by birth, ex- --ceedîuglv iut.elligeutly, epeake several larnzuages flueutly, and je now apparently iY o( n health. -'4My ilînese came about ii n a leculiar way, ' said Mr. Frank. rto three vears ago I was ini the best ('t ilualti About that time while iu (iaszo, cotland, where I was em- \ 1 as a clerk tu a hotel, aud wbile 'Iîgon the Cîvie, a sterm came up, M)d i obi çrettv reugh trne of it for a ',v i,',.I e e\ f iv must lhave înjured 1:1.\ 't'f 21'1)011 aho gll I feit uothtug at 1Jtil le.tt ". n ' v way bon)@, vt,-i l lbel îles on the street, v' li aît,) e couve vel Itomin ua cab, uV11 were utterlv uuable te hold 111 111,I w Ls coufinedj to b4d for several ias n ttîe saline lielpiese cendition, ii 1 railled, but found that my urine as o f a strange reddish brie. 1 called 114 Sl~ocrm n 1the Cyde. il, a pl'ysiciau, wbo preecribed, but did 'IC l(, g lond(. 1 tFen ealled on Sir i'rgef McLeed, 1. D., who aIea per. crllaud advised me ta go to the 1t-utl wag averse to doing this, 11111 il- advised mie dieu to try a change I ~. ~ te ime that my bladder n Mute .1I îited on bis suggestion ce î?îlre e te Montreal. I va t a ,year. as P~O êwa*asa meofoonst ant aaityt s rlismytioli getung ekr au the timé u l., s lsti.s. &td sleepy anud weasàkin ý thelegs. 1Kwualtoise pale and iltIblokiugo no doubt owing to Iooef blood " Proln a naîorally oheerfil mn i becaccis morose$,and gave Up a11 hopes cf ultimase reoovery. One Saturday, 6o'n~e mntha ago, while walIking slong Bleury eîreet, sviI3g seen the advertise. ment Of Dr- Williamns' Pink Pille1 in the Montreal1 Herald, I stopped Bt John T. Lyons, drug store5 sud baught a box. I had triéd se0lnsuy medicines thet I said te Ipeif, , If tbsy dont cure me I cant b8 'ny worse off than before.' After taking the firati box I feît etranger and more cheerful, although there wae na change in the bloody condition of my urine. But 1 feit sncouraged and gat three more boxs, determined ta make a thorouRh trial of Pink Pille. Aftar I had flished the second box I found my urioe wus gettiug clearer, s0 I continued the Use-of the pille, taking two after eacb Meal. When I hadl finisbed the third box my urine was qUite clear, for the firet time in tbree years. I was delighted and contjnusd taking the pille until 1 had finisbed six boxes. I amn etrang now and have had ne recurrence of the trouble, and as yen eau ses, the flush of healiuh shows itsesf in my face. To think that I wau cured by the use of 8 wortb of Dr. Williamse' Pink Pille after tryiug a tiumb er of physiciens and undergoing an opera tion in vain ia a puzzle ta me, and I arn earry that I didn't know about tbie grand medicine before, I would have willingly given $200 or $300 ta have been guaran teed a cure by anyane." I amn willing," said Mr. Frank, in conclusion, Ilta es anyone wbo wishee ta verify this interview, as I consider it rny duty ta rny fellow-rnen as a matter cf gratitude ta the marvellous cure their medicine ba8 affected. I bave came te the conclusion that Pink Pilla are the best blood builders in existence, and I think everyone Bould try tbem." Dr. «Williams' Pink Pille are sold only in boxes bearing the firmes trade mark and wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear in mmid that Dr. Williamse' Pink Pilla are neyer sold in bulk or by the dozen or bundred, and any dealer who offere euh- stitutes iu this forma is tryiug to defraud you and sbould ho avoided. The public are aiea cautioned agaliaet ail other se called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in similar form intended te de ceive. Tbey are ail imitations whose makers hope to reap a pecuniary advau- tage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williame' Pink Pille Ask your dealer for them. These Pille are manufactured by the, Dr William's Medicine Company Brock- V-ille, Ontario, and Schenectady, N.-Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50E cents a box, or six boxes for $2 50. They may ho bad-Irom auy dealer, cr will he sent hy mail ou receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla may ho liad of ail druggiets or direct by mail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Company frein either addreee. The price at whieb the pille are eold make a course of troat- ment compativeiy inexpensîve as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. PORT FERRY. Letter from J. H. Brown ta Port Perry Standard, crsticising our Part Perry correspondent. To the Edi'tor of Ithe Standard, Will yau kindly allow me a little epace in your valuable paper ta an article that appeared in an out of town paper cf the 26 th July last frcm ita Port Perry cor- respondent, W. J. Nott, Esq., entitled "The Churcb of to-day." My desire te do so is that if the article in question was rend by the outeide world (whe are net acquainted vitb the moral and chrietian standing of aur beloved Canada) migbt he led ta the opinion that we were stil in heathen darknees, and required the light of the gospel as mucb and mare than thase do, Wbo we think need the word of life, and are sending rmen and women toa at the nuk of tbei.r lives te proclairn the great salvation Jesus died to purehase. Mr. Nott sets ont in bis famous siticle by sayiug that cbristianity of ta day le only euperfiial-mark the word, superficial. . Secondly, he saye notwithstauding the large memhersbip5 large audfiences, fine churobes, but te corne right down taobristiauity it is net in the church cf to-day. Tbis, Mr. Edi- tar, je a eweeping assertion ta be made by a man Who professes ta believe in thbe chrietian religion. Can it be possible that after 1800 years of faitbful work by saine of the most godly men sud wamen that ever tred this earth , there eau ho fouud a mun Who will say above bis own signature that there je no christianity in the chizrch of to-d.sY?2 I onsider tbis a grass libel on the christian men and waoeen Of this fair land. I want Mr. Nat ta0 nderstand that there are thonis. ands of chriatian this land Wbe Will resest te ttte uttmeet thbe stigmia ho je trying, (but in vain> te place ou ibsir characiers as chritiaus. Wby, Mr. Edi- tor, there are theusanda of men and wamsn, soo, who, would be, have.beon, and are newq, ifling te ge wituh their lives in their bande in their bauds to preacb Christ te thos. Who neyer hiead cf the great salvation JeSUS cdied ta pur- chase, we hear the mrygeing up constant. iv, send me. They ayi, bewever, cou- 'sel' es with tii thongbt that - '"qte and intente will judge 'o )be and the *riterréfgor. to muet beOIàW of thew, fer hé, for yearu bat bosn iz#ttMXl -under the hi - ' of et fibfi mnio f, Qe a ifretiplaces, ana yet freai lit ova word.i It bas hâd no benefici*l efféet on hie callous soal, for it appeare that 126 je stili in nature's de.rknessnd in tb. bonde of iuiquity. The thristian religion and the cause of Christ dose not, uer never did, depend On it,. succese in Win. ning bearte ta the Cross from snob Dar ro s ouled beinge as he. incewrititig the aboya there bas been placed ini my hande the annual repart of the givinge of the Methodiet ohurcb of Port Perry, and I ses that this gentlemen who would have the pecopie look ta as Simfoni pure. gave for the support of the gospel tbat be would have ta be preaobed in ail its pur- itY the magnanimous sum of twetity-five cents. Sssrely the heathen will soofl ho christianized by sucb liheral givil3g. J. H. BROWN. NEWCABTLEC Rev. A. Carswell has rcceivcd a cal] to Billings, Montana. Mrs. Varcoe, Lindsay, is visiting her cousin Mrs. Wm. Pickard. The Misses Luard, of Londotn, are summrrering at V:ort Newcastle. Messrs. Arthur Law and Fred Argahl have gene te the Northwcst. Mrs. I3ryson, of Lindsay, is vîsitig her sister Mrs. (Rev. t (J. H. Copeland. Mr. Wilmott, of hu'astings county, is visitîng his brother and sisters here. The nethodist choir picnicked at the Marsh on Fridav and haîl a 1-ne ture. Mr. XVîiî. WagstafT is taking a trip through the lower