Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1895, p. 5

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y INB&EIPTIONSt Done in a tasteful way, prpomply, and ai prices, by lowest je JUSx JEWEtER & ENGRAVER, tion eofa&" loca P&porlu a mada. FRIDÂY, SEPT. 69 1895. LOCAL LÂOONIoE. Big bargains at the west aide bout andi shoe store. H ard wood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $Se at W. Till's. 7ýojOj- "46,11 Y111l dayi andon MOU 6 plece oi aittprlestent. WIttsiIk l,,'aIu 1o BUte Lus W. or duck sultlaigeýo nyPra Warren'.Oc. -per y< ai . a diThe bat. Ree",Dl., Gould. Coibourne, wh deisotyagoade a bequstt 40tc the 'ntatloLad es, Collie. Mr. jaS. HodgsnTrotwusbers on Tussday, *He 9 nîý.w in atteu"dance at the C. achool cf iufaaîry, Toronto. Idrs. Lawler and Mr. and Mns. MeMillan, andi their familles have reîunned from camp a t Corbetîla Point, They had a fine time. Re d. Webster, Duluth, ls hene tis Dunvlsltlag fietais. Re. manages R. G. Duu& Co's commercial saecy at Duluth. Mr. D. H.,,Lenî, who officiateti la the Inodel iwe YeArs ago durng, Mn. Brown ls C'ln swus bers Wednesclay on a bicycle ti . Mms.Yeomnan Gibson has advertîsed an aulction Sale et a herse andi a lot et chatteba at ber residence bens on Fnlday, Sept. z3th. Ses Posters. The W. IL.T. U. excursion on Wednesdayi wua patrole<j by lssu than 2oo, and i a coasequen<m teladies came'off about 815 short Of their guarantee. Mr. James Campbell bas nented dhe WiI- lis faim ai dhe bay, andi Mn. J. E. Farewell ia leasingbhie faim la town. Mn. Hofilden, Osbawai lhan takea Mn. Farewell's. The meent thuaden Stormi struck aud de- stroyeti one Of the fiue elais on Jeffiey's flot, maklag sp ltesfy 1Se feet. Ih aIse sbock- ed Mr. B=nr Baker's bouse on the Rice fanai, but dld qo damage wertb noting. The Outanoladjes' College wll open on Moaday next, andi applications bave alneady Ladies -.4 au 'rjar more tnau Son be accom' Laie'para sols and shirt waists at 00st modatid until the new building la finished, prices at W H. Warrenis. Ia future the iightiag andi heatiug will lx Miss Fborênce Dartneli arriveti home froni dons by systein. For lights an electni( Muskoka on Saturday lai. dynamo has been Dutuai ofiyhes Mss Eva Wilson la spending the week iun wnbles ild t eaigat ih Tcdronto, visiting Mrs. G. E. Gibbard. ng Mr. uiWalters anived home froni Eag. M enil eraa eric n h land Menday, ait d Mn. Bert Walîers frenoewlmeammoilsriel h Blutfalo on Tuesday. tabernacle next Sun day svening, in renieni Rev. David C. Day, Daînyniple, bas been brNce od a.eFe. is in Whiîby fer a week past, visiting bisNeFa Ws cousin, the editor ot the CHRONICLE. The adv. et Mn C F Stewarî's nsw fnbl MissCare Seveson etunet tebergooda was seat in tee late- for this issue. oMess CarPeStenon rt. d o HeMe la well prepareti for big faîl triade. spren a couple et Tuesday, alter havîng A Grea Sh* $3co i premiain. sPenta coule ofweeks in town, dhe gust of Miss Edith Gross. Wbitby Fair, Sept. 17, 18 ant i 1, la going The Unitedi States Utse Insurance Con-to be better than ever this year. Gooti band., pany represented by E. J. Dinginn a bicycle races and special attractions. e the mest liberal contract ln the market. AI, advertisement lu another columu. profits belong te the policy holder. Coudent at te Exhibition Dr. Gran's"HaIWrene, " for the tain, la By vwiIb orntonlhe ae it the only preparation guaraateed to stop ffl-neet vlsltpegpTe lnoieonlythe ade i ling hair, andi nemove dandruif. No lead, andi pleasant tnip, but niay check tbeir cents uo sulpbur. Ask youn druggist for it and wraps for the day, thus saving the 4ine- Messrs. Beall & Stone et Sundenianti will Bonis wonk et carryi ng theni around. ship twe carloads ef fine cattle from bers Coali 1Ceai1i next Wednesday. Tbey will be a fine lot. Just receivedt ires cargees, 400 tenireach, Mr. l3eall wvas bers yesterday making an- fresb mineti Scranton ceai per steamer Fiera rangements. Canveth. I am now prepanedti t supply The Ontario County Gazette blows about