, M Âtewtheyigeti 1e elowly ahhî aler. yêtbein'mpe -" 0 aýt0b«sooa u jg- ]k siF i l to pester. à h40ï* m iýà net bogun pI,. haà ordid tbey forsrswomen's sltaok, %' don't dimese nelow b~ale dfr.enoe vith em, t 'pee Id ho ail -44s ad 20 I vasm 'way back lu Ton- miwe girl was a nice, muci- fed, toe. -They ail lives "e *om nme, out on the onoo in tvo weokrs I sad- *8 o«.' Thar wau joat Iýu othheran' hem lu tbc tha1 fer, 1 allers rmade tb v- a oply two bcds nIe" of pthbceid min, JL wus'waye baahful Slocial plays, an' picnty CL theCild tolks. I nover aul. vhere tbey be. The âm>e hem beat te make me to. ,Cornes ont whcn I thWPle bars for my Il le rsI my bat the on geonuf umai1 hnerrn ILsr. I e- btal perfect. Final I 'ay 0 =lcg the aige ef ibe keep 'way frorn bbe es sunian' Ibrashin' ëb over lu the Middle. 'unlil I corne ta, Mwithone ernéïft i ls ifestuies 1 don't know -yetq wby, Ile aflown' Le'e a bar or psloop, an' tries te kil È 'biek a long time, bnt I 2ou I recail bce ld man's uMPup the.bcminute I grabi my aimente an' ont ef tbe lot,, goeaipintin' o na uile befere I Ih.lait I socs oftheb old *Wn oan' tesu' an' tLe n'of hlm, aun hlm eachin' ns rie a. bauge ever the goes-back ne more, 'cause rendliehve about lb. Ro 'ar<an' jury matber neut rnl'uch about worncn. il Who surprises us once ,Woltvfli .Mi' Buoker, )0 IL reituarant, gels the La=- for te fmy llsp-jaoksi n, Wp bher deali bet littie e.Ià yere girls naine son 3eunie. Bbc scemsaa 1. toc, an' li lesn twa à 1bth camp jest wbinîn' It affected business, i'e utl changea tho chancis ,kee Hall telle me thore soneY Roe schanged Inal n' the Now Yerkf store re- 'broke sag'iu b'ioed shirts à dfalls daily. 0f course,. frenzy subaidea swbole ims il, I dont know, but wt hand le uobolvy-.jeel 0 hasefmlloiter lots hlm » 'kitqIben-a'MIatim l-b« villi bow aho. Iomlih ima IMWufle' à le ~drawnIU'ber Jaul arou*4 looS#,>1and neiioh"'mueh ob- lu' .-oituew.va in9 ttegui tnb hb er nusne ber do14eis touohln' th.m 40 a-iulk anMIt 4Or-we $il gots over lin t0Nov Yrkstore sla 1aj 3m ut on morne boxes M'a flwago oov« er veS for Oarpo 1Ol'ar thinge tofte aySong IaY il='& had," es8ys Moore, Who vas takia, a big Inïters. IlW. wan't tibu xthinge ao; jeu -gelsat hlm easy. Yon hysi mePO MIeS emte corne staupedin' in yere like a landeide when &ho eoa the news." IWhou everythlng's ready TaIt and Moore, who conoloode iv'e Weil bhave a gocd deal of shootin', bangs away wsth their gusabout fourtimea aprece. "Just shootin', once or tvice," _avys Moe,,Il might arcuse her suspicions. lb would b. ovor a heap tee, qniok for the resi thmng." "The minute tbc shooin' la ceased wo ail takes Tutt au' surges ever 10 the Rcd Llght tô try hlmi; a pondin' of -wbich Dan Boggs sautera ovor to bhc O. K. restuarant an' rmrarks a&H casooal an' careless like : il ave Tutt dcWns lim Wallace a minute back--gcod deèan gun klay am I evor secs, toc. Migbhty big oredit te both boys, thie yore is. No shootin' Up bhc scenery and thc bystandera; uer suoh ui8obberin' work; but everything goes straigbt ta contera." IWhere ele ho?" Baya Jennie lookin' breathîeana' siok. IlJim'a remaindor la lu tbc New York store." save Dan. "Lu oe hurt ?" she gaspa. Il1dent reakon ho hurle nouecne,," says Dan, "l'cause hoe donc fiuttcred frein hie pech. Why girl ho's dad- eigbcen builets, calibor.45, pluin through him."9 IlNo, but Davo; le Davo shot ?" Tue- au Jennie says, a-wringin' ber sinait pasW. -Il Now do't you go te feein' discour- aged noue," says Dan, boginnin' tote el sorry tor her. I"W. fiel the wrec oa hie murderin' spirit won't ho an heur bobina Jins gttin'm. Thc Strauglers bas him lu bhc Rcd Light makin' of plana 50, strotch hum