provinces it queSt of health. M-is Jessie Grant, Dundas, teacher of modern languages, xviii ftll the posi- tion vacated bv Nli, s Sun th. The Epworth Icague of thc mieth-- dist church hold a garden party next Monday eve ning On the beautiful .grounds of MIr, L. Davidson. The special sermons in the mctho- dise. church arc drawing large congre- gati1ons. Ncxt Sabbatlis evening's subject is -The tnodel marriage." We congratulate 'Miss Grose and NIr. W. Barrett on securtng sccond-class certificates and Mr. W. -1. Orchard a first at the ecent cxatîinattons. Ili1gh School Principal L)avidson has returned from Toronto, where he has been assisetng on the Board of Exanm- mners in the mathemnatical departnient. One of our oldese. anditnose. highlv respected business iri, NIr. J. R. B arfee.t. passcd away to his lcong homne last week and his remnaîns wý,ere in- temred at Fort Newcastle. Ili resided r here for fullv fore.v vears. ENFIELD Tramps are numnemous in this x-tcin- Mm . John McCulloch has rcsumed due.v at Kinsale. Rex'. R. MNcCulloch preached heme on Sunday lase.. Mm. C. Mackey bas returned looking quite fammerized by his vacation. Mms. Alexander has ree.umned from a Iengthy visie. in Western Ont.ario. le. is reported that Mr. Alex. McCul- loch e.hreshed too bushels of alsike clover last wîeek. We cungrattîlate Mm. Edgar Bmadlev on bis success at the junior leaving ex- amination. Next Tuesdax- eveni ng Aug. J>e.b, there will be open division in this place. Mr. Brooks, G.W.P., Toronto, and Enfield baud will be presen. Visitos:-Mms. and Miss May, Miss Mumley, Mm. and Mms. T. Short, Miss N. Hays, Toronto; Mm. Hyslop, Wkiit.- by; Miss A. Pascoe, Solina; Rev. R. and Miss McCulloch, Newhurgh. Fast.71 or Cotton andi Diamond IVixed Dyes ..] le ke'en that Make gPast The Faste flaznod Dyes for CàtedP and MKxed Goodr (ibkblors) are triumphs of 's&nce They arc new antidm- partant discover- ses, controlled by Diaxnond Dyes, sud are fouud in - no0heýackage Color more ods tian other. tdmcagay and ruait. =a that are absolot izt- atoe hg and washig. Be sure that yit'get Fast Dia. moud Dyes for Cotton end blÎîdGoods, am they excel al athers. Bold everrwhere. 5WDhr.cton BÃ"S.ad teely mamples ef colored clot.h ù«e. Childreii are always thtna ai hnthyd o asmilate eutgh fat. ,,This seemast range, perhps, but it is fiterally true.- UnIess there is a'healthy as- similation of fat food the blood becomes depleted, tissues waste away, vitaiity becomes iow and the body Ianguisb.es for the need, of proper nourialiment Sot's I3muLsion is useful to children, especially in two ways. It is (?od- liver Oil emulsionized, thus being easi*ly assimilated and rendered palatable, with the Hlypophospbites of Lime and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and nourish the bones. This combination of these potent nutrients is juist what thin children need to give them fie2'i, color and vitality. Almost ail childien like it. Don't be Persuaded to accebt a substitule / Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ail Druggists. 50c. and $1. SiMply apply " SWAYNE'S 0IN'rMrErT" Ne internai medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, handa, nose, &c.', leaviug the skin clear, white and healthy. It.s great healing aud curative powers are poesesed by no other remedy. Aak your drugoeiat for SwAYNE's OINTMICNT. Lyman, Son. & Co., Montreal, wholesale agents. MAN LEY'S Celery NERVE COMPOUND Rat Portage strikera are quiet, and the mil],, Cures Blood and 8k/n DiBeases. closed. Minardsa Liniment Gures Colite, etc. An unkibown man was killed on the C. P.R. near Sinith's Falls. Au Etueptienai Sale. St. John ia nideh Interested lu the Recent Medieal Diaoovery. ST. Jn2,N.