Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1895, p. 1

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],1ý%7'xXIx.a WIHITBY, ONTARIO, FRJDAy, SEPTEMBER 6,q I8k,5 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS# 0HEONICLE CORRESPeND>ENoE* MANOUBSTE!t. Rochester. :oe et e a th ilon Friday evening. We wonder if it is true. ý Mrs. Geo. Keeler returned homne on Mon- day after a short visit with friends to the coun ty tewn. Arthur Sawyer camne home froni Whitby Mn. J. W. Thompa-.n. Toronte, caught, at on Wednesday. Pins Point on Mc:'.-" two maskinonge R. L. Lucas and family bave returned weighing 20 and 12 - , jeach. fromn their hoiidays. Mr. Reid, of Uxb, dge, got ducked instead jas. Boxail, Lindsay, was In town. on cf " duck. Who lUt their measure in red on business this wek the tent for a pair cf trousers ? Capt Henderson, Whitby, hadi a fine string The great question troubîing our nimnode of ducks from Monday'a sport. l5, when the Syndicats intend te, shoot ducks Aliourmilines ae ateningthewboe"on the reserve ? The Iceeper don't seem te sale milinery openings in Toronto this week. k noe. Wy Mr- T P Conlifi and famlly, from Duluth, uknts ivere visi:ing is. M. I, Crandeil on Hemn. The man with the " lonesomne îurn"nbeat lock Iadndail the reet of the duck huntera on Menay lock Iland-Two gentlemen from Guelph, hunting for Mr. E Eddy, Ciaremont, and Mr. meo ducks, got duclced befons starting, resuits; Spence, Toronto, were among the duck a sein a ly h unt rs o M on ay .T he follow ing are the oficers f the W . C . Wm. Ke,-nedy, cf Petoakey, Mich., and T. U. fer the cunrent year: President, Mrs. joseph Kennedy, cf Peterboro, were vislting Dlavis; Firet vice, Mrs. McCamus ; Second their parents this week. Vice, Mrs. Allison; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Hall; Anl elderlv gentleman from near Uxbridge Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wakley ; Treas., Misa who was here on Monday duck shooting re 1-lorton. À tr Popl wil oe surprîsed when thev ýmiss Jennie Dickeon speut Saiiirday snd hnd out we are selliîng Stîcky F13, Paper: Sunday visiîiug frienda in Locust Hill sud at Two double sheets for 5 cents. 1 Clansment. 1The Misses Nina, EFuma, sud Edua Spence Fresit dalmatien Inaect Povdsr 5c an oz. or j vio have beftn iolidaying here reîurued te 4 Oz. for 15 cents.I their homne in Toronto on Saîurday. Sites Fiy Poisen Paper for ..... .....ýc A garden panîy viii be gîven ai Mr. Thos. Wilson's Poison Pads fiîc. Forman's on Friday evening. A geod ie is expected aud ail are in"uted to attend. Mn. bTomas Smith, an., who vs repcnted Just arnîved a âns assortinent of iii s short Lime ago is nov able to be around Htîngîng Lampa, Hall Lampa, again. W. are giad te ses the change and Bouquet Lampa, Vase Lampa and hcpe be may stili continue te improve, Stand Lampa bTe pnîces wiii Mise- Florence Goodfeilov, vite bas apent surprise you. AE- Cail and Sec. meet cf tse summen St Mr. Wm. Spsnce's I~" 9 R H WSE' STA D.asd visiting frinsinlutitis vicinity, returusd #-':e W.R. OWSBS ST ND.to ber home lu New York on Fridav asat. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. Miss Frankis Speuce, BA., teaciter lu Peebore itigit scitool, speat Suuday sud Meuday under tse parental roof itere. She - ' likes ber usv abois,asud asys ber pupils ars flj 'pj' vsry kini aud goed te control. i"IU Our sidevake- are stili on the bcozs, snd vs vcuid recommend that thte counicil ese ater te maLter at once. Tvo cf oun lady citizeas suetainei s bad tali asat wesk, oe -- losuag ber gisses off Ltse end of ber nese, sundte otiter a fev dezen cf eggs. If mat. ters are net soon amnendsd ve viii be forcsd to held our reeve respoasible. 17ftn, l8th and 19th Did eoms cf oui citizens nead te Man- chester itemns te, the Standard asat veek. 0f course vs cannot expsct titat ail did, for iL - ouy a e-malilev as are se favered vitit P1000 n Prize , thatplcon. Ws drav attention te Lits _______________lasi nentionsi article. Sureiy te person vito vioLe ihat mue-t have been on te booze The finest grounds and buildings of ai the time. We have a geod remedy for any ouity airin te Povice. tiat scribe in case theres siould be any dan- anyCeuiy an n us Povice. ger of coiiape-ing. Rememben yen vers Reduced rates on ail traîna per G.T.R. sud once young and peritapa a fev facts might1 midland Ry. on î8th and î9Ll. be toli you whicit you migitt uaL cane te Any person wishîng te enjoy s d sy's e pleasure, and aitte sarine tins see te best Fur e-oms ime pst tbs condition cf te exhbhion outside et the ciLie- should visit centre road tiorti of bers has been vet y bad. titis Fair :sîtuate as t in the very garden of !n fact in ivo different places it la almoat Canada, as vel l a ite finesi stock secton umpassable, sud sitoli a persou's herse be- iu America coresfrightened vitile passing, a great deali Te management inîend titis year to excel ail fermer efforts in making titis te premier Counîy Fair cf Ontario. Goci stabiing, beantiful grounds, sud incnsssed entries, shouid make thia Fair au institution vonthy et support. Ex/zz*b'wnops of Trottzng Sialiffns, Fast S Drivers and .Saddle Horses for big Prizes. GOOD BAND 0F MUSIC. Bicycle Races sud special attractions in front of teGrand Stand escit aftenoou. Sec programmes sud pnizclista for particulars.- JD. Howden, J. H Long, les. White, Presideut. biesen, Secretary. -Farm and Chattela for Sale. Executor efthte laie UeSge Sidevoitit, Mn. Thtomas Sldewortb, bas instrucied the under- siged to seli by Public Auction on thte preinises, Lot NO. n8 iunte 4ti Con. Wbitby, ou WED. NESDAY, OCO BR3etb, z895. St i o'clock Li$tai faim beWng cast ball ef Lot No. 18 in te 4t coeu., Wbby. Aise ail thte faim stock, etc., on aaid tari. For further panticu- lare ses posters Wbitby, A'ig. a8tb, n8t L. FAIRBANKS, 95. Aucxioeer, Brick Homa Cheap. bbc undenslgued will ssii et a bargamn the bouse nov occupied b y Mn. John Burnsa on Byron et., Wbltby. There are twe lots in fruit trees and -the pneperty sIn lugeod ne-' pair. Pries very- 1ev aud teinseasy. Ap- ply te JOHN LYNESS, i zi Gladstone Ave., Toronto. Aug. x4th, 1595. Farm to Rent u ufe ls 32o acres. 