Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1895, p. 7

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Il il ibles Dr. Williarns' Pink Pill are epeally valuable te women. They buildun tite blood, restore the nerves, and eaIa those troubles which make the. iv.S of » mary wonien, old and young, a bc"d-n Dizzjness, palpitation of thie hesut-, Ur> vous headache and nervona prostnti*oa apeeil yeld titiswond.tfu'1"4' c1ne hey are&a1so aseio in «Mmof locomnotor ataxia5 .rsp etsldyik, St Vitus danoe, 'ciatica =-n.urIh )imàa titra, the s! ter ,efolect4 à,O@ 10 In mn they Oefeo6B, pwo5 iolt cases arwangfri ver>v in boxes bualng htu and wrape 4ai nover oid lnbuIk bygï* LundM d vid Ib. stituteu tus f a th you mi o mhd 4'1= OSIU.dblood bU4i #..Th.v i ment oo~ ooInp5~.edi tr.fttfllOflt. other remedies or medbosl cierk &ay ily ~ A Com mon Affliction Peruamsnfy Cumd by Taking 111 wua eioted 10or etLbt y ears witIat Rheum uigta ie ld8great mainyiedicitu'nswkoh were heghlye- omnmended, u none gave me rel e.I1 wu &t lutadviaed to'r0 Aora arsa- parlia, by a friend who told meé that I mUst PurChase six botties and use them according to directions. 1 ytelded to his reruasionbouhtthe six bottles, and 0kte contensof th ree of these bot- ties wlthout noticing an y dIreet benefit. Before I had finiabed the tourtb botUe, my bands were ai Free fromn Eruptions as ever tbey were. My business, which lu that of a cab-drlverreuires me to be out In coid and Z we eather otten wlthout gloyes, an d the trouble has neyer returned. '- THomAs Â. Joa2<s, Strattord, Ont. Aye's- "Ï Saîsaparilla Admltted at the World'a Pfair. iver'. Pilla clea,35ethe .Bowetls. A WONDERFPUL REMEDYl A YOVNG LADY 1N ELGIN COUN- TY TELLS HOW IT SAVED BER LIFE. The Case Baffled the Family Doctor and Be Gave It Up.-Relief Came when Hope had Almost gone.-Health agaîn restored. Frorn the Tilsonburg Ob\server. Mr. J. W. Kennrdy,-iho regidea on the 8th concession of th4 township of Bayhatn, ja one of the iiost respected farmere in the town8h4. Recently an Observer representative visited hia home for the purpose of learning the particu- lare of the recovery of hie daughter, Miss Alice Kenndy, from a severe and trying iii, through the use of P~r. William&' Pink Pille, after medical assistance had failed. Miss Kennedy now presents the appearance of a healthy aiid active young woman of twenty, and bears no indication of having paseed throu h an ilînees that baffled the dootore' ekili. To th e repor- ter Miss Kennedy said that in the autumn of 1893 she was taken iii and a phyeîcian wae called in. Despite ail the doctor did for her elle cont.inued to grow woree. She auffered from severe head- aches, became very pale, rapidly loat fleh, and ber limbe were cold and swol- len. She suffered great pain and it waz with great difficulty shle could ruove about, and wouid sometime8 lie for houre in a haîf etupor. At last the doctur eaid he could do nothing more for her, and the famiiy asked hie advice as to her using Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. He said he wae of the opnion that they would not help her. I n spite of thin adver8e opinion, however, ehle determined to give them a trial, and before the firet box wau finished the wisdomn of the decision was made manifeet. An improvement A"0 csoigprywho returned b teint li.t> 1Saturday. froro a tnday.no tii5 aogtii 6bak iveraand1lkswt bllatered auds and anuburnt noses, itell aul a-w-f.u-I'fiéh story. As they were quiet1ly paddling down a river cowa were noticedistanding in -the water Close in-' shore. As the canoeista came up te thein a queer looking varmint mua observed suoking oe of the