Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 7

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4_ Ayer's Pis «'I would Ilke to adm etmnt tliat of others who have. ued'er Pille, and to gay that 1 have také,n Che for many years, and alwaya derlved thse betralefrom their use. For Stomach and itver troubles, and for the eure o1 headache caused by these deran gmente, Ayer'S Pilla cannot be equale<Lwn ny riendsasak me what la the buat remedy for disordera of the jstomaeh, Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer la, Âyer's Pilla. Taken iii season tbey will break up a el, prevent la grippe, check fever, and iegulate the digestive organs. Tbey are easy to take, and Are the best all-round family mnedicine 1 bave ever kn)own. -Mrs. MAY JomqsoN, »6 Rider AVe. New York City. AYER'S PJLLS Hl ghest Awarde nt Worl d's F' .4 iver'. 8arsaparila for the bloocd, TRE PASTOR'S WI'E. "' le herCeve >woDId so nalte public -air ihat ,pas*edbtee îlimnecif and Mr.Gisgh vt< News-~Letter wo Understand that thc Governmetnt had ýevery intentiofiof ac- Cepin th twn s stnding o ffer of $io,>ooo for the park property. tJohni' Hopkins, of Tay, was commit- tdto Barrie on Saturday on a charge of perjury. This spring Hopkins iost SOme property by fire, on which there wa,"I insurance of $5oo in the Mutual CompanY. A short time before the firehe put another $500 on the pro- perty in the Alliance Company. Mr. R. D. Gunn argued on behaif of the Mutual, that H-opkins had perjured himself when receiving his claim by alleging there was no insurance in any other Company. Hopkins couid flot disprove the testimyny against h im and iraà taken to Bar-rie. 0*1udauas w» tUaerace. Gaudaur demonstrated on Toronto Bay on Saturcfay, in a manner that must have been convincing to even the- staunchest admirer of Ned Hanlan's nephew that Eddie Durnan was flot in his class. At no time during the three mnileswas he obiiged to excii himseif, whiie Durnan Wvas puttingz forth his best efforts in trying to -get within striking distance of the fiying Orillian. Durnan nevertheiess puiied a piucky -race, but he was simpiv unable to com- pete with any degree of equaliiw with the champion of Aruerica, who scuiied strongiy and easily al] the way. A Peular Accident. An Orillia man named Dunsford, a section man on the Midland division of the Grand Trunk, was in.jured in a pe- culiar manner one day last week. He He was working on the lune between Canning-ton and Sunderland, and as a passenger train passed somne one on board threw out a liquor fiask from the window of the smoker. The bottie struck Dunsford on the back anti broke, ~3 P. fltà, 1 17 id~ IO4is%~ je îoe f $xih s men"! o'fee<t le at o'clo.ck, as ,-he intended .going,#ion the îrocks to ýpick bernesý and Miight totý rtrtum, until late. In pas*ing Middlt)n's the last housé' tbelôw the, rocks, hé. left a coat hanging on the fence, _where, it was found Sýaturday. In the poèket was a letter addressed to William Gib.. Lney, OrillUa. About five o'clock Thurs- -day he was seen by a Mrs. Mackie wan- 1dering down off the rocks; and this was the last seen of him. Search was made on Saturday by residents of North Oeillia for the missing man,- and bis friends believed up tili Sunday that he had probably iost his way and would corne out ail right lit a day or two. On Sunday Mr. D. M. McKinlay, with a searching party, drove out to Smith's miii and with others scoured the woods in every direction in hopes of finding somne due that would iead to the whereabouts of the missing man. Re- ports from North River yesterday even- ing state