26o clearsd adI is l state et cultivation, wefl watcred by eprings sud vella. Adopted for sither stock or grain fsrmmng. "Good buildings sud orcbard ; 2 miles e-t ef Claremomt. Scbool close by. Posaesion te plov &MI uuni manure gt once. Lotsix nil dÏ2 inu s.bcon. of Pickering. Apply ta Aug. 12, z895-36-41 ALEX. WADDLE, bull the cnt bas nov becene very large, ow- iag to te great ameunt cf gravel taken titenefrom. Te nead ini tite it bas, become very undulâting, because te gavel le Laken- frein te moat cenvenient place and deep pitcit-ioles ans lsft. On sither aide sud vsry usar te Lavelied tnsck, are deep sud dan- genous boise made by parties ssekiug gis- vel. bTse incline of te pit le very steep sud et te top thens le ne fence. To illiletiate tse danger ef titis place vs cen naine Lvo misitapa titat bave coins by iL. A valuable ccv bsloughig te Mr. Wm. McGiU ftell &evu te aide about a vesit ago and inte s bois sud vas kilisi. Last Sunday Mn. John Parka sutainsi te neit be-e. Hie ccv was endeavornug ro climb up te incline Le te field above, viten site fell back inte eue cf these sand holes aud broke ber back. 1e iL tain or just for titese gentlemen, Mn. Parke, especialy-a poor msn-te suetain ail titis loea? Te only £air suggestion ve can an- rive at is, te council sitouli bear part of tse expenses. - Te road le- al but lu a fit state for passengers, sud- moe damage wyUl be tite resuit if te mater is net ieoked after. P. C. GRÂHÂm. EsuheserBusluss ir.ctez.y. TIu UWUJ> B 1T.4Tao laps USaNOE âCe. lmsi the moultberal palloy- ta the market. novates or i.-m s Il sei a! szen derlng thora lu troot OMS au g d faMhlonabs as Whonue»W. OrdenSSUdloted. lia LbtheLime te look avez ypur fuie-foi thoir satety, !sud te h§kV&thora ruavasod. PORi? pUay. R. D. Bunubam returned Leos(hava on busday lest. J.- R .Grant be-e-returuci front bis itoldaye et Penbroke. Mn. Fraiuk 1Raines, o! Peterbora, le visitisîg friend e be. Mise Ballactyne, of Wbutby, bas be vlsiting fiends lu tovu. Mr. J. Soucb, of tWcwmarket, là eIstug hie sisets Mis. C. C. Keilet. Mis. G. W.. sud'Miss &lma bpp vers, menet vlsitorté * i.Weaw£Demuale R L Grabjut deutist, of BrockvMie, was vlsitlug hbs pawntsSuda3r and4 Mousy lust. Tako: hy ~rpri:o ceived an ugly wcund on the upper lip frein hua gun in shootiag a kind cf icft handed shiot at a duck. Aisilce markcet. Mr. E. H Purdy cemmenced te buy aisike clover seed about ioth August, and up tc this date has paid eut over $4oo in bard cash te farinera. He la buying and shippiug ai] the tims, the prices, nov ranging tien $3.7o te $4.60 per bushel, snd is prepared te buy 3000 buZsh imoesthis scason. Rev. Mr. E!liott, cf -Seagrave, occupied the niethodiat pulpit last Suaday eveulng sud preachsd an sarnest discoure frein the vends "Our Father vhich art la beaven." The large congregation listened attentively to the Rev. gentleman. Mn. Croxal, of Lte methedist choir Uxbidge, reudered a beauti- fui solo. A meeting cf tse boys cf the Port Perry higit scitool vas hsld on Tuesday evening for the p urpose cf organizi ng a club et sons kmnd for tbe cemiug season. Football vas the gaine chosen. The foiloving are te officers: Heu Pros, Di. McBide B. A p Pres J. Underbili; Vice Pies, Wesliey Bradburu; Sec. Wm Em mereen ; Tisas Ellsvorth Foy; Capt, jas McBisn; Vice capt, Eber Frayer; Cemmitte, E Frayer, R. Broyas. Pnlied te staple. On busday cf lest veek "IProfesser" Stout impoundsd titres milcit covesud pad. iccked the gaLe. Sometimne durng the dank- uss cf that night eoms person drev Lte lock cLapie and alloved the cevs te get eut, vitit the reanît the " Prof." le- out sixty cents. He eveare he viii have reveuge on titose pen- sons if bis fées arc net