cows. When they had reoovered from their astonishment a gaff-houk was slipped in the water and what proved te be a 20 lb. lungo landed. The body of the fiah wais awolled ont te an abuorînal size and upen being oponod was found te contain a 4 lb. cheese in primne condition. We give the stery juet as it was told us, and as the menîbers cf the party have hitherto borne exemplary charactere we have ne roason to doubt the truth cf it. By the killing cf this fish a great myatery has been solved in that section. The creamnery closed down a few weeks proviens owing to the scar- city of rnilk, and the oldest inhabitant wus unable te explain why there should be a dimnunition in the supply cf lacteal fluid. Now the thing je as clear as mud. -Watchmian. EPSOu. Mr. Newton Claughton îtarted for the Northwest lait week. The Misses Soott'started ou thoir re- turu trip, te Gretna, Manitoba, lait Baturday, after spending a pleasant vacation at h9me. Mm. Jas. Hilleon is recovoring frein ber receut ilinoîs. Mr. Edward ilîison in again on the sick list. Mns. Bonbon Stillwell je still very Mî. Rer danghter, Mre. Hemn o! Saintfield, is attending her. Mr. Levi Danoan's child in improving in health. The contest ai the S. cf T. je at an end, Mr. Jue. Terry'a aide cemiug out ahead. There bias been a large increase in Lb. membenship of late-7 new merub. ars ai the meeting lust woek. A number 'L cf the mombera paid a fraternal visit t the Raglan division laut Satmrday even. ing, and report a mont pleasant tine. They say 6ht Raglan Oleoin remark- able for ias good order, whioh is certainly a moit important feature in any eeciety. Any porion, who from feelings patriotio, #Wtanio, or otherwiae enthusiastie, is in- terested in a plant oommnonly knewn as the '«bnll-thistle," eau see (free cf charge) a ment beautiful (?) diîplay cf the saine on the 7th con., enat cf the Brook road. Leaving jokes aaide, thero insoeeof thc rnoet diegraceful petches cf these nouonus weeds, on the aide of the new pioce cf road, that eau b. fonnd in this locality. Be8idea being uneightly, thoy are se close to the track that a porion would oertainly stop into thein at night did they have te beave the road for any cause, sucb as an approaching vehicle. Tbe pathinastor shonld se tetis matter. O]RONO. Rev. W. A. Bunner, Minden, vieitud Mr. O. Soott laut week. Mrs. Richards, Kendall, vieitod Ms.. Miller, Park, Park Street, laut week. Mr. Fred Arneld, Toronto, visited hie uncbe, Mr. John Miller, laut week. Mr. T. M. Nash, Belleville, waa guest of hie brother, Mr. E. B. Nash, Sunday week. Mr. Wni. Batton je having hie resi- dence folted. Mr. Wes. Jewoll, Batavia, N. Y., eaUl- cd on friende bore lait week. The Preebytenian Manne in undergoing repaire. Meus. George Sharpo and Thomas Robinson, Lindsay, were gueste at the North American hotel Sunday week. Miss Alice Souch, Bownianville, visited at Mrm. Reedas. Miss Howe, of Meaford, spent Sunday week with her aunt, Mra. D. MoCmllough. Miss Ettie Batten officiated as erganiet in the nxthodist church, Sunday. Mrm. Wm. Boddy is on a trip through Western Ontario. Mise Jane Sievewright wua in Bowman- ville attending the funeral cf lier brother- in-law, Mr. John Allin. Mr, and Mns. N. F. Hall are visiting their daughter. Mre. J. B. Moat, Toron- to. They were accompanied by Misa Bertha Gilman, who returus home. Mr. 0. A. Gamsby sang a beautifuly rendered sole entitled " Sometime, Somewliere," in the Christian Chureh Sunday week. Mr. J. H.' Hanne of Barrie, called on ~riap yoi±'ay bnTaSot'Êmions ony~e totatenbaie, roun -d up theangles ànd, zaieà oel aid Atractivye, Içari and anguar women, and~J oui-the hollOw- cheeka andstptewaixgo thec coÙ~umpti ve, and enrich-and vtlz the blo oo th = sciflous and anoe persons. It wil do ail this Hard, Stubborn0Cou-gh 'when the -ordiary cough syrups and specifice entirely fail. The cough that lingr after the Girip and, Pneu- mania wil be softened andcured by the balni heal- mng and strengthening influencets of this beneficent food-medicine, namely, Scott'a Emulision of Ciod-liver 011 and Hypophosphitea of Lime and Soda. Refuse substitutes. 