that searching parties are stili at work. The missing man's friends. now belieic hthei ed The bush in which his coat was found is denseiy thick and it is possible that the search- ers may have passed within a yard or two of the corpse and stili have faileci to notice it owing to the thick under. brush. The rocks are 'aiso very high: in places, and certain treacherous cre- vices are covered with wild growth, which might easiiy prove a trap for a man unacquainted with the place. Long Lake is situated about four miles from where Gibney entered the bush, and some believe he may be drowned.' The suicide theory is also advanced.- Gibney was of weak constitution. A lagacy fro.mn his father was almost gone. The young man had been very despon- dent of late. He was known to have expressed the wish that-he could escape drink and its associations, and these things put together incline many to the A N ~ - cutting the man so bad that he -had w elief that be has made away with him- AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW be taken to Cannntn where Dr self. He iras about thirtyyears.of age, WITH MRS. (REX'.> F. B. iga dressedtwud and put height about five feet eight incites, STRA rToN. several stitches in it. MIr. Dunsford siight buiid, heavyý blonde moustache,' was rouht hmewher hewas aidsiight impediment in his speech, dres- was rougt hme, vher hewas aidsed in black clothes. with white stra*w Tlirea tened Witb Parflyss-Weak, Ema- Up for several days. hat. Mrs. Gibney, mother of -the mis- ciated and Unahle to Stand Fatigue HoLmes 8waaw here. sing man, is nearly heartbroken over -Pink Pills lXesLore Uer Health. Holmes, the aiieged fiendish mur- the disappearance of ber son, and in lmthe Napane Ik3aver. derer of the Pitezel chiidren at To- her grief and old age finds it bard to The 11ev. F. B3. Stratton, of Selby, 18 ronto, and who is said to be the per- bear up--News-Letter. one of z'be best known tinistera in Bay petrator of untold numbers of equaiiy ot Quinte conference, of wbîch body he biood-curdiing crimes, spent a summer EREOIRIN. is the Preaident. During the two yeara years ago not far from Orillia, in fact it M ilAnwrhstoltl hl- Mýr. Stratton bas been stationed at Seiby, is said be bas been in Orillia at varjous rmtwÎi Aînwoth'shtwohatve child- botb be andi Mra. Stratton have won times. He was living in Xoodviiie, aaren met winh wbat m ut.ave eln hoste of friends among ail classes for village a few miles to the south, and serionsacintoFrdylt.Ty were piaying around a binder andgo their unasaumisg and sincere Christian appeared to have lots of money. Whiie their bande in,0ontact witb ,the 1kni, work. Some time ago Mrs. Stratton waa there he won the affections of a res- wueooot.nme u~imt~s attacked with partial paralysis, and ber pectable you ng woman, whom be iras qe are giad ta report nô.geswc~ restoration baving been attributed te the about to mari-y, but a former wife ap- îost, only a& w everé ,cuts., use of Dr. Willianms- Pink Pilla, a report- peared upon the scene and Holmes was t-r of tbe Beaver was sent to interview forced to ligbt out- He posed in this Mr. John Lytie has bult-"a né* etànn0 ler, lu repiy ti the reportere question dsrc sa nuac gn.Tefoundationünuder hie els Mrs. Stratton saîd t.hat abe bad been aigreatly toit >ta-hs greatiy benefitted by Dr. Williams' PinkabvfaswregentthNe-ad iSPaIP Pilla, and was perfeotly wiiiing to Rive Letter by a well-known Orillian, wbo is Mie old clothesfu'ah os worby the, be epeiecetbt hoe imlalvaflitaiso well acquainted with the lady traU&i twglàïà ~W têe OJoye& ed might be benefitted. Mrs. Stratton who h ila ol ae areC..so ee t n' lbe bnah ea said that betore moving tô Selby sbe bad had not bis wife discovered bis where- the village along witb a. ' beroftaga been greatly troubled by a numbnees abouts and prevented one 'of bis pet and prc atkthyeidently b*in coming over ber ides and arms (partial crimes, for which, and others, he wîl put on a new outfit te travel in. 