paid vsry e-ou. Tite persous vho did that trick muai bean in mind if they ars found eut it viii be an un- pisesnt job for thern. Painful accident Wile ue-iug a baud e-av on Wdîeaday at Vickeny's planing mill-, Mr. Wm. Mille. the foreman, had his left baud badly iaceiated. bbc tendons of the thunib sud fieshy part cf the baud yens seversd. IL requirsi neariy a dozen stitches te be put lu by bis medicai attendant. It vili be sometnte before Mr. Ml ille-vi be able te use bis baud. IL vas surprise te Mi. Mille bow the accidet oc'ý mcurd, sud 4an oniY aeunt->rrltIbyit ties cf veci ie ws cu'tting alip plugas ite ls a very careful vorkmau. Fudglug et faire. A léýding anicultural journal says: "btse :vo great thinga llacking et:e-mail feins arc %sctemi sud good judges. At aill faire IL shouid be su invariable nuls titat noe stries be rsceivsd after te fair epeàs, except for fruit, vegetabs and floyers. The one-juige systern le-the best, but -the. society nuet e-- cure an expert dWsnterested person sud pay lin or bsn veil fer tueir vonk. bThen IL eau- nt be e-aid that anyous vas lu vitithLie udge. Exhibitoe- sbould tae pains te put thein stockt in condition te e-boy sud not bring thein nigbt frein the pasture and expect them te take prizes iu cempetition witb aninaIs that bave been cspecially fitted for exhibition. Abovie a ltinge- de net cniticise the avards of te judge if yeu gr yeun fniend- le net geL s prize. As a ruie judgee Lry te uakc te avards lmpartially, sund It shovsa >retty e-mail mndto say that te vinuer was in with tus judge."1 àgncoituial faire. bThe annuul agniculturel (ar ie- more sud mors beeomlutute yeeniy meeting for -a social cebration And a good tins geuerall. Te fair tat giaspe titis fset sud gives tie- best acomodatio, ns for peeple to vie-lt, chat' .udý est, viii do muici t tovade iusuring theé, Igrgest suces.Th bitefr shôuld open wi - aboom te, (all sudwiutei campaligu - - ocii ffesudatLviy tht ouifarineW, faul1ies s» mach need afteî tue bue-y seas9 l ovor. 'îM'n- - asocial - ' , ud les 3ociety ole-ouà9ftue greatàiattractioàs Lie- ur couutiy fie atronIzedby isrg umbeîiIom té c endi,,arge tow-nsqbotaea -"e'at desl o pleasure la meeting Litein rural fnriends-ansd rite eujoy -te aciabflltyr-of tecouuty fàr j t t i j r e 'j a -i a s fi Il e- e a p a -p u a -n I amu pleased te see M4r. Arthur Alin, M. A., Ph.D., was successful lu the difiereut celleges and halls cf iearning in Germiany, France and England etc., and la fu*' quali. efied by hie high standing attainedin the aEuropean colieges te take a profesaonship lu some f our Canadian institutions cf learu. ing. We trust he may secure a position be- fitting his higb attaifiments. Hie career shows wbat pluck, perseverance and industry viii do witb our Canadian boys. -Our coun- try la proud cf sucb young mcn as Dr. AllUn. Port Perr fair. Ail reports lu refereuce te oui fair are ex. sulent. The board cf directors ans exenting themsejves te provide a firat-cass pregnsm. * me on Fniday 2oth sud Satunday 2 rst, bbe well-knovn snd firet-cimes Lindsay baud bas been engaged for the two. daye. Thornas Baker, one ofthebest humoriste in Canada bas beec secursd, sud the b>and with Mr. Baker se pnepaning-to give eue of the beat exh bltl4 concerts even nendered in this district ~ the