right new." "lW. had just consoomed drinks al rottnd an' Enrlght was lu tbc chair, an' wc'rc busy setin' rtp a big front about a hocrin' tbhecaue, whon Tucson Jennie, with ascsrcain that scare up surreundin' thinge to snob an limit that five ponica hope ont cf the corral an' flics, cornes chargin, ijuotahbcRed Light an' the e ut instant drifts around Tutte ncck, liko se mncb show. 66What for a gamne do yen cati thia, a.nyhow ?" sys Moore, who's a houp scaudalized. Ilali thia yere maiden play- lu' tbis camp? " IlShe'e Plumb locoaed with grief," saye Dan Bogge, who follows licr in,,I"an' shes doue got 'cm mixod lu ber mind. She thinku Dave is Wallace." "'Tbab's ib," says Cherekee. 6"Her mind'as tampodod wth thc sbook. Me an' Moore takoe ber ovor te Jim's corpse an' bha'e abore ta revive lber." Ân'with bbab Cherokée an' Moore goca up te icad ber away. IlSave him, Mr. Enright, save him 1" @he pleads, sblil ciuging te Tutt'a ncck like a iaop ef a lariad. 49Don't lebt'cS hangbhim 1 Save hlm for my sake 1"1 "'kold on, Jack,"sasys Enrigit, whe is lookin' qnighty thoughtfnl. IlJeet cvery- body stand their bande yerc 1111 I ceunts the pot an' notes who'es by LIt looks lke we're olinoblu thc huM 0Db 5the wroug bronche. Lot Meak this youug female a question. Young wo)man," le peaceul a mmas ever jiugei a spur or pufleda &MInuWo1fiie, but au I îfeets onthe aoIIe part I t4oÃŽsin thns yeme eTy I ou'tb. rà eobible fèr rosults, ii for tesediM». $inkêeaV* it'S brui onieratii'jul Uniarn ~ks "Wbdo have jim Wallae $rwem â.ae oem~epe nuthl. It 9«a. obe aogy,, and Marks were initly well takenit, lb is a pisy that Vlsiting- compaMies dink it_ ilecesswaryto .40sthé'ir-rec ra. ne"s to ple4se sheir patrons. Marks spoiled hîs otherwise - dever acting by fiorge-piay. JuIy promotions, senior and junior departments of aur school are as fol- lows: Sr.-Public scho6l ieaving, Max. 12o0-Jno. McFarlane 674, Maggie Gregg 612. Eut. IV to Vî max. 84o, (Markham)-Bessie Michetl 6o9, Coi-a Young 588, Laura Powell 561, Maggie Graham 529 Maddie Micheil 478; (Whitby) Edna Caster 563, (scholar- sLip), Dell Eddy 538, Maggie Bell 474.. rIV to ent-Wm. Linton, Wm. ickingbottom. Ella, Sherrard, Ada Paterson, Annie Leaper, Mary Reed, Fostina Hutchison, Herbert Cooper, Coi-a Evans. Si-. III tcLjr. IV-Wm. Slack, Frank Brod le, Norman Ban- bury, Agnes Micheti. Mary Evans, Eva Gregg, Emma Brown, Ida Pugh. Jr.- ir. III to si-. III-Alecia Bell. Kate Miche&tl, Vina Sherrard, Cecil Ander- son, Mary Powrie, Reuben Besse, Mellbern Chapman. II class to jr. III -Nella Evans, Maggie Cowie, Cliff Eddy, Ethel White, Alber-t Stack, Jno. Caster, Leslie Spoffard. Eva Gibbons, Roy Hickingbottom. Pt. II to II ctass -Ruby Sharrard, Emily Shepherdson, Harotd Henry, Grant Eddy, Melville Gibson. Class 1 to pt. II1-Lena Thomson, Loi-a Evans, Ethel Burton, Emma Hardy, Aggie Anderson, Mary Morgan, Mai-shall Sbepherdson, Bertie Gibson, Herbert Eorsyth, Luta Gibson, Vera Banyard, Kate Eastwood. (TRIBA ICYR FRÈt For, Cotton" Diamand Desi.o Musc Dyes 0 0 Goods. Thse OnIy corn- tisat Make Fust ~ and -Unfa.d1ng Coolous. 3)1es for Cafta=nand Mzxed Gocds(t2 colais) arc triumpbs of sciene. They arc new snd ina- iud are oudin A Mo othrackae celai more Ros thn ther packgedy, aud make e aaeabsaute1f*isto bb and washing. Be sure that Ya g asEt Da moud Dyes for Cotton sud MxdGeeas they excel ail others. .Sod eerTher. WDirctiaBook and t" Mrs, W.