'W. stfl paralysis) wbich, wben she rnoved, felt prooabiv soon pay the penalty. The liv. in hopes Pinkerton' wil run tbem a hough bundrede of needies were stick. young lady to whom he aimost became cdwit or te ani h haerbas work ng in the flesli. For over a year she wedded, is the wife of a weil-to-do cedit on the ase. wic e bswr hati been troubied in this way, witb occa farrner, and lives not forty miles dis- dothcae sionally a dizzy speil. She was becom- tant. Mrt. Tho;- Rn&..i ...i . anAi ing emacied and easiiy fatigued and was unable to get aleep fromu this cawte. The trouble seeoeed to be worse at niglit time. Mr. Stratton had become greatly alarnied at lier bad atate of health, and it was feared that comuplete paralysie would ensue as Mrs. Stratton'a mother, the late Mre. Vt eaer, of Ingerso il. had leen simiîarîy striken, atabout pe same age. Knowing a Young ladyI-,,Trenton, wbere Mr. Stratton bad been previously stationed, wbo had been oared by Dr. Williams' Pink Pillit mas determined to gitve tbema a fair trial. When Mrs. Straton bevan using the Pink Pilla she was very thiii and ber aystem badiy rmn down, but afzer taking the pilla for a tinie, ail symptiome of paralysie disap- îeared, and she fonnd ber health and itrength renewed and bier meight in- creaseti. Mrs. Stratton io about fifty v t-ara of age, a.nd a more healthy, robust, andi younger looking lady is seidom seen aî, thiat age. lun repiy te thereporter's inquiry as te "biat Pink Pilla bad doue for hie wife, Mr. Stratton sad, "LooitaI lier, look at lier, doesn't se.ahowft," tend the. report. t-r oould net but admit the truth of tise1 6tatement.1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla ae seld 0plj in boxes bearing'tise fir's frade Mari and wrapper, (prinitodil ir.d inký. Beari in niind that D]r. Williame.PInk Pilla are1 nieyer sodidlnlkorby'tb. dosenor1 licundred, and any dealer Who offes laub- Stitutes in titis <rS ûin nf$w ,« er you and shouid b. avoid.8, Thse ublic are also eautioned againt.&Il otCr 80 ealled blood buiklda4-emdup rire onIc, p ut u p i n similar for Wl3mIl'nded tode- CEive. They, arýe l,j1 ù ~ "îiakers hope to reap ,*, d' tage from the Wi achiievod by D». Aaik your dealer fhr Dr Wlliai' )4 ville, Ontario, ad' and are soId ou. firin'e trade meri cents a bol, qe, wiibe seut b Dr. Pilla a go they were net Xarrie.. About five years ago John Cave moved up ta Uffington, near Gi-aven- burst, and bought a bush farm. He, settied down ta mark in single blessed- ness, and to-day be bas a pretty good property. Ail this time' he had been very tired of living alone, and aâ luckyý chance. gave him an opportunity of striking up a da rrespondence with Missý jaie anih, Mnposa towrnship; near Lindsay. Finally Mr. cavýe pré- posed marriage, and the lady accepted conditionaiiy. She praposed they meet at the Queen's hotel, Orillia, look each, other aven.. and have a talkqover the xn=actr.. John haàd no ç>bections and be agreed-to1the- propositîôn. ýYeaier"i. day marning a plump little lady, with comely eea tures and a etevo1-ce, walkedttathe Queen's hatel and lu- ternogged Mr. 