evening of the second day sud et a Io~ admissilon of fiftesn cents. The speclal j rizes are veil worth compsting for, next week I shaîl give ths entine list. bbc pnizes are large sud ail cash. As ail are sware vo have the best buildingit and greunds'cuLe-ie cf Toronto, sud good ac- cenîodatlon. Ons speciai pnize cf $6o is an open competition for brseding stallions. speed, formi, sounduessansd style te, be con- sidensi, ne-t $3o, 2nd $20, 3nd $ro. Send te J. H. Brown, secretary, for eutry papen sud pnize liat. Tent sud diuing bail space sud bootha viii be let at a reasonabîs price by applilugte the sscretary. What came veny nearly being a double drowning accident happensi on Tuesday evenlng about 6 p.m., on Scugeg Island at the head of the lake te Ret. J. H. Mailett and George Crezier, who wers duck shoot- ing. In soute uhacceuntabîs way the boat upset,, tbnowing the occupants into the watsr bqîf a tle ,from shore. They both got hoid of the bou 't and worked it te, the sdgs of the nice becE' There tbey sud the boat stuck iu tse wee4e-sud the boat sank wit.b their -iveigbt. They then calsed lustily. for help andîh lcreswere beard byçCharles Bur. -Ed uý' e" on an wiliamSavage, w1ho qulck lyrscuiod'tnse boats ut mthe Cart- wrigbt bridge sud brougbt theut te shbe. beavlg ben l ie waten over ons heur tlre7 woe slinotetexbsusted. -Had it net been for tiniely -;h-elp -anniving tbe tvo buuters would hav ad a e-ad ending, anid tbey are vcry -ictefut tw their rescuens. Their guns- vers ssured nxt merniag. "Who wlll taes thé job cf sbuttiug, Up the CHRONICLE correspondent os bie fad"j "bbe Ëhurcit cf to-day." Easy wonk, as theie is netbing te do but show that bis arguments arc mersly vende without men- ing. 'Curions bis article cf a short rimne - a should be soe-hilai te the eue wbicb ap peared about* s ysar 'ago ln thet editarial of, that same, paper. Perbaps great iid-<)~ rinl tbie sams channel run dealing wittb e- citurch tthe tewP, andiu fact anytlnâ,'wÙhich senelible people lu general upitol."S poadent of! Uic Lindsa.yPotAsii or l said tobe anembryo divinevhy dos e not take a baud .lu. if.lt is <'easy v ok" he; wil finda, bcaVy tee-k onIe bauds befere, be la- thionght Theochurcitof teay+unbereqa a. firi believer in God -tëcBible sud christ- iani -. Aýtbe'sanýé tinte. I canubt close My, 9 to- the faët tbat thte pro!esigChchca bes f - ecy are In many,' cases net - s-and; eîcereý citstiansa .Howmany ,,mâ do you. see Ïbo jointecburhwlth a [7 k î d xfhà?,,ùrely' aid- simply (*,ïdy-view, or in plin *or&,'for'thé" dol.ý1 m- and-cep ts they eaWiget*owi. M sJhiI correct .êinsadYgno-b ol. li a 'oa 'e an ---I Farm Proporty for 8aIe b>' Ton- -The ud.nosgna yu rcelw tiùders-tI the lo4b DAy 0r SzrnMe-sa, lu' for lot elrd -t« ahoddIl'nicw1atm~ft Eveang News and P ot Pem . J Q N It was flot pleasgnt to read the Evening: MsA.nnieèo ' ttningt oe News of August 319t, witb head lines as loi- *achool at Wliitby.: lows : "Port Perry," "Toronto fisbermen Trhe ides of holding a harvest home here say It la a good place to stay away froi.", Uems to have beenl-abandoned. " Fished on Sunday, and the 4aw w "-as.,M . W l on f T r n i c i promptly Put ln force agsinst theni." "#Now Rev. Mr. lon> 'o ne circuito= they go e sew here."1 tQidO fie of them te i8s ii.