7'key are twver as grood. Scott Bown, BellevIlle. Ml Drugglsts. 50c, and $1.e -. pulpthereoDn unday. ocpe Laber Day passod off very qniotly bore. Miles Chapinan bas ne started bis col- logiate ceunie at the coibege. Ira A. Lawrence befi on Tuesday for Whitby, where ho je taking the model echool course. Succoîs. Mr. and Mn.. W. Mason epent the Sun day visiting their friende in Brookiin. Mr. Kearne, cf Brooklin, bas beon in thc neigbrhood for several days. The weather is coetinuing fine for the advaucement cf the cern, and a gocd crop jesjsnred fer thie season. Mn. Percy Bray loft on Satunday te ne- attend the Central Business College. During bis stay bore witb bis gnandfather, be bais made mauy fiende, and ail wlsb hum a succesaful torm and anothen visit bore. Mn. Jas. McBnady is one of the jubi lant ones. His estimable wife presented biru with a "girl of girls' on Tneaday last. Long may she live te blese, as only good danghters eau, the parents' hearti. The beautiful day et Friday lait seoin- ed juet fitted for the occasion of our gar- don party. Everything at Mn. Bye's grounds was neat aud comfentable. At 8 o'cbock a. large crowd had gathered, and at 4 the football fan commenced. In tbe senior competition Greeuwood aud the Town lino bad to, conteît for honore. Wheu the heur wai np the score wus 2 te 1 in favor o! Greonwood. The junior teama wcre Andley and Grecuwood, and Greenwood again won. We cengratulate the Greenwood boys on their Becpiug victory. The tes was served in the nouai spdidà snner, and thon followed a hoice programme Rev's. Bunner and Doue graced the occasion, and added considérable te the enjoymneut. Receipte were in ahl about $46. Oue bad Meature e! the gardon party was the petty thefts tisai wero committed. Some of the Aud. loy boys, sud ,some outsiders lest sevoral lots of mouey. Now, this is a thing that tb. Andley people had nover theuglt o! gnsrding againit, se aocuitomed te, hon- est>' bore. We feel sumene Aüdio>' por- Bon performed ucli low work, but we have our suspicion cofsente who camé from a distance for mcli s parpose. Ex - tra precaution will bo taken next timo and every meaus now wili be used te brnug te, light the tiis! If a porion in this venld at this euiglitened age lias te steal ho either is a menomanise on a fiend, only initable for dwellifig iu King. stou. Even se may ho soon. ECNIEL.. Mn. Wmn. Ormisten la orecting a silo. Mn. J. Niddery lest a valuable herse lest week. Mn. Fred. Hurîbut ha@..gene te Owen Sound on bis wheel. Mn. G. Co'chrne bas rented the farm belonging te Mr. Watson - Hodgson. Visitons :-Mns. J. Ârnot, Taunton; Mrs. Edwand and MisseB. Pascoe, Se. lina; Mn. sud Miss Cochrane, Oshawa; Mn. sud Miss Martin, Mancliester; Dr. FlinianBougog 4ansd. About Hood's Smrspanila-it exes bad huamrasd coatesgood humer. AI attisfor blood is wbat Hood'a Sansparila vigorouly llghts, *ad it is always viotonieius iu expellin fout taiuta sud îviug the vital fluid thas uahity se rm saidto tel ~1~ lLsuua.u, etua.. MANLEY'S We have the Pînui solec- tien iu town of those BEALITIFUL Agi .WALL PA PER8, Borders to Match Corne earlýy md getfirast cAoipe. P, B. WARAM, Bryan'.old stand, Brok St., Whtby H. SCOTT, l