-,rÂug. 12-The mauy cases of marvellous rbstotatian ta hbealtit tram vari- oua f ormis'tbf Id*y trouble whicb bave been oansitantly %ppebal4g in the daily press etftth. Dominion havé' for etmetime awakened the livelieat intereat bers, aud the remedy by which the cures were O&eoted uamely, Dodd'a Kid ney Pille, aire obtalninggreatcelebrity througb- out the province.The,-appearance of the te- timoniale ef Dres. Rose adOCormick stating the beneifite wbicb tbby bai personally derlved frein their use waa oabdred s suffielent iga et the meritscf the remiety,an sud u the o ther ýnteresting aud wondenful cases. which have 5tuse beau shronieled bas dwised the opscific te have an exceptilônal sale. By, a roent treaelry ralitigrepaire made ini O.nadbi'tocamotives snd oazWef inrernaden- si railw*b"are nut dutiable. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA& HnIIFÀt OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. Capital Authorized $1,000,000 Capital Subscribed 500,000 Capital Paid-up 373,000 Reat 100,000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JoHN CcIwAN, ESQ., President. REUBEN S. HAMLiN, EsQ., Vice-President. W. F. Cawan, Esq., W., F. Allun, Esq., J. A. Gibson, Esq. Robânt McIntosh M. D. Thamas Paterson, Esq. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier BRÀNcHEs.-Midland, Tilsonburg, New Hamiburg, Whitby, Paisley, Peuetauguish- eue, and Port Perry. Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex-- change.bought and soldi. Deposits received- and interest allowed at higbest curreut rate-c 3%~ per cent. Collections solicite-d aud promptly made. Cerrespondents iu Ne-' 'York snd in Caz- ada-The Merchants Banik of Canada. Lon- don, Eug.-The.Royal Banik of Scotlaazd. Special attention te, collection c f, Farterse Sale Notes. E. tD. WARREN, manager01fWhitby Branch. 00,K We have the Fineeit Selec- tiannl tawn of thosie BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PERS, -WITB- Borders to Match LowEST -:PRICES. Come-early and glel frsi choice. P. B. WARAM, I3ryan's oId Star I, Brock St., illtiy Hr. SCO 7T PUJMPMAKER, WHITBY. (Sucu essor Io Il. 7lîoirpsoelî The Subseriber has agaîn opened bius here. His office will be at F. R. PMw%'s telegraph office, factory at irs, Newn)erv-s house on Brock Strtfet, soutu Nw um manufactured and old Pumpa e'vu First class material used and . vrk wrnr ed. Wells dug or cîtuaneudnu solicited. H. SCOTT, Feb. 14, î(5 W u va! M )b'n a.".a. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up,- $1,500,000 surplus, - - $1,500 000 Whitby Agenoys General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPAFtTMENT. No notice of withdrawalreqnired E. J. THORNTON, Manager IRADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. S. EDGAR, Merchant, Wind- sor: M. K. acted marveleusly in my case of cbronic stomacb and bowel trouble. j WM. MAORAE, L.D.S., Cook- sbire, Que. : XVas given Up to die frein a complication ef Dyspepsia and Liver trouble wîîh censumptiort Amn as well as ever rtew -tt is truty wonderful. T. I. LUSCOYIBP, Barrister, London: Chronic cougb and hemorrhag-es frein the lungs were hurrying rry wife te an early grave but tbanks te NI, K, she is as well as eve-. Wîn. Radamn Microbe ailler Co. (Ltd.Xj 120 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT For sale at ail chemblts, or at Wý B. HOWSE'S, - WHITBY. ýWOOD'S PHOSPHODINE. The Great Bnglish Remedy. Six Palckages Quaranteed ta pramptly and perma- niently cerre ail forms cf 2Neruoug Weakness, Emis- wpotencg and ail effecta of Ab.use or exceasses, Mental WVorry, excessive use of Tobacco, Opiuim or 8tlm- BEFORE AND AFTER. ulante, which soon Iead taInflirmitg, lnaanity, Con$umption and an early grave. Has been prescribed aver 35 Years in thousands af cases; la the on1g rellable and Hon- est Medicine known. Ask drugglst for Wood'@ Phosphodlne; if ho offers some wortifbk medicine in place of this. inclose price in letter, and we will send hy returu maIL Price, SeO pakg,$1 -six, $S. One twtl please, &lx ,lit amhl"ets free to any addreu. The Woodl CompanY, W]ndsoe, Ont. Sold in Wbitby by W. R. Hawse, druggim 'red Prendis. ent to ,ini, M. W. aud1 -dle lust- wek. on Mna 8

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