ý pre s h d t Al o d on S da ft r o . etoy, nd oeson o eadas ollws As Mrs. 3. Brown-aud her daig-hter Carie StOy,"andgoo onto eadas oilws: lfhavebeeu 111forW a fewi weeks with a ml YOu know, sald s Toronto fisherman, Port ý !tyhl fvr Perry ls one of the best summer and fishing, ye resorts around here. 'Wel, yu will be sur,.-,MiSs Mý Xbéî Hrris lias beenëù threatened p ied when 1 tell you that I was up there wthtpld dfever dmi1ng the past week the other day and couldn't find a summer and ile conseqiïence haît to close er school, 'Visitr ln the whole place. The htel-keep- Base-e.e;uPt ers are al kicking, 1 wouldn't- stay therpe An a e$ebuv *± fÉromX Pt Ccdborne isgo mysef for a very good reason.!' What are ing the fOtf f 'oftu neigôbo<hôd tis the faCte of the case? Simply this: Messrs: week. The prices, wO are ïtold, are$Si per Ham, Biggs, Alex and Arthur Mitchell and barrelfor-witer avpes n7sý ebie others front Toronto came here in August, fait,~le. 189e, to fish, They went fihing on Sunday Mr. .&'B. -Jefiey ssaz~tac*~in ana aman living seven miles fromt Port Huron sreet. seb4Toot, pnt « Perry sa* those men and their guides fisi- da >at the hôtmê o! ME. i> '. ,metMr. irg, and laid an information before -the Jeffey has jut eturned from a trip te Ca4- magistrate here. Before starting ut the a= d loks exeedingly elL ismtany party of fishermen agreed with the twe row. - hèd brs e -vre-gld tose hlmiù. ing guides that if they, the guidsAeefied &téï n, o! iot 1 -players fre&om'bers, theiparty would pay al fines and costs. 'The Whitbi, tÃ"wn sud i ËrôgUk1i wnto-Audley Messrs. Mitchell and guides wete fined. on ind ylatn wrediaeya- The Mit chelîs paid their fines and the two othez comàbination,; thescere being 3 to 1. guides had te seule their fines as best tey :Footbal te'ma ernte s e mtte h could. One f them had te go te laul. In teanis lu the làacese ac iaInes d m k Auguast, 1824, the whle party was here again UP f r h n e r el e b c n i gthe fihng on Sunday and thfs timne an infQrma-cutl o ib ns hsmy-mrv h tin wRs laid against thein before the same teaMP'b tn ot- 0 ha ate th'els Ã"t magistrate by the guide-who rewed theor in 1Ratlir tx7;,~nes 1 reached us .93, and who had te py is own fine. fr isvery, ass.MW.H.Orvisa Mitchell was fined 8wo and csts. The pub- formi-er resiit of this ne 'ig plrh4od, who lic can readfly see it was spite in both csises, bas of late been e gaedl ûié~tee and the citizens f Port Perry ad nting te -.bavýint dg od e5ffedts was about te, do with the matter. The Toronto fishermen rtura.te CURA& ~ S e aoutt40ô jev broke faitb with the guides and the guides on '5-i ndiit trali s0a4* weit It testation gt even wth theni by aving some of the topurce, h tic tket about. two- - h»rs 1>- arty fined. Read what they sy.and how1fr the train woddue ùle ws r Iste on ttm~the. plàtform h Iiê*is struk innocent they wene, nather I should say how P 6Lad' 'n.d ne& - Re ignorant they were; ilOne day was Sunday. - ed and robbed o! threeýhundred W e got a rlg that inorning and drve into I was ,c s ; a d U k d o -h the country te bave s quiet fisb. Stefel-j oUis cafsi h> sun-d lB. bods t the lows there watched us snd next mo n : a]n n tC i h n~ t4 fa s h ub laid an information for fishing on Sundsy. ïna tr dain v d t o- byathe rs fadbtual That was the first we knew that it jÃŽas ihdf' againt th law If w hac knowas it di cul3v that the,,docters were would flt h avefshd Juat t w able to revive hlm. 