> J. Gibbs- b at present seriously ill. Mr. Fred. Hatch, of Whitby, was in town this week. at .Ou Wednesday, îwhe echol, i daghter ! Fountai, - Wifrid f alau am. Dr. -BiÉham sest tié Mr on-P., Shuer,- of arrived lacune eveuaik to -beacoulanted tý -uioon, - ad we foI1owed to their lut resting pI ace byan ihimentô concourse1 01 fre ddacquaina csthere, ho-I ing ovre rtwo hiundred vehicles in, the procession. The bereaved farnily have« the'sympaîhy of the whole comrnunity, -Gleaner. Thé now.telograph caebuha arrlVod tram England fer the Gros.lie quarantine service. Theocause whloh produceasicli e*dache la more promptly removed by Ayer's Pilla than by any other medicine. The eauily and peeod- 4i correct ail disorders of tbe atomaob, liver, and bowels, aud sestoro ta these organe regu. tir and healthy action. There are aiready ýbree cescaof nurder for the Soptember sittlngs of the Court of Quconsa Bencb at Montreal. Ar enu subjeot to sick headache ? Sa wore Othe"s Ufors tbey ubed Esc)JsY'a Li ver Lozen- gos. Tbsy wit cure yau. 25 cents.. Saine inpartant arreets are proilsed in neotian wT teb tobacco amuggling betwen Toronto, Boston and New York. A comiort Bometlmes. Wben bea.tth i. fear gane in Consumption, thon sometime only esse and coinfort osm be sooured tram thbcnueof Scoatt'sEmulslon. Wbat is oeuob botter is ta take %his modîcine in time ta save yaur health. Mr. Henry Loaru, cf Brooke townsbip, bad hie baok brokon by a troc fallilng on hum. He canuot live. Excellent Rousons cit wby Dit. THoxAs' Ecxrox OiL shoutd be usod by persans troubted witb affections cf the tbraat or unuge, tares tapon bbe akin, rbeumnatia pain, cornu, bunions, or externat injuries. Tho rossons are that lb is spoedy, pure mnd unabjoctionabto, wbetbor taken internslty or appliod outwardly. Jndgo Rose Tuosday rotused bail for John Glenn, held on a charge cf oommîbang arsan at Anrora. The Moem Beauty. Tbrivea on gaod food and sunahine, wibh plenty cf exorcise lnetbb* open air. Her tarm giows witb bealth and ber face blooma yuL lits bomucy. If ber system needi the clesaing ac- tion of s laxative romody, she uses tbc goutte and pleasant liquid laxative, Syrup cf Figs. Nazruila Khan tcf t Londan for Paris. Keep XMirds Linimenlulathe Rosse Canadian seourities were strong sud bigber Tuesday. 5 LlneonKEand U I fiud thecpeole arounci bore prefer Dr. Obases Kidney-Liver Pille toasny ather I bave iu stock, Tbey are a wonderf ti ph. Souci 3 dozen at once, I ana nearly ont. P. -, -id by po8t, J W Iroland, Gourock. SýLaVLAes and out-buildings on Lard Aber- debL jod by fisc. A GSeerus Ofrer. (Puôlished Iby Requesi.) Dear Mr. £4itor.--Will yen kindly in- terna the readers of your t'aluable paper that I wilI gtadly souci FREE te any sufferer tram Lest Mauhoad, Nervous Debiltty, Night Lasses, Varicoete, Imnptency sud the r--suits et yautbful fally, particudrso! a simple sud inexpensive moans o! self-cur which atter ho. lng bumbugged sud imposed upen for years by quacks sud patent medicino sharlis, cured me lu a fowkweeks. I bave nothing ta soit or~ give away, noer arn 1 dvertising any patent medicine business, but wilt ho plessed te hear tram suny sufféeor auiaus te Sund a mue for bis cenaplamnt. te whon 1 willl explsa ncanfden- tialiy haw sud by what means I was cured. Hndrede have been cured tbrouqh my ad- vice. Oass notbiug ta learu whaî I paid hun- dreda of dollarsta find eut . Addïm sconSi. denially sud enclose stamp if auveient D.e,. OWEN.. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. A committes bas been saintcd lu mont- real te raise a ftud e-of o0fr a monument ta thc late, Honore Mercier. - ue t l « t le!Itcbiugn ies lin T MS M stre itse itsaine often bleed anil mebeeosaisaér LI8ydÂyrEWS OÉEXNTr-ii-r"btheii bloodipeg, lalulcerà blc, aud in Most,, romevog lbthe rs. -At druggs i mb for 50 cnts, »r.'Bsayuo &SouPhIIsdel Agoni os,. c.'