PUMPMAXER, WHITBY. (Successor Io H. 7»ompson.) The Subscriber bas again opened business bere. Hia office will be at E. R. BloW's telegrah offce, factory at Mrs. Newbery's, houseoBrok Street, soutb. New Punips rnanufactured and old Pumtpe ,repaired. Firt class material used ad work war rat- ed. Wells. dug or cleaned out. Orders soliclted. :- PRICES. DOMINION 'BANK@ Capital Paid up * i00000 Surplus, -$,0 0 Whitby Ag.uoy.e Generui Eanking Business Trans".ted. SAVINGIDEPRTET.. luteresi aflowed sa ihes orrntrahos. ]RÂDÂM'S MICROBE KILLER ,REAEDY, M. IL.#acted marvelonsly in«.My caiie .of cbronic stornnch and baowel trouble. Was given up t 1o die ;rrnac=pHcation' of Dyspepsia and Livertrouble with consumption Arn as w, eU oeWnow ;it is tràly wonderfuL; X,0Rdo1". H. SCOTT, IERICAN 'Nov teOure AU SulaDsa.' SiEpply apply "8sWAYNiE'sOINTMET" No internal -medicine- requirod, Ouretetter, szaitch, ai ert<ptiona ou the fac.,bande, nose, 1' leaving the skis clour, white andi bsaithy. 1fts gret beafiug aud curative péven are poaaesed by ne other remedy. auk your dmagaiet for Sw&YNU's OInTvmU. Lytunm Sons & Ce., Moutreal, wholesale. agents. George Mien, wbo, with others, recently ab- duct eLwyer Coule, At Bufaliewas arrested, ln the Mansion blouse, Bufaaiyetedy, People iu Detroit are Iterustot inl a Great - Reeemblaugo i Two Cese. Dunuor, Mioéh.,Ag 2-uhineo bas hein maniestet- iée. ever tii. recOSvet>o! Mn. G; .KE ntý,of Ottavafronr Bii-ght'aUdia osa by uainsg ,Dodda Kdey 1üs, -remodyý whiob t n bi uuium e an d manypo- ple b&aa learieoolleotiomi of thlmilar osa. vhich 9eoured i .louGon, Ontauio,'Pt Ilog agonameyi that of m WUL.Lag>#w ha for sometinso as u -iumaeof, U2Hou- Sitsd bore and wasopertti litopaufeo sev"_eriDtroit phyèiaï. . t was Q*i te titis e u no vi _Douat an -'thso W-otiaotblhe u pl routhats take, Feneloni front seed witlioeeoye ini euhi MU, plauteil on June 4th lest. Lut1 year a potato WaqrwuyMr. Daniels, which weighed,4 p>unds 9 ounces. Ho has evidentWÈý ,I mm s tubai is edapted to ,:9r2wth o! poittffs es veR as other fine croj-u Unr. lobaMandr,ô!the.Central1 houm. met vlês. a- hrpuulaodn a fewdals ' g.WblI. »zmpInthei front foot Of ithe ppOuWaroedla 1*n Yo ES;¶iu"*4 tïs &mma«ki ted ai in licpilo*miitoit. kýnees. '0 1 êWPknolvuow rown. w* 4m ietor t L. c E. LL, ~Vitt v )rorIt o. rat or a t Li City, le eamt L ci arge et corner ERS R, ES, OOD, ETC lebrat- 'AL. ast of ER. Oel-ryOOPUD Curea Balood amid 8k/n DIupea WETEBI BIl 0F u . BliUOW&S Hzu OFIC, SHIWA ONT. Dcm 10. LowFST ý Feb. 14, 1895. NOe 41~ trwhen, theI 'oksharp t .?nt$. The build- îlhghted tu, the 21,telist of specal ~aken celupeti- "~e icYcle race, rnL onr et: Bfst ~>ttieon te 4fl.Herse and -'je rce miles. receive a prize in - >mpetition;Id competition for ,form, sOfudues S$30, $20, $10. ;~ghall space eau El. Brown, Secre- 1 tradesmen work managers and -ad make good ,,; state that thse ~was ever heid in - ~The executive ~for thse way in 4-ed everything in ~nd I ean say they ~ight Place. Thse \net excelled out- Y modations on thse ~very way. Corne >.,and enj cy your- me satisfied that à district. Ïrcus and hippe- isteeys and 1:ý--_th P blc son LÇrange that farm- lbesicles * race and - ~ xhî'bits t e ee rom 2 P O te4-30, , et their incomea e.Men Winl go -hoarse over their Isether he fa tthe a nad develop Unning herse is veryfarmer - and -.dy the pedigree ,I~d apply the same , cattie and swine r any other sane j,,ild ever a horse -ý,ruch more tissu ~apuzzle.-It is 4thse fasteet and winning ~tse have for iý ore to a staçe -thée-crowds Win ir' consideration, te hirelacircus a aide s4how, so

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