'Pive d&ys# afrer the woul no hav fihed. Jut thnk-f:aaffair lh-jwas able to -,write .40 bis friends party of men coming front Tononto, thé clty here who have beýen 'expectig hinü. te ar- of churches, intelligent men, oeeof them tiivée here every dayfývhe ,st'tw*-%eelti. sald te be on the stafi cf a Toouto , diaily -Wheu e relie had. been. ebtdmIned papen, and say tbey did net- know it' waas auto the whereabeuts of tee~ hiihwayiueu, against the law te fish on the Lond's day. 4athd6Ïje the aùthoities were at, work on They said te the magistrats they could fishth case. in Toronto on Sunday and nt be intrfrdT 3ZEAK with. The magistrate remarked be was surprised at that statement. -In regard tel "Mrs. Hugh Jack bas .ýgene on -as visà to oen of the violations it was q disputed point: Kingston. - whether the party was fishing in Ontarie or,-b a ~' r~j .Ra Durham waters, an& as the plaintiff would ba benOVtestki. net survey the line the case was dlsmissed hsbenon hes -t t Still the persn was guilty by is own con: M ls.'Iede , Toont,I bas been vstng. fession te the Cartwright J P. Read again:. er finds i qtbisocility. If we unwittingly break the law wewant Miss An'nieEtueson, eterboo , i. se-d te be told so, nt hounded dowu like crimin- -ing ber hiolidys t Mr. Thoop1s. r ais." "And when the people of Port Penny A few ýmemîbera frein Zepher- aa 4l. tolerate that kind of tbing'they are Simply wrth-païd4 oui S..-pf T. dyse iij keeping visitons away frein the-place." ,Ount naTevulg.' own citizens do net fislt on th ababday, ~ ~ 1 non do-they desire any výistoratodo se. we - havýe> one of-the pdtlestitsd j- twfnOnthis'o-M -C é i d i ; I t le- a d e fi g t fu P l a c é - & p u Y t n s d L i o ti t V summer bolldays inMie bhaiy, tesgp rO ~olàflu fir hotels, wose prepnetos.ae acce-mtndat bee4 reor- som instme a ýèe,.î rud-- ing, and de everything tbey canfto obieIî1 cbl an~mo their guests and touriste. The botelinieisaeil this n-etgT-bhiod. ý-.-iU&zýï4,à ur out citizens vers n t the m eansof h sving 1 U tLl-t e k * r ~ e ~ h tfh o se m uen , fi n ed . lite v'ý i tale m tte r w as 1 1 b t l a -n t d e s ut > ta spite fr ein irst t e at, sud th e T oronto m en- be w llf lo u 4 4 e mnuat lay the blaineon those pemsns, uot one Fnank _wiXUa, a4areu~ o f w b o m liv e s in P o rt P e r y . T ih . a rtic le ýs e _ i î a -C u i e o W _ h r . ý o m n sas I cann9t find a sunierv1storon tbe- it, appeas. -tû beèonyi knof oa sgood msnty visitors. More tour.'a py Lot lots bavevisited-Port Perry tiis Pastmfumnuer tth x-yrs' é el titan ever before asdd many.ofthose ofwbpnam ai Ye at the miý*tercf that articlesaldwere lu Cgsa -.tierî beidg- vafj ld--ý rea bave béen a ar c>v anesrontsat* bs héne nezt ear.The ëprspkgts aïe wé 1 -isitera la-z8',6,'SeveraI: Anenicans lave 4h n been béesthiï season sud- all, went: bone ýsatisled. -Our ,eltizeintBs, r St là r'-ý- h-'_r,,î-- plesd te see v5itors- teour.t*i, d welcome thetu, sud I-,eau ýassure ta-Wr4 ente party, if tey or thiteisfrieuda oei ejo Pont ýPerry-lnexenmmerthey-w$feiùldthlge- 1e-'ý »1t' ~fr The 1 1 VOL* "NO 040

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