.o Suad ;bîng.i ibiclïl rs. iasd su.rfmer, etc. Offce forme "I ocoupled b.7.r.wUh utled4e nezt Ryali Hotel, ýtock06., Whitby. DAVID OJIMISTONB X ÂttoneY.at-IL&W, Solicitor in Ohancery, Oonveymoers etc. Office - In the Office south of the Pott Office, in Mommfan'is Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUJNG SIMITE. LL, B., Barrister etc ,-Money to Loin. lImaer of Maiage Licendes. Office - Smith'u Block, South of Market, Biock St., Whitby. DOW & MCGILLIVRAY, Barristers, -Solicitors In ehancery, etc. Office in Mathimon & Hawken's new block Brook St., 'Whitby, sonth of Ontario bank. Dr8. Warren £& Moore# J. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. D. Brcoklin. (Ofce heurs 9. a. m. 1 ta il &.m. Wbitby. Office heurs Il sam ta 2 P.=. --Private Telephone Communication. D. P. BOGART, MK.D., L.D.S. Physicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Rouidence nent ta Alilgainé's Ohurcli, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental-Surgery in ail its branches promptly attended to. Dr. H. Wîghtman DbENTIS T. 1Over Grogs &z Granger's. Whitby.1 W. E. YARNOLD, De.LeSoi County Surveyer and Drainage Eng*inoor', Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designe for Churohaes, Villas aud Cottages a upecialty. Drawings prepared for remodcling existing structures. Offc-First flat over W. L. Howe's drng store. CýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WX. CÂLVERLEY, HARNESS ]MMKE, WEMTY; Having maved intoaur new promises, we are repaed o extend the range of business. Awkpreprta igta the harneus-making and saddlery business will ho donc te satis- faction. Ccllars a speoiaity. Cati snd ses my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY., second door wosà ai old shop. Dundas Stroet, Whiiby J-NO. NOBLE,' -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- I.uMber, amungles, Saab, Dom sma Blinda, Turni nsd Fret43awiug. Ail A orders or information can, be obtaiucd from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. WIl. son's residence. Wbltby, April 4th, 1z94. Establi8hed 1866. the pe", anim ua4ac, Mhws 115.Suarptoi lw aabeo. ploc*4 oo Dec. . or P.rl, r-Ja. 9;~MJOlk iti lay Clrk-'fl arh8My 5hnt 12; Oct14 ; Dc.17. 15; Id-, aca; 10.3;O Clerk-March 15;.398Yl271, *.1>00ee,19. UrT,84raVzEP J Gmlloile, tTrptedgreve, C3l,Muc~h 1o; Mayi8; Oct. 17; Dec 20. "BY ordoer, 1 .lE. y-Am' WELL <. C~lerk cube Ãse October 15th, 1894. laiLlvory-aidl-Sale Stables J. T. NEZWPOP»T, Proprietor. Commercialmen liberafly do'alt withà Teamlng donc .1 roasonaltie prices. Freight snd B ga h auled, at roason- able pzrices. A calsohcied LIFE INSURANCE. Manntaoturerse' 1er&ACcident Insuranoe Co., Toronte. Largest Capital Stock Lit e Insursue Ce. on the.conutinent. Ninety per'cent. of ail accumulations et surplus io returned b teh poticy hoiders. .? AUil dmse paid without dolay or discount on proof of destb or maturity et cndowmout J. B.l POWELL, Peb. Ist, 93. Agent, Whitby. la. DENTIST. Cor. King & onge f3t. T oronto. For the nonS tire month# I amgl-viug, apeciai attention te atients freins- dis-, tance. Arn stil makuag plates; in riîbbor, 8. o llulaid t10. â4i id s ser 'filing work crawning ýby firet-clas operatoes--at tire mail reasouable> rates inu--he-e ory. Who&lin lb. city cl in, a&lot .aê ,au tu om$ehh.Imake e xtra, char ' - W.H. DEALEB IN BEI DE5~UU i oeils 10H11 STANTOI!, Pomoins = RaUw~y Tii» GRAND TR~N~ AN!> 3 A Rhem wasà parifl Inust accr persil took tbles p Befor my hà Free as ey la th2 be ou wttha nover Ayeî' A W( A YOUI TY TE The Case He ( Hop From shg Mr. J. --te 8th Baybam,4 farinera Observer for the 1 lare Of thi ÀElco Ko' physoicn doutetr di, aches, 1, fleOI, anc len. 'Shq witi gro about, au the fanai hevwas 1 -