'Thornton about Mn. John Cae "4He is a tail man and I was to-bv'Met hlm here titis morn- lntg,' said the lady. "#I have not seen hin"Mr. Thornton saic. "Have you business mitit ' iim ?Il Ye, mpor- tant business." '"It must indeed be impot you neveï having scen him," neO na th ie. 'Propietowr, 'The a deppztefor.i'the. bouse of a red towa, andi a few maiautes lat e'U inT mnan of e.*eted mein. ruMslt iand Lurb.X11ut. £%U uu l au sonW-111, for-; mfàriy of this plaeq are vieiting friends here. Will bas 3$n somnembat, and" some of hie- oid chume soarcely knew- him. Mr. William Barker ise uffering with a eliglit attaok of pleurisy. About- sixty outple spenit WedxzeeTjy evnig mat at the - qe f Mr. &iO- Donldeas oftis '~il~ge-in hoýnoe6 Mr. Mick Judge, mise justt Iy ,,teck fantsti,. n4mu ete tise oOngratua>. tiens Miak'rec0eivo&il e ia h, béit wiïlhes of auinahïéie e dpi ue ' t Mr. -U' ob~ j1asretutued fromn bis 4 teuework àt thi. A Ie~ê~e~were- promeut Ioàt Pxi. de ýO, $ihsete baU.gam B' lime ingm 0ha4gi, i arouud SmgodPi, wasM e have relunea W éhrg«ta M'. A .a( 5iyooýtatina. erisu andenk~ ~th bào 4 rund h C1 1ve~011and- the easietOs p1tb1 form'o f Cod-1vr01i .13 ut Se Ott's En1j0t More than this. It dontan Ilypophosphîtes ;of L n n oa.a nretnc n constructive agent Thé nutrients i Scott's Emulsion, therefore, are just what is. n eeedd&'to build -up th '08Ys- tem adOvercome wastng tendencies hlingi fiesh and &trengtb. ou !Scott's Ems.. whien gain~e f ora offoodnotrishespem Thley almost ai-nkeo sStt &Bownet BeI~ikiIle, Al trug St. .ad$1 PIN WO'RMS. No la afl*tzunilp&altol an aq- - - U P7m a w~ ,~,n Or'nl n éui. i., xivela Instan t Nwak~ IN SiMhse%.' Ontmont la made exruoy Pi'butit la -. etI Iaieui~,ntos SIsDISes....sueh asRosma, c-,,Uree o l" M, s..Pre.60 cýe ts.hq !ornt, a&,S4 f oeDomlal.sg Qsua4 'ieow to cure- Au skia Diseae.' Saiuiply «apply "l vÂYNz'8 OurNrnNT"IlNo :n imdicine re'qiired' Cures tetter, ea itoh,âal eruptiona on the face, bands, nose &o Ievinth~skin clear, wbite and heahhby4 lts great heàling and curative powers ar, poBssodby- no ot , , iemedy. Auk your drugaliet li'8 Vaa' 1Nxm. Lyman$ 80oi& Ok4 Mà»itresl, wholesaie agents 1)W. Bidtt, of BelfevilIe. je dead. Goveinor IBoblnson;, of West Australia, bas Mta~r4'sInim u ur*Colds, etc. tive e wer6é drowned off the eaut coast of, E!UàInd by thse. upatting ot a yawl. They de not Despair. kni atter liom of hope je Dot charactpristic cf OepauPtives,, :hoùgh ne other fori et dise"s 80 -fata4li iiastï roess la srrested by use -of 8cott's Emulsion, wM h ists Cod aver -Oi inade aa palslable as oream. Mr jïmes Bùnè,cf asitq, ws kilîed by an H~ D train ,a upqoawîb ed MAN LEY'YS CeleyCOMIWED IT- coin$ ea-rljj'and .otj)tn Chof. H. SCOTT, (Successor IoH.7'hompion) Thée Subsénribet,"bas again épnolibusid herig. 11*, ie wlJb tE NB telegrapis offic,-'ioiýr àtMr;evte' hou"~ on Brock Stiret, outIs New Pumpt mainufactured in'e1d'?uwps epre-d First clas material ueedand work warrant- ed. Wells dug oru-landot. Orderi T. --SOTT, Feb* 14, 1895. Whitbyand-,Oàhàwa DOMINON BNK. 0oapital PaMd G.era&1 B8nkîng-~ Trramzaoted." NO uetie, oI 'wthdl!alwî1?.q4ared . . T H O I N ! /* ~  ' *lleOBE KIdLERin-, Cures Blood and 8kin D/8eases. t W.K.'- *1 sgi -WESTER;OAIK 0FCAKAIJA Capital Authorized $ Caia aid-up OSHAWA, 0?~ S "BOARD 0F DIRECO9 JOHN COmzi EQ.Pesdnt R E U B B S . H  L I N , E 5Q ., V i c e - Pre s id ? e i . W. F. Cowani Eaq., W. F',i. Al, ~q., J. A. PaoersonRbrtMltsl .1 T. H. ýMcmXrLLANý, - t elr I ~'L1 BEAUIFULAMERICA', îere ~tit, 300. If C nild 1001, jy yan- the tie [ho q Up, Ê- mù the .found and ht were ar- k on 4 HEAD, WA 'L - IJA

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