dlean, bright, carefubly screeneti ceai at an old tolden it bas set up, but we invite lowest possible price. Office opposite THE people te visit that office any Thursday CHRONIcLE Wbuîby. E. R. BLOW. night and then coms anti sec the Dominion A captal testimonia. of Canada Province et Ontario CHRONIcLE'S I have mucb pleasure in necommiending presses running. That wiIb prove how much Mn. W. H. Piper's pumps te any party ne ake there la la oun coîems talk. quiring tbe sanie, I aise find i hm te be a first Ontario anti Durham exhibition additions cas repairer et any kinti et pumps.e bas to prise lisi: single driver, thrce pnizes, $ro, repaired several for mue andti tey aIl work 86 and $4. Entrance soc, (la place et clasa firai class. JAMES CAMPBELL, Wbitby, 22nti 2 sec. 13 ef prize list). Agricultural clas- Aug. r895. sec, a and 3. open to geldinga. Heavy Re-.union s.t tte fair draughts-sec. 6 and 7, open te geldings. Our Por er orsodn rns u Pants--Ciass 41 sec. 11, 2 en more te coustU- very o en c o rresp aodetabningculta Watedcolctot airs-the social side. 'They affonti a grand Wamted.oppontuuity for a ne-union anti reuewnl ef A geod general servant. Apply te Mrs. J. acquaintauce. The Ontario & Durhami ex- Brown, Byron St. norLh. hibition, which opens Tuesday week, la ene Tbreshing Ceal oethde best in Canada fer meeting olti frienda. 100 tonS of firsi clasaseft ceai just neceiv- ed per Schooner Jamieson from Sandusky. Farmners, cail on E. R. Blow fer your threshing ceaI : office opposite CHRONICLE, Whitby. Wise and worthy youug iman. The late Fred Gibson beft his inothet $',oo lite itîsurance anti81,e,0o accident insurance. Most young men ihink they have ne neeti et insurance until after manriage, but Fred. was wise in bis day and genernuion and car- rieti a risk which lsata leat a smaîl consola- tien for bis loas, andi whichi l a grand tributs to bis worth anti wisdemn whilsi alive. The besi grain market. Whitby wiil be a better grain rnarket than it has for some trne sud besides Mn. J. H. Long anti Mn. W. B. Pingle there are up to date two additions te the fiebld et competi. tors, Mn. N. W. Colwebl, buyer for W. D. Mathews & Ce., anti%1n. Dowuey, et Napa- nee, a brother et D. C. Downey. The On- tarie bank promises bave been reuteti by Mr. Downey, who bas bought eut Mn. H. B. Taylor's ceai business. The crops here- abouts ibis ) san are the beaviest for several seasons, bence the increaseti actIity amengst bu yers. The Garden City next wcek, (n Monday, Wednesday anti Fniday et ilex t week the Gardon City will rua froni tllese ponta, mm~~aae~r e u ra thie Toroutbtee on, ature'ota raie et Soc. The boat wiIl arrive lu Toronto about i 'J30 andtiwlbI leave thc exhibition ecd il ght montloned t ruxc cclock, tune glvlng al d ay a tse industnial ant i lne t ees Uic night performance. Titan tiroti peopi. wl l>e picked up ai dhe exhibition gates sud re- turnedt tetheir hommesby Uiceaisamp. Voit and wraps caui b. chrkSd ona boit. 'We shouid ay ne cheaper «r beter nletbod cf transit couic! b. deviseti, and we dolbi nMt that mnaay huntincts wlll go etrtip. Leokiag for Mn Dodds On Tbursday evenlng laàt ày0 about twenty lantieti eS 1 express, andi took Uic busUp, mnediaîeiy aften the buB ,jol i ioî accost et a coinmer"jajtravdeIl the bus, calla g hlm Mr. Dottis mer suggested'dthM.bis'auaw wise, but the glirl declredh - off on ber. 5h. clalgui hlm As 'luaintance, eantiwh.u iqycrl she put up a cat 0 001%4t on sharing the tnaVeis'w ebjecteci strenuouZY, rnq matie sucb nhm-fuse oter lrhMc became generai aml lna. The tavellerwba is man,' was claimetibyi, 8fflaced tusband, iel* stoppeti with bV A mneet ber hcrc anti mari-ybe. She aent.a ae whai te do ti> lîttl, trouble f thathbad Wood nigit, The ber lI,*si. Battallen Rifle match. The 34th battalion rifle association la pre- paring for a grand shooting tournamexit bers early in October. The citizens of the town of Whitby bave donated 85o, and the govern- ment clonates $75 toeasch such mith so that there will be a good ro4nd suaitfcor prizes, and our young shootists should . commence practising at once. Yousg men andd tleic. The defeat of thel Toronto athietes in vaulting at the Caledoalan gaines by two yeung faraiers froin the township of Pieker- Ing shows wha± a b. doue by constant practice of any partîtular act. Juggflers abd slight-of-hand ticksters leara te be-dexter. eus by constant and patient 'practice for years Young 'Loeary c f Pickering, and McGuire, of Green;Wood are Champions at vaulting because tbey have given that feat their special study and have stuck to prac- tisinp. Had they tried any other thing re- quiring agility tbey, mîit have àttÉýiued te eQbual succeas. Musle con be dsveloped w eevr ciemay wish to have it. 'Those wo iited the Midway plaisance at the world's fair awthe Turkish women move1 the flesh on their breasti and arma and legs1 back and forth at will. This wus accom-q plished by long eftort anid aaklug parts cf1 the body move by W UIII sine a w m our hands and legs' or head -ai will. Far-j aierp'sonspo pa uientrfy -and we doubt=006. heywre,,IFths 0 leisure moments là stud4ylié athistic eyI would atways doeét tblue o<sloizai city4 athetes as Oeliand alpmally a4 1+ 1 James L*ntonandbIds sopuJl Letiton, breede.of out.tbsspÇ Osva w* e tri4 ýb£mHi' ~ r . ~~ia 'gag ny ba fronho $ W-, it kt ie I have cornpleted the purchase of a Iarg 1quantity ef fresh mined Scranton Valle ceai, whicb I can furnish te my customer, and ethers at remarkably low prices. AIs a large supply ef soft ceai on hand. Befor buying give me a caîl. H. B. Taylor. Big loases by fire. On Sunday merning lat the fine ban buildings on the Joshua Crawforth tarin, oi the base Uine eat of bers, were burned, te egether with the season's crops for that por tien of the farm, and a lot ef live stock anc implements. It waa a tremendous barn aud the los must be at least 84000 or $5000 Yprobably miors. There was an insurance e $ 0ooonly. The cause of tbe fins la no, known. On Monday morning two of tht three barns of the Oliver Pasce arrn on tb4 3rd concession, near Oshawa, were alsc burned. Fertunately they were able te savt the third barn which cent ained the mosi valuable portion et the season's crop. The basa will be over 82,000, witb 8,5o0 insurance. War or Pence its ail the saute. The war in Corsa la new over and the Manitoba struggls is on, as well as the Britisb eIltins. Murdering is stilin vogue and on the increass. The man who thinks be knows a solution of the Manitoba school q uestiQa, doesn't knew how m ucb lie doean' t know. How it will be deait witb la a vsxed question for politicans. The Britisb elections are sure t. go Conservitive, and conserva- tism as carried on to-day means real reform. We can stoprdnding te some extent if we nail every blo _.stainedmçûter tothi6maat instead cf aiaking thea recipienti3 cf'aym- pathy and eutraged justice. Readers are favored with these pbilosophical obsraions purely with a view te remîinding them that E Hart still sella the- New Willams sewing machine, wbich îs abead of theai ail. Trip te Toroato We had the pleasure of a trip te Toronto on the Gardes City on Monday, te witness the Labor day procession, and sports which occurred at the Island afterwards., The tnip to Toronto by boat on a summer niorn- ing la ene of the- most pleasant treats one could indulge la, and aW retura np at 5eC. is ascbeap as agresable, aithougli that lsaail the trip la worth. Presideat Caldecott, of the Toronto Board ef Trade, spote very truly when lie ouaselled the new president ef the G. T. R. te reduce passenger rates if b. wanted te unprove' that railway's busi- ntess. The eëxpsn1 çeet the Gàiden City ia ruuing excursions, bas 'demonstrated, that it la none tooeyte fiad passengeis &t, one cent a mile, let alus 31-3, the price charged by the Grand T U. We landeti at Yonge.street wharf at ri o'clock, in timi te ru up.atreet and get -a, good perch from: wbich tosýetâm- Processonwhièh- ay be characteited as véry -lon g, eyti vex y rocky. Wby mca g o-to the troublete get up. such a procession 'And walk five or six miles on the car tracks we fail toase. Brkest of theai were weli dressed, andi they are ail fine, stalwart: aiea, but the proces- Mion 'business is about played-thougit ws liat far rather ses a labor procesion than a dîtiply#f réligdzs -b' - gry by WayOf parade andi offçcasîve uusic anti hout.Tee procession waa seuveral.ailües long, autd'fu.. [shed, Up at the whbaïrçftom-, wheruce people nther went home o otqIuiani, a7s tliey- bhosei P*,ai ten te twenty thousanti went ttlie -Idauti, antiIt *l0'wonderfully to the cred# tb* ta aorinoe pIae*a Ic !hnB roÏ e è, L c s, 0 ov s o 8iery ,. ,H ats, C p , MiI i e y & . t > b cl re G1]ÂT BDUOTIONS- Crn ad se uBon ae flepies n nt In lan T4arn only 25,c. es el. M ells' Strà.w HatS Ite b l a e n t2 e a b o t Dreias Good8, worth SOc., 400. and 800.9 ail to goa 5. e ad .educed Prices. Summer G90 sgoeu t 2Ba r a r dce. IMPORTANT Aloui beautiulLinen Stock at *,jas, Shw ,Tirôntoï hé t. holiday lu towbi w>i bis parents. 1 P'etê Ml .'conCne~, Jr.,, is ýherc havlng l the éUnle Tom Ceain Companty's cýmploy, t raeTcelved a ne-W stock cf men. andi 1YOUUt eadly.made suits at WXH Warrcn'a t MM, O. F. Burk and daugliteri, of Poért Arthur) wert agteste qf Mn1. Annes ibis week. 1- 1 Dr, sud Mm. McCamus, of Wiachester, Ont., the laten a sistereofrincipal Haie, o the coliege, are hene vaslting. Get yotar fins-pots, grates, lion or brick liniugs for ail kiada of steves, ranges or furnaces, freai j. Mclutyre. Mr. M. H. Willcox, New York, ls spenti- ing a holiday at home. He looks well and la rnakiag fine progres in the great city. Rsv. T. W. Leggetî, Broola, preached very acceptatbly in the tabernacle on Suuday uight laat, from the subject "Fer Chnist's sake. 1 The model schoel haa epened bers this year with an atteadance Of 27. Moeren ex- pectsd. The Port Perry school la aise well stocked. Teachers wibl be ofiering te work for less wages than servant girls soon. The lammons appeals against the town ex- cM. tien by-law were beard on Wednesday Iors bis honer Judge Dartacli. Messrs. ýIOrniisten and Farewell appeaned for appellants, andi the Mayer and Deputy agis for the tewn. No evideace waa Itken, the argument on sncb appeal bslng argue from a standpoint et the percentage of tax for walks and lighting wbich it sheuld g.y on account et location. The judge will haudja bla devisions when completed. Remember That Dr. Grant ' "Hainene" la guaranteed te stop falling hain and remove dandruif. Whltby Evaporatint Worka Mn. S. W. Lowell will make cider fer cua. toniens on Tuesdays and Frid-t)ys for the present, and after Sept. i9îh wilI commence buying and evaponatîing apples. Bargains, bargaias, bargains. At the new shos store, Fniday and Satur- day. Brlng Eaton's price list with yeu. We wlll ssii 25c., Soc. and Si cheapen. Come c- STEW4RT. re ýy rs ýo re Ml d )t e ,e l STYLE QUALITY, VALUE, are the leading features of all our ffIm New -~aRilN New Manties, .New Golf Capes, ' New Black Crepons, New Serge Dress. Goods, New Reacfy-made -Suits, New Colored Dress G oods. DAL, ' a Goo~s ~ Y-' y. eRone anti e Veprize lu st aijetieman Stion far Brewu, Secre- ever helti in te executive r the way in ev rtiag inr teXcelled eut- ntions on thc ïd eaaoy your. atsidthat antieedays aad _' public as on- eple besides exhibits to see thefr incomea semover their er, enli lates alatidevelo ~ 2horse la 7the Pedigree a lythe saie te-sand iawine ~w. Lt Ozis Time elO-ýold Fill.d Wao s -the -Now levelir, Wtb-y, es 3ntss' Gokiled W atoh tfor,- 117 di. G M W'ledý W atch for..., 122 G. A 8CHOOL BUQKS! ~ N ~. Complelle aefor ho 18 1 eaUdl on us MÈ, lâdy tif 1 We have 'Jlst epened Up New Fe an sd Winter Tweeds, B3«egsWoràoes Golf OlIoakinga, et. Theise goods are t.he best te be led lu the trade. ILike yonr selotions» early; s'We have -alreay couaunoned to selU these geod. Wheu yen wau t stsation viait cm coal-coal. 'X x 7- to cost 1 1 -op th Fa-H Lt

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